Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > The Party Room

Synonymous Quote Game

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"I don't understand. What does it have to do with us?"

I think I'm going to revive this. *grins evilly* :bestsharptooth

"It is no wonder the others have been discombobulated into losing all sense of direction when your posteriors and your countenances bear such a similar appearance."

Little Bro:
It's "Your rear ends  look just like your faces so, uh, how can he tell which way to go?" Guido said it.  :feelsgoodman

@Little Bro That's right! Your turn to do a quote if you want. :ChomperPOG

Little Bro:
I want to get myself moved to a higher altitude until I reach the highest point of a rock structure, in an area where the land gets hot enough to cause an inferno, and gravity starts to get bits of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous down to the bottom. 


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