The Gang of Five
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Messages - PteranoStan

Pages: 1
Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO2] Character auditions for voice-over of LBT7
« on: January 17, 2022, 01:27:54 PM »
Seems like I never got back to you guys on this!

Regarding singing:
We have decided against doing GoF singing projects for this voice-over, as unlike with the original movie, you can actually see the characters talk in LBT 7 when the songs are played. Therefore, we think it is best if the voice actors try their best at singing their character's lines.

I already know that Littlefoot1616, Flathead & Diddy will sing their character's bits (or at least try their very best). How do you guys feel about your roles @Mouse-a-saur @Abigaillayne127 @RainbowFaceProtege ?

And I guess I can ask this question of the other people who auditioned as well @PteranoStan (rainbowface in Beyond the Mysterious Beyond) @SharptoothSimp69 (Rinkus in Very Important Creature) @aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) @Belmont2500 @DinoThighs69 (Sierra in Very Important Creature)  ? :)

I'd be fine with singing my part! I'm sure SharptoothSimp69 would be fine with singing as well, though DinoThighs69 is usually a bit shy when it comes to singing. I'll try my best to convince him if he gets the part though!
Great! I hope you can convince Dino as well ;) If your brothers still feel up to it, they are welcome to take on the rolls of Sierra & Rinkus. If not, we'll move them to other people who are interested.

I'm still a bit torn on the following:
Both the female rainbowfaces did a great performance, and so did both grandma's. Either way, someone will be getting a double role (unless someone else jumps in for any of these).

Could you all let me know which one you would like most?
@RainbowFaceProtege Rainbowface or Cera? (you are the only Cera)
@Mouse-a-saur Littlefoot or Grandma? (You are the only Littlefoot)
@PteranoStan Rainbowface or Grandma?

If there are other girls who want to join in and maybe submit a recording for the above characters, or one of the two moms (Ducky/Petrie), do not hesitate!

@ducky_25 do you still want to do Ducky's lines? :)

Heya! Sorry I didn't see this before, both my brothers would love to have the Sierra and Rinkus roles.  :PteranoPlotting

While I don't really have a preference between Grandma and the rainbowface, seeing as there's been a few new rainbowface auditions I'd be happy with Grandma! I'd like any role, really. :)))  :Mo

Regarding singing:
We have decided against doing GoF singing projects for this voice-over, as unlike with the original movie, you can actually see the characters talk in LBT 7 when the songs are played. Therefore, we think it is best if the voice actors try their best at singing their character's lines.

I already know that Littlefoot1616, Flathead & Diddy will sing their character's bits (or at least try their very best). How do you guys feel about your roles @Mouse-a-saur @Abigaillayne127 @RainbowFaceProtege ?

And I guess I can ask this question of the other people who auditioned as well @PteranoStan (rainbowface in Beyond the Mysterious Beyond) @SharptoothSimp69 (Rinkus in Very Important Creature) @aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) @Belmont2500 @DinoThighs69 (Sierra in Very Important Creature)  ? :)

I'd be fine with singing my part! I'm sure SharptoothSimp69 would be fine with singing as well, though DinoThighs69 is usually a bit shy when it comes to singing. I'll try my best to convince him if he gets the part though!

Silver Screen / Re: Disney’s Dinosaur (2000)
« on: March 22, 2021, 06:51:20 PM »
I watched Dinosaur too. It was great, wish there was more content of it. I was a little kid the first time I saw it. Have seen it a few times since.

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO2] Character auditions
« on: March 21, 2021, 03:33:19 AM »
We got it now! :)
Awesome! Glad to hear it.  :DD

Member Recommendations / Re: My card game won $3000!
« on: March 21, 2021, 03:14:31 AM »
Dang! Congrats. I may just have to download this and try it out sometime.  :PteranoPlotting

Member Recommendations / Re: Head and Shoulders Petition
« on: March 21, 2021, 03:12:08 AM »
Not only have I signed this, I've convinced several of my friends to sign this as well.  :PteranoPlotting

Character Showcase / Re: Topsy Showcase – March 2021
« on: March 21, 2021, 02:59:49 AM »
I've always known Daddy Topps as one of the worst cases of the 'racist' dinosaurs in LBT (Which, looking back on it now- there were many.)

He was both infuriating and entertaining. He was always objectively wrong, which I count as a win. It'd just feel awkward if he was painted as a hero. But he makes for a decent and believable antagonist, as I suppose was always his role.

The Welcome Center / Re: Heya!
« on: March 21, 2021, 02:23:08 AM »
Hi PteranoStan!

So nice to see you introducing yourself! :D Also you're awesome for introducing so many others to the forum! Hello family & friends!

Looking forward to seeing your art & your contributions to the VO project! Do you think you'll be joining into the art prompts that we have going on? The one active right now should be good: make an LBT meme :D

Oh, I'll certainly be participating in some of the prompts when I can! It should be pretty fun I imagine.  :PteranoPlotting

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO2] Character auditions
« on: March 21, 2021, 02:14:42 AM »
It sounds better with the visuals then I thought it did when I was recording lol.  :bestsharptooth

Always the case, haha.

