The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => LBT Fanfiction => Topic started by: rhombus on January 01, 2017, 12:05:08 AM

Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 01, 2017, 12:05:08 AM
Good evening and Happy New Year, everyone!

Today Fyn and I have decided to begin something that we have seen done in several other fandoms: a prompt challenge.  This is an interesting and fun way to encourage creative writing in a manner that often leads to unexpected and surprising results.  Here is how it works:

1)  Each month Fyn and I will alternate in proposing a prompt for potential stories in the Land Before time universe.  This may be a plot detail that would need to be in the story, or it could be a piece of dialogue that must be used, or it could even simply be a plot idea.  As soon as the prompt is posted there will be a one month period in which participants may write and submit a story or poem in response to the prompt.

2)  If you wish to participate please place a copy of your resulting story or poem for the challenge on both the Gang of Five fanfiction section and on In an author’s note in your story mention that this is a response to a prompt challenge and mention that prompt.  The only length requirement on stories is that they need to be at least 1000 words or, in the case of poems, 500 words.

3) PM me with links to both the Gang of Five and the copies of your story.  I will then add a link to the prompt masterlist in this topic.  DO NOT post your story to this topic – we are trying to keep this topic as uncluttered as possible.

4) After the month is complete there will be a vote between the participants on which story (you cannot vote for yourself) was the best prompt response.  The voting will take place in the voting topic ( The winner will gain the ëprize’ of making Fyn and I write a Land Before time story based upon a prompt of their choice.  The usual rules for fanfictions on the forum will apply to those prompts, however, so no smut, extreme violence, etc.

It is my hope that this exercise will result in the inspiration of many good stories from the exceptional authors we have on the forum.  I truly think that the creative side of this fandom is where it really shines, and I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. :)

The first prompt will soon be posted in the The Prompt masterlist topic (  If you have any questions about this challenge, the rules, or any prompts please mention them in this topic – as it is meant for discussion.  The Prompt Masterlist topic will only have the monthly prompts and links to any stories and the voting topic ( will only be for voting at the end of each monthly prompt.

Concerning song fics
Songs can be submitted as poetry, but to prevent abuse and ensure originality a few conditions must be obeyed:
1) They must be original works, that is to say they should not be based on existing music.
2) They still need to adhere to a poetic formula. Obviously this is pretty loose, since poems can take many forms, but essentially it needs to be visually organized like a song (lines, stanzas, etc clearly defined).
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 01, 2017, 12:13:49 AM
And here is the first prompt.  Everyone who is interested will have the entire month of January in order to create a story that incorporates the following somewhere in its narrative:

Use this as part of the narrative: ëAs far as he was concerned if his mom wanted to sleep in instead of her usual habit of waking at daybreak then that was fine with him.’

Once again, if you are interested please post your response story or poem (as a separate topic) to this forum and to  Then provide me with links to both copies of the story by PM so that I can add them to the masterlist.  I look forward to seeing what everyone can come up with!  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on January 02, 2017, 01:10:34 AM
Hey all! As we get this event rolling, I figured I'd chip in my two cents' worth as well by clarifying some things.

First and foremost, we're not expecting perfection. The point of this event is chiefly to have fun, and secondly to evolve our skills as writers. In an environment of constant feedback and brainstorming, I think all of us can benefit, both experienced and inexperienced. Yes, that's correct. Even if you've never written a fanfiction before, and have even the slightest interest in giving it a try, I'd encourage you to participate! This is about the safest environment I can think of to start writing in, and short stories require very little time commitment. Of course, how much time you put in, and how long of a story you create is up to you, and I feel we'll see a variety of different lengths, genres, and the like.

So, to writers both new and old, welcome to the 2017 Prompt Challenge! I simply cannot wait to see what our forum's bright minds can create.

Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on January 02, 2017, 03:59:18 PM
First, I must say that this is a great idea! It would be very cool to see many people (old writers and new) take part in this kind of contest and I'm really considering about giving this a try! However, is there a reason why this should be posted on also? And to which topic should we post them on GOF?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 02, 2017, 04:47:42 PM
I am glad to hear your enthusiasm for the idea. :) I look forward to your entries if you do decide to participate.

The stories would be posted to their own topics in the fanart and fanfiction section on the forum (just like how fanfic stories are currently posted) and then once I am PM'ed by the author I can add a link to the story to the masterlist topic.  This kind of organization is simply done to avoid clutter and to ensure that there is one convenient topic (the masterlist) where links to all of the prompt stories can be found.

As for the simultaneous posting to, this is done to ensure that the stories are seeing the widest possible distribution.  This can encourage wider knowledge of the prompt challenge in the fandom, and it also may encourage wider participation as well.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: The Wasp on January 03, 2017, 03:54:23 AM
This is an excellent idea. I can't wait to get started on it!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on January 03, 2017, 08:16:02 AM
Indeed it is and I will participate! That prompt juuuust happened to work with a story idea I had anyway ;)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on January 03, 2017, 01:03:28 PM
I'm really pleased to see all the positive responses! Thanks for coming on board, and I look forward to this month's entries. Remember that you can use this page for discussion as well. Things like brainstorming, discussion of plot points, etc.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on January 03, 2017, 02:16:00 PM
Do stories have to be finished by the way? My idea certainly isn't a story I can write in 10000-20000 words without applying serious cuts in terms of quality...  :unsure:
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 03, 2017, 02:51:35 PM
Quote from: Ducky123,Jan 3 2017 on  01:16 PM
Do stories have to be finished by the way? My idea certainly isn't a story I can write in 10000-20000 words without applying serious cuts in terms of quality...  :unsure:
Hmmm... I think generally we are looking for completed works.  However, if the part of the story that satisfies the prompt is posted before the deadline then that should be acceptable even if the story is not entirely complete by that time.  If this exception to the policy leads to many cases of incomplete works then we might reconsider that exception, however.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on January 04, 2017, 12:32:19 PM
Okay! Well, I'll try to work really fast on it then. :yes
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on January 05, 2017, 05:32:38 PM
I see you have huge fan contest projectS here, guys. :)
I am happy for you and wish good luck!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on January 05, 2017, 05:56:42 PM
I'm just wondering whether there has actually been any LBT poems? The only ones I can remember are the ones posted by the Friendly Sharptooth. They were pretty nice but apart from his (her?) works, that sub genre has been very quiet.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on January 05, 2017, 06:06:01 PM
Quote from: Sovereign,Jan 5 2017 on  04:56 PM
I'm just wondering whether there has actually been any LBT poems? The only ones I can remember are the ones posted by the Friendly Sharptooth. They were pretty nice but apart from his (her?) works, that sub genre has been very quiet.
Not many, as far as I know. I remember reading one a few years back (2012 if I recall correctly), but that author is no longer writing for LBT- or writing much at all, for that matter. Poetry's always had a small audience, and this is probably why we haven't seen much of it. Thing is- when it's written well, it can be more impactful than a 100k+ word story. I'm hoping we see some of it this year!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on January 05, 2017, 07:17:48 PM
Not so long time I created a thread and asking if there fan LBT themed songs were created, but nobody answered.
Poems, rhymes, and songs are very close to each other, so does songs fit for this thread/competition?

(or we should give  chance to third Promt thread? About songs? ^^ lol)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on January 05, 2017, 07:26:06 PM
Quote from: Snik,Jan 5 2017 on  06:17 PM
Not so long time I created a thread and asking if there fan LBT themed songs were created, but nobody answered.
Poems, rhymes, and songs are very close to each other, so does songs fit for this thread/competition?

(or we should give  chance to third Promt thread? About songs? ^^ lol)
Hmm, I'll talk to Rhombus on that one. While I could see songs being added under poetry, I believe they'd probably have to adhere to a few restrictions. I'll get back to you on that.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on January 05, 2017, 08:55:41 PM
Update on the question about songs: they CAN be submitted, but the songs need to abide by a few restrictions:

-they must be original works, that is to say they should not be based on existing music. As an example, you can't take Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law" and somehow apply it to Ozzy and Strut (though if it were executed well, I'd pay to hear that).

-they still need to adhere to a poetic formula. Obviously this is pretty loose, since poems can take many forms, but essentially it needs to be visually organized like a song (lines, stanzas, etc clearly defined).

These restrictions are in place to ensure that participants are encouraged to create entirely original works regardless of the medium. If you have any additional questions, please ask Rhombus or myself.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on January 10, 2017, 08:28:16 AM
I think about joining your party... And I have a question.

Instead of creating something new, I want to use and remake some of my old not-written stories, with using my OC.

But the problem is that he...
SHE has a problem with gender. XD

So, does sentence "As far as SHE was concerned if his mom wanted to sleep in instead of her usual habit of waking at daybreak then that was fine with HER." fit with this month's promt? XD
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on January 10, 2017, 09:29:43 AM
Good question, I was wondering about that too for my story... anyway, I would love to see your story so I hope it works out for you :yes
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on January 10, 2017, 04:27:00 PM
in case if not, well, I have alternative story. ;)

lol this gender borders...

fun fact: in official translation of some LBT movies, one beloved character was forced to change its gender... Many times.
guess who was a victim...

[size0]It's nickname of one active user)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on January 10, 2017, 04:30:53 PM
Since this month's prompt is Rhombus's I feel he'd be more qualified to answer your question. I'm tentatively going to say I don't think the character's gender is going to be an issue, but I would be cautious about bringing old works forward. Though as long as it's changed significantly enough, it should be fine.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on January 10, 2017, 05:09:41 PM
fun fact: in official translation of some LBT movies, one beloved character was forced to change its gender... Many times.
guess who was a victim...

(hint: It's nickname of one active user)
Ducky?  :blink:

but I would be cautious about bringing old works forward. Though as long as it's changed significantly enough, it should be fine.
I think Snik never posted never stories on here so far. Of course it's always better to write a new story but if he has a story that fits the prompt that he hasn't shared with us yet... why not? :)

My story idea is a recycled version of something I wrote like... 3 years ago too. It just never took off back then so I never continued it. Of course I'm writing it from scratch... all these grammar mistakes in my old writing ugh  :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on January 10, 2017, 05:40:57 PM
as I said, I have not-written story.

That means it wasn't written anywhere and its events happened only inside my head so far. :P

Ducky?  :blink:
poor Ducky...

SHE is not amused.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 10, 2017, 06:26:34 PM
It was not my intention to limit the gender of the person in my prompt, so either "he" or "she" would work in this instance.  :yes I look forward to seeing what you come up with if you decide to participate, Snik.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on January 10, 2017, 08:50:29 PM
as I said, I have not-written story.

That means it wasn't written anywhere and its events happened only inside my head so far. :p
Ohhh, sorry for mixing that up  :lol

poor Ducky...

SHE is not amused.
user posted image
That face...  :spit Screams at me "DRAW ME, Ducky!"  :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on January 31, 2017, 02:13:49 PM
What is special promt? ;)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 31, 2017, 02:47:45 PM
That will be the prompt that the winner of the voting decides for Fyn and I.  All of those who submitted a story for the prompt will be able to vote on who they think had the best prompt response, though they cannot vote for themselves (and they cannot vote for Fyn and I either, as we are running the project). I will open up the voting tomorrow in the appropriate topic.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on February 01, 2017, 01:22:55 AM
Mine might be a few minutes late, but I'm going to get it submitted dangit >.>
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on February 01, 2017, 01:37:48 AM
You can do it!  :smile
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 01, 2017, 03:16:16 AM
Okay, everyone, the first month has been completed and wow did we get a lot of participation.  :wow  Six submissions far exceeds what I believed was possible for this prompt challenge, and the quality of work that I have seen thus far is truly awe-inspiring.  All of our participants from January should feel proud of what they have produced.  :)

Now we have 2 things on the agenda.

First, there will be voting in the the voting topic ( for the best prompt response in the last month.  Each participant from the last month will have the opportunity to cast a vote for one of the entries, except that you cannot vote for yourself or for me or Fyn.  Fyn and I will only cast a vote if necessary to break a tie.  You will have until 11:59PM February 06, 2017 to cast your votes.  The winner will get to pick a special prompt for Fyn and I to complete.

Second, there is a new prompt for a new month.  The same rules will apply for this month as in last month, if you wish to participate then you will need to complete a story or poem that fulfills the prompt and then you will need to PM me with the title, description, gang of five link, and link of the story.  This month’s prompt is:

February 2017

Proposed by Fyn

Your protagonist for this piece is widely considered to be the Great Valley's foremost expert on love, but one day, they are approached by the last dinosaur they ever expected to see, with his/her most challenging request yet

Have fun, everyone!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on February 01, 2017, 04:59:25 AM

I'm little confused about new prompt... foremost expert on love? You mean, like, matchmaker? And there's more than one of them?
(I think I gonna skip this prompt month again... xD)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on February 01, 2017, 05:17:28 AM
Well, this is gonna get interesting... For now, I have no idea what to write but luckily there's a whole month to think about it. :) Also, six participants was a quite good amount for the first month and I agree that every one of them was a great read. Now if I could just decide whom I'm gonna vote for.  :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on February 01, 2017, 12:00:12 PM
Quote from: Snik,Feb 1 2017 on  03:59 AM

I'm little confused about new prompt... foremost expert on love? You mean, like, matchmaker? And there's more than one of them?
(I think I gonna skip this prompt month again... xD)
The prompt was left deliberately ambiguous this month to encourage interpretation. "Foremost expert" as you suggested, could mean a matchmaker, but it also could mean a healer, an advice-giver, perhaps a parent with a stable relationship and a good courting history, or even just a normal resident of the Valley who happens to know what they're talking about.

So, as an example prompt response synopsis that Rhombus and I thought up a while back:

"Ducky's mother is surprised when none other than Red Claw shows up in the Valley asking for her help in the art of courtship."

As you can imagine, this is definitely not a serious prompt, though there is still room for serious interpretations. My interpretation definitely borders on the serious side this month. In any case, it's all up to you.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on February 02, 2017, 01:16:39 AM
Well, I knew it would be something romantic but... I'm not sure if I can work with such a vague... prompt  :unsure:
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: The Lone Dragon on February 02, 2017, 03:36:11 AM
I had a very interesting idea for this prompt but now when I re read it I notice that it would not address the prompt I'm not sure if I'll write on this prompt now.
And I had such an interesting idea too but I'll see if I can pull an ace out of my sleeve for this cause I really would like to write.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: The Wasp on February 03, 2017, 12:06:29 AM
Don't mind the romance, my current fic is about that haha, but it is quite vague.

Challenge accepted.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on February 04, 2017, 02:05:15 PM
Ugh, I still need to read the latest entries :p
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on February 07, 2017, 12:39:13 PM
Quote from: Fyn16,Feb 1 2017 on  07:00 PM
So, as an example prompt response synopsis that Rhombus and I thought up a while back:

"Ducky's mother is surprised when none other than Red Claw shows up in the Valley asking for her help in the art of courtship."

What next? Original Sharptooth asks Ruby for help? XD

it sounds like it's a promt only for not-serious pun stories. XD

ok ok, I stop.

I just can't imagine any idea for serious story with this prompt.
Only something for short pun story from my third LBT universe... (example: till the end of page):// end of page) (
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on February 13, 2017, 07:53:18 AM
I'm not willing to be nitpicky but the prompt says the protagonist has to be approached by the last "dinosaur" he/she expects. Does it matter if the character in question is a flyer?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on February 13, 2017, 11:21:04 AM
That's a very good point, and one I am embarrassed to admit I overlooked. Yes, the "dinosaur" can be any variety of prehistoric creature.

Hope I could clear that up!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on February 13, 2017, 11:23:58 AM
Quote from: Snik,Feb 7 2017 on  11:39 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Feb 1 2017 on  07:00 PM
So, as an example prompt response synopsis that Rhombus and I thought up a while back:

"Ducky's mother is surprised when none other than Red Claw shows up in the Valley asking for her help in the art of courtship."

What next? Original Sharptooth asks Ruby for help? XD

it sounds like it's a promt only for not-serious pun stories. XD

ok ok, I stop.

I just can't imagine any idea for serious story with this prompt.
Only something for short pun story from my third LBT universe... (example: till the end of page):// end of page):// end of page) (
Can't imagine a serious response, you say?

Challenge accepted.  :smile
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on February 13, 2017, 12:50:55 PM
Quote from: Fyn16,Feb 13 2017 on  06:23 PM
Can't imagine a serious response, you say?

Challenge accepted. :smile


I would like to read your result! ^^
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on February 20, 2017, 09:53:32 AM
Well, I'm definitely out for this month. The prompt is too silly to come up with a story I can be somewhat satisfied with. Not a fan of stories that don't make sense  :neutral
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Littlefoot fan 1990 on February 20, 2017, 10:11:30 AM
I think I'll wait for next month's prompt; this prompt seems to be a bit too vague for me to write a story and have it make sense.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on February 20, 2017, 10:20:36 AM
not even short joke pun story of yours? ;)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Littlefoot fan 1990 on February 20, 2017, 10:23:43 AM
nope, sorry; can't think of one right now.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on February 20, 2017, 10:37:41 AM
I understand. My prompt this month was, frankly, poorly constructed and I apologize for forcing it on everyone here. Clearly I should have taken a more direct approach, or perhaps even released it anonymously. I'm sorry I did not think my prompt through, and I absolutely understand the low turnout rate we will have this month. I'm sure Rhombus and I will discuss this, and I hope we can come up with a solution that will better serve you in the future.

I myself am also bowing out. Working two prompts and a mainline story this month is too much for me. My intent was to do a story in which Tria, known to the Valley as somewhat of a love expert, is asked by Topps to help him prepare for taking a new mate years after his mate's death. What would follow would be the two of them working through Topps's past, helping to build his confidence back up, and learning a little more about both Threehorns in the process, until finally Topps comes to realize that, in fact, Tria is the right mate for him. Still, it's pretty silly. It would have been just as much of a joke fic as any other, looking back. I don't think I could ever have made a serious effort out of this topic.

Have a nice day, everyone.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 01, 2017, 12:00:04 PM
Okay, everyone, turnout was somewhat lower this month, but I am still pleased with the continued participation.  :) I hope that this participation continues into this month.

Now we have 2 things on the agenda.

First, there will be no voting in the the voting topic ( for the best prompt response this time.  This is because there are only two qualified entries (my entry is not in the running) and each person cannot vote for themselves... so that leaves a 1 to 1 tie.  As a consequence Fyn and I will take a look at the entries for this month and attempt a tie-breaker.

Second, there is a new prompt for a new month.  The same rules will apply for this month as in last month, if you wish to participate then you will need to complete a story or poem that fulfills the prompt and then you will need to PM me with the title, description, gang of five link, and link of the story.  This month’s prompt is:

March 2017

Proposed by Rhombus

"Make a story that is from the perspective of an omnivore or sharptooth other than Chomper or Ruby.  They may be villains, allies, neutral observers, or anything you like, but the perspective of the narrative must be from the viewpoint of the sharptooth or omnivore."

There are many possibilities here to consider perspectives that haven't seen much use in fanfictions, such as unnamed sharpteeth in the series, or it could also be from the standpoint of Ruby's family, Chomper's parents, Redclaw, Screech, Thud, Ozzy, Strut, etc.  There are many possibilities.  In any case, have fun, everyone!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on March 01, 2017, 12:19:51 PM
It's a shame that the previous prompt didn't draw in as many people as the first one but it was a bit difficult to execute. However, the new prompt seems quite nice and I'm sure there are some very interesting stories than can be made of it. :) I, for one, will continue to participate.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on March 01, 2017, 12:21:00 PM
other than Chomper?

*puts story with Chomper outside the competition*

question: Do sharpbeaks and swimmer sharpteeth fit with this prompt?

Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 01, 2017, 12:25:26 PM
Quote from: Snik,Mar 1 2017 on  11:21 AM
other than Chomper?

*puts story with Chomper outside the competition*

question: Do sharpbeaks and swimmer sharpteeth fit with this prompt?
Yep, sharpbeaks and swimmer sharpteeth would fit the requirements of this prompt.  :yes
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on March 01, 2017, 12:38:31 PM
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on March 03, 2017, 09:18:17 AM
Seems like another prompt I don't like. Unless I get a sudden inspiration I probably won't participate again.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on March 03, 2017, 09:27:15 AM
Forgot to ask another question:

"...story that is from the perspective..." means STRONG first-person perspective? Without any third-person viewpoint/perspective, like in Choices fanstory? Or there can be third-person description of protagonist's movement and actions?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on March 03, 2017, 12:13:28 PM
I'm going to go ahead and tentatively answer that, as Rhombus won't be around today. My response will be from the third-person perspective, so I think you're fine to go ahead with whatever perspective you choose. Remember that perspective and point-of-view are two very different things. However, I'll be sure to ask him when he gets back. Stand by in case my answer changes.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on March 03, 2017, 12:36:58 PM
perspective and point-of-view are two very different things
Can you explain me, please?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on March 04, 2017, 11:20:50 AM
Quote from: Snik,Mar 3 2017 on  11:36 AM
perspective and point-of-view are two very different things
Can you explain me, please?
Certainly! Point of view is the lens through which the reader views the story, so technically this is where first person/second person/third person comes from, whereas Perspective is simply how the character experiences that story, or more accurately, who the readers are viewing that story through, so a story with a first person point of view can still be written from any perspective. You could have a Sharptooth's perspective, or a Leaf Eater's perspective- heck, you could probably do a tree's perspective, all in a first, second, or third person point of view.

Hopefully that wasn't too confusing. Both terms are often used interchangeably, but they tend to mean different things in literary circles.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Littlefoot fan 1990 on March 27, 2017, 10:05:16 AM
Just like with the prompt from February, I have no story idea in mind for this month's prompt. Maybe I'll take part in writing a story for the fanfiction prompt for the month of April.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on March 28, 2017, 05:09:34 PM
Yeah, same here, unfortunately.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on March 28, 2017, 06:41:09 PM
Ok, I decided to myself: I will finish the story anyway, even if it doesn't fit with time borders.
I believe main purpose of this promt - giving motivation and courage to write your own work. Even if it doesn't end here, in posted list of works at the end of month. Right? :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 28, 2017, 08:50:53 PM
Quote from: Snik,Mar 28 2017 on  05:41 PM
Ok, I decided to myself: I will finish the story anyway, even if it doesn't fit with time borders.
I believe main purpose of this promt - giving motivation and courage to write your own work. Even if it doesn't end here, in posted list of works at the end of month. Right? :D
That's correct, we certainly encourage creative writing, even if it doesn't fit in to the month's prompt.  :) The biggest leap is making that first story, and slowly growing as a writer.  If it does not fit into the prompt for the month it just will not appear on the masterlist.  But I, for one, would be glad to give you consturctive feedback on whatever you decide to write.   :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on March 28, 2017, 09:35:43 PM
Ah, I really wish I could do more of these, but I'm afraid I'm just going to have to wait until summer break! I actually had a really funny idea for February's prompt involving Guido... and I might still write it as a one-off when I get the time :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 01:37:09 AM
Good morning, everyone! After much consideration, I’ve decided that this month’s prompt will be as follows:

Write a story in which one of the Gang of Five or an OC is killed, and the rest of the gang must deal with the loss.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Cera42 on April 01, 2017, 01:38:24 AM
Oh no, not this crap again!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Unaging_Apatosaurus on April 01, 2017, 01:39:44 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  12:37 AM
Good morning, everyone! After much consideration, I’ve decided that this month’s prompt will be as follows:

Write a story in which one of the Gang of Five or an OC is killed, and the rest of the gang must deal with the loss.
Another dark prompt? Don’t you think you two are taking this a little far?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 01:40:32 AM
Quote from: Unaging_Apatosaurus,Apr 1 2017 on  12:39 AM

Another dark prompt? Don’t you think you two are taking this a little far?
I… what? Not really. People seem to enjoy writing this sort of thing.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 01:41:23 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  12:40 AM
Quote from: Unaging_Apatosaurus,Apr 1 2017 on  12:39 AM

Another dark prompt? Don’t you think you two are taking this a little far?
I… what? Not really. People seem to enjoy writing this sort of thing.
I mean… if it wasn’t for darker fics then what would I write?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky97 on April 01, 2017, 01:42:27 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Apr 1 2017 on  12:41 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  12:40 AM
Quote from: Unaging_Apatosaurus,Apr 1 2017 on  12:39 AM

Another dark prompt? Don’t you think you two are taking this a little far?
I… what? Not really. People seem to enjoy writing this sort of thing.
I mean… if it wasn’t for darker fics then what would I write?
Well there are all sorts of nice things you could write about! Yep, yep, yep!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 01:43:22 AM
Quote from: Ducky97,Apr 1 2017 on  12:42 AM
Well there are all sorts of nice things you could write about! Yep, yep, yep!
 I understand that, but we’ve had our fair share of nice fics, too. I mean I went through a lot of time brainstorming to come up with this, so…
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Spike882 on April 01, 2017, 01:43:57 AM
*Incoherent grunting*
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Unaging_Apatosaurus on April 01, 2017, 01:44:56 AM
You had an idea, Spike?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 01:47:41 AM
Quote from: Spike882,Apr 1 2017 on  12:43 AM
*Incoherent grunting*
Um… what is he saying?  That he wants food?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 01:48:48 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Apr 1 2017 on  12:47 AM
Um… what is he saying?  That he wants food?
Probably  :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky97 on April 01, 2017, 01:49:24 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  12:48 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Apr 1 2017 on  12:47 AM
Um… what is he saying?  That he wants food?
Probably  :lol
Don’t be silly.  Spike said that although he enjoys stories that break the mould and deconstruct the tired deontological moral theories of Kant and others, that sometimes it is good to break out of one’s comfort zone.  He feels that to continue the tired narratives of the past would be to deprive you all of the chance to grow as a person. As Friedrich Nietzsche told us the will to power drives men to create, and it is the most important drive, more important than even the will to life.  The moment that drive dies so does the will to power, and with it, the spirit of the man.  And we do not want that, nope, nope, nope.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 01:50:54 AM
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 01:51:30 AM
Quote from: Ducky97,Apr 1 2017 on  12:49 AM
Don’t be silly.  Spike said that although he enjoys stories that break the mould and deconstruct the tired deontological moral theories of Kant and others, that sometimes it is good to break out of one’s comfort zone.  He feels that to continue the tired narratives of the past would be to deprive you all of the chance to grow as a person. As Friedrich Nietzsche told us the will to power drives men to create, and it is the most important drive, more important than even the will to life.  The moment that drive dies so does the will to power, and with it, the spirit of the man.  And we do not want that, nope, nope, nope.
So… he doesn’t like the prompt either? Does anyone like the prompt?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Rear on April 01, 2017, 01:53:00 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  12:51 AM
So… he doesn’t like the prompt either? Does anyone like the prompt?
I do! :DD

 What? Death can be beautiful too, you know.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 01:54:46 AM
Quote from: Rear,Apr 1 2017 on  12:53 AM
I do! :DD

 What? Death can be beautiful too, you know.
Rear, given the present company, now might not be the best time for… you know. Maybe save that kind of talk for Sol?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 01:55:09 AM
Wait a moment, you are an OC… aren’t you supposed to be stuck in one of Fyn’s stories?  I mean if you are here then… oh no.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Rear on April 01, 2017, 01:58:26 AM
Ancestors help me. Does that mean…?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 01:58:40 AM
Hello, everyone!  Everyone’s favorite fastbiter is in the house!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 02:02:15 AM
Quote from: Taunt,Apr 1 2017 on  12:58 AM
Hello, everyone!  Everyone’s favorite fastbiter is in the house!
Oh God no.  Taunt, what have we told you about trying to get to the outside world... there is a reason that I keep you in fanfiction.  Trust me... we have enough trolls out here in the real world.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Rear on April 01, 2017, 02:02:16 AM
Why didn't I listen to Fyn? Stay in the story, he said! You won't have to meet him, he said!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 02:03:23 AM
Can we have a moment of peace, please? Now, Gang, you disagree with my prompt choice. Fair enough. But April’s already here. Do you have any suggestion as to what I should put up instead? Rear, er… Taunt, feel free to chime in, too.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Stern Claw on April 01, 2017, 02:04:13 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  01:03 AM
Can we have a moment of peace, please? Now, Gang, you disagree with my prompt choice. Fair enough. But April’s already here. Do you have any suggestion as to what I should put up instead? Rear, er… Taunt, feel free to chime in, too.
Oh, you just had to invite him, didn’t you?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:05:07 AM
Quote from: Stern Claw,Apr 1 2017 on  01:04 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  01:03 AM
Can we have a moment of peace, please? Now, Gang, you disagree with my prompt choice. Fair enough. But April’s already here. Do you have any suggestion as to what I should put up instead? Rear, er… Taunt, feel free to chime in, too.
Oh, you just had to invite him, didn’t you?
What, dear, are you afraid that they will be stunned by my brilliance?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 02:06:00 AM
Taunt, quit pestering Cera!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:07:05 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Apr 1 2017 on  01:06 AM
Taunt, quit pestering Cera!
What?  I’m sure my mate is used to it by now.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:07:35 AM
Ha!  You missed again, dear!  It's a shame the kids aren't here to see this!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Cera42 on April 01, 2017, 02:08:34 AM
Wait.. what is he talking about?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Stern Claw on April 01, 2017, 02:09:29 AM
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:10:45 AM
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Cera42 on April 01, 2017, 02:11:46 AM
Are you two saying that I am mated to that in Rhombus's story… what kind of sick bastard are you, rhombus?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Old One Eye on April 01, 2017, 02:13:18 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  01:11 AM
Are you two saying that I am mated to that in Rhombus's story… what kind of sick bastard are you, rhombus?
Shut your eyes, kid! That deceiver's nothing but a conniving little... ugh. He's no friend of yours or mine.

