The Gang of Five
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Waves Crashing Upon the Sky


  • Literally Guido シ
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  • Ducky
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    • Posts: 1208
  • "In the morning light, the evening star…"
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Sorry for the wait, everyone! :PCera
Have a long one, why don'tcha?

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Chapter 6: Herd Mentality

It was a good day. It was, it was. Yep, yep, yep!

Though there was no concrete evidence to back her gut feeling up, Ducky just had a hunch about it. Her heart soon swelled as the vibrant skies above proved her right, being as blue as the tranquil body of water to her front. The young swimmer slowly reached her hand out and gently tapped a finger against the calm surface of the water, gazing at it as the body of liquid became wavy and uneasy from the touch, rippling in a manner that was similar to Spike's grumbling belly.

Almost as if the spiketail was able to see deep into the recesses of his sister's mind, Spike let out a gentle grunt from Ducky's side.

"Oh, Spike!" Ducky chided, shaking her head in mild disapproval. "Mama will be giving us both breakfast very soon. There is no need to be hungry, for you will soon get all the treestars that you want! You will, you will!"

Although the swimmer had suffered from a most horrid sleep and barely slept a wink—no thanks to the multitude of sleep stories that plagued her throughout the night—Ducky resolved not to let that ruin her day and to start the morning afresh with no worries.

"How have you been, Ducky?" Her mother, Shoal, quirked her head at her inquisitive daughter. "Your eyes are red, dear," she quickly noted, frowning. The swimmer was studiously observant when it came to Ducky and Spike, without a doubt the single two biggest troublemakers in her nest. "Bad night?" she prodded.

Ducky glumly looked down at her toes. "Yep, yep, yep…" she moaned dejectedly, before sealing her lips and refusing to elaborate any further. She still wanted to keep her concerns to herself for now, even though the fact that she had used her cheery catchphrase in a despondent way was already a huge red flag to anyone paying attention.

Thanks to a sharp ear which was able to catch her daughter's disconcerted mood, Shoal leaned down to hug her daughter. "There, there," she consoled, already guessing on what the fuss was all about from just a quick glance. As a doting mother, there was naught which her children could hide from her. "It's just a bad sleep story, Ducky. There's no need to fret…"

Ducky giggled, her beak nuzzling against her mother's belly. "I know, mama!" she reassured while embracing her mother using her arms, with Spike hobbling forward and joining into the group hug before long.

The large swimmer eventually broke away from Ducky and Spike, straightening her body and tapping a digit against her beak in contemplation. "I don't have anything to task you children today, so maybe you should run along and play with your friends, Ducky. That always seems to cheer you up whenever you're feeling down."

"Oh, you are right!" Ducky cheered, ecstatically hopping up and down. "Spike and I do want to play with our friends. We do, we do!"

After a short pause where Spike processed his sister's words, he concurred in agreement, passively nodding his head as his half-dopey, half-excited expression complimented Ducky's ardor.

Shoal flashed a coy smile at the sight. "Oh… just run along, you two," she gently shooed her daughter. "I'll see you both later. Be back here before the Bright Circle sets, okay?"

"Thank you, mama!" Ducky waved as she skipped away, preparing to make a frenzied dash towards the gang's usual rendezvous point. "There is no need to worry, Spike and I will take care of ourselves. We will, we will!"

Shoal waved them goodbye as swimmer and spiketail left the combined sleeping area, with Ducky brimming with energy and Spike lumbering behind her. "Take care, children," she whispered, "Don't you get into trouble, now…"

Despite her daughter's reassurance, the large swimmer felt a pang of worry deep in her belly nevertheless as she witnessed her two most rambunctious children scooting off into the distance. It was like this every single time — no matter how merry and nonchalant Ducky and Spike both were respectively, the two of them were still her precious little children and she would always fret for them.

Plus, considering just how often they got into trouble alongside their cheeky little friends, Shoal reckoned that her heightened paranoia was well within the realms of justification. One could never be too careful when not just one, but two of your children were well-known around the valley, the companions who they regularly hung out with pretty much immortalized in infamy as the eponymous Gang of Seven.

The swimmer receiving a harshly-worded recommendation from some of the other parents in a previous valley meeting to control her children better all because they didn't want the group of young dinosaurs to be a bad influence to their very own kids was pretty much testament to that…

Although Shoal had been tempted at times, she knew that she could never follow through with imposing such a drastic change. She was definitely no Mr. Threehorn with her parenting style, that much was for sure. While she could be harsh at times, she had a relatively hands-off approach to her own clutch of children, especially when it came to Ducky and Spike. There was no stopping that rambunctious duo when they set their minds to something… the dynamic that Ducky and Spike shared together with their friends was truly astounding.

Needless to say, there were certainly times where Shoal felt as though she'd aged ten Cold Times solely from the numerous scares that she received from having to deal with her children's reckless endeavors. It was during those despairing moments where Shoal would find herself contemplating as to why Ducky was so hard to control.

She had first received an inkling of her daughter's troublemaking self almost at the very beginning. Perhaps it was what one would call an ominous prediction of things to come, but when she and her mate watched in horror as the infant Ducky sauntered away from the nest and nearly got herself snapped up by a bellydragger right after she'd hatched from her egg, Shoal immediately made a vow to herself to keep a very close eye on her rambunctious daughter.

Ducky was undoubtedly going to be quite the handful.

Ever since then, there were times where she'd wondered as to why Ducky in particular was so prone to trouble when compared to the remainder of her first clutch. The second of her children to hatch, a swimmer who she had named Spring, was so much more subdued and demure in personality when compared to her older sister that the contrast was that much more jarring.

All that being said, she wouldn't have Ducky or Spike any other way. Despite all the grief that Ducky had inflicted on her whenever it came to her free-spirited daughter's unrestrained antics, the swimmer still loved her boisterous firstborn child with all her heart nonetheless, viewing Ducky and her precious, plucky personality as a true gift from her ancestors in the stars above.

Her two children were much more relaxed and unperturbed by worry, though. Ducky ran along the field with Spike in tow, only to screech in her tracks when she saw a shadow looming across the ground. Looking up to see what was blocking out the Bright Circle, her eyes soon came across a cobalt-blue flyer circling the air above her.

"What perfect timing! If it isn't Ducky and Spike! I was just looking for the two of you!"

"Oh!" Ducky waved at the slowly descending flyer. "It is Petrie mama! It is nice to see you again! It is, it is!"

Petrie's mother nodded her head in acknowledgement at the swimmer as she landed right next to her. "Hello there, Ducky. Nice to see that you are both well," Skylar greeted, stretching her wings after touchdown before retracting them back and wrapping the wing membrane around her body.

"It is nice to see you as well!" Ducky returned, before quirking her head at Skylar curiously. "But what are you doing over here?"

The flyer tentatively looked around the area before crouching down and leaning towards Ducky. "Did you or Spike happen to see my son Petrie, by any chance?"

"Petrie…?" Ducky pursed her lips, her eyes deep in thought. "We have not seen him yet! Nope, nope, nope!"

Skylar appeared momentarily dejected by Ducky's negatory response. "Hm… I had assumed that Petrie would have crashed over at your place when he didn't return back to the nest yesterday…" she mumbled in a soft voice.

Ducky gaped in shock at the news. "You mean that Petrie never come-ed back home yesterday?" she repeated, trying to get a confirmation from the flyer.

"Wh-what?" Skylar stumbled, her eyes widening when she realized that she had unintentionally articulated her thoughts aloud. "I mean, no I didn't say… ah, I'm afraid that's right." She let out a disheartened sigh, her head dipping as she gave up on trying to hide it from the two children. "Please keep this between yourselves as much as possible, but Petrie hasn't returned home since last night, and I haven't the slightest clue as to where he is. I worry for him…" the flyer admitted with a worried expression, a brief flash of paranoia showing in her gentle eyes.

Taking in a deep breath, Skylar quickly composed herself and held her head high. "Do you think that Petrie could already be with Littlefoot and your other friends?" she tried, rationalizing another plausible solution on the spot.

"Well, Petrie usually flies over my sleeping area before meeting Littlefoot and the others, and I did not see him today, so I do not think that Petrie is with them right now. Oh, no, no, no…" Ducky was forced to bring Skylar's hopes down, but quickly followed it up with a positive note. "But I will still help to pass the message along. I will, I will!"

"Thank you for your help! It is very much appreciated, Ducky!" Skylar sincerely thanked the swimmer, bowing her head down at the youngling. "Petrie's really fortunate to have a friend like you."

Ducky giggled, beaming at the compliment. "Thank you so much!" she replied in a modest manner. "I am glad to be friends with Petrie too! Yep, yep, yep!"

As the flyer spread her wings and readied herself for takeoff, she made one final request to Ducky and Spike. "If you or any of your friends manage to locate Petrie, please be sure to tell me as soon as you can!" she implored the two, before springing up into the air with one swift movement of her wings.

Ducky raised her voice to respond to the retreating flyer, now airborne and soaring high in the azure skies. "There is no need to worry! Spike and I promise that we will do all we can to find Petrie! We will, we will!" the swimmer reassured to let Skylar know that she did not mind carrying out a favor for the parent of her close friend and that the flyer wasn't imposing on them in the slightest.

When Petrie's mother was nothing more than a tiny speck in the sky, Ducky started rapidly jumped up and down, looking up at her brother with fervent concern visible on her face. "This is not good, Spike! Petrie is now missing! He is, he is!"

"Nnngghhhh…" Spike grunted in response as Ducky proceeded to quicken her pace.

"Hurry up, Spike! We need to tell everyone about this!" Ducky pestered, before giving up and making a U-turn when she saw that Spike was not using any of his reserve energy to quicken his pace. Grabbing onto Spike's thigh and hurling herself up to mount the spiketail, Ducky proceeded to helm her brother, taking the position that she normally found herself in when she was on Spike's back.

"Let us tell Littlefoot and the others, Spike! Maybe they will know where Petrie is! Yep, yep, yep!"

"So, let me get this straight. Not a single one of us has the slightest clue as to where Petrie is?"

Cera's summary of the situation was apt and directly to the point. After a quick roll call had turned up with a strength of six instead of seven, it became adamantly clear that not one of them knew about the current whereabouts of their flyer friend, much to Ducky's great disappointment.

"Yeah, I think that's the gist of it," Littlefoot answered, peering around the many trees surrounding the area. "Petrie's not with us either…"

"Great. Just greattttt…" Cera drawled the word, enunciating her annoyance as the irritated threehorn let out an exhausted sigh. "Has anyone actually seen Petrie since we split yesterday?"

The sheepish expressions that she got from the others as non-verbal responses was more than enough of an answer to her query.

"Actually…" The purple sharptooth huddling off to the side hesitantly began to talk, causing Cera to raise a brow as the fragile silence around the area was broken. "Ruby and I both didn't even manage to catch a glimpse of Petrie yesterday! I mean, we weren't together with you guys."

"That is very true!" Ruby walked over to the sharptooth's side, the fast runner backing him up, both figuratively and literally, "I was with Chomper for all of yesterday, as Chomper was with me during the whole of the previous day."

Chomper shifted his jaw slightly, his expression faltering briefly as his eyes glazed over to the sides. "Ruby's right! I mean, I was with her the entire time!"

"Hmph!" Cera held her head high, unable to suppress the widening smile on her face. "Well, since you two didn't know, I challenged Petrie yesterday."

Chomper and Ruby quickly realized the direction that Cera was about to take the conversation in when Littlefoot flashed them a deadpan you-know-what-is-coming look. Yep, it was going to be a classic pride-orientated threehorn speech. "So you know, there is a chance that maybe Petrie decided not to show up because he was scared that I would kick his butt at hide-and-seek today!" Cera brazenly continued. "I mean, I did tell him that I was gonna kick his sorry tail after what he did to us all yesterday! He's probably off hiding again, that scaredy egg!"

Littlefoot could only shake his head. He subtly turned around, not wanting Cera to see the amused smile that was clearly visible on his face.

"Oh, no, no, no!" Ducky shook her head. "Petrie mama told-ed me that Petrie had disappeared from his home since last night. He did, he did!"

Littlefoot took on a contemplative expression. "Since last night? That's weird! First of all, why would just Petrie disappear in the middle of the night? Moreover, if Petrie's mother knew about this, why didn't she stop him in the first place? I mean, come on… you know our parents would stop something like this at the first sign of trouble!"

Cera snorted. "And whose fault might that be, I wonder?" she snarked.

Ignoring Cera's attempt to bait Littlefoot into a retort, Ruby nodded in concurrence to both agree with her longneck friend and quell the rising argument. "Something is definitely suspicious about this, because this definitely sounds suspicious to me!" she sang in her typical speech pattern.

"I'll say," Chomper agreed. "It sure sounds to me like Petrie's vanishing act might be more sinister than it first seems. You know what? I think Petrie's mom might not be telling us the full story here."

"Uh, hello?" Cera said in a tone which often preceded one of her sassy retorts. "Since when have our parents, or any of the grownups for that matter, ever told us about what was really going on whenever things in the valley are going badly, huh?" she stated matter-of-factly, sticking her tongue out at the end for good measure.

Littlefoot took in a sharp breath. "Well—"

"…except when your grandparents make an announcement to the entire Great Valley," Cera hastily interjected when she saw Littlefoot about to respond to her rhetorical question. "That doesn't count, Littlefoot! We know about their decisions at the same time as the rest of the valley."

Spike grunted and nodded his head, causing Ducky to laugh. "You are right there, Cera. Our mommys and daddys do keep things from us, so we learn about them at the same time as everyone else. We do, we do!"

The group remained silent, remembering quite a few of those impactful announcements. After all, the announcement about the farwalker swimmer herd the previous day had also come out of the blue as well.

Ruby held her hand by her hips. "I can certainly see that, see that I certainly can! Didn't you make it sound as though you only found out about Petrie because his mother unintentionally let it slip?"

"Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky confirmed Ruby's suspicion, looking to the ground from her vantage point atop of Spike's back as she recalled the anguish that she saw on Skylar's face when the flyer realized her folly. "She accidentally told-ed me. She did, she did!"

Although it had been implied, Ducky's affirmation caused Cera to groan. "The grownups with their secrets again…" she lamented while tilting her head up to the sky. "Why can't they just tell us when something is wrong instead of settling it by themselves? You and I know that they're usually hopeless when facing such scenarios!"

Taking the opportunity to speak up, Chomper stepped forward before Cera could mope any further. "Maybe Petrie's mom might have wanted to keep it secret, but now that we know that something's up with Petrie, we can try to do something about it!" The sharptooth placed one of his claws to his jaw in thought, lighting up as a brainwave hit him. "Hey, I have an idea! Maybe I can use my sniffer to sniff out Petrie's whereabouts! I just need to get his scent, and then we'll be able to track him down!" he offered, tilting his snout up to the sky.

Littlefoot smiled at his friend's suggestion. "Thanks, Chomper. That sounds like it could actually work. Still, I hope that it's nothing serious and we manage to find Petrie quickly. I'm… worried about him." The longneck frowned, extending his neck skyward. "It's not like Petrie to up and disappear on his own."

Cera grunted. "Yeah, that scaredy egg is the last dinosaur who I'd peg to venture out on an adventure by himself."

"Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky agreed. "If we disappear from the valley, we always do it together. We do, we do."

In spite of the fact that the pink fast runner had made a personal vow to always be a good role model towards the others ever since she had first arrived at the valley with Chomper and met with the remainder of the gang, Ruby couldn't help but to let out a chuckle at the swimmer's foolhardy remark. "You must still be fond of those days of adventuring, Ducky," she concurred, rustling her feathers while remembering some of the old stories that her friends used to tell her regarding their past adventures. "But our first priority as of now should be to find Petrie, find Petrie our first priority should be!"

"You don't say?" Cera snapped. "Come on, isn't it pretty obvious? I mean, with Petrie gone, who actually thinks our first priority now should be starting up a game of hide-and-seek?"

Chomper opened his jaw to speak, before gently easing it shut and wisely letting his words die in his mouth when he saw the threehorn glaring at him dangerously. "Uh, never mind. I just had a funny thought," he laughed it off. "Please continue, Cera."

"I know exactly what you were going to say." Cera didn't take her eyes off of Chomper, causing the placate sharptooth to back away ruefully. "You wanted to call me a hypocrite, didn't you?"

"To be honest…"

"Don't you dare answer that, Chomper! Not unless you want me to get really angry!"

A bout of laughter rattled the nearby trees as the others proceeded to laugh at Chomper and Cera's expense.

"Alright… that's enough joking about, guys. Time to get serious!" Littlefoot lowered the tone of his voice when the laughter had died down so that he could get the others to focus once more. It had the intended effect, with all eyes from the other five falling onto him as they fell into attention and perked up, intently listening to what he had to say.

"While I think that Chomper's plan is great," he said, giving a nod in Chomper's direction, "I also think that the rest of us should also split up into pairs so that we can cover more ground. Petrie's a flyer, so he can be virtually anywhere in the Great Valley!"

Though Littlefoot didn't say it, the unspoken addendum to his remark was in all of their heads.

…or outside of it…

"I'll be with Spike!" Ducky broke the somber silence as she called dibs on her brother, who gave an affirmative grunt from under her feet to show his concurrence with his sister's decision. "Yep, yep, yep!"

Snapping out of his own trance, Chomper immediately followed up by jumping to Ruby's side. "Then I suppose that means I'm with Ruby! Oh boy!" he cheered as the fast runner lightly slapped his arm teasingly.

Chortling as the other four proceeded to trudge off in separate directions, Littlefoot was about to make a comment to himself on Chomper's feistiness in pairing up with his caretaker when he suddenly realized why Chomper had been so quick on his feet.

"Guess I'm stuck with you once more, Littlefoot?"

He whirled his neck around to see an irate Cera, the only one of the six left unpaired.


"Yeah." Littlefoot grinned. "Looks like it's me and you again, Cera."

Cera proceeded to flank Littlefoot from the side, exhaling an apathetic murmur, "Let's just hurry up and find Petrie. I want to beat that sorry flyer in a game of hide-and-seek before the Bright Circle goes down. I told myself that I would win against Petrie today, and he's not going to back out on me!"

As Littlefoot resigned himself to hearing Cera's complaints for the remainder of the search, a nascent thought wafted to the top of the longneck's head.

I hope the others are having a better time and luck finding Petrie…

Thankfully for Littlefoot, they were. Ducky whistled as she directed Spike along their quest to find the mysteriously missing Petrie.

Her destination — the Great Wall that surrounded the Great Valley. After all, her innate hunch was that as a flyer, Petrie would likely be somewhere high up. And even if he wasn't, one of the tall mountains like Threehorn Peak would suffice in giving her a flyer's eye view of the entire valley, hopefully allowing her to spy a speck of light brown that she could distinctively recognize as Petrie.

At least, that was her original plan. Her attention, however, was piqued when she saw an unusual sight.

"Say… do you see that, Spike?" she pointed at a rustling bush, the boost in height thanks to her being on Spike's back allowing her line of sight to clear a large cluster of treestars that were bunched together. "Who's that in the bush over there?"

A swimmer who had skin as black as the night sky was sprawled on the grass, rolling around in rambunctious laughter. Though she had gone through many adventures with her friends, Ducky couldn't say that this was something she saw every day.

She prompted dismounted Spike and jumped back down onto the ground. Silently striding over to the swimmer, Ducky then proceeded to announce her presence.

"Why, hello! What are you doing, hiding over there in those bushes?"

The swimmer immediately froze when he heard her, jolting up sharply before disorientedly slamming back down to the ground. Ducky winced as she saw him land in an excruciating manner, feeling extremely bad when she heard him moan in pain. She didn't mean to scare him that badly!

Taking large strides to end up next to the swimmer, she proceeded to launch a flurry of questions at him to see if he was alright. "Oh no! You fall-ed down! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you get back up? Huh? Huh?"

It took her awhile to realize that he was staring at her accusingly, his black eyes meek and fearful. At this, Ducky decided to lay off on the questions and instead extended her arm out for him to latch onto so that he could get back on his two feet.

When he appeared stable enough and didn't look like he was going to faint again, the swimmer promptly unleashed her unbounded curiosity onto her hapless prey.

"Why, hello! I have never seen you in the Great Valley before! Nope, nope, nope!" she quipped, before letting loose the million-treestar question on the unfamiliar newcomer. "Who are you?"

A-ack! M-Me no like what happening now… me no like this at all!

Call it serendipitous, call it a coincidence… Petrie simply opted to call it 'bad luck'. Was the Bright Circle actively messing with him right now? Just what were the chances?

"Um, sorry, but who are you?" Ducky repeated after a while. "I have not seen you before. Are you new?"

"Oh, uh, you just no see me before because me with new swimmer herd…" Petrie chuckled nervously, playing off his earlier panic by using an excuse that he came up with on the spot.

"What is wrong?" Ducky asked, looking at him intently when she detected the unease radiating from him. Concern slowly spread across her face before her beak eventually fell with a gasp. "Oh, no! I do not mean to make you scared! Is your name a secret? If it is, then I will not pry! Nope, nope, nope!"

Petrie immediately found himself being able to relax, his friend's calming words as contagious as her sincere expression. Almost unconsciously, his beak began to formulate the answer to her question.

"Ah, it no secret. Me P-Pe…"

He froze mid-sentence, the swimmer seizing up when he realized that he was about to introduce himself as Petrie.

That certainly would not do.

Not only would he be unable to explain as to why he had Petrie's name, if push came to shove, Petrie had no idea how he could possibly give a believable answer as to why he was stuck in the body of a swimmer that looked nothing like his previous appearance.

Wellllll… Petrie get shiny stone from bad flyer that turn me into swimmer like Ducky! You believe me, right? Wa-wait… me being honest, me swear!

If he were to admit the truth and try to convince someone by telling them that, he'd probably be laughed out of the valley. What had happened to him sounded completely ludicrous to someone out of the loop. Even Petrie had to see and experience the transformation with his own two eyes before he could believe that such a thing was within the realms of possibility and not just a mere sleep story.

Not to mention, Vekal had explicitly warned him not to reveal his identity to anyone. And despite everything that had transpired thus far, Petrie didn't want to cross the crazed flyer. Vekal might be unpredictable and was quite possibly insane, but the depraved flyer had already more than proven that he wasn't to be taken lightly.

"I have my ways of knowing. Spill the sweet bubbles and I will ensure that you stay this way forever…"

Honestly, the threat seemed like one of Vekal's feints at first, a lie solely meant to keep him on the edge of his talons. Logically speaking, Petrie hadn't even caught a glimpse of Vekal after he'd stormed away from the flyer earlier, so how would he ever know if he were to blurt the truth out to someone?

…and yet, a minuscule part of Petrie's panicked mind didn't think that Vekal was kidding about following suit with his brutal words. From his confident and callous demeanor, Vekal gave the impression that he was someone who was not to be trifled with. Adding to that, the flyer had rattled off Ducky's name during their conversation as though it was no big deal even though Petrie had never seen him before they met yesterday.

Looking back, Vekal name-dropping Ducky had definitely been on purpose, a subtle-yet-significant move purely meant to freak him out and catch him while he was off guard. Well, the tactic had definitely succeeded there.

It was the same thing here. Petrie knew that Vekal had a lot of information about Ducky and his other friends. The crafty flyer had bragged as much, and the condescending attitude that he had throughout their second meeting—which could actually rival Cera's mood on one of her bad days—was simply further proof of his uncanny knowledge. As a result, it wasn't that far off of an assumption for Petrie to let his paranoia run wild and conclude that perhaps, Vekal did have some way to garner if he had indeed told anyone about his very unusual predicament.

He could not put into coherent words as to just how badly he wanted to grab onto Ducky's shoulders and scream the truth about his situation to his close friend. But alas, Vekal's cautionary words were an effective deterrent, stopping Petrie from revealing all to Ducky in a frantic voice. No matter how panicked he was about his current form, he did not wish to remain a swimmer for the rest of his life.

So close, and yet so far. It was pure psychological warfare. His inner conflict was tearing him apart.

Yeah, Petrie quickly surmised that wasn't worth it to spill the beans. He wasn't a risk-taker. That was Cera's forte.

Now that he had all of his options closed off except for one, there was nothing Petrie could do but follow Vekal's original terms. Basically, he just had to make it till the end of the day. And judging by the way things were playing out, it was going to be a long day for him, indeed.


Petrie was jolted back to reality when he heard and then saw Ducky waving at him to get his attention. Once she saw him react, she quickly followed up with a request.

"I am sorry, but you were speaking so softly that I was not able to hear your name." Ducky apologized, leaning towards Petrie and indirectly causing him to shudder as he found himself put on the spot. "It is okay, there is no need to be shy. Nope, nope, nope! I promise that we can be friends! We can, we can!" she encouraged, nodding her head with a perky smile.

Me already friends with you, Ducky! That was what his mind was screaming, but there was no possible way he could tell Ducky that without going in too deep.

"P…addy! Me mean Paddy! Yeah, that me name!" the transformed Petrie managed to stumble out a false identity under duress, picking the most convenient syllable that came to mind which could follow up the P from his original name that he had almost blurted out earlier. Alas, the pressure of a curious Ducky was too great — she'd always had that effect on others.

Petrie swore that there was no one—baring sharpteeth, of course—in the whole Mysterious Beyond who could possibly muster up the mental strength to resist Ducky when his swimmer friend wished to get a response from them. Her constant obstinance, her quivering beak, and her soft sky-blue eyes all combined together to form a devastating combination which sucked the resolve out of anyone who wanted to defy the wishes of this sweet, inquisitive swimmer.

"You are named Pad-dy?" Ducky struggled with the pronunciation at first, pausing between the two syllables and rolling the name around her tongue to get comfortable with it. "Hee hee hee!" she giggled, beaming widely at the new swimmer. "You talk funny, you do, you do!" Abruptly stopping her laughing fit, Ducky quirked her head and peered closely at him, her dazzling aqua-blue eyes piercing into his very soul. "Tee hee! It is probably a coincidence, but the way you speak reminds me of my good friend. Yep, yep, yep!"

Petrie felt a chill running down his body at her words. There was no doubt in his mind that Ducky was referring to him. Right off the bat, that was a surprisingly astute observation from Ducky. For crying out loud, he'd literally just met her with this new form and she'd already noted similarities with his former self!

"Yeah! Me…" Petrie slapped his beak, forcing himself to switch his speech pattern to avoid any further suspicion. It was immensely hard for him to break habit, forcing the swimmer to stop between every word as he struggled to speak like Littlefoot. "I… am… Paddy! That me… my name!" he declared, heaving a sigh of relief as he finally succeeded in getting out the sentence using proper grammatical format.

"Well, it is really nice to meet you too!" Ducky concurred, turning back around. "Spike, come over here! Say hello to our new friend!"

There was a long pause and no response following Ducky's call for her brother. She soon pouted, puffing her cheeks up when she saw no sign of the spiketail who she'd left behind earlier. "Oh, do not tell me that Spike wandered off again!" Ducky grumbled.

Though Ducky was somewhat irate by Spike's absence, Petrie was conversely glad for this turn of events. Spike might not be able to talk, but he didn't want to leave anything to chance.

"Where are you, Spike?" Ducky raised her voice, darting her eyes around the area. "I cannot also be looking for you when I am searching for Petrie!"

Petrie turned to Ducky in surprise. She was looking for him? Oh, this was very bad.

Just as he was about to try and sneak away while Ducky was busy hunting down Spike, a new voice made him stop in his tracks.

"Why, if it isn't the mademoiselle with the lovely voice."

Both Ducky and Petrie jolted at the familiar voice coming from behind them. Rather distressingly, it appeared that her shouts had attracted an entirely different dinosaur to the vicinity altogether.

"Hello again, Ducky!" Ferris greeted with a jubilant expression as Ducky's own face quickly turned crestfallen. Ignoring her sudden mood swing at his wayward appearance, the swimmer swung his arms wide open and went right on. "I was in the area and happened to see you, so I have returned once more. Pleasure to make your acquaintance… once more…"

Ferris let his beak drop as he trailed off, his expression quickly falling to that of a perturbed scowl. "Well, m'lady…" he grumbled, making no effort to hide his annoyance, "…who's this swimmer hanging by your side over there?"

Though Petrie obstinately kept his beak shut and refused to answer Ferris, he had unfortunately forgotten about one key factor with regards to secrets.

"He is named Paddy! Yep, yep, yep!"

…Ducky herself.

"So… your name is Paddy, hm?" Ferris mused, placing a finger to his beak as Petrie whirled at Ducky, staring at her accusingly as she gave him away. Meanwhile, the pale-green swimmer was deep in thought, Ferris seemingly contemplating about the current turn of events in his mind.

Seeing no point in hiding from Ferris anymore, Petrie confirmed his alias with a reluctant sigh. "Yeah. That me name." The swimmer inwardly cringed when he realized that his verbal tic of saying "me" had unconsciously crept back into his speech once more.

"Paddy…" Ferris snorted, rolling his eyes exasperatedly as he began to walk back and forth. "If I didn't know any better, I'm almost tempted to say that you came up with that name right on the spot…" he grumbled under his breath, not knowing just how close his words were to the actual truth.

"You do not know him?" Ducky cocked her head, puzzled when Ferris did not appear to recognize Paddy. "But he told me that he is a part of your herd…"

Ducky's carefree observation caused Petrie's breath to hitch as he choked back a horrified gasp. No, no, no!

Ferris was going to ruin everything!

And sure enough, the swimmer in question stopped pacing about, staring right at Petrie when he heard those words. "He… what…?"

Despite Petrie's best efforts to contain the false identity that he had spun up on a whim, it was now exceedingly clear to the increasingly panicking swimmer that he was now caught in the thread of his very own lie. After all, how could the son of the herd leader not be able to recognize his very own herd member?

In the spur of the moment, Ferris' position in the swimmer herd had completely slipped his mind…

"This swimmer, part of my herd? I refuse to believe this nonsense!" Ferris was livid, the swimmer's eyes animated with anger and disbelief at what he had just heard from Ducky. "This is completely absurd!' he snapped, stomping his foot against the ground so hard that an imprint was left there.

Petrie couldn't help but to shiver when Ferris pointed at him in fury. "Look here, you! Do you think that I'm stupid?" The swimmer paused there, almost as though he was expecting Petrie to insult him by answering in the affirmative. Only when Ferris still got no response from Petrie did he continue. "You happen to be a member of my swimmer herd? How very convenient…"

Ferris withdrew his finger from Petrie so that he could proceed to clap his hands together in a sarcastic beat, "…except for the fact that I've never seen you in this herd before!" he finished, glowering at Petrie as he let the accusation hang in the air.

And there it was, the question ruthlessly rolling in like a bad storm which brought lots of sky water.

Petrie had been rightfully afraid of this, and sure enough, Ferris had indeed managed to catch the glaring mistake. The pale-green swimmer didn't even give him a chance to breathe, scowling as he stormed up to Petrie and stood on tiptoes so that he could stare the other swimmer down.

"You're not in my herd, you stinkin' liar. Just what sort of game are you playing with me?" Ferris demanded in a low and harsh tone, his stance rigid as he glared at Petrie. "Who are you, who sent you, and where are you really from, huh?"

Petrie quivered under the sheer adamance laced within Ferris' voice, falling on his rump as he backed away from the agitated swimmer. Yikes, where had that attitude come from?

The vile swimmer seemed insurmountable and indomitable, the steadfast attitude Ferris had on display radiating from and blanketing him in a confident aura. It was a far cry from the pitiful performance that Petrie had witnessed earlier when Ferris ended up tongue-tied by the female swimmer.

Was this really the same swimmer who he had managed to witness getting completely trampled over by that other female swimmer when he was hiding in the shrub earlier? Now this was a side to Ferris that Petrie had never seen before — the difference was like night and day, especially compared to the cordial and carefree attitude which Ferris had adopted yesterday while talking to Ducky.

In fact, this was much more reminiscent to the Ferris that Petrie had first seen before Ducky unsurprisingly turned him down. Back then, he had been brave—or perhaps oblivious—enough to insult Cera until the threehorn finally lost her patience. The flyer-turned-swimmer now had a sneaky suspicion that the smarmy Ferris had been partially faking—or at the very least restraining—his actual personality when unceremoniously dumping a proposal on poor Ducky the previous day.

And the reason for that was quite simple. It was likely that Ferris had wanted to make a good first impression by playing it cool and pandering to her friends — in other words, them. Even when he pushed Cera's buttons, Ferris had decided to make a hasty retreat and not stand his ground, which was very unlike what he was doing now. Perhaps he didn't feel as threatened by another swimmer who was around his size as compared to a menacing threehorn like Cera.

Yeah, Cera was terrifying, alright! Petrie didn't care that he had to be saved by his friends when he haphazardly let the remark slip from his beak yesterday, he still stood by his statement. Me no take it back! Cera threehorn… she can be real scary when she angry!

All in all, it wasn't a far stretch to assume that the agitated Ferris which Petrie was seeing right now was the real Ferris, with all of his illusions stripped away. It was the closest thing to an establishing shot that he would be able to get from Ferris, considering that he was seeing the swimmer's true colors shine through a non-biased perspective since Ferris now had no reason to keep up pretenses in front of who he thought to be a complete stranger.

"Well, well, well. What have we here? Some herd ranking shenanigans again, Ferris?"

Petrie jumped to his feet when he heard the audacious remark, doubly so when he realized that Ferris hadn't said it. Whirling around, he caught sight of a confident girl strutting in their direction.

There was no mistaking her. She was the female swimmer who had been dominating Ferris earlier. Petrie could feel her eyeing him, her vision snaking across his body. When he covertly tried to sneak a peek in her direction, Petrie had to fight his body from visibly reacting when he saw the suspicion in her green eyes.


Petrie decided he didn't like the way that her eyes were boring into his soul. Had she managed to catch on to his lie? Like Ferris, did she realize that he couldn't possibly be from their herd? From what little information he managed to glean off the swimmers when listening in to their conversation earlier, Petrie had the feeling that she was definitely a no-nonsense dinosaur.

And apparently, he wasn't the only one to dread her appearance.

"Oh, no." Ferris bemoaned, his face turning an even paler shade of green than his current coloration when he saw the female once more. "Not you…" the swimmer let out a pitiful whine, "…why are you back to torture me yet again?"

"Like I can't torment my very own brother?" she replied with gusto, a wide smirk on her face. "You know, it's a younger sibling's birthright to do that, Ferris."

Younger… sibling? Petrie's face contorted to one of pure confusion. This swimmer was Ferris' sister? The two of them were actually siblings?!

He… did not anticipate that.

"Well, I'm telling you to stop right now because I'm older than you!" Ferris grumbled, waving his arms frivolously to show his agitation.

"By only about six egg-shakes, dear brother!" she countered, the shape of her beak forming a wry grin. "Don't you try using the 'because I'm older' excuse on me! For all intents and purposes, the two of us hatched so close together that we might as well be twins."

Ferris idly kicked his feet against the ground, unwilling to look her in the eye. "But I'm still older, sis…" he whined, pouting in as cute a manner as possible. Petrie actually performed a double-take at Ferris' facial expression, still unable to reconcile this awkward persona when Ferris was with his sister to the authoritative one that he'd been displaying to Petrie up till now.

She shook her head, something resembling pity flashing on her face. "Nice try."

As Petrie watched the vitriolic antics of the two, he couldn't help but to draw a parallel between them to Littlefoot and Cera, or even to his very own siblings.

"Amaryl! Please… just stop." Ferris squinted his eyes, losing his patience as he practically pleaded with the sassy female to halt her mischief. Taking in a sharp breath and spinning his head to Petrie, his voice finally regained that cold edge he had prior. "We have serious business to deal with here."

"You mean that swimmer you were about to interrogate?" she responded, cackling when she saw her brother's dumbfounded face. "Yeah, I overheard you talking from the distance. Don't act so shocked, Ferris. You have a very recognizable voice."

Rather unusually so, Petrie observed that Ferris' younger sister appeared to be relatively nonplussed about the state of affairs regarding his identity. In fact, Amaryl almost seemed to be dismissive about the whole thing, which was rather unusual given that she must have swiftly realized that his initial claim was not very truthful. It was in stark contrast to how Ferris was reacting, that was for sure.

"Yeah, I mean him! I mean, sis! You clearly know he's not part of… you know what, forget it." He cut himself off, not wanting to dwell on the subject matter. "Arguing with you is a lost cause."

"Well, if you already knew that he was faking being with us, then why even bother with the whole charade?"

"I was going to force a confession out of him, but I guess that's all futile now, thanks to you!"

"Oh, I am sorry. My bad, Ferris."

