The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

The Gang of Five Awards 2008

Petrie. · 89 · 11381


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Its that time of year again for award voting on the Gang of Five! :D  The awards are not meant to create some spirit of competition but to reward those who contribute to the Gang of Five being the place we like by being especially active, friendly, helpful, by sharing great land before time art with us, starting interesting projects and so on (a full list of the awards and their meaning is further below). Apart from the awards the GOF members vote on there are a couple of awards with the title of a song on them. Those awards are issued (without any vote) to every participant (singer) in a Gang of Five / land before time song project.

The Voting Process

- Every active member of the GOF with at least 100 posts who has been a member for at least one month is entitled to vote and be elected for an award.

- We STRONGLY encourage people to vote for as many awards as possible. We understand that in a few cases people cannot give a vote as they are not participating in the issues the award is about (the RPGs in particular).

- Nobody is entitled to get an award if he or she cast no vote on more than two awards. If the majority of votes on an award goes to somebody who skipped more than two votes the award will be given to the one with the second highest vote.

- We discourage voting for yourself, but you may do so in no more than one category if you feel you really deserve that award so much that voting for anyone else would be dishonest.

- If you vote for somebody on a particular award, please give us a couple of lines on why you voted for the particular candidate. Sometimes decisions are VERY hard to make.  Votes without comment are not valid and will therefore be treated like a skipped vote.

Award Definitions

The friendliest member award is to be issued to the member whom the majority voted for being the most friendly and easygoing in general interaction. It is meant to be a reward to those who contribute to making the GOF a hospitable place through sheer kindness, for those who make people feel welcome around here.

The most helpful member award is meant to go to the one whom the majority considered most engaged whenever it comes to supporting others when it comes to providing materials (e.g. pictures, music, information) asked for by others.

The best role play gamer award is to be voted for by the participants of the RPG sections of this board. They are to vote for the one who is contributing by writing the most interesting contributions to the RPGs. The frequency of the contributions, and the sheer devotion to RPGs are other points to be rewarded with this award.

The land before time philosopher award is meant for those whose posts on LBT matters which are perceived as particularly well elaborated, thought through, convincing, triggering discussions etc.  

The Proactive member award is meant for those members who are most active if it comes to get new stuff started at the GOF. This includes for example those who make good suggestions for new board sections which have been carried into action or to those who managed to organize activities involving several members of the GOF, but also those who started new LBT webpages or any other LBT related projects which are not quite to be included in the term fanart.

The Fanart award is for the member whose fanart is particularly appreciated by the members of the GOF for their style, content, and / or simply subjective taste. The fanart award is meant for the kinds of art which are material so you can hold them in your hands. This includes drawings and paintings made directly on paper (not on the computer) and LBT figures.

The LBT projects award is meant for the artists who create fanart which is not as tangible as the art covered by the fanart award. This includes music, videos, and fanart created on a computer rather than directly on paper.

The Gamer award is meant for those members who show remarkable activity in the Party room section, including the LBT captions and the brain food. The number of posts but also how funny and they are should be taken into account when we decide for whom to vote.

The Feedback award is meant to give credit to those who give credit to others by responding to their posts of fanart (all kinds of fanart). Getting responses to input of fanart may help to improve fanart and it may also be a strong motivator for people to post fanart in the first place. Both the kindness (flaming is neither helpful nor permited nor existend in the GOF) and the helpfulness of feedback as to let the artist know what the author thinks about his or her fanart are to be taken into account.

New Award for 2008

In the last two years we also had an award specifically for new members, that is members who had joined the GOF since the last award voting. The idea was to prevent the awards from going just to a small group of longtime members. However, this year more than a third of the GOF members entitled to vote joined within a year from the last vote. It would be very difficult to decide who of these many should be voted for. Moreover many “newer new members” would hardly perceive “older new members” as new members at all. For that reason the admins deceided to create a new award that will not be voted on, but that will be issued to all members who come here, post here, and stay here. Those awards are given to all those who:

- have been around for about three years
- have posted at least 100 times
- have posted with a certain regularity (no year lasting absents in between)
- have posted within the three months preceding the issuing of the award

The awards you receive will have your GOF join year on the award.