Or otherwise, for that matter.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 02:14:16 AM
You too? Why? Why can’t you all let me post in peace?!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: The_Fast_Fastrunner on April 01, 2017, 02:16:12 AM
Am I seeing double, or are their double Ceras that I am seeing?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Petrie23 on April 01, 2017, 02:17:33 AM
Quote from: The_Fast_Fastrunner,Apr 1 2017 on  01:16 AM
Am I seeing double, or are their double Ceras that I am seeing?
Me see three too! Or not two.. Uh… Three! Three threehorns!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Cera42 on April 01, 2017, 02:18:33 AM
Quote from: Petrie23,Apr 1 2017 on  01:17 AM
Quote from: The_Fast_Fastrunner,Apr 1 2017 on  01:16 AM
Am I seeing double, or are their double Ceras that I am seeing?
Me see three too! Or not two.. Uh… Three! Three threehorns!
I’m the real Cera!  :anger
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Old One Eye on April 01, 2017, 02:19:33 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  01:18 AM
I’m the real Cera!  :anger
Hush, child. It's obvious I'm the real Cera here, and I have the years on you to prove it.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Stern Claw on April 01, 2017, 02:20:08 AM
Quote from: Old One Eye,Apr 1 2017 on  01:19 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  01:18 AM
I’m the real Cera!  :anger
Hush, child. It's obvious I'm the real Cera here, and I have the years on you to prove it.
I look real to me, you silly sap-suckers.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Unaging_Apatosaurus on April 01, 2017, 02:21:13 AM
Quote from: Stern Claw,Apr 1 2017 on  01:20 AM
Quote from: Old One Eye,Apr 1 2017 on  01:19 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  01:18 AM
I’m the real Cera! :anger
Hush, child. It's obvious I'm the real Cera here, and I have the years on you to prove it.
I look real to me, you silly sap-suckers.
Sigh… regardless of who the real one is, I am getting a headache
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Chomper88 on April 01, 2017, 02:22:37 AM
Quote from: Unaging_Apatosaurus,Apr 1 2017 on  01:21 AM
Sigh… regardless of who the real one is, I am getting a headache
I wouldn't worry about it too much, Littlefoot. That’s just a Cera thing. I’d be getting a headache even if there was only one!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Cera42 on April 01, 2017, 02:23:07 AM
Quote from: Chomper88,Apr 1 2017 on  01:22 AM
Quote from: Unaging_Apatosaurus,Apr 1 2017 on  01:21 AM
Sigh… regardless of who the real one is, I am getting a headache
I wouldn't worry about it too much, Littlefoot. That’s just a Cera thing. I’d be getting a headache even if there was only one!
What’s that, pipsqueak?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Chomper88 on April 01, 2017, 02:24:01 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  01:23 AM
What’s that, pipsqueak?
What? Oh, oh my. Sorry about that. Fyn's cat jumped on the keyboard.

Nice weather today, huh?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 02:24:59 AM
Forget my cat and forget the weather! We need to settle this now!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Rear on April 01, 2017, 02:26:42 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  01:24 AM
Forget my cat and forget the weather! We need to settle this now!
Now hold on, let's not lose our heads over this. I mean, we could do something about internal conflict this time around. From what I've read, you seem to enjoy that sort of thing.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Unaging_Apatosaurus on April 01, 2017, 02:27:18 AM
Quote from: Rear,Apr 1 2017 on  01:26 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  01:24 AM
Forget my cat and forget the weather! We need to settle this now!
Now hold on, let's not lose our heads over this. I mean, we could do something about internal conflict this time around. From what I've read, you seem to enjoy that sort of thing.
But not too dark. Maybe something heroic. Like a Story Speaker’s tale or something!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:28:09 AM
Quote from: Unaging_Apatosaurus,Apr 1 2017 on  01:27 AM
Quote from: Rear,Apr 1 2017 on  01:26 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  01:24 AM
Forget my cat and forget the weather! We need to settle this now!
Now hold on, let's not lose our heads over this. I mean, we could do something about internal conflict this time around. From what I've read, you seem to enjoy that sort of thing.
But not too dark. Maybe something heroic. Like a Story Speaker’s tale or something!
We could make the prompt about a Littlefoot/Cera romance.  After all, that hasn’t been done before, right?  :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Cera42 on April 01, 2017, 02:29:58 AM
Quote from: Taunt,Apr 1 2017 on  01:28 AM
Quote from: Unaging_Apatosaurus,Apr 1 2017 on  01:27 AM
Quote from: Rear,Apr 1 2017 on  01:26 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  01:24 AM
Forget my cat and forget the weather! We need to settle this now!
Now hold on, let's not lose our heads over this. I mean, we could do something about internal conflict this time around. From what I've read, you seem to enjoy that sort of thing.
But not too dark. Maybe something heroic. Like a Story Speaker’s tale or something!
We could make the prompt about a Littlefoot/Cera romance.  After all, that hasn’t been done before, right?  :lol
Gross! Listen here, fastbiter, I have rammed Rule 34 people in the past and I am not afraid to do so now!  :anger
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 02:31:53 AM
We could make the prompt about a Littlefoot/Cera romance.  After all, that hasn’t been done before, right?  :lol

If you ignore about third of the LBT fiction then sure, Taunt, that is totally an original idea.  :rolleyes
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:32:52 AM
Heh… I am sure that she still thinks about it.   :smile
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Stern Claw on April 01, 2017, 02:33:46 AM
Quote from: Taunt,Apr 1 2017 on  01:32 AM
Heh… I am sure that she still thinks about it.   :smile
That’s it!  I am going to chase you to the After Midnight section where you belong!  :anger
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 02:34:41 AM
Alright… those two should fit in there.  But anyway... does anyone else have any ideas?  Any ideas at all?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 02:35:20 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Apr 1 2017 on  01:34 AM
Alright… those two should fit in there.  But anyway... does anyone else have any ideas?  Any ideas at all?
I'm abstaining. Apparently my ideas are crap.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Rear on April 01, 2017, 02:36:48 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  01:35 AM
I'm abstaining. Apparently my ideas are crap.
Oh no, don't you go falling apart on me too. First Sol, now this. Do I have to be everyone's hatchling-sitter?!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Petrie23 on April 01, 2017, 02:37:26 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Apr 1 2017 on  01:34 AM
Alright… those two should fit in there.  But anyway... does anyone else have any ideas?  Any ideas at all?
Me have GREAT idea! We have prompt about how great Bright Circle is!  :DD
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn on April 01, 2017, 02:37:57 AM
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 02:39:03 AM
Quote from: Fyn,Apr 1 2017 on  01:37 AM
Fyn? If you're going to participate here, please use the speech to text program like I taught you. The custom keyboard you requested costs more than my car.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn on April 01, 2017, 02:40:14 AM
Uh... yeah, sorry. What I meant to say was- Petrie, I’m not sure we should go around encouraging blind belief like that....
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:40:54 AM
Aren’t you glad that you didn’t change Fyn’s username now, Rhombus?  Having two people with nearly the same name is totally not confusing.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Stern Claw on April 01, 2017, 02:41:52 AM
Quote from: Taunt,Apr 1 2017 on  01:40 AM
Aren’t you glad that you didn’t change Fyn’s username now, Rhombus?  Having two people with nearly the same name is totally not confusing.
Come back here! :anger
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 02:43:06 AM
Where did I go wrong...
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky97 on April 01, 2017, 02:43:55 AM
How about a ëbestest friends’ story? Something nice and easy to read?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 02:44:51 AM
Quote from: Ducky97,Apr 1 2017 on  01:43 AM
How about a ëbestest friends’ story? Something nice and easy to read?
You know, I could really go for something like that right now...
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Spike882 on April 01, 2017, 02:45:36 AM
*Incoherent grunting*
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 02:46:22 AM
Quote from: Spike882,Apr 1 2017 on  01:45 AM
*Incoherent grunting*
I'm afraid to ask...
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky97 on April 01, 2017, 02:47:14 AM
Quote from: Spike882,Apr 1 2017 on  01:45 AM
*Incoherent grunting*
Don’t be silly, Spike.  You have been reading too much Ayn Rand.  Though all ethical systems are inherently subjective, it is obscene beyond all measure to claim that selfishness is the highest ideal.  Though all ethical systems are in reality based upon a certain degree of egoism, as even a good person is driven to do good because of how the good act and its repercussions makes him or her feel, an ethical system based upon the outright rejection of altruism would be unsustainable in any actual society. It just would not work, nope, nope, nope!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn on April 01, 2017, 02:48:36 AM
Okay, that does it. I'm out of here. Plus it feels like someone's watching us. I hear fanart's a nice place to hang out...
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Spike882 on April 01, 2017, 02:49:07 AM
Quote from: Ducky97,Apr 1 2017 on  01:47 AM
Quote from: Spike882,Apr 1 2017 on  01:45 AM
*Incoherent grunting*
Don’t be silly, Spike.  You have been reading too much Ayn Rand.  Though all ethical systems are inherently subjective, it is obscene beyond all measure to claim that selfishness is the highest ideal.  Though all ethical systems are in reality based upon a certain degree of egoism, as even a good person is driven to do good because of how the good act and its repercussions makes him or her feel, an ethical system based upon the outright rejection of altruism would be unsustainable in any actual society. It just would not work, nope, nope, nope!
*Incoherent grunting*
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky97 on April 01, 2017, 02:49:47 AM
Quote from: Spike882,Apr 1 2017 on  01:49 AM
Quote from: Ducky97,Apr 1 2017 on  01:47 AM
Quote from: Spike882,Apr 1 2017 on  01:45 AM
*Incoherent grunting*
Don’t be silly, Spike.  You have been reading too much Ayn Rand.  Though all ethical systems are inherently subjective, it is obscene beyond all measure to claim that selfishness is the highest ideal.  Though all ethical systems are in reality based upon a certain degree of egoism, as even a good person is driven to do good because of how the good act and its repercussions makes him or her feel, an ethical system based upon the outright rejection of altruism would be unsustainable in any actual society. It just would not work, nope, nope, nope!
*Incoherent grunting*
No I am not reading Atlas Shrugged, Spike, that thing is nearly as long as the Seven Hunters, and it even has a 60 page speech.  Ayn Rand should have hired a better editor than the yellowbellies.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 02:51:55 AM
Six years of college, eight years teaching... only to spend the last three years of dealing with these characters.  Where did I go wrong in life?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:52:49 AM
Quote from: Ducky97,Apr 1 2017 on  01:49 AM
Quote from: Spike882,Apr 1 2017 on  01:49 AM
Quote from: Ducky97,Apr 1 2017 on  01:47 AM
Quote from: Spike882,Apr 1 2017 on  01:45 AM
*Incoherent grunting*
Don’t be silly, Spike.  You have been reading too much Ayn Rand.  Though all ethical systems are inherently subjective, it is obscene beyond all measure to claim that selfishness is the highest ideal.  Though all ethical systems are in reality based upon a certain degree of egoism, as even a good person is driven to do good because of how the good act and its repercussions makes him or her feel, an ethical system based upon the outright rejection of altruism would be unsustainable in any actual society. It just would not work, nope, nope, nope!
*Incoherent grunting*
No I am not reading Atlas Shrugged, Spike, that thing is nearly as long as the Seven Hunters, and it even has a 60 page speech.  Ayn Rand should have hired a better editor than the yellowbellies.
Hey, you two!  You know that political rants go in the After Midnight section!  :smile
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Stern Claw on April 01, 2017, 02:53:49 AM
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Taunt on April 01, 2017, 02:54:46 AM
Quote from: Stern Claw,Apr 1 2017 on  01:53 AM
Ow!  Why you stupid longneck-loving, b%^&!

Rhombus: Edited to censor Taunt's inappropriate language.  I told you both that I was done giving you warnings.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Stern Claw on April 01, 2017, 02:55:51 AM
Quote from: Taunt,Apr 1 2017 on  01:54 AM
Quote from: Stern Claw,Apr 1 2017 on  01:53 AM
Ow!  Why you stupid longneck-loving, b%^&!
What did you call me, stripe ass?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 02:59:47 AM
Quote from: Stern Claw,Apr 1 2017 on  01:55 AM
Quote from: Taunt,Apr 1 2017 on  01:54 AM
Quote from: Stern Claw,Apr 1 2017 on  01:53 AM
Ow!  Why you stupid longneck-loving, b%^&!
What did you call me, stripe ass?
Took them long enough to break the forum’s rules… I wonder how long it will take for them to make sockpuppet accounts.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:00:32 AM
Not long enough. I've gotta be honest, Rhombus, he was fun to read about, but in person? I can’t… I don’t think I can do this anymore. Are there any other ideas before I break out the white flag?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Chomper88 on April 01, 2017, 03:01:55 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:00 AM
Not long enough. I've gotta be honest, Rhombus, he was fun to read about, but in person? I can’t… I don’t think I can do this anymore. Are there any other ideas before I break out the white flag?
How about something that’ll make everyone laugh?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Cera42 on April 01, 2017, 03:02:16 AM
Quote from: Chomper88,Apr 1 2017 on  02:01 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:00 AM
Not long enough. I've gotta be honest, Rhombus, he was fun to read about, but in person? I can’t… I don’t think I can do this anymore. Are there any other ideas before I break out the white flag?
How about something that’ll make everyone laugh?
No, do something about Threehorns! But, you know, not something funny. Threehorns aren’t funny. We’re legends.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Rear on April 01, 2017, 03:03:25 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  02:02 AM
Quote from: Chomper88,Apr 1 2017 on  02:01 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:00 AM
Not long enough. I've gotta be honest, Rhombus, he was fun to read about, but in person? I can’t… I don’t think I can do this anymore. Are there any other ideas before I break out the white flag?
How about something that’ll make everyone laugh?
No, do something about Threehorns! But, you know, not something funny. Threehorns aren’t funny. We’re legends.
The only thing "legendary" about Threehorns is the taste  :DD
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:04:46 AM
Quote from: Rear,Apr 1 2017 on  02:03 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  02:02 AM
Quote from: Chomper88,Apr 1 2017 on  02:01 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:00 AM
Not long enough. I've gotta be honest, Rhombus, he was fun to read about, but in person? I can’t… I don’t think I can do this anymore. Are there any other ideas before I break out the white flag?
How about something that’ll make everyone laugh?
No, do something about Threehorns! But, you know, not something funny. Threehorns aren’t funny. We’re legends.
The only thing "legendary" about Threehorns is the taste  :DD
REAR! Not helping!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Rear on April 01, 2017, 03:05:51 AM
Fine. I'll just see myself out then. Sol appreciates my jokes.  :neutral
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: TotallyNotTaunt on April 01, 2017, 03:06:15 AM
I am totally an original character who wants to contribute to this conversation.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 03:07:30 AM
Quote from: TotallyNotTaunt,Apr 1 2017 on  02:06 AM
I am totally an original character who wants to contribute to this conversation.
Anyone else?  Please, anyone else at all.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:08:35 AM
I don't know, Rhombus. This whole thing is a mess. Can't you all just agree on something?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Unaging_Apatosaurus on April 01, 2017, 03:09:05 AM
Hey, I know! Let’s combine all the ideas together! Then everyone gets their way!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:09:55 AM
Quote from: Unaging_Apatosaurus,Apr 1 2017 on  02:09 AM
Hey, I know! Let’s combine all the ideas together! Then everyone gets their way!
Littlefoot, no offense, but I’m not sure you understand how fiction-writing works.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: TotallyNotTaunt on April 01, 2017, 03:10:39 AM
Suckers  :lol

Hey, everyone.  I just discovered this awesome website that sells custom kitchens.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 03:11:33 AM
Quote from: TotallyNotTaunt,Apr 1 2017 on  02:10 AM
Suckers  :lol

Hey, everyone.  I just discovered this awesome website that sells custom kitchens.
Taunt, seriously?  This is a low blow even for you.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:13:01 AM
Okay. Moving on, then. So let me get this straight. We have a heroic character study about the Bright Circle’s romantic flings either supporting or debunking Randian philosophy, and… oh right. It also has to be a legendary comedy. Did I leave anything out?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Cera42 on April 01, 2017, 03:13:52 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:13 AM
Okay. Moving on, then. So let me get this straight. We have a heroic character study about the Bright Circle’s romantic flings either supporting or debunking Randian philosophy, and… oh right. It also has to be a legendary comedy. Did I leave anything out?
It has to include threehorns!  That’s the most important part!  x(cera
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:15:05 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  02:13 AM
It has to include threehorns!  That’s the most important part!  x(cera
Right. Threehorns… Rhombus, I’m done. I’m just done. Do you have any ideas? I'd honestly take anything at this point.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 03:15:46 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:15 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  02:13 AM
It has to include threehorns!  That’s the most important part!  x(cera
Right. Threehorns… Rhombus, I’m done. I’m just done. Do you have any ideas? I'd honestly take anything at this point.
That we start writing My Little Pony fanfiction and move on to a slightly less crazy fandom?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:17:53 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Apr 1 2017 on  02:15 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:15 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  02:13 AM
It has to include threehorns! That’s the most important part! x(cera
Right. Threehorns… Rhombus, I’m done. I’m just done. Do you have any ideas? I'd honestly take anything at this point.
That we start writing My Little Pony fanfiction and move on to a slightly less crazy fandom?
Oh sure! Let's just throw the whole concept of Land Before Time based responses out the window! Here’s a crazy alternative. Let’s just make a freaking crack fic! Yeah, that’s it! New prompt for April 2017! Everyone writes a crack fic!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: ISwearItsNotTaunt on April 01, 2017, 03:20:16 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:17 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Apr 1 2017 on  02:15 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:15 AM
Quote from: Cera42,Apr 1 2017 on  02:13 AM
It has to include threehorns! That’s the most important part! x(cera
Right. Threehorns… Rhombus, I’m done. I’m just done. Do you have any ideas? I'd honestly take anything at this point.
That we start writing My Little Pony fanfiction and move on to a slightly less crazy fandom?
Oh sure! Let's just throw the whole concept of Land Before Time based responses out the window! Here’s a crazy alternative. Let’s just make a freaking crack fic! Yeah, that’s it! New prompt for April 2017! Everyone writes a crack fic!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:21:37 AM
Wait, no! No, no, no, that was supposed to be a joke!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn on April 01, 2017, 03:22:37 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  02:21 AM
Wait, no! No, no, no, that was supposed to be a joke!
That may be, but it's the best you've got right now.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 03:23:00 AM
Well crap
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on April 01, 2017, 03:23:57 AM
Well, what the heck. We’ll do it. Everyone, the decision seems unanimous. For April of 2017, all participating prompt writers must attempt to write a crack fic. Godspeed, you brave souls. I’m going to go drink myself into oblivion.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on April 01, 2017, 04:41:34 AM
Soooo, is this crack thing the actual prompt? And what was this April Fool's roleplay?  it was pretty fun, though. :DD What happened to the last month's prompt results? This morning left a lot of questions. I agree that the original idea is more interesting to do.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on April 01, 2017, 05:36:05 AM
lol you guys and your spams. XD
I am surprised mods didn't block the thread... oh wait... :o

And great, I accept your weird insane mix of month prompt. ;) *goes to write it*
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Littlefoot fan 1990 on April 01, 2017, 09:21:26 AM
Quote from: Fyn16,Apr 1 2017 on  01:37 AM
Good morning, everyone! After much consideration, I’ve decided that this month’s prompt will be as follows:

Write a story in which one of the Gang of Five or an OC is killed, and the rest of the gang must deal with the loss.
I think I can do this one; it might be a little out of my comfort zone; but, it'll be a good challenge. The only other time I killed any of the Gang of Five is in a one-shot alternate story ending from the first movie during the final battle with Sharptooth. Hopefully I won't receive any negative comments for killing anyone's favorite member of the Gang of Five.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: vonboy on April 01, 2017, 10:49:35 AM
lol, great run, guys, with the thing that's obviously not a big joke. :p

Also, the prompt sounds interesting, too. I might someday get to writing a prompt response.

...maybe one day. :p
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on April 01, 2017, 12:24:51 PM
but really, what real prompt for this month is?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 01, 2017, 05:55:13 PM
Quote from: Snik,Apr 1 2017 on  11:24 AM
but really, what real prompt for this month is?
Just to clarify (now that the April Fools shenanigans are over) you may do either or both of the following prompts this month:

1) Write a story in which one of the Gang of Five or an OC is killed, and the rest of the gang must deal with the loss.


2) Write a LBT crack fic. (for clarification: crack fic is a term for a story which takes a ridiculous premise as its starting point, which may either then be played straight or absurdly.)

(So, yes, if you decide to do both prompts you can have two entries this month)

Also, as Sovereign is the only person besides me or Fyn to post a response in March, Sovereign is the winner by default. Congratulations!  :) Just let us know when you have a topic in mind and we will do our best to make a prompt response based upon that. (and I will try to get the special prompt response I owe you from last month ready as well)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on April 02, 2017, 03:34:38 AM
A well-earned win!  :D It's rather disappointing that I was the only one to compete (besides you two of course) but hopefully we'll see more participation this month. It could be a good idea to have two very different prompts to choose from. I, for one, will continue to take part. I already have some  ideas... In any case, I'll have the special prompt ready in a few days.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on April 02, 2017, 08:26:48 AM
I like the first prompt, however I'm not sure how to make this somewhat original. I mean... all ideas that come to my mind were used already... :lol

Plus, I'm not the kind of person who creates OC's just for a small short story... I'd probably try to develop a bigger story rather and fail to finish it in time :lol

Oh well, maybe I can think of something :p

Also, one question: When OC's may be the ones dieing, wouldn't it be okay to have any guest character be the one to receive teh death blow too? I think, in that case, I may have an idea already  ^^spike
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 02, 2017, 10:20:08 AM
Quote from: Ducky123,Apr 2 2017 on  07:26 AM
I like the first prompt, however I'm not sure how to make this somewhat original. I mean... all ideas that come to my mind were used already... :lol

Plus, I'm not the kind of person who creates OC's just for a small short story... I'd probably try to develop a bigger story rather and fail to finish it in time :lol

Oh well, maybe I can think of something :p

Also, one question: When OC's may be the ones dieing, wouldn't it be okay to have any guest character be the one to receive teh death blow too? I think, in that case, I may have an idea already  ^^spike
I believe a guest character would be fine, though I would advice PMing Fyn to get confirmation on that.  I think the important part of the first prompt is basically 1. someone dies and 2. the gang has to deal with the aftermath.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on April 07, 2017, 08:20:26 AM
Actually, I maaaaay have an idea that combines the two prompts. I'm still trying to come up with a solid plot. I'll probably decide within the next few days whether I'll write it or not :p
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on April 08, 2017, 06:10:15 PM
I guess any these your romantic ships in LBT are crack fics? XD

but srsl, I have a problem with crack fic definition.
Is it based on pure humor or on pure absurd?
Is i something like we write on caption pic topics?
Is it serious story but universe's laws got broken?

For example... Does popular Seven Hunters story fit with crack fic definition?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 08, 2017, 11:07:32 PM
A crack fic can be based upon humor or it can be played seriously.  The only requirement is that it begins with an absurd premise - like someone growing a second head; or the Great Valley holding a talent contest; or the Great Valley actually being a sitcom; or the Gang of Five going forward in time and it resulting in the world freaking out - or anything like that.  Once an absurd premise has been set it can either be played for laughs or be played seriously despite the absurd premise.

For example... Does popular Seven Hunters story fit with crack fic definition?

I suppose it could, though so much of my story was played straight with that one exception that most people would not consider it a crack fic.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on April 18, 2017, 11:28:38 AM
Reading old posts can be inspiring at times *smirk*

I may be able to respond to both prompts this month, started working on the first now and I'll decide whether to do the second one based on how this goes :p
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on May 01, 2017, 11:38:02 AM
Good [subjective time of day] everyone!

I'd like to announce on behalf of Rhombus and myself that we'll be extending the April prompt challenge to the end of May, the reason being that most of us are caught up in school or work this time of the year. Hopefully the extension will allow everyone who wishes to a chance to participate. If nothing else, it'll allow all of us to catch up on our reading.

I would also personally like to offer my apologies for not reading or writing as often as usual this month. With finals, it's been tough, and while I love to read, write, and participate on the forums, schoolwork comes first. Once May 8th has passed (my last final date), you can count on me being around more frequently. Until then, though, I need to crack down on my finals.