Even Petrie was able to tell that Amaryl was purely apologizing for the sake of formality and wasn't actually being sincere about it at all. She took the blame as-is, but otherwise did nothing to assist Ferris.

Ferris knew as well, but could only bite his lip. "Since that's that case, I suppose we can simply cut to the chase now."

"Oh?" Amaryl smirked mischievously. "What do you have planned for him?"

"The usual, of course…" Ferris crossed his eyes, the grin of his face gaining a tinge of malevolence as it widened, "…test their worth."

Petrie did not like the sound of that. The discernible gasp he could hear from Ducky only seconded his opinion.

Amaryl gave Ferris a curious look. "The last swimmer that we had to test was the new herd navigator, Jovi. He joined us in the Cold Time while offering his expertise as a farwalker to guide the herd to any location we desire." She sighed despondently, gesturing her arms about as she paced. "Our father might have accepted Jovi when he saw how advantageous it would be to have him around, but seriously, what sort of imbecile goes into the Cold Time unprepared and begs us for company at his age? That guy's moronic!"

Ferris hit his thigh as he let out a chuckle. "That Jovi was inducted into our ranks close to half a Cold Time ago, and yet to this day I still cannot understand the way that weirdo thinks. For lack of a better word to describe him… he's eccentric." He then spun around to Petrie. "My point is, even Jovi had significantly more to offer than you! Yet, we still had to put him to the test before he could join us in earnest. All that being said, he did pass the given challenge, of course…" Ferris scowled at the confession, rubbing the back of his head in annoyance.

"You lost a swimming race against Jovi… Jovi, for crying out loud!" Amaryl clicked her beak. "How is that even possible?" she said in an exasperated voice before proceeding to let out a haughty boast. "If it were me in your place, I would have won with my eyes closed, and that's after giving Jovi a head start!"

Ferris snapped his head back to Amaryl, scowling when he observed that his sister was chortling, no doubt because she saw that she had received a discernible reaction from her brother. "Will you quit with the verbal jabs already?" he demanded with a low hiss.

In the meantime, Petrie was contemplating the new information that Ferris and his sister had let slip to him.

Of course… Jovi! The nice, if shy, swimmer that had warned him and his friends about Ferris to begin with. It had completely gone over Petrie's head earlier, but now that he thought about it, it struck him that the reason that Jovi was so well-versed in matters with regards to Ferris was because he happened to be in the same herd as Ferris.

The meek swimmer's personal warning to Petrie came rushing back to him at full force.

"Plus, it doesn't help that Ferris is one stubborn and persistent swimmer. He simply won't quit until he gets what he wants…"

From what Petrie had derived from their conversation so far, it was exceedingly clear that Jovi was one-hundred percent right on the mark with regards to his comments about Ferris. He was stubborn, alright — Ferris was not letting up on his suspicions now that he was aware that something was fishy.

"Anyway, my point is that I'm an accommodating swimmer, if I do say so myself. I'm perfectly willing to look at the situation and accede to your request, Paddy…" Though Ferris sounded humble, Petrie knew that the young leader was merely patting himself on his very own back.


Petrie flinched at the sudden shout, covering his ears with his wings… no, hands in an effort to muffle the shrill cry, which was so loud that it caused his inner ear to throb painfully. Visual and auditory senses were key to a flyer, which meant that loud and raucous sounds had always confused and disorientated Petrie, the impact even more apparent whenever he was airborne.

And as a swimmer… that hadn't really changed for him. Not used to his new body and reacting to the noise on instinct due to his muscle memory as a flyer, Petrie felt his legs giving way, unintentionally causing him to lose his balance and collapse to the ground for the second time.

Ferris flicked his eyes over to Petrie, a trace of concern sparking across his face before promptly resuming his task. "Bartley! Where are you?" he repeated, cupping his hands over his beak as he threw his voice across the clearing, "Get over here, on the double!" The tone of his gathering cry was brusque, making it clear that the summons was an explicit demand, only further accentuated by the young swimmer tapping his feet impatiently against the ground as Ferris clicked his tongue in annoyance.

After a brief moment where the numerous swimmers around could only look at each other as an awkward silence descended upon them, Petrie got to his feet when he heard the sound of running footsteps. Turning his head towards the source, he saw a swimmer with light gray coloration, the shade akin to that of the dark sky puffies which Petrie knew tended to bring sky water. As the swimmer finally reached the front of the one who'd called him, he stopped his sprint and clutched his chest while sharply inhaling large gulps of air.

Petrie furrowed his brow at the new swimmer, who by common sense and process of elimination was most likely the Bartley whose presence Ferris had demanded for. The funny part was that Petrie hadn't even seen the swimmer until Ferris had called for him, and yet from the relatively short reaction time that it took for him to appear, it was clear that Bartley must have been hovering around the area, else he wouldn't have heard Ferris call for him at all.

"Y-yes, sir?" Bartley wheezed, struggling to catch his breath. "You called?"

"You shall be my witness, Bartley." Ferris patted the panting swimmer on the back as he strolled towards Petrie. "Yes, I'm afraid it is that time again…"

Petrie and Ducky shared a glance, the green and black swimmer not liking Ferris' scornful tone or his emphasis on the word 'that'.

"Alright then, Paddy…" Ferris rubbed his hands together, fern-green eyes gleaming with excitement. "We shan't beat about the treestar bush any longer. Let the Test of Joining commence! Ah ha ha… your inauguration is at stake!"

Petrie blinked perplexedly. "Inauguration? W-what that mean?" he asked, cocking his head in confusion.

"I heard my Pops say it before." Ferris grunted, promptly shooting a warning glance at Amaryl when he heard her snickering. "It's apparently some sort of fancy way of saying 'joining'. Pops said it sounds cool, so I just roll with it… I suppose." The subconscious eye roll that the swimmer performed as he explained the term showed that Ferris didn't quite buy into his father's own words himself.

"Really?" Amaryl muttered, the light-green swimmer stretching her hands into the air and letting out a bored yawn. "You're going to give him a chance to prove his worth and join us? Just like that?" She snorted, looking at Ducky and Petrie contemptuously. "Your leadership style is senseless, Ferris. Frankly, I find the current state of affairs in our herd to be deplorable."

"You stay out of this, Amaryl!" Ferris shot his eyes over to Petrie, causing him to shudder. "This is between me… and him." The icy expression that Ferris currently had was very unbefitting on his face, contrasting greatly with his warm green eyes. But it certainly did its job well — it was definitely an intimidating pose.

However, Petrie soon noticed that the brash swimmer was restlessly darting his eyes between him and Ducky, who was situated beside his current position. Like the morning fog clearing up, it was at this exact moment that the unusual actions which Ferris had taken since he'd first instigated and confronted Petrie finally made sense.

H-He jealous of Petrie? Is it because… me and Ducky close?

Before he could ponder the thought further, Ferris went up to Petrie and proceeded to bop him on the beak, causing the black swimmer to scowl at Ferris as he clutched the area where Ferris had touched him. "Wh-what you do that for!?" he sputtered indignantly.

"Yeah! That is not nice! Nope, nope, nope!" Ducky looked at Ferris with a disgusted expression. "Tell Paddy that you are sorry!" she demanded.

Though Ferris flinched at being reprimanded by Ducky, he refused to let up on his assault, his expression only becoming firmer. "Hmph! No one taints the name of my Pops' herd… the greatest swimmer herd that there is in the entire Mysterious Beyond!" he gloated with pride. "You want to pretend to be part of it so badly? Well, here's your chance! This is your price for admission — besting me in a one-on-one swimming race that takes place in fast water!" Ferris proclaimed, his eyes blazing with vigor.

Sw-swimming race? I-in fast water? Fast water!?

"So, do you dare challenge the great Ferris?" he sneered, his face practically inches from Petrie's, "Are you in or out?" Ferris folded his arms, refusing to withdraw his dangerously glinting yellow eyes away from Petrie. "Go on…" he threatened with a snarl, "…I want to hear an answer from you, Paddy."

On his part, Petrie found himself breathing heavily at Ferris' challenge. This was a major problem that Petrie was now forced to face head-on, and it was one which would be quite hard to tackle — he hadn't the slightest clue about the intricacies of swimming due to the fact that he was, well, not born a swimmer.

Ever since he had first learned to fly, Petrie quickly surmised that large bodies of water were his sworn nemesis due to the fact that his wings becoming damp would greatly compromise his ability to fly. After all, he had no reason to ever go near big water as a flyer. His domain was the air!

But now that he was trapped within the body of a swimmer…

Petrie shivered, feeling his throat growing parched as he swallowed down a gulp of saliva. Bringing his limbs up and seeing hands where his wings would have been caused a feeling of dread to grow, the discomfort swirling around his belly. Mentally cursing Vekal in his head for the umpteenth time, Petrie quivered as he found himself thoroughly stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Me need swim to prove me worth to join swimmer herd? Now Petrie really no like this! Me know that me need do this else Ducky and Ferris think Petrie lying and no tell full truth, but how can me possibly beat swimmer like Ferris in water race? Petrie bad enough in air race with me brothers and sisters, but me no even know how swim! Me definitely gonna fail challenge, me just know it!

Petrie tore his eyes away from Ferris and chanced a glance towards Ducky, the flyer-turned-swimmer all but lamenting his demise as his mind found itself deadlocked on whether he should chance accepting a dangerous proposal for the third time, with only one singular thought causing him to hesitate from taking the plunge.

Me may be flyer…

…but me no can be swimmer…

Author's Note:

It's taken a bit, but we finally get to see the migratory swimmer herd in action. Sorry that this took so long to come out, but the organization that I'm currently working for in real life got hit with two audits in a row. But now that it's finally over, I should have more time during the summer to work on my ongoing stories. :)

We're swinging right back to Ferris and the whole Ducky ordeal, and man, is Petrie in for something now that he's caught in dire straits with Vekal's second deal looming over his head. Taking the identity of Paddy but finding himself caught in a lie almost immediately… is not a good start. With Ferris agitatedly unleashing his own challenge against Petrie, how will our favorite flyer… sorry, swimmer, make it out of this in one piece?

Sovereign: Poor, poor Petrie. He's prone to getting fooled in the films, but I hoped that he didn't come off as too gullible in this as I tried to show that Petrie falling for Vekal's reverse psychology trap was more of a 'spur of the moment' thing since he had to battle and weigh the pros and cons of taking the plunge in his mind. Still, I'm ecstatic to see your enthusiasm overall. You are indeed right to say that the basic foundations of the idea have been set up, but this story is still in its early beginnings — I've barely been able to scratch the surface with the concept yet. Rest assured, there will be more to come!

DiddyKF1: Vekal is indeed a callous flyer, and he's definitely someone who acts as though he has all the cards and pieces in place before he even makes a move… and yeah, the impression that you've garnered regarding his cruelness is not unfounded. Needless to say, Petrie is in for quite a bad time, especially given that he'd run into an overeager Ferris almost immediately, who had unintentionally been the catalyst for Petrie's transformation into a swimmer to start with.

Rhombus: Neat observation there, those are indeed valid hypotheses! While Ferris might seem rather one-note and a typical 'third-wheel antagonist introduced for the sake of romantic tension' in his first appearance, he is indeed a more nuanced swimmer than he initially appears, as demonstrated by this and the previous chapter. Certainly someone to keep an eye out on, given that his relationship with the rest of the herd has been all hearsay until now.

And next time… swimming, perhaps? Poor Petrie! Will he have to accept Ferris' challenge to maintain his cover even though the deck is stacked against him? Or alas, will being a swimmer be too much to bear?

Whew! This one took a bit! Finally can get more into the impact and intricacies regarding the transformation and switch between species.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


  • A softie for sidekicks
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Poor Petrie. He has never been a good story maker, and it once again shows here that people can easily see through his lies. Now, he's being forced into something that will surely mean his untimely death. This is what happens when you become a gullible liar.

God, I really hate that Ferris character. He just makes my blood boil. You certainly hit it when you described him as making Cera look like a saint compared to him. If I were anyone in the Gang, I'd want nothing to do with him. I never thought I'd say this, but you have most definitely succeeded in creating a good bunch of hateful characters that are turning this story into a dreadful tale, and you've done it very effectively, too. I'm debating whether The Lone Dragon's Sculra character is just as bad, or worse, or if Ferris is worse (or Vekal). Whatever the case, they're both despicable.

Nice to see this story is still alive after all these months. I love that sense of excitement every time a new chapter pops up on a story I'm following! :)petrie This chapter may have been a bit slow-paced, but it was worth it to see all the tension building up as we get further into this tale of deception and despair.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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Now this chapter provides some serious complications to our former flyer. Or, as he is calling himself now, Paddy.  This is saying quite a lot as suddenly being turned into a different kind while another swimmer courts your friend would be certainly be enough of a complication in itself. :p

Unfortunately for Petrie he is not well versed in the art of creating a believable cover story, and, as a result, he now faces a serious challenge.  He must now succeed at Ferris’s challenge despite only being a swimmer for the better part of a morning. I do wonder how he will manage to pull this off without the  requisite skill set.  Between Ferris and Vekal Petrie has certain ran (flown?) into some truly unsavory characters.  I just wonder how he will get out of this in one piece.

This was another wonderful chapter. :) I look forward to seeing how Petrie deals with the coming challenges that await him.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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To say this chapter was awkward and saddening to read from Petrie’s perspective would be an understatement. His friends were just living their lives as they usually would only to learn that their flyer friend has disappeared from the face of the world. Ducky’s joy created a stark contrast to Petrie’s despair and the Gang’s obliviousness to what has happened was extremely disheartening. It would be so easy for Petrie to just tell them what has happened but that sadly isn’t allowed.

When it comes to the latter part of the fic, that sequence was an extremely difficult one for the new swimmer. His efforts to hide his identity from Ducky and Ferris’ intrusion made the scene beyond horrible for him and you can’t help but feel sorry for Petrie throughout that scene. Ducky’s efforts to help him were quite sweet but when Ferris comes to tell the truth about “Paddy” being part of the herd, things got really difficult to read. His disability to reveal his identity only made him more miserable but it is clearly just a matter of time before the truth will be revealed.

It would be a miracle if Petrie won the incoming challenge and I’m quite sure the result of a failure in that regard won’t be pretty. It remains to be seen whether Petrie will try to follow Vekal’s terms or whether he wishes to approach Ducky and his friends for help. In any case, this chapter was written extremely well and this story is really starting to get interesting! :DD


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Well, this one was new to me as I have never before read this story from you Owls, but it was so interesting, even from the beginning that I read all of the chapters so far in like a day and a half. I guess that shows how much of a good writer you are. I was especially taken in by how you express the characters’ thoughts and actions. One thing I paid close attention to was your storytelling, which is amazing, I must say.

While this story started a bit slow it definitely has made up for it by the following chapters. The tension in the air has been phenomenal for me and I find myself to be even more interested the further we go. Dear Petrie just can’t catch a break. Not with Vekal and most certainly not with Ferris and his challenge to Petrie. I can imagine that won’t end well for our former flyer friend as he has zero experience in swimming. Perhaps Ducky could help him with that problem?

Whatever will happen in the following chapters of this absorbing tale, it will no doubt be intriguing to figure out eventually. :)littlefoot


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To swim or not to swim? That is the question.

FFN Link:

Chapter 7: Padding the Inevitable

"A duel for supremacy, eh…?"

Gloomy eyes shimmered as an adolescent flyer cautiously perched himself along the jagged rocks of the valley cliff, keeping out of sight of the unfolding gauntlet that had been thrown and yet still trying to ensure that he was within hearing distance.

Oh, he could most certainly hear everything play out from where he stood. He could hear it all, loud and clear. "But you already knew that this would be the outcome, didn't you?" the flyer scowled with disdain as he observed the proud swimmer below challenging his adversary. "In fact, I'm willing to wager that you're laughing your wings off even as I speak…"

"This is your price for admission — besting me in a one-on-one swimming race that takes place in fast water!"

He aggressively tapped his talons against the rocky outcropping, gritting his teeth in agitation as he observed the trembling black swimmer. This had all the telltale signs and schematics of the Shiny Stone of Great Change written all over it.

"Did you hear? I caught wind of something really interesting the other day. Some yellow runt was talking to that idiot who went after the Stone of Cold Fire. He said that there exists a shiny stone… that can change one's species!"

"Are you kidding? That Pterano's after such a thing now!?"

"Yep! He called it the shiny stone of… something."

"Bah! Don't be ridiculous! Change your species with some kind of stone? That flyer must have had one too many blood-sucking buzzers hovering around him. I guarantee you that he pulled that nonsense right out of thin air!"

"You weren't there, so shut your beak! I saw both of them talking with my own two eyes! That flyer looked dead serious, and so did that old coot Pterano! I didn't catch the tail-end of their conversation, but crazy or not, there's gotta be some truth in it!"

"No offense, pal. But I think you've had far too little water. Your head's probably now frying under the Bright Circle. Look, you're just imagining things."

"H-Hey! I swear that it really happened! You can go ask the others if you doubt my account! They saw it too!"

The flyer would freely admit that he had scowled when he first heard that conversation. All it took was a few passing flyers in another herd to mention those sentences while gossiping in the vicinity and the members in his own flock of flyers had ended up being sent into a complete uproar.

Apparently, the details of the conversation between Pterano and his colleague that took place in the confines of some undisclosed desert had been overheard. And now, the resulting rumors were quickly being spread across the entirety of the Mysterious Beyond in an unstoppable wildfire through word-of-mouth.

"Vekal… you magnificent idiot. Why did you have to pull some stupid stunt by attempting to recruit an infamous flyer like Pterano with all those witnesses hovering around?"

That was the reason he had made his way over to the Great Valley on his own accord — to confirm if Pterano had made contact with the leaf-eater haven after Vekal had reached out to him. Every flyer in the Mysterious Beyond knew about the tale of the proud flyer who attempted to gain power for his species, only to fall short when the stone had turned out to be a dud.

He had heard from those many recounts and tales that Pterano was a cunning flyer. Though the passing flyers had said that Pterano rejected Vekal's offer, he wanted to observe the valley to see if that was indeed the case. It wouldn't surprise him if that was why Vekal had his eye on Pterano in the first place. After begrudgingly working with him, the one thing he learnt about Vekal was that the yellow flyer was incredibly spiteful and manipulative.

But whatever it was that had drawn the aged flyer to Vekal in the first place didn't matter. What mattered was not the 'why', but the 'what'. And what other reason would there be for Vekal to seek someone like him out other than to scout them for some favor or errand, tempting Pterano with the ever-elusive Shiny Stone of Great Change, holding the promise of a stone out to him like a dangling tree star so as to ensnare Pterano into servitude.

He was forced to admit that he couldn't exactly blame Vekal for tempting Pterano with the power of the shiny stone — it certainly was an effective proposal. The boss had made the exact same offer to him, and the tantalizing reward was a very potent motivator in convincing him to join.

Now if only Vekal had been more careful when making his own recruitment pitch…

There were but a scant few in the Mysterious Beyond who knew of the shiny stones and the full extent of its unorthodox powers, but this was the first time since he had served under his sinister boss that the carefully hidden existence of these magnificent objects had been unveiled. But now, that ability was out in the open, blatantly being mentioned by others outside of the loop with reckless abandon.

And it was all Vekal's fault.

The flyer snarled.

Though he had come to the valley to look for Pterano, he instead managed to gain a far better scoop based on his observation of the swimmers on the ground — almost undeniable proof that one of the valley residents had been transformed by the stone. He even had a hunch on who it was simply based on the amount of times Vekal had ranted about a certain group of leaf-eater children during meetings with their combined superior.

Unless he was crazy, this had to be the work of the Shiny Stone of Great Change. But what stumped him was that only source of those stones was his boss…

"You heard him," Vekal had said to him with gleaming golden eyes as the duo watched their boss gliding in the air, the flyer so far away from their vantage point on the ground that to them, he appeared to be nothing more than a tiny speck in the sky. "Phase one of the plan is now firmly underway. Since we did such a good job in convincing our new ground-dwelling partners that we'll be indispensable allies moving forward, I think I'll celebrate by paying a visit to that accursed valley. Ahahahaha!"

He narrowed his eyes as he recalled Vekal's dismissive words the last time they'd met, before lashing out against the rocky wall that was his perch, his eyes twitching with fury.

Their boss controlled the cache of shiny stones, but from what he was seeing right now, it was clear as day that Vekal had to have gotten his wings on one of those very stones. There was no other explanation for his cocky and downright careless behavior.

Damn it all, the conspiracy couldn't fall apart like this! He had been there when the alliance first begun! He was a loyal subordinate, and had called first dibs on getting his grubby wings on one of those legendary stones… and yet, it appeared that his very own associate had managed to curry the favor of the boss before him.

That resourceful, beguiling little runt! How dare he! How could his superior entrust a stone to Vekal before him!? He felt cheated… why was it that he was passed over for the opportunity to wield one of the mythical Shiny Stone of Great Change, with the boss electing to hand over command of such a valuable reward to that wretched Vekal instead?

Could it be that his vital contributions towards the success of their grand scheme had somehow been overlooked? No… impossible! He was far better suited to success than his comrade! He deserved the shiny stone, not that damn smooth-talking flyer!

"Just what do you desire out of playing around with mere swimmers? They're a waste of time, completely unbefitting of such power!"

And why, above all, did that damn pterosaur pawn such a priceless jewel off to some random nobody? What blasphemy! Moronic imbecile! If that unlimited power was in his wings instead of Vekal's, he knew that he wouldn't play around with it and instead treat the shiny stone the way it was meant to be treated… with reverence and respect!

He would undoubtedly use it to far greater effect as compared to Vekal!

The pteranodon narrowed his eyes, smirking to himself as he glanced back down to the swimmers below. It mattered naught to him what Vekal did with the stone he had now, anyway. In fact, truth be told, he was rather glad that it had played out this way.

What he had seen in the valley was prime blackmail material which he could use to his advantage by feeding the intel back to his superior, the head honcho behind the entire operation.


There was no doubt in his mind that Zalus wouldn't be pleased when he learned that Vekal was running amok with his stones. An image flashed in the flyer's mind as he visualized the likely outcome of what would happen after he nonchalantly handed over a verbal report regarding Vekal's non-compliance to the boss.

He could see a calculating carrion flyer—one so large that he dwarfed most other flyers despite his age—angrily musing over the situation, crimson bloodshot eyes gleaming menacingly before the enraged flyer extended his wings, taking to the skies so that he could hunt down his unruly subordinate in betrayed fury. Maybe if he was lucky, Vekal would wind up being scoffed down Zalus' throat instead of being let off the hook, as far-fetched as that outcome may seem.

After all, it was more than a minor infraction, and it was one that had been made at a critical juncture…

Well, one could certainly dream. The pteranodon already knew that he was definitely going to have pleasant sleep stories tonight now that he was armed with this knowledge.

He gleefully folded his wings in triumph. Regardless of what happened, it was all but guaranteed that in the aftermath of such a revelation, he would replace Vekal as Zalus' favorite subordinate.

"Messing around with those swimmers is your big mistake… a mistake which I fully intend to capitalize on! Your moment under the Bright Circle as Zalus' favored number two is about to draw to a close, Vekal! At long last, my time has come! Thanks to your folly, I'll finally get the reward I rightfully deserve! The only one who shall be deserving of such power from the boss… will be me!"

Giddy with excitement, the flyer sniggered to himself in delight, though he did make sure to muffle his laugh using his wing so as to prevent himself from being noticed by anyone down in the valley below.

It wouldn't be long now before one of the fabled Shiny Stone of Great Change would practically be his!

Ever had that terrible feeling where you tried to pinch yourself really, really hard in the hopes that you were stuck in a bad sleep story?

Compounding onto that question; upon the realization that nothing was real, would you use the ability of being lucid to command your active imagination and allow the imaginary ground to swallow you whole?

That was exactly what Petrie was feeling right now.

Why me? What Petrie do to deserve this? Someone, please, help me!

The fervent green eyes that were boring into his didn't help matters. Ferris was leaning towards Petrie, anxiously awaiting a response.

What could he possibly do in such a perilous conundrum? Caught between two equally bad options, it was plain as day to Petrie that either accepting or declining would lead to disaster — agreeing to undertake a race without the relevant skill set needed to master the rapid fast waters was tantamount to suicide since he was guaranteed to lose, and declining Ferris' challenge would further raise already heightened suspicions, possibly outing his true identity of Petrie with grave consequences.

"The terms of the deal are set, Petrie. Succeed and I'll change you back into a flyer. That said, I doubt that you'll succeed. And I'm afraid that your failure means that I'll have the last laugh."

It went without saying that his bet with Vekal made earlier in the day was now being stressed to the limits, those terms now put to the ultimate test. What had initially seemed like an easy challenge for Petrie to simply still his tongue until nightfall now became an astoundingly hard feat as the black swimmer found himself increasingly tempted to blow his cover to try and simmer things down before they could get any worse.

Petrie had to tightly clamp his beak shut — the appendage protruding between his eyes at least one similarity which was shared between his former and current species. The thought was a source of comfort to the former flyer in such trying times, small and minuscule as it was.

Fate was conspiring against him. And unfortunately, the decision had already been made for him by extenuating circumstances outside of his control.

The issue was that he couldn't act like Petrie. A heedful Ducky had already been suspicious about him since the very moment she first met him in his new body, whether the swimmer consciously knew it or not, so opting to back down from Ferris much like what he would've done as a flyer whenever he was unsure or uncomfortable about something was a surefire way for his best friend to eventually look past logic and put two and two together…

…with disastrous results.

Vekal's callous threat of leaving him stuck in this new form for eternity should any outsiders discover the horrifying truth was not a tantalizing prospect. The thought of it shook Petrie down to his very core.

Petrie bit down onto his tongue, the swimmer hardening his inner resolve as he glared towards the baleful Ferris. Like it or not, he was left with no other choice in the matter.

It was all or nothing.

"Okay!" Petrie stormed back at Ferris, folding his arms in a manner akin to how he would have wrapped his wings around his body as a flyer. "M… I'll do it!" he stammered, almost wanting to hit himself at his near slip of the tongue with "me" again. Now was not the time to be done in by something as fundamentally basic as speech.

Ferris furrowed his brow for a moment, before snorting and throwing back his head. As he looked to the sky, he let out a cold laugh. "So it is set. You and me, Paddy."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Petrie jumped into the air, frantically waving his arms to Ferris' annoyance. "How about we do it tomorrow!" he suggested, nervously tapping his foot against the blades of grass under him. If he could somehow get Ferris to stall it until the next day, he could simply disappear into thin air after…

"Am I a joke to you?"

Petrie gulped as he looked at Ferris, the swimmer completely amused by his input. "I dictate the terms around here. Don't tell me what to do." The swimmer tilted his head in the general direction of the Thundering Falls, the roar of the falling water discernible even from this distance. "Follow me. Let us meet at the foot of the waterfall."

Right as Ferris took a step forward, he wavered, proceeding to turn back and glower at Petrie. "From what you just told me, I know exactly what you're thinking, Paddy. Don't try to run away with your tail between your legs. If you want to join this herd, you better not be some sort of coward!" he told his competitor. His eyes then hovered over to the other two swimmers by his side. "Amaryl, Bartley!" he snapped with disapproval, gesturing them towards him with his fingers. "Don't just stand there. Follow me to the river so that you can judge this competition!"

"Yes, sir!" Bartley immediately charged forward. It was evident to Petrie that the swimmer had thoroughly scouted out the place when he was shadowing Ferris earlier due to the fact that he, despite being Ferris' subordinate, had already outpaced Ferris himself and was now at the front of the group. The gray swimmer seemed well aware of the direction which he should take to get to his appointed destination despite still being a greenhorn to the valley.

"An endurance race to prove whether a swimmer like that weakling is worthy of joining our herd. Or perhaps, is it more? How very interesting, dear brother…" Amaryl murmured, before falling in rank alongside Ferris. "Perhaps this will be worth my time after all."

Once the three swimmers took their leave, Petrie slumped to the ground, hitting the blades of grass in frustration and despair.

What had he done?

"There, there. It is okay…"

He heard Ducky's consoling remark before he felt her physically comforting him, turning his head back to see his swimmer friend massaging his tense shoulders with her hands. "You should calm down and relax. You do, you do," she advised as gently as possible, her eyes closed in melancholy as she spoke. "Everything will be okay. There is no need to be worried about bad Ferris."

Petrie managed to crack a faint smile at those words. If there was one thing that he could always rely on Ducky for, it was her willingness to readily look for a glimmer of hope even in the bleakest of situations. He couldn't even begin to count just how many times one of her many optimistic suggestions cheered him up, playing a part in motivating him and the others even during the gang's darkest hours.

"Th-thank you," he managed to express his gratitude with a stutter, showing a genuine smile for the first time since he'd found himself trapped in this whole ordeal.

"It is no problem!" Ducky insisted, starting to cheer up herself. "Nope, nope, nope! You are my new friend, and we as friends should always stick together with one another!"

Petrie was pretty sure that he'd heard that before from one of their prior adventures, but the distraught swimmer couldn't for the life of him pin down exactly which one of them it was. Nevertheless, he let out a wistful sigh as he relaxed and found himself leaning back.

Ducky let out a small squeak in surprise as he did so.

It was only upon hearing Ducky react audibly did Petrie realize that she had been standing directly behind him, and hence his slight movement to the rear had resulted in him accidentally bumping right into his best friend's chest.

His beak hung open in stupefied shock, cheeks rapidly growing pink in mortification. Before he could apologize profusely for unintentionally bumping into her with his gesture, Ducky proceeded to kneel down on the ground and took a sitting position just like him.

With some fidgeting and movement, her new posture allowed the exhausted Petrie to lie down and rest his head on her belly. From his current position, Petrie could see a portion of Ducky's head poking out of the top corner of his peripheral vision. "You look sleepy. You do, you do," she observed with a giggle.

He wasted no time in confirming that notion by letting out a mournful yawn. Truthfully, being tired and requiring someone to support his shaky legs wasn't the only reason he had leaned towards the swimmer and used her stomach as a makeshift sleeping spot.

It was instinct, pure and simple.

Though he didn't understand exactly why, he found himself craving the physical contact that they were currently sharing. As Petrie, he'd playfully tackled and tousled with Ducky before, typically during one of the gang's many games. The fact that the flyer was roughly the same size and physique as the swimmer was usually why their friendship had been closer compared to say, a large longneck like Littlefoot, who comparatively towered over him. It was just easier for them to interact with one another, and thus together the swimmer and flyer shared a bond that was unlike any relationship between the other members of the gang.

As a result, Petrie found himself blissfully relishing the moment, frozen in time as the black swimmer propped his head on his friend's belly while she consoled him with a hand stroking the crown of his head. It was the closest reminder of the normalcy that he once had prior to today.

But just like everything that seemed too good to be true, it too had to come to an end.

As Petrie leaned into her touch, he soon became aware of a distinct shape by the side of his vision. Twisting his head slightly, he managed to catch a sight that he didn't expect to see.

Preening by one of the many tall mountains of the valley was a flyer who was keenly looking in his direction. Petrie couldn't make out their features from the distance, but from what he could garner the observer appeared to be a flyer who was colored a light brown shade, the tone very similar to that of his older brother Gryphon.

Normally, Petrie would be content to wave the whole thing off as a coincidence, but he started to have second thoughts about that mindset as he felt the flyer's unwavering gaze bore into the back of his head.

As he squinted his eyes to get a better look, he saw his covert observer flinch abruptly, looking as though they were taken aback by something. Before Petrie could even get up and try to take a step towards the looming cliffs that lay in the distance, the mysterious brown flyer took to the clear skies with a squawk, never once looking back.

It didn't take long for an unpleasant conspiracy to take root in his unsettled mind once that happened.

"I have my ways of knowing. Spill the sweet bubbles and I will ensure that you stay this way forever…"

Petrie let out a strangled gasp, freezing up as he realized that the apprehensive feeling that had been swirling in his gut was quickly being justified. Shifting his head away from the comfortable position he'd been in, Petrie switched from laying down on his back to being upright in an instant.

"Are you okay?" he heard Ducky ask as she tilted her head at him, confused by his violent reaction. "Did I do something wrong?"

Petrie shushed her with a finger, never taking his eyes off the spot where the roosting flyer had made himself comfortable before disappearing in a frenzy. "Just now, m-I saw flyer stand way up over there, near top of Great Wall… you saw him too, right?" he prompted Ducky for a response.

Though Ducky found herself confounded by the switch in topics, she answered anyway. "Oh, no. I did not see any flyer. Nope, nope, nope!"

How very unfortunate. Petrie eventually tore his eyes away from the sky and stared at his arms, now coated with a night-black shade instead of stretchy brown wings.

The walls of the valley, which usually brought Petrie a sense of safety and security from the many terrors that lay outside in the Mysterious Beyond, now conversely felt like it was suffocating him from all sides.

He felt like a prisoner in his own home, trapped and at the mercy of outside forces. To add insult to injury, only yesterday those dominating walls would have been a joke to him, as he would have been able to scale past them with a few flaps of his wings, wings that he now sorely lacked.

As such, when Petrie had spotted the flyer by the wall, his thoughts had immediately jumped to the one flyer who was responsible for his current predicament.

Yes, Vekal. When it came down to it, there was no denying that the cruel, impassive flyer was at the heart of everything.

And now, Vekal was once again haunting him, only this time in broad daylight. From the very moment that Petrie had first crossed paths with Vekal, the adolescent flyer had exhibited an implacable, intimidating aura around him.

It was blatantly obvious after just a bit of analysis that Vekal was firmly in control of every aspect regarding his journey, and the cruel flyer made darn well sure that Petrie knew it. When Petrie tried to leave after witnessing the dismissive way that the flyer had introduced himself, Vekal remained undaunted, calmly reversing the situation by bringing Ducky up and calling his bluff, ultimately sealing the former flyer's fate when he all but handed Petrie the shiny stone.

Although he had only interacted with Vekal a mere two times, Petrie could already tell from those relatively short encounters that the flyer wasn't one to give up without having his way. As a matter of fact, he wouldn't hesitate to say that Vekal was a dinosaur who would do whatever it takes just to ensure that he got the outcome he wanted.

However, Petrie also knew that the flyer who had been gawking at him from the top of the Great Wall was most definitely not the same calculating flyer who had plunged his life into utter chaos. Vekal was a shade of sickly yellow that he would never be able to forget, but the suspicious character that he'd spotted hovering about was nowhere near that color.

He vigorously shook his head, trying to settle his nerves. There could very well be a rational explanation that didn't involve any insane crazy-prepared flyers who just so happened to take sadistic pleasure in transforming hapless flyers into swimmers. In fact, there was a decent chance that he was simply overreacting and seeing links in things that weren't actually related at all. If all of this fretting was simply the result of his paranoia going wild, there could very well be a perfectly logical explanation as to why that flyer was perched there and a rational reason as to why he had reacted in such a spooked manner when Petrie finally noticed his presence.

That, or he could be right on the mark. The possibility of that was further amplified when Petrie recalled that Vekal had been adamant that he would be the winner of the bet between them…

It was a simple logical deduction, really. Vekal had been resolute in declaring his intent to win. But while he seemingly appeared to be unfettered by anything or anyone, Petrie knew that there was almost no way that Vekal would dare run the risk of showing up in front of the grownups once the deed had been done. After all, no matter how smarmy and unscrupulous Vekal was, Petrie had no doubt that any one of the grownups like his mother could—and would—kick the flyer's sorry tail should they find out about what he did to a valley resident.

However, if Vekal were to let a subordinate report about Petrie's actions to him, he would be able to keep himself out of the limelight…

Petrie let out a gasp.

No wonder Vekal had been so confident in his ability to predict whether he would stray from the prerequisite conditions of the bet… the wily flyer was still finding ways to keep an eye on him even without being physically present!

That coward! While Petrie did concede that doing so was a smart move on Vekal's part, it was still cowardly nonetheless.

"I'm pretty sure I made it quite clear yesterday night that I have a vested interest in witnessing the outcome of your scuffle with your swimmer friend and that other stupid swimmer from the herd."

Even though it was a bright and warm day, Petrie could feel an icy chill running along the length of his body. Vekal had said it himself… he wanted to see the result of the tussle between him and Ferris!

There was no doubt about it in Petrie's mind. If he tried to confess the truth to Ducky, Vekal would be alerted instantaneously by whoever his confidant was. And since the flyer had been watching him (and still might be, albeit in a more hidden fashion from now on), Petrie couldn't escape from Ferris either — with the messenger reporting back to Vekal, chances were that the careful Vekal would take no chances and watch over his subsequent actions more intently now.

The way that things were going, Petrie wouldn't be surprised if he actually saw Vekal in person sometime during the course of the day. That flyer would want to watch Petrie suffer… it definitely was the masochist's style.

