The Gang of Five
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The Mallard and the Wereduck


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Canon: Darkwing Duck/Ducktales Crossover
Rating: PG/K+ (For thematic elements, intense fight scenes and a character death)
Genre: Supernatural Romance
Pairing(s): Drake Mallard x Jim Starling
AU?: Yes, Werewolf in a fairytale setting, taking a lot from Beatuy and the Beast and Little Red Riding Hood


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      Chapter One: The Attack

   Boots heavy with every step Gosalyn took, the barren dirt and twigs cracked under her feet. A crossbow tied to her back, a bundle of arrows in her quiver and a lantern in hand; green hues peered through the dark thicket of the woods. A shiver ran through her spine as the evening fall breeze blew through. The crescent moon rose high, its gentle light illuminated Gosalyn's youthful, feathered features and made her red headfeathers shine.

   Despite her father, Drake Mallard’s warnings about straying too far from their village, she wanted to support and provide for their small family. Even if it meant hunting for prey before the winter season took its icy hold. This would not be Gosalyn’s first time hunting by herself. As her father taught her to use a bow and arrow to aid him during their trips outside of Canardia Village. Even so, it would be the first time to do so in the dead of night and without dad’s knowledge.

   The redhead had to find a sign. Something to aid her in search for the creature that took her grandfather’s life over a year ago. A creature with many names, but was commonly known as a werewolf. With the monster’s face imprinted and her grandfather crying out her name before being devoured: then nine-year-old Gosalyn was left alone, helpless to save him.

   Gosalyn was not the helpless little girl anymore. With her newfound hunting skills and her father’s support in finding the beast that killed her grandpa, she would enact her revenge. Even if she had to brave the dark woods in order to do so...

   She wasn’t alone.

   Whipping her head around, she set down her lantern, took out an arrow and positioned it in her bow. Aiming back of her and then around. She waited for a sound, only to be answered by a hoot of an overhead owl, which she pointed the arrow toward. Her expression twisted to a frown. Scoffed, she lowered her weapon and kept it to her side. Gosalyn decided to retreat to the village with a few steps and went back in the opposite direction.

   Suddenly, a haunting, familiar sound rose, making Gosalyn speed up her pace from a careful walk to a speedy jog. A howl- a long, deep howl whose vibre sent chills down her spine. Despite her initial bravery, the red-headed girl did not have it in her to see it through. Something she internally berated herself for.


   With a shout, she tripped over a tree root and tumbled into a clearing. Her lantern fell and crashed, and flames blazed. She curled around her crossbow in effort to keep it from falling from her grasp. Lifting her head, she turned to see the flames of the lantern quickly spreading. Before making another move, a low growl was heard not too far away. Stock-still, Gosalyn beheld a beast: the biggest she had ever seen.

   Emerald hues traveled to large, gray paws with unsheathed claws and then up to the massive silver head with shining teeth like knives. Then golden-yellow eyes in front, staring, leering at her. This werewolf was not the one that murdered her grandfather, but it was deadly and ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

   Readying her weapon, the girl’s beak gritted into a snarl, arrow pointed directly to the eye of the monster. If she was going to die; either by being eaten by the very beings that took her grandfather away or burned alive by the flame she set accidentally, she wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

   The lunge never came so she did not shoot. The werewolf yelped in surprise and pain from a burning sensation against its side by a whirling ball of white and purple. The creature’s lip curled into a snarl, turning inward to sink its teeth into the assailant's throat, who jumped off, waving his torch in the wolf’s face.

   “Run Gosalyn!” It was her dad! “Go get help, this fire will spread to the village, go now!”

   Gosalyn responded with stunned silence. Then, with her crossbow stored upon her back, ran away in the direction of the village with the light of the moon and stars to guide her.

   Meanwhile, the blue-eyed drake used the fire to his advantage, waved his torch and jumped forward to burn the creature alive. While the monster rolled to rid of the fire on its person.

   “Not so tough when you aren't hunting down an innocent child huh?!" Drake spat venomously.

   The werewolf, having enough of this mere mortal male duck, spun around, knocked the torch out with the wave of its paw and roared at the white duck as though saying:

   ‘Get that thing out of my face NOW!’
   Surprised by the quick recovery, the white male duck ran to find his torch to keep the creature at bay, but he was pounced upon by the werewolf against the tree. Grunted from the impact, Drake’s beak twisted into a snarl as he kicked the wolf’s face, which made the werewolf reel back. Using that opportunity, the headstrong male sped off to find his torch, with the werewolf hot on his tail.

   Between the roaring of the fire, which was spreading quickly in every direction illuminating the night sky, and the hot breath of the beast on his back, Drake knew there was a slim chance he could make out of this alive. Whether eaten by this wolf or burned alive by the flames, he was at least going to give a fighting chance if not for himself, but for his daughter. She had lost and been through so much, the last thing she needs is to worry about her father’s hero complex.

   Quickly Drake was finding out his torch had been long gone, so he resorted to a branch, hot to the touch but lit with fire at the end, with a shout he ran back to the werewolf, who seemed prepared for an attack, swiped not the branch with fire, but Drake himself!

   With a yelp, the foolhardy male stumbled upon some rocks that while made him seethe in pain, nevertheless broke his fall. Slowly, the werewolf circled its prey, its mouth drooling, fire lightened its gaze- or it would have, if it weren’t for a sudden splash of water upon it.

   “DAD!” A familiar voice screamed as she witnessed the werewolf’s pursuit of a weakened Drake.
   Shouts and hollers from who the white male guessed were the villagers Gosalyn lead to help gathered around with their gear, dousing the fire with buckets of water and firing their muskets to frighten away the creature that attacked Drake. And yet, the creature was unfazed, having narrowed its focus on the male.

   Despite his state, sky blue hues steeled at the pair of golden yellows, waiting at any moment for either the beast to strike or Gosalyn or the villagers to shoot at the creature. The creature’s jaws now open and close to his neck suddenly...stopped. Wide black nose wiggled and breathed in the scent of its prey. Its massive head reared back, lip curled, and made a grunting noise as though in disgust. A quiet whoosh like that of a bird’s wings was heard by both the arrow pierced the shoulder of the beast. It backed up with a roar, more and more realizing it most likely would not win this battle, retreated and ran into the thicket, leaving a trail of blood from its arrow wound.