I hope My brother's audition went through though- I sent it from my old email as well along with my audition but it was never downloaded. I'm not familiar with wetransfer, but I guess maybe it hasn't been seen yet?

Diddy did receive another file, but I believe that was also you (rainbowface)? I don't think he received your brother's file, perhaps you can send it again? :)

Oh yeah! I did send a Rainbowface audition, but my brother's audition was separate. I'll try sending it again!

General Land Before Time / Re: What in LBT disgusts you the most?
« on: March 21, 2021, 02:04:44 AM »
<< THiSS haha

There's no need remarking that there's quite a few 'annoying' characters in LBT, but you know what irks me the most?

The fact that I can't search up 'The Land Before Time' or even 'The Land Before Time art' without coming across... erm.. some rather unsavory images..

The Welcome Center / Heya!
« on: March 21, 2021, 01:49:08 AM »
 :PteranoPlotting :PteranoPlotting :PteranoPlotting Hello! I'm PteranoStan.  :PteranoPlotting  :PteranoPlotting  :PteranoPlotting

I joined not too long ago and recently convinced my brothers SharptoothSimp69, Dinothighs69 and my friend CeraHateCorner to tag along!(Oh, and her wife mudboye's come along too) I'm the creative sort, and you'll most likely be able to find me in the LBT fan art section of this forum! I'm part of a collaborative thread there, so you can expect to see a good variety of me and my friend's art and characters soon. :MoEvil

Me and my brothers grew up watching LBT. Our first exposure to it was when a babysitter brought the original movie over to our place on VHS. After that, we bugged our babysitter into bringing the sequels that were already produced, and we got any new ones that came out ourselves from none other than ye ol' BlockBuster.  :bestsharptooth I was also one of those few kids who watched the series-  we were REALLY into dinosaurs, haha. OwO  :lol :DD :p :angel :! :confused :oops

 :ozzysmug :M'Rhett I'm also really interested in the voiceover projects- hope to see and be part of more soon! Can't wait to get to know you all.  :bestsharptooth :taunttroll

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO2] Character auditions
« on: March 21, 2021, 01:24:26 AM »
Oh hey! It's me. :D  :PteranoPlotting

It sounds better with the visuals then I thought it did when I was recording lol.  :bestsharptooth

It's fun looking at all the other auditions too- Great job, all of you! Can't wait to see the end product.  :Mo

I hope My brother's audition went through though- I sent it from my old email as well along with my audition but it was never downloaded. I'm not familiar with wetransfer, but I guess maybe it hasn't been seen yet?

Awesome to see all the response to this project! Hyped to see this to completion. :))

Aww come on now, What's so bad with Rhett?  :rhett_smile

I was surprised to see that Rhett,  :M'Rhett a side character who showed up in just one episode of the series had ten emotes?? Meanwhile Pterano has one.  :(petrie :PteranoPlotting :areyouserious

I guess people really love Rhett lol. And apparently he has the same number of emotes as Littlefoot?? Now that's a feat!

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO2] Character auditions
« on: March 19, 2021, 01:09:18 AM »
 :PteranoPlotting I noticed someone mention in the last voiceover project there weren't many female VA's. Not certain if my mic is of proper enough quality for this, but I could certainly try for a female voice role!

This is Albert the sharptooth (albertosaurus), and Kira's mortal enemy!! She killed his parents after his parents hunted her parents, and now he seeks revenge!!! :PteranoPlotting :PteranoPlotting :PteranoPlotting 

that's a lot of dead parents! :PteranoPlotting

Albert was an older kid when Kira(Who was a much younger child) lured his parents into falling off a cliff into a seemingly bottomless chasm caused by the great earthshake of the first movie.

I tried my best to replicate the LBT style, but this man's rather fluffy for a LBT sharptooth, so eh.  :rhett_smile

And yes, I know I mispelled 'albertosaurus' as 'albertasaurus', eEp.  :PteranoPlotting

 :PteranoPlotting Mudboye had to go but they can show off their character 'Mud' tomorrow!  :PteranoPlotting

This is my OC, Proto the protoceratops!!!! He is Littlefoot's gay love interest and Mud and Kira's friend!   :RhettAli <(Imagine Rhett replaced with Littlefoot and Ali with pRoto)  :PteranoPlotting :PteranoPlotting :PteranoPlotting 

In our AU Proto was separated from his parents during the great earthshake from the first movie. He nearly made his way back across, but his parents were chased by Sharptooth and fell into one of the chasms. He joined Littlefoot's journey to the Great Valley along with Mud, Ducky, Spike, Cera and Kira. He was also present for canon events thereafter.

Hello!  :Chomp Here you can find me, CeraHateCorner, SharptoothSimp69, Dinothighs69 and Mudboye's art!! These are our original characters, do not steal!!1!  :MoEvil  :rainbowwave :(petrie :petrie :petrienotamused :ChomperOhNo :ChomperRWAAR :ChomperPOG :ChomperImAwesome :ChomperAmused

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