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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 260251


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Anton ducked behind a piece of concrete and returned fire with his rocket launcher.

The Great Valley archer shot a living vehicle in the eye with an armor piercing arrow.

"Can you use a gun?" Paul asked Sally. A bullet pierced the carcass of a living armored truck he was crouching behind to reload.

Rime calmly shot out all the tires on an oncoming car. Unfortunately, the car was still able to fire its machine gun - at least until Rime shot that as well.

Captain Fairchild's voice suddenly cut through the din of battle. "Just a heads up but it looks like some living vehicles - including some military folks - are coming up from behind. I'll handle the military ones but you gotta handle the others - I'm running a little low and I wanna conserve ammo so we can take apart Chong's Galena HQ."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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no, I don't operate weaponry Sally said i can operate machinery though. you give me a fuse i'll light it like  the sheriff going after a speeder.."
 Understood Nick sai " the sooooner we dispose of them the sooner we can we can take control of the city.. Thanbks to the control of the Former cHong AFB, The Colaition now could refortify and resupply its forces on both fronts..

_ Stripetail has finished amusing hismself and his dispatched the convoy he had been toying with .. " Air support! He radioed! Take out the base! Blow it to bits if you have to..
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Sara sent some chain lightning at some enemies and then some magical smoke darkness at another.  


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(Neptune City)

Major Lockie was en route to Neptune City, below him were the forces of the Seaboard Coalition.

He - along with Lt. Martin and the other living planes - headed for the main headquarters of Chong's forces.


The Whiptail Lizard frantically ordered all of the troops to abandon their battles and flee to the main complex to defend it.

She sighed as antiaircraft guns and missile emplacements were set up. Several self propelled artillery pieces and MLRS vehicles were set up as well. Stationary defense turrets were deployed as well.

"It's do or die," she said grimly as she checked her pistol.


Several of the Seaboard Coalition's self propelled artillery pieces and MLRS vehicles trundled along the ravaged road that led to Neptune City. They came at the behest of Captain Milos.

The driver of the lead vehicle radioed Stripetail once all the vehicles were in place. "Captain, this is the lead artilleryman of the 141st Artillery Brigade, we are in range of enemy headquarters. Awaiting authorization to fire."


Captain Milos came down from the machine gun turret on the Humvee he was manning and addressed Stripetail

"Commander, the 141st Artillery Brigade are in range to bombard enemy HQ. Following up with an air raid by Major Lockie and his allies along with the dragons and then a final sweep by our ground forces would ensure a decisive victory."



Anton swore profusely  as he blew up another armored vehicle. Bullets whizzed around him as he reloaded.

Rime checked his PDA, which was almost out of power. "From what Mr. Bigmouth and Haresh have intercepted," he said, "the building's power source is an dark magic reactor. If we can breach the shielding, the reaction could runaway and destroy the building."

"How the f--- are we supposed to do that?!" Paul yelled.

"We could jury-rig a bomb with the munitions we have on hand or scavenged from the wrecked vehicles," the soldier with the light machine gun offered.  

"One question, who's going to deliver the package of explosive whoopass?"

The Great Valley archer said nothing as he lodged an armor piercing arrow into an onrushing car's tire. He seemed unfazed by the bail of bullets around him.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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well if it is detachable by control giving the car enough time to flee.. well I could do it' Sally said..
_ Blow that building apart  and lets end this" stripetail spat..' Tarrax, Guardians Air Aupport, focus on Neptune City's base the Enemy is with drawing towards the base.
 _ chong appeared inside the base dishelveled and furious. " The enemy had taken all territory save for Galena and thse base. ' We are surrounded" he said heavily.. ' we are down to about 8000 men
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'Captain, you may open fire' stripetail said turning to him "this is backback for all the men you lost at Surf point"
_ Darren  came up to him
 his scar from where the biomb had been put inside him was still visible but it wasn't as ugly now. " I'm ready Sir. to pay back Ching for all he did to me.. and my friends..
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Sara focused on providing some protection and defensive magic while the others attacked, thinking it may be helpful if not everyone attacked but 1 person provided some defensive magic.