With so many eyes now on Petrie, or rather his new alter ego Paddy, the transformed flyer wouldn't be able to keep himself safely hidden out of sight and avoid any unwanted interactions until the Bright Circle went down, which was what he'd originally planned to do when he agreed to Vekal's second deal in the first place.

How was he to know that he would run into one of his friends almost immediately? Or that he'd wind up the center of attention when Ferris proceeded to throw down the gauntlet?

Petrie reluctantly dragged his feet forward, glumly accepting the inevitable. There was no way he would be able to squirm out of Ferris' challenge if Vekal was going to stick his nosy beak into things.

At this rate, it looked like he would just have to wing it.

He had barely taken three steps forwards when Ducky sharply turned her head towards him. "Where are you going?" she questioned, anxiety written all over her body language. "Are you actually going to face off against that no-good Ferris?"

No words needed to be exchanged between them after that query. Even without receiving a verbal reply, Ducky's pleading face made it obvious that she knew exactly what her new swimmer friend was up to, to the point where she was adamantly begging him to recant.

"You will not change your mind?" she pushed when she saw Petrie remaining impassive, the piercing question causing him to gulp in dismay.

He couldn't falter. Not here, not now.

Whimpering in fear… now that was something which was synonymous with Petrie. It was a defining trait of his character, something which everyone who knew him personally would expect from the flyer. But under Vekal's watchful eye, Petrie knew that he couldn't even act remotely like his former self lest someone figured it out. He knew that Vekal would take great delight in permanently leaving him in such a state, and he refused to be stuck as a swimmer forever!

Until the Bright Circle descended, he would have to be Paddy.

So what would Paddy do in this scenario? Well, as a swimmer who was "interested" in being admitted into the echelons of the farwalker swimmer herd, Paddy would readily agree in taking Ferris on and earning his place.

That meant that Petrie would just have to face his fear and make an attempt at the challenge.

"You are really going to race with Ferris?" By now, Ducky had quit trying to dissuade him. Instead, she was now eyeing him despondently, knowing that she couldn't make him reconsider by backing down.

Petrie wanted to reply with "what choice me have?" Instead, he took in a deep breath and tried to put himself in an external frame of mind, acting and responding in the Paddy persona that he'd created.

Hence, the new swimmer decided to react in a way he never would have before. "Yep, yep, yep!" Petrie replied cheekily, plagiarizing Ducky's catchphrase word for word before placing a hand to his mouth to muffle his laughter.

Ducky's eyes widened in surprise before she shook her head in disbelief. "You are mean, Paddy!" she chided, wagging a finger at the other swimmer accusingly. "You talked-ed like me on purpose! You did, you did! Oh, I am so mad at you!"

Petrie tried to flash Ducky a winning smile, which only resulted in her huffing and looking away.

Well… that somehow worked out. He had managed to frustrate Ducky to the point where the vexed swimmer was now keeping unusually silent, which was definitely a good thing in his current situation. Ducky typically enjoyed interacting with her friends, so managing to keep a peppy bigmouth like her quiet was beneficial. The less she spoke, the less he would be required to reply, and thus the lower the chance of him accidentally blurting out any vocal tic which could be likened to his flyer self.

And thus, the two swimmers started to walk forward, silently marching along in the general direction that Ferris and his cronies had directed them in.

Although Petrie put on a brave face on the outside, inwardly he was completely scared out of his wits. He couldn't swim, and unfortunately with a flyer he suspected to be on Vekal's side watching him, he couldn't stall the competition either! To top it all off, it wasn't just a regular contest, but it was going to be one in fast water!

It was a fight he was destined to lose…

Petrie clenched his fists, gnashing his teeth as the words from one of Vekal's many wild claims streamed into his head.

"I assure you that with this stone in your possession, you will be able to prevent your friend from being stolen away by the clutches of unfair love."

Those words reverberated around his head, repeating over and over like a foreboding metronome stuck in a perpetual loop.

"You big liar…" he murmured softly. That was what Vekal had claimed, but thus far it seemed like the opposite was true. Even as a swimmer, he couldn't win against Ferris, so what was the point of it all? To have a real opportunity to prevent Ducky and Ferris from getting together and hence having to leave the valley was the one silver lining that he'd been promised after his unwarranted transformation, but since Ferris had retaliated immediately, Petrie wasn't even allowed this one glimmer of hope.

Ducky tilted her head at him. "What did you say-ed? I did not hear you properly."

Petrie stopped dead in his tracks, a look of abject horror rapidly spreading across his face. Eep… oh no, Ducky hear me! This bad, this very bad!

Seeing the other swimmer freeze in place, Ducky waved her hand in front of his face. "Uh, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah!" Petrie squeaked a little too hastily. "M… I okay."

Gah… that was cutting it way too close! He had panicked and almost relapsed right in front of Ducky! Constantly using 'I' in place of 'me' was really taxing on his cognitive state… so much so that he instinctively reverted back to his usual speech pattern when caught off guard. While his voice as a swimmer was nowhere near as squeaky as compared to when he had been a panic-prone flyer, there were only so many coincidences that one could accept before someone who knew Petrie well would draw a terrifyingly accurate conclusion, regardless of how different his voice sounded now and how implausible it seemed.

And indeed, the attentive Ducky had managed to catch the slight hitch in his reply. Gently patting Petrie on the back, she tried to coax the stressed-out swimmer. "You do not look so good. You are scared-ed, huh?"

"Yeah…" he admitted. No point in hiding it now. As much as he'd tried to suppress it, the fear was probably written all over his face.

Finally receiving a positive confirmation of her new friend Paddy's apprehensiveness, Ducky wasted no time in digging deeper. "Poor, poor Paddy. If you do not feel ready, then why not just tell Ferris that you do not want to take part?"

Petrie took in a deep breath, the air catching in his throat when he realized exactly why he couldn't follow that suggestion. As though Ducky's question had cleared up the muddled fog in his mind, in that moment the way out of his predicament became clear.

Since the point of time where Ferris laid down his challenge, he had been looking at things from an incorrect perspective.

Even if he couldn't run, he still had another way out.

"Because Pe-Paddy need join swimmer herd!"

That was a lie, of course. Petrie never had any intention of doing that… that goal was what Ferris had inferred from the swimmer when he'd tried to disguise himself as a member of the farwalker herd and gotten himself exposed.

Nor for that matter, was he going to beat Ferris. He wasn't delusional. He knew that without any experience, there was no way that he could possibly beat Ferris in a race between them.

And despite knowing that, he as Paddy was still going to partake in Ferris' contest.

The catch was that he wasn't intending to win it.

Not at all. He wasn't even going to struggle.

It was the perfect plan. Completely refusing to swim or backing out would raise suspicions, so instead he intended to deliberately throw the race by taking it slowly. This way, he wouldn't make his way into the swimmer herd (winning was very unlikely to happen even if he did try), which would certainly please the arrogant and prideful Ferris. Furthermore, by still taking part in the race he wouldn't blow his cover by drawing any unwanted attention to himself, thereby thwarting whatever devious scheme that Vekal and whoever that other flyer was had in store for him.

He had two challenges to deal with, but upon closer reflection the truly important one that he needed to triumph was Vekal's. Now that he was known to others around him as Paddy the swimmer, it was imperative that he make it to the end of the day with this identity intact. By losing to Ferris on purpose—but at least attempting to compete against him and not making it obvious that he was intentionally throwing the race—he would shake both Ferris and Vekal off his tail in one fell swoop.

"I see…" Ducky withdrew her hand. "You really hope that you can join those swimmers, Paddy?"

He didn't answer. He didn't need to… it was a rhetorical question.

As Petrie pushed past some dense vegetation which obscured his view, what greeted him was a faint smell of moisture in the air. He whistled as he finally arrived at his destination — the base of the valley's primary water source, the Thundering Falls.

From where Petrie was standing, he had an impressive view of the large volume of water that cascaded off the top of the Great Wall, the bulk of it landing in a large lake which then fed multiple runoffs that splintered away from the main catchment, spreading the life-giving liquid all across the valley.

"What took you so long, Paddy?"

He and Ducky turned around to the source of the voice as one, only to see Ferris sitting on the edge of one of the riverbanks, sloshing his two feet about in the churning water. "I was almost beginning to think that you'd actually fled in spite of my warning."

Petrie kept his face neutral, free of any pesky emotions. He didn't want Ferris to know just how close to the truth he'd been with that hypothesis.

He sucked in a gulp of the humid air around him, taking in his surroundings. Verdant vegetation covered the banks of the stream, the dark green juxtaposed by the azure blue of the swift currents which complimented the foamy white river that flowed to his front.

Try as he might to retain his confidence as he saw the frothy bubbles, for a brief moment he lost control of his pessimistic self, an unfavorable hypothetical 'what-if' scenario creeping into his brain. Petrie had to will himself to not think about what such a grisly fate would entail, the swimmer screaming at his overeager brain to reign in his very active imagination lest the images overtook him.

When Petrie flyer, me master of skies with me wings, he told himself, trying to calm himself down with anecdotal evidence. Me may be scared of flying before me meet Littlefoot and friends, but now me expert flyer! Since Petrie swimmer for today, me need conquer water instead! Even though me no know how swim, it still no problem for Petrie… all me need do is be in water and act like me swimming!

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Ferris mused as he admired the fast-moving water, incognizant of his rival's inner anxiety. He then turned towards Ducky, eyes twinkling roguishly. "…almost as beautiful as you."

Ducky simply glowered at the swimmer in a glorious response that Petrie made sure to remember in his head for a long time. "Do not try to play nice with me! Do not, do not," she shook her head. "Your nice words will not work on me after what I have seen how mean you are to Paddy. Nope, nope, nope!"

A discomposed Ferris sucked in a breath, the disappointment of hearing Ducky's denouncement as plain as day on his face. "A-apologies, m'lady! It is not my intention to make you upset." His green eyes softened as he tried to plead with one very cross Ducky. "You see… I can't just let him walk away scot-free after making such an implicating statement."

None of this hampered the obstinate Ducky, who decided to make one last attempt to protest Ferris' insistence to duel with Paddy, this time by appealing to Ferris himself. "But do you have to be so stubborn? Can you not just forgive him? Huh, huh?"

Those eyes hardened again as Ferris jumped out of the river, pointing to Petrie in a barely controlled rage. "Forgive him?!" He began to breathe heavily. "Absolutely not! A complete nobody like him can't j-just…" His muted-green body quivered as his next words remained lodged in his throat, the young swimmer leader clearly struggling to maintain his composure before spitting them out in a bout of anger, "…claim to be a part of my herd!"

He then relentlessly continued on his tirade, completely undaunted by the gaping Petrie, who could only look on at the raving Ferris wordlessly. "How dare that swimmer! My Pops worked hard to earn this herd's reputation, so I'll definitely take offense when someone who's clearly unaffiliated with us chooses to blatantly use our name in such a flippant, disrespectful manner! We have a reputation to uphold!"

Petrie tried to keep his beak level, his eyes wide in disbelief at the incensed rant he was hearing. This was ridiculous… absolutely bonkers!

Considering that Ferris had been trying to get his smarmy tail together with Ducky ever since he'd first introduced himself, what he was doing now completely went against everything that Petrie had thought of him — Ferris gave the impression of being nothing more than a superficial pleaser during their first meeting over by the hilltop facing the tree sweet tree, the proud and insensitive swimmer whispering sweet nothings to Ducky without a shred of concern of how the uncomfortable Ducky would reciprocate.

"Plus, it doesn't help that Ferris is one stubborn and persistent swimmer. He simply won't quit until he gets what he wants…"

Herd navigator Jovi had even cautioned him that Ferris was someone who wouldn't relent or give up in his pursuit of success. And yet, with Ducky being as averse to conflict as she was, following through with the fast water challenge wasn't going to win Ferris any points in the love department, especially after she'd clearly expressed her displeasure about the competition.

And yet, Ferris refused to yield.

Up until now, Petrie had surmised that the reason Ferris demanded the challenge was purely because he had been jealous about how a random swimmer like Paddy managed to get closer to the swimmer who he liked than he did. But now, that thought process was thrown into complete disarray by the fact that it seemed as though he wasn't throwing down the gauntlet to impress Ducky at all.

He was doing it in retaliation of 'a nobody like Paddy' sullying his herd's name.

Was trying to defend his herd's reputation genuinely higher on his priorities than attempting to please a female whom he liked?

This was a pressing question, considering that going through with the challenge would have the exact opposite effect of wooing Ducky. As a matter of fact, Ferris was actually ruining the formal image that he'd painstakingly cultivated in front of the gang the previous day. The swimmer had actually lost his temper and fought back against Ducky's suggestion, which probably impeded any significant courting progress that he could have made since yesterday.

It boggled Petrie's mind. Why was Ferris so adamant on doing this when it would hurt his chances of being with Ducky? Were Ferris' priorities more skewed than he'd first assumed?

He certainly wasn't the only one to think that. "Reputation?" Ducky folded her arms, repeatedly tapping her foot against the ground while gawking at Ferris incredulously. "You mean the only reason you are so angry is because of something like that? I am confused! It does not seem all that serious to me, so I do not understand why you have to be so mad at Paddy, oh, no, no, no…"

Amaryl snorted, speaking up on her brother's behalf for the first time since Petrie and Ducky had arrived. "Trivial? You have the gall to suggest that this matter is trivial?" she muttered, her bright green eyes darkening and flashing with a venomous fury, "Idiotic swimmers! You don't know my older brother, not in the slightest!"

As she spoke, she shot Ducky such a disdainful look that her beak visibly curled upwards in disgust. Petrie had to gape at how vicious Amaryl's glare was — this swimmer was not someone to be trifled with. And just like that, the atmosphere around the group steadily grew tense, a strange antipathy descending upon the general vicinity.

Petrie warily looked at the stream of torrential fast water. He felt his beak tremble when he saw that the water in the river was visibly choppy due to the flow of the water upstream directly exiting from the Thundering Falls.

Never before had he felt so completely out of his element. It had been a very long time since he had felt this way, not since… since…

…not since those days of old where his fear of flying left him unable to command the sky, all but bounding the flyer onto the ground below. But after utilizing his newfound ability for so long, Petrie was forced to admit that he had completely taken his gift of flight for granted, so to have the ability cruelly snatched away from him now was overall a very jarring experience for him.

Adapting back to being a land-dweller again was surprisingly hard.

What Petrie wouldn't give right now to be able to fly away from his troubles and let go of everything, throwing it all behind him. But unfortunately for the black swimmer, he was truly stuck in an inescapable dilemma, sucked into this disastrous plight as though he was standing atop a pit of sinking sands.

As Petrie continued to stare at the river, Ferris took the opportunity to strut over to his front. "You see that river, Paddy? If you want to talk big, you better prove the weight of your words. In this close-knit swimmer herd, you'll have to earn your way in!" Ferris snarled, raising a hand to the sky and clenching it into a fist. "I won't call you a brother-in-arms until you do!"

"Oh, you are as hot-headed and stubborn as Cera," Ducky noted with a covert grin. "You are, you are…"

Petrie couldn't help himself. He ended up hollering at the apt comparison.

Though Ferris didn't understand the joke at first, he knew that Paddy had to be laughing at his expense. It took him a while to recall exactly where he'd heard the name before. "Isn't Cera that terrifying threehorn friend of yours?" Ferris grumbled with a scowl.

"Yep, yep, yep! She is, she is!" Ducky nodded at him benignly, her cool deposition having a calming aura on the dinosaurs within the immediate vicinity.

"Ah, the reckless and hasty one! I think I remember her!"

Everyone turned towards the source of the unexpected addition to Ducky's answer.

"…who said that?" Ferris muttered.

A cheerful whistle filled the air until the approaching swimmer who was walking towards the river sheepishly realized that he was now the center of attention of four separate stares.

"S-sir…" Jovi stopped his approach, frightened amber hesitantly meeting agitated green eyes, "…surprise seeing y-you over here," he greeted, waving at Ferris weakly.

Ferris folded his arms, his face contorting with displeasure upon seeing the slightly-older swimmer. "What brings you here, Jovi?" He frowned, eyes turning bloodshot. "Don't tell me you've come to laugh at me after the humiliation I had to go through during our last race!"

Jovi backed away, waving his hands frantically to deny the accusation. "N-nothing of the sort! The thought never crossed my mind! I just wanted to note the course of the river, th-that's all! Your father, Geoffrey… he'll certainly want to know the layout of this entire valley!"

Ferris tilted his head slightly. "My Pops?"

"Yeah… I'm pre-empting Geoffrey's orders in advance before he actually makes me do it! Heheheh…" Jovi shifted his feet skittishly, giving Petrie the impression that he was rather unconfident about whether such an excuse would suffice. "B-but, I must say that I'm surprised, sir. Normally a challenge like this would be broadcast to the entire herd." He looked at Ferris in confusion. "So why is this the first time I've heard of this?"

Amaryl cackled. "You're one to talk, Jovi! Whose fault do you think it was, huh? After you soundly thrashed Ferris in the last one, do you think my brother is going to want a live audience this time?"

"That's right!" Ferris gritted his teeth, wincing at the memory as he stared Jovi down. "Today's race was deliberately kept hush-hush from Pops! I will settle this by my hand!"

"I-I see…" Jovi let his eye waver, his field of vision soon coming across the other two swimmers standing by the sidelines. "Hey, I remember you as well!" His face lit up in recognition, the swimmer rhythmically strumming with his index finger as he tried to jog his memory. "You're… Ducky, right? I met you and your friends yesterday!"

Both Ferris and Amaryl's neck snapped towards Jovi at his surprising declaration. "You know her, Jovi?" they asked in unison.

"Y-yeah, I d-do…" Jovi's eyes bugged out when he realized that he was again the center of attention. "I don't recognize the other swimmer she's standing next to, though…" he added with a conspiratorial whisper, meekly shrinking back at Ferris' unrelenting gaze.

Ferris tapped a digit against his beak contemplatively. "I suppose that I have a use for you, Jovi. The race is between me and that swimmer, and it is about to be underway."

Jovi's face turned pale. "That p-poor swimmer…"

"There's no need to pity him, Jovi. I've situated Bartley at the finishing point to judge the winner, and Amaryl's going to stay at the starting point over here so that she can referee the beginning of the race." Ferris looked at Jovi expectantly. "Since we now have one additional swimmer to assist us, how about you walk along the length of the river to oversee and make sure that neither of us attempts to cheat by making sure we remain in the river at all times."

Jovi nervously twiddled his fingers together. "I-I can't say n-no to that, can I?"

"Well, what do you think, Jovi?" Ferris' face darkened as he fired off the rhetorical question, voice turning curt in an instant as he jerked his thumb inwards. "My herd, my rules. I'm the one in charge here, remember?"

The swimmer yelped, timidly bowing his head in submission. "O-of course, sir! I'll gladly oblige, Ferris!"

Right as Jovi looked like he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, he suddenly jerked his head towards Ducky. "Wait… one swimmer?" he repeated Ferris' earlier words in confusion, "Aren't there two swimmers not involved in this race of yours? What about Ducky?"

Amaryl narrowed an eye, interested at Jovi's observation. "Hm… you do have a point. My brother didn't count her in his calculations."

"If that's the case, how about if you follow me, Ducky?" Jovi offered with a smile. "If you just stay here and mope about, you won't know who wins. At least if you accompany me and patrol along the riverbank together, you will be able to follow the progress of the race. I take it that you want to see Ferris and his challenger both race against each other?"

Ducky immediately jumped at the offer. "Oh, yes, yes, yes!" she nodded ecstatically. "I do want to see Paddy swimming… Ferris too! I do, I do!"

Petrie fought back a smile. He'd caught the pause before Ferris' name. There was no doubt in his mind that Ducky had just added that part to please Ferris.

And amazingly, the gullible Ferris bought it. "Well, thank you for your support and encouragement." Ferris waved to Ducky as Amaryl stared at her brother dubiously. "I sincerely hope that you'll enjoy my upcoming performance!"

Instead of playing along with Ferris, Ducky decided to mess with him. "Oh, I hope you win the race, Paddy. I hope, I hope," she said, encouraging Petrie with a thumbs-up in an epic display of blatant defiance towards Ferris that caused Amaryl to guffaw out loud.

"Good luck, sir!" Jovi nodded at Ferris, before turning to Petrie. "And I wish you the best as well…" he trailed off, furrowing his brow in frustration. The scar under Jovi's right eye almost seemed to expand as his facial muscles tightened. He eventually tapped Ducky on the shoulder, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "Say, do you know his name?" he asked.

"Paddy," Petrie and Ducky replied simultaneously.

"Oh." Jovi chortled as he beckoned Ducky to follow him. "Well, as I was saying, best of luck to you, Paddy." He shot a reassuring smile at Petrie before spinning on his heel and walking away, "I'll be rooting for ya!"

"Don't support the enemy, Jovi! I'm number one around here, you damn traitor!" Ferris shouted at the retreating swimmer before closing his eyes and exhaling. After what seemed like an eternity later, only when Ferris was one-hundred percent certain that Jovi and Ducky were out of earshot, did he continue to speak.

"Well, well, well. It looks like m'lady has finally left the premises."

A chill coursed through Petrie's body as he bore witness to a most uncouth expression flickering across Ferris' face. "I suppose that now means it's just you and me, Paddy. No more holding back. Without Ducky's presence, there's no longer a need for me to worry about her fuming at me."

Amaryl scowled at her brother's admission. "Who cares if she's angry, Ferris?" she asked dismissively.

"Hey, now!" Ferris shrugged, trying to deflect his sister's criticism. "I wasn't going to act like a prat in front of Ducky! Especially not when she's already mad at me…"

"Oh, really? Since when did you ever care that much about your image in front of some girl?"

Ferris' cheeks reddened. "T-this is different, Amaryl!" he spluttered, trying to downplay his actions.

Needless to say, Amaryl wasn't buying her sibling's perceived nonchalance. "So if Jovi didn't ask Ducky to follow him in overseeing the race, would you have been the one to make the suggestion? Do you have any idea how awkward it would be if you were the one to suggest it? You already know she doesn't like you!"

"For now!" Ferris uttered. "Ducky and I got off to a rough start, but we'll patch things up, just you see."

"She's a stubborn one, Ferris." Amaryl waved a hand contemptuously. "You don't stand a chance."

"You're wrong, Amaryl!" Ferris retaliated, clenching his fists. "I'll win her over… she'll come around!"

Petrie rolled his eyes at Ferris' unbounded optimism with regards to Ducky. You no going be able do that if your attitude stinks!

"Ha!" Ironically, it looked like even Ferris' own sister had turned traitor on him when it came to relationship advice. "You really don't understand girls, Ferris." Amaryl's smile then proceeded to widen into a vicious grin as she let loose another vicious jab. "Just as much as you don't understand our herd."

"S-Shut up, sis! I have to be with her… I must be with her!" Ferris stated matter-of-factly, his eyes glinting with madness as he repeatedly emphasized his point by hitting his two palms together with every forceful word of his pledge. "I can't lose to anyone… I won't lose to anyone, not now, not ever again! I refuse to disappoint Pops!"

Petrie shuddered as he saw Ferris continuously repeating the mantra to himself like some kind of madman. Given a choice, he would actively opt to put up with Cera on a bad day in a heartbeat over listening to more of Ferris' overt smugness. His narcissistic cockiness literally oozed off him, wafting off of Ferris like an appalling stench that repelled everyone away from the swimmer.

Ferris tilted his beak upwards, laughing at the slowly darkening sky. "Can you see me now?" Petrie could only blink in confusion when he realized that Ferris wasn't talking to him or his sister. Instead, the swimmer appeared to be talking to himself, consulting the sky with his words. "This is a matter of pride! One day, I will be the leader of Pops' herd of swimmers, subservient to no one else! But to reach that point, I will have to do my best to impress Ducky, and that means that I can't go around and lose to yet another no-nothing runt!"

"Still mad that you weren't prepared for Jovi being better than you had anticipated when you challenged him?" Amaryl taunted. "Man, he sure got you good. The look on your face when he overtook—"

"That's enough of that." Ferris cut in before Amaryl could say anything else that incriminated him. "You see why you can't beat me, Paddy? I'm putting just as much on the line as you are… probably more, actually," he corrected after a discrete pause. "Right now, I am staking my reputation as Pops' son on my assured victory over you! I was even forced to go against kind-hearted Ducky's wishes just so I can have the pleasure of demonstrating firsthand just how talented of a swimmer you'll have to be in order to join our elite herd! By contrast, what do you have to lose if you don't win, might I ask? With the exception of squandering your chance to join us, you incur practically no loss!"

Petrie couldn't help but concur — that was why he'd planned to lose in the first place.

"Listen up, buster. I would have let it go if you hadn't straight-up lied about being in my herd, and to an outsider to boot." His green eyes grew shifty. "Yes, I was paying attention to what Jovi said earlier. If he did indeed run into Ducky and her large group of friends yesterday, then I would have seen you as well. The fact that I didn't imply that you're not in her inner circle of friends, are you?" Ferris deduced, the accuracy of his deduction to the actual truth making Petrie flinch. Paddy had literally met Ducky today, after all. "If so, how can you lie so casually to a girl you just met? Are you tricking that sweet thing for your own personal gain, you scum?"

Oh, yeah… Petrie could definitely see the jealousy in the swimmer's eyes now. And given how Ducky had hovered around him to keep her distance from Ferris, it was no wonder that the swimmer might have gotten the wrong idea about things. Besides Ferris and his incumbent wish to defend his herd's honor, that could also have been a contributing factor as to why he had been so pushy about the contest. Petrie could see how Ferris could come to the conclusion that he as Paddy had tricked Ducky in order to get close to her.

But me only close to Ducky because we friends! It no me who want get close to Ducky because me selfish swimmer… it you!

"Furthermore," he continued, "if there's one thing I hate, it's having my authority undermined. You think you can make a fool out of this herd? Don't take us lightly! I am the son of the greatest swimmer leader to ever walk this land!" Ferris gloated, gleefully rubbing his palms together before locking his fingers and stretching both arms outwards. "Incorrigible fool!" he snarled, "You stand no chance against me!"

Petrie frowned. Me know that…

But what could that self-entitled swimmer possibly know about his situation? Ferris knew zilch about his internal strife!

There was no way that the proud swimmer would ever reach the conclusion that Paddy's true concern was not any of the reasons that Ferris had assumed, but rather because he was being held hostage by a conniving, charismatic flyer who had the power to turn one into a different species. The leap of logic from 'random swimmer who also supposedly has an interest in Ducky' to 'species-changing stone blackmail' was so utterly ludicrous that the real reason behind Petrie's actions was likely to never cross his mind.

"Last chance for you to back out…" Ferris murmured, shooting a passing glance over to his competitor. "Are you up for this? I won't go easy on you, Paddy!"

Petrie shook his head firmly. "Watch me win, Ferris!" he fired back with half-hearted gusto, despite knowing that he didn't actually stand a chance.

"Confident, eh? What hidden tricks and tactics do you employ?" Ferris demanded, a hint of shrewdness in his eye.

"No tricks!" Petrie assured. That much was true, at least. He had nothing up his sleeve besides his scheme to lose on purpose… which actually benefited Ferris, so it technically wasn't a lie.

"How interesting. A duel with no trickery involved? That's actually commendable… if you're trying to get pummeled by my brother, that is," Amaryl quipped at Petrie's apparent honesty. "I don't know if you're blissfully naïve or what, but you're taking this extremely lightly. Even that wimp Jovi was crazy-prepared for his race against my brother when he was begging to join our herd just so he wouldn't starve during the Cold Time."

"Well, if Paddy's still overconfident in his swimming prowess to the point where he's simply treating a race with me as a mere joke, I'll proceed to wipe the floor with him." Ferris knelt down and put all of his weight on the heel of his front knee, leaning his upper body forward. "Nobody messes with Pops' herd and gets away with it!"

As confounded as Petrie was about the general behavior of swimmers, there could be no doubt as to what Ferris was doing as he'd seen Ducky in this exact position a few times before in the past — Ferris was in a diving pose, preparing to launch himself forward into the river.

There was no distracting his thoughts away from reality now. As much as he'd tried to hold it off, there was no doubt that the fast water race was about to begin in earnest.

"Oi, Paddy. What are you doing? Snap out of it." The mangy swimmer repeatedly snapped his fingers to get Petrie's attention. "Get into position already. My sis is about to call for the start of the race. You want in, you're going to have to earn it!"

A dazed Petrie nodded at him blankly.

"Are you ready, Paddy?" Ferris asked, his voice as smooth as the surface of a ripe sweet bubble. "It begins and ends, right here and now. In just a few moments you'll learn why you should never cross this swimmer herd. And if you somehow do win… congrats, I suppose.' The frown that descended over his jawline spoke volumes about his sentiments and feelings. "Triumph over me and you'll actually get your deepest desire of joining my herd."

It no what you think, Ferris! Me deepest desire actually running far, far away from this!

With a sigh, Petrie emulated Ferris' movements, taking position alongside him at the corner of a sharp bend along the river which led into a linear stretch that persisted for quite a distance before meandering further downstream. The starting point was set at this ideal spot, located at the beginning of this uninterrupted straight water path.

Taking Petrie's gesture as a call to action, Ferris proceeded to side-eye his sister, prompting her to begin preparations to start the race. Seeing that the two swimmers were ready, Amaryl raised her right arm up to the sky, making it clear that she was going to use her arm movement as the signal to start as she began counting down.


Almost immediately Petrie found himself thrust back to the events of the previous night, hearing a bored Vekal dispassionately counting up to three as the flyer made the threat to leave along with the means of saving Ducky from Ferris' claim on her heart. The possibility of his best friend being forced to leave him and the gang once she ended up being attached to Ferris had been the deciding factor in taking an unscrupulous Vekal's word at face value when the flyer revealed the glowing stone, presenting it as a bastion of hope that would solve all of Petrie's problems.


How very ironic that such a simple countdown could induce so much stress within Petrie in such quick succession. If he'd only known then that Ferris' grip on Ducky's heart was as tenuous as it was instead of letting doubt and uncertainty get the better of him, he never would have succumbed to Vekal's time pressure and landed himself in this disastrous predicament.


Petrie glanced to his side and eyeballed Ferris, who was staring straight ahead in anticipation. Taking in a deep breath, he decided to focus his mind on tackling the surging river instead of wallowing in trepidation.

"…zero!" Amaryl declared, bringing her hand down in a swift maneuver. "Let it begin! Winner takes all!"

Both swimmers leapt, landing in the water with two distinct splashes.

There was no time at all for Petrie to get acclimatized with the viscous medium. It was all instinct — a part of his natural body response.

Surrounded by an aquamarine blue, Petrie kicked his feet down, feeling the sandy bank beneath him. He grinned as he planted his foot down on it, using it as a perch so that he could surface. The moment his head burst out, he quickly reached for the grass that was sticking out at the bank of the river, grasping tightly onto it for dear life.

"W-what do you think you're doing?!" The normally-stoic Amaryl lost her cool, looking at Petrie as though the swimmer had gone nuts. It was certainly a sight to behold.

"Me-I no like swimming in this fast water," Petrie replied with a shrug, or at least, his best attempt at one considered that his shoulders were submerged underwater. "Think me gonna walk along riverside instead."

Amaryl's eyes bugged out. "You what!?" she shrieked, losing her calm demeanor.

Petrie continued to stride forward, ignoring Amaryl. By this point, Ferris was already well ahead of him, paddling along the violent river with his rhythmically kicking feet. He didn't spare a single glance back.

It was all planned, of course.

When Petrie had dived into the river at Amaryl's command, he made sure to aim at the side of the river and hence managed to get a foothold on a submerged embankment beneath the river located along the shallow riverside. All he had to do after that was remain by the sides of the river, using the grass by the banks as support to ensure that he didn't accidentally lose his footing.

Amazingly, he actually made it decently far using this method, walking along the shallow side of the river until he was nothing but a speck in Amaryl's field of vision. He had planned to waddle along the river to make some distance so that it wasn't obvious that he was planning to lose, continuing to make progress until he received the news that Ferris had achieved his victory over him…

…but being a flyer, he had never been warned about the true strength of rapid-moving water currents. Unlike Ducky or some of the other dinosaurs in the gang, Petrie never had to fight against the raging currents before. His wings usually caused him to stay far away from the water, or at the very least kept him above the surface whenever things went awry.

That latent gap of knowledge regarding how water currents behaved proved to be his downfall.

When Ferris had called for a race in fast water, Petrie had vastly underestimated the power of the current. While he had experienced the effects of it briefly in some of his adventures whenever water was an obstacle, having battled similar waves with his friends, he never had to suffer the full brunt of it before as he typically rode on top of a floating log or on the back of one of the other larger dinosaurs like Littlefoot or Cera.

As hard as he tried to keep to the sides of the river, Petrie found with growing horror that his body was but a slave to the movement of the savage waves. It had been nothing but a minor nuisance at first due to the fact that he'd jumped in at an inside bend, which was where the currents were slower and the bank was shallower. But as he got further and further from the starting point, it soon became increasingly difficult to walk in a straight line, and slowly but surely he had to put in significant effort to keep his body from drifting.

And then…


Petrie was unexpectedly thrust sideways by a violent wave, the sudden movement having the unfortunate effect of causing the not-so-proficient swimmer to lose his footing on the shallow embankment that he had been using to keep his head above the waterline to begin with. Before he could even react, the swimmer found himself being wrenched away by the violent current, his body being dragged unwillingly towards the center of the river.

Now that he was exposed to the true depth of the river, Petrie realized with a sinking feeling that his feet could no longer touch the bottom of the fast water. Flailing his arms about in blind panic as he spiraled out of control, Petrie struggled in vain to reach the safety of the riverbank, but before he could even make it anywhere near, the crest of the waves promptly went over the top of his head and sent him under.

He was soon consumed with unadulterated terror, helplessly choking as water entered through his nose. He'd never learnt how to swim, let alone tread water! With this relentless onslaught of waves, there was no way that he could make it back to solid ground!

Eyes wide with panic, Petrie managed to gulp down a mouthful of air before letting out a shrill cry when his head next resurfaced.

"Hellppp—gurk—ppp! Someone help me!"

Author's Note:

Oh, Petrie. Flyers can't swim, and flyer-turned-swimmers with no knowledge of swimming fare no better in that regard.

So you guys were probably expecting a swimming training scene and/or a race where Ferris completely overwhelms Petrie… but were you expecting him to realize that there was really no point in fighting against Ferris to begin with in his current circumstance? And with another conniving flyer who has their own aims on the loose, the situation has definitely turned dire in the overarching storyline.

DiddyKF1: Unlikely as it sounds, you'll have to believe me when I say that it was not my intention to make the double whammy of Vekal and Ferris appear as such a potent dual threat considering how relatively early in the story it currently is. Perhaps I just enjoy writing villains? Which is admittedly odd, given that until this story I never really had much practice for that. Still, I find it interesting that you bring up The Swimmer Trials by referring to Sculra in your review given the similarities in this chapter's start of the rapids race to that fic's many Ducky training scenes. :p

Rhombus: Well, he tried to get around his lack of ability to swim… good plan on paper, but one riddled with many extenuating factors affecting its execution. Perhaps the most unexpected thing was the way that Petrie attempted to approach Ferris' challenge by throwing the whole thing, thus concealing his shortfalls and balancing his secret act, which unfortunately ends up backfiring when the river current gets far too strong for him…

Sovereign: My apologies if this fic is getting hard to read! Petrie is just going through so much in this arc. You're probably the least surprised of everyone here that even more anarchy has descended upon Petrie because of his inability to swim, though. The burden of keeping secrets is eventually destined to bite him in the tail.

Anagnos: Thank you for your kind feedback on this story! I'm especially happy to hear that you are a fan of this writing style because writing elaborative and introspective prose is quite a challenge, but knowing that it pays off is worth it. Ratcheting up the tension—it has to happen, the stakes of a LBT longfic always end up skyrocketing—feels organic to me, and that's because I enjoy writing the antagonists, especially Vekal in particular. And as for the hope spot of training… Petrie was a little too optimistic that he wouldn't require it when he assumed that all he needed to do was throw the match? He probably should've just asked Ducky for help, in all honesty.

Even with Ducky's support and encouragement, Petrie has still hit an insurmountable hurdle. Will he make it out of the race unscathed, or will opting not to flee for the sake of keeping to Vekal's deal have more severe repercussions than expected?
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Now I absolutely must say that this felt like a very strong chapter indeed. The build up was quite intriguing all the way to the end and even if that cliffhanger makes things a little ominous in the following chapters, it definitely won’t be an underwhelming experience at all, that much is certain even right now. I quite liked how we got into more detail about Petrie’s inner feelings about Vekal’s scheme’s and the race against Ferris to satisfy the little brat’s vainglorious intentions, which was very comical to witness.

