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Shorty Showcase - August 2019

rhombus · 12 · 7875


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No need to sneak around, Shorty! The spotlight is on you this month.

In this topic please feel free to discuss Shorty as a character, to share your own creations (fanfics or fanart), or to mention some of your favorite fanworks of others involving this character.  For a full set of rules please see the Monthly Character Showcase topic but keep in mind that this is meant to be fun as opposed to any sort of contest.

I will go ahead and get the discussion started with the following questions:

1) What was your first impression of Shorty as a character?; and

2) How has your perspective of Shorty changed over the span of the films and the television episodes? Would you like to see more content featuring Shorty as a recurring character?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Honestly, I really wasn't sure Shorty "fit" in X. The movie already felt pretty stuffed, and here was this extra obstacle for Littlefoot thrown in the middle. Upon rewatch, though, I started gaining more of an appreciation for the character. He's Littlefoot if Littlefoot HADN'T wound up with his friends. His fears of losing Bron, maybe his only source of stability and family, to Littlefoot just showing up, is an interesting complication. One that was resolved a little rapidly, but an interesting turn nonetheless, ans one that felt surprisingly grounded and real. I'd really enjoy seeing him again, perhaps to continue as a foil for Littlefoot.


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Hey look I'm early for once!  :PCera

I must admit Shorty is a character that flew under the radar for me at first. I kinda through him into the whatever pile of guest characters. I feel like it was mostly through other members fondness for him, both in the movie and potential as a character to be explored through fanfiction. I think I would like to see more Shorty in future entries. There's certainly worse characters they could choose to bring back :p

And for those expecting a drawing for this showcase, I'm trying something a little different this time. Instead of drawing a brand new drawing I figured I'd go back to a previous drawing I've done as it was one that I wanted to try touching up a bit and hopefully improving. Can also be an opportunity for newer members who are not aware for some of my earlier works to see them.  Here's the original:

The drawing was for the fanart prompt: daily life/survival. Depicting the first meeting between Shorty and the other hatchlings with a setting more similar to the first LBT was something that popped into my head fairly early on. Surprisingly enough, Ducky's first chapter of SDP 2.0 was released during this period and I was quite amazed how similar we envisioned this scene (so much so the Ducky though this drawing was from his fanfiction!)

One of the things I wanted to improve on was going over the shading to add more contrast and make the shadows darker to help add to the harsh atmosphere as well as the setting sun. Also helps to increase the contrast with post processing as well haha

Hope you guys enjoy it! :DD


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wow, you just recreated one masterpiece to another masterpiece, Flathead. :O
My eye can't see complex difference. I see new picture has more shade colors, but still, both are osom.
How much time did you spend tpo draw it?


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Wow! I definitely agree with Sneak about your work, Flathead. It is an absolute masterpiece. I really like the detail in the drawings very much so. That really looks like it was done by a professional. Is there something you wish to tell us, Flathead? Now if this looks so good already I can't help but wonder how it would look like with colors added into it. I feel like that would make this masterpiece into an even more masterpiece of work.

About Shorty, he was always someone that I paid close attention to when I watched the movie for the first time. I don't know what it was, but something about his character just made me like him from the very beginning. Now some people might call him a bully at the start, but that's what made him perfect in my opinion. Until then, there really wasn't any movie where Littlefoot was against another longneck (at least if my memory is correct, do let me know if I've missed something).

Later in the film when Bron reveals how he initially met Shorty, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him when it came to light that no adult wanted to adopt him. I also found it interesting how Shorty appeared to be protecting those little longnecks from Bron at first, but I believe later we see him ''bullying'' one small longneck. I can't be the only one who noticed that, which always made me sort of bewildered.

At the end he and Littlefoot finally came to an understanding, and Littlefoot not only found his father, but also got a brother as well. :)


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wow, you just recreated one masterpiece to another masterpiece, Flathead. :O
My eye can't see complex difference. I see new picture has more shade colors, but still, both are osom.
How much time did you spend tpo draw it?
Why thank you! :DD Yeah I never actually redrew the whole thing from scratch, just took the old drawing and applied more shading to it. It probably only took around an hourish for time to do, though the original took quite a long time to do, like over 20 hours easily including all the planning and indecision haha.

