The Gang of Five
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The Land Before Time: Far Away Home

Caustizer · 415 · 54383


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Hooray!  Another chapter of Far Away Home.  :DD

Happy birthday Sky, and I hope you have the best day ever tommarrow! :celebrate

Thank for your all the artwork you've made for me over the past three years, and I hope you enjoy the last official chapter of the story.  The eplilogue will be posted as well at some point, to tie up all the loose strings still fluttering around.

Hope you and all the other readers enjoy it!  :angel


Part XII: Sky’s Trial (B)

Where had Sky flown off to this time?

Littlefoot was slightly annoyed as he thought again what the group of them had gotten into.  The blue wingtail had talked over exactly what he had planned to do just before they reached the outer edges of the Feral Forest, and yet the longneck still couldn’t see exactly how everything could work out to plan.  

After a long discussion, Star had insisted that she would lead Sky to the Elders’ Tree (apparently that was the ruling body of the wingtails) to confront them about the charges they had laid down and set everything right again.  Glide had been adamant that he would be going with them wherever they went, and he seemed to act in a way that went opposite to the fighting words he had shouted earlier.  It was yet another strange quality that the longneck didn’t understand… why not just admit that Sky was family now instead of playing games?  The black wingtail’s spite did not make sense.

“The trees here are really, really big,” commented Ducky passively as she pushed aside a branch with one of her arms.  Courteously, she held it up so Spike could pass and he murmured in appreciation.

“Ow,” uttered Ali briefly as she pushed her way through a mess of sticks and limbs, “this place is too cramped… we should try another way.”

Littlefoot pushed on as he always had, providing a good example to the others.

“Sky is in here somewhere,” the longneck insisted, “we have to keep looking.”

Pushing his neck through the thickets, Littlefoot caught a familiar scent in his nostrils.  It smelt like… like…


“Which way did that wingtail say he was?” barked a mysterious voice behind the thick vegetation, “I don’t want to spend all day pushing around in this mess…”

“Can we please go back? I don’t like this at all.” questioned another voice from beyond.  This one was a lot more familiar.

“Ruby… is that you?” called out Littlefoot.

He was so excited, his voice was a bit more jumpy then usual.  How was it possible that the runner could be here in the Feral Forest… of all places? Littlefoot thought that the wingtails hated runners with a passion.

“Littlefoot!?!” he heard the runner shout from behind the thickets, “I can hear you, but I can’t see you!”

“Hang on,” called back the longneck.

“What… who are you talking to girl?”

Pushing through the underbrush, Littlefoot forced his way painfully past the worst of it and burst through to what looked like a dark but open clearing.  Right away, he noticed an almost fully grown fastrunner and a strange kind of sharptooth looking up at him.

“Littlefoot!” called out Ruby excitedly, “I can’t believe you’re here… I didn’t think we’d see you again!”

“By all that swims!” barked the strange sharptooth, “are you a longneck? … I didn’t think there were any of you around here.”

The longneck lowered his head, and Ruby and he touched noses in greeting.

“Wow, you’re so big!” remarked the runner excitedly, “I almost don’t know who you are.”

“I could say the same about you too Ruby,” replied the longneck with a smile, “you’re starting to look just like your mom.”

“What’s going on, who are you talking to?” asked Ali as she finally caught up and got through the bushes behind Littlefoot, “Ruby?  How…what are you doing here?”

“Two longnecks!?!” exclaimed Siak.

“Ali too,” continued Ruby, “but then that means…”

Ducky, Petrie and Spike caught up too and there was a joyous but confusing reunion.  Both sides had tons of questions, and it was only made even more complicated by Swiftwalker’s arrival into the circle.  After a few minutes of exchanging stories and getting caught up on current events the important questions started:

“Where is Cera?” asked Ducky with interest.

“She’s around here somewhere,” declared Siak, “but the Great Circle knows where… she had a bone to pick with some wingtails for one thing or another.”

“Sounds just like Cera,” answered Littlefoot with a smile, “and what about Chomper?”

“I don’t-”

“Over here.”

Ruby was interrupted by a quiet, but assertive voice.  All heads turned towards a gap in the trees where dusk was advancing down the horizon.   A single adolescent sharptooth stood there in the half light, his familiar face a mix of sorrow and relief.

“Chomper!” called out both Ruby and Littlefoot at once.

Almost as suddenly as he appeared, the sharptooth turned and his heels and dashed away.  He was much bigger now then he had ever been when Littlefoot knew him, but it made no difference.  Out of the entire group, the fastrunners and Littlefoot rose to their feet and went after him with all due haste.

“Chomper it’s me, Littlefoot,” the longneck called out desperately over the light thudding of his footsteps.  The fastrunners had already pushed way ahead.

