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The Land Before Time TV Series Review


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Here it is, the last and final review of our beloved franchise.

To be honest, by the name of the author, I was expecting that a woman was reviewing this.  Surprise!  Surprise! :)

Hmm... should we give our take on this?


  • Ducky
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The review seemed a little...rushed to me. He didn't really point out a lot of the show's shortcomings nor did he really poke fun at it. He pretty much just gave a brief synopsis of some episodes, not even pointing out the glaring plotholes in the episodes such as Petrie's plot devi-- I mean "snuggling stick".

I'm also surprised that he didn't bring up that the characters hardly even seem like themselves. Littlefoot's bossiness and cocky attitude for instance, Ali being regressed into an offensive female stereotype, or even Spike's incredible power to hear his food SING TO HIM! What!! *facepalms for having even typed that*

No offense but to me, the tv series is on par with LBT 13. Both didn't help the franchise in any way when it was about ready to kick the animated bucket, the animation continued to get worse, as did the songs, and characters were brought in who had no role or point to them (Ruby, Redclaw, the yellowbellies). One thing I did like about the TV series though was the fact that Bron was voiced by Cam Clarke, the man who played none other than Kratos Aurion in Tales of Symphonia. Sure it wasn't Keifer Sutherland but Cam Clarke is still really cool!


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He had been bossy in previous LBT installments, such as the first LBT when he tried to force Cera to go his way without even considering asking where Cera's way actually led. Keep in mind, he never even been that way before so there's no way he could have known if Cera's way was the "wrong way". All Littlefoot had to go on was advice his mother gave to him, and his mother has never been to the valley before, so there was a chance she could have been mistaken. He could have instead asked which way she planned on going and perhaps even consider going Cera's way (his way was leaving everyone physically exhausted), but instead he practically blocks her path and yells at her. And this is before Cera even insulted his mother. Littlefoot was already acting pretty angry before Cera made the insult.

This incident is a reason why I feel that Littlefoot was not out of character in the TV series.


  • Cera
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I wouldn't go as far as to say that the TV series is on par with LBT XIII. I truly believe that the TV series is better than the last movie. The movie's plot was completely lame in my opinion and was thrown together just to make more money, despite this movie doing so badly. Even Cuba Gooding Jr. could not save this movie.

The TV series has plenty of good plots that are acceptable for a twenty minute run time, and with the minor exception of Oops Eeps, the songs aren't as bad as Say So's or the Yellow Belly song (god I can't stand it).

As for the review itself, this guy clearly did not want to go into detail at all about the series. He missed probably the most important plot-hole in the whole show: How did Chomper and Ruby get to the valley? I was surprised that he only skimmed one episode and from that judged the rest of the show.


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A bad idea to review an entire series in one video.  It would have been better if they had done something like with the movies.  Either 26 reviewers, 1 episode each or 13 with 2 each.  With just 1 review for an entire season the review has to be rushed and miss a lot.


  • Ducky
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Hey, I have a question: Did anyone review the 1st movie or was it just the sequels and the TV series?


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Quote from: Animeboye,Jun 14 2010 on  10:27 PM
Hey, I have a question: Did anyone review the 1st movie or was it just the sequels and the TV series?
They actually did more of an overview/synopsis on the first film, rather than a review.

You can watch it at the following link.

You can also watch the 2 part version of it on YouTube that I have posted myself. :)

Part 1

Part 2

For an actual REVIEW, looks like we just might have to do it ourselves. ;)


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Hey guys, Jamietud asked me to relay this message to this topic.

Okay, before I do so, I want to tell you guys that I wasn't shy of giving out our opinion to the members of who did these reviews.  Jamietud has responded and I think you'll be nicely surprised.

Wow, I’m rather surprised. It’s rather new to me to be criticized by the fans of the series I’m criticizing for not criticizing it enough. But I respect your opinions on my review. And yes, I would still call this a review. You may be accustomed to certain styles and formats set into motion by certain angry nerds and guys with glasses, but I try to deviate from the formula as much as possible.

In response to Animeboye’s comments, I wish I had time to point out more of the show’s shortcomings, but I usually try to make my episodes close to twenty minutes long I know people who don’t really have even that much patience, believe me. But like I said in the review, if I took you through every episode of the series, we’d be here all day.

Most of your criticisms of my show are understandable, but I really don’t think it was “rushed.” Honestly, I spent a LOT of effort into putting that together. And if you’ve got your own criticisms with the the “Land Before Time” TV show, that’s fine. Those are your criticisms. I didn’t notice some of them.

Kor, I truly think it would have been a bad idea to have twenty-six reviewers tackle this series. I know myself that if I started watching a review series of twenty-six angry heads in a row after already having seen thirteen, I would lose interest after about two episodes in. It may not be enough to cover all of the crap in one episode, but it’ll have to do.

