The Gang of Five
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Flathead770's Fanart

Flathead770 · 348 · 103946


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Aww I love it!!! :DD :DD :DD

Chomper is totally crashing the party - though Spike doesn't seem to mind much xD

Colouring is nice as usual and the background is really well done too! Good work mate :D

time to start voting at last ^^
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I really like this drawing. I like the idea and the realisation is done successfully. I'm really impressed by the colors! Especially the grass looks very soft, just like the clouds.  :)
What I especially like is the background. The reflection in the water is amazing! I also love the volcano.
It is clearly visible that the scene takes place in the Great Valley.

Maybe the background would have been more decorated. Notably the area between Cera and the mountains looks a bit empty. But that is not essential, much more important is the foreground, and that is really well done!

I think I like Spike the best. But I also like the other characters!  :)


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Liking the details you put into this one, nice job! Spike not having a care in the world is spot on :SmugSpike
Thanks! Yeah I was really happy when I finally got Spike drawn. Not too hard to come up with what he'd be doing in this situation for sure :p

Aww I love it!!! :DD :DD :DD

Chomper is totally crashing the party - though Spike doesn't seem to mind much xD

Colouring is nice as usual and the background is really well done too! Good work mate :D

time to start voting at last ^^
Thank you! Yeah I better get on voting now haha.

I really like this drawing. I like the idea and the realisation is done successfully. I'm really impressed by the colors! Especially the grass looks very soft, just like the clouds.  :)
What I especially like is the background. The reflection in the water is amazing! I also love the volcano.
It is clearly visible that the scene takes place in the Great Valley.

Maybe the background would have been more decorated. Notably the area between Cera and the mountains looks a bit empty. But that is not essential, much more important is the foreground, and that is really well done!

I think I like Spike the best. But I also like the other characters!  :)
Man everyone loves Spike, it's great. Normally I'm not too fond of drawing him, but it worked out really well for this one. Glad everyone like how he turned out.
Yeah it's hard deciding how much background detail to put in as it sharply increases the completion time, at least for me. I'm always so indecisive on what I should put in haha. I was going to have a pile of treestars a little behind Cera and Littlefoot that is partially blowing away due to them running away but I was taking long enough on it so I scrapped the idea.

Thanks for the feedback guys! :DD


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So approximately 369 days ago I did a drawing for the prompt: Draw a scene from a future LBT movie in which I drew a scene depicting Chomper's first encounter with Red Claw in response to several of Sneak's questions posted in my Ask Me topic.

I decided to continue with this idea for the most recent prompt: Draw a movie poster

So when I first thought of suggesting a movie poster for the prompt I had the idea of taking a format of something like Star Wars and applying it to LBT, because sure why not? :p As soon as I thought to use my "LBT 15" the layout came to mind fairly quickly. Have the villain at the top looking imposing and all that and throw the main character in the center. Since this story would be all about Chomper trying to defeat Red Claw as a continuation of the TV series "plot". I thought it would be neat to make them have eye contact as it would naturally create an idea of Red Claw looking down as if superior and Chomper looking up to this seemingly insurmountable task.

Wait...what is Ali doing here!? Well two reasons. First, I'm a fan of symmetry ok? Secondly, every great movie has romance doesn't it? Don't worry it will somehow all make sense in the movie!  :PAli Seems like Littlefoot is distressed about something. What could it be? Maybe a death in the family? I actually don't know haha Seems like Ali is quite worried about him though. Will she be able to help Littlefoot out?

The remaining space was filled out with generic action with the other gang members, Screech and Thud. For anyone wondering where Petrie might be I have a very reasonable explanation for this...I didn't want to draw him. :p Either that or zero-point is the director :lol

There was a few other things that I thought about adding in but never had the room and/or the time. Things like some vague hype filled text as well as those lists of director, producer, screenwriter, and other stuff no one really reads. Also some sort of color background would've been nice.