The chase came to an end at the edge of a stony ridge.  The great circle was halfway set already and its glowing light was made all the more red by the traces of volcanic ash that still remained in the air.  Chomper stood on the edge of the prepuce, looking out towards the lands beyond in the west.  Soon, they would be his new home.

“You are going, aren’t you?” questioned Ruby, but it was more of a statement.

Chomper turned around sadly and nodded.

“I really, really wish you could stay,” said Ruby like she was about to cry.

“Me too.”

Ruby stepped forward and hugged Chomper, who was now slightly bigger then she was. Swiftwalker stood beside her, but his expression was unreadable.  A moment later a loud, long sharptooth roar echoed throughout the lands beyond.

“My mommy and new daddy are waiting,” added Chomper with a hint of sadness, “goodbye Ruby.”

“Goodbye Chomper.”

The fastrunner had to wipe a few tears from her eyes as the sharptooth moved to get on his way.

“Goodbye Littlefoot,” ended Chomper as he turned towards the longneck that had raised him from an egg, “…I hope for you that we don’t meet again.”

It was delivered without malice, but caringly from a friend to a friend.  The sharptooth had already jumped down the ridge when the longneck finally composed himself.

“Chomper you don’t have to go!” Littlefoot shouted as he halted at the edge, “Wait!”

“He’s already gone,” stated a familiar voice from the trees above.

Littlefoot, Ruby, and Swiftwalker turned towards the source of the statement to find it was the navy blue wingtail that two of them had met before.  Aizon was busy wiping off his glasses like nothing important was happening, an action that gave Littlefoot a poor first impression.

“Who are you?” demanded the longneck impolitely, still upset from his friend’s sudden departure.

“He Aizon,” interrupted Swiftwalker with a bit of indignity, “good wingtail… you give him lots of respect.”

The longneck held his tongue for a moment.  He didn’t mean to sound so rude.

“I understand your feelings… it is never an easy thing to watch a good friend go.  It is a sensation I have regrettably experienced many times,” continued Aizon, “you are Littlefoot… one of Sky’s travel companions am I correct?”

“Yeah,” answered the longneck, “do you know where he is… we have been looking for him.”

Aizon looked unblemished.

“You do not need to worry,” the navy wingtail mused, “he is quite alright at the moment… but if it will continue into the days ahead I cannot say.”

“What do you mean?” inquired Littlefoot with a hint of worry.

“Sky is to stand trial tomorrow before the Council of Elders when the great circle is at its highest.  It would be in his best interest and yours if you and your companions were to attend.”


Morning came all too soon for the group of wingtails that now rested in Star’s family tree.  Sky slept pleasantly with his love at his side, dreaming about all the things he wanted Cloud to be and all the things he was going to teach him.  As the great circle’s light rolled through the leaves and warmed away the dew, a loud squealing woke both Sky and Star suddenly.  The scarlet wingtail reacted quickly, checking to see what was the matter with her newborn son.

Cloud was squawking repeatedly as if in a great amount of discomfort.  His mother tried to calm him down, but was unsuccessful.

“Hush now, its okay…” reassured Star through the tirade of noise.

“Do you think he’s hungry?” asked Sky with concern.

“Yes he must be,” concluded Star, “… I think we have to go fishing.”

There was a harsh swooping sound, and Glide burst through the leaves and came to a perch on the same branch the other two were sitting on.  In his mouth was a freshly caught water swimmer… so fresh it was still twitching.

“How convenient,” remarked Sky, “it appears your brother has brought us some breakfast.”

“For you and the hatchling,” the black wingtail insisted as he set it down next to Star.

He shot a sharp glare at Sky and departed suddenly, drawing a sigh from the blue wingtail.  Apparently these jabs were something he would have to get used to.

Word of the time and place of the ëThree Trials’ spread almost as quickly through the Feral Forest as word of Sky’s return had the previous day.  Concluding their morning fishing and hunting almost all the wingtails in the forest had opted to attend.  Adding in the additional land walker attendees, the Elders agreed hastily to move the location from the Elders’ Tree into the only place big enough to accommodate them all – Sonicron Hill.

Now a place of both infamy and glory, the trees on all sides were full of wingtails and other fliers.  Runners occupied the lower reaches, and looked on with curiosity in what would normally be a wingtail matter.  Littlefoot, Ali, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Ruby, Swiftwalker, Siak, Gentry and Thylo all sat together forming the oddest herd that had ever entered this sacred place.  A few of the more conservative wingtails disapproved, but overall it was overlooked in anticipation of the highest matter of the day.

