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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349517


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She's going to kiss you all over and over again." Tigeress laughed." My advice, Po? Stock up on mints for fresh breath. Unless you want to have tired lips, you'd better start practicing your putting. "
Don't tell me that you have never kissed a girl Po" Tiger said, his eyes narrowing " No, no . I have. I um kissed Tigeress after rescuing the South Tiagan town from a Snake warlord . She's a very good kisser, but she told me to focus on the job afterwards. It's like she never takes time off. " Po said " The guys do tease me about it from time to time. Mantis mostly." Take it from me Po. Girls want attention and affection from their fellas." Tigeress said." Jing here had me act out a " Po saves me " stage act. She had 15 terms of endearment for you." 16, you forget blubber ball of love." Jing giggled " Po ran his hand over his neck chuckling nervously." How long was the act?  " Well it was mostly Jing professing her love for you in monologue and song. 20 minutes wasn't it?" 30, I had a egg timer ticking away. You missed 3 cues." And you were flat on your singing. " Tigeress teased." " Its about love, not about proper pitch. Speaking of, where can I get that? Is that something you buy at the store?" Jing, it's about singing well . Dixie is a very talented singer, she can teach you how to control your singing. She's taught several of the group how to sing better. Tiger should take lessons from her." I'm not going on Wolf Idol Tigeress, no matter how much you and Flash push for it." Tiger said gruffly." Singing isn't my thing " I sometimes sing when cooking." Po said"  The song is " Don't Drop the Soup" Dad taught it to me." Let's hear it" Jing said cheerfully " Oh! After dessert, we can have a singing contest. If I win, Po.. you have to.." kiss you?" Po said " No, buy me some ice cream with honey churros . They are like cinnamon sticks, I think. Mom used to make them for me, it's one of the few dishes that I remember her making for me."
We'll get you some Jing." Tiger said " Flash likes them too. She dips them in berry sauce." Berry sauce! Yum. My mom would make a chocolate sauce, which got thicker as it cooled. But when it was just out of the pot, it was runny and thin, but SO good." Jing licked her lips " I should make some, see if your daughter likes it. " Flash loves food, I'm sure she'll love it." Tigeress nodded." Po, do you have a favorite dessert?" Stuffed rolls, with whipped cream on it." Po said. There's this green minty flavor that I just can't find anywhere " I'll look into it " Tigeress said.
Anyway, singing after dessert boys?" Jing laughed" No stakes, I promise. Save for the Dragon warrior over there " Jing bent over laughing.
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"Is it almost time for us to head back to the shrine, dad?" Zoai smiled to Mawa. While the young cat sumo enjoyed selling Ozai merchandise, she truly enjoyed working on the shrines to the sumo king, both on Mawashi and now off of it. "My new friends want to see it."

"Yeah, I've never seen someone live on one of those," Mona nodded.

"You could learn some more history of Ozai," Ollie told Flash. "And maybe we can get some stuff for Oliver."


"So what do you think, Kopa?" Kovu asked about his idea to basically be a sumo king. "Those in charge, should be large..." he rhymed. Kiara and Sima were on each side of the dark king, always willing to support him. "My fat is my weapon like muscle is yours," he pointed out to his bro. "And Abu should still be around if you and Vitani want to catch up with him."


"My father gives me plenty of money, so buying you things will be no issue," Jing explained to Po. "I just home you're ready for your bus ride to makeout city, my husband-to-be." She seductively licked her lips and rubbed Po's flab. "I have some skill in mini-golf, and I'll provide us with plenty of desserts."


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Usso walked in with a slightly self conscious hunch and sat down with a simple “Hey” to the others. The Pizza had already been half eaten by that point. Diddy greeted him politely, seeing how hesitant he was to be in a group of other people and not wanting him to feel self conscious. Junior, on the other hand, slapped the Gundam pilot on the shoulder with an uncomfortably tone deaf amount of informality. “THERE you are! Was wondering whether we’d get you out of your nest,” the prince said with a grin, either not noticing or not caring that Usso seemed to tense up at the sudden uninvited chumminess. The prince turned back to the girls and nodded. “Kay. Now that bowl-cut is here, what’s the plan, girls?”