The rumors about the Stone of Great Change and its miraculous abilities have finally been leaked to the entire Mysterious Beyond, now this can bring something interesting on the table in the long run as if we have multiple groups looking to gain the powers of this magical stone all at once can cause a massive scrimmage to occur at some point. I wouldn’t even be surprised if some of the Valley’s own residents wished to obtain the stone for their own purposes, creating only more turmoil and possible infighting among the populace by turning them against each other. The only thing I noticed that kinda bugged me was that the flyer’s name in question wasn’t named, even if that wasn’t a big deal compared to the main storyline.

I must also point about the fact that even Vekal and his allies don’t seem to see eye to eye, which could also cause some form of infighting to happen amongst them and it was heavily suggested by the flyer that it would eventually happen as he is not happy about Vekal being chosen over him. And this mysterious figure who goes by the name of boss or Zalus will be interesting one to observe possibly in the later chapters as they will no doubt make an appearance sooner or later in the narrative in some form, albeit they would only be mentioned.

Petrie’s fears about the challenge definitely proved to be correct in the end, as he is now in a precarious position indeed and it won’t be easy to get out of. Maybe perchance he might receive some help from an unexpected individual before his potential demise. Amidst of all these malignant events Petrie was lucky to receive at least some form of encouragement from Ducky that will quite possibly drive him in his future endeavors to survive these dangerous obstacles and live another day.

It’s very nice to see you continue this story once again after a break from it as it definitely just got more interesting and while I am a bit restless to figure out what will happen next the future installments will most definitely be worth waiting for. Very solid job once again from you, Owls! Keep them chapters coming! :^^spike


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You're sure on a roll with creating more despicable characters. It's quite clear that all these Flyers have something sinister in mind and they're going at each other for supremacy. Sorta reminds me of "Separate Ways." I must say, though I did go through a little confusion while reading that scene, possibly because of lack of character names, but it's too soon in the story for things to become clear among them. All I can say is that Flyers everywhere are about to go at each other for this supposed Stone of Great Change.

Petrie's situation only continues to get more dire. He got himself into this unthinkable plight, and now look where it's gotten him. Surely, he must be on a suicide mission if he can even think of accepting Ferris' challenge, and even if he does lose, everyone will likely find out that he lost on purpose with his extremely obvious inability to swim. He's being swept around by waters as he faces the prospect of either drowning or humiliation (or even banishment).

Now that I think about it, Ferris is starting to give me "Joffrey" vibes with his psychopathic behavior and desperate desire to "steal" Ducky. You're doing such a great job at only making this villain even more loathsome and despicable than before! :opetrie

It's nice to see that this story is still progressing, even if it's at a slow update pace. Keep up the good work, Owls! :)petrie
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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I’ll start by saying that I liked this chapter tremendously. Not only did it show that there really is a larger story around the events that we’re witnessing but it also had some of the most powerful scenes we’ve yet seen in this fic. The depth with which you delved into Petrie’s emotions and thoughts was absolutely amazing and I’d even go far enough to say that this chapter and the promise of what follows made me more exited for this story as a whole.

The first scene is a curious one as thus far, we’ve been lead to believe that Vekal has been working alone. However, now we’re being given the picture that there is a larger organization behind the scenes manipulating the world with these mysterious stones. Whatever their aim is, the fact that Vekal has been given his high position hardly tells anything positive about this group.

As for the main part of this chapter, I couldn’t help but love it. Petrie’s justified fears about what was happening were simply amazingly written and what really stood out was just how naturally Ducky acted towards her “new” friend while comforting him in his hour need. The way Petrie found some relief in her presence was very heartwarming but simultaneously sad as it would be so very easy for Petrie to just reveal his identity and the fact that he’s forced to head towards a certain defeat while staying a stranger to everyone around him is really depressing.

The race itself was just as awkward as you’d expect. The way you presented Petrie’s happiness at his initial success was very sweet but soon enough, reality took hold. I dread to see just how the others will react to Petrie’s revelation about being unable to swim as after that moment, Ducky might just start to really wondering about “Paddy’s” real identity. At first, I thought of complaining about the slow advancement of this chapter but as I reached the end, I realized there wasn’t one futile word in this chapter. If there’s one thing I’d like to point out is that I hope Ferris will get some nuances to his character instead of just being the bad guy with no redeeming qualities.

As I said, this was a great chapter, mostly because of how you managed to fuse the situation’s horror, awkwardness and accidental warmth together. Even better was the suspense you built for the coming chapters as Petrie’s life just keeps on getting more and more difficult. Awesome job, Owls! :)littlefoot


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Now this was certainly an engaging chapter!  The organization of the chapter, beginning with elaboration on the flyer plot before returning the focus back onto the former flyer and his predicament, was a well-chosen one that allowed the tension to build to an intense crescendo.  Likewise the combination of light humor (as seen in this ironic passage: " At this rate, it looked like he would just have to wing it"), Petrie's awkwardness, and the interlocking plots of the characters made for a very enjoyable read.

The initial focus on the flyer subplot revealed several things that had, until this chapter, not been known to us.  Namely, news of the Stone of Great Change has been revealed to the Mysterious Beyond and word of it has been spreading from flyer to flyer. Like Anagnos has mentioned in their review, this opens up many interesting possibilities for conflict as multiple groups may try to seek out this stone and its powers.  Then, of course, we have Zalus and his agenda.  So even while Petrie has his struggles this overarching drama in the skies will be something to watch closely.

Which brings us to our dear Paddy...

I do like how Petrie actually did a good job in planning out his options and trying to choose the option that would best fulfill his objectives.  I must admit that the idea of him throwing the race caught me by surprise.  Likewise, his acting skills were well-served to take on the faux arrogance as would be expected of a swimmer in his situation that has accepted a challenge.  Unfortunately, however, his planning did not anticipate the ferocity of the waters... and now Paddy is in for the swim of his life quite literally.

I enjoyed this chapter immensely. :) It's pacing was spot on, the tension was well-crafted into a slow build, and the cliff-hanger left me yearning for the next chapter.  I eagerly look forward to the next installment.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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This chapter was once part of a longer one. After it'd been split it was still a comfortable 10K words. :P

FFN Link:

Chapter 8: Current Events

Fortune had not smiled upon Petrie today.

To think that the Bright Circle had only just reached the highest point in the sky, and yet at this point of the day he already had to face down a cavalcade of disaster after disaster, one after another in an unrelenting barrage.

For crying out loud, he was only barely halfway to nightfall! And yet, the speed at which everything had gone awry for him was legendary.

One didn't even need to analyze how badly things were going on Petrie's end in order to see the distinct juxtaposition of how he felt before and after his plan had fallen into complete shambles. The difference between how confident Petrie had been when accepting Ferris' challenge with the intent of throwing it and how terrified he became after the merciless water currents proved he didn't need to fake a defeat was so jarring that it was the equivalent of life throwing sand into his eyes and slapping him in the beak.

His sloppy swimmer façade was meant to divert suspicion away, but it went without saying that all of his efforts to conceal the truth would be rendered moot if he ended up drowning in this raging river before the Night Circle could even show itself. Ironically, now he would have to call attention to himself if he hoped to stand the slimmest chance of survival.

"Heeel—gah—lllppp—ack—pp me!"

Petrie continued shrieking as loudly as he could as his helpless body was tossed around as vigorously as a sharptooth shaking its captured prey about. If the vicious current wasn't already vigorously thrashing his body about from all sides, Petrie would be quaking in fear on his own volition.

Now, this… this was pure, unadulterated terror. Ohhhh… he wanted his snuggling stick!

While he had racked up his fair share of moments where he thought that he was done for in the past, almost nothing could compare to the overwhelming finality of this one. There was always a slim possibility of escape those other times, the 'if me outfly them me get away' that fondly appeased his dread at the back of his mind during a sharptooth chase.

As a result, Petrie hadn't actually felt this way ever since…

His eyes widened when his mind instinctively managed to complete the sentence. If Petrie could gasp without opening his mouth and swallowing a huge mouthful of water, then he most certainly would.

…because he hadn't felt such crushing despair ever since the Sharptooth himself had tried to drag him down to a watery grave during his first adventure, a full five Cold Times ago.

Who would've thought that his suppressed fear of being consumed by the waves would today come plunging out from his worst sleep stories and into reality? The advent of Ferris' race and its unintended consequences struck at Petrie with a force that the panicked swimmer was unable to cope with.

Petrie no want die like this! Me want be flyer again, me no want drown in bottom of fast water as swimmer!

Whilst he remained draped in despair, that fraughtful inner plea caused a truly terrifying realization to dawn upon Petrie.

It wasn't just the fact that he was going to die which scared the living daylights out of the former flyer. What was arguably of greater impact was the consequence that would invariably ensue in the aftermath.

What truly shook Petrie right down to his very core was the knowledge that if he actually did drown right here and now, he would wind up meeting his end as Paddy, a false identity that he as Petrie had thought up on the spot.

But if Paddy were to make his way to the Great Beyond, well… so would Petrie. After all, they were one and the same…

Even if they managed to recover his cold body from the bottom of the cruel unforgiving depths, the most alarming part of it all to Petrie was that he would end up being identified as Paddy, a swimmer of completely unknown origins who had mysteriously appeared in the valley to challenge Ferris for the right to join his herd and disappeared in sketchy circumstances that very same day.

With so few clues to go on, it would be a far stretch for the valley residents to liken a random swimmer who they've never seen before… to well, Petrie. Who would possibly be able to make the leap of logic to deduce that Paddy was actually the missing Petrie when the two of them were completely separate species? The thought process which would lead one towards that conclusion was so exorbitantly absurd that the right idea would never cross anyone's mind!

"Help… gah!"

As azure blue washed over Petrie for what seemed like the umpteenth time, he could slowly feel all primal thoughts of survival leaving every fiber of his being. Despite his instinctual drive to survive, Petrie felt so tired from his constant flailing that he was unable to struggle against the claws of fate any longer. He had expended almost all his energy frantically trying to get to shore, and even his reserves were close to being completely sapped away. Left at the mercy of the waves, the swimmer's head was now as light as a feather, the once tense feeling in his body chillingly replaced by a melancholic and somber calm as he pictured his close ones.

His friends… his family.

Images of his closest ones flashed through his mind in droves — from Littlefoot to Cera, Chomper and Ruby, every last one of his rambunctious brothers and sisters, Ducky and Spike, Uncle Pterano, his own mother…

None of his friends or family were remotely aware of the grave danger that he was in, despite the fact that he was still in the valley, right under their noses. In hindsight, Vekal repressing Petrie's freedom to announce his identity meant had the unintended effect of ensuring that the former flyer would end up taking his secret to the Great Beyond if he drowned in the guise of a swimmer.

Perhaps in a way, this was ironic justice. He had been understandably skeptical about Vekal's claim that the stone he was showing off last night would actually be able to drive Ferris and Ducky apart, and this was after taking into consideration that Vekal was quite a persuasive speaker himself. If Vekal had to resort to desperate measures just to persuade a dismissive Petrie to accept, it would be almost impossible to prove to an obstinate valley that a side-effect of the stone was a switch of species without Vekal spilling the sweet bubbles… and Petrie knew for a fact that someone as cold and callous as him wasn't going to admit the truth to anyone if it wasn't to his benefit.

With the valley none the wiser, they would never be able to identify him as Petrie. After brushing off Paddy's death as an unfortunate misadventure, his friends and family would be left blissfully unaware that the meek flyer who they're trying to find… had already ceased to be without their knowledge.

Thanks to one stupid shiny stone, no one would ever know what really happened to Petrie, all because he was trapped in a foreign body when he met his grisly demise. No one would be able to tell in a glance that he was previously a frail flyer kid who had been blackmailed by a cunning pterosaur.

And thus, that flyer kid would slowly fade away. First from their lives, and then, their memories. Although Petrie knew that his family and the gang would hold out the longest, there was no reason for them to suspect foul play with an asphyxiated swimmer who had no apparent connection to him. While mysteries irked the gang—primarily Littlefoot—to no end, he knew that this was a case where they would never be able to get the answers.

They would never get a proper closure about his abrupt disappearance from their lives.

With that final lament in his heart, the lightheaded Petrie felt his eyelids getting heavier, drooping until his field of vision shrunk to the size of pinpricks as he bordered the realm of unconsciousness.

…and then, nothing. Petrie let himself go limp, with what little remaining of his eyesight quickly enveloped by black as the void embraced him.

He wasn't even aware of his body plunging below the surface of the frigid waves, sinking like a weighted stone down to the depths beneath…

"Bah… curse this blasted headache!"

Pterano scrunched his head up in agitation, landing next to the husk of a withering tree in an attempt to recuperate as a pressing migraine rocked through his head in waves. "Oh, this is not my day," he complained.

As if fate itself conspired to prove him wrong, an enthusiastic voice rang through the air.

"I don't believe it. Do my eyes deceive me? Could it really be?!"

Pterano gazed up to see a young flyer around Petrie's age descending downwards. Landing on the ground, he wasted no time before running up to Pterano and barreling on without restraint.

"You… you're the real Pterano, aren't you? By gosh, it's a real honor to meet with someone of your stature! Right in the flesh, too! Why, your scraggy appearance even matches the descriptions in the stories!"

He had to resist the urge to tell the flyer to leave. As scant as it was, the flyer was indeed company. He rarely had it during his exile thanks to inevitably splitting up from the various flyer flocks he'd joined from time to time, so despite the newcomer's exuberant zest Pterano decided to kill his boredom by making small talk with him. "Thank you, young lad. It isn't often when someone exchange pleasantries with me."

"Well, that's different for me," the flyer remarked, grinning from ear to ear. "Others tend to look forward to seeing me."

Pterano shot a dirty glare at the other party for his insensitive remark. "Well, I for one think that we both lead very divergent lives," he sulked, folding his wings with a disgruntled huff.

Amazingly, the flyer didn't catch the resentment in Pterano's reply. "Right back at you, buddy!" he agreed without a hint of sarcasm, almost causing Pterano to balk in disbelief. Taking a step back and respectfully bowing his head, he then went on to introduced himself with a merry smile. "And in case you were wondering, the name's Cirrus, wandering traveler and deliverer of news!"

Pterano remained unfazed by the youngling's theatrics. "Ah. It is nice to meet you, I suppose," he muttered with a dispassionate voice, deciding not to gesticulate and emote around like he normally would when he was trying to assume an authoritative role. It wasn't worth sparing the effort.

"Oh, no!" Cirrus extended his wings out and waved them about in a placatory manner. "T-The pleasure is all mine, Pterano!" he stammered, before shaking his head and continuing with a more composed voice. "If you want dirt on anyone, I'm just the flyer for you! These reliable ol' wings of mine have taken me far and wide, and thanks to my travels across the land I've compiled together quite the excess collection of juicy gossip. Hitherto, those stories might be inaccessible to the common folk as they lay scattered throughout the vast land, but me and my trusty wings shall bring that information to all!"

Pterano began to grow feisty at the flyer's constant stream of speech, which was so overpowering that even someone like him couldn't get a word in. "Uh, well…" he tried to interrupt to no avail as Cirrus continued to yak on without so much as a hint of slowing down.

"To enlighten others by spreading what knowledge I have to bring joy to another dino's face is so invigorating! That sense of fulfillment… I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything in the world!"

Pterano began to tap the talons of his left foot against the ground aggressively. "Look, I understand your excitement and where you're coming from, but will you please tone down your incessant gibbering—"

"Ever since I was a wee hatchling flyer thrust into this vibrant and expansive landscape, I knew that achieving that lofty goal shall be my solitary aim in life." Still droning on and ignoring an increasingly aggravated Pterano, Cirrus momentarily paused his speech to tilt his head skywards.

Though Pterano enjoyed this brief respite, he paid close attention to Cirrus and managed to discern a misty look in the flyer's teal eyes as he continued gazing forlornly at the open sky.

Blinking away a tear, Cirrus proceeded to energetically thrust a wing up to the Bright Circle, assuming a posture that made it clear that the young flyer was making a vow to it. "Yes, it shall be a test of valor that I must undergo and overcome! Destiny ordains that I will be the greatest messenger flyer who has ever taken flight!"

"Ahem!" Pterano cleared his throat, interjecting with a significantly louder emphasis this time. Fortuitously, after his declaration Cirrus was in a better position to notice Pterano's frustrations and thus finally ceased conversation, allowing the older flyer to heave a sigh of relief. "Have you said enough? I think I managed to grasp the picture here," he grumbled, less than pleased.

"My apologies about that… I tend to get carried away whenever I find myself getting engrossed with a topic of my choosing." Cirrus smiled sheepishly, before beaming warmly at Pterano as he continued forth. "It is my hope that one day, everyone will be more bonded and interconnected than ever before, to the point where my many stories will fuel as many friendships as possible," he declared with a smile. "And for that, I thank you, Pterano! What you strive for happens to be a handy compliment to my greatest wish!"

"What I… strive for?" He sighed at Cirrus, crestfallen. "Confound it… blast it all! You're one of those overzealous flyer fans, aren't you?"

Without waiting for an answer, Pterano leaned his body forward and gave a stern look to Cirrus. "Just so you know, I gave up on the whole Stone of Cold Fire deal a good two-and-a-half Cold Times ago," he kindly informed. He had decided that he wasn't going to play along with Cirrus' misconception, preferring to correct him lest the young flyer continued looking up to Pterano because of his misguided actions from a time long past. It was better to shatter that lie than to selfishly let it fester.

He had certainly come far from the days of commanding Rinkus and Sierra. After seeing a broken-hearted Petrie coming to his defense at the valley trial even after everything he'd done to manipulate his nephew, Pterano swore that he was never going to take advantage of someone's blind naïveté ever again.

And truth be told, Cirrus reminded him a great deal of his favorite nephew. Though they differed in appearance, with them both sporting drastically different eye colors and Cirrus' coat of brown being a touch lighter than Petrie's, the core of their personalities shared eerie similarities.

They were young and impressionable, still untainted by the callous grip of the cruel reality that surrounded them. Picturing Petrie's face in his mind as he looked at Cirrus, Pterano took solace in the fact that he had done the right thing. He simply couldn't have a youngling looking up to him for the wrong reasons.

Still, he had to be cautious about this. Petrie hadn't reacted very well when Skylar tried to tell him that his uncle's tales were exaggerated, and he feared a similar recurrence of that here. Pterano planted his feet firmly on the cracked ground below him, cautiously awaiting Cirrus' response at witnessing his role model smashing his worldview apart.

But to Pterano's surprise, Cirrus didn't react in the way he predicted. Instead, the flyer simply shook his head and let out a hearty laugh, "Oh, no, no! I'm not referring to that old news! What happened ages ago isn't why I'm thanking you!"

"It's not?" Pterano furrowed his brow in befuddlement, placing a wing to his beak as he began to muse. What gives? If Cirrus wasn't getting at the Stone of Cold Fire, what was he blabbering about?

"Nope!" Cirrus sniggered impishly. "It's about what you're doing now! You're famous once more, Pterano! Everyone's been talking about you!"

"Hold up… just a moment now." Pterano stared at Cirrus, his interest now piqued by the pedantic flyer's words. Others were talking about him? This had to be nonsense… some sort of an elaborate prank played at his expense. What could possibly reinvigorate interest in someone who the Mysterious Beyond knew as a flyer whose great scheme to attain the Stone of Cold Fire ended in complete failure?

Unless… no, it couldn't be!

"What you just said really bothers me," Pterano said slowly, carefully choosing his words as he felt a sense of dread beginning to erupt within his stomach. "Pray tell, whatever do you mean by, 'everyone's been talking about me', Cirrus?" he probed, his eyes narrowing suspiciously at Cirrus.

Based on his first impressions, Pterano could tell that Cirrus was someone who could not stop talking earlier. And yet, the chatty flyer was now at a loss for words. Indeed, quite a worrying development, one that was exacerbated when Pterano saw Cirrus scratching the back of his neck, the flyer letting out a nervous chortle in response. "Ah, well, you see, about that…"

"Quit prancing about the treestar bush!" Pterano snapped, the frustration he felt due to a combination of the mounting tension and his splitting headache getting to him. "Just spit it out already, chap!"

Cirrus exhaled sharply through his nose. "Well, everyone knows about it now. The conversation between you and the other guy, to be specific," he clarified. "The impact and implications that this revelation holds are immeasurable… if indeed true, the possibility of changing one's species to another is an astounding ability… one that is a game-changer for the entire Mysterious Beyond!"

Pterano's eyes widened at those words, his worst fears realized. "H-How are you aware of this knowledge?" he sputtered.

"I heard about it, of course," Cirrus answered matter-of-factly. "Since this story sounded dubious at first, especially considering that it was coming from multiple sources—"

"Multiple sources!?"

"—I went through the trouble of looking for eyewitness testimony to verify its reliability," Cirrus resumed speaking, though instead of completely disregarding Pterano like before, the smaller flyer was eyeing him closely when he spoke this time. "I toiled for half a day, but my search paid off. Perchance, I happened to come across a flyer who was there, seeing and hearing your conversation for himself. With a little pressing, he spilled the details to me, swearing on his life that what he told me was the truth."

Cirrus' grin turned wry as he glanced up to make eye contact with Pterano. "In fact, he told me a little tidbit that escaped the masses… namely, that the artifact in question is called the Shiny Stone of Great Change!"

Silence filled the air as Pterano openly gaped at the smaller flyer, his jaw wide.

"To think that you caught me out so quickly. I'm rather impressed, Pterano. Yes, I do indeed know more than I'm letting on. I have seen it with my own two useless eyes… the Shiny Stone of Great Change!"

His memory was infallible… it truly was the same term used by that foul wretched teenage flyer! But, that was impossible! Could Cirrus have really learnt about its name through a spreading rumor as he so claimed?

However, if that were the case, then…

Unaware of the tumultuous thoughts inside Pterano's head, Cirrus chuckled and twirled his body around, performing a tiny dance of victory in front of the stunned Pterano. "I'm guessing from your reaction that I hit the twig on the head, eh?" he stated, a satisfied grin plastered on his beak.

Pterano didn't reply, still frozen in a state of stupor. Taking his silence as a confirmation, Cirrus began to muse. "So that means it really is called the Shiny Stone of Great Change! I almost didn't believe the flyer who told me that, but I suppose it was because the main flyer who started this whole thing to begin with wasn't able to recall the actual name of the shiny stone. As a matter of fact, I'm glad to confirm this matter with you so that I can quash any opposing opinions. Now I can say for certain that the object you desperately crave to obtain—"

"Whaaatttttt!? I didn't want to… no, I… graghhhh!"

Having burst out of his self-induced trance at Cirrus' final sentence, Pterano proceeded to react by furiously slamming his wing against the trunk of the dying tree. His outburst was so violent that it actually frightened Cirrus into silence and caused the smaller flyer to seriously contemplate fleeing for cover.

"I straight up declined his offer," Pterano simmered, "and yet everyone is still going to attribute this whole mess to me again? All because of some unfounded rumor!?"

Fearing for his safety when he saw how red Pterano's face was turning, Cirrus gulped and hastily took to the skies. "Um… you know what? I think I better get going now! May our wings cross again someday… yeah, bye!"

But as a result of his swift exit, Cirrus missed out on a key fact that had gone unnoticed by those who were spreading the rumor.

"At least get it right! It was that other flyer's blasted idea, not mine! I had nothing to do with this!"

Only when Pterano sucked in a deep breath and took a look around him did he realize that Cirrus was already gone, having long been scared off by his unexpected rant.

The harsh desert wind was the exiled flyer's only audience once more, leaving Pterano's jaded protests unheard by any entity except the billowing sand.

"Get a move-on, slowpoke! Gah, where could that Petrie possibly be hiding his stupid beak!?"

"I'm telling you, Cera… I don't know where he is! We've thoroughly combed through this section, and I think Ducky's and Chomper's groups are most likely done checking the parts of the valley that have been dedicated to them by now."

Cera snorted, pawing the ground as she glowered at her friend. "Sure, Littlefoot. Thanks for telling me something we knew since this morning!" she snarked, her tongue as sharp as it ever was, even as the heat from the afternoon Bright Circle caused the weather to become unbearable without any shade. "Oh, that Petrie's gonna get it so bad from me when we finally find his sorry tail!"

"Do you think that maybe, just maybe, Petrie doesn't want to be found?" Littlefoot suggested. "I'm not sure why, but I have this hunch that he's not actually in the Great Valley right now. One of us should have found him by now if he was." The longneck peered towards the sky in thought. "But if Petrie's not here, then he could very well be in the Mysterious Beyond. He can fly, so the valley walls can't stop him if he wanted to fly out—"

"Excuse me? Littlefoot, do you actually think for a fleeting moment that Petrie would willingly fly out to the Mysterious Beyond?" Cera interjected, smirking when she saw that she had caught the flaw in Littlefoot's logic.

Littlefoot wanted to retort, but found that the only thing he could do was stare back at a smug Cera, the longneck completely at a loss for words. While Petrie had vanished into thin air, there were many things about his disappearance that made practically no sense in his head.

Why did Petrie not talk to one of the gang before completely pulling a hidden runner? Why did he never return to his nest in the first place? And most curiously, why did Petrie's mother only raise the alarm in the morning, completely dismissing Petrie's presence and letting her son out of her sight for an entire night when on watch despite knowing full well that he had a tendency of getting into mischief because of the gang's influence? It was completely unlike the levelheaded adult.

All this and more were swarming about his head like an annoying buzzer. Though Littlefoot knew that Petrie leaving for the Mysterious Beyond made no ostensible sense, in his overloaded mind that was the most legitimate option for a vanishing act shrouded in mystery, even though the Petrie he knew was never quite so gutsy to ever pull a stunt like that… without having his trusty friends by his side, at the very least.

Getting no response from a pondering Littlefoot, Cera proceeded to shake her head. "Hmph. That's what I thought." Before she could continue to rub her triumph in Littlefoot's face, a bellow from afar caught her attention. Green eyes shifted their attention from the longneck to the source of the droning sound.

Following suit, Littlefoot blinked and squinted as his own eyes slowly perceived the shape of a familiar spiketail hanging about in the distance. "Sp-Spike?" he exclaimed, beating Cera to the punch.

Unbelievably enough, there he was, grazing on a few treestars with the distinct lack of a swimmer near him. But there was no mistaking the large spiketail, his dark green contrasted by the lighter greens of the plains around him.

"Wasn't he supposed to be with Ducky?" Cera turned to Littlefoot to check with the longneck. When she received a nod in response, she looked just about ready to blow her top. "Oh, great… just great! Ugh, it's just one bad thing after another. What's Spike lumbering over there for? Why did he wander away from Ducky?"

The two traded worried glances. This did not bode well.

But before they could ponder it further, a flutter of wings caught their attention.

"Excuse me? You two are Petrie's friends, right?"

Cera spared a single glance at the small flyer that was now perched directly on the tip of her horn. "Are you playing with me, dumb flyer?" she shouted, shaking him off with a sharp thrust of her head. "Of course we are!"

"Hey! My name's not 'dumb flyer', you mean jerk!" the khaki brown flyer mithered, taking mild offense at the insult. "It's Gryphon! Gee, would it kill you guys to remember my name?" he frowned once he landed in front of Littlefoot and Cera, folding his wings with a challenging expression.

Unfortunately for him, he was challenging a threehorn.

"Whatever." An irate Cera retorted back towards the flyer, directly injecting a dose of snobbishness into her tone purely to mess with Gryphon. If she was going to be stuck with the miserable task of finding Petrie for what looked like the rest of the day, then she was going to take her pent-up anger out on others and ensure that they were equally as miserable as her.

Gryphon caught the ire in Cera's voice and prudently let the matter drop. "What I'm about to say might seem to come out of the blue, but yeah… it's about Petrie. I talked to him last night and he seemed completely out of it." The flyer clutched the sides of his head, squinting his eyes shut as he recalled the memory. "He talked to Mom before leaving for a midnight flight to clear his head, but he never came back even when the Bright Circle came up!"

"That's it?" Cera spat incredulously, gritting her teeth before chewing the flyer out. "That's what you came here to tell us? Get with the times, flyer! We knew that Petrie flew the coop since this morning! Your mommy let it slip to Ducky herself, so how about you either tell us something we don't know or stop wasting our time and buzz off!"

"What Cera means is," Littlefoot hurriedly chimed in before the threehorn could continue to exacerbate her verbal showdown with Gryphon and spiral the already derailing conversation down a very bad path, "…hey, wait!" In a hilarious contrast, Littlefoot's very own train of thought ended up being derailed when an epiphany hit him. "There's something he said that we weren't aware of! All we knew was that Petrie left the nest and that his mother didn't sound the alarm until today. We didn't know the details about when and what happened the last time anyone saw Petrie."

The longneck started bouncing on his feet. "It makes sense now, Cera! There was something that was bugging me ever since Ducky told us what happened. Normally Petrie's mother would immediately notice if Petrie was gone, but she didn't notice anything amiss until today because she thought that Petrie was just clearing his head by taking a quick flight!"

"Yeah, Mom was really worried. We're still kind of keeping it low-key for now," Gryphon admitted with a sigh, "Since it's a family matter and only Petrie disappeared instead of the entire lot of you as usual, Mom didn't call for a valley meeting."

"Good," Cera nodded as Littlefoot stifled a chuckle at Gryphon's exasperated depiction of the gang's typical antics. "Don't need my daddy rushing in to give his wonderful opinions, as usual."

"So as I said, we flyers decided to settle things ourselves." Once Gryphon saw that he successfully managed to rile Cera up with his provocative statement, the satisfied flyer continued on. "Mom has the opinion that Petrie had a bit of an emotional breakdown mid-flight and is hiding out somewhere to recuperate. The problem is that we swept the valley from the skies to search for any signs of Petrie since morning, but not a single one of us could find him!"

Littlefoot had to stifle a chuckle when Cera mouthed a near-inaudible "incompetent flyers" to him.

"I have no clue where my brother's disappeared off to, and the guilt's eating at me! In a way, it's all my fault. I could have pressed for details instead of taking Petrie's word that nothing was wrong and heading off to a blissful sleep yesterday night." Gryphon kicked at the ground, dislodging a clump of soil with his talons. "Gah, I should have! Maybe I could have cracked Petrie and figured him out, then perhaps he wouldn't have run away!"

"Run away?" Littlefoot cocked his head. "Whatever makes you come to that conclusion?"

Gryphon shuddered, the flyer beginning to shake. "Look, I'm not dumb. It's the most plausible explanation. I know Petrie doesn't like us very much."

Cera couldn't resist throwing some shade at the flyer. "Gee, I wonder what possible reason he would have for that?"

An uncomfortable Gryphon held up his wings. "Okay, look. I admit that we're not the greatest siblings in the world. I actually used to tease Petrie quite a bit when I was younger. But I remember what changed my opinion of my younger brother… the Day of the Flyers."

The threehorn's interest was piqued with those words. "The Day of the Flyers? It's almost been an entire Cold Time since then. Wow, that reminds me. Tricia's first star day is coming up." Her face softened at that, remembering the scare she went through with Tricia when her hatchling step-sister ended up being swept away by the river. "Yeah, I suppose the events of that day were significant in more ways than one…"

"Petrie proved himself braver than all of us that day by breaking tradition and doing his own thing. I still remember Pitch turning back at my brother and screeching at him, 'Petrie, stop that!'—" Gryphon made the effort to imitate the voice of his eldest sister, "—once he retook his position after his little stunt. If I wasn't so terrified that he'd slam into us and cause us to plunge into a spiral again, I would've legitimately laughed at her expense."

"Go on…" Littlefoot prodded when he saw Gryphon struggling to get the next words out.

"Nevertheless, I was the first to break formation after Petrie. And let me tell you… it felt invigorating!" Gryphon smiled for what seemed like the first time since the conversation started. "But we're getting off-topic. Long story short, I stopped teasing him as much after that day, and over time I slowly cracked away at Petrie and begun to learn bits and pieces of him. I still do tease him on occasion, admittedly, but I've been closer to my brother since the Day of the Flyers."

Littlefoot looked at the khaki flyer in wonder. "Petrie never told us about you. He made it sound as though all of his siblings were bad."

"Well, one ripe sweet bubble can't save a shrub of rotten ones," Gryphon quoted. "But you see my point here, right? Me learning more about Petrie is exactly why I know that he often hides his emotions deep inside him." The youngling grimaced, his face plummeting into one of misery. "That's why I'm downright terrified that Petrie went and did something rash! I have to find him! Look, I even resorted to asking Guido for air support when I chanced upon him mid-flight. I'm at my wit's end here!"

"Guido?" Cera raised a brow at the mention of the teal glider's name. "Man, you're desperate."

Before Cera could say another word, Gryphon ran forward and placed his face to her frill.

"I know that my brother's closer to you guys compared to us, so I'm swallowing my pride as a flyer and begging you two right now! You've gotta help us find Petrie!"

"Hey, doofus!" Cera pushed Gryphon off, taking care not to injure him by using her horn. "Are you trying to make fun of us? That's what we've been busy doing for the entire day so far!"

Gryphon's sigh of relief was audible. "Oh, thank you. Thank you so much! We need all the help we can get, and—"

"Hey, Gryphon!" A loutish voice cut in, "Quit slacking off down there! The sooner we find our loser brother, the sooner Mom can call this dumb search off!"

Gryphon cast a dark look upwards, glaring at the rosy-brown flyer circling high above. Under the Bright Circle the more subdued saturation and tone of the airborne flyer's coloration gave him a noticeably grayish hue. "Gyro…" Gryphon warned, his voice lowering.

"Let's put on a show for Mom's sake, brother," Gyro boomed from above, his deep voice lowering to a snarl. "When the Bright Circle goes down and Petrie's still missing, I'll get Mom to finally turn the search over to the other grownups by spinning up some explanation about why Petrie felt some dumb need to prove himself or something and how it's futile to go looking for him like this. In other words, it's just another one of Petrie's little play adventures, only this time without his little friends hanging alongside him!" he mocked with a sneer visible even to those on the ground.

Littlefoot widened his eyes when he heard the flyer above cackling at his own joke. Side-eyeing Cera, he saw that the threehorn wasn't looking too pleased either with the insinuation regarding their bond with Petrie or their adventures. "Why, I ought to…" she hissed.

"Cera!" Littlefoot hushed, even though he was tempted to give the flyer a talking-to himself.

Gyro's voice then turned shifty, slowing his words down to incite a sense of suspense as he lowered his altitude to gaze at his younger brother. "But in order for Mom to buy that excuse, I need to show her that all of us did our best to try and find Petrie, and that obviously won't work if you're plainly messing around." Without any warning, his soft voice abruptly transformed into a yell. "So get your beak up here already, Gryphon! I don't want to waste any more time looking for Petrie after today, and you're not going to blow this chance for the rest of us to squirm our way out of the next search!"

"I suppose it's time for me to go," Gryphon murmured to them, "I hope you find Petrie." His face turning impassive, he gave Littlefoot and Cera a forlorn wave before launching himself skywards and joining his brother.

Cera watched them go before turning to Littlefoot. "So, how many treestars do you wanna bet on that guy being the unkind sibling that Petrie's always complaining about?"

"I'm not betting, Cera!"

There were many things Littlefoot knew about Petrie, and one of them was that he didn't have a very pleasant home life. The flyer had privately confided to him in the past that he often felt beleaguered and oppressed by his siblings, although frankly the longneck didn't need Petrie to tell him that firsthand for him to figure it out for himself. In fact, the juxtaposition between Petrie's behavior around his kin and around his friends was why he had a propensity of sticking with the gang, as in many ways Petrie found himself clicking with them more than his very own brothers and sisters.

"Well, no matter what, Petrie's brother is right. We better help out as best as we can," Littlefoot said at last, trudging off and beckoning Cera to follow. "We should go find Chomper and Ruby as well. They might have a better idea as to what's going on…"

"Yeah, except we should have done that ages ago!" Cera charged forward, making haste as she helmed the front. "Let's just go get Spike and head off to find the others, wherever they are. This whole day stinks, and I want it to be over already!"

With an exhausted sigh, Littlefoot followed behind an impatient Cera, finding that he wholeheartedly agreed with the threehorn on this point.

This awful, dreary day had not started well at all.

And from the looks of things, it wasn't going to be picking up anytime soon.

"Congrats on the win, sir!" A short pause then ensued before a follow-up to the compliment was added as a hasty postscript. "Of course, it was inevitable that you would come out victorious."