Those to be tried stood in the middle of the hill facing the Sonicron, where all nine elders – both old and new – sat with their leader at the head.  Cinceel had been removed from her temporary hold on the position in favour of the more highly respected green wingtail Theanol, much to her displeasure.  Aizon was also present amongst their ranks, even though he wasn’t a member of their circle.  It was a mark of the standing he now held that his word was to be weighted with the others.  

Of Eybron’s thirty wingtails, fully twenty five of them now remained and they all stood in a line, their faces marked with shame at their predicament.  Ending off the line was Sky, appearing confident but nervous, and an extremely angry Glide.  The black wingtail was furious when he found out he was to be tried along with his now brother in law.  He had done nothing but sacrifice for these cursed Elders and now they made him stand amongst the traitors and villains on the ground?  He despised them now almost as much as he did Eybron, perhaps more.

“We Elders have agreed that while you twenty five under Eybron’s service were acting under his orders, you do bear some responsibility for the crimes against our race you have committed,” proclaimed Theanol to the general agreement of the rest of the council.

“Amongst these are the kidnapping of hatchlings of other races…”

“It’s about bloody time,” said Gentry as he nodded with dignity.  Cera also seemed pleased, but not as much as she was to be with Littlefoot and the rest of the gang again.

“… kidnapping fellow wingtails and imprisoning them without due cause or consent…”

Star and Glide both shifted in recognition.

“… and inflicting undue cataclysms upon our world using our precious relics without due cause or consent…”

A few of the elder wingtails shifted uncomfortably at the hypocrisy, including Aizon, but none spoke out.

“… and finally planning and carrying out murder on your fellow wingtails.”

All wingtails who were gathered knew about the night of terror that Eybron had inflicted upon the Feral Forest, including his killing of the master of the Tree of Relics many weeks before.

“For these above crimes,” continued Theanol with authority, “we sentence you into indefinite service to Aizon, to aid in his quest to unlock the past and future wonders of our race.  Like our ancestors before us, we must leave something more for our children then tales of treachery and destruction.”

The navy blue wingtail smiled slightly in approval, and many others around cheered at the verdict.  Many had expected the elders to be unmerciful and order decapitations, starvation streaks, or worse but thankfully their decision was more enlightened.  As victims Eybron’s henchmen, many of the gang were not sure what to make of it.  Some like Littlefoot and Cera felt they had gotten off lightly.

At Theanol’s urging, Eybron’s twenty five took off and left the clearing, rejoining their families in the trees and leaving only Sky and Glide left to stand judgement.

“If they give you the death sentence,” whispered Glide hardly, “then fly away as fast as you can… I will guard you.”

Sky’s heart jumped a bit at the mention of such a horrible fate, but he answered back.

“Why are you helping me?”

The black wingtail scowled.

“Because it would mean my sister has to raise her son on her own… something I will not tolerate.”

Sky nodded slightly.  It made sense.

“Glide, son of Allisan please step forward,” declared Cinceel with a hint of distain.

The black wingtail obeyed, but reluctantly.

“Well…” began Theanol with a bit of enthusiasm, “you are of great interest to us Glide.  You might be asking yourself why you are here today in the place of those who have dishonoured their race, but you need not raise your feathers.  You are here not to be punished, but to be rewarded.”

There was an uproar of cheering from the wingtails present in the trees, and even a few land walkers too.  Ruby was happy, and Gentry and Thylo were too.  He might not be a nice wingtail by words, but actions meant more then that and to that entire side of the gang he was nothing short of a hero.  For once, the black wingtail genuinely smiled… he hadn’t been expecting this at all.

“The others and I did not take long to decide that your conduct has been nothing short of exemplary, and your zeal and dedication to our creed and to your entire race is a model to all the young wingtails present today.  You are one of our kind’s greatest ambassadors to the other races, and your exploits contributed to the healing of the rift between our previous enemies.”

Aizon left his perch on the Sonicron and flew down to where Glide was standing in disbelief.  Soon the navy blue wingtail was before him.

“On behalf of my compatriots in the Elder’s Council,” stated Aizon, “I offer you the position of Master of the Tree of Relics.  Do you accept?”

“Yes,” answered Glide sternly but with a hint of excitement, “I guess we are even.”

Cinceel shifted uncomfortably at the comment.  She alone out of all the elders had wanted him punished, but the weight of the other seven and Aizon forced her to concede. Unfortunately their ëencounter’ where he almost killed her was pushed under a rock for now.

Aizon flew back up to his original position, and Glide took off too joining his sister in the trees above.  A smirk of accomplishment adorned his face.  Maybe he would just let Sky get killed… he could be a much better father then him anyway.  No, he had to keep his word.  Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that.

“Sky, step forward,” uttered Cinceel loudly with anticipation.  She was looking at him like a freshly caught fish – this was her playtime.