   Stunned on the spot, Drake jumps from a barreling Gosalyn at his side, embracing him as though he would easily slip from her grasp.

   “Dad! Let’s go, c’mon, did that thing hurt you?! I’ll help you, this is all my fault! If I wasn’t out here-oh dad!”
   Helping a sore Drake up, she took note of the wounds on his back and side, scratch marks from the beast and scorching bruises from landing on the hot rocks. Yet, even with Gosalyn’s worried chattering, the villagers clearing the fire and leading them back with lanterns and torches of her own, the adult male had only one thing on his mind.

   Why did that beast not kill me?

   Outside of Gosalyn, the rest of the villagers and fire surrounding them, it was determined to see to Drake’s end. If not for food, out of revenge for hurting it and spoiling his own dinner. But once it actually smelled him, it wanted nothing to do with him. Why?

   Alas, none of these questions could be answered for the time being. All Drake had to do now is get back home, dress his wounds and check in on Gosalyn.


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Chapter Two: The Invitation

“Uh excuse me I’m looking for uh-! Oh sorry ‘bout that! Wait I’m looking for a guy about yay-high uh...ok.”

Despite being over a few feet taller than everyone else, the large, towering duck was ignored over and over again, nearly tripping over the busy villagers that moved sporadically to their destinations. Weeks had passed since the last werewolf attack and the village buzzed with nervous energy. Some spoke in hushed whispers or aimed suspicious looks over their shoulder at anyone who either wasn’t familiar or seemed strange to them. Posters of scary images of what one could assume was an exaggeration of the wolf, were posted all over town and with text that read:


WARNING: Werewolf attack by Canardia Village. Do not approach! Skilled Werewolf Hunters wanted. Reward: 300,000 in gold


After looking at one in particular, the tall duck ripped one off from its nail with a frown, rolling it up and putting it in his sack. He intended to show it to his boss later.

The man felt someone brush past him and perked up to catch their attention.

“Heya ma'am,” The red-head man reached for a middle-aged woman with a shawl and a basket of fruits and vegetables. “I’m Launchpad,” He removed his cap. “Know anybody ‘bout this tall,” He raised his hand to about his waist, “Dressed in purple and with an enormous beak?”

“I may, but I don’t recall anyone of that description.” The rabbit woman scrunched her tiny, pink nose inquisitively. “Did you catch their name?”

“” He admitted, shoulders drooped.

“Sorry young man,” The female shrugged. “Unless you have a name I can’t help you.” She then went on her way with her cottontail swaying behind her.

Launchpad couldn’t believe it. He’s asked almost everyone in town about the man that was attacked by the werewolf and lived. Despite the threat being prevalent in Canardia, to the point where no one talked about anything else, the victim still slipped out of the conversation completely. It did not help Launchpad’s case that he didn’t even know the survivor’s name.

With a resounding sigh, Launchpad walked out of the marketplace to move on with his to-do list for the oncoming winter ahead. He already had firewood for himself and the master, a fresh kill for supper, and of course other assorted groceries for the following week. While walking, the redhead passed by a modest-looking school, with children running out of its doors when the bell rang. The adult male smiled fondly. He recalled his days back home, learning life skills from the teachers, playing on the school grounds with his friends, and of course idolizing his hero, Jim Starling. Whom he currently served as his most loyal companion.

The redhead then saw from the corner of his eye, two ducklings that seemed to be having a tussle. Or at least, one of them was antagonizing by pushing while the other complained.

“Ow!” The tiny duckling with small spectacles shrank away from the larger child. He held the book bag close to his chest. “Quit it Tank!”

The other child named Tank was bigger and also had a shock of red hair, his beady eyes narrowing predatorily at the smaller.

“Quit being such a baby Honks,” He shoved him, attempted to push him down to his feet. “Just messin’ with ya.”

Launchpad frowned at the all-too-familiar sight of a small child getting bullied by the larger one. While no stranger to being bullied himself, he usually found a way to get even with his tormentors, often killing them with kindness in the form of his mom’s cooking or by his threatening height. Launchpad would scare anyone that would bully him or his friends away. Thinking over his past experiences, he almost approached the two until he hears a whooshing sound fly past him.

Tank was about to pull Honk’s book out of his hands when he saw an arrow freshly jabbed into the dirt by his feet...It had nearly missed them.

“Hey, what the-?!” The bully started, before another flew over his head, making a clean-cut bald spot upon his scalp.

Tank screamed girlishly, letting go of Honk’s book, which sent the smaller duck falling back on his rear. Covering his now balding head, the bully sought to find the source with dark, vengeful eyes but found nothing. He stared down at his victim suspiciously, eyes going red.

“What’s the big idea huh?!”

Honk stuttered, at loss for what words. All he wanted was to calm down Tank and get himself out of trouble as much as possible. Before either duckling could move or speak; like a shadow of the night, a third duckling appeared right between the victim and his bully, her crossbow pointed at the largest duckling’s beak.

“Unless you want a full barber’s cut,” Green eyes challenged red. “I suggest you leave now.”

Launchpad, who was watching from the sidelines, held his breath, in awe of this girl defending a fellow classmate from further abuse. He considered coming in to de-escalate the situation, but with a disgruntled huff, Tank scoffed at the other redhead and walked grumbling away.

Once the girl was certain the large duckling was out of sight, she let a breath and turned to Honks, offering a helping hand.

“Geez your bro’s really got it out for you today Honk. What, did he fail a test or somethin’?”

The adult’s eyes widened disbelievingly at this information. He understood having a brother or sister wasn’t easy, but even with him and his sister Loopy from back home, they still got along fine. How could a brother treat his own kin like that?

Honks blushed sweetly, although there was a glint of mischief reflecting off his glasses, indicating that maybe he instigated the fight beforehand.

“Thanks Gosalyn.” He accepted the help with a grunt, being pulled up by his best friend.

Launchpad stepped out with arms open wide and looked with genuine surprise.

“That was amazing!”

Both kids startled by the sudden encounter, with Honks behind Gosalyn, shivered and watched while the redhead pointed her crossbow, and examined the newcomer.

