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It's Party Time! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by The Chronicler on May 31, 2024, 08:32:15 PM »
Random Role Play / Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
« Last post by Nick22 on May 31, 2024, 05:02:22 PM »
Dixie went to the first aid kit and pulled out a Onca brand tail bandage. Atrua climbed out of the water and held out her tail for Dixie to banadage, wincing at the first few layers and Dixie maee de sure the area was completely covered. Dixie wrapped the tail until it was level with the top of her fur and finishing wrapping. Not sure how long that will take to heal, Atrua, but I will guess the cut will close in a day or so. The fur filling in will take longer.” I have fur regrow ointment.” Atrua said moving her tail around.” I’m in the mood for a game.  Buff Holdem. Now normally we have our clothes on for this, but in this case, we’ll have the wagers be.. er ious.” Atrua said.” Why not going to the movies or going out dancing or you driving me in your car.” Those are good ideas. You’re almost as rich as Prince Inca do I want a shopping spree- the pantheresses in Nepal are wearing a dress that look like their flag- which is two triangles on top of each other they include tw o triangles pointed up for the bra and to the side for the normal dres. So they use a lot less than normal dresses .” Atrua said.  Where do you want to play?” Dixie asked.” My room or yours?” Hmm we’ll flip for it.” Atrua went over to her attire and pulled a large “ an Onca 20 coin. His face is the head the back is an outline of the kingdom on a map. Call it in the air.” Atrua flipped” tails.” Dixie called out and the coin landed on the ground. Inca smiling visage clearly visible.
My room it is” Atrua said” you have your meeting with the prince in an hour so we’ll split it into a series of game. We’ll wager on each hand and once someone wins 10 hands they get something.” Atrua said as they reached Atrua room and Atrua shut the door. Atrua pulled out a deck of cards and began to shuffle them . So, Dixie what will we do if you get to 10..” How about we kiss on the lips and touch each other’s breasts in a make out?” Dixie smirked. Something simpler than shopping, to start.”  Atrua looked at her and blushed.” Alright. Deal if I get to 10, you have to er  dance to the tune Grind that rump.” It’s a hit on the pantheress charts right now.”  Play the music so I know what I would be dancing to. A preview if you will.” Atrua nodddd and  pulled out a music player and turned it on. A lively energetic beat began to play and starting lyrics of the songs came on “ Come on ladies! It’s party time! The night is young and so are we!  Let’s grind that rump! Against a boy! Against a girl! Against a tree ! Against the chair! It’s don’t matter, let it hang Gring.. grind grind.” Atrua turned it off with a laugh” just so you know that song is about 10 minutes long.” She laughed.” . I can see why you like it.” Dixie said.” Now let’s pay . Hold ‘em right?” Yes, each one gets two cards and there’s 5 shared cards. Atrua handed Dixie two face down cards and gave herself two. Ok first 3” Atrua said turning over a 7 of diamonds a 9 of hearts and Jack of clubs.” Usually we wager chips on this.” Dixie said.” Scooby sometimes watches the World Series of Poker on TV.” We do it differently here. We simply add on to the bet . So for instance. While dancing. I get to tank on your tail.” Hmm  ok you have to get me ice cream on the car drive.”  Dixie countered.” Atrua placed down the fourth card known as the turn which was the Queen of hearts.” Ok, I take picture of you dancing to the music.” Atrua said.”  Ok.. you have to drive to the most scenic drive able spot in town.” Dixie said last cardz Atrua said flipping over the ‘ river card” the King of Dismonds.”  Ok final wager. Ok., I post that picture of you dancing on the Oncanet.” Atrua said.” You have to pose against your car for a drawing.” Dixie said.”  Ok we flip over 1 card.” Atrua said turning over her first card, the king of Spades. Dixie had a Queen of Diamonds.   Now we decide what we do right away, if you win the hand, the first part is about  the larger bet.” Ok you have to pose for me holding a basket of fruit.” Atrua offered.” We kiss on the lips .” Dixie said. Atrua smirked as she turned  over her second card  the 9 of clubs.” 2 pair.” Atrua said, putting the cards next to their ranked brethren.” Let’s see what you have.” Dixie peeked at her card and a smile slowly spread across her face and she turned  the card over.” Queen of Clubs. Three of a kind.” She said as Atrua blinked.” Lucky! What are the odds  of that happening? The odds of getting 3 of a kind is a bit less than 5 percent.” Dixie said” 1 in 20 chance. Two pair is much more common  about 23.5 percent chance. Roughly 1 in 4. Since three of a kind is much rarer, it takers precedence in ranking. .” Dixie said.” Atrua pulled out a green slate called a score slate and wrote down her name and Dixie’s, then made a tally under Dixie’s name. Round 1 to you.”  Now pay up Atrua.. and pucker up.” Dixie laughed.”  Alright.. but I’m going to get you in the next hand.” Autra said  with a smirk
General Land Before Time / Re: Which LBT movie(s) will you never watch again?
« Last post by Rattymon on May 31, 2024, 04:03:33 PM »
I'm a bit surprised by your choices for movies you wouldn't watch again.  :duckyworried

