Role Play > Unfinished RP's

Around the Folf

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marita  crawled to a stop, her tail dragging behind her. around her, large dunes sprawled in every direction. marita fumbled feor her phone and tried to get a signal ' no bars ' damn it ' she muttered. She slowly got to her feet ' ans began calling out ' Rose! Marie! Can you hear me..' she kept calling out, her voice fading into the distance ' before finally she heard a faint response.'  marita ran towards the sounds before seeing a figure run towards her over the sand. as it got closer marita recognized the figure, it was Marie. marie  reached her and the two girls hugged. Marie pulled away and put her claws on her knees.' where the heck are we? she panted. " i have no clue. I'm not getting any reception on my phone. and its hot. we need to find rose and get out of the desert.' marita said.
 the girls began wandering through the desert, calling out Roses name. Finally, they found her, sprawled out in a depression between a couple sand dunes. the dunes provided a small amount of shelter from the wind and was cooler than the surrounding area. rose had sand all over her, and looked miserable. ' what kept you girls? She said weakly. I've been trying to text you...' " Phones dont work out here '  marita said as shghe took a seat.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato):
Flora wandered in a dazed stupor from the crash site. The events she had just lived through weighed heavily on her sanity, and she was struggling to keep from hyperventilating and shutting down. Her thirst was the only thing keeping her going.

Then Mother Nature decided to add a sandstorm to help her keep motivated. Tearing a strip out of her nurse's outfit to cover her snout, she squinted her eyes shut and stumbled blindly through the vicious lacerating sand in no particular direction.

the sandstorm soon blew its way over the desert and towards the deprression wherwe Marita marie and Rose were sitting.' the clouds moved rapidly over the desert and was boring down on them. '  What the heck is that?' Rose cried. " Its a sandstorm " Marita said ' a big one. we're not safe here. the wind will tear up the dunes on the one hand the temperature will drop a lot , on the other hand we'll be scoured by the samd and wind, it'll be like rubbing your face with sandpaper. not fun.. ' marita whipped outr her phone again, praying to whatever deities there were to let her get a signal..' ok. ok! i have two bars..' bringing up the map.. ok.. down to one bar.. theres a town.. about .. 6 miles from here to the southeast. Bus- al' ghar. lets head southwest as quickly as we can..' marita turned off her phone- it had lost connection again anyway.' and she got up off her seat. ' that storm wil be herein a few minutes. we need to move..

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato):
Flora continued stumbling blindly, until she couldn't take it and collapsed on the sand. Covering her face in her hands, she tried and failed to keep what felt like gallons of sand from filling her lungs grain by grain.

And then it was over. Flora looked up in shock. Because she stopped moving, the sandstorm passed over her, leaving her buried up to her neck in a brand new dune. "Ahhh!" she gasped in surprise, then grimaced when the course sand filled her mouth instantly. Spluttering angrily she wiggled and thrashed and freed herself inch by inch. She was more sand than folf when she finally freed herself. Her face felt badly sunburned and her nails were splintered raw from clawing free from her burning prison. So she kept walking, wishing with every step she had procured a less-tight outfit in her escape from Kalis' warship.

The trip was survivable only due to it being twilight, the sweet spot between the parched daytime and frigid night. Nevertheless after what felt like an eternity her footpads were raw and her tongue was swollen from thirst. This might be the end... her heatstroked brain thought with alarming calmness. Saved from Kalis only to feed the vultures...will vultures even find me? I'll probably just be a skeleton if they do, there's nobody and nothing for miles...

These thoughts were suddenly dashed from her mind when with wild shock she realized there was something up ahead. Glinting in the fading afternoon light, she made out curved rooftops and gleaming steeples...a town?

Is it a mirage? she thought with wonder. Is it delirium? It didn't matter. Increasing her pace with reckless fervor, she sped towards her only hope of getting through the approaching night alive.

Marita  and the others had only made it a few hundred feet before the storm had hit them, despite the wind, searing sand and low visibility the trio slowly made their way towards the southwest. the storm blew over finally after what seemed like hours. all three were coverd in sand, blood dripped from scratches in their face, and was absotbed by the sand that clung to their fur. finally, the outline of a city appeared on the horizon ' Bus Al ' gahr' marita said, relief oin her voice. ' we'll just find an inn, there and crash for the night. Hopefully they'll have enough creds.."


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