"I wonder what rating that would give if that scene was in a movie." Blitz said watching what Muzzle was doing.

"I do not think they have a rating that high." Exile said.


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"Good enough," Rime said. He then turned to Nick, Nani, Strut and Shaggy. "Shaggy, Strut, help me salvage enough munitions to make this bomb!"

Paul and Anton each contributed a spare rocket, which was placed aside inside a nearby alleyway.

By this time, the enemy vehicles were within range to fire. A rocket soared past Sally.

Captain Fairchild retaliated with a burst from his 30 mm cannon, destroying an enemy Humvee. An anti-tank missile destroyed a infantry fighting vehicle that was trying to shoot Sally


(Neptune City)

Darren returned to his position as the driver of the lead MLRS vehicle. Even through the vehicle's armor, he could hear the 155 mm artillery pieces firing, filling the air with a explosion that was heard for miles.  

He then nodded to the gunner, who pressed the launch button, sending several high explosive cluster rockets into the sky. The other MLRS vehicles followed suit.

One of the soldiers watched as the rockets soared into the sky, leaving thick trails of smoke behind. She smirked; Chong wasn't getting out alive - or for that matter, in one piece.


Several minutes, later, the first artillery shell hit, destroying one of Chong's runways.

Soon, 155 mm shells rained from the sky. The base's defenses tried to shoot them down, but there were just too many. Explosions tore through the air as the shells leveled repair depots, warehouses, hangars and anything else they landed on.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(neptune City)
Apart from the explosives, the dragons were devastating the defenses of neptune City. Chong was forced to use his magic to deflect blasts that came near him. he could only worry about himself, his forces were getting wiped out.
shaggy grabbed as much explosive as he could. Nick was explaining how the exploive would work. " Once you get close enbough to the foundations, release the bomb and get out of there.. you will only have , perhaps a minute, to get clear. you are going to have to really fly..
_ i'm a Porsche I can really go if I need to.Sally replied confidently " Did I tell you this is completely crazy?
_ You got any other ideas, I'm all ears" Nick replied.

Agumon and the other digimon had sealed off the exits ghoing out of the city..
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(Neptune City)

Several tons of high explosive submunitions cratered the already scarred landscape around Chong's base and leveled yet more structures. All this in addition to the 155 mm shells still raining down.

The Whiptail Lizard was frantically trying to redirect resources to the most vital zones.

"Artillery!" she shouted into her radio. "Find position of enemy artillery and return fire!"

Several nearby explosions punctuated the urgency of her orders.


Chong's artillerymen hastily returned fire, sending a barrage of shells and rockets towards Darren's group.

One MLRS vehicle was destroyed by a lucky artillery shell before it could fire.


The 141st Artillery Division had run out of ammunition. Luckily, the commander had requested some ammunition from a nearby base.

Gustave was poking his head out of a hatch and looking at the city's core with binoculars. Suddenly, an explosion rocked his vehicle. He turned to the right and saw that the artillery piece to his right was on fire and people were staggering out of the burning wreck.

He quickly radioed Stripetail. "Request air support! Enemy is attacking- holy sh-"

The line went dead as Gustave's MLRS vehicle was struck by an artillery shell from Chong's forces, instantly killing him and the driver.



Rime had finished the ad hoc bomb. It was an incredibly crude device - everything from land mines to anti-tank rockets to hand grenades to artillery shells were hastily wired together and shoved into a metal box.

He then turned to Sally. "This bomb has a specially designed harness that will instantly let you drop the bomb.  It runs on a thirty minute timer. Once I start it, I can't stop it, so move as fast and as carefully as you can. Got it?"

"What about the rest of us?" Paul asked.

Rime smirked. "We'll create a distraction."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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We'll give her time to let the bomb go' nick said as sally nodded, and turned began racinf yup the street
- stripetail sighed as the communication with Gustave was cut off.. there was no hope that he survived.. they would have to carry on without him..another name to add to thier list
 Tarrax and the other dragons poured a fresh attacks on the remaining enemy which was getting forced into a smaller and smaller area..
_ Nick and Nani started opening fire on the enemy giving Sara ebnough time to reach the heafquaters, release the bomb.. and get out..
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(Neptune City)

Major Lockie arrived with his air force. He then turned to Sara and Tarrax. "Ready?" he asked.

