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Messages - RainbowFaceProtege

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LBT Fanfiction / Re: Brat (February/March Fanfic Prompt)--Finished
« on: March 31, 2020, 08:56:15 PM »
Don't ask me what possessed me to write this part. :p

Chapter 3

After their meal was finished, the two flyers set off across the barren landscape again. Their shadows grew long in front of them as the bright circle began to set.

The hatchling was captivated by its own shadow, giggling as it danced back and forth in the air to watch the shadow return the same movements. On the ground, it appeared as a large, dark, monstrous shape, whooshing back and forth around Sierra’s shadow like an attacking fast biter. Sierra could have sworn its laughter was malicious.

The shadow was practically the little fiend’s true form, thought the flyer. Annoying, inescapable, and threatening to overwhelm him. He couldn’t believe he was depending on this thing now. Sheesh, what if his wing never healed? Would this be what he had to look forward to for the rest of his life?

That was when, frowning at the horizon, he spotted a color it seemed like he hadn’t glimpsed in forever: green. The edge of a valley.

Now Sierra was getting somewhere! With that much green visible even from a distance, there had to be food and water to spare. He could spend as much time there as he needed to while his wing hopefully healed—and maybe he could even lose the brat while he was at it.

Normally, Sierra would have despised the thought of going someplace filled with other creatures, which he was sure such a green valley had to be. But now he actually found himself welcoming the thought. With so many dinosaurs running around there, at least one had to be willing to take that pest off his hands!

By the time he had reached the valley, he felt a weight was about to be lifted from his chest. Peering down into the area, he could see rivers, forests, and plenty of dinosaurs—dinosaurs roaming all over the place.

Even as the hatchling clung to his foot, Sierra smirked in triumph. He was going to win now! Nothing could ruin his luck in that moment.


Whoa!” The loud greeting came from behind Sierra and just about startled him into falling down the ridge. “What’s the big idea?” he grunted as he regained his footing, turning around with hands on his hips to see who had made the big mistake of sneaking up on him.

The answer nearly hit him in the nose as a big yellow beak grinned right into his face.

Ugh, great. Just when Sierra thought he’d already met the most irritating creature on the planet, he was about to be proven wrong.

“Welcome to Berry Valley!” the thing squawked before bursting into hysterical laughter.

While the hatchling merely stared, Sierra was forced backwards against the ground in his effort to get some space without falling off the ledge. He grumbled, ticked off, and his first thought was to give this nauseatingly smiley animal a piece of his mind. But no sooner had he gotten back onto his feet than he saw something move in the corner of his eye, and he realized there was another one of these things coming on his right, its chubby yellow belly bouncing as it walked. Argh! The flyer tried to go the other way, but he ran into another of the creatures on his left.

Where were these things coming from?? If any more of the bulging beasts showed up, he was sure the ridge he was standing on would break under his feet. Just the size of those bellies alone was practically crowding the flyer off the edge!

“Hey, you don’t really look like one of us!” observed a pink one of the creatures, the one who had shouted in Sierra’s face.

“No kiddin’, thank goodness!” growled Sierra.

“Hey, you’ve got a hatchling!” said the blue creature to his right. He picked up the hatchling, who still looked puzzled, and held it up in front of him, making goofy faces that failed to get anything but blank stares from the baby.

“Aww, what’s his name?” gasped the pink one.

“Brat…” the hatchling babbled, chewing on its own tail.

Why was it that watching these things handle the brat made Sierra tense up? Maybe it was that being present while creatures so stupid got in anybody’s face was second in annoyance only to them getting in Sierra’s own face. Or maybe it was because Sierra suddenly felt possessive of the hatchling. As long as he still needed a gofer while he healed, getting in that thing’s face was his job.

He snatched the brat from the blue creature’s hands. “Gimme him—he ain’t my hatchling!” he contradicted himself with a stammer.

“Okay!” replied the pink one in a bubbly tone.

Sierra was bothered by the way that she was so unfazed by him. A dumb hatchling was one thing, but this was a grown dinosaur. What were she and her friends hiding that made them so confident? He didn’t trust them.

“What’re you guys doing in Berry Valley?” asked the blue creature.

“What’d anybody be doing in a valley?” Sierra grumbled. “Lookin’ for food. A safe place to stay!”