“The way you were going,” Launchpad made a stance as though he was shooting a bow and arrow. “WHOOSH! WHOOSH! With him going: ‘What’s the big idea?’” He deadpanned trying to sound like Tank, which made Honker giggle in the back and Gosalyn break out in a smirk.

“Then you said ‘Unless ya want a barber’s cut, ya betta leave’.”

The girl lowered her weapon a little, smiling at the fact an adult was praising her efforts to stand up for her friend. Even her dad would have scorned her to not give “unwarranted haircuts” to bullies, especially since the bully was their neighbor.

“Yea-ayep-yep,” The proud girl dusted herself off, emulating a certain purple-clad mallard she knew well. “All in a day’s work for Gosalyn Mallard! Gotta keep ole Tank on his toes and all.”

“C’mon Gosalyn,” The small boy encouraged the girl to leave with a suspicious glint at Launchpad. “We don’t want your dad to worry.”

The tall duck looked on with a puzzled frown, as though trying to remember something, only then shook his head and stared bewilderingly at the girl.

“Wait...Gosalyn? You’re Gosalyn?!”

“Uh yeah, that’s my name, what of it?” Gosalyn looked up bemused.

“If you’re Gosalyn, I bet ya know the guy that stood up to the werewolf a couple of weeks ago!” Launchpad looked on excitedly.

Now both kids backed away slowly, which Gosalyn answered carefully.

“Uh...yeah that’s my dad.”

Reaching into his sack, Launchpad took out an envelope while Gosalyn pointed her crossbow. Handing it to her, Launchpad did not seem to mind the weapon pointed at him, aimed a genial smile, in hopes to ease the tension between them.

With a shift of her eyes and a head tilt, she motioned for her best friend to take the piece of parchment. Carefully, tepidly, Honks took the envelope and retreated behind the red-headed girl just as quickly as he peeked out.

“My boss told me to hand it to ‘im, but since I caught you instead, you could give to him could ya? Thanks a bunch miss!”

Lowering her weapon, Gosalyn stored it with a strap on her back and decided that, while the guy was a strange one, did not seem dangerous.

“Yeah sure, I’ll let my dad know Mr…?”

“Oh yeah! Name’s Launchpad McQuack! Nice to meet ya, but gotta do chores for Mr. Starling. Gotta keep the place warm for winta’.”

“Wait...Starling?” The kid’s brows raised at the name. “Isn’t he that old actor guy?”

“The very same! Well, have a good one!”

With a wave, Launchpad turned away, leaving the two schoolchildren confused by this entire interaction. They walked away, Honker spoke up first.

“How did he know you Gosalyn?” Honker hushed as they walked away for home and to Gosalyn’s dad’s audition. He gave the envelope to her as they talked.

“It’s a small town Honkster,” Gosalyn shrugged, putting the envelope in her sack. “All everyone’s been talking about is the werewolf attack. But you’re right, it’s weird that we’ve never seen that guy ‘round here right?”

Honker nodded. “I’ve never seen him and my mom knows everyone in the city.”

“Well, he said he knew that old actor guy, and you know how crazy my dad is for him. Who knew he was around here?”

“I’ll ask my mom if she’s seen anybody like them, maybe they just moved here?”

“And I’ll ask my dad about it. But I’m pretty sure he would’ve told me if he knew his “hero” was living ‘round here.”

Past the school building and in the center of the village, was a town square and a plain, aged building with a poster nailed to the door, portraying an image of a handsome-looking swan with text reading:


Drake exited out of the door, not without looking back at the person in the building. He wore a thankful gaze and an excited grin.

“Thank you again so much for this opportunity Mr. Boorswan, you have no idea how much this means to me! To be a part of your production! We’ve needed a new director for months. Thank goodness you came along!”

“Oh please Mr. Mallard,” The person inside called after the young man. “I should be thanking you for your interest!”

“I’ll make sure to tell everyone. This theater will have seats filled before the season ends, I won’t let you down!”

There were muffled sounds inside the building, which Drake leaned into the doorway to hear better.

“I’m sorry, what was that sir?” Drake asked curiously, his head poked into the room.

“I said I know you won’t. We’ll keep in touch, see you next week!” Alistair said.

“Bye!” Drake said before bumping his large beak on the door frame, muttered irritably, then closed the door behind him.

Drake carried a stack of posters at his side and hummed a familiar tune as he walked down the front steps. The theater was decaying, not just from the lack of physical care, but from the entire Canardian community. No one seemed interested in theater, scoffing it off as a “useless past-time suited only for the aristocracy” or even the more archaic school of thought that it was “a sinful distraction” and other such conclusions that Drake ferverously disagreed with. The theater was the one artistic medium that made the young duck feel like he had a purpose. He could tell stories, entertain the public, and share a part of himself he could not in everyday life. And now with a daughter to look after, he needed the income and wanted to instill the value of art in Gosalyn’s life.

Walking further into the square, Drake took some nails, a hammer, and one of the posters to nail it to the town square noticeboard. Other people carried on their way. Taking another nail out between his teeth, he nailed the bottom part of the poster to keep it secure. Suddenly, a shiver went down his spine at the sound of a slimy, familiar voice.

“Well, look at ya beautiful.~ Still savin’ that theata’ eh? Doesn’t it get tirin’ doing the same thing ova and ova again with no results?”

Drake cringed, but turned slightly to a tall, cream-colored rooster, flashing the most polite smile he could muster.

“I would ask the same thing about you Steelbeak, but considering all of the letters you sent me last week and the week before that, I feel as though my efforts would be fruitless.”

“Heh, you’re funny when you want to be sweetbeak.~” Steelbeak leaned onto the notice board, blocking Drake’s way. “But ya don’t have to try with a face like that.” He puffed out his chest and fluffed his tail feathers flirtatiously. “You and I, we’re already beautiful in a town full of mediocre, ugly people. How about ya ditch this spot and I’ll take ya somewhere we can both be admired?~”

Drake turned heel with his stack of posters to give them out to people in the square.

“Steelbeak, I’m kind of busy right now, so unless you’re planning on helping, maybe we can try some other ti-” He’s stopped short by the deceptively agile rooster now in front of him again.