"Let's do this," the living bomber said as he flew next to Tarrax.



Captain Fairchild opened up with his 30 mm cannon, shredding enemy vehicles and buildings alike.

Once Sally began moving, the bomb armed itself.

"Good luck," Strut said as he joined Nick and Nani in providing suppressive fire.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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We're ready Tarrax said " lets clear them you the final ground assualt " he roared as he flew on towards the base
 the Guardians spyro and Cynder soon joined the push
 ( Galena)
 the bomb ticked down as Sara drove up the street
 it take her about 5 minutes to reach the building
 and them released the bomb into and open window. ' time to get the heck out of here she said  hearing gunfire near her and turning arund quickly he started to head back to her position ' Nani nani and Shaggy poured out round aftyer round of suppressibe fire. Nick winced as he gor nickeed in the shoulder by a stray bullet..
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(Neptune City)

Major Lockie led his squadron to Chong's base.

He and the bomber released all their bombs - fifteen tons in total - once they flew over the base. Major Lockie then circled the base, blasting anything that survived the bombing.

Explosions blossomed across the ravaged base and buildings crumbled and land cratered as explosive death rained down from the skies.

"Suck on that, Chong!" Major Lockie shouted. His 105 mm cannon boomed as he destroyed a bomber on a runway.



Captain Fairchild had used up almost all of his ammunition creating a distraction. It wasn't a total loss; he had destroyed at least ten vehicles and most of the base's support buildings.


Rime smiled as he saw Sally returning. "Nice job!" he said as he loaded his last magazine. "Everyone," he announced, "Sally has set the bomb. We have twenty minutes to get the hell away from here. The reactor breach will destroy everything in a one mile radius."

"Dump anything that could slow you down," Strut ordered. "As we'll need to cover a mile in twenty or so minutes." With that said, he shed his armored vest. It was so badly damaged that it was a miracle that it provided any protection at all.

Rime ditched his own ravaged ballistic vest along with some empty rifle magazines. He even considered dumping his pistol but decided against it.

Anton and Paul had nothing to discard except some spent launch tubes. The infantryman accompanying them discarded his backpack of forcible entry tools, keeping only his light machine gun. The Great Valley Archer kept all his equipment.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sara did a chain lighting spell on an enemy group of forces then a strong gust of wind.


Jason had switched to his time lord form since his imperial dragon form had gotten injured so he decided to switch to his time lord form for now, and maybe morph.  He had forgotten to put any healing potions in the vest or belt pouches his imperial dragon form wore.  

He saw a familiar figure and went over to pat his head.  "Hello Scout.  Been a while, good to see you again.  Well you look busy and I am, see you later.  Tell Bill I said hello." Jason said and he went up into the air, taking out a blaster pistol and light saber handle.  

Muzzle wagged his tail then when they parted went off looking for another group of foes.  

"Who was that and why did Muzzle not harm him?" Blitz asked confused.

"I do not know." Exile said.

"he must be confused, he called him Scout, his name is not scout and who is bill.  I don't know any bill." Blitz said.

"oooh, looks like some bad guys over there." Exile said.  "I thought we had gotten them all."  Exile said pointing in the direction where he saw some.    Muzzle ran off in that direction.  

"Less tushies for me to bite." Blitz said.

"I almost feel sorry for them.  almost being key word." Exile said.


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Shaggy threw away his spent shells as did Nani and nick. " alright guys' we need to move' he said.. "While I do ryun track, and can run pretty darn fast I've never run a mile carrying armor on me.
- Less talking more running' Nani said taking off. Sally drove alongside them.. 'if you guys need to climb onto my bumper, you can, but you'll have to hang on.. Humans only.. She said looking at the dinosaurs..
_ Stripetail and his forced now approached the base, Stripetail's magic decimating anyone who dared to oppose him. that is not to say he sleew them all by himself, no, Scooby, Tiger anbd the others had plenty of foes to drive back. tiger and tigeress were merciless in thier attacks, what Tarrax abd the other dragons didn't clear from the sky, the digimon cleared from the ground..
_ Chong had survived the bombing but few of his forces had.. communication with his forces in galena was spotty at best now.. "The tide of war has turned against us, he said to those he had gathered around him under a protective shield.. ' How many troops do we have left?
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(Neptune City)

The Whiptail Lizard looked around. "I'd say we have 350 to 750 troops left. They're trying to hold off the enemy as best they can."