Wow! I definitely agree with Sneak about your work, Flathead. It is an absolute masterpiece. I really like the detail in the drawings very much so. That really looks like it was done by a professional. Is there something you wish to tell us, Flathead? Now if this looks so good already I can't help but wonder how it would look like with colors added into it. I feel like that would make this masterpiece into an even more masterpiece of work.
Not sure what I wish to tell...I guess...drawing can be fun?  :PCera
I suppose you could say that I was ambitious in improving my drawing capabilities back then. Not so much this year as I feel like I have less time to work on them.
I didn't want to do any colouring on this one as I wanted to focus more on the shading aspect and that feels harder to do with colours (plus colouring adds a bunch of time to do)
Thanks a lot! :smile


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Gonna have to echo what the previous few people said. That is a really lovely drawing. Nice work. The new version is an improvement, but the original is still great as well.

1) What was your first impression of Shorty as a character?; and

2) How has your perspective of Shorty changed over the span of the films and the television episodes? Would you like to see more content featuring Shorty as a recurring character?
I like his character. He has kind of a funny introduction, appearing as this random longneck we've never seen before who decides to antagonize Littlefoot for no apparent reason, until Bron intervenes. We see soon after that part of Shorty's hostility is just because he's jealous of Littlefoot taking up Bron's attention, although it's interesting that Shorty still bullies Littlefoot even before either of them know who the other is.

Shorty reminded me of Cera from the first film in that he's outwardly mean, but lovable Littlefoot takes it in stride and responds with kindness. Until, much like Cera before him, Shorty eventually softens up and shows that he's not so bad at all deep down. Shorty likewise reminded me of Hyp and his gang from LBT 3. This is the first film since then to touch on the concept of bullying in their dinosaur society.

Also interesting that, despite becoming brothers, Littlefoot and Shorty separate at the end and go with their different herds. Yet it still seems fitting in a way, especially as it's implied they'll see each other again in the future.

I haven't yet seen the TV episode where Shorty reappears. Was that any good? Regardless, I do feel that if they make another film, Shorty should return.

(Also, 1000th post! :celebrate)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 05:19:21 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Great drawing. All the tiny longnecks peeking out while Shorty pauses mid-bite gave me the amusing thought they’re little imps about to make their prey one of their own.

I don’t remember my first impressions of Shorty but I’m fond of him now. He is a character very much effected by his experience. Some of his hostile behavior can be seen as self-sabotage, as he got rejected by parental projects and doesn’t seem close to his former charges, so why bother trying. He doesn’t seem to have spelled out to Bron he wants the latter to be his adopted father. I surmise he doesn’t want to be rejected again and thinks their fond but somewhat distant association is the best it’s going to get but then whoops Littlefoot comes into the scene. Fortunately, Littlefoot’s kind enough invite him into the family (Bron and his bond with him is a bit cricketty, with the showing versus telling clash of Bron’s character but this isn’t a Bron thread.). Shorty would be grateful but I suspect that feeling of inadequacy would continue with Littlefoot’s reputation something Bron would be proud of. Still, with the right upbringing I’m sure he can grow to be more confidant and secure.

At his best, I think he would still have that edge but be a spunky, mischievous brother Littlefoot could play and roughhouse around with. Teasing would be part of his repertoire. I once looked up Shorty’s kind and they grow bigger than Littlefoot’s, so I have the amusing headcanon he would teasingly request to be called “big brother” to mess with Littlefoot, whatever ages the two are. I can see him being friends with Cera with their similar demeanor but I think he could be good friends with Spike. They are both adopted brothers (and green :p), so I can see them relating and Spike even helping him with his issues. Spike’s laidback disconcern with social norms can help Shorty relax about how he’s perceived and if he measures up. Plus, he and Spike can be mischievous. The pranks they and Cera can get up to…oh god.