If Ferris felt any conceitedness at all from Bartley's lavish praises, he didn't show it. He was reticent, wringing his hands and flinging off excess water still clinging onto his body even after he had exited the stream.

…or at least, he had tried to keep that modest façade up before looking into his assistant's eyes and finding that just one knowing glance from Bartley was more than enough to cause his stony exterior to crack faster than a wave crashing down onto the shore.

"To be honest, Bartley…" Ferris grimaced, his body's stiff posture and overall countenance showing slight hints of vulnerability, "…the race scared me. I felt coerced into making it a competition to prove myself. Even when Amaryl counted down, I was a nervous wreck inside, legitimately frightened that he'd be better than me and that I would have been forced to eat my tail for the second time in a row… hey, it's not funny!"

Bartley immediately shifted back to attention, his humored expression disappearing in an instant. "My apologies, sir. It's just—"

"I know," Ferris cut in, his eyes shining with a deadly glint that made it clear that he didn't want to hear another word out of Bartley's beak. "Pops won't ever let me live down the fact that some 'half-starved dimwit bimbo'—" the annoyed swimmer made sure to highlight the air quotes using his hands, "—managed to beat me in a one-on-one race. Stupid, stupid Jovi! I was hounded for that loss by Pops for almost an entire Night Circle cycle! Give me a break… it's not like I always have to be the incumbent pinnacle of swimmers all the time!"

The gray swimmer simply nodded in acknowledgement, knowing that the incident in question was a sore spot for Ferris. Understandably, Bartley didn't want to incite his superior's anger. Since he didn't reply, the clearing soon become near silent, with the only notable exception being the dissonant sounds made by the ebb and flow of the swift-flowing river surging besides them.

After enough time had elapsed that the two swimmers became noticeably aware of its sluggish passage, waiting for Paddy to show up eventually became unbearable for them. Ferris crushing the blades of grass under his heel while peering back towards the stream. "Alright, I'm quickly losing patience. What's taking Paddy so long?" he muttered to himself, gnarling impatiently at the churning fast water sweeping through the river. The amount of time that had elapsed since he had consciously been waiting for Paddy had definitely crossed his threshold, "He should have been here by now!"

"I agree, sir," Bartley piped in, raising his hand in agreement. "Maybe he's a sore loser and simply made a U-turn to quit when he saw that there was no chance of him catching up and winning the race with the ridiculous headstart you have over him?" he proposed, before wincing and giving a nonchalant shrug when he saw Ferris' unconvinced face.

Ferris clicked his beak at his subordinate. "I highly doubt that. There's no way to swim against the current at this speed," he pointed up, gesturing at the stream to prove his point. "Paddy can't turn back, he'd have to swim to shore, and if he does so Jovi and Ducky would disqualify him the very instant they catch him being out of the fast water."

"Um… well, it was just an idea…" Bartley griped. Despite the sound reasoning Ferris made when disproving his hypothesis, the prompt dismissal of his suggestion as dreck resonated hard within the gray swimmer, disheartening him to the point where he couldn't even mask his disappointment from Ferris.

Before either of the swimmers could reinvigorate the awkward conversation, a snooty voice coming from above penetrated their personal space.

"Hey, hello? I'm talking to you!"

The entrant to the conversation was nowhere near as couth as Bartley, the brash voice immediately drawing Ferris' attention. The pale green swimmer placed an arm by his waist, lazily glancing up to see that the one who had butted into their tranquil conversation was a female turquoise flyer, her face spruced with an expression of apathy.

"Hm… I wasn't expecting a flyer. Where did you come from?" Ferris drawled, mentally analyzing her as he spoke. Though he refused to admit it, the flyer's sudden appearance had startled him, catching him flat-taloned. Get a hold of yourself, Ferris! If this was the Mysterious Beyond and that was a sharpbeak, you would have been in hot water! Geez, Pops would have your head if he sees you getting caught off guard like that!

"Well, where do you think? From the air, doofus!" she fired back without mercy, rolling her eyes before glaring at the two swimmers with an annoyed disposition. She opened her beak wide open, before closing it contemplatively. "Ah… I wanted to say more, but forget it. There's no time for that. Look, you two are swimmers, right?"

Although Bartley held Ferris' hand to try and mediate things, it didn't stop an irritated Ferris from snapping back at the roguish flyer. "Excuse me? Are you blind? Have you never seen a swimmer before in your life?"

"Oh, come on! That was rhetorical, moron! Don't you try and play punk with me! Roll here is a master of comebacks!" she bragged brazenly before catching herself going off topic again. "Alright, serious talk. Can you see my brother circling around something over there?" Roll asked as her eyes wavered over to the side.

Taking that as his cue, Ferris squinted his eyes and peered into the distance, spotting a dark midnight-blue speck circling the air in the distance.

"We caught someone flailing about in the fast water back there," Roll said. "My brother is circling where the victim is so that any bystanders can come to help, and Pitch and I went out to search for swimmers to—"

"Hold up!" Ferris forcefully interjected, a crept of worry seeping into his voice as he noted something peculiar about the location of the blue flyer circling from afar. "A swimmer who is flailing about in the river… in that direction… no, no, no! It's gotta be Paddy!"

Bartley cringed visibly. "Ohhh… this is definitely not good."

At this point Roll didn't even need to goad the two swimmers into helping her. The trepidation in both their eyes made it apparent that they were going to intervene without her needing to say a single word more.

Once the true scope of the unfolding disaster became apparent, Ferris sucked in a deep breath through his beak, the humid air filling his lungs. "Gah! That idiot's upstream! I can't swim effectively that way, not against this torrential current," Ferris drummed his temple, gnashing his teeth together before snapping his head towards the flyer and dishing out a surly order.

"Hey! Roll, right? Lead me there, pronto! I'm getting to Paddy on foot!"

"You're not the boss of me!" Roll spat, but relented nonetheless. "Get a move on! At the rate we're going, that swimmer would have already ended up in the Great Beyond!"

Ferris angrily waved his fist at her. "Who do you think is at fault for that, huh? Wishy-washy flyer, you couldn't stop beating about the treestar bush!"

"Just shut your beak and follow me already!"

Wordlessly, the two swimmers complied.

Heading upstream in a frenzy, neither of the three were able to hear the sound of footsteps which signified that there were others following them in pursuit.

As he slowly fluttered open his eyes, feeling the harsh glare of the Bright Circle assaulting his visual senses, Petrie's addled mind could only come up with one coherent conclusion.

Ugh… me head spinning. So bright… Petrie be in… Great Beyond? Is me Dad here?

As his vision began to clear, it slowly emerged that he was not quite in the Great Beyond. Once it hit him that his immediate surroundings seemed familiar, his eyes shot wide open when he recalled that the exact same thing had happened to him earlier today.

To Petrie's surprise, he wasn't a bloated corpse at the bottom of the river. Instead, he was lying face-up, his body spreadeagled on a grassy outcrop.

His swimmer body. It was definitely a downer to wake up to the dark-gray, almost black skin which plagued him like a curse.

"Oh, thank goodness! You are awake! You are, you are!"

Even with his brain in a complete haze, Petrie was able to piece together who was talking to him. "D-Du… Ducky?" he mumbled, his speech slurred as he tried to turn his head towards the direction of the voice.

"You should not move so much," Ducky fretted, the swimmer suddenly appearing from above and enveloping most of his peripheral vision as a result. "You almost drowned-ed. You did, you did…"

As things slowly began to fall into place, Petrie felt the tension in his body slacken and turn into unequivocal bliss. He could kiss the ground… and frankly, he just might.

"I was so afraid for you. I was, I was!" Ducky continued on, "If I did not come and save you, you would not be here right now, oh, no, no, no!"

"You… save… me?" Petrie managed to say, flabbergasted.

Ducky beamed happily. "Yep, yep, yep! I did, I did!"

Of course! Fortune had granted him a reprieve! Ducky and Jovi had been walking along the length of the river, hadn't they? This meant that Jovi's suggestion to patrol the riverbank had serendipitously managed to save his life as a result, since Petrie ended up having bystanders to witness his plight and eventually come to his rescue when he was in dire straits.

It was a glimmer of hope that he never realized the existence of while he had been gasping for air.

Thanking the Bright Circle for the much-deserved upturn in luck, Petrie managed to get back on his two shaky feet, staggering a grand total of two steps before keeling over and falling back on his knees. His slumped body was leaning forward, arched in a distinct curve and quivering uncontrollably due to a mixture of the fear he'd felt and the piercing coldness of the water.

"Paddy! What are you doing!?" Ducky scurried over to him, "A-Are you okay? You should not be standing up! Nope, nope, nope!"

As he struggled to regain his footing, he then noticed a catatonic Jovi rather close to where he was. The swimmer stood rooted to the ground, yellow eyes glazed over as though he'd seen an apparition. He had gone so stiff that to an outside observer, it was almost as though he had become an inanimate rock.

Pointedly ignoring Ducky's protests, he limped his way towards the stunned swimmer and profusely shook a confused Jovi's hand. "Oh, thank you! You save m… my life!" he spluttered, his words coming out in an almost incoherent slew as the navigator stared back at Petrie with a bewildered expression.

Jovi really did save him, if in a roundabout way. It was that chance meeting while he had been studying the river on his own accord and an impromptu decision to walk the length of the river with Ducky that allowed his friend to see him in peril.

When it became clear that Jovi was so frozen in shock that he was unable to respond in a meaningful way, Petrie let go of Jovi and found himself immediately being ambushed by Ducky, who placed her arms around him in a tight embrace, the gesture catching him completely off guard.

"You are so very reckless! You are, you are! I will not let you go until you promise to sit down and rest quietly, Paddy! I am telling you to rest but instead you are acting like Cera when Cera is not happy. And Cera is a threehorn, so she does not tend to be happy very often, nope, nope, nope…"

Despite happening due to rather unusual circumstances—Ducky doing it for his safety—Petrie found himself melting into Ducky's comforting hug regardless, savoring the intimacy of his physical contact with his friend after surviving his near brush with death. Though the two had hugged each other before, this was the closest thing to an embrace he could get out of Ducky while in this swimmer body.

Just a reminder of the life he was soon going to get back.

With the race out of the way, Petrie could vanish and wait things out just like he wanted to from the start, and provided Vekal was honest—which he doubted despite Vekal's claims of being a flyer of integrity, but he really had nothing else left to lose by this point—Petrie could get him to reverse the stone's effects and become a flyer again.

Then, as if fate could hear his thoughts, reality hit him in the face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa… would you look at that? You've finally managed to regain consciousness! Hey, swimmer! Are you okay, lad? You were under the surface for so long that I almost thought we lost you!"

Breaking himself free from Ducky's hold, Petrie had to choke back a rasp when he realized that he recognized that voice. Slowly turning to face the speaker, his fears were confirmed.

Standing there by the riverside with a solicitous look on his face was his older brother, Yaw.

Yaw was of a distinct midnight blue shade, the lanky flyer having inherited his wing color from their mother Skylar. He was also relatively high on Petrie's list of dinosaurs that he didn't want to see today.

To be fair, while Yaw could be malicious alongside the others when his siblings ganged up on him, Petrie would still take his eldest brother over Gyro or Roll any day. Those two colluding together as a duo to take charge of ridiculing him was literally the worst. Together, they were collectively the bane of his existence, with Roll's perpetual sassiness supplementing Gyro's masochism in a concoction which guaranteed that Petrie would question himself on why he hadn't kicked himself out of the nest instead of having to endure their slander.

Still, to see that his brother was in the vicinity was an egregious tonal shift. Petrie had just been thinking about his family back when he thought that it was the end, and here they were now, physically here in reality, even if it was only one of them.

For a brief moment the two merely looked at each other, with Yaw eventually breaking visual first and choosing to look at the sloshing river with an aggravated expression.

"Dammit, I'm not brave enough!" Yaw hissed to himself, the flyer insipidly pacing about with a hunched posture, "Oh sure, Guido and Petrie might be able to throw caution to the wind and save Tricia from drowning, but you… you on the other hand just had to falter and let your fear of getting swept away by the fast water swamp your nerves when thrust into the exact same situation as them!"

Given his tendency to do the same in speech, it took Petrie a while to realize that Yaw was demeaning himself in third-person. But since it came as the result of a frustrated rant, perhaps some part of Yaw's consciousness indirectly hoped to dissociate himself from his own criticism.

"When Petrie… Petrie, of all flyers, can beat you in a life-threatening emergency, you really have to reevaluate your life. Man, oh man, it means that you're falling short of expectations. It's going to be the Time of Great Growing, and if I can't even trounce against Petrie in something that's as elementary as this, then I'm practically doomed to spend the rest of my life as a lonely bachelor!"

Cripes, that was harsh. It hadn't escaped Petrie's notice that being the eldest male and the second-eldest child of the nest made his other siblings build up ridiculous expectations for Yaw in recent times. Looking almost like Mom because of his dazzling blue shade didn't help matters there, instead fueling the comparison further. Understandably, his brother had become rather snappy as of late thanks to the additional stress… since in all honesty, Yaw's skinny frame had resulted in him being below average in flying.

If only he hadn't tried to cope with it by taking things out on Petrie more often.

"Oh, there she is!" Yaw finally halted his tirade, his eyes narrowing as he focused on a specific point on the horizon. "Took her long enough! I can't believe that Roll found a swimmer before Pitch did. That blowhard probably wanted to prove a point…"

Roll? Oh, please, no be her…

Petrie turned to look at where Yaw was facing and felt his heart sink completely.

His sister Roll had a turquoise color that was recognizable even from afar, so he could see her lazily headed his way.

Who else had a recognizable color and was also strutting in his direction? The very pale-green Ferris, of course. Because things were going perfectly swell today.

To his consternation, Petrie realized that though he had managed to cheat death once more, he still had to deal with the ensuing fallout before he was in the clear.

And from the looks of things, that confrontation was shaping itself up to be as nasty as a valley meeting with an angry Mr. Threehorn.

Petrie began to feel the onset of hyperventilation, the claustrophobic tension skyrocketing thanks to the introduction of his unruly siblings. Having them join the foray and compound onto the rapidly growing number of dinosaurs surrounding him really hit home on just how massive of an incident his near-drowning ordeal really was.

The enormity of it all chilled Petrie right down to the bone. Eyes cautiously darting back and forth, he made a mental note of the assembly of swimmers and flyers quickly moving in to encircle and entrap him at what was going to be the soon-to-be rendezvous point.

His older brother and sister, Yaw and Roll…

From the swimmer herd was Ferris, Bartley, and Jovi…

And most importantly of all, there was Ducky, his friend musingly scrutinizing him with a sober expression, her cerulean eyes shimmering with something Petrie couldn't decipher.

What a disaster… what a total and complete mess this had become. The mere thought of this many onlookers dissecting and tearing apart the explanation that they would inevitably demand from him turned Petrie's already shattered nerves into mush. Even if Vekal hadn't decreed that Petrie wasn't to reveal himself till the night closed in or face dire consequences, Petrie would have fiercely protected his secret regardless now that his siblings were in the picture.

Simply visualizing the smug expressions that would be plastered on Gyro and Roll's faces in particular should they ever learn of this debacle was enough of a deterrent for Petrie to clamp his beak shut and staunchly conceal the truth. He was already vulnerable enough as a swimmer who knew zilch about swimming. The frightful idea of having his siblings find out and summarily oppressing his new form would only be rivalled by the fact that Vekal would relinquish the deal once they do and use the bet's escape clause to leave Petrie at the mercy of the scornful jeers from his maligned brothers and sisters while Petrie himself remained trapped in the helpless form of a swimmer for all eternity.

The only thing that could possibly be worse than being stuck as a swimmer for the rest of his life was to have his siblings taunt him for being one in that inordinately lengthy span of time. He could barely survive half a day in a foreign body… Petrie was already dreading the very idea of being stuck in a cyclical loop of fear and despair, barely subsisting day after day while being forced to learn how to reshape his life around that of a swimmer's.

Once Petrie managed to contextualize just how dire an outlook like that would be, he wanted nothing more than to escape this increasingly bleak situation by fleeing to the skies above and leaving the remnants of this wretched day all behind him.

A shame that with a significant lack of wings, that option wasn't open to him.

Petrie could feel time itself slowing to a complete crawl when he warily locked eyes with the approaching trio of Bartley, Ferris, and Roll. Either his perception of time was actively being warped or the truth was that they were actually taking an eternity to get to where he was standing.

Curiously, it turned out that he wasn't the only one to think that. Without any forewarning, his brother strode forward and crankily yelled at the approaching dinosaurs. "You are late, Roll! What took you so long, sis?" Yaw uttered with contempt, actively aghast at the speed the swimmers took to get to the spot where he was standing alongside the three swimmers. "I would have had blood on my wings if there weren't two other swimmers heading my way who managed to spot that drowning swimmer and save him before you got here!"

"It is precisely as you said, flyer." Ferris raised his voice to answer Yaw, his brutish demeanor palpable even from the distance. "The course of this river is mostly straight, so with an unobstructed view I was able to see Paddy being rescued from afar in the midst of rushing here and quickly realized that there was no further need to expend any of my energy sprinting." Ferris then proceeded to glance up, a mild amused expression discernible to Yaw as the young swimmer finally reached a distance where one could make out his facial features. "Even your sister agrees with me, see?"

Yaw growled when he saw Roll with a cocky smirk on her face, clearly satisfied with Ferris backing her up. Petrie, for the most part, actively chose to ignore their skirmish and tried to focus his mind on the oncoming crisis.

He was not looking forward to another verbal spar with Ferris. Not at all.

Jovi had not been kidding when he referred to Ferris as a stubborn swimmer. He had casually talked down to Cera, and Petrie had seen him go toe-to-toe with Ducky earlier when he took an impartial stand of letting the race continue in spite of Ducky's insistence.

That wasn't even mentioning that he had reacted abysmally when Ferris had called him out on the swimmer herd lie. Back then, Petrie had been saved from a bulk of the questioning by the appearance of Amaryl, Ferris' sister, who had distracted Ferris right when he was going in for the kill. However, this was shaping up to be an even harsher interrogation, and it didn't seem like he was going to get lucky twice.

Petrie mentally prepared himself for the inevitable confrontation when he saw Ferris stopping short from their side just as the two groups were about to congregate, an expression of visceral rage now clearly defined on the pale-green swimmer's face.

"Anyway, you've got some explaining to do, mister! What the blazes was that!?"

Author's Note:

Did anyone get the dual meaning of the chapter title? Clever, hm? :)

This chapter plays out like an interlude "calm before the storm" chapter, if you can even call it that, it gets rather intense. I don't think anyone really believed I was going to kill Petrie off this early on, but I did enjoy writing the myriad of perspectives on Petrie's disappearance from different angles — it helps define just how personal things get for those close to Petrie even though they aren't directly afflicted by Vekal's psychological game.

Of note in this chapter are Petrie's siblings, and since a guest review mentioned it I should bring this up — I didn't give all of Petrie's clutch mates a name in Chapter 4 just for show. Since I didn't elaborate then, Pitch, Yaw, and Roll are the three main aircraft principal axes, Gyro is based off the gyroscopic instrument, and Gryphon is another term for griffin. I do hope to develop them and make them a bit more distinct in personality rather than their visuals. All of their color schemes are based off the various different hues they have in The Great Day of the Flyers, so you can loosely link them by their wing color and a few lines that they speak in XII.

Climax of the whole race debacle will play out in the next one. This story arc has unfortunately dragged out for longer than I'd have liked—*cough* blame the vivid descriptions—so I hope to wrap it up soon. As more and more familiar dinosaurs converge on the scene, critical mass will soon be reached…

Anagnos: The consequences of the bet were eventually going to come to a head. You and the others have caught on that larger events have been playing out in the works, and when one looks at things from a bigger perspective, the skirmish between Vekal and Petrie does seem rather insignificant in comparison.

DiddyKF1: Don't worry… despite how skewed the nice/cruel ratio is right now with characters like Ferris and co., I'll balance it out soon enough. Given how bad Petrie's luck is, it is quite fortuitous that most around him are unable to make the outlandish leap of logic it would take to make the connection between Paddy to his flyer self… for now, at least. And while Vekal himself wasn't named for buildup and suspense in the first three chapters of the story, there is a different reason as to why I haven't name-dropped the flyer who'd been observing Petrie last chapter.

Keijo6: I'm happy that you are a fan of the emotional rollercoaster that Petrie underwent in the last chapter. Far too often a story rushes into further plot points without giving the characters in question time to react and reflect on a shift in circumstances. Given how jarring an event like this should be to Petrie, I'd rather not gloss over it, even if like you said, the story's pacing does come off as a little sluggish as a result of this choice.

Rhombus: Glad to see that I was able to subvert expectations with Petrie's choice — unorthodox as it seems, it is very Petrie-like to go with the option that seemingly has the least risk to it. Yeah, the tension's steadily been racking up these past few chapters, and although it's past the crescendo Petrie isn't quite out of the woods yet.

With a crowd building up and Petrie's siblings now being unknowing spectators to their younger brother's rapidly deteriorating situation… yeah, things aren't good. :P
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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To say that this chapter was a tremendous leap in advancement would be a massive understatement indeed. It was most definitely very engaging one, and with the newest installment the plot begins to move forward ever so slowly. Overall, the introduction of various plot points and the structure of the chapter began rather reasonably, and this motion was carried out throughout the entire chapter. Which in itself is already flawless work from the author.

I think that it was pretty much expected that Petrie would have tremendous trouble with being able to withstand the toughness of the race, and seeing him struggle as much as he did was extraordinarily burdensome to witness happen. In relation to his transition from a flyer to a swimmer, it would have been a miracle indeed if he had somehow managed to handle the challenge like Ferris. What I liked most about this sequence was how smoothly it had been done. Petrie’s internal struggles over the issues he is currently facing were elegantly added into the narrative.

One of the focal points of this chapter was undeniably Pterano’s encounter with the loquacious but proportionately amicable flyer named Cirrus produced some rather succulent developments. All things considered, it was rather whimsical to some extent to see Pterano so persistently try to acquire a chance to explain things on his part to the unheedful flyer. This is a rather monumental transition of him being the listener for once instead of spewing grandeurs of himself and his accomplishments that we got to see in the film. The rumors about Pterano’s equivocal aspiration to obtain the stone for himself, and his refusal to succumb to temptation really speak volumes of his character.

Meanwhile, Cera and Littlefoot focus effort’s to uncover Petrie’s location by searching all over the Great Valley for him yield inadequate results. Their unawareness of Petrie’s change averts the probability of them figuring out his precise habitat and welfare. Naturally, this may only be a temporary setback if they ever discover what really happened to Petrie on that fateful night, but the plausible backlash they would have to withstand will be a fascinating development to follow. This proportion also gave us a brief viewpoint on Petrie’s relationship with his siblings. It is indeed most disturbing that his own brothers and sisters dislike him so much that they would be more than willing to weasel out of the search outright. This instance, might discourage Petrie to eventually reveal himself, but that remains to be seen. The comforting fact here is that Gryphon’s dedication to find Petrie demonstrates deep devotion to the cause.

Another concern that was to be expected was Ferris’ predictable triumph over Petrie. However, the preparedness on his part to contribute to aid Petrie away from harm's way was an unpredicted development that many would have dismissed without a doubt, and I admit that I was one of those people myself. He may perchance possess some yet inconspicuous qualities that will be examined later on. Spontaneous fact in the later sequence was that Ducky turned out to be the one who would rescue Petrie from his almost certain demise. The interlocution these two shared together was heartwarming to have an outlook on and not once did I notice them diverge from their usual characterization. The prospective discussion that will take place in the next chapter will be prolonged and restrictive as Petrie cannot reveal all of the details to the group, therefore, these issues will be quite intractable.

I enjoyed this installment tremendously. Everything about the chapter was flawless from the start to the very end that will no doubt leave a reader longing for more. I will be most eager to see what will happen in the next chapter. Well done, Owls. :)


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Now this chapter certainly starts off with high drama.  It goes straight into Petrie’s struggle to stay alive (and his mental anguish) as the waves threaten to overtake him and to make all of his plans be for naught.  This provides us a good insight into his motivations, his thoughts, and his misgivings as he sees the consequences of his actions in very stark terms.  We also get to see his classic kind nature as he thinks about others during his time of crisis even as life threatens to leave him… and then it does appear to leave him…

I would complain about cliffhangers but I have absolutely no room to talk in that regard. :p

The shift to Pterano is an interesting one as we get to see how he is dealing with his exile.  He does appear to be reformed, or at least making good efforts in that regard, though the concern for his reputation is still there.  I sense that this is exactly what the other flyer is attempting to play into as he claims that ‘everyone’ knows about the deal he made with the other flyer.  Though Pterano declined that offer I sense that he might feel the need to involve himself simply to salvage the situation with the rumors.  If so it will be another successful stirring of the pot by Cirrus.

The exchange between the gang and the flyers was great as it showed us the concerns of the other siblings about Petrie’s unexpected departure while at the same time presenting the classic exchanges of the gang.  The explanation that flyers try to handle things internally first is a very believable one, and it provides a good explanation of what has been going on in the background while Petrie has been attempting to live as Paddy.

...and then we get to Petrie’s unexpected reprieve.  For both him and us, there is a lot to take in during this scene.  Ducky comparing Paddy to Cera (which no doubt would horrify Cera as much as it does Petrie :p ), Petrie witnessing his brother berate himself instead of Petrie, and the realization that he now has an audience as his entire backstory is due to come crashing down.  This is a nice way to end the chapter: with just as much tension as it began.

This was quite the wonderful chapter that has given us readers a lot to consider and ponder upon. :) The banter between the gang, between Pterano and Cirrus, and Ducky’s comments all felt in-character and this benefited the narrative greatly. I look forward to seeing how Petrie gets out of his current predicament.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Petrie’s situation is indeed becoming an impossibly difficult one and one can’t help but feel the walls closing in around him. You’ve made a terrific job in portraying how he’s feeling about all of this and in many ways, that is my favorite thing in this fic right now. I’ve seldom felt one storyline to be as captivating as Petrie’s right now but I hope it won’t decrease the reader’s interest in the larger story.

What I mean by that is that in this chapter, the conversation between Pterano and Cirrus, while enjoyable, didn’t feel as interesting as the events in the Valley. Now, I’m sure that will change in time and that’s most likely just a testament to the greatness of what you’re doing but right now. Judging by what we’ve seen thus far, I’m very interested to see the larger plot you’re building but right now, I find the “main” plot more exciting.

As for the rest of the Gang, it’s clear that they’re getting worried and that hardly makes things better for Petrie’s efforts to remain unknown. That’s just another of the many disasters that are happening to him right now but even then, I can’t help but feel sorry for his friends as well. It’s very unlikely Petrie to disappear like that and the longer his absence goes on, the more desperate and worried they become. In this scene, I was a bit bothered by Gryphon’s name as it isn’t too LBT-like, imo.

And the ending just continues to build ever more pressure on Petrie. I had hoped to see Ferris’ reaction already in this chapter but even then, I’m sure it will be a scene worth waiting for. I have no idea how Petrie is going to survive that encounter but I’m sure that both he and Ducky will have a hard time dealing with what is to come. Stellar job again, Owls! :)petrie


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Alright, this chapter's a big one!

FFN Link:

Chapter 9: Swift or Slow?

"So, has Ferris been bothering you today?"

To a contemplative Ducky who was still musing pensively about the unfairness of the whole situation after she had ended up being tasked with joint patrol duty, Jovi's query appeared to have come out of complete nowhere.

Until Jovi spoke up, the two hadrosaurs had been frolicking their way along the riverside and admiring the scenery in silence. But now the question has shattered the ambience, causing Ducky to ponder over it as she strolled along the grassy plains. After much deliberation, Ducky decided that it was better to suppress her more aggressive thoughts about Ferris and opted to give Jovi a response that was significantly more neutral by focusing on some of the more pronounced positive aspects that Ferris had displayed.

"Well…" Ducky bit her lip, carefully rolling her words in her mouth as she chose them carefully. She didn't want to pour her soul out to someone who she wasn't quite as close to compared to her friends, but she also didn't want her response to come off as too disingenuous when she could see that Jovi meant well. "…I suppose that Ferris is an okay swimmer. He does look rather nice, and he tries to be nice to me too… he does, he does. Well, I can see that he is not a mean bully to others most of the time, so I guess that he is overall an alright swimmer…"

After an indecisive shrug, Ducky shook her head dejectedly, deciding that she'd had quite enough of stating the swimmer's positives. "Alright… the issue I have with Ferris is that he is very pushy. He does not want to take 'no' as an answer no matter what, oh, no, no, no." Inwardly apologizing to Cera, Ducky proceeded to make the comparison using the threehorn as a benchmark. "He kind of acts like Cera whenever she gets upset, he does, he does."

The rhythmic and distinct noise that was made from a singular pair of feet shuffling along the ground suddenly dissipated after Ducky had concisely put her answer across. Quickly discerning that Jovi had abruptly stopped walking alongside her after he heard her response, Ducky whirled back towards the swimmer, wondering if she had inadvertently been too blunt and unintentionally said something far too outrageous while expressing her summary of Ferris.

She quickly got her answer, though not quite in the manner that she had been expecting. When Ducky made eye contact with Jovi, she was wholly unprepared and completely caught off guard by the hardness in his yellow eyes. For a swimmer who had acted very much like Petrie in meekness and demeanor before now, such a stark shift in behavior was disconcerting.

"You know…" Jovi glanced at her shrewdly, "…I think you should stop lying to yourself, Ducky."

Ducky cocked her head at Jovi, idly shifting one foot behind the other at his accusation. She felt her skin bristling, feeling uncomfortable at the sudden harsh tone that his voice took. How had things gone abruptly from a casual friendly walk to such a serious conversation out of the blue? She didn't like the adverse swerve in direction their talk had taken… nope, nope, nope. "W-whatever do you mean by that?" she found herself stuttering a denial, "I am not lying to you… oh, no, no, no!"

Jovi let out a hearty laugh at Ducky's futile attempt of deflection. "Hahahah! That's rich! That might be the single worst attempt of a lie I've seen since… heh, never mind about that." Wiping his eyes as he seemingly lost his train of thought, Jovi quickly recovered and shot Ducky an all-too-knowing smile. "No offense, but even if your wavering tone in your reply wasn't a dead giveaway, I've already managed to glean a fair bit of your thoughts and impressions with regards to Ferris based on how you were acting around him earlier. You readily said yes to coming along with me when I gave you an out, didn't you?" he grinned, triumphantly tapping his temple with a finger.

"Well, uh, I…" Ducky trailed off, the normally talkative swimmer finding herself at a loss for words at Jovi's rebuttal.

"Come on, there's no need to be so reserved when talking about Ferris, especially not when your words clearly don't match up with your actions. Unlike me, you aren't part of our herd, so you have no reason to save his face by suppressing your real thoughts. You have complete freedom to sling mud at Ferris and tarnish his reputation all you want without any fear of repercussions. Isn't that just great?"

Jovi gently placed an arm on Ducky's shoulder. "Besides, I can see your actual thoughts in your eyes. When I walked over to the river right when the fast water race was about to start, I got a good look at you. And frankly, the disapproving posture you sported and the sense of utter frustration it conveyed…" he paused, gazing at Ducky cryptically, "…it really speaks volumes about your perception of Ferris. Namely, that it is not as optimistic of an outlook as you portray it to be."

Giving time for the weight of his words to sink in, Jovi gazed at Ducky gently, his eyes sanguine and mellow. "My point is, as someone who trekked across the Mysterious Beyond many times over until I landed a role as the herd navigator who others can count on and rely for directions, I've slowly managed to attain the rather nifty skill of being able to gauge others solely by their body language." He side-eyed the rushing river, sighing forlornly. "And many Cold Times of intuition now tell me that I made no mistake in deciphering your true feelings regarding Ferris… this is a very open-and-shut case in my eyes."

Ducky avoided eye contact, afraid that she would give something she didn't mean to away under Jovi's observant eye. Looking at her toes as she fidgeted while trying to formulate the best response to make a rebuttal against Jovi's candid claim, she eventually settled with a non-committal reply. "I do not like being mean to others. That is why I cannot brush Ferris away even though I do not feel the same way as him, oh, no, no, no!"

The issue was that she didn't know whether she did feel the same. And judging from the skeptical expression that was on Jovi's face after he heard her poor attempt of an excuse, the other swimmer clearly thought the same way too.

A bedtime conversation she had with Spike under the stars the previous night sprang to mind. Like Ducky had confided to her brother then, she wasn't completely willing to push Ferris away despite his numerous flaws because a warm fuzzy part of her felt thrilled by hearing his earnest compliments. Even though his character was more nuanced and down-to-earth when she had caught a more frustrated version of him today, Ferris was undeniably still a suave swimmer when it came to showering her with praises.

However, where Ducky faltered was when it came down to objectively weighing the pros and cons to decide on whether Ferris was a good fit for her. Was a swimmer of his caliber someone who she wanted to be with for the rest of her life?

On one hand, he really wasn't all that bad. After dealing with dinosaurs who were clearly much more malevolent in nature and actually tried to do harm to her and her friends, Ferris was at best an annoyance when graded on that relative scale… sort of like Rhett when Ali's herd had come-ed back to the valley, yep, yep, yep. And if she were to be honest, Ferris wasn't that bad when it came down to his appearance either. Could she really invalidate all the blatantly obvious hints of affection that he openly displayed towards her? It would be a win-win situation for her if she recuperated his feelings, wouldn't it? Relationship-wise, she would be set for life.

But on the flip side, Ferris had his fair share of issues as well. The swimmer had been passively dismissive of her friends, contemptuously acting as though he was above them the day before. It wasn't a one-off, too… he had been condescending to Paddy just because he wasn't in his herd today as well—she would have to question Paddy about why he'd said otherwise later—which was exactly what had led to her clashing heads with Ferris in the first place.

Right then and there, Ducky resolved that she would not feel the same way about Ferris by quashing any passionate feelings she experienced towards him unless the pompous swimmer made some drastic changes to his attitude. Because if there was something which Ducky could not stand, this was it. Although she'd felt uncomfortable when Ferris had come onto her too strongly, this right here was the real breaking point for Ducky, the part that frustrated her the most about Ferris.

I do not like bullies who act like they are big and mighty because they think they are better-er than everyone else!

She would not be associated with someone who insulted her friendships and treated others around him like dirt. It would not be a sustainable relationship in the long run. Nope, nope, nope! Shaking her head decidedly, Ducky made firm on her choice of maintaining her stand by looking Jovi firm in the eye.

But to her exasperation, Jovi gave a nonverbal reply by returning her stare in jest. She blinked her eyes and frowned at him. Either Jovi didn't get the memo from the fervor expression that was in her eyes, or he still didn't believe her if he did. Whatever the case, Ducky mentally prepared herself for a harsh interrogation.

Anticipating a response like that was why Jovi's next words threw her in for a loop. "Look, I know this is awkward to ask…" he averted his eyes, reverting to his meeker persona as he fiddled with his fingers before sucking in a deep breath. "…but how old are you, Ducky?"

Puzzled by the sudden switch of topics but thankful for the reprieve, Ducky snatched the opportunity to escape talking about Ferris and answered Jovi readily. "I am ten Cold Times old! I am, I am!" she nodded along with every word. "My tenth hatch day was earlier in the Warm Time, yep, yep, yep!"

"Am I to presume you hatched over ten Cold Times ago, Ducky?" Upon spotting the wry smile on Jovi's face at her response, it slowly dawned on her that she'd just made a grave error of judgement.

Sure enough, to add on to Ducky's compounding headache, Jovi deftly made use of her age in order to bolster his point. "It's the Time of Great Growing at play here. It starts to take effect around one's ninth or tenth star day, and it goes without saying that when it comes, it arrives as jarringly like a forceful galestorm, including the instincts and behavioral changes that comes together with it in one nasty package."

The connotation and implications of what Jovi was saying were clear as day even for Ducky. As a matter of fact, his curt and direct words caused the swimmer to harken back to a recent memory — a conversation that had involved her mother when she and her clutch mates had turned ten barely a Night Circle cycle ago.

"Ugh… I am so very tired. I am, I am…"

Letting a yawn loose while around others tended to have a catalytic effect in a group setting, as the instigator would usually start a chain effect of eliciting multiple subsequent yawns after they had concluded theirs.

Case in point — Ducky opening her beak to let out an exhausted yawn was almost immediately followed up by three separate yawns from her equally tired siblings.

"Oh no! I am sorry for yawning, guys," Ducky blurted an apology when she heard the weary yawns from her sides induced via a cause-and-effect loop that resulted in a collective batch of yawns reverberating across the entire sleeping area. After much of the fresh morning air has been filched into the beaks of the tired swimmers, Ducky groggily rubbed her tired eyes as she sat down on her haunches. "I am, I am…" she added, the stirring swimmer blinking her blue eyes to get herself ready for the day ahead.