Anyways, hope you guys like it because I'm sure Universal will be green-lighting it soon! :p

[EDIT]Image looks a lot brighter now! Thanks for pointing that out Ducky! :smile
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 08:28:10 PM by Flathead770 »


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Ahhh so this is what you've been working on! Good to see it completed :)

Seems like the gang is in big trouble in this movie! It'd actually be nice to have an LBT movie that is a bit darker and more filled with tension, much like the original. Now I'm not very familiar with Red Claw as he was a TV series exclusive, but it seems like he could be a decent villain. Definitely one to mark his territory.

I think the characters are all wonderfully drawn (though I've never been a big fan of the brown color scheme for Littlefoot personally :P ), and you've done a great job on the lettering too! Nice job getting the gradient in there.


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Hire me and that story will happen one day xD (I'm serious, those are all great ideas!)

Will have to look at the drawing from a computer, phone doesn't do justice so I can't give a good review of the drawing.

What I can tell already is that the composition is excellent! Laters :PAli
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Poor Petrie, to be dumped like this... :P In all seriousness, this is simply a great drawing! The layout works in a really great way and it has a nice look to it. All of the characters' expressions are spot-on, especially those of Littlefoot and Chomper. The action scenes may not look as impressive as the rest of the picture but they do their job. My only problem here is that the title looks a bit awkward and the film should perhaps have had a unique name. But other than that, amazing work! :)littlefoot


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Okay, now that I've got to get a good look at it, here are my detailed thoughts.

First of all, and this has nothing to do with the picture itself, but I think the photograph of it could be tweaked. It's a bit too dark I think. I always run my pics through a quick edit on and it's doing wonders sometimes :)

As I said before, the composition is absolutely great, I cannot see any flaws aside from the unforgivable death disappearing of Petrie  :opetrie  :OhYou

Now let me start from top to bottom:

Redclaw looks really really gooood here, you nailed the expression, looks like a mix of anger, annoyance and disgust  :lol

Littlefoot looks kinda sad (maybe about Petrie's disappearing?  :OhYou ), I like his expression  :^^spike And, and Ali was certainly a sweet surprise, considering she's my second favourite character after Ducky :DD

The raptors and the gang are small but considering the small size they look really spot on, even little Ducky. In particular, I like Ruby's pose here  :)littlefoot

Chomper is literally standing on the title which is pretty funny to be honest  :lol: After reading your author's (artist's?) note, I can certainly see why you chose that pose and expression for him. All looking really nice (and I see you went with brown in the end for the title, certainly works!  :^^spike )

As always, your art stuns me, you really have some hidden talents there I believe  ;)Cera Keep it up, now I totally feel more confident about my own attempt which... well, you know how hopeless I am again  :oops
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It is really exciting that you drew a poster of a future movie! I can really imagine this story as a film and the poster fits!  :DD
What I especially like, is, that one can think a lot about the poster. One can interpret many things into it, as you have actually already done. Why is Littlefoot thinking? Why is Ali worried? Many open questions, which cause one thing: Advertising.
This is the third point which I like. I think, the advertising effect of a poster is really important.
If I saw this poster, I'd most likely watch the movie!  :)


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Thanks everyone! :DD
This prompt was a blast to draw, even if drawing all the side characters ate up all my time. I had Red Claw, Ali, Littlefoot, and Chomper done in one nightm with the title finished a couple days later. The rest took over a month of me being lazy/trying to figure out how to plan and draw the poses so they don't look like crap haha.

Ahhh so this is what you've been working on! Good to see it completed :)

Seems like the gang is in big trouble in this movie! It'd actually be nice to have an LBT movie that is a bit darker and more filled with tension, much like the original. Now I'm not very familiar with Red Claw as he was a TV series exclusive, but it seems like he could be a decent villain. Definitely one to mark his territory.