For fanfiction with Shorty, I do have a few ideas with him in ensembles and featuring him. One involves the gang’s parents being de-aged back to kids for a week and Shorty having fun with that with Bron. I might put him through the wringer in some stories because for certain characters, I show love with torment, but one thing I will never do is give Shorty a sad death. I’m not much about killing characters in general but he is an instant “Nope!” for me. Even one idea I have where Littlefoot passes on in old age and meets him in the afterlife is more for the warm fuzzles. All in all, I want him to go on to have a happy life.

In the sadly unlikely event LBT continues I hope he returns. I’m not happy he wasn’t present in 14, but I would keep Etta and Wild Arms (And I have a headcanon to get around the inconsistency of his absence). Those two would be more members of Bron’s herd Shorty could bounce off of in amusing and interesting ways (and more how he gets along with Littlefoot and the gang).


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Shorty is a decent character with a good role in the tenth film. It was good to see Littlefoot forced to balance his newfound joy and basic decency but sadly, Shorty hasn't quite lived up to his potential. In the film itself, he had very little screen time to make him more interesting and while he made the most he could during those scenes, he still felt a bit bland, sadly. And the episode gave him absolutely zero character development which wasn't a huge surprise, sadly. Even then, I like what Shorty had to offer to the series even if he was never utilized properly. Still, he offers good material for fanfics and ideas how the "main story" of LBT might develop in the future.

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My first impression of Shorty was that he was a bully but over the course of the movie that changed somewhat, he was wasn't my favourite character as he didn't have as much character development as he could have had, granted the backstory we got was decent but it leaves a lot unspoken, granted it is rather useful for fanfic ideas (looking at SDP).

I found him to be far more relatable by the end of the 10th movie and in some small way, he reminds me of Doc, just at a younger age, someone who had to fend for himself as a kid and other kids in a dangerous land. I think Shorty's character took a step back in the tv series and also eluded that he and Littlefoot spend time together when they had the chance. He was very tough to swallow and rather arrogant and dare I say it, a little stupid which didn't seem to fit with his character from 10.

I think what my biggest problem with Shorty is the wasted opportunity for more development on him during the 14th movie which he is completely absent in for some reason. He has so much potential as a character but has not been that well flushed out but the series.   
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Watching the TV series a bit out of order here, but today I saw "The Big Longneck Test". One of my nitpicks with Journey of the Brave was Shorty's absence from it, which made me anxious to see this episode, as I wanted to see how his and Littlefoot's relationship would have progressed since the last time they saw each other, and to see more of Shorty in general.

Much like Cera after the first film, we see that Shorty has mellowed out and become more amiable, while still not completely losing his rough edge. And I was pleased that he has a decent role within the episode too; it wasn't just like a cameo appearance. I enjoyed his dynamic not just with Littlefoot, but with Cera too. I'm also pleased to say that I enjoyed this episode more than the pilot. :D

While we got another lame version of "Adventuring", I did enjoy the "Big Longneck Test" song, even if it was just a variation of "Big Water". Actually, that's probably why I enjoyed it.

Hmm, so red tree stars are actually a thing in LBT. I always thought that was just a joke someone in the community made up. :P

The episode had two concurrent plotlines here; Littlefoot taking the test, and Shorty lying to the Gang and trying to prove himself to them (and failing miserably). I feel that each of these ideas could've been expanded and fleshed out into their own episode, instead of trying to squeeze both of them into a 23-minute time slot. Oh well. I liked the solution to the third part of the test; that was clever writing.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 05:11:35 PM by StardustSoldier »


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I did not like Shorty very much, because even when he reformed a little after he stops bullying Littlefoot and helps him fighting sharpteeth, he still is not, to put it simply, the person I would like to meet. When he meets the gang in the series, he wants them to follow him right away, just because he passed Longneck leadership test -he lies about passing it. He leaves behind two gang members frivolously, and does not act very nicely towards the gang.