The shield flickered but held strong as Major Lockie blasted it with his 105 mm cannon and followed up with a volley of 40 mm shells.


Deimos, Dr. Zanasiu, Zachary, Ms. Swimmer and even Yaltsin's crew had joined in the push to the base.

Deimos shot a sniper from her perch atop a water tower. Unfortunately, the sniper had already killed four soldiers.

Ms. Swimmer set fire to a store that gunfire was. Zachary and Dr. Zanasiu (the latter using a stolen rifle) shot the survivors that issued from the store.

Yaltsin and his men were mostly recording but they did get called into action - mostly in evacuating wounded personnel but they also engaged the enemy soldiers.

The Great Valley archers were surprisingly deadly against Chong's soldiers. Then again, their bows had been enchanted to give them rifle-like similar accuracy and range and of course, the explosive heads of the arrows usually ensured death or incapacitation for the hapless target.

The Bull trucker had met his end when he and a five other soldiers pursued some of Chong's forces. They ambushed and killed them inside an alleyway.


Ceela and her group were trying to penetrate deeper into the base. Unfortunately, they ran into the few platoons of Chong's army that had vehicles. Even though their arrows were enchanted to slice through personal armor and then explode with horrifying effects,  the arrows lacked the power to damage the armored vehicles. Even though they attempted to retreat, the vehicles quickly cornered them and killed them - their essential water healing factor all but useless against the hail of bullets that the vehicles' weapons spit out.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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it was then Stripetail reached the gates to the base ' Sendar Implicifum! He roared and the gate which had stood up to biombing, weaponsfire and everrything else the Coalition could throw at it, it disintegrated revealing the small groups of Dragonstorm forces who opened fire. Stripetail's shield deflected the buletts and the attackers were quickly killed, by a combination of digimon attacks and stitch throwing grenades.. ' forward! He commanded.. " thier forces are welll under a thousand by is time to finish this
- from 40 thousand, not including my spirit less than a thousand " chong ran his fingers over his head, as the front gate was blasted in.." it is only a matter of time now.. make your defenses last as long as you can, we have failed in our that damned squirrell did it i don't know..
 should we try and kill him? said a soldier 'Nothing short of of a nuke would kill him, and in any event we are far too outnumbered, they control the sky the sea and everything outside this base....' Chong said.
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Jason used his lightsaber and his blaster on some troops as he flew from one building to the next.  He put the blaster away and took out a grenade and threw it off a building at another enemy troop.

He got closer to the base and put the light saber & the legion flight ring down as he used his morpher to morph to his ranger form.  He picked up his light saber and put on his legion flight ring before he flew off towards the base.


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The bomb ticked down to its final seconds just as the group reached their armored vehicles - over two miles away.

Strut and Rime appeared to not be winded while the dinosaur archer was panting heavily.

"We're far enough from the blast zone that the shockwave won't harm us but the wind might throw debris around," Rime said.

Strut opened the rear door to an armored SUV and climbed in. Rime followed.

As soon as he entered the SUV, the bomb went off.

Captain Fairchild, who was over ten miles away, was treated to the sight of a dark purple hemisphere rising up from the base, collapsing in on itself and turning into a dark purple shockwave that leveled anything in its path. Buildings were reduced to rubble and vehicles thrown around.


(Neptune City)

"Give up, Chong! You're finished!" Major Lockie shouted. He blasted an armored truck to scrap with his 105 mm cannon.

Dr. Zanasiu, Zachary, Deimos and the troops they commanded  forced their way into the base, decimating the guards. Even though Chong's troops fought with fanatical frenzy and behind magic barriers, there were just too many Coalition troops. Little by little as the battle ground on, Chong's forces dwindled.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.