That is all.  Please cast your votes by April 20th. :)


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My votes are as follows:

Friendliest Member: Littlefoot1616 has received my vote for this year after year because I have never once seen him react in anger on any topic or at any person.  He will always respond in the most rational way possible to any situation which arises.

Most helpful: landbeforetimelover has consistently been helpful in many sections, specifically the sections on computers.  He has the knowledge to help and offers it at every opportunity.

Role Play: no vote (too inactive in this section to make good judgment)

LBT Philosopher: Malte279 will pick apart the LBT films like no other.  I could say two sentences on a topic, and he'd have an essay ready to go exploring all sorts of points I didn't notice.  He is our LBT philosopher and has been before for a reason.

Proactive member: Aves gets my vote.  From day one since he joined, he has offered me a handful of ideas for the GOF, and a few are already in place.  Its this thoughtfulness and creative thinking which earned him a moderator position on the GOF.

Fanart award: This one is hard since there are many aspiring artists on the board who always showcase their talents.  Sky has always impressed me with her unique LBT artwork style and her own winged creations.  They mesh with the LBT style of drawing and creativeness so much that you would not know they are a fan's design.

LBT Projects Award: This one I give to Tim (action9000) for hanging in there with Things Change...something that has been in the works since last September I believe and is now finally complete.  Many long convos on IM, explaining on how tricky it is, and how real life just takes a toll on you, just makes it all that more spectacular in the end, and how much more I appreciate what you have done with the song projects.

Gamer award: I've been slacking on games lately, but I do know who has been participating with some regularity, and that is lbt-ctylover.  I remember in the Jeopardy game he would respond to my topic questions about one minute after I posted them.  You were like my shadow! :p  He has also tried starting some new games, some of whcih are doing fine, others, not so well, but he is trying nonetheless.

Feedback award: I would love to vote for myself here because I do indeed try to get to all projects and leave some sort of criticism besides "good job" or "keep up the good work".


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petrie who you vote for the last category without yourself?


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The friendliest member award - this has to be the most prestigious award as it's hard to not be very eligible and still not get it XD hmm... DarkHououmon... Kacie was the first person (other than Tim for obvious reasons) to talk from the GOF consistently

The most helpful member award - Aves; he has always been active in the topics I read about art and the like.

The best role play gamer award (no vote as I don't RP, but I'd probably vote for their new mod)

The Land Before Time philosopher award - Malte; has he ever not won this? If anyone is elaborate it's Malte, especially on LBT stuff.

The Proactive member Aves - he basically revived the RP section if I remember correctly

The Fanart award - Sky; she sure seems to put a lot of effort into his work... I think he's the best candidate...

The LBT projects award - this is a hard one for me to choose... probably LBTL, he made a plethora of well respected videos

(May I suggest an outside artwork award? because Aves has showed us some neat artwork that's not at all LBT related)

The Gamer award - Seems like Malte is the one who replies to me about every time XD may be my timing -shrugs-

The Feedback award - shouldn't the outside art affect this vote as well? -shrugs- Petrie; I guess I agree, he seems pretty serious about it

Hmm... I think I voted for them all, I kept jumping back and forth, so if any other than RPG aren't voted for, just tell me :p


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People at the Gang of Five are a very helpful lot. Few people can claim to have asked for help at the GOF without receiving the help they asked for in response. But in spite of this pleasant atmosphere of general helpfulness I must admit that in case of this award my decision was easier than it will be in case of several other awards. For there is a member who needs not to be asked for help to offer it. Many of you use avatars which he has created, he helped many of us with their computer problems, he has provided a place where people who don't live in the US could watch the LBT TV-series, he has offered help to me in two cases where I had not even asked for it (and I must say that he "offered" the help by presenting the completed results of his helpful work without "demanding" for that help to be accepted). He provided screenshots which were helpful in designing the awards for this year. All these are very good reasons for my decision. My vote for the Helpful Member Award goes to landbeforetimelover Austin :)