“So, your plan to find our young friends is to just… follow your feet?” Joshua asked, walking besides Defago. The Quebecer nodded, his iron helmet bobbing up and down. “Ayuh, that be it.”
“We could just try to contact them through their communicator.”
Defago gave a warm chuckle, as if this suggestion was somehow quaint. “Nah nah, no need for any of that. I feel a burnin’ in my feet right now, and I know it’ll take us right to the lil’ ‘uns. Trust me.”
Joshua’s first instinct was to ask how his ‘feet’ could possibly know where someone was, but it struck him as a silly question. He was a Wendigo: that was likely the only answer Defago could give, and the only one Defago actually needed. The burned man nodded.
“Very well. Where do your… your ‘feet’ say they are?”
“Oh they don’t say much to me,” Defago quipped. “They don’t like ter spoil the ‘where’. I only know the ‘what’. And what the ‘what’ is telling me is, wherever we end up, that’s where the kids’ll be too.”
“That sounds useful,” Joshua said. “Having feet that will take you exactly where you want go.”
Defago shook his head emphatically. Something like hesitation entered his posture.
“Don’t always take me where I want to go,” he said with a hushed voice. “And it ain’t always a choice for me to follow them or not. No, sometimes my feet have gotten me in a whooole lot of trouble.”
Joshua tilted his head. “That sounds like a story or two."
The helmet that hid Defago’s half-transformed face turned in his direction, and even though he couldn’t see it, Joshua was sure Defago was grinning at him with those deep-sea fish fangs. “Oh ho ho ho, that it be indeed. Just wait till we get a nice campfire and some kids to scare the bejesus out of, and I’ll tell you all about it.”
« Last Edit: May 24, 2022, 01:31:38 AM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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well, we  have a shopping list of items to pick up.  First , erneed to get donkey kong new tires for his kart- those wont come cheap the 150 cc ones.' Dixie Kong said flipping a page on a list.' madame flurrie  needs pearl cleaner for her necklace ' ' if my necklace dos not shine, i'm like the doldrums ' Madame Flurrie said ' Wendy's item is ..  stealing Pauline?' Dixie shot a look at the pink bowed koopa. "  She's  one of the mustache;s mans girls, its a family tradition to kidnap them. ' Wendy, dear why would you kidnap the mayor? she;s done nothing to you ' Flurrie said in protest . ' Its my job flurrie. either i do it, or Ludwig does it, and Ludwig would force her to listen to his opera ' Wendy held out a phone and a playing of classic music came out. the performance was horrible and made Flurrie cover her ears. '  By all the roses in Roseburg! your brother needs a lot of work on his opera! a LOT" you see why I have to do it? at least with me I'd give her food, a tower cell and tv reception. ludwig would tie her to a chair in a orchestra pit and " perform' for her.   you were covering your ears after 10 seconds, imagine an HOUR of that' Wendy said.     goombella shuddered '  between you and me Wendy.. your brother stinks at opera." oh, hes horrible. no wonder he's taken almost 5 years to finish it. ' Wendy said.   Whats next on your list?' Goombaria asked. " Junior you have to  get a fresh stack of Bowser Kingdom stationary .. your dads run out and he;s reducing to giving minion orders on napkins. which rip easily and the goons cant carry out their orders' Dixie kong said. ' after than  we have to but vehicles for us to drive around the ship. beationg walking everywhere.
 yeah, you can defintely show us arond your shrine ' Flash said  to Zoai. ' Come along wveryone, the next shrine consecration is in 10 minutes ' Mawa said motioned to the youngesters, who quickly followed him ' my store akso has shrine veneration sales, lasting for an hour. so if you want a  shrine replica i your room, its 25% off during the sale. no guarantee however that it will connect to lord ozai. "  zoai brought out the ' ozai's invisible ledge walk magazine ' The master has walked off of ledges without falling in 10 different locations on mAwashii. dad's taken me to see 6 of them. we';re going to the  Steeleburg Hills one next time we are on the planet. '  Zoai said with a grin ' I could take you girls abnd ollie along if you like . Test your faith in oZai ' she beamed.