Anyway, thanks for listening, and I look forward to seeing both the entries we have, and the ones to come! As always, your participation is valued! Until next time,

Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on May 31, 2017, 11:39:08 AM
I really wanted to get back into writing today to finish my entry but I was pestered by mosquitos all night. I'm too tired to think straight today  :bang
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on May 31, 2017, 12:37:13 PM
don't hurt yourself. Even if you don't fit in time - better to see good completed result than unfinished or weak work. ;)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: ADFan185 on May 31, 2017, 01:33:24 PM
Exactly just take your time on theses there's no rush on getting these out. We can Wait as long as we need until they're finished. Looking forward to seeing the stuff you guys post.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on May 31, 2017, 01:35:47 PM
Is nobody else participating? It'd be sad if I win again by default.  :(
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 31, 2017, 01:58:48 PM
I should have a story up by the end of the night, but it is a shame that participation seems to be down lately.  I wonder how much final exams have contributed to the downturn in writing.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on May 31, 2017, 02:45:22 PM
I would say a lot in my case :lol
But the semester is over, and I did not fail anything, so I am thinking about maybe starting to write again. (Might even clean up January's entry and re-visit february's prompt... I had a funny idea for that one :p )
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: ADFan185 on May 31, 2017, 07:56:14 PM
Awesome hopefully you'll post that soon and take your time on those things
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on June 01, 2017, 12:30:05 PM
Okay, everyone.  As has happened over the last several prompts, Sovereign is again our winner due to a lack of participation.  As usual, Fyn and I will be glad to make a special prompt response based upon you wishes, Sovereign.  :)

As for this month's prompt, it seems to me that many of us have been busy with our respective semesters and final exams, so I wanted to so a prompt that would be quite accessible while still opening up a lot of possibilities.  Accordingly, here is this months prompt for which you may do either or both of these prompts:

1) Do a scene where one of the gang is waiting on their eggs to hatch, or is dealing with one of the struggles of parenthood. This can be played for laughs, drama, or any other genre.; or,

2) Do any of the prompts from previous months that you may have missed. If you haven't missed any of them, then feel free to try using one of those prompts again to make a new story.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on June 01, 2017, 02:40:33 PM
Come on, people! I'd like to see more participation. As for this month's prompt, I'll probably go with the crack fic.  :p Neither of these seems like my peace of cake but that one might be a bit easier. Also, you'll have my prompt in a few days.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on June 01, 2017, 03:58:44 PM
I will be trying my hand at one of the prompts this month as well. As has been the case with most of us, finals were a total creativity suck, but I think I'm back on track. Rhombus's fic may have helped with that  :DD  

Anyway, congratulations Sovereign! I'd say more, but I'm at work. I'll try to be a little more involved this month.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: ADFan185 on June 01, 2017, 05:34:13 PM
Well don't force yourself your real life is more important than writing a story and posting it on here. But good job none the less sovereign
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on June 01, 2017, 07:04:28 PM
I would say a lot in my case dino_laugh.gif
But the semester is over, and I did not fail anything, so I am thinking about maybe starting to write again. (Might even clean up January's entry and re-visit february's prompt... I had a funny idea for that one dino_tongue.gif )
Continue your Shorty fic ;)

Well, I'll just submit my story for this month's prompt...

Also, should we consider letting each prompt run for two months? Maybe that'd help participation. It's totally fine to write a short story within that time but some ideas get a bit longer than that and then time becomes a real bitch, so to speak :p
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on June 20, 2017, 05:49:09 PM
Just to let everyone know, we have extended the writing period for the current fanfiction prompt into July.  We might do this for future prompts as well, and simply make it a bi-monthly event as opposed to a monthly one.

And I should have something for you in the next month or so, Sovereign.  Between my heavy workload and other obligations I simply have not had the free time for writing that I usually have this time of year.  I apologize for the delay.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on June 27, 2017, 12:56:33 PM
same here... though I'll abandon the fic I was originally trying to write for May's prompt. That happens when you try hard to come up with an idea for the sake of it
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on July 25, 2017, 04:18:55 AM
I'm sorry to say it but I'm not going to participate this time. Neither of the prompts are simply not something I'd be interested in doing. I'll certainly participate in the future if I find the prompt itself somewhat intriguing but I don't think I'd be able to do anything decent with the current ones, sorry.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 25, 2017, 09:39:42 AM
I'm sorry to hear that, Sovereign, but I understand.  As it is I should have the prompt challenge that I owe you done in the next week if work allows me to have the time to write it.  As for next month's prompt challenge, lets just say participation over all has been very lackluster over the last 3 sessions.  so Fyn and I might have to reconsider how to conduct this competition.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on July 25, 2017, 11:49:06 AM
Quote from: Sovereign,Jul 25 2017 on  03:18 AM
I'm sorry to say it but I'm not going to participate this time. Neither of the prompts are simply not something I'd be interested in doing. I'll certainly participate in the future if I find the prompt itself somewhat intriguing but I don't think I'd be able to do anything decent with the current ones, sorry.
That's perfectly fine. Frankly, you're not the only one. Participation, as Rhombus has already said, has dwindled considerably over the summer, and while I can't speak for everyone, I'd imagine it's just the summer doldrums getting to everyone, as someone who has also experienced a lack of motivation to write. There are a few things Rhombus and I will need to consider, things we can implement when the next iteration of the fanfic prompt challenge goes live, and ideally, we'll be able to discuss them soon. In the meantime, don't worry about it. Your participation this year has been stellar already. I think we all just need some time to rest and recuperate.

And I should also let you know that I do plan on reading your story very soon. If not in the next few weeks, then definitely by the time the fanfic voting rolls around, assuming you plan to enter. Right now I've just finished catching up on "Mender's Tale," and I told JulianR94 that I'd give a look at his revisions for "The Eighth Hunter" as well, but once that's out of the way, I'll be back on track, more or less.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on July 25, 2017, 03:16:46 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing what adjustments you're planning to do as I really like the idea of this contest! The first month, when there were six participants, was very fun and I'd like to see heavier participation again, perhaps accompanied with a prompt that is freer in interpretation. Also, Fyn, thank you for giving Separate Ways a read in the future! :yes  I truly appreciate it! There's no hurry in it though as I'm certainly going to participate in the fanfic awards!  :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on July 26, 2017, 02:43:29 PM
Some of the prompts were quite specific. I'm sure it'd be easier to come up with a story idea I can be happy with when I have a little more freedom with the theme  :unsure:

Then again others like the crackfic one were really open.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 28, 2017, 01:54:19 AM
Good evening, everyone!

Fyn and I would like to announce that Season 1 of the Fanfiction Prompt Challenge is coming to an end.  Though participation tapered off in the final months, both of us were quite impressed with the level of participation for this project.  With a mind on what worked well this season and what did not work so well, we are looking to make season two of this project a success.

For one thing: we will be putting this project on *temporary hold for two months* while the fanfiction award nomination and voting process takes place.  It would not be proper to have two separate series of votes on fanfictions at the same time.  Additionally, we want to begin the planning stages of the second season with more participation from the actual possible participants.

As we pass from one season to the next, we're working hard to implement your feedback as best we can, and from what we've come up with so far, we have no doubt that Season 2 will come out of the gate even stronger than the first. We've already built our foundation- now we get to have some fun building on it. With the next season of the fanfiction prompt challenge, we're offering more incentives to participate with reward banners you can use to display your monthly accomplishments! Of course, this does come with a tradeoff. Fyn and I will no longer be offering the winner a chance to write a prompt for us, but this should allow us to mix and mingle with our fellow writers here more so than the previous year. Transparency is the name of the game this time around, and we'll be making a conscious effort to make this a user-run project. *We'll be laying out our prompts in advance, approaching you for feedback*, Even potentially sharing some ideas!

And for participants and the winners of each month *there will be a series of banners to choose from, each different from the forum award banners but available to show your hard work*.  Each person will be limited to only one banner from the fanfiction prompt challenge, but their banner will be modified to account for each person’s level of participation.  Indicating whether one is a “participant”, “one-time winner”, “two-time winner”, etc.  In this way your efforts can still be rewarded, while allowing Fyn and I the opportunity to attend to our existing writing duties in the manner in which they deserve.

Season One was our trial run, our chance to test the waters and get a feel for how our new idea would be received. We expected a small turnout, and we were pleasantly proven wrong by the sheer number of works we read through the first half of 2017. Now that we've had the chance to listen to you and take our lessons learned to heart, we are confident that this second season can both retain and expand our pool of participants. Remember- anyone can be a writer, and we're here to encourage that spark.

More loot, more opportunities, more transparency, more prompts.

It's going to be a great season, and I can't wait to see you all there!

PS: Also, Sovereign, we will have our responses to your prompt and our response to our own prompt done within the next few weeks as well.  We apologize for the delay, but we hope it proves worth the wait.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on July 28, 2017, 11:04:54 AM
It's good to see that you're willing to make changes for this project! I'd say it's a good thing that the prompt can be modified before the start of the writing process to avoid problems related to making up the ideas. I also completely understand that you no longer do these special prompts as I was already surprised by the amount of writing you two were going through! The award banners sound like a good reward too: I'm looking forward to getting one!  :p

I have a question about the length of the break though. You said it would be two months before the next prompt will be announced due to the fanfic awards but aren't they supposed to be organized in November and December? That's more than two months away. :unsure:
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 28, 2017, 11:14:44 AM
Quote from: Sovereign,Jul 28 2017 on  10:04 AM
It's good to see that you're willing to make changes for this project! I'd say it's a good thing that the prompt can be modified before the start of the writing process to avoid problems related to making up the ideas. I also completely understand that you no longer do these special prompts as I was already surprised by the amount of writing you two were going through! The award banners sound like a good reward too: I'm looking forward to getting one!  :p

I have a question about the length of the break though. You said it would be two months before the next prompt will be announced due to the fanfic awards but aren't they supposed to be organized in November and December? That's more than two months away. :unsure:
We are having the nominations for the fanfic awards next month (in August) and the actual voting for the fanfic awards after the forum awards are done (in September) in order to get the award schedule back to where it used to be prior to last year.  All fanfictions modified over the last year will still be eligible, however, even though this means some overlap with last year's fanfic awards.

So this project should be back in October.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on July 28, 2017, 11:23:48 AM
Quote from: rhombus,Jul 28 2017 on  10:14 AM

So this project should be back in October.  :)
Just in time for Halloween! :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on July 29, 2017, 04:30:10 PM
Spoiling the next prompt, are we, Fyn? ;)

I absolutely support the changes, looking forward to that but first I need to get back into my writing mode for the fanfic awards (I swear that's a real motivator this time...)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on July 29, 2017, 04:43:42 PM
Quote from: Ducky123,Jul 29 2017 on  03:30 PM
Spoiling the next prompt, are we, Fyn? ;)
Pfft, you guys totally saw this one coming  :lol

Can't wait to see you in the fanfic awards!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on July 30, 2017, 12:10:29 AM
Is the June/July prompt still open? I might have something to post by monday... :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on July 30, 2017, 12:26:12 AM
It is indeed! Frankly, I'm probably going to utilize the two months off to catch up on some prompts myself :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on August 02, 2017, 03:33:05 AM
Hello everyone! It's that time again. Time for Rhombus and myself to announce the winner of the previous months' prompt challenge- the last challenge of this event's first season. We only had two participants this time around, and due to the low turnout, both he and I have agreed on a solution which should recognize both authors equally for their contributions. Normally, we'd hold a tiebreaker, but between Darkwolf's and LBTLover's fics, our own criteria brought the competition between the two to a draw. Both authors, consider that a testament to your writing abilities! Both stories were equally good short fics that addressed their respective prompts while also proving to be well-written and engaging, and as it was hard to pick from them, we were forced to settle on two potential awards. So with that being said- Darkwolf and LBTLover, here are your options:

-Perhaps the more interesting of the two choices here, each of you will have the opportunity to create a prompt for us to write on. Between the two of you, decide who will write the prompt for which user, and then present your prompt to that user once you are finished.

-If one or both of you do not wish to create a prompt, then, respectively, the other author will create a single prompt for both Rhombus and I, or there will be no prompt this time. Obviously, in keeping with tradition, we would prefer the winners to come up with prompts of their own, but I am aware of the pressures and time constraints often posed by the world outside of the internet. If it is not possible for one or either of you to create your victory prompts, then we will do our best to find another way of recognizing and awarding you equally.

(If this seems haphazard as all getout, it's because I'm writing this way too early in the morning. Please forgive me).

As a final note, I'd like to extend my thanks to everyone who participated in the prompt challenge for its first season. We had a lot of fun over the last few months, and even though participation tapered towards the end, I'm confident we can boost those numbers back up again with the changes we're making for season 2. When this was nothing more than a simple discussion between Rhombus and myself, I honestly didn't believe it would go anywhere. Just getting enough participants to have a fair vote was an achievement in and of itself, and now look at us! We have all contributed to the formation of this wonderful event, one which has, I feel, helped many of us grow as writers, allowed some of our writers the exposure their works might have needed, and brought out hidden talents in those of us who may never have tried fiction writing in the past. We've got all sorts here, and I'm impressed and more than a little proud in all of you who have helped to build this subsection of the community. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and I hope I'll see you all again when the fanfic prompt challenge's second season rolls out in October. See you there!

Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on August 02, 2017, 04:39:19 PM
Can't wait for season 2! This actually motivated me to finish some short stories, which I've never done before :lol

I wouldn't mind coming up with a prompt! Going to have to think up a good one.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: LBTlover247 on August 04, 2017, 11:01:47 PM
Yay!  :D
I do have an idea for a prompt. As for who writes it, it doesn't really matter to me. Both Fyn and Rhombus are awesome writers!
One of the gang realizes they have a crush on someone and they try to deal with it (seek advice, tell that someone, etc).

This may be a special prompt for the prompt challenge, but if anyone decides to have a crack at it then please send me the link. I want to see what you guys come up with!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on August 04, 2017, 11:16:58 PM
Sounds good! I'll take note of the prompt and inform Rhombus. Darkwolf, when yours is in we'll decide who will write for which one, and then we'll get the ball rolling!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on August 04, 2017, 11:41:13 PM
Hmmm, okay! I'll do another one based on the gang's relationships then, but slightly different:

One of the gang loses respect for somebody they care about deeply. What was the incident that caused this, and how do they deal with it?

(I also don't mind who does it- you guys should flip a coin :lol)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on August 05, 2017, 04:36:31 AM
hmm, why when I read this, immediately in my mind comes one threehorn gal?  :rolleyes:
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on August 05, 2017, 11:18:06 AM
Alright! As per Darkwolf's suggestion, the results were decided via coin flip.

Rhombus- LBTLover's prompt: One of the gang realizes they have a crush on someone and they try to deal with it (seek advice, tell that someone, etc).

Fyn16- Darkwolf's prompt: One of the gang loses respect for somebody they care about deeply. What was the incident that caused this, and how do they deal with it?

We both look forward to the challenge. While I believe we'll be trying to finish Sovereign's from the previous month first, you can expect a result from us sometime before Season 2 (and hopefully sooner than that!) Thank you both again for your contributions this month, and I do hope you'll be encouraged to enter them in the coming fanfiction awards voting!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: LBTlover247 on August 05, 2017, 09:19:04 PM
Awesome! Can't wait! :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on September 21, 2017, 05:25:00 PM
Hello again, everyone!

It seems the dawn of a new season is quickly approaching! Along with that nip of cold in the air comes the prospect of new adventures, new friendships, and new characters to explore as we move onwards into season 2 of our fanfiction prompt challenge.

I'm excited. What about you?

But with that being said, there are some areas we need to go over before we launch on October 1, namely our prompt lineup. We promised you all that you'd have a say in which prompts make the final cut, and now it's time for us to make good on that promise. So, bearing that in mind, please take a look at the tentative prompt schedule below, and let us know what you think! We look forward to your feedback!


October- write a scary story, or at least a story with being scared as a central theme. How you interpret this is up to you. It could be a myth, perhaps a storytelling session in the Valley, a scary experience, etc. Just make sure it's Halloween-themed in some way! Note: this does not have to be a genuinely scary experience. Silly stories are just as welcome!

November- Either incorporate this into the dialogue, or use it as one of your story’s themes: ”Even in our times of hardship there is still much to be grateful for.”

-write a snow fic!
-write a fic about surviving the winter elements
-write a fic featuring Santa Claws :lol
-write a fic that parallels your own holiday of choice


January- Incorporate the following into your story: ”He (or she) had once imagined becoming the leader of the herd.  But not like this… not like this.”

February- Write a story about "undying love." What exactly this means is up to you.

March- write a myth or legend set in the Land Before Time universe

April- Nothing to see here, folks. Move on! :DD

May- incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

June- (This one's tentative as I have not run it by Rhombus yet) Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

July- Your theme for this month: there comes a time in everyone's life where a choice must be made, one which may irreversibly alter the path ahead.

August- Goodbyes are never easy. Write a story about a parting.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on September 21, 2017, 05:37:49 PM
June- (This one's tentative as I have not run it by Rhombus yet) Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

That idea sounds very promising though the logistics of it would need to be worked out.  I guess it could involve having everyone who submits a prompt automatically agree to responding to whatever prompt they are given. But I certainly would have no objections to giving it a shot.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on September 22, 2017, 11:02:25 AM
These prompts look pretty good!  :) They all seem like there's serious potential to be developed into decent stories. The June prompt seems like a fun idea also as long as things don't get too outlandish. Anyway, I'm happy to see this contest returning and I'm certainly going to participate! :DD
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: zero-point on September 23, 2017, 07:17:36 AM
Seems like a terrific schedule to me  :DD
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on September 23, 2017, 12:37:44 PM
I do really like the June one as well. It'll make for a large variety of different stories, and maybe get some people to write outside of their comfort zones :smile
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on October 01, 2017, 04:22:30 PM
Good evening, everyone!

I am glad to confirm that the fanfiction prompt challenge is now officially active once more.  :) Our prompt for October will be the same prompt that Fyn posted earlier:

Write a scary story, or at least a story with being scared as a central theme. How you interpret this is up to you. It could be a myth, perhaps a storytelling session in the Valley, a scary experience, etc. Just make sure it's Halloween-themed in some way! Note: this does not have to be a genuinely scary experience. Silly stories are just as welcome!

Each participant in the monthly prompt challenge this season will earn a single upgradeable banner to post in their signature (we will have several possible banners to choose from at a future date).  Participants will get one form that lists that they participated, whereas those who win a monthly contest will be able to upgrade to banners that indicate their number of wins. These banners are compliments of DarkWolf, and I would like to thank her for agreeing to prepare these for the contest.  :) I'm sure the final results will be amazing!

As for a few other matters, I realize that I still owe previous winners two stories which I hope to have done in a few weeks though I can make no promises.  Let's just say that work has kept me hopelessly busy this semester.  So to both of you, Sovereign and LBTlover247, I would like to offer my apology for the delays.  I hope to get them done soon.

With that I would like to wish everyone the best with their writing efforts this month.  Both Fyn and I eagerly look forward to seeing the results.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: vonboy on October 01, 2017, 08:49:08 PM
And the next chapter of my fanfic actually is just that. What a coincidence! :DD

More incentive to try to finish it, I guess.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on October 02, 2017, 11:56:17 AM
the prompt doesn't really prompt me, oh well..
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Serris on October 14, 2017, 11:35:23 PM
Incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

...I have possibly the oddest idea imaginable with that as a prompt...
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on October 30, 2017, 09:26:05 PM
I've got a quick heads up for all you awesome folks out there. After careful consideration, Rhombus and I have decided to alter our prompt schedule. While before, the prompt submission time ran from the first to the last day of the month, we are now extending the submission period to the 15th of the following month. This means that from the 1st to the 15th of every month, two challenges will essentially be running in tandem. We hope this helps to encourage those of us with busy schedules, or who simply need more time to write. This will go into effect immediately, so the Halloween prompt event will now conclude on November 15. The November prompt challenge will open on November 1st as planned. Feel free to comment if you have any questions.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on October 30, 2017, 09:31:44 PM
Just to clarify Fyn's announcement, this means that this is now the schedule going forward:

October 2017 (October 1 – November 15)
Write a scary story, or at least a story with being scared as a central theme. How you interpret this is up to you. It could be a myth, perhaps a storytelling session in the Valley, a scary experience, etc. Just make sure it's Halloween-themed in some way! Note: this does not have to be a genuinely scary experience. Silly stories are just as welcome!

November 2017 (November 1 – December 15)
Either incorporate this into the dialogue, or use it as one of your story’s themes: ”Even in our times of hardship there is still much to be grateful for.”

December 2017 (December 1 – January 15)
-write a snow fic!
-write a fic about surviving the winter elements
-write a fic featuring Santa Claws :p
-write a fic that parallels your own holiday of choice

January 2018 (January 1 – February 15)
Incorporate the following into your story: ”He (or she) had once imagined becoming the leader of the herd. But not like this… not like this.”

February 2018 (February 1 – March 15)
Write a story about "undying love." What exactly this means is up to you.

March 2018 (March 1 – April 15)
Write a myth or legend set in the Land Before Time universe

April 2018 (April 1 – May 15)
Nothing to see here, folks. Move on! :DD

May 2018 (May 1 – June 15)
Incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

June 2018 (June 1 – July 15)
Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

July 2018 (July 1 – August 15)
Your theme for this month: there comes a time in everyone's life where a choice must be made, one which may irreversibly alter the path ahead.

August 2018 (August 1 – September 15)
Goodbyes are never easy. Write a story about a parting.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on October 30, 2017, 09:55:57 PM
Phew! That gives me more time to work on... things :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: vonboy on October 31, 2017, 10:43:24 AM
Thank you so much for this! I was rushing this morning to try to finish my prompt, before I read this. :p
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on October 31, 2017, 10:59:08 AM
maybe even I will able to bring my weird "thing". :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on November 01, 2017, 07:04:28 PM
As previously discussed, the fanfic prompt challenge for November is now live! The prompt is as follows:

Either incorporate this into the dialogue, or use it as one of your story’s themes: ”Even in our times of hardship there is still much to be grateful for.”

I don't intend to participate this time around, as I will be trying to focus on my own fanfic (though that may change depending on my progress), but I highly encourage you all to give it a try! Even if it's a short fic, your submissions are welcome!

As a further reminder, remember that the Halloween prompt event will run through the 15th of November. If you're thinking of submitting, you have two weeks left! Best of luck, writers!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on November 02, 2017, 07:09:06 AM
I'll surely partake in this prompt too. :) I'll do it once I'm done with the next chapter of my main story. I already have an idea for this...

On a side note, what does the "snow fic" mean in December's prompt?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on November 02, 2017, 01:19:22 PM
"snow fic" was a throwaway term that was accidentally included on our chart. Basically, it just means writing a story set in a snowy environment, preferably one that makes use of said environment. Sort of a more "free" option for those who don't want to try the other options.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on November 17, 2017, 11:52:51 AM
Wasn't the deadline for the October prompt 15 November? Just asking but when will the winner be decided and how will we choose the award banners?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on November 17, 2017, 12:58:21 PM
We're discussing it at the moment. Since participation was low, we are working on coming to a consensus regarding the winner. We should have an answer for you soon.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on November 17, 2017, 01:39:13 PM
Good afternoon, everyone.  :)

As there were only two entries for October's besides Fyn's, it has again fallen to Fyn and I to select a winner.  Though both of the entries this month were strong and enjoyable reads, ultimately only one could be selected.  With that in mind, Sovereign's entry, The Flame in the Woods, is our selection for this month's winning entry.  Congratulations!

