I'm sure that many, if not most, of us love Disney movies. We all more than likely grew up with them. Even the oldest users on here probably grew up watching Disney movies. However, I have always preferred genuine cartoon animation to computer generated movies when it comes to Disney. Anyway, these are my top 10 favorite Disney movies that weren't computer generated:
1) The Little Mermaid- I have always been fond of this movie, from when I was very little, and even as a teenager, which was the phase in which I hated everything! xD (but hey don't we all hate everything at that age?

) I remember when I was 14, I convinced my mom to buy it for me on Amazon, even though she believed I was too old to watch it. I ended up watching it like 60 times in like half a year

to catch up for all the years I had lost from not seeing that movie often enough in my childhood

2) Beauty and the Beast- I remember being kind of scared of the beast, but this movie is one that I've always liked. It has one of the best storylines in the entire Disney universe!

and it has one of the best Disney romances in my opinion.
3) Pocahontas- I've always had a soft spot for this movie. I remember seeing it when it came out in theaters. I was 4 I think. I remember my mom got me a cassette tape of the songs in the movie with a booklet before the movie ever came out, which caused me to fall deeply in love with the soundtrack of the film.
4) The Jungle Book- Probably the grooviest Disney movie of them all.

I just LOVE the opening song that plays when the beginning credits are shown. It's just so incredibly haunting

also, "Bare Necessities" is one of the best Disney songs of all time.

I remember my parents used to rent and illegally record most of the Disney movies just so they wouldn't have to buy them

I loved this movie as a little boy. However, I was very upset when I accidentally dropped the videotape down the stairs and it no longer worked

however, I just re-bought the movie on VHS (and yes, I still use and watch VHS tapes and I love it

) so it's all good.

5) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs- There are a few on this list that are like guilty pleasures to me. However, I have never felt guilty about liking this movie, especially since it was actually Walt Disney's very first movie.
6) Pinocchio- Now this one IS a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. However, I remember watching it in my teens and I found it slightly annoying. However, watching it a couple years ago as an adult made me feel extremely happy inside :') I think I actually enjoyed it more as an adult than I ever did as a kid I think.
7) Fantasia- Just an all-out, epic, wonderful MASTERPIECE that Walt Disney created. It's not my favorite, but it definitely deserves a spot in my top 10. My favorite scene (though I'm still scared to watch it

) is the dinosaur scene. I just love dinosaurs

(hence, why I've always loved The Land Before Time of course)
8) 101 Dalmatians- You have no idea how much I was OBSESSED with this movie when I was in 1st grade!

I remember I had really cheap 101 Dalmatians shoes, and the soles kept coming lose, and my neighbor was kind enough to fix them with her hot glue gun a few times before I eventually had to throw them away.
9) Bambi- another guilty pleasure of mine. For me, this movie, like most movies in fact, I much prefer to watch alone. The reason I included this movie in the top 10 is because I like the darkness of it. While many people consider this movie extremely sad (and it is), I actually like it for that reason. Also, the use of the invisible "Man" as the main villain was actually one of the things that makes it unique from all other films.
10) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh- I was going to put The Lion King as my number 10, but I actually find that movie pretty overrated, plus I've seen it so many times. However, Winnie the Pooh was a favorite of mine growing up. I used to have the stories separately "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree", "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day", "Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too" all on VHS (which is basically the same as the entire feature

) but I also had another one called "Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore" which I loved just as much as the first three. Around the time I rewatched Pinocchio, I rewatched these as well and I DEFINITELY enjoyed them more as an adult than as a child

Honorable mentions: Lady and the Tramp, The Lion King, Sleeping Beauty (which we never saw much of because my sister was afraid of the dragon part when she was little

), Aristocats, and Oliver and Company