« on: September 14, 2024, 05:30:48 PM »
i have seen no one else talk about this online so here goes, so in the dvd menu for the 11th film i've noticed some weird things, first off the music now when i was watching TLBT 8 and 9 the music that plays from the dvd menu is from the film score of said movies but in TLBT 11 it's replaced with music that's not from the movie. it kind of reminds me of the wildlands music from yoshi's island ds and now on to my last point, during the part where it's shows littlefoot and cera near the tree sweet tree, you can hear a low quality stock sound effect of kids laughing now this is weird in it's self but it did catch me off-guard and did creep me out a little and it reminds me of the stock sound effect used in diddy kong racing for the n64. overall it's weird dvd menu thing and i wanted to share my thoughts about it.