The Gang of Five
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What are you reading?


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I'm slooooowly chipping my way through "American Psycho". I've never read splatterpunk before and I just have to read the book that's considered so mature in some countries that they seal it with plastic so the kiddies can't sneak a peek.


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The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkein

Small Gods - Terry Pratchett

Constantly reading the following book:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams (aka God in my eyes)


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This isn't going to go far, seeing as it takes so long to read a book.  Anyway, here's what I'm currently reading:

At school:

Animal Farm and an advanced biology textbook to be able to answer all the questions the teacher asks the class before it's ever taught.  Haha!

At home:

PC Technician's Troubleshooting Pocket Reference (despite it's name, it's over 1000 pages long with no pictures and very tiny print.  I don't know why it's called a pocket reference.)

Understanding javascript second edition

Easy Computer Repair for Beginners (just to review.  It was one of the first computer books I've read, but it still has a lot of relevant information despite it's age.)

Oops!  (a handy little reference of what can go terribly wrong with a computer when you're being stupid.  That happens to me a lot because of lack of sleep.)

Power Japanese (a book about all the little quirks of the Japanese language and how to speak Japanese and actually make sense.)  :lol

Upgrading and repairing PC's eleventh edition (this is the most advanced computer book I have, totaling over 4,000 pages and going over every computer problem from years 2000-2005.)

and a book about government and politics.  I've forgotten the name, but it's a long one.  

Sufficing to say, I do not read for recreational purposes.  I simply don't have time.  The closest I get to recreational reading is reading rotten books like "animal farm" at school, which is a boring fable about communism on a farm of animals.  -_-


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I was reading Dinosaur Wars: Counterattack.


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At the moment the stuff I am reading is prescribed by the university. Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors", "Taming of the Shrew", and "The Two Gentelmen of Verona", lots of Puritan literature from the days of early colonial America, 18th century American writers like Emmerson, Melville, Longfellow etc. And I have about a dozen biographies  of Winston Churchill lying beside me as I type this and four biographies of someone who wrote a biography of Winston Churchill (I must admit though that I don't have to read all these books from the first to the last page as I basically know which passages I am looking for). The last two books I read on my own accord were Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (It is kind of an embarrassment that it took me until recently to read the book while I'm studying US history for years), and "Das Spiel der Kˆnige" (The English translation of the title would be: "The game of the kings"), a historical novel about the Wars of the Roses. The next book in the queue once I'm done with the university reading is a biography of Manfred von Richthofen ("The red baron", who by the way had nothing to do with Pizza at all).


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By "The Red Baron" you mean the World War I fighter pilot who fought on the side of Germany.


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Doubt if these count as books but: Showcase Presents The Atom, Essential Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition, & Jack Kirby's Mister Miracle.


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Battle For the Park-Colin Dann
Second to last book for The Animals of Farthing!
Toady.... :cry ...Sinuous  :cry2 ...okay, so Sinuous' death was kinda "wut?" for me in the books, but Toad's certainly was. But Sinuous' death in the TV series  :cry2 . How DARE he not get Adder pregnant before he died  :( . She needed a happy ending and killing off her mate without any young is just...awful...(Adder and Sinuous are my #1 favorite characters...forget the far overused foxes (and weasels and owls and rats and everyone but Adder and Sinuous in S3 *shakes fist*)


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By "The Red Baron" you mean the World War I fighter pilot who fought on the side of Germany.
Yes, the very same. I built model planes for a very long time and collected everything about aerial warfare that I could get my hands on. I interviewed some fighter pilots who were still living at that time (none from WW1 of course).
Interestingly enough Richthofen he seems to be much better known in the English speaking world than here in Germany. A problem is that many of the books written about him are more like adventure books than serious biographies or else they are veeeery long about the somewhat unimportant question on who was the one to fire the bullet that finally killed him. The movies about him (I have yet to find an exception) are so bad (either representing him as a hero of humanity or as the scum of the earth; neither of which he was) that I think Snoopy could create a more accurate movie about him.
Battle For the Park-Colin Dann
Oh yes, once my timetable allows it I should reread this book too. Sadly I only have the German translation, not the English original.


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I'm reading Mass Effect: Revelations, though i haven't read it in quite a while.
Animal Farm and an advanced biology textbook to be able to answer all the questions the teacher asks the class before it's ever taught. Haha!
lol i read Animal farm in school as well and also watched a movie of the book. Its pretty messed up :lol .


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I liked Animal Farm myself.

Quote from: "Ptyra" on  
orget the far overused foxes (and weasels and owls and rats and everyone but Adder and Sinuous in S3 *shakes fist*)
Waitwaitwaitwait....weasels were overused? I've never seen the show but I was under the impression that the weasel(s) were more or less in the background. But if they were used so much to be overused than I simply MUST see it o_o weasels are so under used these days it's just sad =(

To say something on-topic....this probably doesn't count but I WILL be reading "A Stir of Echoes" by Richard Matheson if it ever arrives. It's never in any stores so I had to order it and have yet to get it =\


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I just finished The Hobbit. I am now on The Fellowship of the Ring.


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Have fun and don't let yourself be scared away by what is often perceived as a slow beginning. I admit that Tolkien takes his time before the story really unfolds (which is why there was so much left out from the first book in the movie adaptation (for good reason in my opinion)), but a lot is explained and before you know it the book is likely not to let you let go of it anymore (same as certain hand adornments I've read about :lol).


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That is probably why I didn't understand it when I first read it. Now it makes a lot more snese to me.


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When you first read it? Did you read it at an earlier time already?


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Well, I was reading "Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris, but had to put it down and then I forgot where I put it down... :lol


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That is sad.

By the way, Malte, I read the Hobbit in 4th grade.
I read Fellowship of the Ring in 6th grade.


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I started on the Warrior book series. Im only on the very first book at this point since Im not big on reading...short attention span.  :p