“Oh my gosh, you’re going to stay here?” exclaimed the pink one. “This is gonna be FUN!” She grinned like she was about to lose her mind.

Was this whole thing some hallucination? Now Sierra had to wonder if he’d been walking out in the heat too long. These yellow-bellied things were more than irritating. They were downright weird, kinda creepy. For cryin’ out loud, nobody could really be this happy for no good reason. What were they trying to pull on him? The green one on the flyer’s left smiled as he licked something red and sticky from his lips. Probably just fruit juice. Right?

As these weirdos stared towards Sierra, waiting for an answer, the flyer blurted, “NO! Ain’t no way I’m stayin’ here!”

He’d starve before he started hanging around with some scarily smiley bunch of doofuses! With that, he shoved through the green and the blue ones to get back to the area he’d come in from, and the hatchling scampered after him.

“Well, he didn’t stay very long!” the pink creature exclaimed.

“Goodbye!” the blue one called cheerfully. He waved enthusiastically as Sierra left, and the pink and the green creatures followed suit.

Continuing to follow Sierra, the hatchling returned the waving motion. “Byee!”

Twilight was beginning to fall now, and Sierra cursed that valley for wasting his time. What he’d thought was the answer to his problems had turned out to get him nowhere. He hadn’t even nabbed any food from those clowns before their weird personalities drove him away.

Rats—the only thing he was taking away from that stop was the haunting feeling that there actually were more irritating things out there than a tenacious hatchling. Too bad those dumb things had taught his pest a new word, one which he’d be stuck listening to for a long time: “Byee. Byee! Byee…”

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Voting
« on: March 31, 2020, 05:41:25 PM »
@Sleeping-force's-inside @Anagnos @Sovereign @rhombus @OwlsCantRead

With the voting period over, the winner of the January prompt challenge is Snowballed Lies by OwlsCantRead.  Congratulations, Owls! :) I have attached your banner to this post.

With regards to the voting period for the February prompt, I have received a request for a one-day extension of the deadline. Considering that I am sure something odd will happen on a certain auspicious April day  :bestsharptooth, I will go ahead and extend the deadline for that prompt to 11:59:59 pm forum time on April 2, 2020:yes

Related to this topic, I'm gonna have my full submission for the February/March prompt up today, I swear...been writing like mad this morning.

And congrats @OwlsCantRead !!

Well, you can mark me down as someone who would definitely NOT want a remake. :anger That would be the final nail in the coffin of the classic LBT movies we all know and love, and it probably would let us down. I mean, name one remake of anything that has done fans of the original whatever-it-was justice. Those Disney remakes are getting really old in my opinion...Beauty and the Beast is the only one I've been fond of much (and the only one that's gotten a very good fan reception in general, if I recall correctly).

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: March 31, 2020, 03:25:20 PM »
You have a cute artstyle, keep it up :DD
Aww, thanks! :duckyhappy Will do!

There's so much more to everything than anyone supposes.

Haha, easy for the rainbowfaces to say! They're the advanced species with all the technology and their ability to traverse different universes and planets. Not to mention, that's probably not even their real form! :p

I love the style you've imposed on the words "everything" and "supposes for rather nice emphasis and meaning. It's super wacky and adorable, just like the rainbowfaces you drew in this poster. The meteor and snowflake crystals next to them is pretty cool as well. Overall, excellent job protege! ;)

Thank you!! :Mo I was really enjoying the lettering in this one!
Those were meant to be stars, not snowflakes, but as I was taking a picture of this drawing I thought they looked a lot like snow myself. :p Oh, well! If it ever annoys me enough, I'll just change it.

Awesome job! It's perfect!

(plus, I always like blue... :O)

Haha, glad to hear it! :smile

That's fair, no problem! I know what you mean with the questionable stuff and fully agree there. We try to keep our LBTFanart gallery as clean as possible, to make a great art collection that's a pleasant experience for everyone :yes
Thank you for understanding! :^^spike I knew some friends/artists that had gotten a successful experience out of DeviantArt, and I really wanted to like the site, but I just kept running into some pretty objectionable stuff even with the mature filter on. I really admire that you guys keep things clean around here for everyone to enjoy--thank you for putting forth that effort!
(plus, I always like blue... :O)

Me too! I love the colors used in that drawing! Also that font, wow! Great job being so consistent with the lettering and having a subtle fade effect in there. Amazing pencil work right there.
Thanks so much! :chompysmile The font may have been my favorite part of making this drawing! It's kind of rare for me to use so much lettering in a drawing, but I'll have to start trying it more often.

