Salutations, Ken! Welcome to the Gang of Five!
Nice to see another fellow goofball among our ranks,
hehe-hahaha! Even rarer is someone who joins as a comic artist. That's pretty cool. While not a type of art I'm interested in personally, it is still a pretty cool and unique medium compared to traditional or digital art. The only comic channel on YouTube I've watched really is
matttt. I'm curious if you've heard of the channel, such a good channel for comic artists like yourself, comic enthusiasts, or other people of passing interest. It covers a lot of different people in the comic business, from past to present, and many types of comic genres. I personally recommend this channel if you haven't watches already.
As other people have said, this place is a quite welcoming and friendly community to associate yourself with... not gonna sugarcoat it and say it's perfect by any means, but in general, it's definitely a more positive atmosphere overall than the traditional, more overloaded, more negative facets of modern social media platforms today, such as Twitter, Discord, etc. I too, also enjoy the segmented, smaller, but more cohesive forums of yonder that seem to have mostly died off these days. Like the others here, I hope I can make you feel at home here and improve your trust of other people overall