As participants and winners, you both are entitled to select a banner.  The participation banners are bronze in color, whereas the winner banners are silver in color and have a number of stars representing the number of winning entries (currently one).  Additionally, as new banners become available, you are free to replace one of your current banners with one of similar rank if you so choose (for example, replacing one-star Fyn with one-star Chomper).  You can also discuss with DarkWolf the possibility of preparing banners with your OC of choice in the event that you have the winning entry for a month.  :yes

With all that being said, here are the available banners (as of right now) to choose from:

Banners with Fyn:

(  (

Banners with Seeker:

(  (

Banners with Sol:

(  (

Banners with Taunt:

(  (

Once again, we would like to thank our participants this month for their wonderful entries.  :)  But also please don't forget that the November prompt still runs until December 15 for anyone who wishes to participate.  We look forward to seeing what you all come up with.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on November 17, 2017, 01:51:18 PM

Wish there were more scary stories though...
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on November 17, 2017, 06:15:08 PM
Thank you very much for this honor once again! :DD I'm happy to see this contest resuming after the hiatus but I'd really want to see more participation. However, the new award banners look absolutely fantastic! :wow They really caused me hard time choosing the best one and I was really torn up with Fyn and Seeker but I'll go with Fyn. Anyway, thank you so much for these, Darkwolf! All of them look amazing! :yes

As for the comment about requesting my own OCs in case I win in the following months (I'm not sure if I'd go for that but it's something to think about  :smile ), will I have to voice that request only after my potential win has already been confirmed?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on November 17, 2017, 08:46:12 PM
Quote from: Sovereign on Nov 17 2017, 05:15:08 PM
Thank you very much for this honor once again! :DD I'm happy to see this contest resuming after the hiatus but I'd really want to see more participation. However, the new award banners look absolutely fantastic! :wow They really caused me hard time choosing the best one and I was really torn up with Fyn and Seeker but I'll go with Fyn. Anyway, thank you so much for these, Darkwolf! All of them look amazing! :yes

As for the comment about requesting my own OCs in case I win in the following months (I'm not sure if I'd go for that but it's something to think about  :smile ), will I have to voice that request only after my potential win has already been confirmed?
You can voice your request to her now, I do believe.  :yes  Just send DarkWolf a PM and ask her about the situation, as I do not want to make presumptions concerning her policies on further OC banners.  And, on an unrelated note, I must apologize for my delay in reviewing your latest story.  Work has kept me busy lately.  I will try to have a review done by the time of the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on November 18, 2017, 02:02:39 AM
I think I'd want a Ducky banner if I ever get around to write a story for this... May actually have an idea for this one
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on November 18, 2017, 02:10:21 AM
As far as the awards go, I'll be continuing to make "default options" with more of Fyn and Rhombus' characters, which can later be switched to (as Rhombus said). I'm also willing to do one custom award per participant. So to all those who are interested, choose your character wisely :P
As far as Ducky goes, I don't see a problem with using canon characters for the awards as long as Fyn and Rhombus are ok with it, and if it isn't going to cause disagreements among participants.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on November 18, 2017, 02:12:44 AM
Well, if OC's are preferred, I also have something in mind :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on December 01, 2017, 04:51:17 PM
I trust that the December prompt hasn't changed?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on December 01, 2017, 06:35:31 PM
Quote from: Sovereign on Dec 1 2017, 03:51:17 PM
I trust that the December prompt hasn't changed?
Correct. I'll take this opportunity to make the general announcement that December's prompt is now live! As a reminder here's the prompt

-write a snow fic!
-write a fic about surviving the winter elements
-write a fic featuring Santa Claws :lol
-write a fic that parallels your own holiday of choice

Additionally I would like to once again apologize for being behind the curve again. Finals are bearing down hard on me, and with a senior presentation looming tomorrow, I haven't had much time to interact. I promise I'll be back once this is all done with though!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on December 18, 2017, 11:32:20 AM
quick question: the november prompt was due like 3 days ago, right? Well, if you'd still accept an entry, I could try to write an extended version of the first chapter of my story I intended to use for november's prompt. However, since it (as always) turned into a multi-chapter fanfiction idea that I can't stuff into my time table and since it's kinda winter-y, I'll submit the main story to december's prompt while submitting the extended scene between Ducky and Petrie. Plans would be a include some flashbacks and add Petrie's perspective in greater detail :unsure:
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 19, 2017, 06:57:04 PM
Quote from: Ducky123 on Dec 18 2017, 10:32:20 AM
quick question: the november prompt was due like 3 days ago, right? Well, if you'd still accept an entry, I could try to write an extended version of the first chapter of my story I intended to use for november's prompt. However, since it (as always) turned into a multi-chapter fanfiction idea that I can't stuff into my time table and since it's kinda winter-y, I'll submit the main story to december's prompt while submitting the extended scene between Ducky and Petrie. Plans would be a include some flashbacks and add Petrie's perspective in greater detail :unsure:
That is fine.  As it is, Fyn and I have been incredibly busy over the last month so it will probably be a few days before we get the fanfiction prompt masterlist caught up.  Further, as we only have one entry thus far, and you already have the story started, I think allowing for another entry would be perfectly fine.  :yes
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: F-14 Ace on December 21, 2017, 12:45:18 AM
If its still ok I wouldn't mind attempting a short story for the November prompt.  I've got a few days off work for Christmas so this is really the first time I've had a chance to write in a while.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 21, 2017, 01:09:47 AM
Quote from: F-14 Ace on Dec 20 2017, 11:45:18 PM
If its still ok I wouldn't mind attempting a short story for the November prompt.  I've got a few days off work for Christmas so this is really the first time I've had a chance to write in a while.
Well I can't get seem to contact Fyn on Skype so I will make a judgement call here.  We need to be fair to Sovereign (as he was the only one with the completed November prompt at the time of the deadline) but at the same time I do not want to discourage people from making an entry and earning recognition for their entry, as this time of year is understandably a busy time.  So what I think I will do is allow Sovereign to add another star to his existing award (I will PM you that icon, Sovereign) while at the same time allowing those who  participate in the November prompt to earn the participation icon of their choice as seen here in addition to being added to the master list:


I only ask that those who wish to participate in the November prompt for a participation icon to submit their entries by December 28.  I will also submit an entry for November's prompt in a few days as well.  Please also keep in mind that the December prompt is open until January 15, 2018.  Happy writing, everyone!  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on December 21, 2017, 10:23:17 AM
Two stars already! That feels rather good! :lol In any case, I certainly look forward to seeing both of your entries and it's nice to see you participating too F-14! :yes

Also, Darkwolf, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for my OC banner request but I still haven't really decided who I want for it but I try to make up my mind soon enough. :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on December 22, 2017, 08:08:03 PM
Congrats! And no worries, take your time :smile
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 10, 2018, 11:59:06 PM
I know that I don't exactly have room to talk as I am still working on my December prompt, but is anyone else planning on completing something for the December prompt?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on January 11, 2018, 08:12:35 AM
I'm back! Just figured I'd give you guys a quick update. Unfortunately I am not working on any of the 2017 prompts, nor do I plan to. I'm hoping to knock out some more progress on my main fic, and I need some time dedicated to it in order to do so. I will continue to watch and co-regulate the prompt challenge, though.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on January 11, 2018, 09:02:31 AM
Can you pretty please, remind me, what is our current start-end dates of each "month" prompt?

And, as I understand, if people ask to move enddate in some days, prompt period offically changes?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 11, 2018, 10:22:34 AM
Quote from: Sneak on Jan 11 2018, 08:02:31 AM
Can you pretty please, remind me, what is our current start-end dates of each "month" prompt?

And, as I understand, if people ask to move enddate in some days, prompt period offically changes?
Generally if a person submits an entry late then they can still qualify for the participation banner, but to qualify for winning the month's prompt challenge a person must submit their story on time.  The schedule for the prompt challenge is as follows:

December 2017 (December 1 – January 15)
-write a snow fic!
-write a fic about surviving the winter elements
-write a fic featuring Santa Claws :p
-write a fic that parallels your own holiday of choice

January 2018 (January 1 – February 15)
Incorporate the following into your story: ”He (or she) had once imagined becoming the leader of the herd. But not like this… not like this.”

February 2018 (February 1 – March 15)
Write a story about "undying love." What exactly this means is up to you.

March 2018 (March 1 – April 15)
Write a myth or legend set in the Land Before Time universe

April 2018 (April 1 – May 15)
Nothing to see here, folks. Move on! :DD

May 2018 (May 1 – June 15)
Incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

June 2018 (June 1 – July 15)
Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

July 2018 (July 1 – August 15)
Your theme for this month: there comes a time in everyone's life where a choice must be made, one which may irreversibly alter the path ahead.

August 2018 (August 1 – September 15)
Goodbyes are never easy. Write a story about a parting.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on January 11, 2018, 05:25:35 PM
thank you!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 17, 2018, 02:00:04 AM
Just to let everyone know, Fyn and I will be reviewing the entries for the December prompt over the next few days.  We are very appreciative of Sovereign and F-14 Ace, our two entrants for last month's prompt, and we are hopeful that participation will grow as the months continue to roll by.  :)  And for those who are interested, please keep in mind that the January prompt continues through February 15.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on January 17, 2018, 11:43:07 AM
May I suggest a general change to the prompt challenge? I know it is mostly meant to be for shorter works but I typically go for larger stories as short stories are rarely satisfying to write for me personally. I guess I could have pushed myself hard to finish the story I wanted to submit if I really tried but a lot of other things would have been left unattended which I really wanted to tackle during my winter break so I decided to take it slow with the story and finish in due time rather than rush it.

Either way, a prompt every month is certainly a bit much to tackle for me. Well, none of the next few prompts immediately sparked an idea anyway but we'll see about that, you never know where inspiration takes you :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 17, 2018, 02:06:19 PM
Quote from: Ducky123 on Jan 17 2018, 10:43:07 AM
May I suggest a general change to the prompt challenge? I know it is mostly meant to be for shorter works but I typically go for larger stories as short stories are rarely satisfying to write for me personally. I guess I could have pushed myself hard to finish the story I wanted to submit if I really tried but a lot of other things would have been left unattended which I really wanted to tackle during my winter break so I decided to take it slow with the story and finish in due time rather than rush it.

Either way, a prompt every month is certainly a bit much to tackle for me. Well, none of the next few prompts immediately sparked an idea anyway but we'll see about that, you never know where inspiration takes you :)
I am in my office hours at the moment so I can only post on here and not access Discord or Skype, but Fyn and I were discussing perhaps changing some things around with the fanfiction prompt challenge in the future to make it more inclusive and accessible to everyone.  Some ideas that have been discussed is perhaps including a one-word optional prompt (like "hope" or "change") as an alternative to the more verbose prompts.  Another idea was perhaps to allow a longer period of time for each prompt.  Nothing has been decided yet, but if any of these ideas (or other ones) sound promising then please let us know.  We are always looking to improve upon the challenge.  By the way, it's great to have you back.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on January 17, 2018, 04:25:30 PM
I understand if others have problems with how this challenge works but it has worked rather fine for me. I wouldn't want to do longer stories monthly and I'm not sure if doing a longer story every two or three months would actually help any, at least with me. Also, the prompts usually take 3 or 4 days for me to write so the time limit doesn't seem like a problem. And to be honest, Ducky, I don't get a great inspiration for my short stories right away when I see the prompt but the ideas come quickly when I come with a good setting and decide to keep it nice and simple. That being said, the challenge system works well for me and I'm not sure how to improve the format, sadly.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on January 17, 2018, 04:39:13 PM
Every writer is different and I definitely will go for it if an idea pops up in my mind regardless of the time limit (it's still fun to write wither way). One word prompts would be awesome, they sometimes leave a lot more room for interpretation after all :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: F-14 Ace on January 18, 2018, 04:00:30 AM
Perhaps there should be more than one prompt since that would offer more flexibility and options.  Most that I have seen simply haven't sparked my interest.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 20, 2018, 07:36:34 PM
As there were only two entries this month the duty to decide the winner of the December Prompt Challenge has fallen upon Fyn and I.  It was a close run thing, but after deliberation between us concerning both of these strong entries we have finally decided that F-14 Ace is the winner of last month's prompt challenge. Congratulations!  :)

As the winner of last month's prompt you may pick from any of the one-star banners in this post ( and add them to your signature.  Additionally, if you have an OC in mind for a banner, you may discuss the matter with DarkWolf.  Despite the fact that there could only be one winner this month, we thank both of you for your participation in this challenge and for your wonderful entries.  :) We certainly look forward to any future entries you may decide to write.

Additionally, as the one word alternate prompt idea seems to sound promising to some of you, Fyn and I will be discussing the matter in the coming days.  We will keep you informed if we decide to add them.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on January 21, 2018, 07:50:39 AM
It was about time somebody dethroned me. :p Congratulations F-14! :DD
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 03, 2018, 02:18:19 PM
Just a reminder everyone that we are approaching the due date for the January prompt (Feb 15) and the February prompt is now beginning.  Those two prompts were as follows:

January 2018 (January 1 – February 15)
Incorporate the following into your story: ”He (or she) had once imagined becoming the leader of the herd. But not like this… not like this.”

February 2018 (February 1 – March 15)
Write a story about "undying love." What exactly this means is up to you.

We look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on February 03, 2018, 03:38:23 PM
I certainly plan to partake in the February prompt too but it could take far more time than usual. I'm having some serious trouble trying to plan my main fic's continuation and that's my main concern for now. Still, there's over a month until the deadline so I hope I'm done by then. :p
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Hypno on February 03, 2018, 08:51:34 PM
I’m just curious as to how that star thing works. If you win the month’s prompt, do you get a star or something?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 03, 2018, 10:19:11 PM
Quote from: Hypno on Feb 3 2018, 07:51:34 PM
I’m just curious as to how that star thing works. If you win the month’s prompt, do you get a star or something?
That is correct.  :yes  Also a no-star participation banner is given to all who participate in the 2018 prompt challenge but who fail to win.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on February 15, 2018, 01:17:29 AM
Been picking at my January prompt over the month, it'll definitely be submitted by tomorrow night :p
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Fyn16 on February 18, 2018, 10:57:49 PM
Good evening, everyone!  :Mo

(Yep. Just testing out these snazzy new stickers)

This month came down to a tie, so you all know the drill! After a series of blind readings, Rhombus and I compared notes and came to January's winner. The title this time goes to Darkwolf91! Well done to you both. On a personal note, I'd like to point out that both fics this time around felt particularly inspired, and were not only great entries in their own right, but quite possibly some of the best two I've seen throughout the course of this competition. Very well done to you both, and while it may be a while before I can get down to properly reviewing them, I'd like to let you know that I was impressed with the quality and flow of both stories. I know I'm not around as often as I should be, but it's tales like these that draw me back in spite of my schedule. Great job, everyone!
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on February 18, 2018, 11:33:27 PM
Thanks, guys! I loved Sovereign's entry as well, and it was particularly cool how the two stories complemented eachother by covering two related characters over roughly the same time period! This was a lot of fun, and I hope I'll have time to answer another prompt eventually :smile
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on February 19, 2018, 05:11:34 AM
Congratulations, DarkWolf! :) Yes, it was quite a coincidence how similar our stories were and your story was really fun and well done also. On another note, I guess it's time for me to finally starting to write my response to the next prompt to avoid having two entries on my to-do list simultaneously. :lol
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on February 27, 2018, 11:29:17 AM
Well, looks like I'll have something for the February prompt in the making... and this time it actually is a short story lol :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 04, 2018, 02:54:30 AM
Good evening, everyone  :)

This is just a reminder that March's prompt is starting up which entails "Write a myth or legend set in the Land Before Time universe".  March's prompt will run until April 15th.  Also keep in mind that February's prompt is still running until the 15th of this month.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 21, 2018, 01:45:41 AM
With a majority of the potential votes in, Ducky123 is the winner of the February 2018 prompt challenge.  Congratulations, Ducky!  :) And I would like to again express my appreciation for all of last month's participants.  It is creativity such as what all of you demonstrate which makes this contest such a fun and enjoyable pastime.  :yes

Ducky123, as the winner of February's challenge you may add any of the following one gold star icons to your signature, whereas DiddyKF1 you may select any of the participant banners (no gold stars).  Additionally, DarkWolf and F-14 Ace, as previous winners who have not yet selected a banner, you may also add one of the one gold star icons to your signature.  :yes

Banners with Fyn:

(  (

Banners with Seeker:

(  (

Banners with Sol:

(  (

Banners with Taunt:

(  (

Thanks again for all of your participation, and I look forward to seeing what we can do with the March prompt!  :)

March 2018 (March 1 – April 15)
Write a myth or legend set in the Land Before Time universe
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on March 21, 2018, 02:49:01 AM
Uh I was going to vote later today actually, I only just got around to read all relevant entries.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on March 24, 2018, 06:10:57 PM
It was a nice surprise that we actually had a vote this time and it'd be great if we could reach this level of participation again. :) Is anyone else planning to take part in the March prompt?
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 24, 2018, 09:03:20 PM
Quote from: Sovereign on Mar 24 2018, 05:10:57 PM
It was a nice surprise that we actually had a vote this time and it'd be great if we could reach this level of participation again. :) Is anyone else planning to take part in the March prompt?
Well, technically any post from me would not count towards the competition, but I plan on posting something for the March prompt.  I just need to settle upon one idea for the actual story.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on March 26, 2018, 08:03:07 PM
don't think so. The prompt doesn't exactly give me any concrete ideas

btw: can I have Taunt as my banner? :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 02, 2018, 08:05:17 PM
^ Sorry, I missed your previous reply, Ducky.  but, sure, you can have Taunt for a banner.  :yes

And to clarify for everyone, in addition to the March prompt it is now time for the April 2018 prompt.  The prompt for April is as follows:


Write a comedy or crack fic


Use this in the story: "Unlike the others, he/she preferred the dark

So quite a few options there for people to work with.  :yes
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 14, 2018, 04:29:16 PM
Just to let everyone know, the deadline for the March prompt will be extended by 4 days (until the 19th) as Ducky123 might be away from ready computer access over the next few days. Also keep in mind that the April prompt is also active.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on April 14, 2018, 07:06:15 PM
Much appreciated! :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on April 18, 2018, 06:53:42 PM
I will have the story posted tomorrow, an exam prevented me from proofreading thus far :/
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 22, 2018, 06:06:15 PM
As there are two qualifying entries for the March prompt, Fyn and I will need to discuss the two entries and decide upon a winner.  I will let everyone know when we have made a decision.  :yes

On a related note, please keep in mind that the April prompt is still in progress.  We look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on April 27, 2018, 11:08:39 AM
It's nearly two weeks since the submitting time was supposed to end. I wonder when will the winner be announced? :unsure:
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 27, 2018, 02:01:10 PM
^ Fyn has been quite busy as of late. Though I have my opinion of which story is the strongest competitor from this last month's prompt, this is something that will need to be discussed between the two of us before a final announcement concerning a winner is made.
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on May 15, 2018, 06:25:22 PM
may I once again request a few more days for the completion of my entry for April? I have something really good coming :D
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 18, 2018, 11:28:22 PM
Good evening, everyone!

First of all, I would like to extend my apologies for the delay in announcing the results for the March 2018 prompt challenge.  I wanted to wait until Fyn had an opportunity to indicate his preference, but he has been very busy as of late.  However, I think that more than enough time has passed so I am going to make a decision here.  Though both candidate stories were well done, I feel that Sovereign's entry of The Perils of the Deep is the clear winner.  Sovereign, you may update your prompt challenge icon in your signature to this:


Second, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to DiddyKF1 and jassy for their participation in the May 2018 challenge.  Both of you have made strong entries into the contest, and rest assured that regardless of the eventual results for that month, you both have written enjoyable pieces of fiction.  Please keep in mind that the deadline for the May 2018 prompt is not until June 15, so anyone else who wishes to participate still has plenty of time to do so.  Fyn and I both look forward to seeing what you all come up with.  :yes

Finally, unlike the May 2018 prompt, which already has two strong entries, the April 2018 prompt has yet to have an entry.  Part of this is probably due to this prompt taking place during a time when most of our writers have final exams (or in my case, are grading final exams) and thus have little time for writing. For that reason, and since an extension would not disadvantage anyone, I am going ahead and leaving the time period for the April 2018 prompt open until June 15 - the same cutoff date as for the May 2018 challenge.  

Thanks again for all of your participation in this fun challenge.  :)
Title: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on May 20, 2018, 03:20:13 PM
It's always great to win another star to my signature, especially with a fic I was quite fond of myself. Thanks a lot for it, rhombus! :yes As for this month, I certainly partake in the May prompt again and it's really nice to see already two entries to it. I'll look forward to reading them in the days to come but I think I'll do another chapter of Separate Ways before beginning my short story for May. :DD
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on June 02, 2018, 11:12:20 AM
Well, it's June and I guess that means that the June prompt is up now. Should we begin thinking of our prompt ideas for others or have the plans changed?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on June 02, 2018, 04:10:41 PM
wow, that's mean 3 challenges are running at the same time :o
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on June 02, 2018, 06:05:34 PM
Okay, everyone, just to clarify we do indeed have three competitions running at the moment.  You are invited to make entries into as many of these as you want, and we all look forward to what you come up with.  :yes

April 2018 (Until June 15)
Write a comedy or crack fic; OR use this in the story: "Unlike the others, he/she preferred the dark.”

May 2018 (Until June 15)
Incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

June 2018 (June 1 – July 15) [only those who PM me with a prompt proposal by 11:59pm on June 9 forum time will be permitted to participate in this one]
Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

As for the June one, this is something a bit new.  So I would like all of those who want to compete in the June prompt to PM me your own proposed prompt by June 9th and then I will shuffle them and give them back to the participants who PMed me.  And, just for reference, I plan on participating as well so one of you might end up with my proposal. I promise to not make it too cruel.  :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on June 03, 2018, 07:01:55 PM
I'm game! :D
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on June 03, 2018, 09:15:47 PM
Ooooh going to have to get in on this :D
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Horizon on June 04, 2018, 02:01:44 AM
I may give this a whirl too. I've been sort of distant from the prompt challenge as of late, since my writing and reading focus has been elsewhere, but I think it couldn't hurt to give our little "prompt roulette" a shot!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on June 04, 2018, 05:01:06 AM
I'll also partake in this as usual. :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: jassy on June 04, 2018, 11:13:24 AM
I’ll give this a shot as well! :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on June 10, 2018, 04:43:15 PM
Alright, everyone, it is now time for those of us who contributed a prompt to the June challenge to begin our respective prompts.  Due to the delay (in order to get the prompts in) this contest will continue until July 31st. So, without further delay, let's now see what prompt everyone has received during the random shuffling... drum roll

“write a story that takes place underneath the sea.”

In the series we have seen numerous examples of herd-specific rituals (namely in the case of the flyers - Great Day of the Flyers - and the longnecks - the Big Longneck Test) but we have not seen much elaboration on the ways of sharpteeth, threehorns, or fastrunners.  Write a story that explores a test, ritual, cultural event, or coming-of-age event involving Chomper, Ruby, and/or Cera.

Insert the following at any point during the story: "After what had happened, one thing seemed certain, and it was that life in the Great Valley would never feel the same again."

"What if the gang never reached the great valley? Write a story in which the gang of five do not reach the great valley. Is it going to be a tragic tale of failure, will our heroes still end up with a happy ending? It is all up to you! You may start the story at any time of the LBT 1 movie which also means you are completely free to choose at which point of the story things begin to deter from the original storyline"

At least once in our lives, most of us face a phenomenon our minds can’t even begin to understand. Write a LBT story that revolves around the theme of the unknown and the implications that follow an unexplainable event of your choice.

We've seen a lot of issues of culture and inheritance in LBT, but these things are not always received the same way by the next generation. Whether it's a title, territory, or simply their heritage, depict a character embracing or struggling with something they consider to be their birthright.

Good luck, everyone! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with.  :) Also keep in mind that the following prompts are still in progress:

April 2018 (Until June 15)
Write a comedy or crack fic; OR use this in the story: "Unlike the others, he/she preferred the dark.”

May 2018 (Until June 15)
Incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on June 10, 2018, 04:46:45 PM
 oh boy, and I got the worst possible prompt  :bang

Well, I registered so I've gotta somehow do this  :bolt
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DiddyKT2 on June 10, 2018, 08:54:02 PM
Well, I guess it's time for me to watch Journey to Big Water again...
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on June 15, 2018, 10:45:22 PM
So, I did manage to finish my April's Prompt entry at last. I hope it's okay to upload tomorrow as I'd like to give it one more thorough read before publishing it, however I doubt anything great would come out of it at 5 am in the morning feeling half dead :P it's been a rough week after all haha.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on June 16, 2018, 02:24:38 AM
So, I did manage to finish my April's Prompt entry at last. I hope it's okay to upload tomorrow as I'd like to give it one more thorough read before publishing it, however I doubt anything great would come out of it at 5 am in the morning feeling half dead :P it's been a rough week after all haha.

That's fine.  :yes I will probably be without Internet access for the next 24 hours so I will be inputting any final April and May entries to the masterlist when I get back on Sunday, before officially commencing the voting period for those months.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on June 18, 2018, 12:54:30 AM
Good evening, everyone!

Though I regret that neither Fyn or I could directly participate in the last two months of prompts, I was pleased with the outpouring of creative expression that came from all of you over the last two months.  :) As Ducky was the only one to post a response for April he wins that month by default and he may add a star to his existing banner by using the image attached to the end of this post. (I think you chose Taunt as your banner before - but if you want to use one of the other icons or request a commission from Darkwolf then let me know)

As for the May prompt responses, we have four strong entries to consider.  As always, everyone who participated in the May prompt may cast a vote for anyone but themselves for the work they feel was the most deserving from that month's entries.  The other participants (if they do not already have a participation banner) can then obtain one of the zero-star participation banners found here: . As soon as everyone votes I will announce the winner.  The entries for the May prompt response were as follows:

Waters Rise, Illness Flies (
Author: DiddyKF1
Description: My entry for the May challenge prompt on Gang of Five. The Days of Rising Waters begins again, but the end of the Cold Time becomes a time to dread, particularly for Petrie. With heavy rainfall comes chaos, and only Littlefoot and Ducky can save Petrie from an illness that is creeping around the Great Valley. Contains slight DuckyxPetrie.

Under the Stars (
Author: jassy
Description: Response to the May 2018 Gang of Five writing prompt - Tristan finds out the hard way just what solitude can do to him. Set in the universe of The Heart Of The Great Valley.

Generation upon Generation (
Author: Sovereign
Description: Many centuries after their ancestors' arrival into their home, the dinosaurs of the Great Valley struggle to survive under an increasingly hostile climate. When the herds finally reach a breaking point in the former paradise, a certain spiketail has to make a decision that concludes a dying era in the Valley's history but also offers a chance for its true legacy to live on.

The Legacy of the Lone Dinosaur (
Author: Ducky123
Description: The Great Valley hadn't always been that amazing community between all sorts of species coexisting and working together in harmony. Long long ago, there was a time where the valley was quite different from how it was now. Granted, it was just as much of a paradise back then but it was every herd for itself. Each herd solved things their own way and stuck to themselves. Dinosaurs coexisted in relative peace that was founded on mutual ignorance. However, that was about to change when a dramatic catastrophy struck the Valley many many years ago...
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on June 18, 2018, 10:52:55 AM
It's always great to have a vote in this challenge. :yes This time, I feel that jassy's Under the Stars is the strongest entry due to its simple but effective plot as well as its nice character moments. :smile
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DiddyKT2 on June 18, 2018, 11:40:45 AM
I think that Ducky123's Legacy of the Lone Dinosaur was the best one here. It might have been short with no dialogue, but it makes up for it with the excellent narrative that makes it such an all-friendly story. :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: jassy on June 18, 2018, 01:44:12 PM
Wow, my first time getting to vote. How exciting! :D I didn’t get a chance to leave a review, but I believe that Sovereign’s Generation upon Generation was the strongest entry for this month’s challenge. It flowed nicely, and the I thoroughly enjoyed the diversity in the different characters. :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on June 18, 2018, 04:45:46 PM
uhh, I think it's about time to catch up on some reading... :oops
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on June 25, 2018, 09:24:32 AM
Well this should be interesting...

After reading all three stories, I think each of us would deserve to win for various reasons. Personally, DiddyKF1's story moved me the most while having solid writing and while meeting the prompt quite well. Thus I will vote for his story. Have fun breaking the tie  :OhYou
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on June 27, 2018, 08:34:53 PM
Urgh... a four way tie.  Maybe I can run away and pretend like this did not happen.  :bolt

... but alas no.  :p

I shall inform Horizon (Fyn) of this development and we will inform all of you once a consensus is reached. I just ask that you all be patient as Fyn is incredibly busy and I am now pulling 60-hour weeks at work, so it may take a bit before we can give the stories another read-through.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 04, 2018, 12:33:25 PM
After over a week of deliberation Horizon and I have narrowed down the four-way tie... to a two-way tie.  :p Congratulations, Sovereign and Diddy, you are our joint winners for May's prompt.  :)  Sovereign, you may use the new banner to your signature which is attached to this message.  Whereas Diddy you may pick any of the one-star banners here: or alternatively ask DarkWolf for a custom banner.  Though it was obvious that all four candidates could not win, I do want to thank you all for your participation, and all participants who did not win may select a zero-star participation banner from that same link.

Now on to other matters... The June prompt is still going on until July 31st - so I wish those of you who decided to participate the best of luck with your writing. Additionall the July prompt is now underway, which I will go ahead and extend its due date until the end of August.  The July prompt is:

Your theme for this month: there comes a time in everyone's life where a choice must be made, one which may irreversibly alter the path ahead.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on July 04, 2018, 02:40:49 PM
Another win! Yay! :wow I'm really glad that you and Horizon enjoyed my entry for the May prompt and thank you a lot for your decision (also, thanks to jassy who voted for me :)littlefoot)! However, I don't see any new banners attached to the message... :sducky
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DiddyKT2 on July 04, 2018, 08:59:57 PM
Wow! I'm at a loss for words! I'm so happy that you liked my springtime drama, and thanks a lot to all of you (particularly Ducky123, who voted for me)!  :smile And congrats to Sovereign as well.  :) And as I'm typing this, they're just starting off the Fourth of July fireworks! Well, that's one way to celebrate a win!  :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 04, 2018, 11:52:40 PM
Another win! Yay! :wow I'm really glad that you and Horizon enjoyed my entry for the May prompt and thank you a lot for your decision (also, thanks to jassy who voted for me :)littlefoot)! However, I don't see any new banners attached to the message... :sducky

Oops!  Here you go!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on July 05, 2018, 01:28:31 AM
Aww Not Supposed To Be fits a prompt challenge yet again :lol

But this is another prompt I may come up with something for.