Personally, I'm quite fond of LBT14 and LBT8, with 8 being my favourite sequel!  :^^spike  :Dducky

I can understand you not liking LBT11, though, even if I disagree.  :littlefoot:)
Your movie standards may keep getting higher, but it's already a pretty low bar to raise in the first place. After all, liking any of the sequels of LBT is already a sign of low movie standards. :rhett_grin :taunttroll

Haha, and the funny part is that some of the movies I would watch again are considered the bottom of the barrel by other people! Namely, I have some fond memories attached to LBT 13, so it actually isn’t on my do-not-watch list. Yep, that guess of yours wasn’t so on the mark, and neither was LBT 10, which is one of my favorite sequels.

But as for LBT 11? Yep, that’s one of the movies I’m pretty confident I’ll never watch again. Not only is the plot very bland, it also ends up pulling Littlefoot out-of-character to a point where he’s not even likable. The new characters aren’t very interesting, either.

Also on my list is LBT 8. Again, the main character (Ducky in this case) is pulled into unlikeable territory just to make the plot work. Meanwhile, a busybody spiketail mom comes along and tries to coax Spike away from his real family. Not to mention Thicknose reminds me of the kinds of pompous teachers I couldn’t stand in real life. The excitement the snow brings to the valley is literally the only fun part of this movie in my opinion, but that doesn’t redeem it enough for me to sit through the whole movie again.

Finally, there’s LBT 14. Now, this movie brought me great excitement around the time of its release. Back then, I watched it several times out of my excitement that the franchise was returning (sorry, teenage me, but it really wasn’t). Not long ago, however, I went to watch it again for the first time in years and was stunned at how boring it actually was. I couldn’t even make it all the way through. It offers nothing new to the franchise, essentially just remixing a bunch of tropes from the other movies. True, this series has always done that to some extent, but 14 reaches a whole new level! Heck, Littlefoot and the rest of the gang get into that same “splitting up” argument that happened clear back in the first movie! It makes it look like they’ve had no character development at all!

Anyway, now you have my two cents. But wow, I’m really surprised that nobody else here has even one LBT movie they’re done with. But then again, some of you might change your minds, heh heh…  :p @ImpracticalDino I would’ve had the same viewpoint as you when I was your age, but as time goes on, I feel like life is just too short for movies I don’t enjoy that much.
The Party Room / Re: Land Before Time: One word story
« Last post by RainbowFaceProtege on May 31, 2024, 02:02:20 PM »
Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« Last post by Nick22 on May 31, 2024, 12:48:38 PM »
Nick exited the Spire, wearing a badge indicating that he was among the staff on the Spire. Around the ship physical barriers and magical barriers were being erected around the ship. 2 Aurors dressed in robes were standing near a gate and were putting a lock on it.” Passage requested.” Nick said” running an errand to restock food and gems for use in sacred magical rituals.” The nearer one, a witch , looked at the paper Nick handed her and checked his badge.” Ebinshire Stones and Scrying should have the gems you need. Food can be found at the General Store. Try to be back before nightfall, sir. This is a curfew in place.” Out of curiosity, madam, how long will it take you to build the embassy walls?” A couple days at most. The magical construction will take only a few spells.  For your safety and the safety of all embassy staff, do not try to climb the walls. You will receive a powerful magic shock if you do.” This witch said.” Also, do not allow anyone to enter embassy grounds  who does not have proper identification. We have jurisdiction over all Pottermore residents. That includes Muggles.” Said the other Auror, a wizard.” Understand sir.”  Nick nodded.” Be on your  way then sir. Like my colleague said, be back before nightfall .” Nick nodded and walked down the street into town.