“Don’cha know? I am tryin’ to help. Help ya see that ya don’t need to do this...extra stuff. Let somebody else do the pappa work,” Steelbeak reached for Drake’s stack in an attempt to pull it out of his grasp. “Afta-all, ya have a kid to take care of and ya need to get out on the town more often. And with me being the best hunta ‘round here, I can protect ya from any beasts roamin’ that dark woods.”

“That’s...very kind of you to offer but, really I think I can handle myself just fi-” The shorter man struggled to pull his posters out from Steelbeak’s iron grip.

“Make no mistake,” Large hands envelop the smaller ones, making Drake stand stock-still, blue hues staring back at hazel. “I don’t offa’ my ‘charity’ to just anybody ya know. Just the ones that make it worth my time.” He winked conspiringly at the male mallard, whose beak wrinkled in distaste.

“Then I’m afraid,” Drake grunted, pulling the stack of papers close to his chest as he could. “Your ‘charity’ is going to be-” He finally yanked the posters from the self-absorbed rooster. “-wasted!”

Stumbling back three feet away from Steelbeak by the force of pulling his posters back, the aforementioned rooster stared at him, mouth agape, Drake repositioned himself in the middle of the street, calling out to anyone who would hear.

“New play directed by Alistair Boorswan!” He waved a poster in the air. “‘Return To Darkness’ at the Watson Theater! Auditions occurring now!”

Every other person would brush Drake off, ignoring his cries, while others would stop and inquire about the times, the story of the play, and any other information the Pekin duck had at the ready. Steelbeak meanwhile, tried to intervene now and then, only to be ignored by Drake and even some of the passers-by. Getting more and more frustrated with every minute, the tall rooster finally had enough.

“Listen here Mallard, I’ve been patient long enough and you’ve dismissed me every single time!” He squawked angrily once there were fewer people in the street. “Now I need an ansa’ and I want it n-!”

“Hi dad!” A chipper, small voice interrupted. It was Gosalyn, her hair bounced as she bounded towards Drake.

“Hey sweetie!” Drake answered too cheerfully, eyes zero focused on Gosalyn and blocked Steelbeak’s way from approaching his daughter with a free arm. “Would you mind helping me hand out flyers while we walked home?” While his smile was big, his eyes indicated relief at the green-eyed girl’s arrival.

“Oh-” The girl’s eyes went wide once her gaze landed on Steelbeak, she switched gears and smiled too brightly at her father. She reached out for his hand, which Drake took gratefully and both set out in a hurry, leaving a sore, ego-wounded rooster behind.

On the way home, Gosalyn talked about her day at school and Drake spoke of his audition and his new boss while the two handed out posters. The red headed-girl had her own methods, threateningly eyeing a denizen when they were rudely dismissing her dad, to which they would accept Drake’s invitation to audition with terse grins. Drake gently scolded her.

“Gos, I know you’re only helping, but there’s better ways to make people to do what you want without trying to intimidate them...try to earn their respect.”

“Dad, they don’t respect you!” Gosalyn pointed out. “If those jerks aren’t gonna respond to you by being nice, then at least make 'em take the thing before running off.”

The older duck took a deep breath through his nose and out again. While Drake was well aware of how little the town thought of him, especially after the attack weeks prior: to have that reality hit him in the face in the form of his daughter’s bluntness made it too depressing to bear.

“Gos, the point of rebuilding the theater is to invite the town, have them come in willingly. Everyone’s been so scared and tense, the town could use a place where they can get lost in the stories and distract themselves for an hour and a half or so.”

“And so you can win them over by being the lead role right?” Gosalyn smirked.

“Exactly-!” Drake started to say before he stopped himself and looked back at his sly daughter with a narrowed gaze.

“Y’know, you’re lucky you’re my daughter or I wouldn’t be so tolerant of your tomfoolery.” He grinned mischievously before ruffling the little duckling’s hair, which made the green-eyed girl giggle.

After a few more blocks, they were finally home at the far end of Canardia. The last house of the street, just next to the Muddlefoots, whose house was the perfect picture of a middle-class home. The Muddlefoots owned a yellow house with white trim and a red chimney at the top of their brown roof. Meanwhile, the Mallard’s home was but a simple estate, a gray bungalow, no trim, and a brown chimney at the top of their black roof. It was only one story with a front yard. It wasn’t merely enough for Gosalyn, Drake believed, but it was the only home he could afford.

Gosalyn was the first to run and open the door, leaving it for Drake to enter and close with a soft ‘click’ of the lock. Resting the pile of posters that were not given out on the table, Drake sat down for the first time for the rest of the day, letting out an exhausted sigh. Elbows settled onto the table, Drake messaged his left temple with his hand and looked down upon himself. Gosalyn set down her quiver upon it with Drake eyeing her tiredly.

“Sweetie, you know you shouldn’t leave weapons-” He stopped mid scolding, a flash of parchment peeking from the bag caught his eye.

“Daaad it’s just-” Gosalyn turned from washing her face from the pitcher by the washstand. She saw the paper which Drake carefully took from her satchel.

“Oh yeah! Some weird guy wanted me to give you that, it was from that old theater guy you like so much.”

Drake’s perplexed look became wide-eyed at the mention of his idol. Using a knife from the cutlery on the wall, he tore it open and quickly ignored his daughter’s questions as his eyes darted from word to word.


‘Dear sir,

    As it is in my interest to get to know newcomers involving themselves in “the craft”, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the world of theater. It has made my heart heavy that the very theater where I first started my career has been left to rot by uncaring individuals with very little vision and skewed priorities, so to hear that a bright young man such as yourself has invested his time into upstarting it again has lifted my spirits and gave me new hope for future generations. I only regret not investing in my own time to replenish it to The Watson Theater’s former glory, as I’ve had other obligations keeping me busy and away from my hometown. Regrettably still, I have not had the pleasure to address you properly. By the time you’ve received this letter, hopefully my manservant will have informed me of your name.

    This leads me to say that you are invited to my estate. My servant will arrive at your location with my carriage to pick you up the next time you are available. I wait patiently for your response.


    J. Starling’


“So what does it say?” Gosalyn inquired who sat in a chair adjacent to her father.

The blue-eyed Mallard buzzed with excitement, read the letter multiple times. Every sentence, every word, every full stop made his heart backflip in his chest. After so many years of admiration, Drake was finally going to meet his hero, his idol, the man he modeled his entire life after! He pinched himself with an “ouch!” to see if he was dreaming, to only find out that no, he wasn’t! This was real, this was Jim’s handwriting, and Drake was invited to his home!