I've been drawing fanart on a regular basis since 2016, though I'd done stuff here and there before that. It was when someone gifted me a very nice set of Prismacolor pencils that I really hit the ground running!

So you've been doing this for a while now. That's great! Can't say I'm familiar with Prismacolor pencils, but they must be pretty useful.

Yeah, they make it easy to create really vivid colors in a drawing...I went from Crayola colored pencils to Prismas and was mind-blown by the difference. :wow

LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: March 31, 2020, 03:01:40 PM »
Holy... the first thing I see when I open that link is Ducky without her eyes, and it was quite terrifying.
Haha, can't blame you for that. :lol Beware Ducky when there's a full moon... :bestsharptooth

On a related topic, it creeps people out when they see plushies I've got in progress that I've put the eyes on but not yet attached pupils to. :p

LBT Fanfiction / Re: "Unused" fanfiction ideas
« on: March 31, 2020, 02:56:25 PM »
A new idea crossed my mind thanks to the Ducky caption!  :chompysmile

Remember the imaginary creatures that appeared in LBT 9 and 10? What if they become real? Out of some supernatural circumstances,  the gang brainstorms some imaginary friends and creatures, and they all come to life, including Petrie's imaginary friend from movie 9. The gang would then have to hide them from the adults to prevent them from causing a panic with humorous results.

I would so totally read this, it sounds like a lot of fun! :lol

LBT Fanfiction / Re: How to name fanfics?
« on: March 31, 2020, 02:55:05 PM »
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on March 30, 2020, 02:13:25 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on March 30, 2020, 02:13:25 PM
What sometimes helps me is letting a friend read it and ask their opinion about the story/first chapter. You then find the most notable thing regarding it, which is usual a good hint towards the title :>

It's a good idea, but IRL I don't know anyone who has time to read most of my fanfics (they can be pretty long). Thanks anyway, though!

But you can ignore me, since I still didn't release any LBT fanfic, so I am not person who can give such advices  :bestsharptooth
Well, I never would've guessed that, because you came up with a lot of good tips! Much appreciated. :)petrie

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: March 31, 2020, 02:48:22 PM »
Oh my gosh!!! My heart...squeeeee!! :Mo You did such a great job drawing Littlefoot with that little guy! Their facial expressions have been recaptured so perfectly!

Silver Screen / Re: The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: March 31, 2020, 02:45:23 PM »
Honestly, I really wanted to like Discord a lot and to regard him as one of my favorite MLP characters, I really did. But the way the writers portrayed him and made him do stupid actions and decisions all the time (like you said yourself) has really dimmed my perception of him overall. I really dig his relationship with Fluttershy, Big Mac, and Spike, but other than that he's been unnecessarily rude to the other characters. I wouldn't mind if it were sometimes, since being snarky seems to be part of his personality, but doing it all the time is just overkill.
Well, I can't deny that Discord spends much of his time being a jerk. No beating around the bush there! :rolleye I actually used to dislike him quite a bit, but after Season 4 he somehow began growing on me. I realize he's not everyone's cup of tea, though. The way his personality demands attention both from the other characters and from the viewer every time he shows up probably contributes to how fans are divided between loving and hating him...not a lot of neutral ground. I was disappointed that certain episodes involving him (What About Discord, Matter of Principals, the show finale) did not fit with the character arc they'd been giving him earlier at all. I wish the fan theory that he'd actually been trying to trick the villains into reforming when he released them would've been correct--that would've been far, far better development for him.

Did I mention that when director Jim Miller was interviewed on the season finale, he said that having Discord be Grogar made sense considering Discord's weird logic, then went on to say Discord was his favorite character?? Just--gahh--what--WHY would you give your favorite character such a poor ending at the finale of the show? How could you twist his development for the sake of some "big reveal" that, no matter what you may have thought, DOESN'T make sense?? You betrayed me and the rest of your fellow Discord fans, man!!