i think its a grand idea. your flab smack will crush our enemies.. I hold them up , you smack them silly . its on 1 -2 combo of death ' kopa grinned. '  we'll need to get you  a line of outfits to wear.. outside the ring oif course. '  can;t always be showing the ladies your butt bro, no matter how much they like it ' kopa laughed. ' ' but his tail is hypnotizing , milord ' Sima said and Xiro and Laval burst out laughing. ' you think mawashiis are revealing.. come to Carnival in my kingdom' Xiro said ' its a nonstop party.. with attire being optional.  i could show you some pics, but theres ladies present.' ' we're all mature here Xiro.. you can show it to us ' Gia said, and Xiro passed the first picture to Li ella " wait is this straddling 6 lionesses at once?' pose 65 from the amazon lioness sutra ' xiro said. with pride. " Dang those girls are really flexible ' Vitani said looking at the pic ' They;re hot, too ' Xiro grinned goofily. "I'm definitely going to Carnival' laval said as  he glanced at some pics of pretty lionesses Xiro was clearly having fun with.. in more than 1 way. ' You'll love it. music, beaches, hot sand and hot ladies. How I havent fathered 200 cubs with these girls.. oh sorry ' Xiro stopped himself short. ' It;s called wearing protection Xiro. for your sake, and theirs.  you dont want any ' surprise heirs ' before you're even king, am I right?' alex said.
   Right,' Xiro said as Gia handed the pictures back.
_ anyway, brother, kopa and I will see Abu, but it will have to wait a couple hours. Kopa is taking me out for a date at the  flank and Bun burgers joint on the other side of the lake. those burgers  are like 5 patties high' Vitani said. ' We decided that we needed to take a short break from patrols and hero stuff and just have a nice outing together.  we've been so busy with other things, we just havent had time. "
Well everyone, lets go minigolfing ' Tigeress said as they finished the desserts and Tiger covered the bill for the 4 of them.  " Luca is waiting for us at the first tee.  girls vs boys, as usual'  po slowly got out of his chair and waddkled out of the resteraunt with jing handing paws with him. ' the golf course they were going to, had 10 different courses, the one they would be playing at was galatic heros theme.. and po had hole 10 themed on him..' wait that made va hole about me /' po started pausing at the hole, before tiger tapped him on the shoulder. ' come on Po. first holes over there.'  tiger had picked out a blue ball, tigeress a purple, luca a orange, po a red and  jing a pink . ' hi everyone ' luca said. ' hope ypu two are enjoying your first date so far.' it's been nice learning about Jing';s family ' Po said. ' its been very nice ' Jing noddd.  Good Good. now theres 3 girls against 2 guys. to make it fair, we will  add a third score to the boys taklly, matching the lowest score.  so if tiger shoots 50 and po 70, we;ll add another 50 to the score.  Jing and po since its your date, you will go first for your rspective teams. ' you can go first ; Po said to jing. jing put her ball down and outted, and ended up just on top of a slope  about 20 feet from the hole. as she walked up towards it the ball began riolling again down towards the hole, stopping about 5 feet away.  po's first putt.. disdnbt make it up the sliope and rolled back towards his feet. his second shot nearly lefdt the putting areas, rolling along tthe top of the bricks surrounding the hole. befiore bouncing off a rock and circling up close to the hoole. '  well you're already down 1 kiss to jing ' luca smirked, as tigeress knocked her ball close to jings and tiger ended up holing his putt for a hole in 1. luca took 3 shots to her her ball necxt to the others. ' jing easily knocked in her putt them strode over ton po. and the pandas lips locked together as Jing kissed po firmly and threw her arms around him. po's tongue ran against jing's as po put his tongue in her mouth and after 10seconds, jing pulled away leaving a bright red lipstick mark on po's mouth ' thats 1 for me ' jing smirked, as po tapped his shot in.   after everyone had finished. tiger had 1, jing and tigeress  2 po 3, and luca was behind with 5. ' ah well, a bad first hoiole luca shrugged as they went to the next hole, which was mighty mouse themed.
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"You're already a huge fan," Mona noted to Flash, "Why not officially become a follower of Ozai?" She remembered how for the past few weeks Flash had been eating an Ozai cereal for breakfast each morning.