It was not quite as easy to make up my mind about the fanart award because we really have quite a few very capable artists in our ranks. And though I can ultimately vote only for one of them I want to give credit to all of them for their work. Darkhoumon Kacie was the first here to start a land before time online comic, Ptyra has come up with nice and sometimes funny computer made pictures and her characters have very lively facial expressions, Tropicalia cannot be voted for as she doesn't have 100 posts yet, but still her land before time art which she showed us is really well done and exactly the same can be said about WeisseEdelweiss who also doesn't have his 100th post yet. Aves has posted several images here which are just gorgeous! There are hardly any flat surfaces in his pictures, but there is always a detailed structure of blades of grass, leaves, wooden surfaces, or small waves on a water surface. It must take a lot of patience to be so detailed. The same it true for the pictures of Megatoph, as detailed as a technical drawing, but still with the look of motion and action to them (which is not usually found in technical drawings).
However, with my vote I focus on land before time fanart in particular and here Sky stands out with pictures of exquisite beauty and an LBT comic of which I can't wait to read the next page. The decision was really not easy with so many artists at the GOF, but my vote for the fanart award goes to Sky.

In case of the Role Play Gamer Award I must skip my vote as I just don't play role play games and therefore can't make a good decision.

Due to the lack of participation of the Admins in the role play games a member informed us of some troubles going on there some time ago. The same member also came up with a number of good suggestions including the role play game discussion sub-forum and the birthday subforums. He was given mod powers in order to help supervising the RPG section and in general he showed a great willingness to help improving the board. He is not the only one whose activities helped shaping and improving the GOF throughout the last year though. Tim (action9000) has been very active in making good suggestions for the GOF too and was also active in promoting good suggestions which had been made to him by other members. The Arts and Hobbies and Recreation sections are to a good deal results of his initiatives. The decision between these two worthy candidates is very, very difficult for me as I really feel that both of them are doing a really great job and in some cases both of them deserve credit for the same accomplishment. As I have to decide for one of the two I pick AvestheForumFox for the Proactive Member Award, but I really want people to be aware of the great job Tim is doing in the staff room (work which tends too be too much blocked from the public eye to receive the credit it deserves).

I'll post more votes as soon as I made up my mind about some more of them which will require a lot of reading in the threads of the passed year.


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Only have votes for...
Best Artwork--Sky-This one should be pretty self-explantory...
Best Rp'er--GVG.  Longtail and Hunter, not to mention Killer and Tex have made all the Rp's interesting.
Best Projects: Action9000.  The singing projects that he does rock.  Though I'm sorry I bombed out on the last one.  
New award... Maybe a Best Witty Comment award?


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^ Remember that all votes need some explanatory comment on why a particular member is given the award. Votes without any explanation are not counted.

The land before time projects is another field with many worthy candidates for the award. The land before time music videos made by members like Kacie (Darkhououmon), Austin (landbeforetimelover), pokeplayer984 were absolutely invaluable for the GOF. I think they deserve most of the credit for the fact that more than a third of our active members joined within the last year after they found the GOF by watching their videos. Not all of the videos gave the directions to the GOF, but this is of no relevance to the quality of the videos as such LBTFan13 and several of our members who haven’t yet reached their 100th post have produced interesting videos as well. Each of them has done a good job, in many cases, selecting scenes from the movies which fitted very well to the lyrics of the songs they were using (sometimes making it look like the characters were singing the song).
It appears that music videos are the most frequent form of fanart these days. They have one drawback though, namely consisting mostly of material not created by the creator of the video. There was a different type of project to be heard this year, namely the playing and singing of land before time songs by Patrick (Nimrod). It must have been a lot of work to play and sing the songs, record them and share them with us and he did it on his own and with his voice and hand. For that reason my vote for the
Projects Award goes to Nimrod.

