The Gang of Five
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This made me feel sick...


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On the fourth episode, during the song oops-eeps I almost puked.  This was the first LBT tv episode I watched so it was a bit of a shocker to see what they have done to LBT.  I was used to the song's having a genuine purpose in the films.  This song seemed to be there just to waste time.  It wouldn't have been so bad.  The lyrics were okay but the characters actions were just so cheesy that it really took me aback.  One thing that was really annoying was their foot actions.  It was just (to be blunt and meaning no offence) so stupid to me at first.  I can now watch it okay and genuinely like the LBT tv series.  Were you taken aback by the songs in the LBT tv series?

By the way, I felt sick because I was terrified that they had ruined LBT forever not because I found it to be stupid but once I got into the story more, I decided that I liked it a lot even with the cheesy songs.


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You know the TV series isn't for you when you start making comments I would make. ;)  Best solution: stop watching, and let the people who like it keep it going.


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Oh.  I can easily handle it now.  It was just so shocking to see the characters portraid in this manner.  I am now able to enjoy all of the tv episodes without thinking anything but how poor the animation is.  I guess they couldn't make a great story and have great animation too in such a short period that they had to make them.  I guess I would rather have poor animation and a great story than great animation and a dumb story.  I just wish I could have both.  Why is there so little time to create a tv episode?


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Why is there so little time to create a tv episode?

I think this comes down to the fact that a TV series has a lot more footage than a movie does. A movie usually lasts between 1 hr and 2 hrs, so there's only that much footage to work with. But a TV series, even if it only succeeds in getting 20 episodes, would have a lot more.

A 20-episode half-hour series would contain approximately 10 hours of footage. And because companies have to get a lot of footage available so they can air several episodes within a week or so span, to accomplish this, they would have to spend less time on the quality and work more on the quantity. This effects the animation.

If the LBT series were to have footage equal in quality as the movies, then the time taken on each episode would have to expand. Instead of getting one new episode every week, we could see a difference of perhaps several weeks to a few months for a new episode. However this judgement I'm making is only based off the fact that movies, with better quality, have less footage to work with while TV series, with lower quality, have a lot more footage to work with. So I could be wrong.

But that would be my answer as to why the animation quality in the TV series is low compared to the movies. There is more footage to work with, a lot more, and they have to spend less time on it if they are to get a new episode in once every week or so.


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  • Cera
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the only thing i don't really like is reapeating the songs in most of the episodes(don;t get me wrong though, i still love the tv series). But personally, i'm getting tired of hearing " I feel so Happy".


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The songs in the sequals are pretty bad but I think they would lack the 'LBT feel"  for me.  I think they should spend more time on the lyrics though.


  • Ducky
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The lyrics were okay but the characters actions were just so cheesy that it really took me aback. One thing that was really annoying was their foot actions.

I know! I pratically winced at that. It was so bad. I never did exactly like the songs in the LBT sequels or in the show. Most I thought wasted time or the lyrics weren't well constructed. I'm not a bit fan of characters breaking into song, except for Disney movies because they are execellent. I can understand they are trying to appeal to kids, but they could least try to make the songs good.


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I love the lbt songs from the sequals.  I have all of them on my ipod.  I just really hate the songs in the tv series.


  • Spike
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There are moments in most things I like that make me go >_-, Oops-Eeps being one of them. In The Stone of Cold Fire, it was Littlefoot laughing at Rinkus and Sierra in a taunting manner, just before they crash into the wall. Bad puns usually do the trick, too. Also gets to me when I'm watching WWE and some vicious, intimidating wrestler messes up his line and looks foolish.

You gotta take the good with the bad, and it shouldn't be too difficult to forgive and forget, especially if the good is really, REALLY good, and the bad is nice and short.


  • The Gang of Five
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I have little or no problems with it but I guess I am open to animated cartoons and don't care what mistakes it have and what stuff that goes by. I find Land Before Time at this time to be something better then most cartoons created today. Ok some of the things they have on it get a little silly but I just ignore it cause I enjoy watching Land Before Time. some of the comments I read are a bit harsh but I guess that your views and who am I to say that you've shouldn't have a open view on such. But overall I've enjoyed watching what I got so far.


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Me too.  I just wanted to say that it really shoked me to the point of being sick.  They have totally changed LBT.  Weather it is for good or bad I cannot say but right now I'm leaning for the good.  I was sick not because the episodes were lame but because I thought that LBT had been ruined at first.  I also felt like weeping but since I havent cried in over 9 years, the effect wasn't as strong as the shock to the point of being sick.  I am not trying to bash the tv series in any way.  I find them to be very entertaining as a matter of fact.  Ya know what I'm talking about?  Being so shocked that you almost upchuck.  That's what I was meaning.  The only thing that could possibly be improved upon besides the animation is the development of the lyrics.