"How many others live at this shrine besides you and your dad?" Ollie asked Zoai. The friends had all purchased some merchandise from the shop.


"Prepare to smooched a LOT, Po," Jing grinned as she started off with a score lower than her fiancé's.. "I like the feeling of my tongue in your mouth," she added with a seductive chuckle. "My face is going to get coated in lipstick marks, isn't it?" realized the Dragon Warrior. "Correct," Jing affirmed happily.


"There are some sumo robes I can wear," Kovu recalled to Kopa, "That way I can keep my mawashi on as well and train whenever I want." Hearing what Sima said, he deliberately bent over to let his Mawashiian girlfriend get a good fur at his dark furred behind, mesmerizing her like she suggested.

"Your butt to her has the power Kaa's eyes do," Kiara smirked.


At the Gods meetup, Oliver was still talking with Drakos, Sturg, and Wava when Panty and Ozai approached. "Good news, little Oliver," Ozai chortled amicably, "Panty says it's time for her to activate some of your powers."

"My powers?" Oliver grinned excitedly, "Which ones come first?" he asked his god-mother.


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Captain Carson quickly racked her mind as to what spell to produce. She resorted to browsing a book that a student had left behind when they went to go to the bathroom. In the end, she simply settled on the simplest of simple spells: Lumos. She gripped her custom made Weyardian stardust wand. The wand itself was a warm, pale-gold metallic rod that glowed with its own inner fire. Her skin tingled from where it made contact with the metal but it wasn't unpleasant.

"Lumos," Captain Carson said. As she lacked magic (or even an artificial magic core that was the product of some of Lord Stripetail's magical disguises), she didn't expect too much.

What she was not expecting was the magic from Pottermore to interact with the Weyardian stardust's own magic and produce a blinding flash of white light.

A strange nagging sensation in the back of her head told her that there was something she had to do back at the Spire. Little did she know that as the train approached Hogsmeade, she would begin to feel the effects of the Muggle Repelling Charms in place.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The two boys listened to the list as it was read off to them.
“Yeeaaah, I mean part of the reason we need them is from making too many tire swings,” Diddy admitted sheepishly. When the idea of kidnapping Pauline came up, Junior gasped loud enough that several heads in the pizzeria turned their way and he suddenly turned to Diddy, his button eyes bright with excitement.
“We should totally help!” Junior exclaimed, his hands on the Kong’s shoulder as he shook him emphatically. “I’ve waited for the day I could take you on a princess kidnapping trip!” Junior then pouted when he saw the skeptical look on Diddy’s face. “Come oooon, you haven’t LIVED until you’ve abducted a politically powerful woman against her will. Some of the best times I’ve ever had with my dad have been when we’ve kidnapped peach together. I wanna share that with you, Didds!”
The sincerity in his eyes and his smile and his little tail wag ate away at Diddy’s good-guy resolve with every second he was exposed to it. “Welllll… Maybe if the girls will tolerate us coming along,” Diddy said, giving the koopa a one armed squeeze. “And if Donkey doesn’t find out. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? Just as long as no one gets hurt, and I can wear a mask or something. Just don’t let me be around to hear your brother’s operas. I’m sorry, Junior, but they’re terrible.”
Diddy pointed to the girls. “If not, getting stationary would at least mean I don’t have to worry about Donkey getting angry at me. And it could be fun! I don’t mind trashing a stationary store as long as I got you by my side, BJ.”

A few seats back, Rogan slowly turned to his partner with a ridged not-smile that practically screamed 'Welp. Look what we got ourselves into.'


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you boys can come along.. just .. don;t tip her off ' wendy said.  " that would make it harder to pull off the job . ' flurrie could see some the items needed for the capture- ropes blindfold and a gag.  " you're going to tie up and gag the mayor , dear?' Flurrie asaked ' its to prevent her screaming and alerting security. i'll remove the gag once we get to her cell, i promise' Wendu said.  " i don;t get paid if she gets serioudsly hurt."