Friendliness can be found everywhere in the GOF and is still difficult to pinpoint and sometimes difficult to define. If somebody reacts calm rather than harsh on some not so friendly posts, as has been demonstrated very recently by Iris (Mumbling) this too is a kind of friendliness. With all the friendly people around it is difficult to make a final decision. I try to give credit to all the people whom I feel are worthy of a particular award. In case of the friendly member award, however, it is impossible. Nobody would want to read the page long litanies of a community of friendly people. Therefore I try to cut myself short.
To me Tim (action9000) has always been a very good and polite friend and I cannot think of any really unfriendly act he ever committed since he is here at the GOF. Therefore my vote for the friendly member award goes to action9000.


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Friendliest Member: I have had very pleasant chats with a number of people on the Gang of Five and choosing only one for this award proves to be very difficult.  One person is standing out though, whom I have ranted and discussed life with for countlesss hours over MSN, somebody I've found I could relate to so well, who seems to really understand the frustrations of starting a "real" life.  Even in such complex, deep discussions, you manage to keep our discussions alive, enlightening and inspiring.  I have also seen many pleasantries from you on the GoF forum itself while addressing other members.
Littlefoot1616, I nominate you.  

The most helpful member award: landbeforetimelover has proven to be more-than-willing to jump in and offer any assistance he can, especially with regards to computers, files, etc.  He is quick to stop what he's doing and send others links to programs, files, pictures, with little delay or second thoughts.  This is something to appreciate, for sure.

The best role play gamer award: I don't follow the role plays closely enough to be able to cast a vote.

The land before time philosopher award: Malte279 consistantly brings very complete, objective viewpoints to the LBT series on a huge variety of topics.  He is also one of those members to objectively admire the TV series as the work of relative beauty that it is and how perhaps it doesn't receive all the credit it perhaps deserves.  Malte is relatively unbiased in his opinions of the LBT series and does a very good job of stating points to clarify unsure situations.

The Proactive member award: I vote AvestheForumFox for his ability to practically single-handedly revive the Role Play section of the board, among his genuine dedication to the community and wanting to make it a better place for everyone.  He has brought some very good ideas to us and he deserves the recognition of doing so.

Fanart award: I would like to give Sky this award.  Sky's artwork has always been more than just "nice" to me.  It has been downright *touching* and genuinely *outstanding* as something I've never seen before.  I truly love your work, Sky.

The LBT projects award: Hmm, another difficult one.  It is very tempting to give this one to LBTFan13, due to his unique additions of LBT songs to our community.  landbeforetimelover has really stood out for me in the realm of LBT projects, namely his website (which has nearly 10,000 hits now!  Congratulations) and his unique, random projects on the GoF which provided many people here with interesting content and amusement.

The Gamer award: I'm putting landbeforetimelover down for this one, mainly for setting up so many Caption This games.  You're helping keep the caption games alive, Austin.  Thank you.

Feedback award: I'd like to vote Kor for the feedback award.  Kor has consistantly responded to a huge variety of topics, leaving feedback, including another forum where both Kor and I exist.  Kor has offered helpful advice and honest critical efforts on many an occasion and I respect that of him.


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I vote for sky as the best fanart well......because he's just awesome at what he does.  He is so good at making art and takes so long to make it just because he finds it fun.  I admire that.

Action9000 for the projects award and I especially commemorate him for learning Sonar.  Without him, the LBT song projects would be non-existant and I as well as a lot of members have benefited from his music knowledge.

I think the philosophers award should go to Malte who likes making long and involved posts and doesn't feel free to speak his mind while keeping other's feelings in mind.  His posts are occasionally like essays and it's not because he has a hard time saying what he needs to say, it's because he has so much to say that his posts become so long.

The friendliest member award should go to Kor mainly for his tendency to avoid confrontations and his cheery attitude towards most situations.  I have never once seen him flare up to anyone and surprisingly, he is able to avoid others from flaring up at him.  He remains neutral in confrontations and is frequently the first person to support another person without worrying about what others after him might think about it.

Other than those awards, I honestly can't decide on who I want to vote for the other awards.  It's just too hard to choose! :( And I've never even made a post in the RPG section, so I wouldn't know who's the best in there.  So, I guess this rounds up my votes.

EDIT:  I've thought about this a lot and I've decided to vote for more of the awards.  These were VERY hard to decide upon.