He rolled up letter in his hand and rushed to his bedroom past a confused Gosalyn who trailed behind him.

“Dad! Hello?!” She called out for him and entered his room which was an entire memorabilia and playbills of Jim Starling from every play and every role he had ever performed.

“Oh man, oh man, what to do, what to wear?!”

Drake exclaimed as he fixed his hair in his mirror, patting it and combing it through his fingers. He then stopped and reached into his closet, took out and threw clothes away in Gosalyn’s direction, who quacked as she caught them in her arms. Frustrated, she threw the clothes onto the bed and placed herself in front of her busy father, flailed her arms to attract his attention.

“Hey, EARTH TO DAD!” She shouted, startling Drake, causing him to look down at her finally.

“Wha-?! Yes Gos?” He blinked.

“What.did.the.letter.say?” Gosalyn spoke slowly with an impatient look.

“Oh, right! Jim Starling heard about the work I was doing at our Watson Theater and invited me to his estate! Isn’t that incredible?!” He handed the letter back for the girl to read and then brushed past her to look more into his closet.

“I just need the right clothes and hair to make the best impression! Do you think Mrs. Muddlefoot would mind helping out? She’s good at this sort of thing y’know.”

Gosalyn was half listening to Drake as she speedily read the parchment, her expression contorted to a skeptical frown. He brows shot up at the official invite and shook her head, gaze aimed at the excited adult.

“But that doesn’t make any sense, how did he know who you were without even knowing your name? And, who just sends a carriage to a perfect stranger and invites them into their home? If he’s back, why couldn’t he meet you in town?”

Drake smiled shaking his head.

“Gos, Gos, Gos, he’s a celebrity!” He reached out for a particular shirt to examine in the mirror, pressing it against his chest. “He probably doesn’t want anyone else to bother him while meeting me. And well, he heard of the...attack weeks ago but was being courteous only wanting to talk to me about my work.”

There was a weight in the air, both dad and daughter paused, remembered the traumatic event. Gosalyn used a washcloth to clean Drake’s back wounds as well as the scratch on his hand. While she wasn’t reprimanded for being in danger, she did have to go straight from home to school and back without any stops.

“Still, don’t you think it’s suspicious that this guy would suddenly send you of all people an invite after all this time?” Gosalyn crossed her arms, the letter still in hand. “And why come back if he hasn’t been around in years?”

“I know it’s sudden and you’re probably right about it being...dubitable. But it’s like I always say Gos-” The adult duck hung his last shirt in the closet before walking across his room to his desk for parchment paper, ink, and quill.

“Risk little, experience little.” He sat in his chair and dipped the end of his quill to the bottle of ink. “Life’s not worth living without taking chances.”

Gosalyn looked on with a bewildered look then shook her head with a defeated sigh.

“I’ll start cutting the vegetables. And dad,”

Drake looked up from his response to Jim to see Gosalyn’s worried look.

“Be careful okay? I...I can’t lose you too.”

The adult duck’s face softened and opened an arm out for Gosalyn to take, which the girl hesitated for a moment before running into Drake’s grasp. The male gave a squeeze before relaxing as Gosalyn flinged her arms around his middle.

“Listen, if a giant beast couldn’t best me in a fight, there’s no way a single letter from my idol will keep me away from you. Like it or not, I plan to stay around for a long time and annoy you as much as I please.”

Drake ruffled Gosalyn’s red locks as she half-heartedly complained with laughter, eyes twinkling.

“Haha! DAAAD! Stop!”

Drake kissed on top of her head and cheeks multiple times and the green-eyed girl pushed him, toppling over with laughter. The blue-eyed man joined in after.

“Okay, okay, dad,” She slipped out of Drake’s arms and aimed for the kitchen. “I’ll start with the dinner prep.”

“I’ll be right there sweet pea!” Drake called after her before turning to his letter.

With his gaze focused on the parchment, he dabbed his quill in the ink once more and pressed to the paper.


  ‘To Mr. Starling-’


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Chapter Three: Introductions

After such correspondence, Drake agreed to visit his idol at the end of the week. The male duck worked tirelessly to make every word crafted in a way that was simultaneously polite, proclaiming, and reverent. When words jumbled together in a way that did not satisfy the perfectionist, he’d throw it out and start over from scratch. Bundling with nerves, he worried that his RSVP would not be sufficient, that the older man would scoff at such amateurish wording. And if he did not worry about how his response came off, he’d obsess over the mail time, how long it would take for the postal service to receive the response and deliver it to his idol. Mail sometimes did get lost, slipping through the cracks and left to rot forever.

   However, the RSVP was received, evidenced by the prompt response from Jim Starling, who was nothing but patient and forgiving. Not that he expected one, but it was more than appreciated nevertheless. The two ducks wrote back and forth until the end of the week. Gosalyn would be staying with the Muddlefoots while Drake left for the estate, which was in the middle of the dark woods.

   Dressed in his best purple coat and pink shirt, Drake shivered from the cold autumn night and fiddled with the laced sleeve under his coat one. With much confident assurance from Binkie and the annoyed insistence from Gos, they made certain he was appropriately dressed, hair coiffed and cologne complimentary.

   After much anticipation, Drake perked up to the sound of hooves. A purple coach with two horses, one white, the other black trotted up to the end of the street. The only sources of light were the candle-lit homes on his street and the lantern held by the driver of the carriage, highlighting his determined features.

   The horses slowed to a walk as the driver saw Drake waving him down and came to a complete stop. The door of the carriage was right in front of the violaceously dressed male. Blue hues searched for the driver’s gaze as he inquired.

“Are you from the Starling residence Mr-?”

The driver smiled warmly in the dimly lit atmosphere around them, hopping from his seat to walk around and open the door for Drake.

   “Launchpad! Launchpad McQuack! And I sure did Mister Mallard!” The light from the lantern illuminated his green gaze. “Been awhile since we had anybody else visit Mr. Starling- oop! Careful there!” He stopped Drake from slipping on a step, giving the other his arm for balance. Drake blushed and smiled gratefully at the large man before letting go to settle himself inside.

