The Gang of Five
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rosie · 8 · 2065


  • Chomper
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Don't think it was kinda of weird that Chomper's parents could get into the great valley and other sharpteeth can't? Unless they are afraid of entering Chomper's terrority, or like they respect him ? :DD


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Chomper's parents aren't the only sharpteeth who got into the Great Valley. Other sharpteeth have done it, such as the fastbiters in the 11th movie and Redclaw and his two fast biter buddies in one of the TV episodes "The Hidden Canyon".

According to that episode, the reason the sharpteeth can't get in is because of fruit that grows in the hidden canyon that makes them sick.


  • The Circle
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As I recall Chomper's parents could get in since part of the wall collapsed and there was this huge hole they could just walk right in.  


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Kor,Aug 5 2008 on  08:51 AM
As I recall Chomper's parents could get in since part of the wall collapsed and there was this huge hole they could just walk right in.
I keep on wondering, why none of the flying sharptheeth(Like the one, that catches Ducky in the 5th movie or someone like Icky(Itchy? Can't remember the name :) ) from 4th) ever tried to attack the Great Valley. It looks like herbivorous can enter and leave the Valley as they are pleased, but sharptheeth can not. It could be, that the entrance was located in the Hidden Canyon, but grown ups blocked it in TV series.


  • The Circle
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There are also other entrances.  Some are easy to find, like the main one that the farwalkers use, and some are various caves, that the gang often find.  Like ones seen in various episodes.  

But the question about the flying sharptooth is a good one.  Likely it's like many other things in the movies, where a char is there for 1 movie, then they vanish.  Putting aside the fact that Pterosaurs, I'd guess, were not plant eaters, though I'm no expert on animals, certainly not extinct ones that lived in the distant past.


  • Jedi Knight
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  • Ducky
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Yeah, there seem to be an endless amount of entrances to the Great Valley. Every time one gets plgged, another shows up.

By the way, anyone have a pic of the Farwalker entrance? I remember it being a canyon-like thing or something.


  • The Circle
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My guess (which I have laid out in more detail elsewhere) is that Sharpteeth don't want to enter the Great Valley unless they have a very good reason too (or just never heard about the place). Chomper's parents had a good reason (looking for their child) which made them enter a place which most sharpteeth would avoid if they can.


  • The Circle
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Some of the sharpteeth may avoid it due to stories.  Others may not be able to find a way in, except for the main ones or one that the farwalkers use, and that is likely very well defended and perhaps patrolled.