The Gang of Five
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Ask Flathead770


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I guess it depends if I knew I was in cryo sleep for exactly 100 years. If I didn't my first question would probably be to ask what year it is. If not then I would probably want to know how certain things played out. The big thing on my mind would to ask how climate change has played out and if we managed to avoid any further damage

For favourite instrument, I would say it would be the violin since I actually play one myself. I also really like the piano and cello, though can't play them. The high range of a cello sounds way better then a violins in my opinion.


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If you had unlimited funds to build a house that you would live in for the rest of your life, what would the finished house be like?


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If you had unlimited funds to build a house that you would live in for the rest of your life, what would the finished house be like?
I'm honestly not sure. I've never been one to flaunt money around so just a regular house would be good enough for me. Though maybe one with some sort of scenic view would be cool, like a lake or mountain.

Favourite season of the year?
I think we ended up talking about this on discord already, but generally spring and fall as they have the nice moderate temperatures. I probably prefer spring more as it's a transition from cold to hot instead of the other way around.


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Ahh, yes, you're right. We did have this conversation recently. My bad.

Anyway, do you like to write at all? If so, what sort of writing?


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Would you rather be able to control fire or water?


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Ahh, yes, you're right. We did have this conversation recently. My bad.

Anyway, do you like to write at all? If so, what sort of writing?
All good, we could have had the conversation after you haf posted the question for all I know.
I must say that I've never been a big fan of writing. Always hated any form of writing assignments in school, whether it was a story, poem, or essay.

Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
That sounds like a tough one. Water seems a lot more practical as it is present in my life a lot more then fire is haha. So I guess that will be my choice


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All good, we could have had the conversation after you haf posted the question for all I know.
I'm pretty sure we had the Discord conversation before I asked the question. Oh well. :p

What is the most disappointing movie you can remember seeing? Not necessarily the worst, but the one that let you down the most for one reason or another.


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Do you have a favorite non-English TV show or movie?


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What’s the saddest scene in a movie or TV series?


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What is the most disappointing movie you can remember seeing? Not necessarily the worst, but the one that let you down the most for one reason or another.
Probably the Super Mario Bros movie :p
That movie is just plain...dissapointing haha.

Do you have a favorite non-English TV show or movie?
Hmm for now I'll honestly say Pokemon. Watching through the whole series was a lot of fun and I really liked the XY series.

What’s the saddest scene in a movie or TV series?
Does LBT count?  :PCera
If so then obviously Littlefoot's mother's death would be up there.
On the topic of Pokemon, the deleted scene from the first movie is completely heart breaking as it goes into Dr. Fuji's motivation for creating Mewtwo with his obsession to bring his daughter back at the cost of having his wife leave him, only for her to die anyways. Makes his death at the beginning all the more sad.


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Probably the Super Mario Bros movie :p
That movie is just plain...dissapointing haha.

lol, good answer.

Any TV shows you're currently watching?


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What character would it be the most fun to change places with for a week? This isn't just LBT related, anything applies.  :)


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Any TV shows you're currently watching?
Well I'm finally starting to catch back up on GoT since I missed season 7. O ly watched 2 episodes so far.

What character would it be the most fun to change places with for a week? This isn't just LBT related, anything applies.  :)
That's a tough on as a fantasy type world would be sweet to experience..
But also full of danger and I'd probably die haha. Maybe I'd replace a Harry Potter character, that way I can still live mostly normal for the week but also fool around with some magic.


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That's a tough on as a fantasy type world would be sweet to experience..
But also full of danger and I'd probably die haha. Maybe I'd replace a Harry Potter character, that way I can still live mostly normal for the week but also fool around with some magic.
Good answer. Seems like that'd be a bit safer than some other worlds to live in.

Is there a nickname in real life that people ever refer to you by?


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What’s the funniest TV show or movie you’ve ever seen? If it's too difficult to list one, you can name more than that.  :)


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Is there a nickname in real life that people ever refer to you by?
Hmm not really. At my old job quite a few years back there were a couple nicknames I was called that started as derivatives of my name and slowly were more and more bastardized. A bit of a story that involves talking about my full name so I don't think I'll go into more detail then that.

What’s the funniest TV show or movie you’ve ever seen? If it's too difficult to list one, you can name more than that.  :)
Now that sounds like a difficult question to answer haha, at least in terms of all time. For recent movies I'd have to go with the new Spider Man movie, the into the spiderverse one. I was surprised how funny that movie was and really recommend it. For TV shows, I recently would catch some episodes of Gintama when my roommate would watch them and that anime was pretty darn funny.


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Favourite band or musical artist? Or if you can't narrow it down to just one, feel free to name several.


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If you don't mind me asking, is that an LBT convention I see in your profile picture? Which one were you dressed as, Littlefoot or Cera? Or, were you not in the picture?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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If you were given five million dollars to open a small museum, what kind of museum would you create?