The Gang of Five
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Dra Ga Boom Tournament

Threehorn · 216 · 20325


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(I will change it look at it again and that where it will be fixed oK?)


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"Fine fine fine, look coach all I try to do is be don't bit my head off" Flamedra takes the paper and put it away. "if you don't mind coach I will be training" he turns and walks off into the gym area.

"Well well well my friend Kenshi I see your got a few more dragons here good, now maybe you will get the money you own me human sonny." Black scaled dragon said stepping into the room from the door. "since your dad died my business boomed and now I have winners my rival dead and all is left is a push over human a kiddy that don't know where to quit. so I've got some legal grounds my gym not to far and I got more dragons training so they gave me the power to close this place down if you don't pay me lets say 200,000 at the end of the season if you don't give me it within 2 days of the end of the season I will close this piece of crap down." Blackflare chuckled and turned away walking to the door. "Soon you'll have nothing but memiors that will be worthless. till we meet on the battlefield sonny" he leaves the gym leaving a leaflet of his gym on the floor.


  • Cera
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Kenshi watched as Blackflare left, his rage boiled to a point when he grabbed a blunt battleaxe, normally too heavy for a human, from a nearby rack of weapons and swung it with one hand into a brick wall, embedding it with loud crack that echoed through the gym.  Other dragons stopped to look at what happened, even Fong and Kale had failed to see it as they exited the locker rooms.

Shaking with intense anger, the human stormed into his office and slammed the door behind him.  There was an instense several minutes of awkward silence before the dragons soon got back to work.


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"something tells me this is serious... I should see this other gym and find out what the hell going on around here" Flamedra walks out of  the building and jumps up on a low level roof then a higher one in moments he was on top of one of the buildings looking over at the other Gym. "Blackflare dragon Gym" he muttered to himself looking down at it from a crounched postion he scanned the are then he saw blackflare "you got to be kidding me, the Blackflare... that creep always found a loop hole when I arriested him for a crime... that git is doing this? I think it time to turn the tables on him" Flamedra leaves and head back to  Kenshi's gym.


Blackflare looked up "boys I got a target for you the dragon cop, beat him up! right outside Kenshi's gym show we mean business" he chuckled and three dragons ran one flew off and the other two jumped up on the roofs.


Flamedra was just near the doors when the three dragons arrived and blocked his way in "little dragon spying doesn't pay"

"we going to give you pain"

"and show Kenshi we mean business"

"Try it" he said looking at the three as the dragons in the gym came out hearing this and Kenshi septed out as well.

"attck!" all three went in at once.

Flamedra smiled then he did a cartwheel booting one of them with his claw foot in the underside of the snout kncoking the winged one back the others went for him kicking and punching he used his garlets to block a double punch then he locked them in a postion and twisted around and pulled over his head throwing them both to a wall they put their claw feet to the wall and pushed off.

Flamedra then pull his garlets back and smirked "here is one for the books, Fire Wave!" he pushed forwards and a wave of flames appeared in a flash the instant it appeared blow the other two backwards into the ally across the road hitting the bins and landing on their backs both unable to believe what happened. the winged one got up and charged at him Flamedra quickly turned around and put a arm around him swinging around then the other free arm he had the garlet neck to the dragon's neck. "Tell Blackflare this, I am coming for him and he will be in a cell by the end of the season. His not escaping the law for the last time. Now get out of here before I do something worse to you" Flamedra let go and booted him in the back sending him flying into the other dragons that just got up landing on them. they then got up and ran for their lives.

"That Blackflare is a right dark creep" Flamedra growled under his breath


  • Cera
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Kenshi saw what had happened with Flamedra and the three dragons, and approached him as they left.  "What in dragon heaven's name were you thinking!" he snapped.  "I told you I don't allow fights outside the arenas!  Even if it's against Blackflare's bastards!  He knows he can't touch this gym, and I got the proof why!"

One dragon, a thin dragon like Flamedra but is dark green in color and with plantigrade legs, stepped up next to the human.  "I'm the family lawyer and I know that Blackflare has been trying to find way to close this gym down, but I've been making sure he can't do anything to it but only under one condition, and it's time I tell you all now."

The others, even Fong and Kale who joined them outside, listened intently.

The green dragon continued.  "To make sure Blackflare never touches this gym again, Kenshi, is that you have to take a dragon to the tournament and win the championship.  That way, he has no chance to take the gym."


