The Gang of Five
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Red Claw is awesome!


  • Ducky
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Ok, I don't know why they hate Red Claw so much.  From just Cave of Many Voices, he actually seems pretty formidable.  Screech and Thud are a bit of knuckle-heads, but I'm not so sure I'd want to encounter Red Claw and don't see him as a pathetic mouth with legs or whatever some were calling LBT's non-Chomper Sharpteeth.  

I mean, while Chomper's dad goes down with a rock to the head, Red Claw just keeps on going.  Plus, he can smash through parts of the cave wall.  That's pretty cool.  

He probably would have gotten Littlefoot had Ducky not distracted him.  

The echoes were making it sounds like there were many of them all over.  That was why they kept looking many different directions.  Even if smell might have led them to the kids, it seems wise, given that they might have thought there were enemies all around, to just go away.

He probably might have been confused why Sharpteeth and Flatteeth would come in droves to fight him, but he was scared.  I mean, he probably thought there were a lot of Sharpteeth there too when Chomper started roaring in that echoing cave.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Not exactly a thread title I'd have chosen but... here are my two cents.

Redclaw is actually way more boring than his name implies... Even these sharpteeth from LBT 6 or LBT 8 ware scarier...
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  • Ducky
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Scary doesn't mean everything.  Sierra isn't that scary yet I wouldn't want to come across him!!!!  


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Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Feb 28 2015 on  09:29 PM
Scary doesn't mean everything.  Sierra isn't that scary yet I wouldn't want to come across him!!!!
Sierra isn't scary? I'm not entirely sure I agree. The fact that he casually suggests feeding the children to sharpteeth seems pretty disturbing to me.


  • Ducky
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I meant his appearance.  He's twisted, and so is Ozzy, but neither are really frightening like a Sharptooth.  Indeed, LBT V Chomper in the canyon was FAR scarier than either of them.

Plus, this DOES look pretty scary (and his evil eyes add to the frightening charm):  


  • *feels like Pterano*
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What I meant is: Redclaw is really harmless compared to some other sharpteeth in the franchise. The Gang always get away really easily  :p
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  • Ducky
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Sharptooth and the Plated Sharptooth, and maybe Dil and Ichy (who actually caught them a number of times, but lost them either due to each other, or, in the last case, Spike's interference.)  were the only ones that seemed truly dangerous.  

I think Red Claw is the best of all the rest.  

We've had Sharpteeth that get beaten by dancing Yellow Bellies or chased off by eclipses or tickled by Tinysauruses.  

Chomper's parents, I guess, are also formiddable, though a bit pathethic, as they bit each other in the face when trying to get Ducky.  

Maybe the Spinosaurus was a bit dangerous, as he almost got Guido and even had him in his mouth once.  

Actually, I think the Plated guy had the most frightening aspect, as the first villain was being used a bashing toy by Cera for a bit.  

At least the Plated guy got brought down by two other Sharpteeth, one of whom he actually wounded and probably could have killed had her mate not been there.  He really has nothing to be ashamed of at all, considering how Sharpteeth go.

I mean, think of it, even Sharptooth himself was brought down by five young Flatteeth whereas the Plated Sharptooth was slain by two FULL GROWN Sharpteeth (actually one, Chomper's dad, but he fought two of them.)

His demise actually seems believable in fact as something that could actually happen in the dino world, where two full grown meat eaters would take down maybe even a bigger meat eater in order to protect their son.

In fact, I'll go out on a limb, I often do, I think the fight between Chomper's parents and the Plated guy is as good as the fight between Mama Longneck and Sharptooth.

Both involve parents fighting for their son and fighting Sharpteeth for their son and maybe someone different than them too (in Mama Longneck's case it was Cera, in Chomper's parents's case, it was the Gang of Five.).  

I think that actually was a big way to show the theme of the film V, that Sharpteeth and Flatteeth aren't so different.


  • Chomper
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Not sure who I think the scariest sharptooth is...
...On second thought, I do. The sharptooth from VI. And not because of its actions, which weren't altogether impressive, but something about its' appearance always creeped me out. o__o He just seemed weird-looking compared to the others.
Red Claw looks different, too, but not in a "that creeps me out" kind of way. I'd say Red Claw at least has some nice distinctive features (obviously, the red eye, the scar) which do set him apart from the rest of the sharpteeth. XD Although you can tell that they did try to make some of the sharpteeth look different from each other, so as not to be so "cookie-cutter."

Tell you one thing, the carnivorous dinosaur I think is the scariest (I mean in general) is a spinosaurus. o.o