But first write that June one lol[\s]
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: F-14 Ace on July 07, 2018, 01:23:44 PM
Just a heads up.  I'm not doing anymore of the prompts if I have to post it on  I've had that "VONDON E WILES" idiot spam the same cut-and-paste comment on the last story I posted three times in a row!  I've deleted the comment and he just keeps reposting it. I posted that story all the way back in January and he's STILL spamming me.  What's worse, this has been going on since 2013 and is one of the reason I stopped posting in the Land Before Time section on to begin with.  I swear he must be brain damaged or something to keep spamming the same crap for 5 years straight!  x(cera  Whatever.  I'll post on my Deviantart account or someplace else, but if posting on remains a requirement, I'm done with the prompts.  I've already deleted the previous entry off of there.   
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 07, 2018, 07:46:26 PM
Just a heads up.  I'm not doing anymore of the prompts if I have to post it on  I've had that "VONDON E WILES" idiot spam the same cut-and-paste comment on the last story I posted three times in a row!  I've deleted the comment and he just keeps reposting it. I posted that story all the way back in January and he's STILL spamming me.  What's worse, this has been going on since 2013 and is one of the reason I stopped posting in the Land Before Time section on to begin with.  I swear he must be brain damaged or something to keep spamming the same crap for 5 years straight!  x(cera  Whatever.  I'll post on my Deviantart account or someplace else, but if posting on remains a requirement, I'm done with the prompts.  I've already deleted the previous entry off of there.   

Well, ultimately the decision on how to proceed is up to you, but I don't think it is necessary to stop one's participation merely because of one spammer.  Especially this same spammer, which was the bane of my existence for awhile.  For there are several options to deal with people like "VONDON E WILES".  Besides manually deleting the comment like you have been doing you can also select "disable anonymous reviews" in order to stop people like Vondon from spamming your story.

The reason why we have linking to as a requirement for the challenge is to attract new people (who might not yet be forum members) to the prompt challenge and perhaps to the forum.  Additionally having them on allows me to archive them in a prompt community so that they are easily accessible to everyone.  For the next season of the prompt challenge (after a hiatus during the forum awards) we might reconsider the policy and perhaps merely require having the stories both on the forum and on another archiving site of the author's choice (like DeviantArt, AO3, or with a standardized disclaimer at the beginning of each story so that people know where to go if they are interested in the prompt challenge. That might allow for the same level of archiving and attracting new participants while giving everyone a bit of extra flexibility.  :yes
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: F-14 Ace on July 07, 2018, 10:34:25 PM
As far as I can tell there is no option to disable anonymous reviews.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 07, 2018, 10:58:16 PM
As far as I can tell there is no option to disable anonymous reviews.

You are correct.  It seems that got rid of that option in 2014 despite people on the site complaining about guest reviewers sometimes giving them death threats and other abusive comments. Because of this, in the future you and anyone else for that matter can use Archive of Our Own ( if you wish instead of An additional advantage of that site is that it is much easier in terms of formatting.  For the Seven Hunters, for example, I was able to copy and paste it there without any formatting issues, whereas with it was always a pain.

Note that there is a waiting period of some time before one can get an invite code to Archive of Our Own, but I am flexible on the time issue.  As long as a person has a story posted on this forum in time I can simply mark the other link in the masterlist as "pending" until the invite code issue is resolved.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: F-14 Ace on July 26, 2018, 06:06:26 AM
Quick question.  I've got my banner for the December prompt challenge, but I'm not sure how to actually use it.  How do I put it in my signature?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 28, 2018, 02:56:50 AM
Quick question.  I've got my banner for the December prompt challenge, but I'm not sure how to actually use it.  How do I put it in my signature?

You can click on it and click on it and then either:

1.  Right click on the image and select "save image as" and then from there upload it to an image-hosting site and save the link; or

2.  Right click on the image and select "copy image location" and use that link

And then in your signature you can use the [.img.] and [./.img.] commands (without the periods) to put in the link for the image.  Once you do that the image should appear in the signature.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on August 01, 2018, 01:07:20 AM
Wow! :wow To say that I am impressed with the offerings for the June prompt challenge would be a great understatement.  Not only do we have six strong entries for us now to consider for voting purposes, but the quality of the offerings is easily among the best that I have seen.  Trying to choose a best entry is sure to be a challenging prospect.  :sducky

With that in mind, I wanted to clarify a few things:

First, voting has begun in the voting topic (  As I need a few more days to complete my own reviews of the some of the entries, I can understand if some people need time to consider their choices.  Nonetheless voting is now open on the matter.

Second, please keep in mind that the following prompts are still active:

July 2018 Prompt (open until August 31)
"There comes a time in everyone's life where a choice must be made, one which may irreversibly alter the path ahead."


August 2018 Prompt (open until September 30)
"Goodbyes are never easy. Write a story about a parting."

As always I look forward to your responses.  :) With the excellent work you have all done this month I am sure that additional enjoyable reads will be forthcoming in the future!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on August 25, 2018, 10:45:14 AM
This is just a reminder that the July prompt will be due on Friday, so if you wish to submit an entry it will need to be done in the next week.  Though, if there is a demand to do so, we could extend the time for it to September 30 to match the due date for the August challenge.  If anyone would like an extension on the July prompt then let me know.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DiddyKT2 on August 25, 2018, 12:25:33 PM
I'm almost done with my July entry. I'm just down to the finishing touches and checking for any possible typos. I should have it in possibly tonight or tomorrow.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on August 25, 2018, 10:14:20 PM
Yeah, as with above I don't think I need an extension for the July prompt.

I might be rushing it a little but my entry was originally supposed to be finished up yesterday before the rabbit hole of the internet ensnared me. I should still have it up in a couple of days at worst.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: LBTlover247 on August 27, 2018, 06:11:57 PM
I'm almost finished my entry as well. I just have the ending to write and the final edit to do.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on September 01, 2018, 04:34:58 AM
Good evening, everyone!  Well, morning, actually.  :p I must apologize for my relative absence lately, but work has kept me distracted.  That being said it is once again time to conclude one monthly prompt and to look with eager anticipation towards the future.

First, I would like to congratulate @DiddyKF1 for winning the June 2018 prompt challenge!  :DD As winner of the challenge you may now upgrade your banner to the two-star Seeker badge which I have attached to this post.  @DiddyKF1

Secondly, it is again time for a monthly prompt to conclude.  For the July 2018 prompt there were three entries, which all participants in last month's prompt can now vote for in the voting topic (  I will keep the voting open for the next two weeks, or until all three qualified voters cast their votes, whichever occurs first.

Third, please keep in mind that the August 2018 prompt will continue to run until September 30, 2018.  So if you have not already submitted an entry you still have plenty of time to work on an entry.

Fourth, I would like to clarify that the forum fanfiction awards (which are totally separate from the prompt challenge) will begin accepting nominations a week from today.  On that day I will post the rules topic for those awards and you may begin to PM me with your desired nominations.  The actual voting and leaving of reviews for the awards will commence on October 1, 2018 and end on November 30, 2018.  As we have had a massive turnout of great stories on the forum this year I would like to encourage you all to participate in those awards this year.

Finally, I want to clarify that the prompt challenge will be going on hiatus from October 1st to November 30th of this year in order to not interfere with the forum fanfiction awards and to allow me to consider how to develop next year's prompt challenges.  In this process I would appreciate your feedback.  If you have any ideas as to what you would like to see included, or potential prompt ideas, let me know in this discussion topic and they might be included in next year's iteration of the awards.  :yes I eagerly look forward to your thoughts.  :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on September 01, 2018, 04:55:45 AM
I would like to clarify that the forum fanfiction awards (which are totally separate from the prompt challenge) will begin accepting nominations a week from today.  On that day I will post the rules topic for those awards and you may begin to PM me with your desired nominations.  The actual voting and leaving of reviews for the awards will commence on October 1, 2018 and end on November 30, 2018.  As we have had a massive turnout of great stories on the forum this year I would like to encourage you all to participate in those awards this year.
Oh, nice! I'm interested, I guess... even if my bashfulness probably will lead me to not be in this as much as I'd prefer. :P

Also, I guess this means I actually need to catch up on Mender's Tale (I took a break due to being conscripted right at the first mention of hidden runners and dammit I don't want to know how convoluted things got when I was gone) and Separate Ways (haven't read it yet, hoping to find time to do so soon) to give them both stupidly lengthy reviews. Hehehe! That was the period in most of 2017 and half of 2018 where I went off the FFN site due to real-life issues and came back these behemoths now both hovering around the 300K+ word mark and was like... my time halp pls.

Finally, I want to clarify that the prompt challenge will be going on hiatus from October 1st to November 30th of this year in order to not interfere with the forum fanfiction awards and to allow me to consider how to develop next year's prompt challenges. In this process I would appreciate your feedback.  If you have any ideas as to what you would like to see included, or potential prompt ideas, let me know in this discussion topic and they might be included in next year's iteration of the awards.  :yes I eagerly look forward to your thoughts.  :)
I never thought I'd suggest this, but one word prompts.

Britain's GCSE "O" Levels international examinations used to have five prompts for their composition writing topic, one of which was one-word prompts, but they took it out of the syllabus by the time I sat for their English Papers. From experience in writing them in English classes, I find that one word prompts can lead to wildly varying stories since people can interpret them in many different ways. Of course, the issue with this is that you have little control over the final output of the participants, but it's up to you whether unpredictability is a blessing or a curse.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on September 03, 2018, 02:57:24 PM
Congratulations to Diddy for winning the June prompt! You truly deserved it! :yes As for the future prompts, this year had far stronger ideas than the first one. It was especially great to see the June prompt draw so many authors to it so I'd certainly like to see a similar challenge again one day. :) I also enjoyed the last October's scary prompt idea and perhaps it could be a good idea to suggest simply some genre as the prompt again? Also, one thing I've thought is that perhaps we could once try a much more direct prompt some time, for example some character's actions in a certain situation to see the different visions of the writers of the said character. I'm also on board for OwlsCantRead's idea as it could be worth trying out.

Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on September 03, 2018, 05:49:26 PM
@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @Horizon @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Okay, just for clarification: THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL PROMPTS FOR 2019 - this is just a proposed rough draft.  I would appreciate all of your feedback on these ideas, are there any that you think might need to be revised?  If so what would you recommend changing them in to?  Also, just for clarification, my current plan is to have people choose any one of the prompts (one word, dialogue, or description) they want for each month.  This works as each triplet of prompts follows the same basic theme.

December 2018..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt: Belief

Dialogue prompt: “Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart.”

Major prompt[/u]: Religious or not, we all have beliefs or certainties that sustain us, even in our most desperate moments.  Write a story showcasing a character relying on his/her beliefs, morals, or philosophy to overcome an obstacle or hardship.

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28

Winter prompt exchange!: Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

February 2019..............................Feb 1 – Mar 31   

One word prompt: Love

Dialogue prompt: “You know, I think I’m falling for her/him.”

Major prompt: Write a story explaining how an established couple in the Land Before Time universe came to be.  For this prompt you may use canon LBT characters OR you can also use original characters established in your previous LBT fanfics.

March 2019..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

One word prompt: Conflict

Dialogue prompt: "This means that we fight."

Major prompt: A rather straightforward prompt this time: write a story that features battle as a major plot point.  The battle may be to defend a herd (for leaf-eaters), find success in a hunt (for sharpteeth), defends one’s reputation or standing, or for training purposes.

April 2019..............................Apr 1 – May 31   

One word prompt: Jokes

Dialogue prompt: “The hardest part about pranking [insert name or species here] is all of the running involved.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a practical joke, a prank, or some other humorous antic goes way too far in a non-tragic way.

May 2019..............................May 1 – Jun 30   

One word prompt: Duty

Dialogue prompt: “It is required of you...”

Major prompt: Write a story where one of the characters is given a sacred duty or a quest.

June 2019..............................Jun 1 – Jul 31   

One word prompt: Lessons

Dialogue prompt: “Sometimes the hardest lessons are those you teach yourself.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a character learns a lesson about the facts of life.  This can be played for seriousness or for laughs.

July 2019..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

Summer prompt exchange!: Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

August 2019..............................Aug 1 – Sep 30

One word prompt: Greatness

Dialogue prompt: “In order for him/her to rise, he/she had to first fall.”

Major prompt: Write a story about a character rising to the occasion after experiencing a loss or hardship in life.

Hiatus for fanfic awards..............................Oct 1 – Nov 30

The prompt challenge will be on hiatus so as not to interfere with the forum fanfiction awards.  It will return on December 1.

Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on September 05, 2018, 04:33:05 PM
I quite like the idea of having three different prompts which still are built around the same theme so that's certainly a good thing. I should be able to write something of almost all of these ideas, my only question mark being the February one. I know it has the Valentine's Day theme but I admit, I feel like I've struggled on the romance prompts quite a bit in the last two years. :sducky And about the exchange prompts, I'm not entirely sure if making them more frequent will work out perfectly. I'll most certainly take part but I wonder if some others will suffer some kind of fatigue from that idea if we do it too often. But other than that, good job on these prompts! :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DiddyKT2 on September 05, 2018, 05:55:25 PM
I really like many of these ideas.  :) I do have a particularly good taste with romance stories. The only ones I feel uneasy about are the exchange prompts. I prefer to have a sense of freedom when it comes to my story writing, because I know what to write about when prompted or when someone asks me to write a particular story, so getting that sense of having no idea what we're going to write about feels intimidating. I don't have much else to say other than many of these prompts will probably provide the forum with some very happy and light stories in 2019 compared to this year's emotionally dark stories.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on September 05, 2018, 06:51:21 PM
Somehow missed this post in my mentions. :P

I don't have a problem with most of these prompts, bar a stretch of consecutive prompts around the middle that I don't have a solid idea on how to tackle. But I like many of the brainstormed ideas, so I guess the only problem is my standard procrastination when it comes to scheduled writing. :P

Like the other two posters before me, I feel exchange prompts is something which may or may not be feasible in the long run. It's like burning a strip of magnesium: flashy and over quickly. Since it's very unpredictable and relies a lot on a group effort in terms of responses and actual plotlines, well I guess we just gotta see.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on September 05, 2018, 08:54:22 PM
@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Thanks for the input, guys.  :) One consensus that seems to have developed is that the prompt exchange should be limited to one instance per year, and looking at the situation that is probably a good idea.  So for the second draft I will replace one of the prompt exchanges (probably the January one) with another monthly prompt. If you have any prompt ideas that you think might be interesting to add then please let me know in this topic.  :yes
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: jassy on September 05, 2018, 09:17:07 PM
Sorry for the delay in my reply  :p But I agree with what everyone else has said about the exchange prompts, although I think it would be fun to do them once every while. That’s really all I have to say, and apart from that, I’m feeling very enthusiastic about these prompts!!  :Mo
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: LBTlover247 on September 06, 2018, 12:14:22 AM
I also agree with what everyone else is saying. Having three prompts to choose from per month allows for more creativity and individuality among the submissions while sticking to the same overall theme.

Also, I could see myself writing for any, if not all, of these prompts.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 02, 2018, 02:24:42 AM
@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Good evening, everyone!  :) Though the forum's fanfiction awards have been extended until the end of Sunday to allow for a few more individuals to vote, I will not let that delay the awaited beginning of the next season of the LBT fanfiction prompt challenge.  I have been especially impressed with the participation and excellent entries in this challenge's previous season and eagerly look forward to what all of our talented fanfiction writers have in store for us this season!  :yes

For this third season of the prompt challenge there will be a few changes that I would like all of you to be aware of.  First, I will be managing this season's challenge as the sole administrator of the prompt challenge so please be patient if I take a little longer than usual to decide tie-breakers and things like that.  Much like Spike I might seem to be a bit distracted at times but eventually I end up where I need to be.  :p  Secondly, we are using a bit of a different system for the prompts which I would like you to take notice of.  In the new system there are three different prompts for each month, but they all share the same general theme.  For any month you may choose to use the one word prompt for a general theme, the dialogue prompt to include in your story, or the more detailed prompt to guide your writing.  Regardless of which prompt variant you choose it will be considered a valid entry for the prompt challenge. It is my hope that this new system ensures that we stick to general themes while at the same time allowing for more freedom than sometimes existed in the prompts of previous seasons.

As for the rewards for a winning prompt, I am actually open to suggestions.  Does everyone want to stick to the previous system of a fanfic prompt banner with stars indicating the number of wins in the season?  Or would you be interested in me writing a short story based upon a winner-selected prompt (<5000 words) for the winner of each month?  I am open to either suggestion though if there does not appear to be a clear consensus either way then we could try the banners once again.

In any case, I look forward to what you all come up with in another productive year of LBT fanfiction.  :smile  Happy writing, everyone!

December 2018..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt: Belief

Dialogue prompt: “Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart.”

Major prompt[/u]: Religious or not, we all have beliefs or certainties that sustain us, even in our most desperate moments.  Write a story showcasing a character relying on his/her beliefs, morals, or philosophy to overcome an obstacle or hardship.

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28

One word prompt: Argument

Dialogue prompt: “I am not going to put up with this!”

Major prompt: Write a story where two or more characters have a serious argument or disagreement.  The eventual outcome of the argument and the narrative is entirely up to the author.

February 2019..............................Feb 1 – Mar 31   

One word prompt: Love

Dialogue prompt: “You know, I think I’m falling for her/him.”

Major prompt: Write a story explaining how an established couple in the Land Before Time universe came to be.  For this prompt you may use canon LBT characters OR you can also use original characters established in your previous LBT fanfics.

March 2019..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

One word prompt: Conflict

Dialogue prompt: "This means that we fight."

Major prompt: A rather straightforward prompt this time: write a story that features battle as a major plot point.  The battle may be to defend a herd (for leaf-eaters), find success in a hunt (for sharpteeth), defends one’s reputation or standing, or for training purposes.

April 2019..............................Apr 1 – May 31   

One word prompt: Jokes

Dialogue prompt: “The hardest part about pranking [insert name or species here] is all of the running involved.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a practical joke, a prank, or some other humorous antic goes way too far in a non-tragic way.

May 2019..............................May 1 – Jun 30   

One word prompt: Duty

Dialogue prompt: “It is required of you...”

Major prompt: Write a story where one of the characters is given a sacred duty or a quest.

June 2019..............................Jun 1 – Jul 31   

One word prompt: Lessons

Dialogue prompt: “Sometimes the hardest lessons are those you teach yourself.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a character learns a lesson about the facts of life.  This can be played for seriousness or for laughs.

July 2019..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

Summer prompt exchange!: Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

August 2019..............................Aug 1 – Sep 30

One word prompt: Greatness

Dialogue prompt: “In order for him/her to rise, he/she had to first fall.”

Major prompt: Write a story about a character rising to the occasion after experiencing a loss or hardship in life.

Hiatus for fanfic awards..............................Oct 1 – Nov 30

The prompt challenge will be on hiatus so as not to interfere with the forum fanfiction awards.  It will return on December 1.

Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on December 02, 2018, 08:36:40 AM
Keep the star system please :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on December 02, 2018, 02:16:36 PM
Ah, I see that Jan's prompt has been finalized. :p

I'll wager that the star system works better. A winning-prompt, in my opinion, would put unnecessary stress and workload on you and I wouldn't wish to burden you, though I see where you're coming from and appreciate the concept.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on December 02, 2018, 03:33:49 PM
I agree that the star system is the best for the challenge. Though, if I happen to win two more prompts this year, will I simply get another row of stars to my banner?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 02, 2018, 07:00:06 PM
Alright, banners it is again!  :)  That is what I call a pretty clear consensus on the way forward.  I will talk to DarkWolf about the possibility of preparing new star banners for this new season.  I would like to thank her once again for all of the time and effort that she has put into the banners in the past.  :)

I agree that the star system is the best for the challenge. Though, if I happen to win two more prompts this year, will I simply get another row of stars to my banner?

For the new season I plan on us starting the star banners from scratch (though with 2019 appearing on the banners) so everyone will be starting at zero stars.  But you can keep your banner from the last season showing that you won the contest four times that season.  Think of this working like the forum banners with new banners being used for each year and the banners being cumulative in nature.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DarkWolf91 on December 02, 2018, 09:45:15 PM
Hey guys!
There are a couple of ways we could do next year's banners. If everyone wants to keep the same characters with a background and text change, that's fine, but I'm also willing to do new drawings to help differentiate them from last year's banners. I'll also renew my offer to participants of getting a new banner done with a character of your choice in case you'd like one with a different character this year :smile Just let me know what you all think.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 28, 2018, 01:12:15 AM
This is just a reminder that the December contest is still going on.  I hope to have my entry up relatively soon (in the next week or so) but the December challenge continues through the end of the next month.  :yes
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on December 28, 2018, 09:13:43 PM
in other words there's no hurry right?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 28, 2018, 11:34:01 PM
in other words there's no hurry right?

Pretty much.  A month still remains, though January's contest will also begin next month.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 03, 2019, 02:37:29 AM
I am bumping this topic just to remind everyone that we currently have two prompt challenges in progress.  They are as follows:

December 2018..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt: Belief

Dialogue prompt: “Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart.”

Major prompt[/u]: Religious or not, we all have beliefs or certainties that sustain us, even in our most desperate moments.  Write a story showcasing a character relying on his/her beliefs, morals, or philosophy to overcome an obstacle or hardship.

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28

One word prompt: Argument

Dialogue prompt: “I am not going to put up with this!”

Major prompt: Write a story where two or more characters have a serious argument or disagreement.  The eventual outcome of the argument and the narrative is entirely up to the author.

As always, I look forward to what you all come up with!  :)  I hope to have my December prompt response added to the collection in the near-future.  :yes
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 02, 2019, 01:42:12 PM
@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Alright, everyone, we are waiting on one person's entry which has been delayed due to special circumstances but we can begin voting once that is posted.  That being said, I am quite pleased with the participation thus far.  In the meantime I would like to remind everyone that the following prompts are now active:

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28

One word prompt: Argument

Dialogue prompt: “I am not going to put up with this!”

Major prompt: Write a story where two or more characters have a serious argument or disagreement.  The eventual outcome of the argument and the narrative is entirely up to the author.

February 2019..............................Feb 1 – Mar 31   

One word prompt: Love

Dialogue prompt: “You know, I think I’m falling for her/him.”

Major prompt: Write a story explaining how an established couple in the Land Before Time universe came to be.  For this prompt you may use canon LBT characters OR you can also use original characters established in your previous LBT fanfics.

As always, I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!  :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: UnionRags123 on February 05, 2019, 05:02:40 PM
Ooh the Argument prompt sounds fun to write about! :lol
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 01, 2019, 12:34:20 AM
@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Good evening, everyone!  Due to requests (and the fact I will be offline for the next few days) I am going to extend the submission time for the January prompt for a few days until March 7th.  I would like to thank all of you who have already submitted entries, and I look forward to the upcoming entries as well. :)

With that in mind, here are the fanfic prompts which are currently active:

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28 EXTENDED UNTIL MARCH 7

One word prompt: Argument

Dialogue prompt: “I am not going to put up with this!”

Major prompt: Write a story where two or more characters have a serious argument or disagreement.  The eventual outcome of the argument and the narrative is entirely up to the author.

February 2019..............................Feb 1 – Mar 31   

One word prompt: Love

Dialogue prompt: “You know, I think I’m falling for her/him.”

Major prompt: Write a story explaining how an established couple in the Land Before Time universe came to be.  For this prompt you may use canon LBT characters OR you can also use original characters established in your previous LBT fanfics.

March 2019..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

One word prompt: Conflict

Dialogue prompt: "This means that we fight."

Major prompt: A rather straightforward prompt this time: write a story that features battle as a major plot point.  The battle may be to defend a herd (for leaf-eaters), find success in a hunt (for sharpteeth), defends one’s reputation or standing, or for training purposes.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DiddyKT2 on March 31, 2019, 04:15:49 PM
I was curious. Is there a length limit for prompt entries? I spent two months working on my February prompt, and completed it a few days ago. Yeah, I can sometimes be a fast writer because my priorities tend to shuffle. I've been having a hunch that my latest story would probably not make the list because it's so long and other readers couldn't possibly read a 20-chapter story in just a few days like I can.

I only didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning and suddenly yell out, "Hey, wait a minute!" I really need to stop being the shy guy around here. :sducky
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 31, 2019, 04:24:25 PM
I was curious. Is there a length limit for prompt entries? I spent two months working on my February prompt, and completed it a few days ago. Yeah, I can sometimes be a fast writer because my priorities tend to shuffle. I've been having a hunch that my latest story would probably not make the list because it's so long and other readers couldn't possibly read a 20-chapter story in just a few days like I can.

I only didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning and suddenly yell out, "Hey, wait a minute!" I really need to stop being the shy guy around here. :sducky


There is no explicit limit on the size of stories, though we do encourage people to keep it reasonable (no more than 10k words) if they want to have people to actually have time to review it. Just send me the links via PM and a description and I can add it to the list.  :yes
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on March 31, 2019, 06:15:29 PM
There will probably be a slight extension on the February prompt challenge as Ducky123 is currently transferring his entry from paper to the forum, as seen here:

But as the chapter is obviously done, I will permit the extension.  :yes As soon as this is posted we can begin voting on the February prompt.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 07, 2019, 06:47:30 PM
Alright, everyone, this is just a reminder that we have two monthly prompt challenges that are currently active:

March 2019..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

One word prompt: Conflict

Dialogue prompt: "This means that we fight."

Major prompt: A rather straightforward prompt this time: write a story that features battle as a major plot point.  The battle may be to defend a herd (for leaf-eaters), find success in a hunt (for sharpteeth), defends one’s reputation or standing, or for training purposes.

April 2019..............................Apr 1 – May 31   

One word prompt: Jokes

Dialogue prompt: “The hardest part about pranking [insert name or species here] is all of the running involved.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a practical joke, a prank, or some other humorous antic goes way too far in a non-tragic way.

