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An idea for a Seven Hunters RP

vonboy · 7 · 3543


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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SO, I was thinking of this RP idea last night while at work. (It's amazing how much you can come up with while you're just doing menial tasks all night. :DD )

The basic idea of it takes place sometime around Rhombus' 'Songs of the Hunters' fanfic. The Pact is just living in their territory, raising their little hunters, when one night, all of the sharptooth kids mysteriously turn into leaf eaters! I'd imagine this would be an extremely tough pill for the entire pact to swallow.

I'm thinking the kids would possibly be more skittish and paranoid of everything for awhile, seeing as they just lost their advanced sharptooth senses. They can no longer tell when another sharptooth is around by the smell, so are now easily startled, and they can't use smell to easily tell others emotions, so they'll have to learn to rely completely on the tone of voice and body language. This might make them cautious of trusting others at first.(I'd think they'd have a basic idea of these already, but they never really developed them all that much, since it's so much easier to listen to what your sharptooth sniffer is telling you.) How would this affect their perspective on everything? If they have killed before, will they be able to live amongst what used to be their food?

Also, just them knowing that they are 'food' now, and knowing how sharpteeth hunt, since they used to do it themselves, They'd probably have a constant sense of some sharptooth watching them, observing them, almost judging them in a way, looking for the weakest link, who to exploit, deciding who should die. I'd imagine that being horrifying, especially for a kid.

We saw how much Littlefoot and the gang had to go through when they became sharpteeth. How a little of themselves died when they first killed another dinosaur for food. How Littlefoot basically asked Chomper to give him a new name because he's not Littlefoot anymore, not the same littlefoot, that longneck had died when he made his first kill. How different would this be the other way around? How could a dinosaur who spend it's whole life as a meateater, deal with becoming a leaf eater? I don't think I've seen this before, not to my knowledge, anyway, and I'd really like to find out. :)

And the adults would suddenly have to think of what to do with their poor kids now. They would probably be in super mother bear mode all of the sudden, ready to tear a foreign sharptooth to little red pieces just for having the nerve to even enter their territory. I'd think the first option would be to send their kids to the Great Valley, so they could all be raised and live their lives in safety, but what would the valley think of this? Would the valley be open to letting in kids who used to kill for their food being with their own kids? Would they be poisoning their own young's minds? It would open up a big argument in the valley at the very least.

So, the basic plot of this RP would be Littlefoot's pact trying to get their kids to a new home, whether that be the Great Valley, or what.

I'm interested in what others think of this idea, and if anyone would be interested in playing out this story or not. Also, I hope I'm not going out of line or something, Rhombus, trying to come up with an RP based on your fanfic. I know his original story was inspired by a RP Ducky123 started (That sadly hasn't gone anywhere in a long time :( ) So it just seems fair that his fanfic spawn an RP of it's own, :lol .

Here is the list of characters to play in this RP. I recommend everyone only pick a few characters right now, as I still wanna wait at least another week to see if anyone else wants to join this, and 3 players doesn't seem like enough to me.

(Note, I'm grouping the kids with their parents here, to make it easier to read through.

Biter (son)
Swipe (daughter)

Ambush (daughter)
Pouncer (son)
Sprint (son)

Sniffer (son)
Nibble (son)

Fisher (son)
Verok (son) [named after Leap's brother]
Tranquil (daughter) [named after Ducky's mother's aunt]
Dodger (daughter)
Aqua (daughter)

Dive (son)
Lift (daughter)
Valaria (daughter) [named after Petrie's fallen sister]

Chomper: Vonboy

Male Rainbowface
Female Rainbowface
Datum (son)
Axiom (daughter)

*The leaf-eater gang:*
Ali's Mother
Sauria (Ali's mother and Bron's daughter - Littlefoot's sister)

Charger (Savine's son - mother was killed by Chomper's parents)
Flip (a flyer)
Malka (a swimmer)
Tricia (Cera's sister)

We can bring in other characters, if any players think they would be a good fit for this RP. Also, I'm not expecting all of these characters to be played per se. That's a ton of kids, for example, and I don't think it'd be the end of the world if some were not played, and just 'assumed' to be going along with the rest of the kids, to make it much simpler.

Also, We'll probably have different leafeaters that will be hunted in this RP, and anybody can play some of those from time to time. They won't be around for long in the RP, since they're meant to be eaten. :lol
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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I would certainly be open to the idea, though the question of how the RP would resolve might need to be considered before it comes to a finish (whenever that might be).  If the kids eventually changed back (say in the valley) then it would lead to an interesting situation until they could be brought back.  Additionally it would create special problems for them once they had to hunt and kill again... as the kids have now seen the other side.  We would also need to consider what caused them to change.  If it is unknown then I bet the rainbowfaces will be getting a very interesting problem to solve... which could present us with some more opportunities for humor and to see Axiom and Datum in action as well.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Hmm, I wasn't really intending for them to change back, really. If most players would want them to change back at some point, I guess we could do it, but I was more hoping them trying to learn to live their lives as leaf eaters would be enough for an interesting RP. I've just kinda thought over the little time since thinking of this idea, I'm thinking simply having sharpteeth having to deal with being leaf eaters now would be enough, from the few different things I tried to write up in the first post about how I feel it might affect them, and their parents. And 'creating additional problems for them when they have to hunt and kill again' just sounds like your original story again, to be honest. :p Not that that's a bad thing, but I'd really like to see if doing it the other way around could really work.

And, I was thinking that the kids making it to their new home would mark the ending of the RP, yes, unless there would still be some good conflict we can come up with to have to resolve, of course. :)

Yeah, having the cause for this be unknown might be cool, and drag Axiom and Datum into this for some investigation would be great. Actually, bringing in some of the new Great Valley kids could be fun as well, and would also give the new leaf eaters from the pack some kind of role models or something for how-to leaf eater. :p

Part of me would love to see Ali in this, somehow, just because of what she went though in the original Seven Hunters story. How would she view some newcomer 'leaf eaters' coming to the valley since, if it wasn't thanks to Rhett... none of them would have ever been hatched.

Though maybe I'm rambling on too much at this point. Maybe I should just gauge interest right now, and we can start ironing out the specifics of this RP later.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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The idea is interesting but I'm not sure if I'd join.
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Okay, I put a character signup list in the OP. I've jsut put myself down for Chomepr at the moment. I'll wait for others to make their pick before I pick some more. Thanks Rhombus for giving me most of that list. :yes

I still want to wait around at least another week or so, to see if there's any more interest. As I've told both of the other two in here so far, 3 players doesn't seem like enough to me, and I really wanna wait for more, if more will come.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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  • Petrie
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Alright, here's my tentative list:

-Dive or Valaria

This is my top four at the moment, though I may add more later. Additionally, I'm always down to play dying Leaf Eaters!  :lol


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I could do Swipe, Pouncer, Sniffer, and Verok, if no one else wants them.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.