Arlene and Oliver took seats at a large table at m then sat two clearly terrified wolf pups. Panty had.. removed their parents from their seats.. by eating them.” Please don’t eat us mam!”Begged the older pup, a boy.” We just want some more fries.” Hmm. Behave yourselves, little ones.” The hunter goddess grinned.” Or you will be eaten. Not by me. But by my son here.” Isn’t that right, Oliver?” Yes.” Oliver said, his eyes glowing briefly and brightly.” We promise to behave” said the smaller wolf, a girl.” What are your names?” Arlene asked” I’m Guav, and this  is my sister Tita.” The wolves said.”  Well, Guav, I’m Arlene. Oliver is my son. Be nice to him..” or else.” Panty said firmly. Excuse us?” Came a voice as Greg Wirt and Beatrice approached the table.” Do you mind if we join your table?” Wirt asked. There’s none available at the moment.” Panty  shrugged her shoulders.” Very well, waiter!” She called out.” Yes , mam?” Asked a waiter, a  large fox.” Bring us 3 more chairs for our  new guests. We need more menus, and we would like  5 large baskets of fries, 3 chicken strips baskets and 2 cheese sticks baskets . And a row of drinks.” I’d like a new Sprite.” Tita said.” I’d like one too.” Oliver said.” Those will be ready shortly. The bill for the previous guests?”  Add that to the bill.  My girlfriends girlfriend Dixie is covering the lunch. Once we are all done, send her the bill.” Panty said.” Yes Lady Goddess. My apologies that we couldn’t get your usual table 12..” This table is nice enough.” Pantry waved him away.” I will send Miss Dixie the bill.” The waiter , named Fuller, said and headed towards the kitchen. Chairs were brought out and Wirt and Greg took seats, while Beatrice simply sat on the table,”  hi! I’m Greg. This is my brother Wirt . That’s Beatrice. And this is my pet Rock!” Greg waved a painted rock.” I’m  Guav.” I’m Tita.” The wolves said.” “ We can share the fries and tenders.” Wirt said.” Er.. Miss Panty, how much will this cost us?” Nothing. Dixie is paying for lunch. So eat your fill. Order all the fries, burgers and drinks you like. I’ll ask for dessert after everyone has had their fill.”

 Can we have mint ice cream?” Tita piped up.” If you behave.” Panty nodded.” Thank you mam.” Tita said relaxing a bit after being  assured that she and her brother would not be eaten like their parents.” So what do your folks do? Wirt asked them.” They don’t do anything anymore Wirt.” I just ate them.” Panty said matter—of-factly.” They were bankers, apparently. Wolf Country . Demanding, Obnoxious and..” she smirked.” Disrespectful to divinity. That last one was their fatal mistake.” She chuckled.” Arlene made me promise not to eat anyone else.. so you don’t need to worry.” Mam, what is going to happen to us?” Tita asked.” We don’t have any other family besides our folks.” Well, you can stay with my friends Flash and Mona. Mona has her mom and Flash has her mom and dad. “ Oliver said.” Flash’s mom, Miss Tigeress, is training me in hunting.”  I’ll give Tigeress a call after the lunch. Just stick with Oliver and me until then." Arlene said as the first wave of food arrived. The fries were big fresh and hot, the tenders delicious. The drinks were big and  Oliver, Greg. Guav and Tita passed their sodas around, sharing them and making a game out of it.”

Kovu finally reached the cell where his delivery was to take place . Now!” Sly whispered from underneath. The moment the guard opened the door, Kovu smashed his head against the door the macaw collapsed in a heap.” Come on.” Spread out.” Kovu said as one my one the others of the Cooper gang spread out over  the dungeons.” 20 minutes tops guys x” Sly said.” If you find any prisoners, bring them along. Kovu, knock out any guards you run into. .” Got it.” Kovu smirked.” Kovu ran down the hallway and found a female hyena resting her head against the bars of her cell.” Have you come to whip me again?” She asked in a low, exhausted, and broken voice.” No.. I’m getting you out.” Kovu said he pointed his ring at the lock and began magically cutting the lock. Alarms blared and “ Escape Attempt!” Blared in a shrill voice.” Kovu sighed, he was only halfway through the lock.” Forget it. I’ll have the do it the sumo way. Stand away from the door.” The hyena slowly retested and Kovu rolled into a sumo move swing his gut against the door. The dot shook from the heavy blow and a loud crack was followed by the door splitting into three parts , the top end falling over and the other two swinging out dangling from hinge on top.” Hurry!” Kovu hissed and the hyena slowly  walked up to him. She was a mess, patches of fur wee missing and open wounds oozed with puss.” I can’t really walk.” She said” climb on .” Kovu said pointing to his back.” Names Kovu. Prince Kovu.” Breela.” The hyena said as Kovu picked her up with ease and put her on his back and began running down the hallway looking for others to bust out.
The Fridge / Re: Rating YOUR ratings?!
« Last post by Sneak on May 31, 2024, 05:12:28 AM »
I have a special system:
When I rate anything, at first, I give a rate from 1 to 5:

1 - worst / shame / disaster
2- bad / weak / disappointing
3 - normal / average / not as expected
4 - good / likable / surprising
5 - perfect / adoring / masterpiece

and then, I convert it to 10-grade system.

1 -> 1/2
2 -> 3/4
3 -> 5/6
4 -> 7/8
5 -> 9/10

where a lower number means there're some issues that lower the rating a little, and likewise, good moments increase the rating a little. And for the last, in some cases, if I can't decide what number between two rates should I give, I simply add fraction (.5) to a lower number.
It's Party Time! / Re: LBT Hangman
« Last post by f-22 "raptor" ace on May 31, 2024, 04:50:09 AM »
It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« Last post by Sneak on May 31, 2024, 04:35:55 AM »
That may be, but Diddy (or any other member) may not have time or interest to respond. Please consider this an official warning.