The proactive member award should go to Aves because I've seen numerous occasions where he has helped to continue a topic that wasn't doing very well and although I don't really participate in the RP section, I have noticed his overwhelming concern over this section and those who post in it.

I really feel guilty about voting for myself, but I believe the Most Helpful member award should go to myself (Landbeforetimelover) mainly because I attempt to solve other's problems with computers, typically helping in some way and because I oftentimes assist others with their avatars and often give them tools and materials they request (without breaching copyright laws of course).

I believe that the feedback award should go to Kor.  He responds in almost every thread and always adds flare to a topic.  He always has something to say even when others do not.  His feedback is exemplary and he's constantly on GOF, ready to respond to topics right after they're first posted.

I can't vote for the gamer award because I really don't spend any time in that section except to post a "caption this" thread.


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Most Friendliest Award: Kor. Excamples: If there is any newcomer, he welcomes the newcomers very nice and is asking if the new ones feel comfortable in the forum. Also in the RPG section, if there is any new RPG, he first let decide the other folks choose their characters, before he does.

Most Helpful Award: Landbeforetimelover. He helped me a lot as I joined the forum and it took him hours to explain me everything.

Best Role Play Award: GVG. He is very activ in the RPG section and makes good posts

The land before time philosopher award: Malte 279. I guess it¥s clear why. :p

Proactive Member Award: Aves. Everytime when there is a new topic, he posts very good informations in it

Fanart Award: Sky. Amazing pictures.

LBT Projects Award: Darkhououman. She made us all happy with her vids. And that were very much vids. So, I guess it¥s much work to do it.

feedback award: Kor. For excample in the RPG. Always if there were any problems, Kor was there with a good idea.r


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- If you vote for somebody on a particular award, please give us a couple of lines on why you voted for the particular candidate. Sometimes decisions are VERY hard to make. Votes without comment are not valid and will therefore be treated like a skipped vote.
Please, we need a line or two on why you vote for somebody on a particular award.

mcr mad

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Most Friendliest Award: Nimrod, even off the gof on msn he's been safe as hell to me
Most Helpful Award: Petrie
Best Role Play Award:( i dont do the role play so i cant say
The land before time philosopher award: Malte279
Proactive Member Award:Petrie
Fanart Award: Sky, seen more of his art on sheezy so i now he's ace at drawing
LBT Projects Award: (i dont check so i cant say)
feedback award: Tails_155

The Great Valley Guardian

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Friendliest Member: Well since I found this site everyone I've come into digital contact with has shown me nothing but the utmost respect and great friendships have flourished and to narrow it down to just one person was hard but overall I'd have to give this award to Kor

The most helpful member award: landbeforetimelover has helped me get drawn into several major topics here, and I have to give him a round of applause for showing me the preverbal ropes of the GOF! Thanks again!

The best role play gamer award: If at all possible...I'd like to nominate myself, as I've been one of the most active in the RPG section even before Aves took over as admin. Nothing against my fellow RPers but..I gotta say...I've pulled my weight.  ;)

The land before time philosopher award: I'm not sure who should get this award, but I know I'll think of someone, and when I do this post will be edited to match.

The Proactive member award: I vote AvestheForumFox for his ability to be given Admin control over the RPG section  and giving me another reason to love RPing over the internet! Thank you Aves

Fanart award: This one goes to Sky hands down...he is one of the most talented artist on this single forum I've ever met! He deserves this awards without question. So here ya go!

The LBT projects award: Even after all this time, I still believe DarkHouounmon still deserves this award. Unless of course she already has this which case I'll feel stupid, but she still deserves this award.

The Gamer award: Sadly I am not active enough in this section to offer an actual award.

Feedback award: This one is also going to Kor, for I do believe he been a freaquent poster in several topics here on the GOF, and his opinion is highly heard and respected. SO to Kor, here is your prize!


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The Fox's Choice Awards for the year of 2008

This being my first go at the Choice awards, I feel I should first make a speech of sorts.


Fore score, and something odd years ago,
Our forefathers and foregrannies did something and something, blahdy blahdy blah blah
And that's how the story went.