As always, I look forward to your entries. :) Also please keep in mind that the voting for the February 2019 prompt is now ongoing in the voting topic (  If you had an entry for February 2019 then please vote for your favorite entry.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 01, 2019, 12:37:52 AM
Okay, everyone, this is just an announcement that I will not have time to deal with the fanfic prompt response business until Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon.  So if you are rushing to get an entry in from the March prompt you have at least one more day to do so and still qualify for the fanfic voting.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on May 01, 2019, 06:47:48 PM
I definitely need a few more days :( I've squeezed out a whole chapter today (not uploaded, will mass upload all chapters at once once the crucial chapter is done) but I still need two more to reach the scene I want to submit. Somehow two planned chapters turned into four with my story ugh. I'll aim at sunday but I can't tell if I'll make it in time.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 05, 2019, 04:05:13 PM
@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy @Anagnos

Alright, everyone, this is just a reminder that we have two monthly prompt challenges that are currently active:

April 2019..............................Apr 1 – May 31   

One word prompt: Jokes

Dialogue prompt: “The hardest part about pranking [insert name or species here] is all of the running involved.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a practical joke, a prank, or some other humorous antic goes way too far in a non-tragic way.

May 2019..............................May 1 – Jun 30   

One word prompt: Duty

Dialogue prompt: “It is required of you...”

Major prompt: Write a story where one of the characters is given a sacred duty or a quest.

I look forward to everyone’s entries!

As there were only two entries for the March 2019 prompt that can be voted upon, I will have to break the tie there or decide on a joint winner situation.  However, there will be two non-voting entries for that prompt in the next few days as I will be posting the next chapter of Pursuit of Endless Day later tonight and Ducky123 will be making his entry in a few days.  So, although the actual entries that can be voted upon were limited this time, I am pleased with the overall turnout. :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on May 06, 2019, 07:26:54 AM
Yeah, apologies for not getting mine done in time. Even though I spent the whole day writing and getting some 10k words done it still wasn't enough :PAli That's what I get for procrastinating during my spring break when I had more than enough time to get it done. The next prompt will require several chapters to be written once again (not to mention that the May prompt happens before the April prompt) so I'll remain rather busy with the story :smile
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on May 23, 2019, 11:14:38 AM
I'm just going to say here that I'm dropping my story from entering the fanfiction prompt challenge. The constant pressure to finish it only achieves the opposite and greatly slows me down because writing it becomes a chore and anything that feels like a chore is typically work I tend to avoid and do more fun things instead. I'll finish the story at my own pace from here, also so my other stories aren't dead for like several months. Just a heads up, dunno which of the remaining prompts I will join for the rest of the year but probably only few of them if inspiration for a short story hits.

For next year, if the deadlines aren't raised to 2 months per story, I probably won't be able to enter anything, not even a short story, as preparations for my final exams while doing practical work 8 hours a day will eat up my time.

EDIT: I will also read stories at my own pace and currently it falls into the work/chore category for me so please don't expect any more votes from me. If I enter, it's because I felt inspiration hit but I couldn't care less about the voting. There's the fanfiction voting for that imho and maybe a participation badge as opposed to votes should be considered. We already dropped the fanart votes and I think it'd work better for this prompt challenge as well  :^^spike
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sovereign on May 23, 2019, 02:57:13 PM
Umm, the deadline has already been extended to two months so that shouldn't be an issue. About the votes, I find them a good way to show appreciation to someone who's work you've enjoyed as well as a sign of respect to the others who have taken part. Besides, taking away this small competitive element would be a downer for me so I'd certainly want to keep the current voting system.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 23, 2019, 05:47:21 PM

I just want to reiterate that even if one does not qualify for voting due to not completing a story on time they can still have their story added to the masterlist and qualify for a participation banner (which you would need to talk to DarkWolf about).  The deadlines and voting requirement is merely there for those who wish to compete for the star banners.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on July 05, 2019, 12:18:00 PM
My sincerest apologies if I'm pre-empting any announcement, but is the summer prompt exchange challenge scheduled for July/August still a-go?

I wasn't here for last year's exchange, but I understand that the deadline is still Aug 31. Though my schedule for the next two months is quite tight, I do hope to participate in this prompt if possible by attempting to maximize my efficiency through minimizing any lag time at the start given that the numerous prompts offered would definitely need to be shuffled back to the participants. :p

Again, apologies if I'm jumping the gun. :(
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 06, 2019, 03:18:12 AM
You are indeed correct, OwlsCantRead. I must apologize for the delay as I have had a lot going on lately.

We have two prompts that are currently ongoing:

June 2019..............................Jun 1 – Jul 31   

One word prompt: Lessons

Dialogue prompt: “Sometimes the hardest lessons are those you teach yourself.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a character learns a lesson about the facts of life.  This can be played for seriousness or for laughs.

July 2019..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

Summer prompt exchange!: Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy @Anagnos

With the summer prompt exchange now in progress, we will need to make some minor revisions to this prompt in order to make sure everyone has enough time to complete this one.  For that reason, I would like all of those who want to compete in the July prompt to PM me your own proposed prompt by July 13th (with Summer Exchange in the PM title) and then I will shuffle them and give them back (randomly) to the participants who PMed me.  And, just for reference, I plan on participating as well so one of you might end up with my proposal. The July prompt will continue through September 13th as we are a bit delayed in starting this one, so hopefully that will be plenty of time for those who wish to participate.  :yes  So if you are interested in participating in the story exchange then please PM me by July 13th and I can announce who gets which entry on the 14th.  :)littlefoot

Also, @Sovereign and @Anagnos, as there were two qualifying entries for May's prompt, I will break the tie in the next week or so.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 14, 2019, 03:33:09 AM
@OwlsCantRead @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @LeventeII @jassy

Alright, everyone, it is time again for those of us who contributed a prompt to the Summer Prompt Exchange to receive begin our respective prompts! Our first attempt at this last year was a fun endeavor and I am quite pleased with the turnout for our second attempt at this.  :)

As mentioned before, due to the delay (in order to get the prompts in) this contest will continue until September 13th. So, without further delay, let's now see what prompt everyone has received from the random shuffling...

Write a story about the Rainbow Faces. What exactly it is about is entirely up to you. It can be a new meeting, an adventure, their background story or whatever else you can think of about them. "Your imagination is the limit", as the Rainbow Faces would say.

“Things can never stay the same for very long. Write a story about a time where the summer brings about great changes.”

"Write a story about sacred beliefs or traditions, involving any one of the Gang's families."

Okay, as my specific idea is kind of out there I think that I will allow two options for this prompt, a general one and a specific one.

Specific option: We all know that Petrie’s kind were likely omnivores or carnivores in real life… but what if that was also true in the LBT narrative as well? Write a story where Petrie’s “little secret” (that he likes insects or fish) is revealed to one of his friends or to the gang itself.

General option: Write a story where a secret is revealed about one of the gang, or their family, or their kind.  How will the rest of the gang react to the revelation?

Getting yourself a girlfriend/boyfriend is usually not an easy task. Even worse if the subject of your choice fancies someone else than you. Write a fanfiction set in the LBT universe that features the struggle a character of your own choice to overcome this particular problem. It is completely up to you whether he is successful or not.

As an additional spark of inspiration, you may consider using a set-up in which the subject of love interest is struggling with the loss of the one they fancied to further complicate things and add a tragic touch.

Every writer has at least one area where they excel or where they find they have always done especially well. Whether it is a genre, some kind of plot point or a trick with the writing process itself, it is always a good idea to stop for a while and think just how you created your most beloved stories. Even if you are a beginning author, you might have some idea of your strengths and weaknesses already. Write a short story based in the Land Before Time universe where you utilize your best qualities as an author.

Greed. A deadly trait, and one which can consume someone entirely should they fall prey to the enticing allure of it. As mortal creatures who live and breathe under the Bright Circle, an individual can lose themselves to their selfish nature at any given time, falling victim to the temptation of going astray in their pursuit for more. Pen down a story where a dinosaur risks everything for the sake of greed. Whether they end up succeeding or lose it all in their high-stakes gamble is up to you.

Good luck, everyone! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with. :) Also keep in mind that the following prompt is still in progress:

June 2019..............................Jun 1 – Jul 31   

One word prompt: Lessons

Dialogue prompt: “Sometimes the hardest lessons are those you teach yourself.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a character learns a lesson about the facts of life.  This can be played for seriousness or for laughs.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on July 14, 2019, 04:29:19 AM
Wow, people really came up with good ideas for this year. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to join in next time. I definitely would've joined if my life wasn't full of stuff I need to do on a daily basis. Well, a missed chance, but there will be others in the future. Good luck to everyone! :^^spike
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on July 14, 2019, 04:46:00 AM
Rainbowfaces? Ahahahaha... oh dear. :rainbowwave :wow
Wow, those eccentric ones are really outside my usual purview, I'll say. I'll certainly try my best to not completely butch up Chronos and Logos. :SmugSpike

That said, the submitted prompts are really varied this year overall. I'm excited to what everyone else will cook up with their prompt!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DiddyKT2 on July 14, 2019, 09:23:11 AM
Hmm, ... summer? Maybe there is something I can cook from this.

Pun intended. :)petrie
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: jassy on July 14, 2019, 12:35:48 PM
Hmm, a story about greed? Sounds fun, I can’t wait to see the results   :olittlefoot
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on July 14, 2019, 01:33:07 PM
Why do I get the most boring one? Oh well, traditions or sacred nonsense you say? I'll make it work!  :^^spike

At least this doesn't trigger a long story for once

 :bestsharptooth :bestsharptooth
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: LeventeII on July 16, 2019, 05:33:18 AM
Okay, mine will be interesting because I'm actually still in my discovery phase and haven't tried all the elements of writing yet. Nevertheless, in the last year since I started writing, I've already found certain areas where I think I'm doing well.
I will spend the next time thinking about what I want to include and creating the first drafts of the plot. That should be feasible.  :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: LBTlover247 on August 09, 2019, 12:46:26 AM
Is the August prompt still going to happen or are we taking a break for the fanfiction awards? I kinda have an idea already in the works if we're still doing August.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on August 09, 2019, 10:39:46 AM
Is the August prompt still going to happen or are we taking a break for the fanfiction awards? I kinda have an idea already in the works if we're still doing August.

Yep, the August prompt is still happening. It will run until September 30.

August 2019..............................Aug 1 – Sep 30

One word prompt: Greatness

Dialogue prompt: “In order for him/her to rise, he/she had to first fall.”

Major prompt: Write a story about a character rising to the occasion after experiencing a loss or hardship in life.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: LeventeII on September 07, 2019, 09:34:37 AM
What do I have to do to submit my work? Would it be enough if I just uploaded the Fanfiction here, or do I have to pay attention to something special before?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on September 07, 2019, 10:19:47 AM
You are talking about the July prompt exchange challenge, correct? It's pretty simple of how to submit your work and I believe there are even guidelines for you to take a look at if you're pondering about that. But like I said, it's quite simple, it would be not only good to upload it here, but on as well, then save the links and finally send them to Rhombus in a PM as he is the one who is in charge of managing this section. Adding the summary into the message would also be a good idea, but I don't think you'll face any serious repercussions if you forget that part.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on September 07, 2019, 11:08:37 AM

You are talking about the July prompt exchange challenge, correct? It's pretty simple of how to submit your work and I believe there are even guidelines for you to take a look at if you're pondering about that. But like I said, it's quite simple, it would be not only good to upload it here, but on as well, then save the links and finally send them to Rhombus in a PM as he is the one who is in charge of managing this section. Adding the summary into the message would also be a good idea, but I don't think you'll face any serious repercussions if you forget that part.
Apparently crossposting a prompt entry to FFN is mandatory according to the master rules, but I'm not sure how strictly that criteria is enforced since almost every LBT author here crossposts their story on the FFN archive even if it's not for the prompts.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on September 07, 2019, 12:45:37 PM
Apparently crossposting a prompt entry to FFN is mandatory according to the master rules, but I'm not sure how strictly that criteria is enforced since almost every LBT author here crossposts their story on the FFN archive even if it's not for the prompts.

Yeah, I believe that's the reason right there, but I always upload to both sites, both because it reads on the rules and to possibly attract new members to the forum as I myself became quite attracted to the forum once I started to read the prompts a long time ago. :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: UnionRags123 on September 14, 2019, 10:31:45 PM
Apparently crossposting a prompt entry to FFN is mandatory according to the master rules, but I'm not sure how strictly that criteria is enforced since almost every LBT author here crossposts their story on the FFN archive even if it's not for the prompts.

Yeah, I believe that's the reason right there, but I always upload to both sites, both because it reads on the rules and to possibly attract new members to the forum as I myself became quite attracted to the forum once I started to read the prompts a long time ago. :)

I actually joined this forum a year ago...but I didn't become active until June or July...after reading the author's notes of fanfic on that said the fanfics were responses to prompt challenges - that's when I realized that this forum was actually active. I have no idea why I didn't think it was when I first signed up :lol
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on September 15, 2019, 08:53:23 PM
Good evening, everyone!

First of all, this is just a reminder that the Summer Prompt Exchange has now concluded.  I was quite pleased with the number of responses!  With the exception of myself (my entry will be coming soon, but it would not be open for voting anyway) and jassy, everyone else has posted their entries in the allotted time.  If you participated in the prompt exchange you may vote on which entry best lived up to the premise by voting in the voting topic, which can be found here:

As of right now there is only one more prompt that is active, the August prompt, which will run until September 30. At that point the fanfic prompt challenge will go on hiatus until December so as not to interfere with the forum fanfiction awards.  But do not fear, as the fanfic prompt challenge will be back for yet another year of challenges and creativity.  :yes
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: jassy on September 16, 2019, 02:56:24 AM
Even though I wasn’t able to finish my entry in time, I am thrilled to see the amount of participation this year!  :)littlefoot Unfortunately work has pretty much taken over my life hence why I wasn’t able to finish by the deadline, but I’ll try and post my finished story eventually when I find the time and motivation, even if it won’t count for the challenge. hopefully i’ll be able to participate more this coming year.  :^^spike
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on September 17, 2019, 08:29:41 AM
I also hope that I can score with more participation next year although my final exams will likely prevent me from getting much writing done starting in 2020.

While I'm here, I'd like to suggest a prompt for next year. I'm pretty sure it came up on the discord server recently but I wanna voice it here again because I actually have a story idea that suits the prompt I'm proposing.

"Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction."
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on September 17, 2019, 09:15:43 AM
I completely second that idea. It would be a great experience for sure to explore another author's universe with a story of our own, albeit the major problems it could bring is namely that it lives up to the premise of the original concept.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: DiddyKT2 on September 17, 2019, 11:00:44 AM
I've thought of that idea, too. I often thought of writing stories set in the same universe as "Secret Love." The problems that held me back were ...

1) I didn't want to spoil the ending for anyone who might not have gotten all the way to the end, as these stories would have been set AFTER the events of "Secret Love."

2) Not everyone here is comfortable with the shipping in that story.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on September 18, 2019, 01:47:52 AM
Alright, given that I accidentally started this domino effect rolling with Boundless Curiosity (even though it's definitely not the first of its kind, I'll stress), I think I'll probably state my two cents on the "fic set in another fic" idea.

Typically, this idea works best as a supplement to an idea/fic with a lot of world-building potential behind it that can subsist an offshoot spin-off (so as of now it'll mostly be Rhombus' Hunters verse, Sovereign's Separate Ways, TLD's The Swimmer Trials, Ducky's Shorty's Dark Past, probably most of Dave's work as well as a couple of profound one-shots with strong themes and ideas), with two common categories I can think of:

1) Bridge the parent fic's canon while remaining canon-compliant to the original author's work (ie. missing scene, thoughts behind minor character, expanding a scene, different POV, minor what-if scenario)
2) Expand on the parent fic's idea (ie. major what-if scenario which changes the entire course of the parent fic, a straight-up fanmade sequel to the original work, or opting to merely borrowing the crux of the core concept - ie. the many LBT human self-insert stories), basically following an AU set in the parent fic's verse which need not necessarily be canon-compliant to the parent work.

Now, I'll personally recommend going for the first, and I'm going to elaborate why. If you're going to write something in the latter category, I would advise caution as it is very easy to fall into the trap of losing the tone and/or charm of the original story you're drawing inspiration from. To put this in perspective, from what I read in The Eighth Hunter, that fic would fall in the latter category and it slowly but surely gains an identity of its own, one which might not identify with readers of Rhombus' original work. With stories of this style, you'll run the risk of not capturing the audience who loved the original so much for what it is and what it stands for.

On the other hand, with fics-of-fics (heh) in the first category, you're capturing the tone and general ambiance of the original story, and you'll likely enrapture the original author of the work as well. Say if I were to write a fic elaborating on Sparkle's backstory and/or day-to-day life as an offshoot to Secret Love, not only will it please original author @DiddyKF1 compared to if I were to write a far-off sequel which may not even fit the tone of the original romance fic, but there's definitely an audience who have read that fic that has this nagging thought in their mind, and by fulfilling that you will satisfy their hunger for by creating a response to a question that they didn't even know they wanted the answer for. With Boundless Curiosity, I decided to focus on the successor leaf-eater gang since I really liked them and felt they had more to them when reading Songs, and lo and behold it turned out I wasn't alone in that regard (which was something I didn't even know or consider when drafting the idea).

So I'd recommend going for an idea along the lines of the former/first category. But that's just my tip from observing many, many fics trying to use other fics as a base. You don't have to listen to my rambling, it's just an observation.

I completely second that idea. It would be a great experience for sure to explore another author's universe with a story of our own, albeit the major problems it could bring is namely that it lives up to the premise of the original concept.
This is definitely a caveat! If you're going to base your work off another's, there will be definitely comparisons made, so my advice is not to compete with the original author, but to compliment their style. Be mindful especially if you're using their OCs... treat their character the way like your own and don't have them go OOC, with exceptions you should make sure that they'd act almost identical to how they would in the original story, and remember to try and stick to the general tone and style of whichever fic you're borrowing from.

Fics based on specific AUs are common in other way larger fandoms and have been successful, so I will definitely be pleased if people are interested in expanding other author's ideas! It's all about perspective - you might see potential in something that your favorite author has seemingly glossed over, so why not self-indulge yourself? It's why we write fanfics to begin with. :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on September 18, 2019, 03:32:53 AM
That's true and there are lot of ideas on my mind about what to write if this plan is accepted in the end, so I definitely won't be lacking in ideas for sure. :^^spike
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sleeping-force's-inside on September 18, 2019, 01:41:05 PM
While I probably wouldn't be able to finish my story on time (curse you adult life with a fulltime job), I would totes participate in this prompt  :Mo
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: UnionRags123 on September 23, 2019, 12:31:09 AM
While I'm here, I'd like to suggest a prompt for next year. I'm pretty sure it came up on the discord server recently but I wanna voice it here again because I actually have a story idea that suits the prompt I'm proposing.

"Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction."

please, please, please let this actually become a prompt  :lol
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on November 10, 2019, 05:35:49 PM
I will have an official welcome post for the new season of the fanfiction prompt challenge as soon as December 1st comes around.  But, before we get to the official beginning, I did want to run by some possible rule changes and the proposed prompts before we get started.  Please let me know if you have any objections or suggested changes to what is proposed.  :yes

Proposed Rule Change:

In the event of a tied vote for the top story of the month (that is not due to there only being two entries) then a runoff vote will happen to decide the winner.

Proposed prompts:

December 2019..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt : Exploration

Dialogue prompt : “Sometimes you have to find a new place in order to find what was always there all along.”

Major prompt: The gang is notorious for exploring new places and finding new difficulties along the way. Write a story where one or more of the gang explore(s) someplace new and, along the way, discover(s) something about themselves as well.

January 2020..............................Jan 1 – Feb 29

One word prompt : Perplexed

Dialogue prompt : "He/she had seen much in his/her life, but nothing had prepared him/her for this."

Major prompt: Never mind how old we are, or how much experience we obtain, life has a way of throwing unexpected surprises in our direction. Write a story where a character is confronted with something that confounds them and which forces them to reconsider some of their previous ideas.  This can be played romantically, humorously, or seriously, depending on your preference.

February 2020..............................Feb 1 – March 31

One word prompt : Eggs

Dialogue prompt : "They're hatching!"

Major prompt: The birth (or hatching) of one's first child is always a wondrous and joyful experience, but it is also incredibly daunting.  Now there is a new life on this planet which is dependent on your support and love.  Write a story where a new parent or parents must deal with the challenges of their first nest.

March 2020..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

April 2020..............................Apr 1 – May 31

One word prompt : Misadventure

Dialogue prompt : "Was it worth it?"  "Of course!"

Major prompt: It's all fun and games until you are chased by a threehorn or sharptooth due to your idiocy!  Make a story that focuses on the humorous misadventures of a character or characters.

May 2020..............................May 1 – Jun 30   

One word prompt : Hidden

Dialogue prompt : "He doesn't like me much, does he?"

Major prompt: Write a story featuring a character that you think is underexplored in the fandom.  Bonus points if you can write a sympathetic story featuring a character that you actually dislike in the canon.

June 2020..............................Jun 1 – Jul 31   

One word prompt : Adapting

Dialogue prompt : "Uh... do you speak my language?"  "Wrth'grrr arrghhh!"  "Um... okay, thank you!"

Major prompt: Adapting to a new home and culture can be difficult. Write a story where a character (canon or otherwise) must adapt to a new home and herd/pack.

July 2020..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

One word prompt : Alternatives

Dialogue prompt : "Not all was as it seemed."

Major prompt: History is often written by the winners and this is no less true in the Land Before Time... apart from the whole writing thing. :p Write a story that presents an alternative character interpretation (or a hidden side) of a canon character.

August 2020..............................Aug 1 – Sep 30

Summer prompt exchange!: Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

Hiatus for fanfic awards..............................Oct 1 – Nov 30

The prompt challenge will be on hiatus so as not to interfere with the forum fanfiction awards.  It will return on December 1.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on November 10, 2019, 07:08:02 PM
These prompts are really, really good! :duckyhappy They're definitely simpler entry points for any entrants willing to try their hand for the 2020 prompt challenge! I especially like the May one because my personal adage with fanfics is to write things that haven't been done before, and it's a really neat thing to see such restraints being placed in prompts because it tends to bring out some of the most creative and self-indulgent ideas.

Proposed Rule Change:
In the event of a tied vote for the top story of the month (that is not due to there only being two entries) then a runoff vote will happen to decide the winner.
Given the relatively small number of participants, ties do tend to occur, so I'm in favor of the runoff vote. I'm just concerned given how long voting tends to last... lag time will  be something. :p Still, will you still break the tie if there are only two entries and/or the tie still persists even after a second vote?

March 2020..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.
I like the flexibility of the alternate prompt for this specific month since it technically allows one to expand the source fic while retaining their writing style, but I would say that while writing about another OC is certainly more restrictive than the alternate prompt, the OC-special prompt might end up causing the entry more true to its roots and original concept than a less restrictive other-universe fic. No qualms, though. :P

But what if the original fic's author isn't on GoF, perchance, since there are still many other fic authors who haven't joined our lovely forum? Do we just get their permission through FFN then?

Besides those two minor notes, I'm all good. I will make a valiant attempt to participate more compared to the past two years for sure in this one! :Mo
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: UnionRags123 on November 10, 2019, 07:25:43 PM
These prompts look great!

Maybe 2020 will be the year I finally submit a prompt  :lol
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on November 10, 2019, 08:49:50 PM
Still, will you still break the tie if there are only two entries and/or the tie still persists even after a second vote?

Aye, I would plan on breaking the tie in those cases.  :yes

But what if the original fic's author isn't on GoF, perchance, since there are still many other fic authors who haven't joined our lovely forum? Do we just get their permission through FFN then?

Yep, yep, yep! In that case a screenshot of the PM granting permission would be acceptable as proof of permission.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: UnionRags123 on November 10, 2019, 09:19:09 PM
Can prompts be started before the listed start date?

I got ideas for some of the prompts  :lol
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 10, 2019, 09:36:41 PM
I'll be participating for the first time this year. These prompts all look good to me as well. No suggestions for improvement. Mar/Apr is an especially creative idea, both the regular option and the alternative option. The summer prompt exchange will be a lot of fun as well, methinks.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on November 10, 2019, 09:46:23 PM
Can prompts be started before the listed start date?

I got ideas for some of the prompts  :lol

Most certainly! :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on November 10, 2019, 09:59:27 PM
Can prompts be started before the listed start date?

I got ideas for some of the prompts  :lol
If work on prompts couldn't be started before the start date ala Nano or something I think I'll be in trouble, haha. :duckyhappy
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sleeping-force's-inside on November 11, 2019, 01:07:15 AM
I certainly won't have time to do them all (again, curse Reallife) but I'll certainly try to participate 8D
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on November 11, 2019, 10:11:34 AM
I will try to participate in every one of them. I am just bursting with ideas for the December prompt and next year is most certainly going to be interesting. :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 11, 2019, 11:02:19 AM
I would like to participate in all of them as well, but we'll see how that goes. I still have to do a lot of brainstorming for ideas first.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on November 11, 2019, 11:05:33 AM
I will try to participate in every one of them. I am just bursting with ideas for the December prompt and next year is most certainly going to be interesting. :)littlefoot
I would like to participate in all of them as well, but we'll see how that goes. I still have to do a lot of brainstorming for ideas first.
Gee, you're both nuts! :P Not even I'm gonna go for everything. Most, but not all, and subject to good ol' time constraint... :o

Guess 2020 will be the year Sovereign finally gets really tight competition, though. :DD
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on November 11, 2019, 11:08:04 AM
^The thing about ideas is that they can come when you least expect them. I got a ton of ideas last night when I was about to head to sleep. They can come pretty much unexpectedly to you.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 11, 2019, 11:16:35 AM
That is very true, Anagnos. In fact, that's why I keep pens and a pad of sticky notes on the end table next to my bed so I can jot down any midnight ideas.

And yeah, we might be nuts. But most writers are, don't you think? :P
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on November 11, 2019, 11:22:37 AM
Yeah, we're all nuts for committing to this challenge. We could have simply submitted a 1K post and called it day for submissions, but we just have to give it our all, didn't we? Overachievers syndrome... :P
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on November 11, 2019, 11:26:20 AM
^1k submission sounds like something that wouldn't exactly be easy to accomplish. The smallest amount of words I have managed to put down is about 6k words or so and even if my limit to the December prompt is 6-8k, there is a chance that it will go over that. After all, my August prompt was supposed to be 15k max. It ended up being 25k. :P
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 11, 2019, 11:32:51 AM
Yeah, we're all nuts for committing to this challenge. We could have simply submitted a 1K post and called it day for submissions, but we just have to give it our all, didn't we? Overachievers syndrome... :P

Well as a wise man once said, if something's worth doing, then it's worth doing well. :)

^1k submission sounds like something that wouldn't exactly be easy to accomplish. The smallest amount of words I have managed to put down is about 6k words or so and even if my limit to the December prompt is 6-8k, there is a chance that it will go over that. After all, my August prompt was supposed to be 15k max. It ended up being 25k. :P

Maybe that should be a prompt in itself, to write a coherent story no longer than 1.5k. :P
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on November 11, 2019, 11:33:58 AM
Maybe that should be a prompt in itself, to write a coherent story no longer than 1.5k.