   As Launchpad closed the door behind him, the young drake caught the scent of musk, as the interior of the carriage looked like it had seen better days. The fuchsia velvet seats were worn, and some of the gold embroidery around the edges were loose. The curtains did not fair any better. Seams ripped in places that would have made it difficult for the rider to close if they chose to not look outside or keep themselves warm from the elements.

   Drake’s gaze drifted back to his home as he heard Launchpad make a soft cluck for the horses to move. He could also see Gosalyn from the Muddlefoot’s window, waving to him before blowing out the windowsill candle. The adult male waved back, smiling.

   Nails dug into the well-worn seats as Drake chattered his teeth, eyes wide in sheer terror, for the horses were running at a neck-break rest, their driver encouraging their speed. The horses whinnied at the motion of Launchpad cracking the reins.

   “DO WE REALLY NEED TO GO THIS FAST!?” Drake shouted over the howling winds.


   With another crack of the reins, the horses leaped up and over a large fallen tree on a steep hill, sending them, the driver, the carriage, and its passenger flying...or rather falling on the trail. Both Drake and Launchpad screamed going down, long enough until hooves touched the ground, the carriage landed hard, causing the passenger to rise and hit his skull under the folding head, thus rubbed his noggin from the impact. Launchpad hollered and yipped excitedly as they galloped, making a straight dash through some barren trees while Drake held on to the seats for dear life.

   Finally, the gallop slowed down to a canter and then a trot where the passenger could finally catch his breath. Shaking like a leaf, Drake breathed out and peeked through the ripped curtains to observe the woods.

   Against a now pitch-black sky, on both sides of the path were large effigies of wolves snarling and sneering at the blue-eyed duck as he and Launchpad passed them, which made the budding actor shiver. One in particular he could have sworn their eyes glowed.

   “Almost there Mister M! Can almost taste that meat stew! Mm, mm!”

   Finally, the carriage came to a complete stop, the horses snort and shook their heads in relief. Drake’s stomach was in knots by the time Launchpad opened the carriage door and let him out to a sight that the passenger found most puzzling.

   The estate was nothing like the Starling super fan imagined. Rather than a grand mansion in the middle of the woods, it was a cabin that looked like any you would expect out in the wilderness. It wasn’t as small as Drake’s gray bungalow, but it was still unremarkable for someone of Mr. Starling’s status. He supposed Jim would need to keep a low profile if he did not want to be hounded by the press, peeping toms and stalkers alike. The only notable part of the exterior was the knocker which was shaped like the wolf effigies he saw previously.

   Entering the estate, Drake was greeted by the sight of an open foyer, walls a crimson red, but covered in memorabilia of previous performances of the owner. Every painting had Jim as the focal point, either posed for a shoot or with his co-stars. However, out of all of the pictures, one painting put the young actor in awe.
Right in the center of all of the memorabilia was a giant painting of Jim Starling as a young man, bright smile meeting his famously astute cobalt eyes, posing proud and posturing. Beak agape, Drake almost jumped out of his skin the moment Launchpad spoke.

   “I like that one too. It’s when-”

   Drake and Launchpad spoke in unison.

   “He had the big opening night at the Watson Theater playing as Darkwing Hood!”

   “Were you there when he used the jump trick to take down QuackerJack?!” Drake jumped into Launchpad’s space, the other not seeming to mind, who chatted just as excitedly.

   “I sure was!” Large hands collapsed both the smaller man’s shoulders. “Did you know they had only one take for that scene?!”

   “Yeah! And they used actual water for effects when he was fighting Liquidnator! The guy even looked like he was made of water!”

   “I know!” Launchpad lifted Drake. “There’s so much here I could show you if you like everything else you’ve seen so far!”

   Drake nodded amicably as Launchpad set him down.

   “I’ve never had anyone else to talk about Jim with.” The smaller man shrugged, hand stroked his other arm. “Either no one else knows who I’m talking about or they just think I’m that weirdo who likes the theater too much.”

   Drake looked up smiling shyly while Launchpad beamed down. A moment passed, and the manservant’s smile faltered, then coughed into his fist.

   “So uh, Mr. Starling’s not gonna join ya for dinner. You’ll be seeing him in the drawing room after for coffee and biscuits.” Launchpad cleared his throat, hand stroked the back of his neck sheepishly. “He’s sorry about that.”

   “Oh sure, of course.” Drake blinked, bravado ebbed away to worry. “Wait, so it’s just going to be me? You’re not coming?”

   “Nah, I gotta bunch ‘o stuff he needs me to do before and after.” Launchpad shrugged, his genial nature returned. “But don’t worry, if ya need anything just give me a holla’ and I’ll be at your service!” He made a little bow.

   Drake’s anxious expression fell to a pensive frown. He wondered what kind of “boss” would drive this affable man to so much work, but refrained from questioning as there were more pressing matters to discuss with Mr. Starling.

   “Oh, well that’s too bad. Hopefully, we’ll catch up later? Y’know, when you’re not working.” He inquired hopefully, tail wagging.

“Sure Mister M, ya seem like a nice guy. ‘Sides anybody that’s a fan of the boss gotta have good taste!”

   “Ah, c’mon!” Drake flushed embarrassed, waving a hand dismissively. “But you’re right. Not to toot my own horn,” He jabbed a thumb into his chest. “But I’ve been a fan since I was a kid. Anyone that doesn’t like Mr. Starling is objectively wrong.” He winked.

   “It’s true and you should say it.”

   Turning to the source of the new voice, hues of a cloudless sky trailed up to the wide and russet-colored staircase, and Drake’s heart was caught in his throat the moment he saw him.

   The striking resemblance between the large portrait in the foyer and the man descending the steps was uncanny. The way the elder man held Drake’s gaze with every purposeful step sent chills down the younger man’s spine. The man seemed to age like a fine wine, wrinkles accenting his features. The proud, knowing gaze sharpened with intelligence and wisdom that can be earned only through the inevitability of living.
   Following Launchpad’s example, who had obtained his position before Mr. Starling: Drake straightened up and his gaze lowered as though fearful of insulting the elder. However, he could see from the corner of his eye, the retired actor looked bemused.

   “Were you not taught to look one in the eye when you’re being addressed?”

   In a hurry, Drake corrected his mistake, gaze aimed worriedly for the other’s approval, which to his relief, he found.