I think the characters are all wonderfully drawn (though I've never been a big fan of the brown color scheme for Littlefoot personally :P ), and you've done a great job on the lettering too! Nice job getting the gradient in there.
Hope it was worth the wait! :p

I'd be down for a more tense filled sequel as well and lore wise Red Claw has the potential for a good villain. Put into practice and, well, you get the TV series apparently :p

I've talked to you about it before and I agree with you on the brown color for Littlefoot as well. I've spent a good amount of time trying to get Littlefoot to look right with colored pencils but it doesn't seem to work, especially in this case as I wanted him clearly differentiated from Ali. Glad you liked it and the title too! As you may know I struggled to try and get it lined up and centered properly haha. Managed in the end and I am quite happy with the gradient as well! :smile

Poor Petrie, to be dumped like this... :P In all seriousness, this is simply a great drawing! The layout works in a really great way and it has a nice look to it. All of the characters' expressions are spot-on, especially those of Littlefoot and Chomper. The action scenes may not look as impressive as the rest of the picture but they do their job. My only problem here is that the title looks a bit awkward and the film should perhaps have had a unique name. But other than that, amazing work! :)littlefoot
Poor, poor, Petrie  :opetrie
Yeah a proper title would be ideal but that would of probably added an extra year for me :lol Seriously I'm really bad with coming up with names. It would end up being something dumb like "Chomper Tries to Rally the Great Valley but Fails, but Wait, he Actually Does in the End and the Power of Friendship Beats Red Claw"  :PAli
Thanks for the feedback!

Hire me and that story will happen one day xD (I'm serious, those are all great ideas!)
Well I'm glad you've taken a liking to the potential of the idea! We'll see what happens down the road. :smile

Okay, now that I've got to get a good look at it, here are my detailed thoughts.

First of all, and this has nothing to do with the picture itself, but I think the photograph of it could be tweaked. It's a bit too dark I think. I always run my pics through a quick edit on and it's doing wonders sometimes :)

As I said before, the composition is absolutely great, I cannot see any flaws aside from the unforgivable death disappearing of Petrie
Now let me start from top to bottom:

Redclaw looks really really gooood here, you nailed the expression, looks like a mix of anger, annoyance and disgust  :lol

Littlefoot looks kinda sad (maybe about Petrie's disappearing?  ), I like his expression   And, and Ali was certainly a sweet surprise, considering she's my second favourite character after Ducky :DD

The raptors and the gang are small but considering the small size they look really spot on, even little Ducky. In particular, I like Ruby's pose here 

Chomper is literally standing on the title which is pretty funny to be honest  :lol: After reading your author's (artist's?) note, I can certainly see why you chose that pose and expression for him. All looking really nice (and I see you went with brown in the end for the title, certainly works!   )

As always, your art stuns me, you really have some hidden talents there I believe  Keep it up, now I totally feel more confident about my own attempt which... well, you know how hopeless I am again  :oops
I've re-uploaded the image with it brighter, thanks for mentioning that!

Thanks for all the feedback.
I was really happy with how Red Claw turned out as well. Probably my favorite part of the drawing. :DD
Ali was a surprise for me as well. I knew I wanted Littlefoot up there as a floating head and after Red Claw was drawn and Chomper was planned out in my head there were 2 spots so Ali popped in my head to mirror Littlefoot.

It is really exciting that you drew a poster of a future movie! I can really imagine this story as a film and the poster fits!  :DD
What I especially like, is, that one can think a lot about the poster. One can interpret many things into it, as you have actually already done. Why is Littlefoot thinking? Why is Ali worried? Many open questions, which cause one thing: Advertising.
This is the third point which I like. I think, the advertising effect of a poster is really important.
If I saw this poster, I'd most likely watch the movie!  :)
Looks like I've succeeded in my job then! Yeah I agree. For Chomper and Red Claw I wanted it to be fairly obvious what is going on with the 2 given the knowledge of the TV series. With Ali and Littlefoot that little bit of mystery opens it up to different possibilities. It's the reason I decided on non happy faces as that is harder to read into and theorize and becomes more generic.
Good to see you'd want to watch my movie!  :)littlefoot