Oh no... :sducky
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 12, 2019, 02:42:03 AM
How many of the prompts did y'all do last year?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on November 12, 2019, 06:26:41 AM
How many of the prompts did y'all do last year?
Three, but two are incomplete... so, almost the same as the prior year. RIP productivity.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 12, 2019, 09:03:53 AM
Oh, it's fine. No need to feel bad. I was just curious.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: ImpracticalDino on November 13, 2019, 12:33:27 AM
I never really had any incentive to review fanfictions, except for special or specific circumstances, but perhaps 2020 will be a different year for me. I can’t wait to see all the submissions, this will definitely be interesting to observe. :)

Also, why do I feel the urge to join in on at least one? The excitement of everyone here is rubbing off of me I guess. :lol

^Don’t take that as any confirmation, otherwise be disappointed if a submission from me never shows up.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 13, 2019, 03:59:16 AM
Well I won't hold my breath then, but if you do come up with a story, I'd love to see it. And keep in mind it doesn't need to be that long. 1,000 words is the minimum length to qualify as a prompt submission. Or else the story can be its own thing, unconnected to the prompts.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 29, 2019, 07:21:31 PM
December 2019..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt : Exploration

Dialogue prompt : “Sometimes you have to find a new place in order to find what was always there all along.”

Major prompt: The gang is notorious for exploring new places and finding new difficulties along the way. Write a story where one or more of the gang explore(s) someplace new and, along the way, discover(s) something about themselves as well.

@rhombus: So we pick one of these three prompts, correct? The major prompt mentions that it has to involve the Gang. However, if I went for the one-word prompt, would it be okay if the Gang wasn't involved, so long as it still fit in with the theme of exploration?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on November 29, 2019, 07:50:39 PM
December 2019..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt : Exploration

Dialogue prompt : “Sometimes you have to find a new place in order to find what was always there all along.”

Major prompt: The gang is notorious for exploring new places and finding new difficulties along the way. Write a story where one or more of the gang explore(s) someplace new and, along the way, discover(s) something about themselves as well.

@rhombus: So we pick one of these three prompts, correct? The major prompt mentions that it has to involve the Gang. However, if I went for the one-word prompt, would it be okay if the Gang wasn't involved, so long as it still fit in with the theme of exploration?

That is correct. :yes Any of the three prompts would be acceptable and only the major prompt option mentions the gang.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on November 30, 2019, 05:35:48 AM
Loophole = found :^^spike
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on November 30, 2019, 07:57:08 AM
That is correct. :yes Any of the three prompts would be acceptable and only the major prompt option mentions the gang.
Loophole = found :^^spike
And here I was thinking we'd have an all-gang prompt. :duckyhappy
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 30, 2019, 11:52:15 AM
Chances are pretty good I'll still write an all-gang story at some point.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 01, 2019, 12:27:05 PM
The 2019-2020 Fanfiction Prompt Challenge has now officially begun!  Have fun, everyone!  :Mo

And, just as a reminder:

Rule Change From Last Year:

In the event of a tied vote for the top story of the month (that is not due to there only being two entries) then a runoff vote will happen to decide the winner.

The Monthly Prompts:

December 2019..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt : Exploration

Dialogue prompt : “Sometimes you have to find a new place in order to find what was always there all along.”

Major prompt: The gang is notorious for exploring new places and finding new difficulties along the way. Write a story where one or more of the gang explore(s) someplace new and, along the way, discover(s) something about themselves as well.

January 2020..............................Jan 1 – Feb 29

One word prompt : Perplexed

Dialogue prompt : "He/she had seen much in his/her life, but nothing had prepared him/her for this."

Major prompt: Never mind how old we are, or how much experience we obtain, life has a way of throwing unexpected surprises in our direction. Write a story where a character is confronted with something that confounds them and which forces them to reconsider some of their previous ideas.  This can be played romantically, humorously, or seriously, depending on your preference.

February 2020..............................Feb 1 – March 31

One word prompt : Eggs

Dialogue prompt : "They're hatching!"

Major prompt: The birth (or hatching) of one's first child is always a wondrous and joyful experience, but it is also incredibly daunting.  Now there is a new life on this planet which is dependent on your support and love.  Write a story where a new parent or parents must deal with the challenges of their first nest.

March 2020..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

April 2020..............................Apr 1 – May 31

One word prompt : Misadventure

Dialogue prompt : "Was it worth it?"  "Of course!"

Major prompt: It's all fun and games until you are chased by a threehorn or sharptooth due to your idiocy!  Make a story that focuses on the humorous misadventures of a character or characters.

May 2020..............................May 1 – Jun 30   

One word prompt : Hidden

Dialogue prompt : "He doesn't like me much, does he?"

Major prompt: Write a story featuring a character that you think is underexplored in the fandom.  Bonus points if you can write a sympathetic story featuring a character that you actually dislike in the canon.

June 2020..............................Jun 1 – Jul 31   

One word prompt : Adapting

Dialogue prompt : "Uh... do you speak my language?"  "Wrth'grrr arrghhh!"  "Um... okay, thank you!"

Major prompt: Adapting to a new home and culture can be difficult. Write a story where a character (canon or otherwise) must adapt to a new home and herd/pack.

July 2020..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

One word prompt : Alternatives

Dialogue prompt : "Not all was as it seemed."

Major prompt: History is often written by the winners and this is no less true in the Land Before Time... apart from the whole writing thing. :p Write a story that presents an alternative character interpretation (or a hidden side) of a canon character.

August 2020..............................Aug 1 – Sep 30

Summer prompt exchange!: Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

Hiatus for fanfic awards..............................Oct 1 – Nov 30

The prompt challenge will be on hiatus so as not to interfere with the forum fanfiction awards.  It will return on December 1.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on December 07, 2019, 11:34:28 AM
Are we allowed to submit more than one story per month? Or is each month only allowed to have one prompt submission per author?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 07, 2019, 01:36:25 PM
Are we allowed to submit more than one story per month? Or is each month only allowed to have one prompt submission per author?

Only one story per month per author can be submitted for consideration in voting.  That being said, if someone wanted to submit an extra story but did not mind that extra story not being subject to the end-of-month vote, that would be perfectly fine.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on December 07, 2019, 06:41:06 PM
As I suspected (and perfectly fair), but I just wanted to confirm. Thanks.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on December 11, 2019, 08:40:03 PM
Proposed Rule Change:
In the event of a tied vote for the top story of the month (that is not due to there only being two entries) then a runoff vote will happen to decide the winner.
Just out of curiosity, does this mean we finally get to vote for your stories if you participate since there wouldn't be a conflict of interest in the event of a tiebreaker being required? :Mo
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 11, 2019, 09:41:56 PM
Proposed Rule Change:
In the event of a tied vote for the top story of the month (that is not due to there only being two entries) then a runoff vote will happen to decide the winner.
Just out of curiosity, does this mean we finally get to vote for your stories if you participate since there wouldn't be a conflict of interest in the event of a tiebreaker being required? :Mo

Hmmm... I suppose that might be permissible now. :yes Though in the event of a tie involving myself that exists after a tie-breaker vote I will automatically vote against myself, as having me cast the tie-breaking vote would be an obvious conflict of interest.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on December 11, 2019, 10:01:00 PM
Hmmm... I suppose that might be permissible now. :yes Though in the event of a tie involving myself that exists after a tie-breaker vote I will automatically vote against myself, as having me cast the tie-breaking vote would be an obvious conflict of interest.
Wait... come to think of it, if one's stories are part of the cluster that are tied and now to be decided by a tiebreaker runoff vote, how would we vote? Wouldn't voting for our own stories defeat the point and introduce an element of biasness? :thinking Or am I just seeing this wrong?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 11, 2019, 11:33:58 PM
Hmmm... I suppose that might be permissible now. :yes Though in the event of a tie involving myself that exists after a tie-breaker vote I will automatically vote against myself, as having me cast the tie-breaking vote would be an obvious conflict of interest.
Wait... come to think of it, if one's stories are part of the cluster that are tied and now to be decided by a tiebreaker runoff vote, how would we vote? Wouldn't voting for our own stories defeat the point and introduce an element of biasness? :thinking Or am I just seeing this wrong?

In that case (if only two voters exist) then I cast the tie-breaking vote. If it is more than 2 voters in a tie-breaker then you simply cannot vote for your own story.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 11, 2019, 11:45:15 PM
So it would work out like this:

Only 1 entry: the one entry wins

Only 2 entries: I break the tie (unless I am one of the two entries, in which case the other one wins)

More than 3 entries: all people who participated casts a vote, with a tie breaker if necessary.

If a tie-breaker ends up being tied then I break the tie (unless I am one of the two tied entries, in which case the other one wins)

If there is ever a 5-way tie then I hold open the possibility of having you guys decide the matter by gladiatorial combat.  :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: UnionRags123 on December 12, 2019, 12:24:22 PM
I'd offer to do tie breakers...but I've never submitted a fic and i'm pretty sure it's only the authors of the fics in voting who do the votes :lol
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on December 15, 2019, 07:40:40 AM
In case of doubt, RNG is your friend :DD
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sleeping-force's-inside on January 09, 2020, 03:05:58 PM
Quick question, how does one enter a story again? Been a good few years since I last participated XD
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on January 09, 2020, 03:27:10 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force&#039;s-inside on January 09, 2020, 03:05:58 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on January 09, 2020, 03:05:58 PM
Quick question, how does one enter a story again? Been a good few years since I last participated XD

It's good to upload the story to both the forum and as that can potentially bring in new members. Once you've done that, send the links to Rhombus via PM and he'll add it to the masterlist.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on January 31, 2020, 06:33:57 AM
Given that we are pretty much right on the cusp of the December 2019 voting, are there still participation and award banners? Or is it something else to mark the new decade? :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on January 31, 2020, 08:34:09 AM
^I would imagine that's the plan as there hasn't been any news that it would be different this decade. Or then this might just be an admin ploy to trick us into a false sense of security and deliver a massive twist when we least expect it. :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on January 31, 2020, 08:45:22 AM
Ah, I checked. The conversation I was remembering was whether Darkwolf would do more/continue with the award banners. :p

Well, I won't burden her anyway. I'm okay with a Taunt banner, I guess. :lol
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on January 31, 2020, 07:37:16 PM
^ There has been no change to the banner policy to my understanding.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Ducky123 on February 01, 2020, 08:18:43 AM
Considering how often people seem to miss the deadlines, wouldn't it be better to cut back to a prompt every 2 months? I feel this would amplify the quality of the stories spawned by the challenge and actually allow authors to write a decent story at decent length. I'm not a fan of these short stories, you can't explore the characters and situations you create enough and I always have to criticize people for not going into depth with their concepts. I'll participate in every prompt this year but I'll finish them at my own pace. Because I prioritize a good story over a rushed story ;)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on February 01, 2020, 10:15:59 AM
Honestly, two months is quite enough to write a pretty good story that doesn't go overboard with the length. I don't believe anyone is forcing someone to participate in every last one if they feel like they would rather invest more time with them rather than submit before the deadline. I did say that I would try to participate in every last one this year, but I have a feeling that promise was doomed from the start.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on February 01, 2020, 06:18:26 PM
Haha, I too had wanted to participate in every prompt this year. But yeah, I already missed the first deadline. :P

I would still like to participate in all the prompts, even if some of them end up being late, but we'll see how things play out over the rest of the year.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 01, 2020, 06:43:55 PM
Considering how often people seem to miss the deadlines, wouldn't it be better to cut back to a prompt every 2 months?

Two months is plenty of time for most people and participation was not really an issue last year.  Even if a person misses a deadline they can still make a late entry, it is just that their entry will not be open for voting (though they can still get a zero-star participation banner).  As it is that is what I will be doing with my December prompt as work and writer's block prevented me from completing it in time.

I'm not a fan of these short stories, you can't explore the characters and situations you create enough and I always have to criticize people for not going into depth with their concepts.

Everyone has their own preferences in what they like to see in stories.  When the fanfiction prompt response was first created I expected most stories to be in the 2k-5k length range for the most part.  In other fandoms that used such fanfiction prompts that was the most typical response length.  I think with such shorter stories one needs to judge them with a different perspective than one would judge a lengthy story.  In such short stories we can often explore concepts that would be drowned out in a longer narrative, or which could not carry such a narrative.  Ultimately the purpose of the prompt challenge is not to earn stars on a banner, or even to have the most entries, it is to try new things with the prompts merely serving as a nudge in that direction.  Whether someone makes a short story for every prompt or only a few longer entries, I will still look forward to seeing what they come up with.  After all, this prompt challenge is meant to be fun.  :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 03, 2020, 01:11:27 AM
Just a reminder that it is now the month of eggs.  :OzzyAngry  The February prompt is now active.

February 2020..............................Feb 1 – March 31

One word prompt : Eggs

Dialogue prompt : "They're hatching!"

Major prompt: The birth (or hatching) of one's first child is always a wondrous and joyful experience, but it is also incredibly daunting.  Now there is a new life on this planet which is dependent on your support and love.  Write a story where a new parent or parents must deal with the challenges of their first nest.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 29, 2020, 11:58:11 AM
I have received a request from OwlsCantRead for an extension to the January prompt deadline. As he is recovering from an illness and is in the proofreading phase of his prompt (as confirmed by images of his document), I will grant an extension for anyone who wishes to complete the January prompt until 11:59:59 PM forum time on March 2nd.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on March 01, 2020, 09:00:37 PM
Thanks for the grant! I'm making full use of it, the triple whammy of last-minute (but as it turns out, highly preemptive) economics project write-up, the ensuing cold that followed, and the additional rest needed to stave it off did a number on me. My progress is still going strong, turns out those three days of stalled progress just got shifted to the extension period. :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sleeping-force's-inside on March 08, 2020, 03:43:08 PM
I do wanna participate in the March-challenge (the one with different author's Universe/OC) but I can't really decide which Universe/OC to do >_>

Anyone having suggestions? XD

Edit: figured i better bring this up early so there's no scrambling later :P
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: UnionRags123 on March 08, 2020, 04:26:01 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force&#039;s-inside on March 08, 2020, 03:43:08 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on March 08, 2020, 03:43:08 PM
I do wanna participate in the March-challenge (the one with different author's Universe/OC) but I can't really decide which Universe/OC to do >_>

Anyone having suggestions? XD

Edit: figured i better bring this up early so there's no scrambling later :P

Taunt!  :lol
(if you want to and with Rhombus' permission of course lol)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on March 26, 2020, 11:47:29 AM
Question: Is the February/March prompt still open for participation?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on March 26, 2020, 11:50:14 AM
Question: Is the February/March prompt still open for participation?

Prompts are typically open for about 2 months, which in this case would mean that Feb is almost over while March will be active until for quite a while still.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on March 26, 2020, 11:52:43 AM
Question: Is the February/March prompt still open for participation?
The egg prompt? :bestsharptooth Yeah, its open till March 31, so long as you post on FFN and here by then you're good.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on March 26, 2020, 12:08:25 PM
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on April 23, 2020, 10:19:55 AM
I would just like to say that with academics out of the way, I will indeed be writing a piece for the March OC prompt and have gotten the permission from the author in question to write their OCs, but my entry will be a belated one due to personal matters plaguing me throughout March and April. I won't ask for an extension, but I feel rather sheepish that the OC idea which I'd indirectly pushed for ended up being beset by time pressure. :lol
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on April 23, 2020, 10:56:24 AM
I would just like to say that with academics out of the way, I will indeed be writing a piece for the March OC prompt and have gotten the permission from the author in question to write their OCs, but my entry will be a belated one due to personal matters plaguing me throughout March and April. I won't ask for an extension, but I feel rather sheepish that the OC idea which I'd indirectly pushed for ended up being beset by time pressure. :lol

I guess that means you'll ''win'' by default as no one else is likely going to participate in that prompt. :bestsharptooth
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sleeping-force's-inside on April 23, 2020, 01:40:51 PM
I would just like to say that with academics out of the way, I will indeed be writing a piece for the March OC prompt and have gotten the permission from the author in question to write their OCs, but my entry will be a belated one due to personal matters plaguing me throughout March and April. I won't ask for an extension, but I feel rather sheepish that the OC idea which I'd indirectly pushed for ended up being beset by time pressure. :lol

I guess that means you'll ''win'' by default as no one else is likely going to participate in that prompt. :bestsharptooth

but... but... I already handed mine in :C Did I get disqualified somewhere? :o
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on April 23, 2020, 02:21:11 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force&#039;s-inside on April 23, 2020, 01:40:51 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on April 23, 2020, 01:40:51 PM

I guess that means you'll ''win'' by default as no one else is likely going to participate in that prompt. :bestsharptooth
but... but... I already handed mine in :C Did I get disqualified somewhere? :o
Nah, I think he overlooked you accidentally. You're likely to win by default unless someone cooks up something last minute. :OhYou
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on April 23, 2020, 04:20:29 PM
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on April 24, 2020, 03:43:01 AM
Quote from: Sleeping-force&#039;s-inside on April 23, 2020, 01:40:51 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on April 23, 2020, 01:40:51 PM

I guess that means you'll ''win'' by default as no one else is likely going to participate in that prompt. :bestsharptooth
but... but... I already handed mine in :C Did I get disqualified somewhere? :o
Nah, I think he overlooked you accidentally. You're likely to win by default unless someone cooks up something last minute. :OhYou

Oops-Eeps. I did overlook your prompt submission. I've read it, but it didn't cross my mind until Owls reminded me of it. My bad. :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on April 26, 2020, 11:39:00 PM
I would just like to say that with academics out of the way, I will indeed be writing a piece for the March OC prompt and have gotten the permission from the author in question to write their OCs, but my entry will be a belated one due to personal matters plaguing me throughout March and April. I won't ask for an extension, but I feel rather sheepish that the OC idea which I'd indirectly pushed for ended up being beset by time pressure. :lol
Aha, so you're the one responsible for this prompt! :p When I first joined the forum, I thought, "I'm gonna participate in every prompt, no matter how hard it is!" Now, only a month later, this tricky prompt has already forced me to abandon that goal. :whatdidyousay
Oops-Eeps. Uh, yeah. I'd written a fic of a fic last year and the idea was liked enough that they wanted to give it a shot in this year's prompt (you can look back a few pages and the general idea of utilizing other OCs was actually pushed by various people), but alas it turned out to be trickier than anyone expected. :opetrie

I'm still biased and think it could be a great idea to foster a deeper relationship between our fic community to establish stories in other author's AUs...but I won't push it, it is legitimately hard lol.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sleeping-force's-inside on April 29, 2020, 01:44:00 PM
Maybe we could/should do an extension to give people more time to cook something up?

I imagine also with this Corona-business, many had disruptions that impacted writing-time/drive. I know I had that.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on April 30, 2020, 09:34:14 AM
Quote from: Sleeping-force&#039;s-inside on April 29, 2020, 01:44:00 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on April 29, 2020, 01:44:00 PM
Maybe we could/should do an extension to give people more time to cook something up?

I imagine also with this Corona-business, many had disruptions that impacted writing-time/drive. I know I had that.

Don't take it the wrong way, but how many extensions do we really need? There's always going to be an occasion where no one is interested in writing a story for a specific prompt, don't have the time or just drop the project due to complications. The part about disruptions, unfortunately, is quite true, but we have to live with it.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 01, 2020, 11:25:17 AM
This is just a reposting of the rules with all of the active amendments included.  It is my hope that having everything together in one post helps to avoid any confusion going forward. :)

Rule 1: Concerning Monthly Prompts
Each month I will propose a series of prompts for potential stories in the Land Before time universe.  This may be a plot detail that would need to be in the story, or it could be a piece of dialogue that must be used, or it could even simply be a plot idea.  You may choose any of these three prompts for your story.  As soon as the prompt is posted there will be a two month period in which participants may write and submit a story or poem in response to the prompt.

Rule 2: Concerning Acceptable Stories
Must be submitted to both and the Gang of Five: If you wish to participate please place a copy of your resulting story or poem for the challenge on both the Gang of Five fanfiction section and on 

Must mention the prompt challenge in an author's note for the story: In an author’s note in your story mention that this is a response to a prompt challenge, mention that this is organized by the Gang of Five forum, and mention the specific prompt that is used. 

Must be at least 1000 words long: The only length requirement on stories is that they need to be at least 1000 words or, in the case of poems, 500 words. 

Must not be more than 25000 words except in one particular case: We do discourage extremely long fics as prompt responses (25,000 words or more) except in the specific case where a single story is used for multiple prompt responses in one year, with individual chapters being used for separate prompts in that year.  This rule is just in place to ensure that everyone can have time to read and review a story before the 2-week voting period for a prompt is over.  This can be done with a long fic that is started and slowly added upon during a prompt challenge year, but it would not really be possible with a 500k story that was posted for one prompt, for example.

Additional requirements if you submit a song fic as an entry:  Songs can be submitted as poetry, but to prevent abuse and ensure originality a few conditions must be obeyed:
    a) They must be original works, that is to say they should not be based on existing music.
    b) They still need to adhere to a poetic formula. Obviously this is pretty loose, since poems can take many forms, but essentially it needs to be visually organized like a song (lines, stanzas, etc clearly defined).

Rule 3: Concerning Submitting Your Prompt Response
PM me with links to both the Gang of Five and the copies of your story.  I will then add a link to the prompt masterlist in this topic.  DO NOT post your story to this topic – we are trying to keep this topic as uncluttered as possible.

Rule 4: Concerning Voting and Banners
After the month is complete there will be a vote between the participants on which story (you cannot vote for yourself) was the best prompt response.  The voting will take place in the voting topic ( If a tie happens that is resolvable by a second round of voting between the top two stories, then I will impose that.  Otherwise I will break any ties.

Everyone who participates will be entitled to a participation banner with the Land Before Time character of their choice on it.  The winner of each month's vote, however, will also be entitled to add a star to their banner as an acknowledgement of their success.

Rule 5: Concerning Forum Fanfiction Awards
Please keep in mind that submitting your stories as a prompt response does not disqualify them from the annual forum fanfiction awards.  In fact, I encourage you to participate in both of them if you are interested.  :yes


It is my hope that this exercise will result in the inspiration of many good stories from the exceptional authors we have on the forum.  I truly think that the creative side of this fandom is where it really shines, and I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. :)

If you have any questions about this challenge, the rules, or any prompts please mention them in this topic – as it is meant for discussion.  The Prompt Masterlist topic will only have the monthly prompts and links to any stories and the voting topic ( will only be for voting at the end of each monthly prompt.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 01, 2020, 11:25:31 AM
Just as a reminder, the prompts for the year of 2020 are as follows:

December 2019..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt : Exploration

Dialogue prompt : “Sometimes you have to find a new place in order to find what was always there all along.”

Major prompt: The gang is notorious for exploring new places and finding new difficulties along the way. Write a story where one or more of the gang explore(s) someplace new and, along the way, discover(s) something about themselves as well.

January 2020..............................Jan 1 – Feb 29

One word prompt : Perplexed

Dialogue prompt : "He/she had seen much in his/her life, but nothing had prepared him/her for this."

Major prompt: Never mind how old we are, or how much experience we obtain, life has a way of throwing unexpected surprises in our direction. Write a story where a character is confronted with something that confounds them and which forces them to reconsider some of their previous ideas.  This can be played romantically, humorously, or seriously, depending on your preference.

February 2020..............................Feb 1 – March 31

One word prompt : Eggs

Dialogue prompt : "They're hatching!"

Major prompt: The birth (or hatching) of one's first child is always a wondrous and joyful experience, but it is also incredibly daunting.  Now there is a new life on this planet which is dependent on your support and love.  Write a story where a new parent or parents must deal with the challenges of their first nest.

March 2020..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

April 2020..............................Apr 1 – May 31

One word prompt : Misadventure

Dialogue prompt : "Was it worth it?"  "Of course!"

Major prompt: It's all fun and games until you are chased by a threehorn or sharptooth due to your idiocy!  Make a story that focuses on the humorous misadventures of a character or characters.

May 2020..............................May 1 – Jun 30   

One word prompt : Hidden

Dialogue prompt : "He doesn't like me much, does he?"

Major prompt: Write a story featuring a character that you think is underexplored in the fandom.  Bonus points if you can write a sympathetic story featuring a character that you actually dislike in the canon.

June 2020..............................Jun 1 – Jul 31   

One word prompt : Adapting

Dialogue prompt : "Uh... do you speak my language?"  "Wrth'grrr arrghhh!"  "Um... okay, thank you!"

Major prompt: Adapting to a new home and culture can be difficult. Write a story where a character (canon or otherwise) must adapt to a new home and herd/pack.

July 2020..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

One word prompt : Alternatives

Dialogue prompt : "Not all was as it seemed."

Major prompt: History is often written by the winners and this is no less true in the Land Before Time... apart from the whole writing thing. :p Write a story that presents an alternative character interpretation (or a hidden side) of a canon character.

August 2020..............................Aug 1 – Sep 30

Summer prompt exchange!: Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

Hiatus for fanfic awards..............................Oct 1 – Nov 30

The prompt challenge will be on hiatus so as not to interfere with the forum fanfiction awards.  It will return on December 1.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on May 01, 2020, 12:09:35 PM
now I'm reading schedule, and...
is it error?

Dec 1 – Jan 31
Jan 1 – Feb 29
Feb 1 – March 31

Or each month is for two different prompts?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 01, 2020, 12:23:59 PM
now I'm reading schedule, and...
is it error?

Dec 1 – Jan 31
Jan 1 – Feb 29
Feb 1 – March 31

Or each month is for two different prompts?

Nope, that is not an error. That is just showing that for each monthly prompt you actually have two months to complete any entry. So the May prompt, for example, will not close until the end of June.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Sneak on May 01, 2020, 12:25:04 PM
thank you!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on May 01, 2020, 12:32:59 PM
Must not be more than 25000 words except in one particular case: We do discourage extremely long fics as prompt responses (25,000 words or more) except in the specific case where a single story is used for multiple prompt responses in one year, with individual chapters being used for separate prompts in that year.  This rule is just in place to ensure that everyone can have time to read and review a story before the 2-week voting period for a month is over.
As someone who came dangerously close to breaching that upper word ceiling, was there any arbitrary reason you went with 25K words as a cap?

This can be done with a long fic that is started and slowly added upon during a prompt challenge year, but it would not really be possible with a 500k story that was posted for one prompt, for example.
Also, some of us (like me) got lazy and simply splits and/or submits a single chapter of a longer story that fits the monthly prompt. Is that still frowned upon?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 01, 2020, 12:43:29 PM
As someone who came dangerously close to breaching that upper word ceiling, was there any arbitrary reason you went with 25K words as a cap?

This is just a soft cap, which is why I use the word "discourage" here.  Basically, 25000 words is the point where I will ask an author about their story before posting it to the masterlist. I would be willing to make allowances for stories that go just above this, but if someone submits a standalone 50,000 word story for a single prompt that would be far too long.

Also, some of us (like me) got lazy and simply splits and/or submits a single chapter of a longer story that fits the monthly prompt. Is that still frowned upon?