   “That’s better.” Jim smiled, pearly whites flashed brilliantly in an orange beak. A hand easily came out for the younger to take.

   There was barely a hesitation when Drake took it into his own, which were unfortunately for him, clammy and sweaty. Unlike Launchpad’s hands, which were large, rough, and calloused from many a hard day’s work; Jim’s were small, well-proportioned, and smooth from routine care and living the high life. It was simultaneously too long for the contact and not long enough for the super fan.

   “As Launchpad must have told you,” Tone empathized to the coachman, not once taking his eyes off Drake. “I regrettably cannot join you for dinner, but when you’ve satisfied your palate, the drawing room will be available for us to converse.”

   “O-of course,” The young man flustered, bowed slightly. “I completely understand, I would never want to impose or take advantage of your generosity Mr. Starling.”

   “Not at all. I thank you for your understanding.” Drake had to admire Jim’s composure even while seemingly apologetic. “Should you need anything before our meeting, do not hesitate to inform Launchpad. Again, Mr. Mallard, welcome.”

Drake was then led away by Launchpad to the dining hall, although not without a longing look at the man he would speak with very soon. So focused he was, the creamy, white male did not notice the quick glances between Launchpad and Jim as he was led off.

   The dining hall, like everything else in the cabin, proved to be extravagant and tuned to the owner’s tastes. Cutlery was worth more than anything Drake had and to top it off, a gold and diamond-encrusted chandelier hung over everything in the hall. The food proved to be satisfactory overall: the fresh beast Launchpad bought in the market made Drake’s taste buds dance, but what really sold him over was the lemon cake glazed with honey. Lemons were not easy to come by, especially this time of year.

   Whenever he needed something, Launchpad was there to aid Drake, but honestly? Just having someone to keep him company eased the male duck’s nerves considerably. The more they spoke to each other, the more they found themselves to be kindred spirits. Drake told Launchpad about how he was bullied as a child and was inspired by Jim to be more than a poor kid in the Canardian Village. Launchpad confided that it was Jim’s bravado that helped him brave one night when ghosts and goblins were prowling in the streets and stood up to them. The smaller laughed, certain that the other made a joke, only to lessen when the larger looked on with a severe expression.

   “So uh…” Drake cleared his throat. “How did you even work for Mr. Starling in the first place? You’re so lucky!”

   “Oh yeah! Funny story actually!” Launchpad smiled brightly, not minding the subject change. “He literally fell into my workshop chasing after bandits, I sure was surprised!”

   “Wait, what?” Drake nearly spat his drink. “Seriously?!” He exclaimed incredulously.

   “Yeah! He needed somebody to look after his affairs, y’know being a famous actor and all- so he came to me!” A thumb jabbed into his puffed-out chest, which Drake seemed to linger upon it a little too long.

   “Well, I’m sure it was overwhelming and it sounds like it’s a lot of work.”
It certainly was a lot for Drake to just be here. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he would be invited to his hero’s home and dine in the hall.

   “Yeah, it was at first and it is. But workin’ for him was the best decision I ever made!” Launchpad exclaimed.

   “My life’s a lot more exciting because of it! Like last year, when were heading back to the woods, we ran into a bunch of raiders! Heh, they looked really weird too. Eyes all swirly and roots comin’ out of their heads like this-”

   Launchpad demonstrated by making his eyes look disoriented and curling one red hair on the top of his head to make it look as though it was sticking out. Drake chuckled at the other’s antics.

   “So, you guys were coming back this way? How come you guys didn’t stop to visit the city?” Drake inquired as he leaned in.

   Launchpad shook his head sadly.

   “Canardia’s a pretty sore spot for the boss. He doesn’t like going back on account of ‘the incident’ with Mr. Borswann.”

   Drake’s gaze lowered dejectedly, yet nodded in understanding. He out of anyone would know of the falling out between Alistair and Jim. Two friends found each other through the love of theater, friendly rivals of the craft turning unfriendly once they took different career paths. He once spoke out of turn with Alistair the first time they met, but immediately apologized after, which his newly acquired boss seemed forgiving. The blue-eyed duck was determined to not make the same mistake with Jim during their meeting.

   “Especially since Jim found out ‘bout his secret dealings with some bad guys-super spooky, scary stuff!” Launchpad added, which made Drake’s head snap up.
“Come again?” Drake blinked. “I never heard that. I thought they just disagreed over career directions?”

   Suddenly, the larger man’s face went pale, his easygoing demeanor violently shifted from genial and conversational to fearful and regretful.
   “Launchpad, what did Mr. Starling tell you about that night?” The smaller man pressed, blue hues narrowed.

   “Uh...right!” Sweat dripped from the larger man’s brow. “So I’m sure Mr. Starling doesn’t want to be kept waiting yeah? You’re finished right?!”

   Without waiting for a response, Launchpad pulled Drake’s chair and ushered him up and ready for his meeting with Jim. Drake made noises of protest, frustrated when his inquires were ignored, and was taken aback once everything stopped and Launchpad looked at him with pleading eyes.

   “Please don’t bring anything up about Alistair or anything I said about ‘im to the boss!” Hands collapsed on the smaller man’s shoulders. “Promise me you won’t!”

   “Okay, okay! I won’t, I promise.” Drake’s hands held up in a placating gesture, concerned for his new acquaintance. Launchpad sighed, relieved.

   After getting cleaned up from dinner, Launchpad led Drake to the drawing room, knocking on the door for entry. A “come in” from the foyer’s owner is heard and the door is opened for Drake to enter.

   “Good luck!” Launchpad hushed and gave the smaller man a thumbs up.

   Drake nodded gratefully as he entered with the door shut behind him.

   The room was no more than an extension of the memorabilia in the hall. Just with some personal touches by the owner himself. There was a lit fireplace with a picture of a beautiful woman gazing down at the inhabitants. On both sides of the fireplace were two chairs, Jim Starling occupied one of them, accompanied by side tables. There were cups of coffee and a plate of biscuits, the scents of both making home in Drake’s nostrils.

“I trust Launchpad took care of you and your needs Mr. Mallard?” Jim was the first to speak up, and Drake jumped, startled, and blinked owlishly.