- dinner was delicious and filling and he Wolves led jing and po to the karoke bar. tonigts song sellection was ' rock opera anthems'   ok Po, you start us off with..  Burning heqart. And its noit a love song, don't worry ' Tigerss said as she began playing the song and lyrics appeared ion the screen. po.. wasnt very good  and he missed several of the words.. but as this was a fun thing ,  nobody commented until after Po was done. po finished and trurned to getr off the stage , only to be met by a Jing liplock. po felt jing slip him her tongue and pulled away a big red lipstick stain on his lips ' jing did you change your lipstick brand? this is a darker shade of red ' Po admitted as he wiped his mouth/  "ted is thecolot of passion Po. and jing here is butrning for your love ' tigeress giggled and Tiger groaned ' dear you need to work on your pubs ' Tiger said and the baaad, as a goat would say. '[  You're up next Tigr ' Tigeress pusjed him on stage.
 Which powers come in first vary, but the hunger definitely starts building early.' Panty said to him, as a fressh tray of food was placed in front of them. ' you'll start tpo notice in due time how the urge to chase down prey becomes harder and harder to resist.. and my dear, you'd better mark the friends you don;t want to hunt now, because of you don't.. they mau not e your friends fir very long once the power begins to assert itself.  I have someone in mind who can help you train.. but naturally we're going to have to have to have a cover story.. like.. wer boarding school.. no, that won;t wework.. summer camp.. no.. too cliche..  anyway. my philsophy is ' train, but enjpy. After all this will be your job for the next 10, 000 years or so ' panty chuckled ' mortals cant touch you, or punish you.  so live innit up and revel in your talents , my boy. i do.. ' she smirked.

 Flash and mona wre runng errands for luca while Luca organized  the room the wolves were staying at . " we need to get your dad some new  freeze pellets ' Mona said to Flash " they're supposed to make his ice attacks stronger.. I think."
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"Train me....who are you talking about, mom?" Oliver asked, having become more used to calling Panty that. He still knew Arlene was his mother, but from everything he learned about his demi-godhood, he technically had two moms. He also realized how present the hunger was as he devoured the tray before him. He then let out a burp of satisfaction. "Excuse me," he grinned, as Ozai came over.


"Oh Po, you should start looking in to buying a tuxedo, our wedding will be soon," Jing smirked in a sing-song tone as she and her fiancé sat down to watch the wolves perform. "I already have a dress lined up for myself." She then pulled Po in to ANOTHER kiss.


As Ollie was walking through the Mawashiian food stands, he saw Zaoi and her father Mawa at one of the shrines and realized this must be the one worked and lived at.

"Hey Ollie," the young sumo cat waved to her fellow feline, "Been meaning to show you guys this place for a while."

"What do you and your dad do here?" Ollie asked as he stepped to the shrine, bowing to a small statue of Ozai at the entrance.


"Hmm....maybe there could be some crooks on the Spire I could squash," Kovu suggested teasingly as he nuzzled Kiara and Sima. "That way I can still train while I have this month off."

Kiara turned to her brother. "I'm sure Abu would like to catch up with you and Vitani," she told her brother.


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Each of the couples had tried their paw at singing, with neither guys being very good. Jing was better than Po and Tigeress was better than Tiger.  Po went out to get mint chip ice cream for Jing and Tigeress called in to check in On Flash with Luca.  Panda King was pleased with how the first date had  gone" Very good , my dear. I'll move up the wedding date because of it. I just need a president to run the wedding. I'm still looking. Also, I may have found a lead on your mom. I'm not 100 percent sure, more like 60~49, but it's the. Best lead I've had on her in some time."
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"Really? That's great, father!" Jing said excitedly, "Keep me updated." Jing couldn't wait to introduce Po to her mom, and she knew her mom would get along with her fiance.


"So, what do you say Kopa?" Kovu offered, "How about later, you and me get in some sumo warrior training?" Kovu patted his gut, making it jiggle. He had a confident grin on his face that Kiara and Sima loved.


"So, you're the more experienced god," Tiger said to Ozai at the god meetup, "How should I rule over my subjects?"


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Well, every god is different. Some are hands on, others, not so much. You must find the right balance, between free will for your followers and not landing yourself on the immortal shrink"s couch. Her name is Similar, by the way she's the raccoon goddess of mental clarity, is what she calls herself. Ozai laughed" " Me personally, I revel in it. Why else do they call Mawashii " Festival Planet"? Because there's always something going on celebrating something about yours truly . When you"re as big as me and accomplished as me, there's lots to celebrate.Ha ha ha." Ozai burst into laughter."-
Sounds like a plan Kovu" Kopa nodded. At 6 I marked you down for a patrol of the Winterville shopping district. You can get the  girls some treats while you are out. " Double chocolate cookie bars, please, if they have them."?Sima said." Get some some mint cookies, and I'll pay you back, with a tip." Bushy said to Kovu." They are always sold out when I go looking for them."
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"Just how many festivals ARE there in your honor?" the feline from Green River wondered. "Say," Tiger added to the God of Mawashii, "One of the things I learned is that, as a god, I have control over what becomes of Kitty and my mice followers' souls when they pass on. Is that the same for you? And what do you do with your subjects' souls?"