…her big day. For today wasn't just any ordinary day for Ducky and her three closest siblings, nope, nope, nope! In fact, there was a good reason as to why she had wandered away from a snoozing Spike for once to mingle with her siblings.

It was the tenth anniversary of their hatching.

Ducky looked up at the stars, seeing a specific cluster of them twinkling brighter than usual upon the twilight backdrop. One's tenth star day was a day of legend, a momentous occasion that had been hyped up by… well, pretty much everyone. Her friends, her family, Mr. Thicknose, and even some relative strangers frolicking around the valley who knew Ducky well… literally everyone had made preparations to give their congratulations to her for this day.

Even Cera, who had been mildly upset to learn that Ducky was genuinely older than her by exact hatch day—which finally put that argument from one of their earlier adventures many Cold Times ago to rest—didn't put a damper on the mood with a chiding remark and instead wished her friend well before leaving for home the previous night. Besides the probable explanation of her mellowing out with age, it was likely that Cera had no reason to continue insisting on being the oldest ever since the gang had befriended Ruby, as the fast runner was very clearly older than the rest of them. Celebrating Ruby's twelfth star day in the valley probably shut Cera up rather quickly.

"I am so very happy, yes indeed. As of today morning, I am ten Cold Times old! Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky felt a sense of pride swell within her as she repeated that fact to herself, the swimmer smiling from ear to ear while staring up at the dark sky. The Bright Circle hadn't risen yet, but that didn't stop her and her siblings from being ecstatic at the thought.

On average, swimmers didn't tend to have a high life expectancy, especially when they were not in a herd comprising of their own kind that would offer them protection through large numbers. Since her parents had lived in isolation from other swimmers until the Great Earthshake forced their hand, only half of her mother's original nest of eight ended up living to see the fabled paradise that was the Great Valley. Had Ducky not gotten curious over a crying Littlefoot while diving in shallow water and joined up with him after being separated from her family, it was likely that she might not have made it too.

As such, a swimmer hatchling surviving till they reached the age of ten usually called for a great celebration, as it meant that they were fortunate enough to successfully beat the odds, odds that were stacked against them due to the many perilous dangers that swimmers often faced when dealing with an environment extremely hostile to them when they were out of their aquatic element.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you four are up early today, should I?"

The four swimmers turned towards the tender voice, seeing their mother lumbering towards them with large strides.

"While it's true that the early flyer gets the freshest treestars, I'm not sure if there's a swimmer equivalent for that proverb." Shoal cooed at her eldest daughter with a knowing smile as she bent down and nuzzled Ducky, who recuperated with a playful giggle of her own. "Now, I know that you in particular are up early because you would want to spend the day with your friends. You were probably too restless to even catch a wink of sleep, weren't you, my not-so-little Ducky?"

Rewarded with an affirmative "yes, mama" from a smiling Ducky, a satisfied Shoal proceeded to focus her attention on the other three. "As for the rest of you, you usually sleep in," she observed astutely. "To be up as early as your elder sister… you lot are certainly excited about today, aren't you?"

Spring, the second to hatch right after Ducky, pumped her hand to the air as she echoed with vigor. "Definitely, Mom! I've been awaiting this star day, like, ever since the last one!"

"I can certainly feel the excitement coming off your body, Spring. Well, since today is a special day for all of you, I don't wish to take up too much of your time." Shoal peered at the Great Wall, near the section where she knew the first rays of the Bright Circle would normally break over the mountain range. "With any luck, I'll be done with my talk before the Bright Circle rises," she estimated.

Ducky cocked her head. "A talk? Does this mean that you are going to congratulate us? Huh, huh?" All four swimmers were now gazing inquisitively at her mother, who respectively had a stern and lecturing gaze trained on her kids.

"I suppose you can say that." Shoal bristled, before sitting down in front of her children. "Now, dears. You're all ten today—"

"Cool!" Ducky's brother had whistled jubilantly, cutting her mother off and earning disgruntled looks from his siblings. Nevertheless, he ignored the dirty looks he was getting and pressed forth with his statement. "Once the Bright Circle comes up we're officially big swimmers! Now we get to boss the younger ones around!"

Shoal's face fell slightly at the interruption, the swimmer shaking her head and wagging her finger disapprovingly at the only boy in the group. "Unlike how Mr. Threehorn makes it look, growing older isn't about attaining the authority to freely boss other dinosaurs around. We're swimmers, not threehorns—" she twisted her head around at the impish swimmer to accentuate the statement, "—which also means that being big doesn't give you a free pass to order your younger brothers and sisters around, Delta."

The swimmer visibly slouched after his negligent remark was shot to pieces by his mother. "Awwww… but that's no fun at all!" he whined playfully, placing his hands by his waist.

"Well, you'll soon find out that being a grown-up isn't quite as amazing as the flawless picture that you have painted in your heads. There are many more responsibilities that come with age," Shoal gently chided as she leaned back, wisdom emanating from her voice. "Surely you've noticed that I've started to teach you more advanced swimming techniques after every consecutive star day?"

"That is true!" Spring sprang to her feet, facing her siblings with excitement written all over her face. "We're definitely better at swimming tactics when compared to the rest of our younger siblings who were hatched here in the valley!"

"As I was about to say before Delta interrupted me earlier on," Shoal cast a warning glance at the offending swimmer to prevent a repeat of such an occurrence, "please listen up and listen well. What I'm about to tell you is very important."

Ducky and her siblings nodded along in sync, all equally eager to hear what their mother had to say. Though if she were to be frank, with her three surviving clutch mates sitting on the ground of their sleeping area and her mother now joining in, Ducky began to feel a little cramped. Nevertheless, she tucked her feet in and wiggled her toes about to stretch herself and prevent her muscles from aching when she got back up.

"Now, we swimmers are known for two notable things," Shoal began, "One is swimming, of course." The larger swimmer then scowled, the sides of her beak arching downwards to form the distinct curvature of a frown. "But the second thing that we're known for is a bit more subtle, and frankly, quite vulgar…"

Oxbow perked up at her mother's cliffhanger. "What is it, Mom?" she chirped expectantly, swishing her tail from side to side while waiting for the answer. Though the fifth to hatch, Oxbow was now the third-oldest still alive of the original Mysterious Beyond clutch of hatchlings. Compared to her two older sisters' more bubbly and brash personalities, she was significantly more reserved, and it even showed in her appearance, with Oxbow having a relatively scrawny body frame.

The corners of Shoal's beak curled upwards very slightly at Oxbow's query. "You know how you have so many brothers and sisters?" she gestured over to the younger siblings, all sleeping soundly, "You all were my first clutch, and I proceeded to have two more clutches of eggs after you. Do you see where I'm getting at, dears?" She paused to let it dawn on them, only continuing when she saw Spring's face lighting up in recognition.

"That's right," Shoal confirmed her daughter's instinctual hypothesis, "as crass as it is, we swimmers are also well known for kids… or to put it bluntly, having lots and lots of children. So much so, in fact, that Mr. Threehorn has ever yelled at me before in a valley meeting about this. He wanted me to tell the other swimmers to get their act together and slow down because he was scared that we would swarm the valley with young ones."

The vivid mental picture that her mom had painted of Cera's father aggressively confronting her with such an unorthodox topic caused Ducky to burst out in uncontrollable laughter, her siblings quickly joining in. As she struggled to regain her bearings, Ducky made a firm call to never let Cera know of this unless she was being explicitly prompted about it.

"His request was futile, in case you were wondering." Shoal smirked, holding a hand to her beak to suppress her chuckle while recalling the rebuttal that she'd fired back at Topps' stunned face. "When the swimmers' Time of Mating comes, there's nothing much that a mated pair can do besides, uh… well, what they're supposed to do." She cleared her throat uncomfortably. "Though personally if you ask me, he's just jealous that I managed to give you guys eight new brothers and sisters in the last season while he only managed to have Tricia. He probably feels like we swimmers will eventually outnumber them threehorns, that stubborn grouch."

Though most of her audience laughed at her teasing jab, Ducky instead took on a brooding expression towards her mother's wisecrack. "So will that actually happen?" she asked, "I do not think Cera will be very happy if I tell her that our kind will outnumber hers by eight-to-one, no, no, no."

Shoal stood up in response, wearily dragging her large tail along the ground. All of a sudden, Ducky was able to tell that despite all of her mother's quips and jokes, Shoal herself was nervous about this conversation. "As a grown-up swimmer, I can guarantee you firsthand that it will happen. A network of close familial bonds is what drives swimmers to join up and form herds of their own to begin with. We form more familial cliques compared to other species, say the longnecks, due to the size of our families growing by leaps and bounds from generation to generation."

"I mean, you four already have fifteen younger brothers and sisters," she gestured over to the sleeping forms of their siblings, "and if you were to join migrating swimmer herds in future, your younger siblings will one day be able to use their relationships with you to join as well and increase your sway and influence in the herd. If I have another clutch of eggs, you can rest assured that the rest of the herd will soon be singing your praises because the proportion of swimmers in their ranks who are related to and thus amiable with you will level out to be quite the significant amount. The opposite also holds true — every kid borne by a swimmer parent who grows to adulthood is like a matured investment for them, an egg in the nest who will provide a reasonable rate of return in terms of future support which guarantees their survival and continued membership in a herd when they grow old in exchange for all the nurturing that they have laboriously put into their child."

Spring and Oxbow rubbed their chins contemplatively at the exceptionally deep talk regarding lineage in swimmer herds. Ducky also had a discernible grimace on her visage, her beak flattening to a straight line. All this newfound knowledge that her mother was dispensing so relentlessly pelted her like a torrent of falling sky water. It was making her head hurt…

Delta, however, had a differing reaction compared to his older siblings. "Join up with farwalker herds?" he repeated after his mother, the swimmer making sure to display a pronounced reaction towards his mother's words by getting to his feet and dramatically clutching his head in an exaggerated way just so he would be able to clearly express his befuddlement with Shoal's example. "You say that like we'll ever leave the Great Valley now that we're here, Mom! I remember what the Mysterious Beyond was like, and I speak on behalf of Spring and Oxbow when I say that we're not nearly as reckless as Ducky and her friends!"

Shoal sighed at her son's antics, signaling for the rambunctious Delta to sit back down when she noted that a frowning Ducky was unhappy with his insinuation. "That's what you think for now, Delta." She gently closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. "But when your time comes to make a choice on whether to stay or not, the answer may not be as apparent as you assume."

Her eyelids flung open, black eyes flickering back and forth as she watched her children's expressions observantly. "The day where it'll be your turn to carry on the Circle of Life is slowly encroaching upon you. Now that you're big, we grown-ups will soon pass the mantle on to you…"

Oxbow was the first to react in a visible manner. "Wait! You mean…?"

"That's right," Shoal exhaled, squatting down and looking at each of her children in turn. "It is time that I tell you all about the Time of Great Growing."

A collective and marked reaction immediately ensued at her words, causing Shoal to use her hands to gesticulate at her gawking children with a pacifying 'stand down' manner to quell the fervid gasps and noises that they were emitting at the revelation lest they accidentally woke their siblings up with their uproar.

"Settle down, settle down." Shoal cradled Oxbow's chin with the palm of her hand. "I understand that this may not be groundbreaking news for all of you given that this is around the age where you start being curious about your futures and yourself, but it is still imperative that you be prepared for such changes. I don't want my children to walk out of my nest as helpless as a clueless yellowbelly in such matters. So long as you remain under my care, it is my responsibility as your mother to see that all of you are amply prepared."

There was intermittent silence as Shoal sized her children up one by one, her uncharacteristically robust gaze causing Ducky and Oxbow in particular to avert their eyes. Spring was nervously tapping her feet, and only Delta had an enthusiastic grin plastered on his face, in stark contrast to his three older sisters.

"Many changes will happen to you throughout the next few Cold Times." The swimmer reached up and gently stroked the curved crest on her head. "Some are on the physical side, like growing out the distinct crest that we grown-up swimmers have."

Ducky waved at her mother with one hand, palpating the back of her head with the other. "Oh, oh, oh! Is this why I have this rounded swell behind my head? I have always wondered why I had that growing back there, I did, I did."

"You're right! That bulge will soon grow into a beautiful crest, Ducky." Shoal then exhaled after her answer before raising the inflection of her voice for her next few statements. "But other changes are more emotional, and this is the crux of the matter, what I intend to bring to your fullest attention. It pays to focus your attention on the right things, children. Don't let yourself get sidetracked because you were shortsighted in vision. Remember this — though we swimmers can move in water however we please, the predictable swimmer who swims in a straight line will be the one who ends up as swimming sharptooth dinner."

Shoal clicked her tongue, her eyes hardening as she leaned forward. "As such, we have to focus on the big picture, as well as what it means for you. For boys like Delta, you might become more impulsive and assertive—"

"He already is, mom!" Spring glared at the offending swimmer, who succinctly stuck his tongue out in response to his sister's remark.

"Oh, yes!" Ducky concurred with a giggle. "Yes, yes, yes! Delta has always been that way, he has!"

Shoal shook her head in exasperation before picking up from where she'd left off. "And as for you girls, don't be surprised if you experience sudden mood swings or an intrinsic urge for companionship. Though I will say, one thing which males and females share in common throughout this tumultuous period is that both will start seeking out prospective mates-to-be. Mark my words — I won't be shocked in the slightest if one day I catch you kissing someone other than me on the beak."

"Ew, yuck!" Spring covered her beak, aghast at the mental picture. "Gross, gross, gross! You'll never catch me kissing another swimmer on the beak! That's disgusting! It'll never happen, ever!"

Shoal could only chuckle at her daughter's flippant reaction. "Oh, Spring," she laughed, "That was what I thought as well when I was at your age and my own parents told me the exact same thing. And if that were true…"

The swimmer abruptly opened her arms wide, clutching all her squealing children in a wide hug as she concluded, "…then well, I wouldn't have had all you wonderful children, would I?"

Spring was the first one to reluctantly break away from the familial embrace. "…it's still gross!" she insisted, though her wide smile overshadowed her grouchy tone. "Come on, guys! You think that too, don't you?" she asked, feverishly looking to her left and right in a bid to rile up support from her siblings.

"Listen to me, Spring." Shoal's motherly instincts kicked in, extending her hand out to stroke a grouchy Spring on the crown of her head. "It is in our nature to propagate our family line as much as possible. It is why even when your father passed on four Cold Times ago I still went and seeked out a temporary mate for my latest clutch of kids in the last Cold Time. But still, I don't expect you to understand my reasoning right now. The emotional aspect of the Time of Great Growing is what changes one's perception on this matter greatly."

"When your time eventually comes, you can't control it. We will all go through this," Shoal promised with a serious voice. "All of us, without exception."

Having listened attentively throughout the entire conversation, Ducky nodded along to her mother's declaration, the swimmer feeling a sense of surrealness. I have many wonderful friends, oh, yes, yes, yes, but Mama is making this sound way more bigger-er than friendship. Will I be able to meet someone like that one day? Huh, huh…?

That thought process was broken when Ducky noticed her sister Oxbow hesitantly raising her hand up. "Even Spike?" she meekly asked.

"Yes… even Spike," Shoal confirmed, although she appeared annoyed after her answer. "But since he is five Cold Times younger than you and around the same age as the first batch of younger siblings I had in the valley, I think we will have to wait quite a while before I give him this talk." she admitted, scratching her chin. "Though come to think of it, I won't know what to say to him. I know next to nothing about spiketail mating traditions…"

"Mooommmmm!" Delta shrieked, squealing in a high pitch which was rather unbefitting of his stature. "Oh man, are you serious right now!? That mental picture was horrifying!" He walked towards the cave wall and began rhythmically hitting his head against the rock. "Imagining Spike with… ugh, this is all your fault!" he shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at his humored mother. "I'm going to have bad sleep stories now, and on my hatch day too!"

For her part, a repulsed Ducky was rubbing her eyes vigorously to scrub away any impure, horrid thoughts of her brother before her mind ended up permanently tainted to the extent where she would be unable to maintain a straight face when looking Spike in the eye. "Oh, I agree! I do not want to even think about Spike like that. No, no, no!"

Their mother laughed heartily. "Okay, all jokes about Spike aside, just remember this, children. You are likely to find your significant other one day in the future, and when that day comes, I will support you in your endeavors."

"Moommm!" Spring drawled, holding out her voice almost as long as Delta had. "I told you, that day will never come for me. In the words of Ducky — nope, nope, nope!" she chirped off her elder sister's signature triple affirmation.

Shoal cut off Ducky's giggle with a striking proclamation. "This much, I will guarantee you — the transition from young child into fledgling swimmer who is ready to make their mark on this pristine land will be a bumpy and turbulent period filled with many challenges. But please, don't worry. I will be with you through this all the way."

The dark-green swimmer hugged the eager group of teenagers-to-be, before whispering a soft vow into their ears.

"No matter what happens, you will always be my precious children…"

The pristine memory faded away for Ducky almost as quickly as it had started. What her mama had told her about the Time of Great Growing rang forebodingly in her head. Despite her mother's insistence that she would be with her daughter in such trying times, Ducky was still apprehensive about talking to her about Ferris.

Her silence didn't go unnoticed by the other swimmer astutely looking at her. "Are you worried?" Jovi asked, passively placing an arm to his forehead. "You looked rather deep in thought for a moment. Well, don't fret and just let it happen. The more you worry, the more stressed you'll become. I should know, considering that I've had to deal with it for a while now." He shook his head resolutely, likely expelling some unpleasant memories, if Ducky were to guess. "I hatched almost three Cold Times before you, and often I yearn for the days of my ignorant childhood…"

"You do not look thirteen! Not at all, nope, nope, nope!" was all a startled Ducky could say. She looked at Jovi from head to toe, observing that he was only about half a head taller than her. Had Jovi not admitted how old he was, she would have made an educated guess of his age… one that would have been hilariously inaccurate.

A self-conscious Jovi proceeded to pout, folding his arms at her comment. "Yeah, yeah," he grumbled, thrusting his hands skywards to vent his frustration. "The Time of Great Growing wasn't very kind to me. My growth was stunted compared to my peers, and far too often to count many of the other swimmers around my age would take one look at me, forget that I'm right smack in the middle of the Time of Great Growing because of my size and thus ignore me completely. Gah… so, so frustrating! I m-mean, even a nobody like me have needs too, y'know?"

Without any warning, yet again the topic of the conversation suddenly shifted to one which Ducky wasn't expecting, catching her completely off guard.

"I won't lie. You're a pretty cute swimmer, Ducky," Jovi complimented, curtsying at her with a hyperbolized bow. "No wonder Ferris has his sights on you," he commented with a whistle, "you're definitely a worthwhile catch to any swimmer worth their treestars now that you've reached your Time of Great Growing."

Ducky blushed at Jovi's cordial flattery. It wasn't as grandiose as Ferris singing her praises, but it was still a lot for her to take in. "You are welcome! You are, you are!" she beamed, bashfully holding her palms to her reddening cheeks. "It is just… I am not used to being the center of attention. Nope, nope, nope…"

Sensing Ducky's unease, Jovi stepped back to give her space. "Yeah, sorry." he apologized, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Apologies if I'm made you uncomfortable with what I just said… oh, and for being pushy with my interrogation earlier. You're a special swimmer, and I'm worried for you…"

Letting his words trail off, Jovi sharply jerked his head in frustration. "Gee, what is with me today? I'm not normally this talkative around the other swimmers. I prefer keeping to myself…"

Ducky was about to return the favor and help Jovi as thanks for him assisting her with her confused emotions about Ferris when a flash of blue hovering in the distance caught her eye. "That is Petrie brother!" she gasped, recognizing the flyer's distinct shade of dark blue. Since he shared the same wing color as Petrie's mother, she was able to see the family resemblance even though she didn't quite remember his name.

Her surprised remark caught the attention of the circling flyer, who quickly yelled to them. "Hey there! You two! You gotta help out, man!" he shouted in a frantic voice, pointing towards the river with one wing. "That poor fella over there is in a predicament that only fellow swimmers can solve! Save him, I beg you!"

Following his trailing wing, Ducky squinted her eyes down towards the river.

And then, she saw it.

Struggling futilely against the waves was the swimmer who she'd just met earlier in the day, Paddy. His distinctive dark-gray coat flashed by so quickly that Ducky almost mistook him for strands of water plants. Another roll of the waves and a bob of the swimmer's head later was enough to dispel that though, however, and without even waiting for an instruction, Ducky instinctively dived into the river.

The harsh force of the fast water breaking on her body didn't matter, nor did the sudden dip in temperature. The only thing that mattered was rescuing the stricken Paddy before he was lost to the waves.

Everything passed by in a blur for Ducky. She could vaguely recall brief glimpses of grabbing onto a clammy hand, forcefully kicking her feet to break up for air, and tenaciously dragging Paddy back to shore. Pure adrenaline fueled her muscles as she gripped onto the unconscious Paddy, and upon looking back on the whole experience after it was over in an attempt to review what she had done in the heat of the moment, Ducky found that the minute and irrelevant details were lost to her, her brain only managing to capture significant snapshots of what had gone down during those frenzied few moments.

Panting as she finally reached the riverbank, Ducky jumped out of the swift currents and with a forceful tug lugged an unconscious Paddy up onto the sanctuary that was dry land. In an attempt to resuscitate him, she raised a foot over Paddy's chest before forcefully stepping down on it with as much force as her small body could muster up.

Rewarded with a splutter as Paddy reflexively coughed and expelled out some water, Ducky began to smile in relief when she saw him beginning to stir with a pained groan. "Oh, thank goodness!" She clapped both her hands together, taking her foot off his chest. "You are awake! You are, you are!"

He visibly reacted to her voice, sharply tilting his head towards her. "D-Du… Ducky?" he slurred.

When Ducky noticed that the direction of his gaze was askew from where she was actually standing, her heart clenched with worry. Paddy must have hit his head while he was being swept away by the fast water, yep, yep, yep…

She leaned over his head, wagging a finger to reprimand Paddy in hopes of getting the hasty swimmer to lay back down and rest. Head injuries were not good. "You should not move so much! You almost drowned-ed." Would have drowned if not for me, yep, yep, yep, her mind added rather unhelpfully, which was concisely summarized down to a typical, "you did, you did…" addendum for posterity. "I was so afraid for you. I was, I was!" she emphatically voiced her concerns, inwardly fighting to keep up the smile on her face. "If I did not come and save you, you would not be here right now, oh, no, no, no!"

Her skin bristled, multiple goosebumps breaking out as thoughts of the unthinkable encroached the recesses of her mind. The idea of death wasn't something which occupied her head often, but even Ducky had to admit that she previously undergone through her fair share of close shaves on many occasions prior. The brutal reminder of her own mortality—that the fragile life that leaf-eaters like her lived could be snatched away at any time—often came close to bringing the emotional swimmer to tears, the memory of half her siblings meeting their ends during the time where she'd lived in the Mysterious Beyond for her first five Cold Times of her life a chilling reminder that nobody's life was exempt from being tragically cut short by the cruel jaws of fate.

Noticing that tears were still nestled in Paddy's eyes, Ducky hurriedly wiped her misty eyes before his blurred vision cleared up and the other swimmer caught her in a compromised, emotional state.

"You… save… me?" Paddy asked, the pupils of his eyes still unfocused and disoriented, which only added to his overall disheveled appearance.

Ducky smirked. She didn't need to brood or suppress any negative thoughts for this answer. "Yep, yep, yep!" she affirmed, "I did, I did!"

To her shock, a queasy Paddy pulled himself to his feet and began stumbling away. Too stunned by the fact that he actually made such a foolhardy attempt to stop him, she watched with a sense of dread when he suddenly lost his footing and lurched forward.

"Paddy!" She rushed over to his side. "What are you doing!? A-Are you okay? You should not be standing up! Nope, nope, nope!"

But annoyingly, Paddy ignored her, pushing her hand aside as he staggered his way over to Jovi. Flickering her eyes over to the swimmer in question, Ducky was surprised to see that Jovi was so stiff and motionless from shock that he could legitimately pass off as a miniature Saurus Rock.

"Oh, thank you! You save m…" Paddy appeared to sober up mid-sentence, brief panic seizing Paddy momentarily for some reason that eluded Ducky, "…my life!"

H-Hey! Ducky pouted at Paddy, who was vigorously shaking the hands of a paralyzed Jovi. I just told-ed you that I was the one who saved you! You should be thanking me, you should, you should!

However, Ducky found that she couldn't be frustrated by the lack of attribution with regards to rescuing Paddy from his watery fate for long, especially when it occurred to her that there was so much more that she wanted to scold him about.

You silly swimmer! You are so very stubborn, you are, you are! You are behaving just like Cera does when she is upset!

…a thought which she quickly vocalized to the uncooperative swimmer as she quickly trapped Paddy in an inescapable hold by embracing him tightly using her two arms.

"You are so very reckless! You are, you are! I will not let you go until you promise to sit down and rest quietly, Paddy! I am telling you to rest but instead you are acting like Cera when Cera is not happy." She mentally issued an apology to Cera for using the threehorn as a scapegoat example for the second time that day before continuing to berate Paddy. "And Cera is a threehorn, so she does not tend to be happy very often, nope, nope, nope…"

Although he squeaked in surprise when caught in her vice grip, Paddy quickly managed to calm down enough to return the hug by placing his own arms by her back. While she had initially initiated the embrace to trap Paddy and prevent him from doing anything reckless, Ducky had to admit that she was quite disappointed when Petrie's brother interrupted them and they were forced to break apart.

She actually liked the warmth of his body. It wasn't often that she hugged someone around her size outside of her family due to vast differences in size between species. For instance, whenever she cuddled Spike, she often had to press her entire body against her brother's face or foot. As a result, the feeling that she got from this embrace was certainly… different, to say the least.

Midway through Paddy's conversation with Petrie's brother, Ducky felt her blood freeze when her wandering eyes managed to see a group of swimmers and flyers headed in their direction. Of course, what caught her attention the most was Ferris, who was marching towards them in a domineering manner.

Oh, well. To tell the truth, she had a feeling this would happen. There was no way that Ferris wouldn't catch wind of what was happening sooner or later.

As Ferris approached, Ducky slid her eye over to her left and noticed that Paddy looked ready to bolt. It wasn't even surreptitious — the intention was clearly written on the swimmer's face. If he wasn't so clearly dizzy, Ducky had a feeling that Paddy could give Ruby a decent showing when it came to running… he could, he could.

Maybe they should have held a running race instead of a river race? It seemed as though it would suit Paddy better. It would, it would!

When Paddy finally noticed her sneaking glances at him, his face paled significantly. His eyes were darting all about, further lending credence to the theory that he was terrified of Ferris.

Ducky snorted, quickly deciding that she would take Paddy's side in the ensuing brawl that was bound to happen.

But just like everyone else, even Ferris himself decided to be unpredictable for once and catch her off guard yet again in what was definitely becoming an annoyingly persistent trend on this highly unpredictable day.

"Anyway, you've got some explaining to do, mister! What the blazes was that!?"

Why is he looking that way? It does not make sense at all… why is Ferris asking him that question?

I do not understand what is going on, oh, no, no, no…

Petrie could feel his heart skip a beat as the anger embedded in Ferris' shout reverberated around the area.

Was this it? Were his efforts all for naught? Would he have to come clean even after he had nearly drowned to avoid the possibility of this exact scenario coming to fruition? Had everything that he'd done to divert attention away wound up being rendered null and void?

Despite the tense atmosphere permeating the air, Petrie couldn't help but to scowl. Surely the Bright Circle wouldn't be this unfair! There was no way that it could let a bad flyer like Vekal get away with his threat without comeuppance while an innocent party like him took the fall.

"That said, I doubt that you'll succeed. And I'm afraid that your failure means that I'll have the last laugh."

Vekal's callous vow from earlier in the day before the flyer had taken off continued to resonate strongly within Petrie, the dire threat of leaving his hapless victim perpetually stuck as a swimmer now frighteningly close to becoming reality.

Though that deadly bet Petrie had ended up getting himself completely embroiled in this fiasco, and now as the center of attention he couldn't find a feasible way out. He looked at the circle of swimmers and flyers now surrounding him, now adamantly certain that his near-drowning at the hands of the fast water had definitely raised some eyebrows.

No, no, no… Petrie no can take it anymore! Me complete wreck! If Ferris question me now, me sure break down and tell him everything in front of siblings and Ducky, and then it all be over for Petrie! Me gonna stay stuck as swimmer forever!

"You obstinate pain in the tail!"

Petrie was thrust out of his inner despair by another outburst from Ferris, the enraged swimmer lashing out by shaking a clenched fist in frustration. "Are you even listening to a single word I'm saying? Or are you plugging your ears and pretending that everything is all fine and dandy?"

"Ouch." Petrie heard Roll comment from the side, the flyer letting out a snort of approval. "Didn't know you use that sharp tongue on everyone. And here I thought I was special…"

You no helping, Roll! Petrie scowled. You just make Petrie more nervous than before!

Right as Petrie's frayed nerves hit their breaking point and the flyer-turned-swimmer found himself solely tempted to just bite down on the rotten treestar and take the plunge by acknowledging Ferris with a reply, the swimmer proceeded to hiss out a sentence which changed the entire context of his whole flare-up.

"Don't ignore me, Jovi!"

J-Jovi? Petrie blinked in surprise, only noticing with that final word that Ferris had been focusing his vision off-center from his direction. With a clearer vision once he rubbed his eyes, he could now actually see that the skewed perspective had led Petrie to believe that Ferris was looking at him when he had instead been directing his gaze slightly behind Petrie, ranting towards the spot where Jovi had been standing all this time.

Ferris hadn't been talking down to him. He had been shouting at his own herd mate from the very start.

One good thing had come out of this diversion, however. Where there was previously nothing but blind panic fueled by uncertainty, Petrie's anxiety was slowly being replaced by a serene sensation of calm. Though he felt sorry for Jovi, he also knew that this was his golden opportunity. If Ferris was going to direct the brunt of his anger at Jovi, he just might be able to survive through the entire session if he played his hand right.

And from the looks of things, it appeared he need not worry about being targeted as Ferris seemed to be going in for the kill. Still getting no response from the catatonic swimmer, Ferris scooted over and glared at Jovi with a face that could barely disguise his contempt.

Jovi gulped, which Petrie was pretty sure was the first movement Jovi made since he had regained consciousness. "Fer… ris…" he stammered.

"You utter coward!"

The way that Ferris had enunciated the word caused everyone around to flinch.

"Why in the name of the Bright Circle did you not help Paddy?! Look at me, Jovi!" Ferris ordered when he saw the navigator diverting his gaze, "You can't just close your eyes and ignore everything, pretending in your mind that by willing the problem away you'll be able to absolve yourself of any blame or wrongdoing."

"Bu-bu-but…" Jovi stuttered, struggling and failing to string together his stumbling mess of words into a coherent sentence.

"No 'buts'!" Ferris forcefully interjected, continuing to berate his subordinate. "You aren't squirming your way out of this! What possible excuse do you have for clamming up like that when Paddy could have drowned thanks to your lack of initiative! You could've jumped in to rescue him instead of just standing there and shouting futilely for help! Bah… what were you thinking!? He was right within your reach! Why didn't you do something… literally anything!?"

"…I didn't even yell for help," Jovi finally managed to spit out, looking pitifully towards Yaw. "You must have been mistaken, Ferris. It was the flyer who was calling for help…"

Ferris grit his teeth, stomping his foot on the grass upon hearing Jovi's confession. Now suitably incensed at Jovi's perceived nonchalance… or rather, more of the fact that the shaken swimmer was trying to shrug off the near-drowning incident as though it was no big deal, Ferris proceeded to blow his gasket, letting loose a flurry of derogatory remarks.

"Blithering moron! What sort of excuse is that? That makes it even worse! Your inaction boggles my mind! I mean, you could have assisted by flanking Ducky and tag-teaming her to rescue that struggling swimmer! Come on, do you really think being a bystander and doing nothing when someone's in danger is the right thing to do? Well, tell me, what if Ducky was caught in the fast water too, huh!? What would you have done then? Yell futilely for assistance that wouldn't come along with the flyer?"

Ferris jerked his head in the direction of the river, pointing at the rapids with a snarl. "Look… I'm simply being reasonable here. I was only just warned about the situation by that flyer, so I might not have been able to reach here in time, you know? You and Ducky were leagues closer to the flailing Paddy in comparison." He snapped his head back at Jovi, frustration abound on his face. "Just think of it this way — if Paddy did indeed drown because of your negligence, you would have had blood on your hands! Is that what you want, Jovi… is it!?"

"It is not his fault, Ferris! Jovi was just scared-ed! He was, he was!"

Petrie was startled when he heard his friend's distinct voice jumping into Ferris' admonishment session, although he could see that unlike at the start of the race, this time around Ducky was willing to give Ferris more leeway as she could actually relate to the other swimmer's reasoning.

Ferris' face softened when he heard Ducky's plea, but still he remained adamant. "Spare me the senseless prattling," he shrugged nonchalantly, glowering at Ducky with icy eyes. "You can't possibly excuse Jovi's behavior, Ducky. Look at it in an objective manner. Surely you remember that he was the one who asked you to come along in the first place. If there was no one patrolling that river or he hadn't made that decision to start with, then our friend Paddy here would be lying at the bottom of the river as we speak!"

Though Ferris had worded it in a curt way, Petrie felt a chill running down his body. He had, after all, worked out earlier that Jovi's suggestion was what saved him when his plan to throw the race had backfired magnificently. He owed the fact that he was still alive and kicking to a hardworking Jovi scouting the river out ahead of schedule. His life had hung in the balance, hinging on what seemed like an insignificant decision. If Jovi hadn't been there and hadn't asked Ducky to come with him, then Ducky couldn't have possibly saved him in his hour of need…

"Hey! You there, flyer!" Ferris beckoned Yaw towards him with a 'come here' gesture using two digits of his hand. "Your sister told me that you were circling Paddy to signal for help, but if Ducky wasn't there, what would you have done?"

The crowd of dinosaurs observing the spectacle dispersed slightly as the focus was directed onto someone different for a change. Finding himself in the spotlight, Yaw stiffened, his jaw clenched tightly. One could hear him gnashing his teeth together.

"Well…" he started, "I would've rescued him, of course."

"Then why didn't you do just that?" Ferris deadpanned in a deliberating tone, one which made it clear that the swimmer didn't buy Yaw's explanation in the slightest. "Your sister and I argued for ages before I was brought here and yet in that time Ducky was the one who saved him. Why weren't you the one scooping him from the water if that's the case, might I enquire?"

"Okay… fine!" Yaw grimaced, his lie unfurling completely. "I… I probably wouldn't have been able to grab him with my talons. The waves are far too unpredictable! If I dove and missed, I would be the next victim!" The flyer constantly had a stressed-out demeanor, but at Ferris' armor-piercing question his posture slouched even further, the accumulated stress erupting as Yaw proceeded to gesticulate wildly with his wings. "These things are made for flying, not swimming!" he insisted.

"What was that, Yaw…?" A teasing voice chuckled, causing everyone in the vicinity to be taken aback by the sound of a sudden entrant. "Why, I never thought I'd see the day where my younger brother would actually show humility in front of others. You should give yourself a pat on the wing for that."

A stupefied Yaw snapped his head around at the russet-brown flyer who had snuck up from behind the crowd to take a shot at him. "P-P-Pitch!" he squawked, completely mortified.

The circle that had previously surrounded Petrie from front and back parted to reveal Ferris' sister and his own sister coming from the direction of the falls, where the river had originated from upstream. Even if Petrie hadn't immediately linked the entrant's amused voice to that of his eldest sibling, the phrase 'younger brother' being said to Yaw with a teasing lilt left no room for doubt due to the fact that Pitch was the only one who matched the relevant parameters, namely that of being the singular sibling who was older than Yaw.

As if having two nosy siblings poking their beaks in wasn't bad enough, now Petrie had three of them to deal with. To make matters worse, poised directly under the flying Pitch was Amaryl, who Petrie knew to be aggressive from what he'd seen of her. And sure enough, Amaryl wasted no time in quirking her head at the large crowd curiously and riling them up with a few choice words of her own.

"What's all this commotion about, Ferris? I was minding my own business at the starting point when this flyer here flew over and told me there was trouble downstream." She exhaled a tired sigh, her tail drooping in disappointment. "Frankly, I don't know what I was expecting — I should've known that someone of your caliber wouldn't even be able to manage a simple swimming race without it turning into a complete disaster, brother," she moped, folding her arms.