   “Oh yes, he did.” He cleared his throat and approached the seat opposite of Jim. “H-He was pleasant company throughout.”

   “Glad to hear it. Please, make yourself comfortable.” He motioned for Drake to sit on the empty seat, which the younger took in haste.

   The seat was soft and made with a fabric Drake could not identify. The ornate chair’s arms cushioned his own and his gaze laid upon the side table. Searching for cues from his superior, the younger lifted the coffee cup to his beak in a delicate motion, taking a sip quietly. The fire crackled, empathizing the uneasy stillness of the room and Jim, who hardly touched his drink, left only one biscuit half eaten. Cobalt hues eyed the young man, as though waiting for the other to restart the conversation.

   However, the elder spoke before Drake could.

   “I appreciate you taking the time to meet me. You understand, I don’t just extend my invitations to just anyone. And, with how after I left years ago, I’d rather not cause a stir with my presence in the village. Being an actor yourself, I’m sure you’ve experienced the gossip that goes on in these types of towns.”

   Drake held his cup in his lap before responding.

   “Unfortunately, yes.” He laughed airily. “Not to the extent that you must have experienced, but I am very familiar with such things sir. And I understand you not wanting meet in the city. I have a neighbor that knows everything about everyone. Bless her heart, she’s a kind, caring woman and a mother of two, but the moment you would step in town: well, everyone would know within less than a week.”

   Jim chuckled with a smirk, holding his cup to his beak before taking a sip.

   “She sounds like quite a character. Are you close with your neighbors Mr. Mallard?”

   “Well,” Drake blushed, gaze flittered between his cup and back to his host. “I know most of them, but her family, the Muddlefoots, are the ones I am closest to. No one really wants to fraternize with a single dad who’s passionate about the theater, obsessively I’ll admit. And...had a run-in with a supposed ‘beast’.” He chuckled awkwardly.

   “Hm, what a shame.” Jim’s smile lessened to a frown, gaze flashed between concerned to bothered to concerned again. “I can tell you’re a very kind young man.”

Drake’s face turned even more scarlet. His blue gaze bashfully lowered to his lap, uncertain how to take the compliment. The sweet expression did not last as Mr. Starling switched gears.

   “Now, on the topic of gossip: how much do you know about what happened between me and...Director Borswann?”

   Inhaling a startled breath, Drake swallowed with a loud gulp. The budding actor did not plan on bringing up such a touchy subject out of fear of offending his host. In addition, he promised Launchpad to specifically not bring it up. However, since the man himself brought up the conversation, suspiciously, perhaps it was alright to talk about it?

   “Mr. Borswann never confided with me any further details outside of what is already known.” He answered carefully. “I never breached the subject to him, but he did not seem to be disturbed when I accidentally brushed against it.”

   Jim sipped his coffee, he hummed as he set it down.

   “I’ve known Alistair for a long time. He was never…” Jim trailed off, gaze hardening. “-known to be forthcoming about his inner most thoughts, unless they impacted his overall goal: such as that new project coming up. What was the title again?” He inquired Drake.

   “Oh! ‘Return to Darkness’ sir.” Drake smiled, happy to ‘promote’ a project he took part in with such a brilliant director and writer like Alistair.
From Jim's reserved expression, Drake’s smile turned apologetic, despite his host being the one to bring up his former friend.

   “Yes well,” Jim continued without a beat. “While you are practicing for your performance, perhaps I can assist you into becoming my protégé? You are already making headway with restoring the theater in the village. Say you live in my estate for your education and then when we get closer to the show’s opening night, Launchpad will take you back.”
   Drake’s jaw slack, he let go of his coffee cup. Standing up, its contents spilled to the floor. He didn’t even mind the crash of his cup as he stared at Jim in astonishment. Everything was silent to the point where all you heard of the crackling of the wood in the fireplace with Jim staring back, wide-eyed by such a reaction.

   “S-Sir?! That would-” Drake started and stopped, unable to form barely coherent sentences. “I can’t even begin to-this is just -such a huge honor-!”

   His hands waved animatedly towards his host, who looked just as surprised. Nevertheless, Jim, being a master of his craft, turned his face from surprise to contentment from such developments.

   “Now, I understand. It is a big decision I have put upon you. Obviously you’ll need to discuss it with your ward but at least,” He pressed a hand into one of Drake’s, his gaze insistent, which the other blinked at. “Sleep on it while you’re here? It’s too dark to go out safely, even with Launchpad as a coach. Wouldn’t want that incident with the beast in the woods to happen again mm?”

   Drake’s utter shock turned confused. With a frown, brows furrowed softly until a relented sigh. The older man was right about not only having to relay this proposition to Gosalyn, but to not leave so soon while it was so dark out. It would be pointless to brave out in the forest now. Especially if that thing was still out there.

   “Alright. I’ll stay til tomorrow. But I’ll need to send a quick letter out to my daughter if that’s the case.”

   “Of course,” Jim lifted his hand from Drake’s to motion to the opposite side of the room. “There’s paper and quill on the desk.”

   The younger duck approached the roll-on desk, writing out a letter to the Muddlefoots and Gosalyn for his extended stay. Behind Drake, Launchpad entered the room to clean up the mess while Jim took his leave to give the younger privacy.

After finishing and giving the letter to Launchpad to send to the mail for delivery, Drake prepared himself for bed, the guestroom already prepared for him. With a pleasant goodnight to the manservant, the man plopped himself under the covers and onto the mattress which was a perfect balance between firm and soft. Blue hues stared up at the ceiling, allowing the gravity of his situation to weigh upon him.

   Jim proposed for Drake to stay at his estate for further acting education, something which the young male was completely blindsided by. Furthermore, he would need to keep Gosalyn in the loop as the distance between the Starling cabin and the city was quite far. He couldn’t leave his daughter, especially after everything she had been through before and after she entered his life. And the mystery of Jim and Alistair’s falling out had given him pause, especially after Launchpad’s comment at dinner. Was there more to this proposition than Jim was willing to let on? And why now, a season before opening night would he offer this to Drake, whom despite his admiration for the man, he ultimately did not know him?

   With a resounding sigh, Drake turned on his side. Half-lidded blues looked towards his room’s window and swore he could see a reflection of glowing yellow eyes peering at him before he surrendered to slumber.