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"Journey to Big Water": 10 Y.O. today

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Hey, guys! Do you realize today is the 10 year anniversary of LBT IX: Journey to Big Water?  :celebrate  :birthday
Where I am, it's still the 9th, but here on the forums, it's t ahe 10th, and it's the time here that matters. LBT 9 is one of my favorite LBT films, so I thought I'd do a big 10 year announcement for it like Jared did for "Stone of Cold Fire" back in 2010. Movie 7 was the one that introduced his favorite, Pterano, so I figure it's appropriate for me to announce this one since it introduced my favorite character, Mo! (BTW---that cute girl I've mentioned whose name was also Mo---I haven't seen her since before I joined this site. She was two years ahead of me and graduated after my sophmore year.)

Anyways, I figure I'll post the best song of the movie right here.

It's a youtube clip, not a link to the movie, so don't worry.

Hmm...what else is there to say? The 10th anniversary of when I first saw it will be next February, on the 17th. And, of course, how is it that this movie is not getting a special release? You know, with deleted scenes, maybe, and that awful "Imaginary Friend" song removed, which I and a few others think the film could really do without. I mean, they even have a scene later on with just Petrue that gets across exactly the point the song did, and although I hate that imaginary friend in general, I would much rather have had it simply in that one scene. (And BTW, Petrie already knows a Sharptooth who's friendly---Chomper! Why need to make up a nice one? If I were him, I would have invented a flyer friend.  ;) )

Anyways, I'm getting miles off topic. I think a 10-year-release of JTBW would be a good idea. It wasn't the best LBT film but it was the last of the ones I grew up with, pretty much, and was a lot better than the rather bland Big Freeze, the fun but also fairly neutral Stone of Cold Fire (that's just my opinion, people), and the rather messy Saurus Rock, LBT 9 was a nice improvement in some areas. So I just thought I'd bring up the fact that it's 10 years old today, before tommorow comes and we realize we forgot all about it!  :oops


  • Petrie
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Well then, happy 10th anniversary to "Journey to Big Water"  :celebrate celebrating years of Mo. :)

Wow, February 17th? You remember the EXACT date the first time you saw it? Wow. I sure can't do that.

I agree, "The Big Freeze" was a boring sequel.. ***Dunn dunnn dunnnnn! Oh no!! OMG!  :blink: *** Blizzard dinos.. snowstorms.. white-outs..avalanches...snow... snow... and... more snow. ughhh. boring.  <_<

Bruton, I hope you enjoy the 10th anniversary of "Big Water" and mo as much as I did with my favorite high-flying adult flyer character... PTERANO! :D !! in 2010 with "The Stone Of Cold Fire's 10th anniversary. :)  

Let's also remember that just around the corner is 2013, and it is A HUGE year, too, the SILVER (25th) anniversary of the ORIGINAL!

But for now, let's remember, recognize and enjoy December 10, 2012 as Journey To Big Water's. (and Mo's) 10th anniversary.

Happy 10th, Mo!  :birthday  (and a belated happy 12th anniversary to Pterano *wow. we're at a dozen years already? It CAN'T be! :blink: WOW! Time sure does fly on your favorite flyer!* :blink: which was on last Wednesday (December 5th)

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Yeah, 25 years since the original LBT.  :DD (Fingers crossed for some sort of special release)


  • Spike
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Woah it's really been that long :blink:? I watched the 9th one in 2004... and that doesn't feel so long ago.. man.. time goes by so fast and I'm only 17 :(((

Since I never was able to celebrate Y2K (was too young; didn't know)...
and since I <3 LBT...

I'm going to celebrate the 25th Anniversary next year on November 18 like party rockin' craaaazy  :wow