"I can feel myself getting hungrier," Oliver smirked, "Is that my powers activating?" he asked Panty.


"Ah, an easy job on my vacation," Kovu nodded, turning to Kiara and Sima. "Who's your king?" he whispered to them, seductively.


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You will start to get those desires as you get older. Once you are fully grown, then the power will flow freely. You will need to learn to hunt and channel your power, while mortals can't punish you, it's not a good look for a gosling to be out of control. The Seer wants you to master your talents, as hunting bad guys would be  a good use of your skills. Plus, kicking bad guy and girl butt is always fun."" Panty laughed.

Kopa paid for the lunch and got up from his seat."Vitani and I are going to see Abu." he said.

Hundreds Tiger, that cover nearly every aspect of me. There's not one celebrating my privates, for good reason." ozai laughed.
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"I'm already thinking about who to eat first," Oliver admitted to Panty. "Those mean Dobermans, it would be nice to finally give them a taste of their own medicine. I wanna make them into food some day." He took some snacks from the platters that were being passed around and started scarfing them down. "I think normal food even tastes yummier for me now," he added in realization.


"So Kiara, Sima, how about we take a stroll?" Kovu purred romantically. "Let the Spire see me in my kingly glory." He nuzzled his head against each of their faces, knowing how much they liked that.


Nick Wilde had compiled all the info he was able to get from his spying, and prepared a document to give the seer. "I think you'll be pleased with what I have found," the sly fox smirked to the squirrel.


"Can you believe it Po?" Jing asked excitedly. "We'll be married even sooner now! We best find you a tux.....preferably something elastic. I know by the time of the wedding you'll be even bigger than you are now." She patted his belly, and it very visibly jiggled.


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(OOC - I thought Nick Wilde was back on the Spire. I guess with his talent for hustling and sneaking, he managed to sneak something to Stripetail while they were at Hogsmeade.)


Hogsmeade was a beautiful rustic village set in the moors near Hogwarts. The Hogwarts Express had stopped there to refill its fuel tender and water supply. In addition, that break also allowed the students and staff to walk around and enjoy some fresh air.

“Lord Stripetail, I must return to the ship immediately,” Captain Carson said as she disembarked the train. “The paperwork for the ship has not been properly filed. I will meet you back there.” She then started walking alongside the railroad track.

Ms. Swimmer scratched her muzzle. “That’s very unlike Captain Carson,” she said. “I hope she’s not having a mental breakdown or something.”



The last of the goblins had fled under a hail of solar javelins thrown by Kire.

He then turned to the group from the Spire. “So, what brings you to this planet?” he asked.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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its the muggle repelling ward. its designed to drive away non-magicians.' stripwtail said ' with a sigh.  hold on ' he pulled out a wand and pointed it at Carson ' Memorus impervim!' he intioned and a blue light shot out and surrounded carson's face with a blue aura. " what did you do to her? Gabuna askewd as she ame up to gim ' It will allow her to se  what we see, and fool the  protective barriers around the area that she is a mage. the effects re temporary, a day or two at most. but thats all i need. i just need to get her into hogwarts and get her set up as a exchange teacher. " stripetail said. ' Isla says we will be set up with the local houses. Do we gewt to pick which one?" well thats up to headmaster.. Dumbledoe, I believe his name is. from what Wilde has found out, her is , quite possibly the most powerful wizard in this world. Generally speaking, powerful wizards are not the sort to suffer fools and will not  tolerate being crossed. put simply, don;t tick him off.' Stripetail said. ' Also , girls  escort Carson through Hogsmeade .. After  you stop her from going back to the ship. of course' the seer chuckled softly.' sure  boss' Gabuna said as Cinder and Ember came up to her '; come on Girls , lets go help the captain.'.' the pink and orange dragonesses ran over to Captain Carson  with Gabuna close behind ,  she was perhaps 250 paces away from the group at this point' excuse us Captain. we could use your help on a candy question?' Cinder asked ' as the trio surrounded her. " W e cant decude Ember likess licorice. Gabuna likes some  chocolate crunch stuff and i';m partial to these jelly bean thins with weird flavors. Could you help us pick out which candy to get?' the  Crestwood dragon asked innocently