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one of Blackflare's students listened from behind a wall then left he found Blackflare waiting around the corner "Sir Kenshi going to enter the tourument."

"Then lets start taking his dragon student out one by one. start with Kale the young one, report back with your human friend gang the Red Claw once you taken care of all of them" Blackflare left and the dragon looked back and listened on.


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Kenshi calmed down some after the news, but turned to Flamedra with a stern.  "You and I are going to have a private talk.  My office, now."

The crowd starts to head back inside the gym, with Kale close to his grandfather as they were the some of the first to enter.


Meanwhile, just as Blackflare left, a human figure in a black jacket appeared behind the dragon student.  "It does seem quite apparant that you people just don't play fair anymore," he remarked.  "I've always liked grudge matches in tournaments."


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"It how the dice rolls and I am making sure that kid don't get far in it and if he wants to train Dragons then let him be one." Blackflare looked over at the human "I left him a little gift from a friend a friend" Blackflare chuckled. "a old power that once open to a human they will be come a dragon and usually go mad from being changed like that"


Flamedra walked in with  Kenshi and he picked up a box and had stamped on it from the toururment with the offical markings on it. "Look I was only defencing myself they took the first blow at me. what do I do let them beat me up. I know the laws and they acted first" he showed a mark on his garlet from a claw mark. but  Kenshi looked at the packet and start to open it hoping it was what he needed to get in unaware of what was inside.


  • Cera
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(OOC:  Not to be rude or anything, but let's keep to our own characters.  Unless something happens that I need someone to take over my characters, I'd like to control my chars' moves.  If you don't mind, I'll skip the last few sentences of the last post.)

"It's not the fact that you were defending yourself from those thugs," Kenshi replied.  "It's the question on why you were forced to defend yourself!  I don't need anyone trying to defend me on a personal matter!  As if you haven't noticed, I'm no tournament trainer just buy having others fight for me."  He paused as he placed the package on the desk, labeled with official tournament markings before he turned back to Flamedra.  "What ever personal business you have with Blackflare, you leave it out of this gym."


"I guess in these days nasty surprises come at every turn," the human replied, reaching into his jacket...


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"I haven't got a personally issue with him I just went to see his Gym see why he was threating to close thi s place done ok. I left without even causing a problem then you know the rest those three jump me when I was returning" Flamedra crossed his arms after putting his garlets down on the table.


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(I have changed the text before this one)

"I keep my police business away from those not involoved so I have no idea why he would send them out to here to get me something about this tourument going to cause more trouble then usually is in one season that I've seen on TV." Flamedra said sitting down on a stall.

then a messenger dragon came in with wings folded back. "Messenge for Kenshi, I have been asked to read it out at once" he then look at it "Kenshi There will be a sparing match and I will personally have a fight with your new dragon Flamedra. I thought that I check up on him and found out that he is a police officer one that was around each time the police arrested me and found out nothing on me. so we will sparier in your gym tomorrow night me and the dragon Flamedra lets see what his made of. If he wins I will let you keep him but if I win he will train at my gym no matter what. accept the challenge or I win by defealt and you lose Flamedra. reply in 2 hours or I take that as a no" the messenger Dragon said then look at Kenshi ", from Blackflare what is your reply mr Kenshi?"


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Mac walked into the Gym, just as the messnger delivered his message. "I can answer you muself" He said sharply. "He'll take the challenge, and wipe the dirt with however you put up. I have confidence in my friend. So take that message to Blackflare, and tell him to start measuriing for prison drapes"
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"Mac this up to the coacth to choose, this isn't for prison as well it in a postion about me where I train it seem like Blackflare wants to do this so if I lose i end up training at his place and if I win I stay here. that the agreement." Flamedra said to Mac then look at the messenger dragon

"Don't worry I will not say that to Blackflare this is only for Mr Kenshi to choose not anyone else" He leaves the gym.

"sorry about that this is my police partner Mac and a friend. Whatever you choose will have nothing to do with the police right Mac this is outside police matters and within the law" Flamedra said to Kenshi then look at Mac


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I'm well aware of that. But Blackflare does have a criminal record, and if his gym members go too far, It will become a matter cfor the police" Mac replied.
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"I understand Mac we have to prove it as well till we can there nothing we can do till the spy in the police network is found" Flamedra replied


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ASlright" Mac said, taking a seat. "Just be careful my friend. I don't want you ending up having to train with those creeps'
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