If it is part of a longer story that has previously been used for prompt responses then it can be acceptable. This is because most everyone who has been reviewing prompt responses will be familiar with the story in that case. What I am mainly trying to avoid here is the case where someone has written a massive story that has not previously been featured in the prompt response (that many people may not have read) and then submits a new chapter as a prompt response.  As forcing people to read the entire first part of the story in that case would be too much to ask.

This is why I specifically make an exception in this case:

This rule is just in place to ensure that everyone can have time to read and review a story before the 2-week voting period for a prompt is over.  This can be done with a long fic that is started and slowly added upon during a prompt challenge year, but it would not really be possible with a 500k story that was posted for one prompt, for example.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on May 04, 2020, 01:56:08 PM
Ooh, I really love both the current prompts. :)petrie I'm gonna have to enter at least one!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on June 28, 2020, 02:24:38 PM
Well, I was trying to write something for the "Hidden" prompt, but it evolved into something longer than I originally intended, so I won't be finishing it in time to actually be featured in the showcase. Oh, well. :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on June 28, 2020, 05:47:11 PM
but it evolved into something longer than I originally intended

Hehe, that's often how it goes, isn't it? :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 01, 2020, 04:46:47 AM
Good evening, everyone!

My apologies for being scarce lately.  The usual culprit (work) has been at play in my relative absence, but I have not forgotten about our fanfiction prompts.  Though activity has been down over the last few months due to everyone wanting to enjoy the summer, I have been pleased with the offerings that have been published.  So, without further commentary, let's get to our winners.

First of all, there was only one entry for May, so @The Mr. E you are our winner for the May 2020 prompt. Congratulations!  You may PM Darkwolf concerning a one-star fanfic prompt banner.  I am also in the process of reviewing the story, though it will probably be a few more days before I can get that finished.

As for the April 2020 prompt, this was a difficult choice.  Both Sovereign and OwlsCantRead provided two interesting character studies that skillfully utilized that month's prompt.  Ultimately, however, Owl's excellent depiction of Guido from a first-person perspective made this choice clear to me.  Guido is such an under-utilized character and his depiction of his personality and mannerism is spot on.  For that reason, @OwlsCantRead , you are the winner of the April 2020 prompt challenge! I have attached your new banner to this post.  :)

If our entries for June 2020 is anything to go by then I am sure June and July's prompts are also going to provide some excellent reads.  I look forward to seeing what all of you come up with.  :chompysmile
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on July 03, 2020, 06:55:30 AM
"W-Well, I never expected this… you're too kind, really. It was nothing special, I mean I really didn't think I did all that great in the grand scheme of things… heh heh…"

Going out of Guido character there, thanks Rhombus. I am glad you liked it almost as much as I liked writing the antics of one hapless Guido. :p
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on July 13, 2020, 02:01:30 AM
Out of curiosity, when will the "exchange" part of the summer prompt exchange take place? I'm heading back to my second year of university in August which would probably slow down my writing pace for such a prompt, hee.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 13, 2020, 03:09:11 AM
Out of curiosity, when will the "exchange" part of the summer prompt exchange take place? I'm heading back to my second year of university in August which would probably slow down my writing pace for such a prompt, hee.

Right now.  :PCera

@OwlsCantRead @Anagnos @Sovereign @StardustSoldier @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123 @Sleeping-force's-inside

With the summer prompt exchange about to begin, we will need to make some minor revisions to this prompt in order to make sure everyone has enough time to complete this one.  For that reason, I would like all of those who want to compete in the August prompt to PM me your own proposed prompt by July 31 (with Summer Exchange in the PM title) and then I will shuffle them and give them back (randomly) to the participants who PMed me.  Though, unlike last year, I will ensure that no one receives their own proposal.  And, just for reference, I plan on participating this year once again, so one of you will end up with my proposal.  The August prompt will continue through October 15th , so hopefully that will be plenty of time for those who wish to participate.  :yes  So if you are interested in participating in the story exchange then please PM me by July 31 and I can announce who gets which entry on the 1st of August.   :CeraHAPPY

Also please keep in mind that the June and July prompts are still ongoing.  As always, I look forward to seeing what you all come up with.  :chompysmile
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on July 19, 2020, 12:13:05 AM
Welp...I guess I'm gonna take the leap and give this a shot? :rainbowThinking I'll DM you when I come up with my prompt!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on July 19, 2020, 12:24:07 AM
Might as well enter since the deadline got extended enough that I feel confident I won't overrun. :feelsgoodman

Heads up to all participants, I'm resubmitting my prompt from last year since it went unused. So yeah, you'll know it if you get it. :ChomperOhhh
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 29, 2020, 02:18:28 AM

This is just a friendly reminder that two days remain if you wish to join the summer prompt exchange.  If you are interested in participating in the story exchange then please PM me by July 31 and I can announce who gets which entry on the 1st of August.  :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on July 29, 2020, 12:12:27 PM
Hey, thanks for adding me to the July masterlist @rhombus ! :)petrie I had just logged in to send you the link then saw you already had it!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on July 30, 2020, 02:31:05 AM
Just to add to the general suspense, here are the prompts that have been submitted so far:

From Diddy:  Write a spiritual story involving any Gang member and a deceased member of his/her family.

From OwlsCantRead:  Greed. A deadly trait, and one which can consume someone entirely should they fall prey to the enticing allure of it. As mortal creatures who live and breathe under the Bright Circle, an individual can lose themselves to their selfish nature at any given time, falling victim to the temptation of going astray in their pursuit for more. Pen down a story where a dinosaur risks everything for the sake of greed. Whether they end up succeeding or lose it all in their high-stakes gamble is up to you.

From Rhombus:  Write from one of the following two prompts (or combine the two in some fashion if you prefer):

a)  Write a story that features one of Ducky's siblings taking the place of Ducky for a day in the gang, or one of Petrie's siblings doing the same for Petrie.  Perhaps it is part of a prank and the gang isn't able to tell swimmers or flyers apart very well.  Perhaps Ducky or Petrie is busy and the sibling wants to find out what the gang gets up to on their adventures.  Perhaps it is a bet between the siblings that the other cannot handle being in the other's place for ever one day.  Regardless of the plot device that makes it possible, show how they adapt to the fun (and chaos) that the gang gets up to on a typical near-death experience adventure.

b)  A variant of the first prompt if you prefer a supernatural variant that is a bit more devious: due to a curse one or more of the gang's parents is forced to take the place of their child for a day and must play the part convincingly in order to be changed back.  Show how they adapt to seeing first-hand what the gang gets up to on a typical near-death experience adventure.

From RainbowfaceProtégé:  Write a LBT story that incorporates science fiction elements. What will it be? Time travel? Alien visitors? The possibilities are endless!

From Ducky123: Write a story in the LBT universe inspired by another work of fiction. This can be anything from a novel, drama or folktale to a TV-series or movie or even a game if it has a story to tell.

Who will get what?  We will have to wait until August 1st to find out.  :bestsharptooth  Though keep in mind, if you wish to join the prompt exchange you still have until 7/31/2020 to do so.  :yes
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on August 01, 2020, 01:45:27 AM
@OwlsCantRead  @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123

Alright, everyone, as announced on the Discord channel I have completed the drawing for the summer prompt challenge.  We all will have until October 15th to complete these prompts.  So without further ado, lets see what everyone has been assigned by my six-sided dice!  :MoEvil  :bestsharptooth

Diddy: Gets Union's prompt - The Gang end up on another adventure. However, this time they are accompanied by two characters who do not get along (like Mr. Threehorn and Mr. Thicknose). Will that cause this adventure to turn into a misadventure?

OwlsCantRead: Gets Rhombus prompt - Write from one of the following two prompts (or combine the two in some fashion if you prefer):

a)  Write a story that features one of Ducky's siblings taking the place of Ducky for a day in the gang, or one of Petrie's siblings doing the same for Petrie.  Perhaps it is part of a prank and the gang isn't able to tell swimmers or flyers apart very well.  Perhaps Ducky or Petrie is busy and the sibling wants to find out what the gang gets up to on their adventures.  Perhaps it is a bet between the siblings that the other cannot handle being in the other's place for ever one day.  Regardless of the plot device that makes it possible, show how they adapt to the fun (and chaos) that the gang gets up to on a typical near-death experience adventure.

b)  A variant of the first prompt if you prefer a supernatural variant that is a bit more devious: due to a curse one or more of the gang's parents is forced to take the place of their child for a day and must play the part convincingly in order to be changed back.  Show how they adapt to seeing first-hand what the gang gets up to on a typical near-death experience adventure.

Rhombus: Gets Rainbow's prompt - Write a LBT story that incorporates science fiction elements. What will it be? Time travel? Alien visitors? The possibilities are endless!

RainbowfaceProtégé: Gets Diddy's prompt - Write a spiritual story involving any Gang member and a deceased member of his/her family.

Ducky123: Gets Owl's prompt - Greed. A deadly trait, and one which can consume someone entirely should they fall prey to the enticing allure of it. As mortal creatures who live and breathe under the Bright Circle, an individual can lose themselves to their selfish nature at any given time, falling victim to the temptation of going astray in their pursuit for more. Pen down a story where a dinosaur risks everything for the sake of greed. Whether they end up succeeding or lose it all in their high-stakes gamble is up to you.

UnionRags: Gets Ducky's prompt - Write a story in the LBT universe inspired by another work of fiction. This can be anything from a novel, drama or folktale to a TV-series or movie or even a game if it has a story to tell.

Good luck, everyone! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with! :) Also keep in mind that the following prompt is still in progress:

July 2020..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

One word prompt : Alternatives

Dialogue prompt : "Not all was as it seemed."

Major prompt: History is often written by the winners and this is no less true in the Land Before Time... apart from the whole writing thing. :p Write a story that presents an alternative character interpretation (or a hidden side) of a canon character.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on August 02, 2020, 06:56:54 PM
Well, this will be like nothing I've ever written before. But I accept the challenge, of course--better get started!
And @rhombus I'm looking forward to seeing your response to my prompt! I know you're no stranger to LBT sci-fi. :OhYou
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on August 02, 2020, 07:06:22 PM
- Jokes about getting Rhombus' prompt because I was already writing Waves Crashing Upon the Sky, which currently has a similar concept of taking someone's place to understand them.
- Actually gets it.
- surprisedpikachu.jpg

Well, it's a very interesting prompt to say the least. I'm in a pickle over who should be the POV character, but I'll see what I can cook up in this three months.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on November 03, 2020, 12:28:07 PM
I still like the idea of having a One Word, Dialogue, and Major prompt to choose from for each month. :yes

I also wanted to inquire if this particular prompt could be brought back at all for the next year...
March 2020

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

I was actually going to participate in it last time, but then I hit a creative writing burnout (along with a bunch of other stresses earlier in the year). But I think it's a cool and unique idea for a prompt, and in fact I still have my story idea that I could use if it were to come back. I'd love to be able to give this one another shot.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: OwlsCantRead on November 03, 2020, 12:57:46 PM
I still like the idea of having a One Word, Dialogue, and Major prompt to choose from for each month. :yes

I also wanted to inquire if this particular prompt could be brought back at all for the next year...
March 2020

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

I was actually going to participate in it last time, but then I hit a creative writing burnout (along with a bunch of other stresses earlier in the year). But I think it's a cool and unique idea for a prompt, and in fact I still have my story idea that I could use if it were to come back. I'd love to be able to give this one another shot.
I stalled out on this specific prompt too back in March and April due to extenuating circumstances. I actually have about 2,000 words written as a draft, so hopefully if it returns I can finally finish it up.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Anagnos on November 04, 2020, 04:49:48 AM
I'd like to see this particular prompt return at some point. I was going to partake in it, but I ultimately conceded due to creative writing burnout and disinterest to write. I had about 1,000-2,000 words written, but since I deleted that file, the work I did went to waste.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on November 16, 2020, 11:52:15 PM
@OwlsCantRead  @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123 @Anagnos @LBTlover247 @The Mr E @Sleeping-force's-inside @StardustSoldier

Good evening, everyone!

I will have an official welcome post for the new season of the fanfiction prompt challenge as soon as December 1st comes around.  But, before we get to the official beginning, I did want to run by a rule change and the proposed monthly prompts before we get started. 

Please let me know if you have any objections or suggested changes to what is proposed.   I am certainly willing to make revisions.  :yes  Additionally, please post into this topic any requested prompts that you would like included on the request list.

Proposed Rule Change:

For each month's prompt a writer can either utilize one of the prompts for that month, or, alternatively, they could use one of the user-requested prompts in place of that month's prompt.  A single author can only use a requested prompt once, but multiple people can use a requested prompt. In either case, the prompt response would be valid for the month concerned.

The only people who can request a prompt for the requested prompt list are those who have participated in the prompt challenge within the last two years.  The requested prompt should be sent in by December 1, 2020.

Proposed prompts:

December 2020


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mama Flyer

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  The difference between falling and flying is the matter of control.  But sometimes life gives us situations where we are not sure if we are in control or not.  Write a story where this realization hits a character rather suddenly.

January 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Guido

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "It was then that my mind cleared and everything went into sharp focus.  I had been to this place.  I knew this place.  But from when I could not recall... I would have to investigate."

February 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mr. Thicknose

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Certainty is comforting, but it is in uncertainty that we discover new wonders.  Write a story where a character has a previous certainty in their life shattered, but it leads to new revelations.

March 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Ozzy or Strut

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story: Write a story that begins with an admission, and ends with a lie.

April 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: A leaf

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story: "It was at that moment, as (name) chased after me, that I realized that I probably had taken things too far."

May 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Either of Chomper's parents

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Hunting can be a reassuring experience; a reaffirmation that you are on top of the food chain.  But, rarely, you can be reminded of your own mortality.  For sometimes the hunter can become the hunted.

June 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: One of the gang's siblings

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Write a story where the gang has an atypical guest along on one of their adventures.  It could be one of their siblings or it could be a stranger.  But, as always, the adventure will lead to the unexpected...

July 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Screech or Thud

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "(name), if we end up living through this, promise me that this part stays out of the story."

August 2021

Write a story based upon one of the requested prompts that you have not previously used.

Requested Prompts:
These may be used in place of any of the monthly prompts by any number of people.  When used for a prompt they will simply be treated as if the person did the monthly prompt.

Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

(More to be submitted by participants)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on November 30, 2020, 09:43:56 PM
@rhombus These options sound good to me! :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 01, 2020, 05:27:14 PM
@OwlsCantRead  @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123 @Anagnos @LBTlover247 @The Mr E @Sleeping-force's-inside @StardustSoldier

Good evening, everyone!

The next season of the fanfiction prompt challenge is now live!   Please also post into this topic any requested prompts that you would like included on the request list.  The requested prompt list will be open to additions until January 1st.  :yes

Rules for the prompt challenge

Rule 1: Concerning Monthly Prompts
Each month I will propose a series of prompts for potential stories in the Land Before time universe.  This may be a plot detail that would need to be in the story, or it could be a piece of dialogue that must be used, or it could even simply be a plot idea.

You also, as an alternative, could use one of the user-requested prompts in place of that month's prompt.  A single author can only use a requested prompt once, but multiple people can use a requested prompt. In either case, the prompt response would be valid for the month concerned.  The only people who can add a prompt to the requested prompt list are those who have participated in the prompt challenge within the last two years.  The requested prompts should be sent in by January 1, 2021.

Rule 2: Concerning Acceptable Stories
Must be submitted to both and the Gang of Five: If you wish to participate please place a copy of your resulting story or poem for the challenge on both the Gang of Five fanfiction section and on 

Must mention the prompt challenge in an author's note for the story: In an author’s note in your story mention that this is a response to a prompt challenge, mention that this is organized by the Gang of Five forum, and mention the specific prompt that is used. 

Must be at least 1000 words long: The only length requirement on stories is that they need to be at least 1000 words or, in the case of poems, 500 words. 

Must not be more than 25000 words except in one particular case: We do discourage extremely long fics as prompt responses (25,000 words or more) except in the specific case where a single story is used for multiple prompt responses in one year, with individual chapters being used for separate prompts in that year.  This rule is just in place to ensure that everyone can have time to read and review a story before the 2-week voting period for a prompt is over.  This can be done with a long fic that is started and slowly added upon during a prompt challenge year, but it would not really be possible with a 500k story that was posted for one prompt, for example.

Additional requirements if you submit a song fic as an entry:  Songs can be submitted as poetry, but to prevent abuse and ensure originality a few conditions must be obeyed:
    a) They must be original works, that is to say they should not be based on existing music.
    b) They still need to adhere to a poetic formula. Obviously this is pretty loose, since poems can take many forms, but essentially it needs to be visually organized like a song (lines, stanzas, etc clearly defined).

Rule 3: Concerning Submitting Your Prompt Response
PM me with links to both the Gang of Five and the copies of your story.  I will then add a link to the prompt masterlist in this topic.  DO NOT post your story to this topic – we are trying to keep this topic as uncluttered as possible.

Rule 4: Concerning Voting and Banners
After the month is complete there will be a vote between the participants on which story (you cannot vote for yourself) was the best prompt response.  The voting will take place in the voting topic ( If a tie happens that is resolvable by a second round of voting between the top two stories, then I will impose that.  Otherwise I will break any ties.

Everyone who participates will be entitled to a participation banner with the Land Before Time character of their choice on it.  The winner of each month's vote, however, will also be entitled to add a star to their banner as an acknowledgement of their success.

Rule 5: Concerning Forum Fanfiction Awards
Please keep in mind that submitting your stories as a prompt response does not disqualify them from the annual forum fanfiction awards.  In fact, I encourage you to participate in both of them if you are interested.  :yes


And now... the prompts for this season:


December 2020 (due at the end of January)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mama Flyer

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  The difference between falling and flying is the matter of control.  But sometimes life gives us situations where we are not sure if we are in control or not.  Write a story where this realization hits a character rather suddenly.

January 2021 (due at the end of February)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Guido

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "It was then that my mind cleared and everything went into sharp focus.  I had been to this place.  I knew this place.  But from when I could not recall... I would have to investigate." (note that a third-person variant of that dialogue is also perfectly fine)

February 2021 (due at the end of March)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mr. Thicknose

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Certainty is comforting, but it is in uncertainty that we discover new wonders.  Write a story where a character has a previous certainty in their life shattered, but it leads to new revelations.

March 2021 (due at the end of April)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Ozzy or Strut

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story: Write a story that begins with an admission, and ends with a lie.

April 2021 (due at the end of May)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: A leaf

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story: "It was at that moment, as (name) chased after me, that I realized that I probably had taken things too far." (note that a third-person variant of that dialogue is also perfectly fine)

May 2021 (due at the end of June)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Either of Chomper's parents

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Hunting can be a reassuring experience; a reaffirmation that you are on top of the food chain.  But, rarely, you can be reminded of your own mortality.  For sometimes the hunter can become the hunted.

June 2021 (due at the end of July)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: One of the gang's siblings

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Write a story where the gang has an atypical guest along on one of their adventures.  It could be one of their siblings or it could be a stranger.  But, as always, the adventure will lead to the unexpected...

July 2021 (due at the end of August)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Screech or Thud

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "(name), if we end up living through this, promise me that this part stays out of the story."

August 2021 (due at the end of September)

Write a story based upon one of the requested prompts that you have not previously used.

Requested Prompts:
These may be used in place of any of the monthly prompts by any number of people.  When used for a prompt they will simply be treated as if the person did the monthly prompt.

Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

Write a transformation-based story that does not involve characters turning into sharpteeth.

Imprinting is an amazing thing.  In many species, a new hatchling will form a permanent emotional connection with the first thing it sees upon escaping from its egg. Write a story where an odd case of imprinting forms part of the narrative or premise.

Write a LBT story that includes a scene in it that comes from a piece of fanart you produced.

(More to be submitted by participants)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on December 03, 2020, 11:01:34 AM
Are people allowed to submit more "Requested Prompts" throughout the year?
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 03, 2020, 04:13:19 PM
Are people allowed to submit more "Requested Prompts" throughout the year?

My current plan is to allow people to submit them throughout this month, but they will be locked in at the beginning of the year.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: StardustSoldier on December 03, 2020, 05:02:07 PM
Alright, thanks for the clarification.

Speaking of which, I started on my first new fanfic story today. :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on December 03, 2020, 09:42:08 PM
Alright, thanks for the clarification.

Speaking of which, I started on my first new fanfic story today. :)

That is good to hear! :)  I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 15, 2021, 12:10:08 AM

I must extend my sincere apologies for my tardiness in providing an update.  With one entry posted for the month of December, DiddyKF1 is the winner of the December 2020 prompt challenge.  Congratulations!  :)littlefoot  You may discuss the matter of banners with Darkwolf, as I am unsure of the exact banner arrangements for this year.  :yes

I realize that most of us have been busy with work, school, and other projects (myself included), but this is just a reminder that the January and February prompts are still active if anyone wishes to participate for those entries.  Also keep in mind that the requested prompts can be done in place of either of those prompts and still count as participating for either of those months.  As always, I look forward to what you all come up with.  :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Gentle Sharptooth on April 08, 2021, 04:24:33 PM
I responded to the April Prompt:

“April 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: A leaf.” (Rhombus)

It’s called “Night Night Flower” and is in poetic verse. :)
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on May 11, 2021, 12:08:25 AM

As the sole entrant for March 2021 you are the winner of the monthly prompt challenge.  Congratulations!  :)littlefoot  Please contact DarkWolf if you wish to claim a 2021 Fanfiction Prompt Challenge banner.  :yes

As for those of you who have participated in the April prompt, I must apologize for the delay in me giving a proper review.  I plan on reviewing your April prompts once final exams are over this week.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Mumbling on May 11, 2021, 11:02:17 AM
Oh, thank you! :)

I hope more people join into future prompts!
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: Mouse-a-saur on May 11, 2021, 11:53:04 AM
Congrats, Mumbling  :^^spike

Best of luck with your exams, Rhombus :ChomperPOG
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on February 01, 2022, 12:04:17 AM
@OwlsCantRead  @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123 @Anagnos @LBTlover247 @The Mr E @Sleeping-force's-inside @StardustSoldier

Good evening, everyone!

The next season of the fanfiction prompt challenge is now live!  The rules have mostly remained the same and some unused prompts from last year are being reused - but please notice a change in policy on posting fanfictions.  To be in the prompt challenge they MUST be posted on the forum, but then they MUST also be posted on AT LEAST one of the following: or Archive of Our Own.

Rules for the prompt challenge

Rule 1: Concerning Monthly Prompts
Each month I will propose a series of prompts for potential stories in the Land Before time universe.  This may be a plot detail that would need to be in the story, or it could be a piece of dialogue that must be used, or it could even simply be a plot idea.

Rule 2: Concerning Acceptable Stories
Must be submitted to both (or Archive of our Own) and the Gang of Five: If you wish to participate please place a copy of your resulting story or poem for the challenge on both the Gang of Five fanfiction section and either on or Archive of our Own. 

Must mention the prompt challenge in an author's note for the story: In an author’s note in your story mention that this is a response to a prompt challenge, mention that this is organized by the Gang of Five forum, and mention the specific prompt that is used. 

Must be at least 1000 words long: The only length requirement on stories is that they need to be at least 1000 words or, in the case of poems, 500 words. 

Must not be more than 25000 words except in one particular case: We do discourage extremely long fics as prompt responses (25,000 words or more) except in the specific case where a single story is used for multiple prompt responses in one year, with individual chapters being used for separate prompts in that year.  This rule is just in place to ensure that everyone can have time to read and review a story before the 2-week voting period for a prompt is over.  This can be done with a long fic that is started and slowly added upon during a prompt challenge year, but it would not really be possible with a 500k story that was posted for one prompt, for example.

Additional requirements if you submit a song fic as an entry:  Songs can be submitted as poetry, but to prevent abuse and ensure originality a few conditions must be obeyed:
    a) They must be original works, that is to say they should not be based on existing music.
    b) They still need to adhere to a poetic formula. Obviously this is pretty loose, since poems can take many forms, but essentially it needs to be visually organized like a song (lines, stanzas, etc clearly defined).

Rule 3: Concerning Submitting Your Prompt Response
PM me with links to both the Gang of Five and the copies of your story.  I will then add a link to the prompt masterlist in this topic.  DO NOT post your story to this topic – we are trying to keep this topic as uncluttered as possible.

Rule 4: Concerning Voting and Banners
After the month is complete there will be a vote between the participants on which story (you cannot vote for yourself) was the best prompt response.  The voting will take place in the voting topic ( If a tie happens that is resolvable by a second round of voting between the top two stories, then I will impose that.  Otherwise I will break any ties.

Everyone who participates will be entitled to a participation banner with the Land Before Time character of their choice on it.  The winner of each month's vote, however, will also be entitled to add a star to their banner as an acknowledgement of their success.

Rule 5: Concerning Forum Fanfiction Awards
Please keep in mind that submitting your stories as a prompt response does not disqualify them from the annual forum fanfiction awards.  In fact, I encourage you to participate in both of them if you are interested.  :yes


And now... the prompts for this season:


February 2022 - March 2022

Write a story from the point of view of this character: Guido

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "It was then that my mind cleared and everything went into sharp focus.  I had been to this place.  I knew this place.  But from when I could not recall... I would have to investigate." (note that variants of that dialogue are also perfectly fine; what is important is the premise)

March 2022 - April 2022

Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mr. Thicknose

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Certainty is comforting, but it is in uncertainty that we discover new wonders.  Write a story where a character has a previous certainty in their life shattered, but it leads to new revelations.

April 2022 - May 2022

Write a story from the point of view of this character: Screech or Thud

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "(name), if we end up living through this, promise me that this part stays out of the story."

May 2022 - June 2022

Write a story that has the following dialogue: "I wish I had a brother or a sister, then things would be a lot more fun..." (or a variant thereof)

Or use this concept:  Siblings can be both a curse and a blessing.  Write a story that shines light on a sibling relationship in the LBT universe, focusing on the (positive or negative) impact that living with siblings has on your main character.

June 2022 - July 2022

Write a story that involves two characters with very different worldviews gaining understanding of each other’s way of thinking.

Or use this concept:  Pain shapes people in many different ways.  Some people become quiet and lonely, some hurt others because they're hurt themselves and others become kind due to knowing pain all too well. Write a story set in the LBT universe which features at least two characters who are going through a lot of pain or turmoil but are dealing with it in vastly different ways.

July 2022 - August 2022

Write a story from the point of view of this character: Ali

Or use this concept: We all know that in canon the gang settled down in the valley, but what if this were not the case?  Write an AU where at least one of the gang (and their families) were far-walkers or at least didn’t get to the valley until later than the films indicated.

August 2022 - September 2022

Summer prompt exchange! Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!  Entries can be sent to me between June 1st and July 15.  I will assign the prompts using a random-number generator by July 24 - but no one can receive their own prompt.
Title: Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
Post by: rhombus on April 15, 2022, 11:58:11 AM

With the only entry for the first month's prompt, you are the winner of the February prompt challenge.  Thank you for getting the prompt challenge to a good start this year. :)  I quite enjoyed the story!  You may talk to DarkWolf about obtaining a banner.