LBTFan13, I would like to ask how much more detail you would want me to go into. You’re not the first to tell me after the fact that Ruby and Chomper were forcibly inserted into the series, but I think saying that I only skimmed one episode and used that to judge the rest of the season is the most baseless critique I’ve received. I summed up two episodes and spent the rest of my episode pointing out various other things I noticed as the show progressed. Believe me, I sat through MANY episodes in preparation for this, so I think my overall judgments of the show are fair. You might be more accurate if you said I skimmed two episodes and spent the rest of the episode firing off the top of my head, though.

And as per your criticisms, Pokeplayer, very well. If you want to recommend the series, you’re entitled to do so. I shan’t wish that anyone offended by the fanfiction joke at the end, but what I was getting at was how the whole fanfiction scene has gotten a poor rap thanks to horny fanboys who want to showcase their fantasies using their favorite characters. But you’re right, there is some truly great fanfiction out there. I used to read Daniel J. Drazen’s Sonic fanfiction back in the day and it was truly epic. The only thing is, as far as “The Land Before Time” goes, I haven’t come across any fanfiction yet that I could call “good.” If you have examples of some good fanfiction, I’d gladly give it a read.

In any case, I respect your criticisms and I thank you for not being rude. Like I told the fellows at Cheshire Cat Studios, if I can dish it out, I can take it. Thank you for your time and hopefully your critiques will help me create better shows in the future.

Ciao for Now!

P.S. Thank you for cross posting my episode even if you did hate it. Just make sure to let people know in the description that if they want to see more, they can always check out more at

Well, what do you guys have to say about it?


  • The Circle
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To me it felt to rushed and like he didn't watch the whole of the series or didn't take very good notes.  The person doing the videos of the power ranger series does feel like he sat down and watched every episode of that particular season and took pretty detailed notes, or has a super memory or both and spreads his talking about that particular season across several videos.

Someone reviewing an entire season needs to likely do it over several videos to cover a season with as many episodes as this one has, or have it divided among a number of folks, whether 1 each, or this person till take 3 episodes, this one 5, ect.  20 minutes isn't really enough time to give much of a review of overview of an entire season where the season has so many episodes unless one does a speed review and lets each episode have less then a minute of talk, which if done and planned well in advance may be enough for some.  

For example If I did my reviews as a character like some who did the lbt reviews did, I'd have to factor in doing some acting in character during my review so each episode may get say 40 or 45 seconds at most.  This would be to give me time to do something in character and still allow some margin so I can remain on schedule.  If I did my reviews as just me, not as a character then maybe each episode may get 50 or 55 seconds at most.

One Single 20 minute at most review may be enough for a series with say 13 or 16 episodes, and or if it is like some anime that may have more then 13 or 16 episodes but where you will focus only on the main characters and may plot lines, ignoring the stand alone episodes.   Though the LBT tv series doesn't really fit into this with 26 stand alone episodes.


  • Cera
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Baseless critique? Ouch......:unsure:

What I was going for when I said "skimmed one episode" was that he didn't take the time to point out very important flaws throughout the series. To answer his question of how detailed he should have gone into, I would have at least picked out a few glaring flaws from a few episodes, but at the same time pick out certain strengths from other episodes. This would help give a more rounded look into the series, rather than simply commenting on one or two episodes and judging the rest of the series based on that.


  • Petrie
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Hey, I know Daniel J. Drazen! I even read some of his fanfictions, too! (which I find to be epic, too) Including his reviews of the sonic comics. Here is his website Daniel j. Drazen Be aware that some of his reviews are rants but they are very accurate, in my view. I email the guy once or twice a month just to talk about the multi-medium of cartoons, movies, and comics in general.

He may be in his fifties but he got some wisdom on his side.

Alex Popp

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I have to say, I smiled when I read Jamietud's response.  I did think his review was pretty good, even if I disagree on some things.  He is a great guy too.  And it was great to see that he was respectful of our opinions, unlike those other guys.

Speaking of whom, the only other ones I watched were the ones by Hardcore Kid, Animated Amnesia, and Cartoon Hero.  HK and AA at least admitted to some things, and were kind of funny, even though I still really enjoy movies 3 and 4.

But Cartoon Hero, who did Stone of Cold Fire, OH I frowned throughout the video.  He  kept focusing on things that didn't matter (such as the animators allowed us to see inside the cave Ducky fell into and the flyers couldn't see into it), and even cut out parts to make the movie seem to make as little sense as much as he could.   Did he really think that we wouldn't notice?  

I real critic would not do that.  Maybe I shouldn't have done this, but I tore the review apart with a lengthy comment, correcting his every deceptive rant.  I understand that everyone has their own opinion, but I had had it with him.

By the way,

If there's one thing I will not tolerate, it's violence.

Then why are you hitting me?

Right, make that two things: violence and stupid questions.

How Cartoon Hero didn't find that funny is beyond me.  Or did he? :lol

What did you guys think?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I didn't like the review specials we got for 5, 8, and 9...I wish there were more reviews of the films like the good ones in this series and MarzGurl's. Well, I guess I should make 'em myself...

The Anonymous Person

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Reviewing 2 episodes in 13 videos? I might do that...when I get the series myself!