The Gang of Five
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Messages - Drake

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 105
Ask Me / Ask Drake Anything
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:02:48 AM »
That's Wataru as Kamen Rider Kiva Emperor Form. I played him for a while in the Insane Cafe RP.

Ask Me / Ask Drake Anything
« on: October 17, 2015, 01:52:01 PM »
I was going to say I dunno, but one just came to mind. Aliens: Colonial Marines because it was all around pretty bad and a big disappointment to me as a fan of the franchise. Other than that one game, I've not played anything that I really think is completely terrible.

Ask Me / Ask Drake Anything
« on: October 15, 2015, 10:30:47 PM »
Most of the purple dragon's supporting cast from the second and third games.

Crash Bandicoot and the other characters attached to that franchise. Lara Croft from the rebooted Tomb Raider. The nine playable classes in Team Fortress 2. There are probably a lot more that I'm forgetting.

Gamers Zone / Whatcha playin'?
« on: October 15, 2015, 06:16:33 AM »
Playing Alien: Isolation on PS4.

Ask Me / Ask Drake Anything
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:43:04 AM »
I haven't seen a Batman series that I haven't at least liked a little. Aside from TAS, Beyond, and the Brave and the Bold, I haven't really seen any of the other Batman cartoons.

Ask Me / Ask Drake Anything
« on: September 16, 2015, 05:07:49 PM »
I'm going to be boring and say Batman the Animtated Series.

Ask Me / Ask Drake Anything
« on: September 03, 2015, 02:12:28 AM »
My favorite games to play are quite numerous. I'll start with my favorite co-op and multiplayer.


Borderlands 2 partnered with my brother as my number 2, later added my sister as player 3.
Uncharted 3 co-op arena is the mode that I think we always play. I don't like the main game and have never played it, but the co-op is attractive and one of the few things my siblings will reliably play with me.
Star Wars Battlefront: also something we'll play over and over.
Left 4 Dead 2: I've only played this game with strangers on the internet, but it's loads of fun.
Team Fortress 2: Favorite shooter to play online with random peeps.
Crash Bash for party games.

Single player
Any of the first three Spyro the Dragon games.
Any of the first three Crash Bandicoot games.
Animal Crossing New Leaf even though I go through long periods without playing it.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness/Sky.
Rocksteady's Batman Arkham series.
Tomb Raider 2013
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Alien versus Predator 2010 is down here because I never really got to play a lot of the multiplayer.

My favorite movie is harder to pick as its hard to get attached to the characters in an hour and a half to two hours. I also like a mixture of action, comedy, and drama in my stories and movies seldom do all three of those things.

I like all of the movies based on the Kamen Rider Double series because unlike most of the KR movies they all tie closely into the canon and serve to develop characters and explain the backstory. The only bad thing is that two of those movies are crossovers featuring the previous year's Rider and the following years and those two stories aren't as good.

I enjoyed the How To Train Your Dragon movies, but I'm not sure which is my favorite.

Also like Batman Beyond Return of the Joker.

Ask Me / Ask Drake Anything
« on: September 02, 2015, 05:38:23 PM »
In the interest of being a bit more active and sociable, I'm opening up my own ask thread. There will be free cookies, song, and dance for all!*

*Topic will not actually include cookies, free or otherwise, song, or dance of any variety.

The Welcome Center / Possibly Resurfacing
« on: August 19, 2015, 05:18:35 PM »
I don't think a lot of people will really remember me aside from the RP members. I've had a bit of an upset in my life and found myself feeling nostalgic for old times, so I checked out here again, because this was always one of those rare nice corners of the internet.

So, I'm back. Not sure what else to say/do.

The Fridge / Ever had a catchphrase?
« on: August 19, 2015, 05:13:10 PM »
I don't think I've ever had a particular quote that I'd call my own catchphrase.

Although if you pay attention to the people around you, you'll notice that they all have their own catchphrases or strings of dialogue they'll repeat in the same situation. My best examples all come from people I've worked with.

My trainer had: "Don't be a nosy parker." for anyone who was being nosy. I think they also had a few more, but I can't remember them right now.

One associate had: "Is there overtime available?" used at pretty much every lunch start-up.

Another shouted out: "Yeah!" extremely loudly as his after meeting cheer. I compared this habit to Snowflake/Bulk Biceps similar exclamations and he stopped doing it for a while, sadly.

I myself tend to use "Heyo!" as a greeting and scream out "Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda!" in any video game where you can rapid-fire punch as an attack. Time stop attacks get an Engrish cry of "Za Worldo!", but these are all burrowed from different media sources. I've even picked up a habit of flicking my wrist from a certain show as I find it hard to remain still for long periods of time.

The Fridge / how often do you catch a flight?
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:02:50 PM »
I've never flown anywhere in my life, but as I've started planning my own vacations lately, mainly for conventions, the odds are good that I'll eventually have to fly somewhere.

Random Role Play / Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: July 09, 2013, 09:00:44 PM »
(Rider Sekai)

Haruto and the knight clashed swords, sparks of red and purple light flying as their blades clashed. The Kamen Rider ducked back keeping his distance since this guy didn't seem to be a Phantom and might be a completely different type of opponent.

The black creature swung his sword, launching a ball of purple fire at him.

Then again...

With no time to switch spell rings or charge a Slash Strike, Haruto leaped aside, leaving the fireball to explode against the cave wall.

He stood up from his less than graceful dive and faced the knight again. Something slashed across his back, scraping against his magic armor. He cried out in pain and stumbled forward, spinning around as the Naga Phantom slashed his scimitar over his chest armor. He raised his sword to block the next slash and kicked, but the Phantom dodged the clumsy attack.

