The Gang of Five
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Personal Character Profiles


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I was thinking about RPing, but I want to know if human characters could be used, like my OC Markus.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Quote from: jedi472,Apr 27 2008 on  02:03 PM
I was thinking about RPing, but I want to know if human characters could be used, like my OC Markus.
Most of my OC's are human some are not.


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I"m sure they could fit into the insane cafe.  Aves and Nick22 co run that rp thread.


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In any case, here is my first OC:

Markus Silverman


Hair: Curled, Black


Normally wearing T-shirt and Jeans, carries blue lightsaber, sometimes accompanied by two droids, HK-47 and R3-M4.

Backstory: See my fanfic, a jedi's destiny.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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He is mine

Frank Anderson




Backstory:Born  in 1918 as Hans Rictoven to Ernst and Allison Rictoven.    In the summer 1938 he joined the US army  On Febuary 29 1945 just days after seeing he birth city being destroyed before his eyes he was shot down over a POW camp in Germany and spent the rest of the war in a POW camp. After the war he married his highschool sweetheart Melissa Rosevelt who was of no relation to President Rosevelt and they had three kids before she died of cancer in 1967. he continued to serve in the Air force in post war Korea his total US Air Force recorded he had 15 kills and hours of flight time. He retired in 1968


  • Ducky
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here is mine:

name: raij
gender: male
age: a bit younger than cera
species: iguanodon also called spikethumb
size: between cera and littlefoot
color paterns: black top layer goes from end of tail to between the eyes whtie belly and green with misc, he got green eyes
personality: cheerfull full of fun and always in for a adventure but sarcastic and a bit lazy,
bio: lost his mother 2 brothers and 2 sisters during the great earthshake, now he lives with his father don (who got the same colors as raij) and got an eye on ducky

and if one of you tell me how to upload photo's and/or drawings or something, i can upload a looklike of him


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Interesting, and iguanodon, not seen one of those among the player species, nice to see a different one, nothing wrong with those who like doing pre-established species either.


  • Cera
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Blueberry's up!

My first OC ever, and well... He might get some more later.
Very proud of him so far! :^.^:   We'll see more of him.

Name: Blueberry
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Species: Fastrunner, Oviraptor
Color: See piccy
Eyes: Emerald green

Size/height: A bit higher than Ruby. Higher crest
Personality: Glad, playful, caring, and like most of his age, really angry when needed to, dislikes violence.
Family: None, unknown if sibling's alive.

Blueberry (as his friends call him, since he doesn't know his real name) was, like Ruby, born in the mysterious beyond.
He lost his family in the big earthshake, during their search for the Great Valley.
Knowing his only hope for survival was to find the GV, he wandered for days, searching trough the wastelands of MB.
One day, when he belived that all hope were lost for him, he wandered into a group of other fastrunners, also heading for the GV.
They took care of him, teaching him what he needed to be able to one day stand on his own.
But, at the time that the group finaly reached the GV, there was only one member left... Mostly suffered from sharpteeth attacks.

Blueberry has lived in the Great valley ever since. He spends his days playing with friends, exploring, and personal matters such as self defence.
He's a good kid, who always stands up for the ones in need. Despite he has seen alot of dark things, he's positive, and has accepted to live alone.
To him, his friends is the family he need. He would never give them up.

During his time with the fastrunner herd, Blueberry was taught the arts of self-defence. Being told by the elders, never to let go of that, he keeps training it everyday, both physical and mental. Still, he dislikes violence, so he only uses it when absolutley needed to.
He's a bright kid, able to understand most situations, also new ones. The elderly rainbowfaces in the herd he once parted with made sure he was taught well.

Abillities: Blueberry is able to use proffesional self-defence of the fastrunners. It features a combination of power and agile speed.
Other than that, he's like any Oviraptor kid in the Valley.

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Blueberry is a neat looking character.  

I find these lists so confusing that if I did post my lbt characters I'd have to do my own list since I've no idea which [cencored] list to put them in.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Could you draw my OC lillefot since my drawing sucks?


  • Cera
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Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Jul 21 2008 on  11:53 AM
Could you draw my OC lillefot since my drawing sucks?
Sure thing mate, just PM me.  :)
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Another one of my OC's

Name:Fastclaw otherwise known as "Kid"




color:light grey


Family: father the rest were killed in the great earthshake.

life: born 10 years before the great earthshake he was deeply affected by loosing his mother and two brothers during the event. (I'll post some more later when I think about his bio)


  • Cera
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Here's a new one I just came up with!

