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Overused Settings


  • Ducky
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Though this topic may spark a bit of controversy for some, but what video game settings do you think are overused?

Personally, I think it varies from genre to genre.  The biggest problem plaguing shooters for the last decade was WWII.  I'm happy that it's seen a die-down in the last couple of years.  Now it seems like modern military shooters, which sprung up after they caught on that people were tired of WWII games, seem to be suffering the same fate.  Every one of them is the same.  COD, Battlefield, and Medal of Honor to a lesser extent.  In some ways, interstellar wars are hardly a new topic either.  But these days, it seems like modern military shooters are the ones over-saturating the market.

In terms of RPGs and RTS games, bleeding into other types of games as well, I feel it's medieval fantasy.  Especially ones that use Tolkien-esque tropes.  Skyrim, Everquest, Warcraft, and the list goes on and on.  So many tropes of western fantasy are so overused in video games that it would take a hell of a miracle to come up with something original.  What I find even more annoying is the fanbase.  The never-ending, pushy, stuck-up fanbase stereotype that shuns and humiliates you if you make the simple statement that you "just don't like it".  Granted, that subject should be discussed in another topic.


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  • Littlefoot
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I'll be honest with you, I love medieval fantasy games. Especially if they have a good soundtrack. Obviously we all have a dislike for certain games (I actually don't like the Elder Scroll series or Diablo), which is fine. I can still appreciate the genre though, especially if it's well thought out and, indeed, has some originality to it.

I don't know about shooters though, since I don't play any :)


  • Ducky
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And I don't mind that at all.  There are instances where I have enjoyed a few fantasy games.  Whether they could be considered medieval would be questionable.  Chrono Trigger is not entirely a medieval fantasy game, but I love it for it's story and beautiful soundtrack.  In regards to games that gravitate closer to the medieval part of fantasy, I like Soul Calibur, if only for it's blend of Eastern and Western techniques.  Same with that of Monster Hunter.


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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I think the problem is, there are only so many settings you can utilise be it sci-fi, alien worlds, medieval or whatever else. Where the genius comes in is from how that world is used. Yes, I'll agree that video games are just as bad as Hollywood when it comes to clinging to a "theme" and pumping out products to fit that mould: WW2, zombie bashing, the apocalypse (maybe include zombies :lol),  dragon slaying, transforming cars, destructo-physics, survival horror now being about roaming around without a weapon and just legging it if something creepy is near (SPC, Amnesia, Slender) etc. It's almost like a trending. One idea goes out there and then suddenly, the world and his wife is throwing out in similar vein.

As I said before, the magic comes from what is done within that revisited trend. For purpose of argument, take Amnesia. When everyone was complaining survival horror is "too action based" and "not scary anymore", Amnesia took one simple step i.e. removing the ability to fight back, and suddenly survival horror is "reborn". Formulas I doubt will change that much, but as long as the ideas and innovations keep coming, I can't see the harm in braining that extra zombie or FUS ROH DAHing another dragon and absorbing its soul for my own greedy purposes :lol  :DD