The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => LBT Fanfiction => Topic started by: Mr. Clubtail on August 16, 2021, 02:40:58 PM

Title: Petrie's Newer Friends
Post by: Mr. Clubtail on August 16, 2021, 02:40:58 PM
(Based on a roleplay I did with a friend on the Land Before Time Wiki that started on late 2019.)

Created by: Davis Doi

Music by: Michael Tavera


Jeff Bennett as Petrie the Flyer

Jess Harnell as Coaty the Large Flyer

Tara Strong as Mika the Glider, Nicky the Flyer, and Jessie the diver (Hesperornis).

Cindy Robinson as Ovila the Fast Runner (It took me a long time for me to decide who should voice this character.)

Grey DeLisle as Ruby

Petrie wakes up to see The Great Valley wild with life and beauty.

It is Petrie, his siblings and his Flyer friend's breakfast time. At breakfast time Petrie finds a young male Quetzalcoatlus named Coaty and a young female magenta Nyctosaurus named Nicky.

"Hello" Petrie says to Coaty and Nicky.

“Hey Guvner,” The Quetzalcoatlus says in an Irish accent.

"What you names" Petrie says to the Quetzalcoatlus and the Nyctosaurus.

"My name's Coaty" the Quetzalcoatlus says

“My name’s Nicky” the Nyctosaurus says. “Me Petrie.” Petrie says.

Petrie then gives her a bunch of nice smelling flowers. "These flowers smell nice. You should smell them" Petrie says.

“I love them!” Nicky says.

Petrie then meets an Oviraptor named Ovila who also loves flowers and a Microraptor named Mika.

"What you name" Petrie says to Ovila.

"My name's Ovila what's yours" the Oviraptor says to Petrie

“Me Petrie, and you are the fourth new friend me say this to.” Petrie says.

"And this is Mika" Ovila says, pointing at the red Glider. Petrie finds a bunch of Crawlers (worms) for Mika. "Want these" Petrie says..

Mika eats the crawlers with a smile on her face.

Petrie gets more crawlers for Mika until her tummy is full and somewhat bloated.

Petrie rests his hand on Mika's now rounded stomach. "Is you tummy full" he says

“Yes” she says. “Thanks for the crawlers.”

Ovila walks over to Petrie. “Can you find me some of those beautiful flowers I love the most? But be warned, they are hard to find.”

"Sure can" Petrie says as he walks off. Later he finds 20 of these flowers and brings them to Ovila.

Petrie is covered in stings. “You never tell me about the buzzing stingers!” he says.

"I forgot to tell you there are buzzing stingers too" Ovila says

Petrie hands Ovila the flowers. "Now to get best of smell, take deep breath" Petrie says to Ovila.

Ovila takes a deep breath. “That smells lovely.” she says.

Then Petrie, Nicky, Coaty, Mika, and Ovila decide to go on an adventure. However, they come across some stinky flowers. Coaty and Petrie simply fly over them but Petrie tells Ovila, Nicky, and Mika to plug their noses.

The girls make it past the flowers and rejoin Petrie and Coaty. Coaty then notices a hole. “I wonder what’s in it.” he says.

Coaty then notices several worms coming out of the hole. A Tickly Fuzzy (rat-like mammal) chases the worms and runs around Coaty’s feet. However Coaty just watches the mammal chase the worms.

"I'm thirsty. Can you find me a pond to drink from" Ovila says.

“Me no see pond.” Petrie replies.

Soon they found a pond and Ovila took a huge drink.

“That was nice.” Ovila says. Suddenly a big hopper (Beelzebufo) lumbers out of the pond, spooking Petrie and his new friends.

The Beelzebufo hops back into the pond. “That crazy big hopper.” Petrie says.

Nicky then says "Can you find a place with a lot of those tasty yellow flowers because I'm hungry".

"Sure can" Petrie says. However, with Ovila's belly extended and heavy, she walks slower than normal.

Ovila walks so slowly that a small shellback (turtle) outruns her, “I wonder what he’s in a hurry about.” she says.

The turtle is running towards another pond. After a while, they found the yellow flowers for Nicky.

Petrie gives the yellow flowers to Nicky. “Thanks Petrie, I love them.” Nicky says.

Nicky then eats the flowers. “These taste good.” she says while eating.

Petrie then gets more flowers until her stomach is too full and she can’t fly. So she has to walk on the ground with Ovila.

Coaty and Petrie easily fly ahead of the girls. "Atleast I've never got fat before" Coaty says.

“You already giant!” Petrie laughs. “So what we going to do now?”

After a day, Nicky is back to herr normal size. “Phew.” she says. “I can fly again.”

Mika then says "I'm hungry."

"Sure" Petrie says as he walks off to get some crawlers for Mika. Petrie finds a log full of crawlers.

Mika then goes to the log full of crawlers. “These worms are delicious.” she says with a mouthful of worms.

She ate more worms until there were no more worms left and she was stuffed.

"Me thought you would not take too much worms this time but me will rub your belly anyways." Petrie says to Mika.

“Wait, where do we go now?” Nicky says.

"To da Big Water to find out if they're any new feathered friends such as divers (Hesperornis)" Coaty says.

Petrie, Coaty, Nicky, Mika, and Ovila go to the Big Water with Mika sleeping on Ovila's back.

Mika gets off of Ovila when they arrive. Petrie flies over the sea and searches for feathered friends.

Petrie then finds a little Hesperornis named Jessie. "Hello" Petrie says to the little Hesperornis, "What you name"

“Jessie.” she says.

They arrive at the shore. Jessie then says "I'm hungry. Can you bring me some splashers.". "I'll try" Coaty says as he flies off.

“I’m still hungry.” she says

Coaty arrives with 30 fishes for her.

"Oh thanks" Jessie says. “Your welcome.” Coaty replies.

Jessie then starts eating the fish until her belly is so full and bloated she can’t even walk.

"Phew, that was a lot. I want a belly rub " Jessie says. “Alright” Coaty says. He gives Jessie a nice belly rub.

“Do you want to come to Great Valley with us Jessie?” Petrie asks.

"Yeah that's a good idea." Jessie says, still rather stuffed as a result eating 30 fish.

It takes a long time, especially since Jessie is full, but they make it back there.

Ovila then meets a pink Oviraptor named Ruby. "What's your name" Ovila says.

“Ruby.” the pink Oviraptor says. Ruby then introduces Ovila to Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Spike and Chomper