Lines were visible on Ferris' forehead as the agitated swimmer scrunched his expression up at his sister's interference. Unlike before where Petrie had seen Amaryl domineering over her older brother, this time Ferris took initiative and stormed towards her. "Will you give it a rest? Now is not the time!" he snapped, causing his startled sister to back away. "This isn't about my reputation or my leadership management abilities, Amaryl! I don't care about the 'oh, I suck at leadership' spiel that you constantly have against me. This isn't a game or a squabble over who's better… it ceased to be when someone's life was at stake!"

Amaryl looked at Ferris pensively. "T-That's not what I—"

"Paddy almost drowned today, and I want to find out why it happened!" Ferris raised his voice to a fever pitch to interject, a prominent sneer on his face as he proceeded to glare at his herd navigator scornfully. "Come to think of it, I don't just hope to know 'why'. I also want to know how it got to this point in the first place. Things should never have escalated to the point where a more passive herd member like Jovi ended up being put in a situation where he couldn't be bothered to save a swimmer who was in desperate need of help!"

Jovi was repeatedly blinking his eyes as forcefully as he could, the fervent manner that he was performing the action suggesting that he wanted to wipe clean every last image that he had just witnessed from his memory. The swimmer was swaying uneasily on his feet, the contours of his face scrunched up in a contemplative manner. It was rather blatant to even the most unobservant of onlookers that he was exceptionally shaken after being talked down by Ferris. Given how similar Jovi's passive demeanor was to his own, Petrie quickly surmised that his leader's reprimand had quite a profound impact on the other swimmer.

"Speaking of why it happened in the first place…"

Petrie gulped when he saw Amaryl stealthily cutting in the conversation while whirling onto him, the black swimmer finding himself shrinking back when all eyes were subsequently turned onto him as well.

Oh, what you want with Petrie? Go back to bothering your brother Ferris! Me like it when you do that!

He could see that Amaryl had a frustrated expression on her face. If Petrie were to guess, the swimmer wasn't used to her brother actually countering her, so now she was seeking out another way to vent her sarcasm. His own siblings were the same way, often switching targets if he lashed out at them whenever things got far too rough.

"…there's something I don't get," Amaryl continued to speak, peering at Petrie with raised eyebrows. "After I gave the signal for the race to start, I saw you walking on the edges of the river by using the banks as support, and not swimming in the middle like you were supposed to. Why do that, I ponder…?"

Petrie clenched his beak, his heart pounding when he heard Amaryl's carefree statement. Of all the rotten luck…

"What?" Ferris was initially startled by the news, blinking his eyes in confusion. "I… didn't know that." The swimmer then calmly mulled the new information over, his facial features controlled and thus telegraphing nothing of note to any of the other parties in the conversation.

"…why weren't you swimming against the fast water, Paddy?" he finally asked Petrie in a subdued voice that significantly differed from his normal bombastic one. "If you're caught in the current, being fast is better than being slow. Walking is a surefire way to getting yourself washed away."

His eye slowly slid towards his sister. "And don't you try and turn me into the bad swimmer in all of this by twisting my words against me and saying that this whole thing stemmed from an unfortunate misunderstanding, Amaryl! I would think that I made my words clear and concise enough for a hatchling to understand."

"So answer me, Paddy. Please…" The swimmer clasped his palms together, looking at Petrie with pleading eyes that beseeched an answer. "I want to know why you almost drowned on my watch. It's my responsibility as future herd leader to take care of all my herd members, and as much as it pains me to say it, that includes a blowhard like you who tried to lie his way in as one."

Petrie looked around to make a preliminary inspection of the various tense emotions running across the other dinosaurs packed around the area, seeing a concerned Ducky leaning against a bush. Jovi still remained unmoving, his sister Roll appeared apathetic to the whole darn thing, and his other two siblings were leaning forward in interest.

He inhaled sharply, realizing that his decision was now a pivotal one. There really was no way around this. Amaryl dropping her witness proclamation and switching the conversation back on topic was like the Days of Rising Waters all over again — all Petrie could do was try to contain the damage and ensuing fallout that was sure to follow.

A huge consolation was that Ferris was significantly less agitated with Petrie as compared to his own herd mates. Maybe the swimmer was going easy on him since he'd just survived a harrowing near-death experience, or maybe Ferris really did feel sorry for Paddy. Regardless of the cause of his personality shift, Petrie would take this mellow Ferris over the confrontational braggart at the start of the race in a heartbeat.

Since Ferris was currently in quite a volatile state, ranging from being soft-spoken towards him to suddenly yelling at Amaryl and Jovi, Petrie decided to test the waters with a concessionary statement. He normally wouldn't have done this, but given that Amaryl had given him no choice and Ferris was now more receptive…

"I… no know how to swim… in fast water!" Petrie hurriedly added the last three words, though he wasn't quick enough to stop Ferris from reacting.

"Are you crazy, Paddy!?" Ferris shouted at the coughing Petrie, his face fraught with anxiety. All traces of any prior smugness had evaporated away completely, replaced entirely with an even mix of anger and distress. As a matter of fact, Ferris' angered shout was so forceful that it snapped Jovi completely out of his reverie. "You reckless moron! If you haven't managed to grasp the concept of fast water swimming, why didn't you pull out or just flat out decline when I put forth my challenge to you!? You could have been gravely injured… o-or… or worse!"

"M-I scared to tell you, Ferris! You so forceful! I never thought you ever say no!"

"So, you claim that you were simply being… modest," Ferris prodded.

Though Petrie internally acknowledged it as a lie by omission given that the real reason he stuck around in the race had nothing to do with being modest at all, or even Ferris threatening him for that matter, he pressed on regardless. "Why you act like you care now?" He deftly puffed his chest out, all traces of uneasiness vanishing in an instant. "You look like you want see Paddy drown when race start!" he accused, eyes flashing angrily.

Ferris looked positively appalled by Petrie's suggestion, the swimmer balking at the very idea. "Okay, I'll be a filthy liar if I said that I didn't want to obliterate and grind you beneath my heel so that I can put someone who has no idea of how to gauge their own ability like you in your rightful place… so, I won't deny that. However!" he suddenly raised his voice without any discernible preamble, causing Petrie's ears to ring from the forceful change in vocal tone. "Just because I don't like the fact that you lied to my face about being in my herd doesn't mean that I want to see you drown! Call me whatever you want, but I'm no cruel sharptooth! I would never wish such a brutal fate on anyone I meet, enemy or otherwise!"

"G-gah…" Ferris spluttered, his trembling hands visibly pale and clammy, "you could have just told me about this beforehand! I would have picked something else… anything else!"

"Then why didn't you pick something else from the very start?" Surprisingly, it wasn't Petrie or Ducky who had voiced that concern, but an inquisitive Pitch, who quickly managed to derive much of the context regarding what had happened from the snippets of heated words that were being thrown around since she made her entrance.

Ferris shrugged. "Well… because it's tradition." Seeing many boggled eyes at his vague response, the swimmer began to pace about, elaborating with a contemplative expression. If we just let anyone join our ranks on a whim, the herd would eventually become far too chaotic for us to effectively manage and control, especially if there are multiple rampant freeloaders who would leech off our scarce resources."

At this point, he broke into an enthusiastic grin. "That is when my Pops came up with an ingenious way to screen prospective swimmers to ensure that every one of them will be an asset to the herd — the Test of Joining!" Gesturing to the river, Ferris made a paddling motion with his arms to strengthen the impact of the story. "The test consists of a river race with an established member of the herd, and it is used to see if a prospective swimmer would be able to pull their weight or end up being a burden to the herd."

Concluding his elaboration on the Test of Joining led to a sharp shift in Ferris' expression, his green eyes rapidly losing their luster and gaining a heavy weight to them as he tilted his head towards Petrie. "While it might be an intimidation tactic to scare off any would-be hagglers trying to freely take advantage of the benefits of a herd without contributing anything back, it's not meant to be a deadly trial! We're not savages!"

A somber quiet descended upon the crowd at Ferris' final proclamation. Many of Petrie's siblings were making nonverbal remarks with each other through the use of their eyes, and the swimmers of Ferris' herd were also rather silent. Even Amaryl, who Petrie would have expected to fire a retort at her brother Ferris, was instead fiddling with a treestar on the ground, playing around with it in a way that made it seem like she was distracting herself from saying something she shouldn't.

"Do you want to know what I think?" Ducky muttered, breaking the silence as she glared at Ferris. "I do not think that Jovi or Paddy is to blame. I think that you are the one at fault, Ferris! You are, you are!" Not a single trace of warmth was discernible from her usually peppy blue eyes as she made the scathing denouncement. "Maybe Paddy cannot swim in fast water, but you were so scary and stubborn when you forced him into a fast water race that he could not say no to you, nope, nope, nope!"

The smile on Petrie's face fractured when he saw Ducky jumping to his defense. While he had to admit that he absolutely relished the downcast expression on Ferris' face as Ducky grilled into the swimmer without mercy, a part of him felt guilt-ridden that Ducky was making her assessment based on what she and everyone else thought she knew about the situation… which, unbeknownst to everyone but Petrie, was blatantly inaccurate.

While it was true that Ferris was assertive and had adamantly pushed for a race to be held between the two, it wasn't the actual root cause behind why he'd almost drowned beneath the chilly waves. Heck, even if the race had been held at a regular river and not fast water, Petrie was certain he would still be thrashing about helplessly the moment his foot left the embankment.

He could've fled the premises then—should have fled the premises then—but what made him stay and agree to the competition was plain and simple. When Ferris had caught his blunder, he had panicked. With Ducky right beside him and possibly realizing something was up, Petrie felt as though he had no choice but to put on a show to quash any such thoughts.

The actual reason he felt as though he was left with no choice but to participate had nothing to do with Ferris. In reality, agreeing to Ferris' terms were a consequence of the bet he'd made with the treacherous Vekal, the merciless flyer who treated Petrie's unwanted transformation like it was some sort of game by forcing him to remain hidden in plain sight just to earn his body back.

You looking at Petrie right now when me be tortured like this, Vekal? You like see Petrie suffer? Petrie wondered, bitterly peering his head all around to attempt to catch a glimpse of the dirt-yellow flyer. The flyer—likely in cahoots with Vekal—who he had spotted perching on the Great Wall earlier was also nowhere to be seen, but the adolescent's warning was what had unknowingly sealed Petrie's fate.

"I have my ways of knowing. Spill the sweet bubbles and I will ensure that you stay this way forever…"

Whether or not the threat had legitimacy didn't matter in the end. It could have been nothing but a mind game for all he knew, and yet that worrisome what-if was enough to give Petrie doubt whenever he thought of absconding. He hadn't seen a trace of Vekal since morning, and yet the flyer's pervasive influence still persistently lingered around like Spike's occasional stench.

All those factors combined to almost lead Petrie to a catastrophic end. And while Ferris was being hung out to dry as the scapegoat in the aftermath, Petrie wished in his heart that the flyer behind-the-scenes would also eventually pay for his actions.

"I don't think it's fair that you're singling me out here, Ducky."

Petrie perked up when he saw Ferris echoing his innermost thoughts, the swimmer now in a rather unhappy mood. "Fine, I was the one who called the race… I'll concede that much. But if Paddy was so uncomfortable with fast water swimming and also hesitant to admit it to me, then he should have sounded it off to either Amaryl or Bartley! They could have convinced me to downscale it. Bottom line is, I don't like the fact that you're solely blaming me for this, Ducky." He jerked his head in Petrie's direction, "Paddy knew the risks, and yet he risked life and limb to go through with it just so he could get a chance to join Pops' herd. Don't you think that's a reckless decision on his part?"

Ducky's eyes gleamed evilly, a cheeky smirk gracing her beak. "Oh, you should see my friends and I when we go out on adventures. Hee… some of those is what I would call reckless, yep, yep, yep!" she chanted.

"Hah!" Yaw cackled, his sisters Pitch and Roll laughing too hard at Ducky's words to make any meaningful contribution to the conversation. "Now that is truth if I've ever heard one! There's no need for you to be modest, Ducky… not when the seven of you consistently drove the whole valley crazy with your hijinks!"

Petrie tilted his head back and let out a genuine laugh at his brother's statement, before doubling back with a double-take when he caught something unnerving out of the corner of his eye.

Towards his front and right, around where Ferris' assistant Bartley was situated, were a pair of hardened teal eyes hidden behind the dense undergrowth that surrounded the banks of the river.

A paranoid Petrie suddenly found himself on the onset of hyperventilating. Just when things were looking up, the knowledge that he was being observed by an unknown party brought him crashing back down to earth.

Now, teal wasn't Vekal's eye color — the flyer had distinct golden eyes that gleamed malevolently under the Night Circle. Petrie would never forget that initial view of seeing the flyer impassively roosting on a tree branch under the moonlit rays. The calm tranquility exhibited by his golden irises and relaxed posture was an astounding sight, one which was seared into his memory.

But if it wasn't Vekal, who was that, then? Another one of his associates? Petrie knew that he'd seen those eyes somewhere before, but exactly where and when escaped him for the moment. Before he could take another step towards the bushes and investigate the matter further, Petrie found himself being pulled back by an upbeat Ducky.

"The reason I choose to blame you for what happened to Paddy is simple, Ferris. It is, it is!"

Ducky pulled an unsettled Petrie up to her chest and proceeded to wink at him mischievously, a gesture which completely confounded the former flyer. He tried to extrapolate what Ducky was driving at from her gestures and words, but all his mind could come up with was a blank.

Now firmly the center of attention by swimmers and flyers alike, Ducky looked a wary Ferris in the eye. "I would not be blaming you without proof, but I was with you back when you were yelling at Paddy before the race and I think that I have seen all the proof I need through your harsh words and actions. I have, I have! That is why I do not think that the only reason you called-ed the fast water race was because of your herd's Test of Joining tradition, nope, nope, nope."

Tightening her grip on Petrie, Ducky swished her tail from left to right in a steady rhythm. "I think the real reason you wanted to race with Paddy is because you were jealous of him! You were, you were!" She tilted her head down to Petrie, though keeping her stare focused on Ferris. "That is the reason you are targeting Paddy for not speaking up before the race — it is all so that you can shift the blame over to him!"

Ferris was completely at a loss of words, the swimmer opening his beak but unable to articulate a comeback to Ducky's accusation.

"You are blaming everyone but yourself, you are, you are! I have a friend named Cera, and because she is a threehorn she sometimes behaves this way as well," Ducky smiled, though it quickly turned into a frown. "But even though Cera does it, she does not go overboard, and I still do not like it whenever others act like this. Nope, nope, nope!"

Petrie glanced around when he heard a sound, turning his head back to see Amaryl snorting and holding back her laughter at being proved right in the conversation which he had overheard between the two siblings earlier in the day.

"The truth is that I did not know Paddy before today," Ducky continued on, "I had only just met Paddy for the first time when you came. But then you got super defensive and assumed the worst-est between us because of how close we seemed to be, and that is why I think you ordered Bartley to organize a race which nearly killed Paddy! You should not behave like that, Ferris! Being jealous of someone else is not a good feeling…" Her eyes solemnly fell down to the grass by her feet, the swimmer letting out a sniff as a tear started to form in her left eye. "I was once jealous at someone before, and I have hurt-ed others I care about because of it…"

Even with that limited context, Petrie knew immediately what his despondent friend was reminiscing about. Ducky thinking about what happen two Cold Times ago… that when she got mad with Spike and Tippy!

Ducky hurriedly wiped the streaking tear away with her free hand, maintaining her hold on Petrie with her right arm. "You can hurt others even if you do not intend to hurt them when you get jealous, and you have already hurt me because of what you did! You did, you did! I begged you to forgive Paddy but you chose not to listen to me! I hope you feel happy for that, Ferris, I hope!" she sarcastically uttered in a sardonic timbre, one which Petrie rarely heard as the sweet-natured Ducky only ever saved it for the very sporadic occasions where she was truly furious.

"In fact, if I had to choose between you and Paddy, I would pick Paddy! Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky declared with fervent vigor, her head bobbing in a metronome with every assertion of her triple affirmation.

Petrie's head shot towards Ducky, his eyes widening to a comically large size. There was however, nothing comical at all in what he'd just heard.

D-Ducky say what about Petrie? Oh, what me got meself into now!?

"And I will prove it to you, too!" Her blue eyes flashed with determination as she eyeballed the swimmer in her arms. "I will, I will!"

"Uh… uuwwaagghhh!"

Petrie had no time to react at all. A half uttered shriek was the only thing his beak could expel before he found himself being yanked in Ducky's direction.

After the sudden blur of movement, the next thing that Petrie was able to sense was something moist on the side of his face. Nervously shifting his eyes left, he almost fainted at what he saw.

Ducky was kissing him on the cheek in full view of the crowd, her blue eyes shining brightly with a mix of glee and playfulness.

Author's Note:

Hey, remember the part where I said something about there being a pairing in this story in the prologue chapter? Thought it completely slipped my mind when I delved into a seemingly unrelated tangent for an entire year, didn't you? :p

In case it wasn't clear from the get-go that this story is going to be a slow burn, here ya' go — every single Ducky & Petrie fic that I've had the pleasure of reading has the swimmer and flyer hooking up and reaching a comfortable relationship within… well, less than one-third of the number of words that it took for me to even get them into a scenario which warrants an unintentional kiss. For reference, the nine chapters it took to escalate things to this point is longer than the entirety of the similarly structured The Time of Great Growing by AllegroGiocoso, and to be frank, I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't think that something like this counts as an achievement…

As I said in the first chapter, I've always wanted to subvert the typical Ducky/Petrie 'me been in love with you from very start' romantic plot, so this is only going to be the beginning of all my planned divergents. Waves isn't going to focus heavily on fluffy romance — this fic's genre on FFN are labelled as Adventure and Drama, but Romance could be considered a third, tertiary genre. But not to fret, Ducky and Petrie fans, their unorthodox relationship together will still play a major role, even if the key idea in this story is still the species-swapping. There will still be fluff, and you might have already seen sprinkles of it interspersed throughout the tense recent chapters.

On other stuff, the confrontation between Ferris and Petrie probably didn't go as people had built it up in their heads. I know that I've set him up as a romantic rival to Petrie, but Ferris is primarily a herd leader-to-be and thus he behaves accordingly when things go south. Definitely not going to have him be one of those generic cookie-cutter stereotypical love hypotenuse hate sinks—hello Rhett, looks like you've been summoned from the dark recesses of my mind :P—who one would typically see play the role of romantic rivals in these type of stories. I can promise you that much.

This chapter is more Ducky-centric, and her siblings also appear through flashback in it. Just like Petrie's siblings I intend on fleshing them out, especially since unlike Petrie's siblings they generally remain unexplored both in canon and fanfics (excepting The Swimmer Trials, which I definitely owe a great deal of inspiration to for this choice). The names Delta, Spring, and Oxbow came from Five Stages of Grief, and I opted for three siblings to focus on as that was how many were seen with Ducky and Spike at the end of the original film.

Anagnos: Yep, you caught it — the opening and closing scenes sandwiched a cluster of reactions from the ones who Petrie are closest to. While Pterano became a victim of his own medicine, the gang ends up frustrated by the lack of progress, and Petrie's siblings are squabbling, all are blissfully unaware that Petrie had nearly drowned while living out their daily lives. And as seen in this chapter, Ferris isn't 100% a one-dimensional smarmy swimmer either. I'll leave you to judge his character for yourself, but it's wise not to jump to conclusions at such early stages. :P

Rhombus: Petrie is rather altruistic when it comes to his friends, isn't he? Throughout a big portion of this arc I've steadily been highlighting things that Petrie is slowly discovering he had taken for granted in the past, and his friendship with the gang is certainly one, given that in this new form he has to start completely from scratch even with someone like Ducky. I did enjoy your analysis on Cirrus and Petrie's family choice, it would be interesting to see what others extrapolate out from inferred events.

Sovereign: I do enjoy writing the localized Petrie plot more as it is definitely the focus of the arc. Part of why I focused on the others last chapter though was because I felt like I haven't really done justice to Petrie's disappearance from an outsider's POV. It must be especially worrisome to the gang given the lack of any forewarning whatsoever compared to their usual planned escapades, and to his family as well, given that the rest of his friends are clueless. While Gryphon is an unusual pick, I selected the name due to its avian connotations, though I understand if it's not exactly the most common name.

And so Petrie finally caught a break! The seeds of romance between our protagonists have bloomed… or have they? Many treacherous obstacles lay ahead, and making it to first base might not be the most ideal thing in Petrie's current situation…
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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This chapter certainly gives us a good insight into Ducky's opinions of Ferris. Deep down, she really can't stand him, but, as has always been the case, she doesn't like to show hostility towards anyone. However, as Jovi pointed out, there has to be a first.

The flashback of Ducky's tenth hatchday was a cute and sweet read.  Shoal was very nicely portrayed as such a loving motherly figure to her children, and I couldn't help but smile throughout that scene. :duckyhappy

And then we have "Paddy's" looming predicament with this ... other swimmer that continues to make my blood boil, and I see that I'm not the only one who feels that way about him.  It was very satisfying to see Ducky put all the blame on Ferris for his jealousy and alleged attempt to have Petrie killed, even despite them all being oblivious to Paddy's true identity ...

... and then, that magic moment ... that could change everything for the better ... or worse? That last move by Ducky just about caught me off guard.  Even if she has no idea she has actually just kissed Petrie, I can sense that this story is about to take a major turn now that the roses have blossomed, or at least have started to. The way I see it, it may still be one-sided right now, but time will tell when Petrie begins to have similar feelings.

I suppose you were right in saying that I'd like this chapter! Ducky's open disdain towards Ferris and kissing "another Swimmer" right in front of him in clear defiance of his desires was the icing on the cake! I can't wait to see the look on Ferris' face in the next chapter! :)petrie
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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We start off the chapter with a conversation between Ducky and Jovi in relation to Ferris and his personality. It later turned into a discussion of a potential match between Ducky and the aforementioned swimmer. Her refusal to accept such a thing was pretty much to be expected as the female swimmer doesn’t really hold a high opinion of the rather arrogant male, which in turn manages to light something in Jovi as he begins to interrogate her rather forcefully. His anticipated sentiment that Ducky does perchance feel something other than contempt towards Ferris are later revealed to be somewhat true, but like previously said, she would rather not take this path.

This sequence gives the reader a brief chance of respite for what is to come later on, and also compared to the previous chapter where the narrative was left at a rather expected cliffhanger, provides that very same point in same likelihood. If there was one nitpick that I would have to bring out, it’s that Ducky’s thoughts on the matter were done a bit sloppily, as it was not clear to me at first we were witnessing her feelings. I would have put her dialogue in italic to avoid confusion in readers.

Ducky’s recollection of her past with the nice little outlook into the life of the swimmer family was a lovely addition and deserves recognition when it comes to their almost unique lifestyle in comparison to other species. It also provided some very interesting information connected to current developments in the story, which I throughoutly liked. In turn, it became rather hilarious when it was revealed that swimmer children are considered lucky if they make it past the age of 10, but with Ducky’s tendency to run away from the valley with her friends, this must be a total turnaround of set expectation on young swimmers.

The name ’’Delta,’’ doesn’t do much justice in the narrative as that was presumably taken from Jurassic World, and frankly speaking does not sound very LBT-ish in general. The stereotypical presumption that all swimmers do in their life is mate and have children until the day they die—while technically true—was another rather funny verbal in the sequence that refers them as such without actually saying it out loud.

Let it be admitted, that it was surprising the author decided to show the events from the previous chapter in an entirely different manner in someone else’s perspective, and the person turned out to be none other than Ducky herself. This provided a nice outlook into what really happened when the sequence with Petrie ended and another one started, but this time it is brought out in more detailed manner, and for that, the author has my gratitude. Petrie’s first assumption that it was indeed Jovi that saved him from the river, was mostly interpreted as a way to fool others by myself so as not to incite the wrath of Ferris to fall upon the turned swimmer so early on.

Ducky’s feelings for Petrie in this regard give a clear idea to whom she will ultimately give her support to instead of Ferris as he so desperately hopes for. Her readiness to defend Petrie, even though she doesn’t know his true identity, is a testimony of her carefree personality and determination to protect and cherish those whom she considers her most dearest friends.

Another very interesting sequence that will be sure to give the reader a lot to ponder on once the chapter is concluded, is when we transition back to the present moment at the very end. First of all, I was very much taken by surprise that Ferris wasn’t blaming Petrie at the end of the last chapter, but Jovi instead for reasons that were rather peculiar, to say the least. Although I can understand the principle behind Ferris’ outburst, it wasn’t likely that the timid swimmer would be much of use to anyone for his very personality in the first place. When Ducky was more than willing to jump into the river, he stood by and watched.

This cannot exactly be blamed on him alone, as many factors within the plot proved to complicate things, and Petrie’s inability to swim was the major part in that regard. What makes this part so interesting, is that we finally get to witness how their herd dynamic works in practice and in detail—newcomers in the herd are given a simple test to prove themselves to be worthy in the herd. Should they fail, the implications are that they don’t fit in with the herd. Indeed, throughout the sequence, we are presented with a rather scared swimmer that evidently does not do well while under pressure from ’’ higher-ups’’.

It really does start to put things into perspective when Ducky’s determination continues to grow when she doesn’t hesitate to defend Petrie from everyone else’s accusations, although they may not even be considered that since no one exactly used anything threatening against him, it still speaks volumes about her characterization. The ending of the chapter on the other hand… that will be something very interesting to see transpire once the implications of what has happened are revealed to us in full detail—I certainly do not see Ferris happy about that development at all and would he even be willing to exact some form of retribution? Unlikely, but as it was revealed in the latter parts, he does not take no for an answer and I fear what might happen to Petrie and even Ducky next time.

One thing is certain, they will no doubt be united in a common interest, but the pinnacle of this moment was when I actually started to actually stand against Ducky and her intentions. That right there is a very clear message on how superbly the author manages to convey that particular message to expect for the unexpected. A very intriguing chapter filled with interesting developments that’ll be sure to cause me to take a few days to consider them in peace. Very splendid job, Owls! :Mo
« Last Edit: November 21, 2019, 09:23:05 AM by Anagnos »


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There were several rather interesting scenes here and I quite liked the focus on Ducky here. It’s clear that she’s becoming a key character in this story and she deserves more context on her current mindset. I liked her trying to find good features about Ferris even if they are most likely misplaced at this point. The ending might have been a bit rushed but it wasn’t anything serious.

The first scene with Ducky and Jovi was well written and the way Ducky tried to reason with the other swimmer worked well. I was a bit taken aback by Jovi’s rather unfriendly antics even if it seems rather clear that the reason for that was his loathing for Ferris rather than Ducky. In a way, it emphasized Ferris’ unpopularity rather well and it also gave us a brief glimpse to the views of the members of the swimmer herd.

As for the flashback, my opinions are a bit torn about it. It really was rather well-written and atmospheric but by now, I’ve seen so many similar scenes in other fics that it didn’t feel really fresh. That sequence did give some hints about the upcoming romance but I couldn’t help but feel that the scene wasn’t really that necessary.

However, the ending was really intriguing. The many motives and opportunities for character development are more than apparent even if things won’t necessarily go down the path I’d most wish them to go. On one hand, it seems that Ferris truly believes that he’s becoming the ideal leader and in a way, that was nice to see. However, Ducky’s speech really rattled his character to the core and while I’d like to believe that he could learn from this setback but it seems likely he won’t back down easily. That being said, Ducky’s kiss did seem a bit sudden considering that she and “Paddy” just met. I know she did it also to prove a point but still…

Overall, the future of Ducky and Petrie’s plot is open and the threat of retaliation still hangs heavily upon them. I just hope Ferris becomes a real character instead of a generic villain and I see promise for more and better drama if you go down that route. But the current situation is a really good one and the tension hangs heavily in the air. This story seems to be improving with every new chapter. :duckyhappy


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Alright, first of all, Ducky's mother having the "buzzers and the flyers" conversation with her eldest clutch is quite possibly the most hilarious scene that I have yet encountered in an LBT fanfic. XD The image of them reacting to this news and to Shoal's affirmation of what swimmers are famous for is one that you expertly showcase.  The humor implicit in some of the males already living up to her claims and Ducky's horror at the mentioning of spiketail mating rituals was so palpable that I am sure my neighbors in my apartment unit probably heard me cackling like a maniac.  As was the idea of Topps basically telling the swimmers to slow down on the mating, lest they be overran by hadrosaurs.  This scene struck a good balance in introducing the serious truth of what Jovi was telling Ducky, while at the same time adding some much needed levity to the whole affair.

This prelude presents additional context for the rescue of Petrie quite nicely, while also not making the flow of the story confusing in any way.  Better still this allows us to see the whole affair from Ducky's eyes. 

And oh boy does the aftermath of the rescue really shift the story forward.  From Jovi being confronted for his "cowardice", Petrie being called out for his inability to swim against a strong current, and Ferris finally being called out for his jealously by Ducky, a lot has been revealed without the big detail (Petrie being Paddy) being exposed.  Petrie's concerns and thought patterns are well conveyed here and very believable as he is forced to basically witness the confusing spectacle taking place before him.  Simultaneously he is the center of attention and merely a prop.  Which is an excellent depiction of his overall situation thus far, now that I think about it.  I also think that we can all relate to Petrie mentally shutting down as Ducky kisses him here.  Now you are really in the middle of it, Paddy!

This was an excellent chapter! :)  I look forward to seeing how things develop from here in the aftermath of the kiss seen throughout the valley...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Literally Guido シ
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This supposed to come out hours earlier. :areyouserious Oh well…

FFN Link:

Chapter 10: Treading the Immaculate

Du-Ducky… kissing Petrie?!

That single thought was all that dominated Petrie's head as the rest of his mind shut down unceremoniously. This was attributed in part due to a breath getting caught in his throat as he froze in shock, literally forgetting how to breathe as he felt Ducky's beak placed to his warm cheeks.

What going on… Petrie feel like me gonna faint!

His eyes were trapped in a precarious balance, repeatedly shifting back-and-forth between two distinct states — furtively glancing right at Ducky, and simply glazing over as his faculties were sent into overdrive due to the sensory overload that he was feeling from his friend exchanging such an intimate gesture at him without her knowledge.

Was it any wonder that his nerves were left in a completely frayed state as a result? Petrie couldn't even get his vocal cords to articulate anything that came close to resembling a coherent word. All that managed to escape his beak were strangled, indecipherable squeaks that conveyed a flurry of confused emotions where words had failed him, emotions that varied from a wide spectrum which consisted of just about every possible feeling between befuddlement and horror.

Because really, how else could Petrie put across his reaction to the fact that Ducky was actually kissing him… eagerly!?

The circumstances that had led to the whole situation playing out in such a way was almost unfathomable to Petrie. It seemed so implausible that all the stars had miraculously lined up to give him such an outcome. Because seriously, how had things even ended up getting to this point? How did his simple goal of hiding until the Bright Circle went down end up so royally sidetracked that he was now being kissed by Ducky on her own accord?!

Listening into a valley meeting? Had that down to a T. Find himself being pursued by a sharptooth? Nothing new by this point, to the extent that Petrie was able to recognize Red Claw and his two fastbiter cronies Screech and Thud from a distance away. Sneaking out of the valley? Just another ordinary day to him and his friends.

But this? This, he never saw coming. He had no prior experience whatsoever to draw from on how he should react to such an event.

Should he reciprocate her? Or should he cut his losses and reject Ducky's advances by pulling away from her? Despite his frantic brain screaming at him to execute the latter, Petrie didn't do so… and he had no idea why. He simply stayed frozen, right where he was.

Nothing existed outside of this moment. He wouldn't have been able to even describe his surroundings if someone had questioned him right then and there.

And to think that this wasn't even the first time that his friend had smooched him!

Back when the gang had first ventured to the valley, a grateful Ducky had given him a thankful kiss for trying to combat his fear of heights when he was gathering a cache of fresh treestars from the branches of a high tree. Discounting that, there were many more embraces he'd shared with her thereafter — after miraculously surviving the fall from Sharptooth when the predator had almost dragged him to a watery death, discovering the Great Valley for the first time against all the odds, him sobbing about Uncle Pterano, a surprise hug after he had informed a gleeful Ducky that the spiketail herd were going away that one Cold Time… and many more which he couldn't immediately recall off the top of his head.

Despite remaining mulish and hesitant when it came to making decisions or taking charge, Ducky had always been brazen in terms of expressing her emotions. Petrie knew this very well. So why, after he had already shared so many close moments with Ducky, did things feel so drastically different this time round?

Oh wait, that was completely rhetorical. The circumstances behind this show of affection were very different from all the previous ones… so very different.

Petrie had known Ducky for more than half his life now, and it thus went without saying that he was well aware that his friend was a very bubbly and expressive swimmer, even by her species' standards. As such, Ducky also had an inclination towards more physical ways of showing affection. Petrie had seen it firsthand many times before when she hugged or nuzzled against her siblings, and even when the subject of her affection wasn't a swimmer—like all the times she'd embraced him as Petrie or with her brother Spike—they were very clearly meant to be taken in an entirely platonic way.

It was just how Ducky was. Her affectionate traits were pretty much part and parcel of his swimmer friend's jovial and kind-hearted personality. They were practically synonymous with Ducky, almost as much as her wide smile and her signature "yep, yep, yep!" affirmation.

…what was he doing?

Dammit, he needed to quit thinking about her smiling face! What was up with him!? Ducky was still Ducky… his best friend! This changed nothing, nothing!

…or did it?

Petrie felt a chill running down his spine, eyeballing Ducky to see her still looking at him with coltish eyes as she continued to persistently press her beak to his cheek. His swimmer friend seemed incredibly stoked, practically smiling from ear to ear… and considering the gutsy move that she'd just pulled on him from out of nowhere, Petrie couldn't exactly blame her for feeling that way.

What bothered Petrie the most about this was the startling reminder that Ducky had grown older. Though she was still rather short compared to the height of a grown-up swimmer, she definitely grew at least a head from when they had first met. The slight growth spurt wasn't all that noticeable in the grand scheme of things, especially since Ducky's perky personality was mostly the same as it always was, if a little more reserved and restrained compared to when she was five.

But subconsciously, maybe because he himself—not to mention the rest of the gang—was also getting older, the context and motive behind being the recipient of an innocuous kiss back in their younger days was way different compared to receiving a kiss right now. Granted, Ducky's spontaneous gesture may have been done solely to refute Ferris, but given the context and her fiery words, it was practically akin to a declaration of love. She might have viewed this as a means of an end to spite Ferris, but Petrie could not underscore the impact of what his swimmer friend had just done to him.

One does not just have their best friend unknowingly declare their love for you and then proceed to shrug it off like it was no big deal. That wasn't how things were supposed to work! Just how the heck was he supposed to reply to that!?

Thankfully for Petrie, he didn't have to conjure up a reply. After what seemed like an eternity, Ducky finally pulled away and stepped back to admire her handiwork.

Well, Petrie couldn't speak for anyone else, but she had certainly done quite a number on him. It took quite a while for him to register that Ducky had concluded with her little show.

Only when the world slowly came back into focus did Petrie jolt back into reality. But as his thoughts were still firmly entrenched on Ducky, the first thing that he noticed was his friend shifting her feet awkwardly. Her cheeks were tinged with a reddish shade, a hue that stood out clearly against her green skin.

…wait, did Ducky not think of her kiss as just a means to an end? Surely it was impulsive, a decision that she'd made in the spur of the moment… right?

Oh, no. Oh, noooooooo.

As the haze of his muddled feelings cleared, the euphoria that had coursed through his body slowly gave way to a fearful void. Petrie felt himself going clammy as he took a shaky step towards Ducky. "Wh-what… that about?" he finally managed to force the burning question out at a sniggering Ducky. It was not his best effort though, as the sputtering of his disconcerted voice only resulted in a bemused Ducky giggling more even audibly at watching his plight.

"Well, I kissed you, silly! Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky answered with a light admonishing tone, almost as if she couldn't believe that she had to explain it to him in words. Her aqua eyes glinted with a judgmental expression as she eyed him shrewdly. "Surely you must know what being kissed by a girl means, Paddy? Huh, huh?"

Man, despite her sweet demeanor, Ducky could still be really sneaky and conniving when she wanted to. Such a trait probably came as a prerequisite to being friends with Littlefoot, considering how infamous the gang were around the valley.

But in this instance, her teasing was not helping him, not in the slightest. Yes, there were certainly times where Ducky's happy-go-lucky nature could be quite jarring, usually when she behaved in such a way during otherwise serious situations. He knew that this optimism was Ducky's way of coping with distress, but here it had the unfortunate effect of tainting his mind and leading it towards astray thoughts.