 We're here to investigfate some strange magical sinals coming from hrere. We have reports that Choing may be looking for powerul weapons and magic to use against us. " Ratchet said ' We.. wouldnt rather he not get his bhands on them, if thats possible '  Ratchet  emptied his weapon of spent cartridges, sending a rain of shells on the ground.  '  Is there any place  we can stay in town? even an inn would be nice."
 Come on po, i'll help you get a tux ' Tiger saiud ' you're what, a XXXXXXL? or is it 7 XS?' I, er don;t know. I havent weighed myself in a while ' Po saids. ' ' Must come with the territory ' Tiger shrugged. ' come on. we'll see if thers a tuxedo store open. and if they have them for quadripeds. Tigeress will obvious want us to look nice for your ceremony, and I'll need to buy attire for Luca and  mona too. " I'll need to get vsomething for my dad too ' Po said ; I don;t think he even has a tuxedo."
 Sorry dreamy but the  modeling agency has called us in for a shoot. we're supposed to pose for a shoot dressed like .. velveteen rabbits apparently Sima said ' we'll have the outfit in your colors handsome , don;t worry.  While you're out, could you pick us up something to eat after we're done with the shoot? I'm in the mood for a Mawashii match burger, if they still serve that. it might only be in the spring, come to think of it..' the large lioness said.,
 We're cleaning and consecrating it right now ' Zoai said as mawa lit candles at an altar. ' tonight we;re celebrating the  walk on air from  Mount Thrown to mOunt  Sinkum, a path of some 26000 steps, all on the  trail well above the grounf, invisible to all  but the devout."
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"Oh, we can get him something easily," Jing assured Po. "In fact I know he'd love to contribute to the catering, his noodles are great, I've had them since we got engaged." She licked her lips at the thought of a bowl from Mr. Ping's Noodle Shop.

"You see Po, she's learned a lot about you too," Tiger said encouragingly, "She's taken some food recommendations for you."

"And Tigress will help me pick out my wedding gown, obviously I'll need something big," Jing winked.


"Don't be gone too long, my lovelies," Kovu purred to Kiara and Sima. He waved goodbye to them as he started to walk about the town. He had missed this simple things during his captivity in the arena. He took in the sights and sounds of the city. He stopped by some of the food stands to buy himself some meat dishes. "Only the highest quality foods for a king like me," he said, proud of his royal status,

The dark lion sent some messages home to Nuka and Kion, checking in on his older brother and his brother-in-law. Kovu then noticed himself in a mirror and admired his figure. "Still got it," he grinned.


Kitty called Arlene over her cell phone. "Hey Arlene, Oliver and I are doing well," Kitty said, "You have to try the spread they got here, it's godly, pun intended." She took a few bites in between talking with her girlfriend. "Tiger and Oliver seem to be settling into the whole being gods thing very well, you'll be even more proud of your son."


"Wow," Ollie said in awe at what Zoai explained about her king, "How does that ceremony work?"