The End

And now, here be my choices for 2008. Those I chose should be honored!

The friendliest member award

GVGuardian - Possitive and open minded. I believe he's well deserving of this reward

The most helpful member award

Action9000 - Has backed me up in most of my online projects, supplied useful tools and has offered his own expertise in my most ambitious projects yet to come.

The best role play gamer award

GVGuardian - I like his style when it comes to RP'ing, and he's perhaps the most anticipated when it comes to waiting for posts in certain RP's, I especially love his character, Longtail

The land before time philosopher award

Malte - The know it all when it comes to LBT, very outspoken and opinionated, but all for the better of staying true to the original Land Before Time film.

The Proactive member award

Avesthefox - Yes, I'm voting for myself. But who can blame me? Cleaning up the RP section and reviving it was not as easy as you'd think, nor was putting together the Myspace account for the GoF, which still is a work in progress. And a note to Petrie here, I have several other things I'd like to offer my paw of production to, to help expand this community.

The Fanart award

Sky - Though an artist myself, I havent really done any 'fan art' to be considered a fan artist. So I'm passing this award to someone more deserving. Sky is my choice. I admire his Photoshop skills, which look close to pro, and I incourage him to keep working and improving, he has potential. =)

The LBT projects award

Havent been in this area enough to decide on this... =(

The Gamer award

Havent been in this area enough to decide on this... =(

The Feedback award

Kor - This guy seems to comment on anything that is commentable, no matter what it is. He leaves feedback for EVERYTHING! So he's well deserving of this here reward.


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Quote from: Malte279,Mar 21 2008 on  05:32 PM
Please, we need a line or two on why you vote for somebody on a particular award.
Okey, edited my votings ;)


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Here goes nothing...

Friendliest Member: Kor
This decision wasn't easy. But there can only be one so my vote goes to Kor. He's being really friendly to others and replys to almost anything.

Most Helpful Member: landbeforetimelover
The one that made it possible to watch the LBT TV Series. When it comes to computer problems, he comes to the rescue. =D

Best Role Play Gamer:
Wasn't active enough to vote.

Land Before Time Philosopher: Malte279
The man who knows it all. I'm always enjoying reading his posts. His posts are really making us "discuss" a topic. =)

Proactive Member: AvestheForumFox
What can I say? Aves revived the RP section and that, was surely hard work what I appreciate. Though, I don't roleplay. =P

The Fanart Award: Threehorn
I don't like to vote myself. =P So I decided to vote for Threehorn. He probably has more fanarts done than I do. Keep going. =)

LBT Projects Award:
Wasn't active enough to vote.

The Gamer Award: lbt-ctylover
I'm not active these days, but when I was, lbt-ctylover seems to post a few minutes later after I posted. Some fast fingers he got there. ^^

The Feedback Award: Malte279
Maybe the only one who actually gave me feedback to improve my artworks. And the first one who gave me feedback on my 2nd fanart of "Littlefoot".

Sorry if the comments are a bit short.


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Please, we need a line or two on why you vote for somebody on a particular award.

Sorry.  Mine was sorta hard to read.  I separated the awards with spaces, bolded the awards, and underlined the members names.  I've also added more content.  I didn't have a lot of time on my first post to do much.


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Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Mar 21 2008 on  10:46 PM
Friendliest Member: Well since I found this site everyone I've come into digital contact with has shown me nothing but the utmost respect and great friendships have flourished and to narrow it down to just one person but overall I'd have to give this award to...

Maybe Nabil should get an award. "Most Banned Member"?