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... Or read it as a script one day xD

I agree that the picture looks quite a bit better now, thanks for reuploading :)

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Aw man, I love this! The symmetry is great, and all the characters look really nice! It must have taken a ton of work to include so many! And the way you wrote the title is super clean, too, it looks good! And Petrie is off being the star of his own adventure, in an entry I'll post soon :lol


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Thanks DarkWolf! Yeah all the small drawn characters were difficult to include, the 4 big ones were actually not that bad! I'm glad you like the title as well since I spent I good amount of time trying to make it look as legit as possible haha.

And yeah...of course I knew Petrie was flying in you're adventure. I just didn't want to spoil it for everyone else  :PAli My movie is part of the main series where yours is more like a spin off :lol


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I don't know how long it has been since I've submitted a prompt on time, but I've managed to do it this time around!  :PCera

Here is my entry for the fanart prompt: Love/Family

Quite a bit different then Iris' submission, mainly focusing on the feats one would overcome for family.

Now this is a drawing I've kinda had in the back of my head for a while now. The Legend of the Story Speaker is one of my better liked TV episodes as it sheds some new light on longneck traditions and the importance of these stories and the speakers who pass them down in the herd.

I liked the story of Tall Stepper rescuing his sister from the wind as it gave a nice motivational tale with just enough fantasy elements in it to make it seem like a believable story that would be passed down to new generations.

For the drawing, one of my main goals was to try and go for a more simplefied background this time around as I always spend way too much time on it. Let me know what you think!


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I like this episode too! And this story, when I watched it for the first time, it was pretty atmospheric for me.

About the picture - only minus I noticed in the very first second is that Tall Stepper looks like some different and bipedal dinosaur, with thin forearms, since for me while sister's arms are bigger when she is at the background. :)
Everything else is perfect for me, with awesome pencil shading! :D
« Last Edit: April 29, 2019, 07:42:45 PM by Sneak »


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A really beautiful drawing! I especially like the cleanliness. Although it seems simple in some way, the quality is not affected by it. The message which the drawing gives is received just the same good way. The mimic of Tall Stepper is also well done!
The ground, is it supposed to be water? It reminds me of water reflection in a beautiful way.
I find it really exciting that you have drawn one of the stories of the Story Speakers!  :DD


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Thanks you guys! Glad to see you both liked my choice I went with. It was fun to pick something more obscure and unique! :smile

About the picture - only minus I noticed in the very first second is that Tall Stepper looks like some different and bipedal dinosaur, with thin forearms, since for me while sister's arms are bigger when she is at the background.
Yeah I can see how he can look bipedal here. He's supposed to be mid run but with how it's cropped that makes sense.

And yeah his forelegs might be a bit too thin, though Tall steppers legs do appear to be a bit thinner and longer in the episode, though his sister does indeed have some fat forelegs :p

Thanks for pointing those out!

The ground, is it supposed to be water? It reminds me of water reflection in a beautiful way.
It's actually supposed to be grass blowing in the wind? Just not a whole lot of effort put in haha. Most of that was focused on the mountains.


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So, since I haven't seen much of the TV series I am not aware of this episode. However I do think you still managed to convey a clear connection between the two dinosaurs, their expressions blatantly clear. The background, while simple like you said, does the job just fine in this case. Lovely work! :)


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Thanks Iris! The TV series can be rough sometimes but there's a few decent episodes scattered in there haha.


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Now this is a great drawing. The idea of doing the prompt about that episode is a funny one as we have seen very little drawings about the TV series. Like Iris said, the expressions work perfectly and the duo's connection is more than clear here. In fact, I'd say the characters look close to the best I've seen from you. And considering you wanted to streamline the background, it also looks great and it doesn't feel empty at all. Also, the wind recreates the scene's feeling perfectly. Great job with this drawing! :^^spike