No… no! Bad Petrie, bad, bad Petrie! Why you think of your friend this way! She Ducky, she no some flyer girl!

Petrie had always consigned himself to wind up a lonely flyer who would remain stuck without a mate for the rest of his life. After all, he wasn't an amazing flyer like his siblings in terms of flight, he wasn't naturally charismatic—if acting like a big bully character counted as that—with his words and actions like Gyro, and he didn't have a fancy coat of wings — even Gryphon's khaki wings stood out more than his lackluster dark brown coating.

He'd been hatched near the bottom as compared to his peers and siblings when it came to the pecking order, and as a result Petrie sincerely doubted that any female would take an interest in him beyond a passing fancy given the most optimistic outlook. Even if they did somehow look past all of that, Petrie knew that his broken, childish speech would be a complete deal-breaker and drive away any last remaining stragglers. If his own siblings couldn't live with his manner of talking, what girl in their right mind would willingly nest with him of their own accord?

And thus, he had consigned himself to a bachelor's life. Hey, if it worked out well for his Uncle Pterano, he couldn't complain.

So of course, it was only after he had surrendered all hope of ever finding a mate that the world decided to play a cruel prank on Petrie. What serendipitous timing…

The fundamental problem was that Ducky's gesture had shaken Petrie's worldview, throwing it completely off center. Call him jaded and acclimatized to always being the butt of jokes, but never had Petrie been the subject of so much affection outside of his family and friends… which was ironic, of course, given that Ducky had been his best friend from the moment they first met. Though it was a bond that had been forged ever since a flying attempt gone wrong resulted in Ducky inquisitively pressing for an introduction from him, Petrie's friendship with Ducky had flourished and was still sustained over many adventures throughout the passing Cold Times, and it was no secret that she was just as close to him.

But in that one single kiss, the status quo between friends was shattered as Petrie ended up tasting a forbidden sweet bubble that he never even knew existed before today.

Me like it… but she Ducky! Plus, she no know me actually Petrie! It different for Ducky… she think me swimmer!

He knew that it was wrong for him to be getting a wild sense of thrill from Ducky unknowingly pecking him on the cheek, especially when the swimmer claimed that she'd done it in a romantic way. Why was it that the rapid pounding in his chest made it clear that his heart very much enjoyed Ducky's lips being on his cheek?

If it was so wrong, then why did it feel so… right?

Could it be that he was feeling this way just because he was currently taking the form of a swimmer? Was all this emotion simply a manifestation of his fickle heart deciding to pay a cruel trick on him?

He was hatched a flyer, and her a swimmer. Up until the abrupt transformation that Vekal had subjected him to yesterday night, that was an immutable fact. Despite their similarities they couldn't be more different, so any romantic inclinations from Ducky which might have taken place prior to him being turned into a swimmer would have simply whizzed past his mind.

But now…

St-stop! What Petrie thinking? Me scared… this wrong, this all wrong!

The raging tempest in his heart ended up plunging Petrie into anguish. There would be no satisfactory outcome that could arise from this now that the temptation within him had been awakened.

"I am still waiting for your answer, Paddy. I am, I am!" Ducky teased him jauntily, "Do you like it?"

Mom tell Petrie that me soon going to enter Time of Great Growing. Ohhhhh, does this mean it all Time of Great Growing fault me feel dizzy inside!

Petrie stiffened at the possibility. The last thing he wanted was for pesky emotions and feelings that he didn't even understand to mess everything up for him. He hadn't even really begun to grasp the whole concept yet. Since he was frankly in the dark about the intricate nature involved in such matters, Petrie decided to give a noncommittal answer to Ducky's question instead of outright confirming or denying it.

"Me… I know what kiss between two swimmers mean… and it okay for Paddy."

He just prayed that his stutter or his hesitation didn't give away that lie. If his heart had a say in the matter, the kiss was more than okay, and that apprehension likely came through and was possibly being articulated through his body language. Petrie took in a deep breath to calm himself down, before mumbling a small confession with a meek voice.

"Though… it f-first time me got romantic kiss…"

Ducky cooed at him. "Aw… the first time is always the best! I remember my first time swimming, I do, I do," she smiled fondly. "It was amazing, yep, ye… uh…"

She winced when she recalled that Paddy couldn't swim in fast water, quickly raising a finger to change the topic. "I hope you liked-ed the kiss as much as I did," Ducky winked at him before glancing over to his side. "Yep, yep, yep!"

Following her gaze was what allowed Petrie his first glimpse of a shell-shocked Ferris.

It was at that where he was reminded of why Ducky had initiated the kiss to begin with. Petrie had been so focused on himself that he had forgotten that the kiss had actually been facilitated by an argument between Ferris and Ducky in the first place.

Needless to say, in spite of his many grievances and personal issues—not to mention the resulting fallout that was bound to ensue in the aftermath—with such an approach, Petrie had to concede that Ducky pulling a fast one on him was undoubtedly the most direct way for her to articulate her intentions to the headstrong and obstinate Ferris.

Ferris' face was blank as he looked at the two swimmers. The brash swimmer—and everyone around him, come to think of it—had been stunned into complete silence by Ducky's spontaneous move. His beak was visibly trembling, and it looked like the swimmer was unable to so much as articulate a simple sentence, the choked noises that he was making showing his struggle just to find the words to speak.

Brrrr… me sure glad know me no only one who no can think straight after what Ducky did!

The stupefied swimmer finally managed to raise a quivering finger in their direction. "Du-Ducky… why?" Ferris croaked out after considerable difficulty, his dejected tone of betrayal making it apparent that he was more dazed than aggrieved.

Ducky let out a harumph of displeasure, huffing as she wagged a dismissive finger at Ferris. "Oh, silly Ferris! I told-ed you that I like Paddy as a swimmer more than you. I did, I did." To the chagrin of the prideful Ferris, Ducky proceeded to rub that fact in his face by affirming it with a little ditty. "Yep, yep, yep! The two of us kissed, kissed, kissed!"

Ferris sputtered at her response, the swimmer at a loss for words. His face hung to the ground at Ducky's jeering tune.

Petrie was able to see that the once-headstrong Ferris couldn't bear to look at Ducky after that. Rather unusually for such a sweet swimmer, Ducky was getting gratification at seeing the male driven to his wit's end, her face glowing with cathartic joy. Ferris was able to discern that disdain from her expression, and he wasn't taking it well. He clearly couldn't stand to see Ducky gleefully tearing into him like that, and made no effort in hiding his disappointment.

Oh well. It served him right. If Ferris didn't act so self-centered and behaved like everyone and everything revolved around him, then he wouldn't have taken it so badly. Petrie might have even supported their hypothetical relationship if Ducky didn't have to leave the Great Valley to be with him… and well, if Ferris' attitude had a marked improvement.

A very marked improvement to his current insufferable attitude.

Quite frankly, Petrie was surprised that Ducky even bothered going to such lengths just to spite Ferris by making her displeasure with his actions as clear as the surface of a tranquil river. She was typically a lot more passive with her emotions and thoughts compared to someone like Cera, so the fact that Ducky got frustrated enough to vocalize her irritation about the way Ferris handled his advances towards her as well as call him out for the grudge race that he had challenged Petrie to spoke volumes about Ferris as a whole.

"Life comes at you hard, eh brother?" Amaryl responded on behalf of her brother by walking up to him and patting the still Ferris in the back, a pronounced smirk gracing her beak.

Ferris jerked away from her touch as if her hands were scalding him. In the blink of an eye, his mood changed for the worse. "Oh, shut up, sis," he snapped, positively seething at his sister's instigation. "Not this again… why does this keep on happening to me?" He was vibrating with suppressed anger as Amaryl's cautionary words from earlier regarding Ducky ended up being vindicated.

A small—okay, larger than 'small'—part of Petrie had to admit that seeing Ferris react to the kiss in such an uncultured and undignified manner was very cathartic. He crooned at the sight of the shattered Ferris, who was pretty much in complete and utter shambles. To describe how Petrie felt, it was like if he witnessed Amaryl digging into her brother before he'd run into Ducky all over again, took the enjoyment he felt at that moment of time, and multiplied it by a hundred. Ferris' reaction was that priceless.

Ferris jerked his head up to the sky, before wringing his fingers and wildly gesticulating at Petrie. "Why do this to me, Ducky? What does he have that I don't?" he cried out, his face genuinely torn by Ducky's rejection.

Ducky fixed him a stern look, getting exasperated by the swimmer's incessant whining. "Do I really have to answer that?" she pressed, frowning.

"Yes! Please do!" A powerless Ferris nodded his head vigorously to her question, practically pleading with Ducky. Either unaware or willfully ignorant that Ducky meant for it to be rhetorical, he thrust his arms out in frustration. "I'm stumped! I just cannot comprehend it… why choose him over me?"

Ducky's eyes flashed with a pensive emotion akin to that of disappointment. "Well, I am not going to tell you if you cannot figure it out for yourself. Nope, nope, nope." She closed her eyes, shaking her head despondently. "You should go reflect on everything you said to Paddy and I, Ferris. You should, you should!"

Ferris opened his beak to speak, but then thought better of it and clamped his mouth shut when he realized the futility of trying to duke it out with Ducky. While he had done so earlier before the race and before Ducky initiated the kiss, both times he already had the upper hand going into the argument.

He didn't have that edge this time, and his body language showed that he knew it.

Without so much as batting an eye, Ferris whirled onto Petrie, spinning around so fast that his tail appeared to have a whiplash effect. "Why…?" he asked, more disappointed than angry as he glanced him over. "You can't even swim in fast water! Why would Ducky pick a failure like you over me? I just don't understand…"

Petrie scrunched his eyebrows as he heard Ferris lamenting. All things considered, there were likely visible lines that were etched on his forehead from all of the stress.

How the situation had de-escalated from a possible reveal of his identity to now having to debate love matters was beyond him. The only thing that he could focus on as Ferris tried to rationalize how things were falling apart was how different their attitudes were when in distress. While Petrie tended to break down into a panic whenever things went wrong for him—which was very often—Ferris on the other hand apparently had the belief that events would always accommodate him and thus seemed to take it a lot harder than Petrie.

Petrie could recall that when he was spying on Amaryl taking potshots at her brother, Ferris appeared to take her disparaging comments in stride… at least in comparison to how Petrie would've handled his own siblings whenever they teased and mocked him.

Despite the lack of a confirmation from Ducky, Ferris remained confident that she would come around… or at least, he appeared so on the surface. Internally however it would seem like he wasn't quite as sure about his chances. Petrie remembered the doubt and insecurity written on Ferris' face as he privately whined to his sister about the state of his shaky relationship with Ducky, and the knowledge that Ferris wasn't as infallible as he'd initially appeared was what had given Petrie his first ray of hope after he was transformed into a swimmer by Vekal against his will.

And true enough, Ferris certainly wasn't able to ignore all of the warning signs that had pointed to the opposite outcome of what he would've liked to believe and keep himself blissfully ignorant forever. After this debacle, a mutual affection between the swimmers was definitely not the case.

Now you know how it like when things no go your way! Things no go Petrie way since day me hatched!

But of course… Jovi had explained to him that Ferris was being groomed to be the next herd leader, so was it really any wonder that he appeared to act like an entitled brat who took his authority for granted? He'd borne witness to the condescending way that Ferris used when talking to Bartley and Jovi, and during those conversations he certainly took control and spoke like someone who knew of his sway over them.

Ferris only talk big… The realization dawned on him as he looked at the quaking swimmer. But he no actually big at all!

The whole thing reminded Petrie of Hyp and his cronies, a trio of bullies who had mocked him and the gang many Cold Times in the past by virtue of the fact that they happened to be older and larger in size. It seemed as if this was no different — Ferris only seemed to wield his authority on those who he knew would concede to his rule. When the situation spiraled out of control, he hadn't the slightest clue as to how he could salvage it.

But before Petrie could fire back with valor, armed by the knowledge behind Ferris' behavior, his good friend beat him to it.

"Must you always target Paddy whenever you cannot get the better of someone you are arguing with? You are being mean to him just because he cannot fight back, you are, you are!"

An unhappy Ducky stepped in between the line of sight of the two swimmers, coming to Petrie's rescue as she reprimanded Ferris with a tone that was filled with ire in every word. "I told-ed you earlier that I only think you challenged Paddy to a race because you were jealous and wanted to prove that you were better than him by using your herd tradition as an excuse. That is all wrong, Ferris! It is not about who is the better swimmer based on their swimming ability, no, no, no! Not everything must be a competition! Are you that obsessed with your pride… are you really?"

Ferris stumbled back at Ducky's accusation, his eyes going wide and frantically darting about at the crowd of swimmers and flyers surrounding him as he breathed heavily. This time Petrie could spot no trace of hidden anger or vexation in both his posture and expression. Instead, what remained of the formerly conceited swimmer was a somber sense of brittle vulnerability. His glum expression said it all.

Ducky pursed her lips contemplatively, pausing for a brief moment as something came to mind. "Just because someone is not as good at swimming…" she murmured, looking to the flyer siblings in the background who were enraptured by all the commotion, "…does not mean they are a bad swimmer. Nope, nope, nope."

Petrie paused as he looked at Ducky in a peculiar way. There was something about that statement which seemed off to him.

"Hey…" Yaw muttered from the distance, beating him to the punch, "would she happen to be referring to Petrie? Our brother couldn't fly back then, right?"

Petrie found himself stumbling back in shock when he realized that his older brother was likely right — Ducky had probably been thinking about him while lecturing Ferris about the fallacy of judging someone prematurely. Now while he would normally be thrilled to be the subject of Ducky's praise, his current circumstances conversely made it very awkward…

"You know what?" Pitch considered, tilting her head at an angle as she scrutinized Ducky's expression. "That analogy makes total sense. That swimmer Ducky always was rather close to Petrie. Even taking into account the difference in their species, Petrie hangs out with her all the time, more so than the rest of his friends."

…so very much more awkward.

Petrie felt like curling up and hiding away as his close companionship with his swimmer friend abruptly became the subject matter between his squabbling siblings. And since he was listening in on them unintentionally, Petrie felt as though he was eavesdropping on their personal thoughts.

"That reminds me…" Pitch quizzically scratched her head, looking at her two siblings. "Weren't you guys supposed to be looking for Petrie with me?"

Now this caught Petrie's attention.

Petrie stared at his siblings as though he was seeing them for the first time. He was so caught up by the possibility of his family finding him out when his siblings had showed up from out of nowhere that he never once stopped to consider why they were even in the area in the first place. In the heat of the moment his frantic mind simply chose to blame his rotten luck for their sudden appearance.

Although the immediate crisis regarding the challenge-cum-blackmail about his identity was averted, Petrie still had to take care not to divulge any information that he shouldn't be privy about while remaining under the guise of Paddy, doubly so now that his flyer identity was being brought up in conversation. All it would take for everything to fall apart like a consolidated pile of treestars being scattered by the winds was someone putting two and two together, unlikely as may be given the line of thinking it would take for someone to go from noting the similarities to wondering if they were one and the same.

"If you two want to hunt for our skittish brother, be my guest," Roll offered to her two siblings, brazenly shrugging without a care in the world. "But in my opinion, you'd just be needlessly exhausting your breath doing so."

Pitch glanced at her sister disapprovingly. "Just because we got carried away with this drowning incident doesn't mean we can't resume our search, Roll. There is still a chance of locating Petrie if we pool our resources together."

"Ha! You'll have to try harder than simply using fancy words to rope me into this. Why bother expending so much energy on a search that is destined to be futile, Pitch?" Roll countered. "Remember what Gyro drilled into us back at the nest? That we should half-heartedly fly over the valley until the day is done so that we can hand the search over to the grownups when we turn up nothing?"

Petrie wanted to be surprised by this knowledge, but deep down he wasn't. He should have known that his siblings were looking for him while simultaneously denouncing the importance of such a search.

His hint as to what the magnitude of vanishing under mysterious circumstances entailed? A passing comment by Ducky.

"Where are you, Spike? I cannot also be looking for you when I am searching for Petrie!"

Back when Ducky first stumbled across Petrie in his new body, she had remarked that she was searching for him. Back then Petrie simply assumed that it was just Ducky and the gang who were trying to figure out why he had disappeared into thin air, but now that he thought about it there was no reason that the search party couldn't also encompass his family members. It would explain why so many of his siblings were in the area when he had previously chalked it up to mere chance.

The part about Gyro trying to order the rest of his siblings around and convince them that the search be a sloppy and perfunctory one did lead to a damper on his mood though. Looking for Petrie really that big of burden for me brothers and sisters?

"Roll kinda has a point, sis." Yaw tried to rationalize, stretching his wings out with a yawn. "I'm quite roughed up after screeching for help to save that drowning swimmer." He glanced at Jovi and Ducky, still miffed that he himself had lost his nerve to plunge into the rapids to rescue Paddy on his own. "After going through something like that, I pretty much lost all motivation to seek Petrie out. I'm tired… just tired."

Satisfied that it was now two-against-one, Roll placed her wings by her hips with a satisfied grin. "As for me, I personally don't care about putting my heart and soul into such a pointless task. Watching the shenanigans here play out is far more entertaining."

Yaw snorted, his perception of the amusement derived from the situation colored differently as he deftly recalled Ferris teaming up with his sister to humiliate him. He had to inhale a sharp breath to cool off. "Given the track record, Petrie's probably in good hands anyway," he tried to persuade his older sibling Pitch, who remained staunchly unconvinced. "How many times has Petrie cheated the Great Beyond now? At least thirty?" the flyer mused before changing his estimate, "…probably more. All things considered it's frankly a miracle that he's still alive today."

In spite of everything, Petrie had to concur with Yaw's assessment. He had scraped through life by the skin of his teeth far too many times to count, typically when participating in one of the gang's many misadventures. Whenever Petrie counted his blessings after surviving a terrifying ordeal, he liked to think that perhaps his father was looking out for him from the Great Beyond.

Roll cackled at Yaw stumbling on his feet while analyzing their youngest brother's fortuitous luck. "Anyway, I agree with Gyro on why we shouldn't plunge into our task full-force, because I'm also betting my treestars that Petrie flew out to the Mysterious Beyond, just like he surmised. But unlike Gyro, I feel as though there's no need to even put on a show just to show Mom that we're 'invested' in searching for our brother." The flyer sarcastically rolled her eyes to place emphasis on the air quotes. "What a pointless ruse. Who cares if Petrie got himself caught up in yet another one of his dumb adventures? Don't waste your time in a lost cause and enjoy this spectacle with me, sis! It's getting spicy!"

Petrie had to restrain himself from verbally protesting even though he sorely wanted to defend himself, as him saying anything would give his real identity away. Trying not to make it obvious, he eyeballed Ducky to try and read her emotions while his siblings were throwing shade at him.

Ducky furrowed her brow, scratching the crest at the back of her head in contemplation. Petrie had to admit that the half-grouchy, half-pensive demeanor that Ducky emoted while she brooded was admittedly kind of cute.

Hm, look like Ducky crest be growing slightly bigger since… no wait, Petrie, stop! What you doing!?

This time Petrie was able to mentally catch himself fantasizing about his friend in time, forcing him to physically slap his beak with the palm of his hand to snap out of it.

"Getting spicy?" Pitch's retort as she repeated her sister's words thankfully assisted in keeping Petrie's mind out of a ditch. "The swimmer that was flailing for help is now safe and sound, so we ought to search for Petrie. Mom asked us to!" Seeing her siblings remain unconvinced despite that, she tried to appeal to their emotions. "There is still a chance that we can find Petrie if he's here somewhere in the valley and not out in the Mysterious Beyond. Don't just write the whole thing off as a failure just because Gyro said so! We can't afford to slack off, we need all wings on deck during the early critical moments!"

"Let someone who actually cares about Petrie do all the work then!" Roll muttered to Pitch. "As long as I have someone like that goody-two-shoes Gryphon picking up the slack for me, I don't have to lift one wing to assist!"

Petrie felt his eyes drift away as his sisters continued to fervently argue about him, just in time to see another sister catapult the situation into turmoil.

"Ahahahaha! Just suck it up and admit that I was right all along, Ferris! You totally bungled things with that girl, just like I said you would!" Amaryl chuckled at her brother's plight. "Your sheer incompetence when it comes to mock leadership is nothing short of disastrous!"

With an enormous effort, Ferris lifted his hanging head to glare daggers at his sister. "I think you've made your point. Now leave me alone," he deadpanned.

"Actually, I think the one who has made their point is me," Ducky corrected. "Yep, yep, yep!"

"Really? Is that so?" Amaryl commented in a droll-like manner that Petrie had quickly likened to the constantly sarcastic—at least when it came to mocking her brother—swimmer girl.

For a brief second, the humor in Amaryl's eyes was displaced by a raw emotion of unbridled agitation. Right as Petrie blinked in surprise at the swerve of her mood from amused to frustration, the amused swimmer went right back to cackling at Ferris' plight.

Petrie had to rub his eyes, unsure if what he saw actually happened or was a figment of his imagination. It very well could be his head playing tricks on him. His incredibly active mind had conjured a whole plethora of chaotic doomsday scenarios, almost all of which involved his identity being revealed and resulting in him being stranded in his current swimmer form as he was hung out to dry by a triumphant Vekal.

Petrie vehemently shook his head. Nope… not gonna happen! Nope, nope, nope!

…gah, he couldn't be safe from Ducky in his head even when she wasn't the focus of her thoughts. Twice now he had unconsciously used her trademark triple affirmation without thinking.

Frankly, it was a miracle that Vekal hadn't trounced him with the whole "keep your identity secret" caveat yet. There were plenty of opportunities where Petrie could have blown his cover, but now he was so deep into his Paddy persona that even if the threat by Vekal was hollow, he couldn't reveal himself to be a transformed Petrie.

Because really, how could he possibly tell Ducky that she had unknowingly kissed her best friend like she would a prospective mate?

He shuddered as he contemplated the possible fallout of such a reveal, especially as up till now he still wasn't sure how far Ducky was going to take it. Even now Ducky was still sending him mixed signals on whether she had kissed the transformed Petrie just to instigate Ferris or if she actually had something for Paddy. Despite trying to wrap his mind around all the possibilities and meticulously scrutinizing her expression, he still couldn't figure it out.

But if it was the latter…

P-Petrie? You were Paddy all along…? Ohhhh… how could you trick me like that!? I-I trusted you! I did, I did!

No… it wasn't going to happen. He'd take this secret to his death.

Besides, if Ducky somehow did learn about his dirty little secret before the Bright Circle set, then it would all be for naught anyway, because Vekal would—

Petrie's eyes widened in shock. How could he have forgotten?

The swimmer subtly slid his eyes over so that the vegetation further inland came into his field of vision.

Yep, they were still there — a pair of gleaming teal eyes surrounded by a deluge of treestars, the foliage serving as the perfect cover for someone attempting to intrude on the scene.

"I have my ways of knowing. Spill the sweet bubbles and I will ensure that you stay this way forever…"

Petrie shuddered when he remembered that he had wanted to investigate them right before Ducky had distractedly sent the entire situation spiraling in her favor. After all, as he had surmised, someone who was deliberately keeping themselves hidden to observe him was quite likely to be in cahoots with Vekal…

Well, no time like the present. And with a sizeable audience encircling the premises thanks to all of the hijinks that succeeded his near drowning, the perpetrator wouldn't be able to flee the premises when Petrie confronted them. Who would have thought that the crowd of swimmers and flyers which he'd earlier feared would be the precursor to his downfall was now about to be his greatest asset?

Petrie sucked in a deep breath and steeled himself, taking large strides over to the bush before he could lose his nerve and wimp out.

"Who you? Why you hiding in here!?"

His accusation cut off the battle of words between his sisters. The feverish bustle of conversation died down almost instantaneously as almost everyone turned and focused their attention to where Petrie had thrown his voice. All that remained was an eerie silence as all eyes fell onto Petrie.

The eyes in the bushes appeared to shiver when everyone noticed them, but they quickly hardened and recovered from the unpleasant surprise.

"Oh, dammit!" a male voice spoke up. "Got caught out, and just when it was reaching the best part of Ferris' hilarious stand-up comedy act too!" The frustration then simmered down, supplanted by a posh and mocking tone. "But please, don't mind me. I'm just a friendly observer who has never been here."

Everything was thrown for a loop when the one who was hidden unveiled themselves from where they'd previously lay unnoticed in the bushes. It wasn't Vekal—the differing eye color was a dead giveaway—or the mystery flyer who had stalked him out earlier.

But to Petrie's complete surprise, he was able to recognize the yellow-colored dinosaur who emerged from his hiding spot while sporting a smug demeanor.

"It's not that I don't believe you. It's just that your reliability as a navigator has come under fire before, and this incident is getting rather close to the tipping point. Your bumbling is seriously getting out of hand recently."

It was the swimmer who he had witnessed reprimanding Jovi for missing their herd leader's speech just yesterday!

He staggered back in shock, left reeling from the revelation. Given how eventful the previous day had been for him, he'd completely forgot about the other swimmer who had been strolling with Jovi until now. That wasn't even taking into account that for some reason Petrie had expected the culprit to be the flyer who had been spying on him uncannily from a vantage point on the Great Wall before the race had begun.

Petrie didn't anticipate for the eavesdropper to be a member of Ferris' herd. The idea had never even crossed his mind.

The swimmer stepped out of his exposed hiding spot and into the open, barely even fazed at being caught out. Conversely, it appeared as though he was positively reveling at being the center of attention. He brushed off a few yellowed treestars that were stuck to his flank, almost perfectly camouflaged with his sandy-yellow body, the slow and deliberate manner in which he insipidly swept them off a telltale indicator that he was likely deriving a sense of twisted enjoyment from savoring the slack-jawed expressions which greeted him.

"V-Valent…!" Ferris seethed, the first one to break the silence as he pointed a trembling finger at the newcomer. "You… what is the meaning of this!?"

Oh yeah! Petrie realized with a jolt as he looked to and fro between both swimmers. Me no remember his name till now! It slip Petrie mind!

"You'll have to excuse me." Valent stated in a curt and superficial manner which implied that those words weren't meant to be taken sincerely in the slightest. The way he carried himself in a gruff and self-important way quickly set off his Cera alarm bells. "I simply wanted a better view of the show. I mean, I wouldn't want to miss a race after your previous debacle. You lost to Jovi, for crying out loud!" His eyes slid over to the herd navigator, still catatonic from the trauma involving the drowning Paddy and his resulting scolding from earlier. "No wonder you ordered this one unannounced! But did you really think that I wouldn't be able to catch wind of it! Only in your sleep stories, I'm afraid!"

Ferris squeezed his eyes shut, the swimmer struggling—and failing—to keep his cool. After having to deal with Ducky's harsh reprimand, the threshold of his patience was at its breaking point. "And what about it, huh? Come to taunt me?"

"Not particularly." Valent stopped walking, leaving a distance of about three arm's length away from the other swimmer. "What's wrong? You don't believe me?"

"Hmph! What a rhetorical question, coming from you of all swimmers," Ferris replied with a half-hearted chuckle.

The yellow swimmer snorted at that. "Glad that we're both on the same page then. No need for me to waste my time by beating around the treestar bush, then."

Ferris stiffened. "What do you want, Valent? I won this race, so how about if you be nice and keep your beak shut for once?"

"I'm afraid you've been misinformed." Valent took a few paces forward, a smug grin on his beak. He glanced over to his side, making brief eye contact with Ducky followed by Petrie. "You think that your victory over that other swimmer should take precedence over the fact that a tragedy almost occurred to your competitor?"

"You've been here for that long…" Ferris cursed, before marching up to Valent with fury in his eyes. "And if you were, why didn't you go and save Paddy, huh?!" He flew into a rage, looking ready to slap the other swimmer. "Don't try to be hypocritical and accuse me when you yourself are no better! I know it's really because you didn't want to blow your cover! If Paddy didn't notice you, none of us would have been the wiser!"

Something clicked in Petrie's mind as he took in Ferris' sour expression. The normally stoic Ferris was being unusually bristled by the appearance of this swimmer.

Jovi had mentioned something about this swimmer to him and the gang when they first met… what was it that Jovi said about Valent? There was something that he knew he was forgetting…

"I'm afraid Ferris is used to getting what he wants. It's why he considers Valent quite the annoyance. To think that it's all because Valent is a rather curt reality check for him. Petty, isn't it?"

Wracking his brain paid off. That was it! The two swimmers weren't fond of each other!

"Ferris and Valent are not the best of friends. In fact, I'd peg the two of them as rivals. Their many feuds are legendary among the herd."

Yep, yep, yep! That was clearly true… argh, he did it again!

"Valent… that swimmer… of course he'd say that. He really takes great joy in putting down others."

Great. Just what he needed at a time like this.

Valent was confident and assertive with his words. Petrie could clearly remember making the distinction between Jovi and Valent when he'd first seen both swimmers through differences in their physical stature, namely that Jovi had a larger head crest and body size. And yet, the smaller Valent was chastising him the entire time, talking down to the herd navigator as though he was the one calling the shots.

This occasion was no different.

"Geez, I was about to," Valent defensively held his arms out, rather unfazed by Ferris' allegation. "I'm not heartless, but fortunately for me that blue flyer, Jovi, and the swimmer you were hoping to impress all collectively saved me the trouble." His face turned to that of disgust as he turned his back on Ferris and strolled away from him. "Don't compare me to the likes of you. I am ten times the swimmer that you'll ever be, Ferris!"

Ferris stomped his feet on the ground. "Y-You… where do you think you're going?!" he demanded, unwilling to let Valent get the last word in. "Come back here right this moment!"

Valent exhaled a derisive sigh, spinning on his heel to face Ferris. "You are hoping to bolster your reputation here in the Great Valley, hm?" he claimed, before tilting his head up and laughing to himself. "Too bad for you, then. The dinosaurs around here are a clean slate free from Geoffrey's influence, so making a good first impression counts."

Ferris visibly flinched, but tried playing it off. "What are you insinuating?"

Valent held out his right arm and wagged his index finger at Ferris with a metronomic rhythm. "Isn't it cruel that all it'll take to ruin your name is a single incident such as this? Wouldn't that be a shame? If word of this were to leak out?" he sneered with a cocky glint in his eye, leaving his threat dangerously hanging.

Ferris forcefully kicked his foot against the trunk of a tree that was unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire. "Did you come here just to prance around like an overconfident buffoon?" he hissed, the harsh undertone making his intent clear to his audience. "Trying to force me to submit by threatening to tell on me is about as threatening as a sharptooth hatchling!"

"Are you sure about that, brother?" Amaryl interjected with an impish grin.

"Sh-shut up, sis!" Ferris shot his sister a betrayed look. "Quit aiding him! You always do that!"

Valent winked at Amaryl before chortling at a perturbed Ferris. "Hahaha! You may act impassive on the outside, but I know you far too well! When this is all over, we'll see which of us has the last laugh!" Leaning his head back intrepidly with his fingertips locked in a web behind his neck, Valent let his deep baritone rumble. "You better prepare yourself, because I intend to sully your name so completely that you'll never be able to hold your head high in this valley ever again!"

"Try me, you damn swimmer! My Pops is the one with power in this herd!"

As tempers began to flare and accusatory fingers started to fly everywhere, Petrie could hear his sister Roll murmur a snide remark to her older siblings. "See! I told you two that it'd be worth staying here for the drama!" she held her head up high in triumph. "I mean, we're flyers… the eyes in the sky! With our gift of flight and our keen eyesight, we flyers are privy to more information than practically any other species. We live a life where we have the opportunity to witness and listen in to all sorts of tantalizingly juicy conversations. Come on, don't tell me you two aren't the least bit curious to see how this'll all play out?"

Petrie felt a physical jab in his heart as his sister listed all the traits of a flyer which he had previously taken for granted after learning how to fly. Concluding her speech with a summary of the benefits of being a flyer was simply the kicker. It really stung due to his current situation.

He raised the palm of his arm up, staring at the spot where a wing membrane would have once draped down from his tendons.

Me no gonna look down on swimmers when me back to normal! Ducky make swimming look easy, but she really have it hard!

As the two swimmers glared at each other with undisguised venom in their eyes, Petrie regretted calling out Valent from his hiding spot. How was he supposed to know that the dinosaur who was lying in wait was not actually Vekal's probable associate, but rather Ferris' sworn rival?

The knowledge that Valent wanted to disseminate the details behind his near drowning as a threat to Ferris spooked Petrie. He supposed that it was inevitable with an audience having witnessed the incident, but when Valent warned that he would leak details of the episode, the consequences and repercussions of the knowledge spreading across the valley seemed all the more real. Petrie felt as though he was once again threshing about in the suffocating fast water rapids… and just when things looked like they were calming down, too!

…okay, discounting the whole 'being kissed by Ducky' part. But at least Ferris was in a depressed funk in the aftermath of that. If he hadn't unveiled the hidden Valent and reignited Ferris' anger, there was a very good chance that he might have been able to escape the premises with only a scant few dinosaurs having seen him.

But with the two of them making a scene, that was out of the question now. In a sense, he supposed that with the attention having fallen away from him he could technically attempt to sneak away, but some morbid part of Petrie couldn't pry his eyes away from the unfolding scene.

Petrie supposed his sister was right. Despite having the body of a swimmer, the innate curiosity that he had as a flyer remained a part of him.

No fancy transforming shiny stone or manipulative flyer could rob that from him.

"What's the matter?" Valent smirked, knowing that he was grating on his target. "Sharptooth got your tongue, Ferry?"

Petrie froze at the unusual term of address right as Ducky let out an unsuppressed snicker. A mortified Ferris blanched, shooting his head towards Ducky in despair before his face turned an icy cold.

Then again, making a run for it sounded more and more tempting a prospect as time went on…

Author's Note:

I've actually had a good portion of this chapter sitting on my laptop for the past month, and since the conclusion of this arc—much like the entirety of this fast water race arc as a whole—proved to once again be a massive undertaking, I eventually decided to just finish up whatever I had and post it online. Y'all have waited long enough for this!

A large bulk of this chapter was exploring the ramifications of Ducky's kiss, both internally and externally. Poor Petrie had his mind blown, haha! Does Ducky like his alter ego, or is it all to keep up the ruse so that she could serve Ferris his just desserts? I am also aware that a few readers do not like the way Ferris has acted thus far, and in this chapter he does publicly get taken down a peg, hah.

DiddyKF1: Don't worry, Ducky kissing Petrie probably caught everyone off guard both in and out of universe, not just you. I think the question to ask isn't whether Petrie returns Ducky's feelings, but whether Ducky's feelings for him are genuine right now at all. Plus, Ferris does indeed get trolled by Ducky's antics in this chapter. Are you happy now?

Anagnos: I never actually thought of JW when I was naming Delta — a delta is a landform at the mouth of a river. :p Anyway, Ducky is a swimmer who is seemingly incapable of hate, so while she does dislike Ferris and is rather hostile to him at the moment I wouldn't discount the possibility of some reconciliation in the future. While Ferris did put the blame on Jovi for freezing in the heat of the moment despite being the closest bystander, I think Ducky succinctly put it best — in that it seems as though Ferris is determined to blame everyone but himself. I also find it intriguing that you do not stand by Ducky's choice of kissing Paddy, since in a sense you are absolutely right — kissing Paddy is quite a petty move to make if it was done solely to spite Ferris. But to be fair Ducky did come to Petrie's rescue when he was being lambasted earlier thanks to her kind nature, it's just that I haven't explained what Ducky's thought process is from her POV yet, so everything we're getting now is from Petrie's viewpoint.

Sovereign: Yes, I'm glad you pointed that out. Despite being submissive most of the time, Jovi is assertive when it comes to certain topics — as you surmised, probably his disdain for Ferris. There's definitely more to him than just being a Guido 2.0. I understand your concerns for Ferris and I will admit that the structure of this arc shows him as more of a typical antagonist, but there are shades and hints of him being more than just a two-dimensional hate sink, at least compared to his first encounter with the gang.

Rhombus: I think I always wanted to write a 'the talk' scene in a LBT context given how many I've read in the past. The propensity to make things hilariously awkward for the subjects involved isn't one to miss, especially with the obvious low-hanging fruit that is swimmer species habits. Yes, the last chapter was practically the callout chapter. In a sense, Petrie is legitimately the audience to his own demise as others end up fighting on his behalf with their own personal goals. And now others are still arguing about Ducky's sneaky kiss on him. How fun! :Mo

With two rival swimmers about to duke it out and Valent threatening to reveal the events of the fastwater race to a larger audience, will Petrie make it out unscathed? And more importantly, just what is Ducky thinking about the kiss? :duckyhappy
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.