Name: Vaek

Gender: Male

Age: About the same as Cera

Species: Flyer/sharptooth (Think Sierra)

Appearance: Like Sierra, except shorter, and black

Family: Unknown

Bio: Vaek has been in the Mysterious Beyond for as long as he could remember. His parents had disappeared when he was young, so he's been on his own. He doesn't really think too much about it. One day, he found the Great Valley and started a new life. He still lives on his own. One day, he met Zaine. He seemed like a very nice kid, but when Vaek learned about Zaine's depression for his family, he lost all respect for him. He considers him weak and inferior, relaying that one must be strong when those close to him are gone. However, when he's not associating with Zaine, he's a decent flyer.

Personality: Rival/Despises Zaine, but otherwise decent


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I have a bunch of OCs (not well developed just named) for Twilight Valley.

Name: Deimos
Species: Utahraptor
Age: Equivalent to an 22-23 year old human
Size: About the size of Ducky's mother. (Yes I know real Utahraptors weren't that large.)
Coloration: Solid brown skin with small facial scar on the right side of his face
Eyes: Amber

Personality: Deimos is an excitable and fun-loving Utahraptor. However, his foul mouth and sometimes rude behavior have gotten him into trouble (he swears the most out of any good character in Twilight Valley). He also has an  affectionate side (particularly towards his friends). He likes to engage in friendly sparring with other dinosaurs.  

Bio: He was born in Claw Valley and was once a high ranking "soldier" in Excidium's forces. He was satisfied with his life until he overheard Excidium planning to conquer the Great Valley. The plan disgusted him to the point that he  tried to convince the other sharpteeth to reject the plan. Unfortunately, another sharptooth attacked him as he was listening in and he was forced to kill his attacker. He was immediately pursued by Excidium's sharpteeth. After fleeing Claw Valley and journeying through the Mysterious Beyond; he arrived at the Great Valley where he met up with his two friends Raptix and Blue-Scale. He lived in secrecy until he and his companions helped save Littlefoot from an attack by a group of sickleclaws. After this incident, they became an accepted part of the valley.


Extremely strong, even for a Utahraptor (not supernatural just very high strength)

Excellent hand-to-hand combatant (armed and unarmed). Very proficient with a spear.

Very high pain tolerence

Knowledge of medicinal plants

Bilingual (Speaks Sharptooth and Leaf-Eater)

Can make stone weapons

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

General Grievous

  • Spike
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This is for the strict rpg section.

Name: Shona

Species: Longneck

genger: female

Age: equivalent of a 30 year old human

Bio: Shona is a lone traveler who has just arrived in the Great Valley.  Her mate was killed in the great earthquake and she lost her children to a pack of fastbiters.  She is lonely and depressed and is unsure of what to do now.  

appearance: Shona is mostly a light shade of green with dark green markings on her back.  She has blue eyes.  There are a few scars on her body from her travels.


  • Ducky
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Ok, this is a good and easy idea for explaining one's characters just in one place that you can point back to for reference in the different role plays.

Anyway, an official set up for my character who inspired my log in name ;)

Name: Kit
Age: Um...7ish? or however old the gang of five are
Species: flyer
Relationships: only hatchling of her dad's brood and Petrie's cousin
Personality: Tends to be naive and a bit over trusting, yet not always and if Littlefoot thinks somethings up she will take notes on that and re-think her own thoughts on it.
Other: Description wise she's a dark brown in color with blue eyes and a lighter brown on the underside

Alright, here's here dad too

Name: Tylr
Age: youngest of Petrie's mom's brood, so...go off that I guess
Species: flyer
Relationships: I already said it. Youngest of Petrie's mom and Pterano's siblings.
Personality: Perhaps through being the youngest, a bit shy but will speak up when young one's, including his only hatchling, Kit, are in trouble or criticism. Similar thing with his boldness against sharpteeth and such, not the first to a fight unless others he knows and loves are in danger. Tylr also has a quiet sense of humor and won't state that he finds some if not alot of Mr.Threehorn's tantrums amusing in their repetitiveness. Respects Grandpa and Grandma Longneck and even Mr. Threehorn as the ultimate authority in the Council discussions since they are the elders (the longnecks a bit more so though). The only authority he would put above this is his own sister's opinion if it contracts, which it rarely does.
Other: a teal blue/green color with a lighter actual blue underneath and bright blue eyes.