"Don't interfere!" the knight growled, leaping at Naga, covering the span of the cave in one bound. He shoved Haruto aside and blocked a slash meant for the wizard. He slammed his free hand into the Phantom's chest, earning a pained grunt from the creature. He followed it up with a flurry of slashes, brutally cutting into the creature's mystic hide, until a final, glowing slash pierced the creature's upper body. Naga screamed and finally exploded into a ball of dark blue and purple flames.

Haruto gasped as he watched the knight effortlessly vanquished his opponent. The being spun around to face Wizard again.


"Well, me and Cynder had a fight," Spyro began.

The appearance of Eon's glowing, flickering head interrupted Spyro's explanation.

"Oh, Stripetail, old chum," the spirit exclaimed. "How lovely to see you again. Some of your friends have stumbled onto the Skylands. Do you know a nick and Kersevich?"

Silver Screen / Are you toony?
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:45:23 AM »
Batman the animated series (Am I the only one on here who actually watched this classic?)
Batman Beyond (When I got the chance...)
Beast Wars
Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers
Darkwing Duck
Dragonball Z
Godzilla the series (The good cartoon based on the mediocre movie.)
Looney Tunes
The New Adventures of Johnny Quest
Pirates of Dark Water
Sailor Moon
Scooby-Doo (Practically all of the old inarnations, I haven't seen any of the newer shows.)
Spider-man the animated series
Tom and Jerry

Random Role Play / Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: May 28, 2013, 05:03:34 AM »
Spyro followed the squirrel's projection through the ship. The sight of the ghostly image had startled him, but he quickly calmed down afterwards. He mulled over what he'd say to Stripetail when they talked and if he should really divulge all his feelings to him, but since Ignitus was gone, Stripetail was probably the nearest thing Spyro had left as a father figure.

He stepped onto the bridge as the projection vanished and he saw the real Stripetail. "Hey, I-." He glanced around at the other people in the room and suddenly felt very shy. "Needed to discuss something with you."


Eon's spirit appeared above the group, taking the form of a floating, glowing blue head with a long, flowing beard of white hair wearing a silver, horned helmet.

He hovered to Nick and his companion. "I've heard your pickle and I'll attempt to contact Stripetail now, though in my experience that squirrel tends to give his allies methods to contact him. If you have any such device, it could be very helpful for getting your message to him sooner rather than later."

(Rider World)

"Who are you?" Haruto asked the armored figure.

The strange creature cracked its head to the side, the joints of its armor creaking as it did. It then flexed the rest of its limbs one by one, shaking off ages of motionless. It took a step forward, coming into the light. Swirls of dark smoke continued to drift out of the armor. The metal suit covered the figure from head to toe in black.

"You... are you a Phantom?" Naga questioned.

"Wrong," the knight replied in a low voice. He glanced at Haruto. "A wizard? Interesting. Do you plan to seal me back up?"

"That depends on if you need sealing back up," Haruto replied smartly.

"Think you can do it?" the knight asked. A fountain of dark energy appeared in his right hand, extending out and forming into a large, serrated blade. He raised his arm, pointing the sword at the Rider. "Come."

"If you insist," Haruto said. Normally, he wasn't one to pick fights, but this guy gave him a bad feeling. He raised his sword and charged.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:36:02 AM »
GRAVITY ‘ - English cover by some random youtuber of a Japanese anime opening.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: May 21, 2013, 08:03:56 AM »
Do I listen to sad music becuase I'm sad or am I sad because I'm listening to sad music?
Do I listen to sad music becuase I'm sad or am I sad because I'm listening to sad music?  :crazy

Ask Me / Initiate Question-Firing
« on: May 21, 2013, 07:58:55 AM »
Favorite genre and why that genre?

Ask Me / Ask the Dragon
« on: May 21, 2013, 07:58:07 AM »
Sunflower seeds, because they're coated in delicious salt! I also like popcorn and I eat lots of pretzels, but they tend to get old.  :p

Land Before Time Captions / Petrie's Imaginary Enemy
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:40:51 AM »

Random Role Play / Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:34:22 AM »
"Let's just head deeper into the park," Cynder suggested, wanting to get lost in the trees. She spent a lot of time at home in the forest outside the dragon city, since the buildings made her feel clastrophobic.

(Elsewhere on the Spire)

Spyro trekked towards the bridge. He'd spent the morning sleeping outside and caught a bite to eat at a diner, even though he'd found it hard to enjoy. He wanted to talk to Cynder, but couldn't figure out what to say. He thought about asking Scooby, but since the quarrel involved Dixie he thought it might be too personal for the canine, so he decided to ask Stripetail for advice.

He asked a soldier for directions and they pointed him towards the bridge, so that's where the dragon headed. He trekked through the shiny metal halls, looking around at the alien enviroment and feeling out of place. He felt sure he'd gotten lost on top of that.


"We'll do everything we can," Spyro promised. "Eon should be able to help."

(OoC: Do we want Eon to be able to contact Stripetail?)


Cracks spread over the rock surface, an errie glow shining through the breaks. Haruto and Naga each took a cautious step back, raising their weapons to protect themselves. An angry wail sounded from the wall, growing in volume as the stone shattered.

The wall exploded outwards releasing a shockwave of dark purple magic and flying stone. The wave knocked the two of them off their feet. Haruto rolled over to face the wall.

An armored figure stood where the rune symbol had been drawn. An indention had been blown in the rock wall behind him and still glowed hot with purple magic. The back lighting cast the figure in shadows, except for the two glowing red points on his head. A flickering violet mist seeped from his armor.

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