*Sigh*...Nevertheless, though I can sit here and go on about all this, I've never been able to bring myself to quit liking Discord again. Who am I kidding here? I get a kick out of wordplay and visual gags, and this guy delivers them in buckets. More than that, his unlikely friendships with Fluttershy and the guys always make me love him again regardless of how much he's screwed things up. Call it Fluttershy syndrome! :lol

Silver Screen / Re: The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: March 30, 2020, 03:27:20 PM »
Should I be surprised or not that every single member that joins the GOF is an MLP fan? :Mo :lol
Probably not, haha...we like our friendship-oriented musicals! :lol

I've seen almost the entire show! Only thing I've missed is a lot of the Season 9 episodes. I went to YouTube for a handful that I just had to see, but aside from that I'm waiting on Netflix to pick up that season. My pony phase, too, faded out for a few years, but lately I've started re-watching the show, and I'm really enjoying it.

I'm also looking forward to the Season 10 comics! It's too bad they had to be delayed, but I understand why. I've been diving into the comics more than ever lately. Now that the show's over, I gotta get my pony fix somewhere!

My favorite pony as of now is Pinkie Pie! What’s yours? :Mo
Not surprised, you definitely strike me as a Pinkie Pie person. :PAli My favorite "pony" is actually Discord. :p I love his humor and what a soft side he develops as the show keeps going. Though I was pretty disappointed with how they used him in the Season 9 finale...
Spoiler: ShowHide
It made him look pretty dumb IMO for him to think that such a shabby plan wasn't going to go awry somehow. I think he would've kept better control of things than that. And considering the Season 4 finale, I just can't believe he would ever think letting Tirek loose was a good idea!

For my favorite main character, hmm...I'm between Fluttershy and Twilight. Back outside the main cast, I also like Celestia and Luna--the comics and episodes where you get to see their everyday lives are hilarious! :lol

Silver Screen / Re: The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: March 30, 2020, 02:28:03 PM »
Ooh, fellow pony fans!! :Mo

I have mixed feelings on the Season 10 comics, considering that some of the previous comic storylines have been difficult to fit into MLP canon (though I've enjoyed them anyway). Is this "Season 10" stuff just a rebrand of the regular FiM comics, or is it going to ignore characters and plots from previous comics (seems unlikely) and use only the show for reference? Guess we'll just have to see...

Silver Screen / Re: Winnie the Pooh Films and TV shows
« on: March 30, 2020, 02:17:01 PM »
Right next to the Land Before Time, Winnie the Pooh is another old favorite of mine! LBT ultimately won my top spot due to my love of dinosaurs, but I'll always have a place in my heart for Pooh and his friends. Piglet was always my favorite character.

Yeah. He was never in the A.A Milne stories.

I believe one of Gopher's lines in the movie actually referred to that, where he said something like "you won't find me in the book," talking about the phone book in the context of the scene but also serving as an inside joke about the fact that he was a new character.

The Welcome Center / Re: Greetings
« on: March 30, 2020, 02:02:03 PM »
Hello and welcome, Enchanted-Valley! :Mo I'm a newbie, too!

LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:56:49 PM »
All these plushies are amazing! I don't think I ever seen such nicely stitched fan made plushies like these before! They re so adorbs!  :Mo Don't worry, I won't go  :TakeMoney over them. XD ...But I wouldn't mind paying for some yellowbelly plushies. :PCera (Just joking  :bestsharptooth)

Also I can't wait to see your second Rainbow face!  :chompysmile

Aww, thank you!
 :lol :lol :lol

Fan-made plushies do seem to be rare, though I must say I once came across a really great Ducky someone crocheted. This felted one is also amazing, though she seems to have a bit of an underbite.

LBT Fanart / Re: Gentle Sharptooth’s Fanart
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:48:04 PM »
Sorry, I can't see any of these for some reason. Not sure what's going on there.

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:46:28 PM »
More rainbowfaces, there can't ever be enough of them. :p
That's right...they're invading!!! :rainbowwave :rainbowwave :rainbowwave

Just when you thought you had things figured out, now I'm gonna tell you this one actually is a 9x12 poster. :lol

I'm considering doing a series of Rainbow Face fanart with a different "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" verses on each picture, so putting all the pieces together would result in sort of a collage of the whole song. The words to this song definitely take on a deeper meaning as you grow up, and the same goes for so many other LBT songs, which makes me appreciate them even more that I used to!