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the dceremonies vary, based on the festrival we are cewlebrating. in this ase, we project an image of the Great Ozai walking the path. ' zoai said '  ' theres tracing the path, and walking it.. well as much as we canb on the spaceship. the real walk is far more testing of faith.  Just help me get that powder spread over there it lights up ion the dark.  this ceremony is a night one. "
 kovu stopped inside a diner ib rge cebter of town ' hello sir,  welcome to fresh meats restaurant, where every meat meal is fresh, said  waiter named Curt " this week we;re honoring ' Great kIngs of history. sao if you know of a great king, or are related to one, just let us know which king you want your meal modeled after. '' could you make one after King scar, my father ?" kovu asked and Curt  ran though a holo list before stopping at a name ' king scar of the pridelands. favorote meal was roast antelope. we'll make you an antelope burger with the horns as  skewers.  should take us 20 minutes or so to cook. . " thats perfectly fine ' Kovu nodded and Curt showed him to a table. curt soon returned with drinks a mat with a picture of scar on it and listing some of his accomplishments as king.  appetizers were fries and chickjen strips, and the view from kovu's seat was nice.
 kiara abnd sima reached the modeling agency and wre soon dressed up like rabbits '  ' just lifyt your tails seductively ladies. just pretend you are in a field loooking fir carrots to eat.'  said the photograpgher. milady' hec saud to kiara, just move every soio slightly to your right, soio that ypou are covering that roick.. thank yo8, wonderful. "
 Hi Kitty. glad to hear from you giorl/ i'm just doing some shopping with Luca, for the kids. Luca's getting stuff for both mona and Flsh, and I'm getting stuff for my boy. couple sets really. one is is for school, the other is the. wer .. jpob. he;s going to be starting soon.  Tigeress told me that she;s going ton be mentoring him in that, although she was mum on the details. v If possible could ypou bring some of the food home with you?. I'm sure the food tastes well divine.,' Arlene said.  " Luca and ar;lene were pushing carts at the supermarket and both wre about half full of things. ' hety arlene theres a Catman and Kid Kat action set' luca said ' i'll get one for both MOna and Oliver. " luca said the red wolfess putting the items into both carts ' Thanks Luca.' Arlene whispered as she continued her call with her girlfriend. " Whats its like meeting an immortal? i mean we havce the Seer and Tarrax, but others have to be really cool to meet.  what sort of gods and goddesses are there?
 Yeah, jing and I will be going bthough several sittings, justt to find the right color, trhe right size and the one that can take her adding 10 sizes after we buy it.' tigeress said. '' it has to be classy, as in this is the biggest day of my life, i have to look stubnning. or as you panda put it, ready to run though a brick wall for breakfast ' Tigeress sauid as Jing laughed loudly. " think yoiur dad can make a pasta shaped like the two of us? tlike the bvbride next to the groom you see on cakes. but with pasta. OH, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
 How is your afterlife set up for your followers ' Ozai asked ' Mine taje seferal routes to get to thesame destination. being part of me. what humans might call paradise..  What do yout followers see after theyt pass on?' I.. don;t have a place like thsat .' Tiger adnitted ' they feed me duringtheir lives and.. well i think theres something waiting fir thrm,.. a never ending feast. but i.. er havent really created anything like that for them to go to. ' Well, Tiger my boy, you must. belief in a god requires that the god care for his mortal followers, in life and after it.
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"It's really something," Kitty replied to Arlene, "These gods and goddesses are all larger than life, sometimes in more than one way. You're really lucky your boy is getting to join their ranks, Arlene. As is Tiger." She saw her husband talking with Ozai still. Tiger was the newbie god getting tips from the experienced god Ozai.

"You have a good point there," Tiger said to the sumo King, "Maybe I can tell all the mice that worship me that they'll get to be part of my eternal feast when their souls pass from this world. Kitty, write that down!"

"Got it," Kitty nodded, taking notes.

"Do you do something like that once your victims are digested, mom?" asked Oliver.


Sneed the bear pressed a button to summon Flash and Mona back to him. "Sneed is hungry," demanded the bear to his butler staff. "Get Sneed a bunch of popcorn and chips, and vacuum Sneed's room! Sneed finds it easier to sleep when there's no dust bothering my nose."

"You got it boss," Mona nodded.


Kiara made the seductive poses the photographer asked of her. She was very good in this field. "This bunny costume is making me think about how Kovu and I should start......multiplying," she said with a devious snicker. The princess of the Pride Lands was very infatuated with her mate.


"Mr. Ping is very talented with noodles, he can make such a design, no problem," Jing assured, nuzzling her face against Po's. "Don't you agree, my handsome?" Before Po could reply Jing planted another smooch directly on his lips. "I love being with you, you're so hot and fat," she grinned in pleasure to her betrothed.


"Coming right up," Ollie nodded, helping Zoai dispense the powder in the spots it was meant to be. Ollie could see the young sumo cat was being extra precautious about this, she wouldn't accept things being even a mere half-inch out of place, her belief in Ozai meant that much to her.

After he followed the measurements he bumped into Mawa's dad. "How many ceremonies a year do you celebrate here?" he wondered.