The Gang of Five
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Nahla · 87 · 33054


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Littlefoot was worried about his friends "I gotta so see if they're okay"  he said getting ready to venture into the fog and wind.


  • Petrie
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Mama Swimmer frowned and cried out for her adopted son "SPIKE!".

Mama Flyer grabbed Petrie urging him to join his siblings.


  • Spike
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As Mr Threehorn started moving towards the direction where he came from(and where  their nest must be) with Tria in his side he thought about Cera's question.He had no idea what was happenning,but the fact that he didn't know it made him feel uncomfortable.He is a threehorn after all,so he must know or at least presume everything.Yes,he sure know it so he should act like that!

"Don't worry about it.It's just like the skywater in the hot time.It starts suddenly and quickly,but it ends suddenly and quickly too.We go back to the cave now,and everything will be fine tomorrow."
As he said this he fooled himself too that this was just predictable event.Instead he concentrated to find the way back again.

(ooc:"skywater" is the rain in the english version right?)


  • Ducky
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"Their parents will watch over them, Littlefoot." Grandma picked up her Grandson, setting him on her back as she followed her mate to the trees. "If you go now, we'll lose YOU."

Tria followed her mate, not as sure as he that this would pass, but unwilling to scare their children.


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"Grandma's right," said Grandpa, keeping close to his mate. "We'll have to wait for this storm to pass before you can go wandering off."

He soon reached the forest and found a gap he knew led towards the clearing. It was just about wide enough to get himself and Grandma through. He stepped aside to let Grandma and Littlefoot go through first.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot buried himself in Grandma shivering "I'm freezing" he complained "And hungry" he added.


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"Where is Spike, did he get lost?  I hope he did not, I do, I do." Ducky said sadly before calling out for Spike again as loud as she could.  

"SPIKE!  Over Here." Ducky called out, not knowing what else to do.  She did try not to shiver as best as she could.


  • Petrie
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(OOC: Yes Blais,it is indeed skywater)

Tricia climbed onto her mothers tail shaking,she was terrified. She didn't understand what was happening.

Mama Swimmer was beginning to panic "SPIKE!" she screamed  before looking down at Ducky "Where did you last see him?"


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Ducky thought for a moment before answering.  "He had stopped to eat from a bush.  I told him to come on and he did before I saw the ground sky puffy come so quickly, making it very hard to see." Ducky said, worried about Spike.   "I do hope he is not scared and lost someplace." She said hold her hands together and looking up at her mother with concern on her face and in her voice.


  • Petrie
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Mama Swimmer sheilded her eyes and scanned the foggy distance "SPIKE!" she yelled.


  • Petrie
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Last I checked, it never flooded during any of the hot times. Cera thought sulkily, but knew better than to back talk her father. He was probably right; how long could snow this early possibly last? In all likelihood, after a goodnight's sleep, the weather would be just as it should be in the morning.
"Yeah, right," Cera muttered so softly to herself that she was barely more than mouthing it. "And maybe Spike will learn table manners and Ducky will take up wrestling."
He looked over to Patricia, and watched as she tried to shake off the snow that kept falling on her from above. Cera herself looked straight up into the air at the endless expanse of dull, foggy haze and wind howling like an angry fast biter.
'Since when has anything ever just fixed itself here in the Great Valley?'
"... You're sure this'll go away?" Cera asked, wanting to believe her father despite her own doubts.


  • Petrie
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Mama Swimmer stopped yelling,she was fearing the worst now "Oh Ducky this does not look good"


Tricia looked up at Cera to see how she was acting,to her if Cera was scared,she shoud be scared too.


  • Spike
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"Of course I am.It's not cold time yet,so it won't be cold."-said Topsy suprised at his daughter's doubts.He was able to see their cave now.
"See?Soon we will be at the safety of the nest,and tomorrow it will be all gone"-He said happily.


  • Ducky
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"Then go sit between us." Grandma told her grandson. "There are still leaves at least." For now, she nearly added, but managed to stop herself just in time.

Tria followed her mate into the shelter of the cave, shivering lightly when they got out of the bad weather.


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Littlefoot sighed and looked down,still not stopping his shivering "What if this gets worse?"he asked in a scared tone.


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"Let's just hope it doesn't," said Grandpa. "But, if it does, then the worst thing that'll happen is that we'll have to leave the Great Valley." In the trees there was less of the bitter wind, but it was still freezing cold.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot sneezed and curled up his teeth chattering. He was not used to such cold


  • The Circle
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"Oh no.  I do hope he has not gotten lost.  Where can he be?" Ducky asked her mother with worry and concern in her voice and face.  "Where can we look?  His favorite eating places maybe?" Ducky asked, hoping Spike had not gotten lost but was simply eating or sleeping somewhere not to far.  "I do hope he has not gotten lost."  She said, trying not to shiver from the cold to much.


  • Petrie
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Home again home again. It struck Cera as a bit strange how infrequently she ever entered into the sheltered part of her family's nesting site. Then again, she didn't often stay at her family's nesting site, did she? She came their for sleep, breakfast, dinner, occasionally lunch, and that was about it. It wasn't her fault: no one ever stuck around her nest, usually. Sometimes Tria stayed home to do something with Tricia, but usually everyone went off and met with their cliques almost as soon as breakfast was finished.
The sheltered area comprised of a rather shallow cave (so shallow that she was hesitant to even CALL it cave) that was biggest enough to fit all four of them with some degree of movement space, but not much else. Still, coming out of the blistering wind and snow, she looked around at the ugly blackened limestone walls with a fond smile.
"Ah... it's a lot warmer in here," she sighed, shaking a little to shed all the fog water off of her body. "Me and Tricia are really glad you found us. It was about as easy to see out there as the inside of a Spiketail's nose-- and about as comfortable too." She turned to look out of the cave and watch the swirls of frost being blown around in the fog. Now that she was out of it, it was kind of pretty.
'My dad's right,' she thought to herself, more convinced now that there was something positive to see about the pretty particles of ice. 'In a few days the sun will melt everything. I might as well try enjoy the sparkles in the fog while I still-'
Her eyes locked on something outside of her den. She could barely see anything outside the swirls of fog and wind, but one she had spotted it, she found she couldn't look away from it. There were two spots of light in the white haze behind the curtain of seeping icy mist. The two spots were close together, probably no more than a foot apart.
They were elevated more than twenty feet off the ground.
She blinked. The lights weren't there anymore. Cera raised an eyebrow and shook her head. 'Poor shining buzzers didn't know what hit them,' she thought to herself. She turned back to her family, watching as Tria was drying off Tricia while her dad was shaking off his own coat of fog water and asked: "So we just wait here until it starts to get warmer, right?"


  • Petrie
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"Cold" Tricia whimpered shivering,her whole body shook against the wind.

(OOC:  Loyfe,who is Patricia?)