I've been drawing fanart on a regular basis since 2016, though I'd done stuff here and there before that. It was when someone gifted me a very nice set of Prismacolor pencils that I really hit the ground running! :DD

The blue and white palette works surprisingly well with the wonders of the stars, probably a reference to the ending scene with the night sky in LBT7? The wavy and rounded text also gives the entire piece a modern feel to it, no surprise considering the rainbowfaces.

I like how you made the male and female rainbowface visually distinct. :rainbowwave They are actually quite different in character. :p

Yep, that was a scene that I was taking inspiration from here, along with that moment from "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" where the background fades to black and a glowing blue meteor shows up.

Thanks, one of my favorite things about the Rainbow Faces is their different personalities! Especially since they don't even have names, it would have been easy for the writers to make their personalities identical, but they didn't, and the result is a couple of characters who bounce off each other pretty well. I feel like one's more head and the other's more heart.

Oh wow that's awesome! Great job with the colouring as well! That is indeed a lot of blue, but it certainly helps with the mysterious nature of the Rainbow Faces!

Thanks, Flathead, I'm happy it seems to have been worth the sacrifice of some pencils. :DD

I am late to the party, I know. XD But I have to say all the art pieces you've shown are simply amazing! As someone who is also a fan of the Rainbowfaces from 7 I am "beyond" impressed.  :rainbowwave :rainbowwave

Thank you! :lol Hey, better late than never for sure!

LBT Fanfiction / Re: How to name fanfics?
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:15:42 PM »
What I try to accomplish when it comes down to naming my fanfics, is to use words that have a sentimental value within the story itself. This can either be quite easy, or very hard. Let's take a look at my latest fanfiction: Ballad of Endless Remorse. Can you see what I try to do here? I try to do my best to give a meaningful impact on the title using themes in the story. I don't know how helpful this is, but there's always the option to use a title name generator, which in my opinion, are quite horrible. :(

As Dr. Seuss might put it, I wouldn't touch one of those generators with a 39-and-a-half foot pole...  :p
I do like the idea of drawing from a theme in the story. Assuming I manage to do a good job putting the theme into words, that should at least give a reader a good idea what the point of the story they're about to read is. Thank you for the tip!

And that being said, they're probably one of the most hard-headed thing about creative writing. :(

Yeah, who would've thought it? I can pull a good story out of myself (well, hopefully) and have a great time doing it...but wait, then I need a title and/or summary? Nooooooooo! :olittlefoot

LBT Fanfiction / Re: How to name fanfics?
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:05:01 PM »
You are not. Half the times the title (and summary) of a story makes me backtrack and second-guess myself. Chapter names are just as bad.

CHAPTER names?! Whoa, I don't even go there! "Chapter 1" has a nice ring to it, don't you think? As do Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4...

That's a good tip about following the LBT language, I'll have to remember that one! Your other advice is also helpful, especially considering that I write non-LBT fics sometimes, which (as you said) are just as hairy to invent titles for. You sound like you've managed to get this down to a science! Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.

LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:53:00 PM »
More plushies! More plushies! Mlre plushies! :bestsharptooth
Rest assured I'll be putting "mire" up when I'm done with improvements to my second Rainbow Face. :PAli

I am puzzled why Chomper left his parents. That was never explained to my satisfaction in the series.

The best explanation we got was that Ruby was keeping him ''safe'' for them. For whatever reason, that was never revealed. Which is quite dumb, if you ask me. Perchance it had something to do with Red Claw, but that was never confirmed.

I remember there was one episode (don't know which one) where they showed a flashback of Ruby saying goodbye to her parents, and they were saying she and Chomper needed to go to the Great Valley to find out how the dinosaurs there coexisted and worked together or something like that, since that knowledge could help defeat Red Claw one day. Still not a satisfying explanation for me, though. Why are Chomper and Ruby the "chosen ones" to make this discovery? Why do they make it sound like Chomper and Ruby are on some sort of mission when all through the rest of the series, it seems like they're not actively making observations and seeking knowledge about teamwork and whatnot so much as they're just hanging around and having fun with the other kids?

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