The Gang of Five
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Ask Nick anything

Nick22 · 365 · 61207


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well, this is the 4th or so such thread copied after rat-ladys idea, but what the heck.. ask me anything..
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What made you start the Insane Cafe tetrology?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Actually it was Aves who started the iNsane cafe, and it was initially a place wher everything and everything went. the sequels have been more plot driven, but that still dooesn't mean insane things still don't happen
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Which of the Insane Cafe RPs is your favorite?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Serris: Well I'm partial to the current one, although the second one is up there as well. there stories would not be possible without the efforts of you, DRake, Kor, TFS and Noname. you guys deserve a pat on the back
LBT; thats quite a coincidence
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How long have you and Adam been friends?


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Well, I first met Adam and Malte on the Network54 boards back in 2002. I joined Adam's WElcome to the Great Valley Forum, and eventually took over running the site from him. it didn't last unfortunately. we never got more than ten members. howeever, two of those members Threehorn and Kenji later joined here and have become productive members. I joined in November 2004, and I let the Welcome to the Great Valley bosrd die off. I become mod here, but it wasn't until after a spamming attack in march 2005 that I became an Admin. I've held that position ever since, for four years now. Adam and I are friends and he trusts me..and I him..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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How many RPs have you participated in? which was your favorite?


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thats a good question LBt. Lets see, around 12-15, some of which were never completed. my favorite would have to be the Insane cafe series - I'm counting the three as a whole..
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well I fitrst saw the film when it first came out. I ended up with the fitrst 10 LBt films( my little brotyher was big into dinosaurs) , but we 've since given them away to my little cousin Colin.  So I've been an LBt fan for about 20 years..
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How did you get interested in the Darwin's Soldiers universe?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Well, I had read bits and pieces lof the story beforem,, but it wasn';'t until your characters got involves in the Second Insane cafe, that my interest really took off. You did a very good job with the story. a group of seven scentists drawn together to stop Dragonstorm and terrorists.. so far, they've managed to come out of it alive..
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Are there any Dinosaur-related movies outside of Land Before Time that you enjoy watching as well?


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Jurassic Park( all 3) and Dinosaur are dino-reklated movies that I like besides lbt..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Where did you come up with your characters name Aisha Tennes for the Darwin's Soldiers RP?


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Just where did you learn so much about history?


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Answering both questions
 Aisha Tennes, was a name i just threw together, i made her a gifted student, because often times children of  high ranking officials tend to be very driven people. shes a loyal person, and unwilling to back down from a fight..
as for learning about history, well, i've always enjoyed reading, and learning about the past. i alkso have a very good memory, when i read something, i twend to remember it. i'm good with dates and figures, and understanding why the people of each area did things the way they did.
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