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Having been another rather productive year for the Gang of Five, and with Award time rolling around again, I'd like to present the following awards to the following members:

Friendliest Member - Kind of a difficult award to pick just ONE person for coz very everyone on here is always friendly so how do you pick just one flower from a blossoming field?  :DD Still, given the fact I can't nominate all of you, I'd have to say that this particular person has to have stood out maybe a little more than most. With our many, many hours spent online chatting (mine normally in the early hours of the morning :^.^: ) about just about anything on offer, and his attitude towards the forum in general. I don't feel right voting for myself as I feel this should be a sign of the appreciation of others rather than one's self...hence, my vote goes to Action9000  ;)

Most Helpful Member - When it comes to helping others out, with whatever problem it may be, this character I think has done more than his/her fair share. Being a real compy whizz and taking the initiative to assist in bring the forum up to speed with the current goings-ons of the LBT series (for those unable to view them), I think qualifies this member for this award...congrats LBTLover my vote is to you  ;)

Best RPG Player - Although I'm not very much in touch with the RPG buzz of things, I still reckon this member has got that divine spark for incredible imagination. Especially when it comes down to story writing and plot development. I have voted for him before and I'd say he still got my vote this time too. Threehorn keep that creativity stream flowin' dude ;)

Best Gamer - I love modding the Party Room. The variety of games and the quirky answers that get posted there always make me laugh (especially the Corrupt a Wish Game  :lol ). Still, fun and games aside, I reckon this member has done exceptionally well in this particular room and has kept the game play flowing. My vote goes to LBT/CTY Lover Game on good sir...GAME ON! ;)

LBT Philosopher - Malte279 speech required! LOL  :lol

Most Proactive Member - Another toughy since everyone has had their own little proactive spell by one means or another here on the forum. However, I'd have to say this member has done that little bit more in helping the forum continue it plodding pace from day to day. My vote goes to AvestheFox Congrats my friend. Keep up the good work  ;)

Fanart Award - Again another doosy of a vote to make. So many talented artists, all with their individual qualities and styles. It's the flower in a field sitch all over again! But, given the choice I'd have to say this member's work has inspired and appealed to me the most in recent times. Congratulations Sky Your comic and other works are truly a work of art worthy of any art gallery  ;)

Feedback Award - When it comes to feedback, a good person will compliment. However, a GREAT person will be prepared to offer just that little constructive criticism on how to make it just a little bit better. Nevertheless, this member has always poked his/her nose in to offer their pearls of wisdom where needed. Or just does it anyway coz they can  :DD My vote goes to Petrie ;)

Projects Award - I think it's easy to say that this particular member has gone above and beyond the call of duty when it comes down to huddling the forum together to make a great piece of group work. Investing his own time and effort into something purely for the benefit of the forum (and possibly the fun of it). Just saying the words "LBT song-a-longs" should be enough to see where this medal's gonna be tossed. Even though I've voted for him in another category already, I feel he deserves this one also for all the blood, sweat and tears he's put into his projects. Action9000, my vote is to you. ;)

Well, you made it this far without nodding off, congrats! You are safe in the knowledge that I've finished ranting about how great you all are (those voted for and those not voted for). Happy voting peeps! And thanks again to all members for another great year on the GOF! ;)


Littlefoot-1616 B)


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Fore score, and something odd years ago,
Our forefathers and foregrannies did something and something, blahdy blahdy blah blah
And that's how the story went.
Oh my gosh Aves! :lol
The GOFburg address! You don't realize how funny this is.
This is how I introduced my votes last year:
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for an internet community to evaluate distinguishing performances within their community, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind and the community requires that each voting member of the community should declare the causes which impel them to vote for a particular individual to receive a given award.
So I better quit plagiarizing sacred documents from history tongue.gif and submit facts to a candid community, at least for four out of ten awards on which I have made up my mind yet. I don’t mean the facts to just show why I voted for somebody on a particular award but also to give credit to other worthy candidates for the awards:

I read through many fanart threads looking for feedback. The huge majority of posts in response to fanart are limited to polite praise of the work. Such praises are polite, but to improve fanart people need to know what exactly it is that looks good in their pictures or what it is that could perhaps be improved.
Kor is probably the most frequent poster giving credit to almost every single piece of art that is posted in the GOF which is certainly something to be credited. If it comes to critical suggestions on how artists could further improve their future art I found feedback from Manny Cav and landbeforetimelover. Both of them made good and honest suggestions about art presented here in the GOF. Landbeforetimelover posted critical feedback more frequently though. Therefore my vote for the Feedback Award
goes to landbeforetimelover.