Sky swallowed with nervousness.  This was it.

By the general emotion of the crowds of dinosaurs watching the trial, things just kicked up a notch.  There was complete silence as every one of them – both wingtail and land walker – watched Sky take a small step towards the elders.

The rumours, gossip, and outright lies surrounding Sky had created a bit of a legend in the Feral Forest surrounding him.  Winglings were told not to go out at night, lest Sky capture them and take them away.  More seriously however the adults believed him to be a villain of the worst kind.  Some said he was responsible for the great winds that blew down trees, and others said he had long fanged teeth for devouring other creatures whole.  To see him now, in person, was almost beyond belief.

It was Theanol who broke the silence.

“Do you still possess the Occular?”

Nervously, Sky nodded.  Reaching into his wing, he removed the eyeglass and placed it on a rock near his feet.  Theanol bowed his head slightly in approval.

“You are indeed one of the most interesting wingtails of our time.  Stories of you, both truth and lies, have been circulating here in the forest for almost two generations.  We in the past have forgotten you, accused you, and condemned you.  Today, we will set things straight as they should be.  We the Council of Elders were unable to decide your fate in conference.  Some called for your demise… others called for your vindication…”

It was clear that Cinceel had been the former, and Sturgeon the latter.

“So we now give you a chance to speak.  Tell us your story and omit no details, for your fate will surely depend upon it.”

Folding his wings neatly, Sky rotated around on his feet to get an impression of the type of crowd he was going to be talking to.  Everyone seemed highly attentive, except Thylo who looked kind of bored.  With a slight smile, the blue wingtail began his story.

“It all begins with another wingtail,” insisted Sky as he turned to face the love of his life waiting for him up in the trees, “the only star in my sky.”

The blue wingtail told them everything from the moment his quest began, his many months of searching for the Eye of the World, and eventually him finding it.  Placing the Occular on the dais, and discovering the reason why Benzon abandoned it so long ago.  Aizon nodded slightly with agreement, as if he had known all along.  Sky carried on to explain that the reason he did not come back home was that he felt that it was too dangerous, so he planted some vines in hopes they would grow up to hide it.  He skilfully omitted his dealings with the sharpteeth from the tale, seeing that it wasn’t entirely important.

Continuing, Sky talked about moving from place to place and meeting those of many different races.  Eventually he reached the Great Valley, where he made all the friends present before them today.

“So you are telling us that the group of land walker guests before us today have travelled this far on your account?” questioned a male elder from the circle.

“Yes,” answered Sky without hesitation or shame.

“Is this true?” asked Theanol with curiosity as he turned towards the entire gang.

“Of course,” insisted Littlefoot.

“I guess…” added Cera half heartedly, earning a dirty look from Ali.

“Sky is one of our best friends… he is,” contributed Ducky enthusiastically.

“Very well,” commented Theanol with a wave of his hand, “…continue please.”

The blue wingtail then spoke of their travels, and how they became split up to due ëracial disagreements’.  It was a concept that pretty much all the wingtails and runners knew very well.  Continuing, Sky touched upon pretty much every part of their journey from being hounded by Tyron’s sharpteeth to getting caught in a volcanic eruption.  Eventually he reached the part about facing off against Eybron and defeating him in a fight over the Eye of the World.

“So you are directly responsible for Eybron’s death?” shot Cinceel out of turn, interrupting the story.

“Yes,” admitted Sky, “I killed him but-”

“You see?” pushed Cinceel towards Theanol, “he is a murderer as well as a thief and a liar.”

“From what I have heard today Cinceel,” answered Sturgeon, “I see nothing but truth in his words… and I also believe that Eybron deserved every bit of what happened to him.”

“How dare you speak of him that way?” screeched Cinceel, “he was nothing less then a hero who desired the destruction of our sharptooth enemies.  I might have gone along with you condemning his servants, but I’ll be having none of this!”

“Eybron was a monster,” shouted Sturgeon back, “and you set him loose!”

“Enough!” called out Theanol with anger.

 It was enough to silence both the council and the crowd.  In the void of silence that filled the clearing, a lone scarlet wingtail glided down to join her companion on the ground.

“I did it!” insisted Star so that everyone could hear her, “…I killed Eybron.”

It was enough to gather cries of shock and surprise from the crowd.  Even the Council of Elders balked for a moment… they hadn’t been expecting this.

“What are you doing girl?” questioned Sturgeon, but it was too late.

“He tried to mate with me against my will.  Sky tried to stop him but it was not enough… I burned him to death with the Eye… his own creation.”

“What?” uttered Cinceel, “what conspiracy is this… she’s trying to cover up for his crimes, can’t you all see that?”

“I can see that there is a lot more to this story then meets the eye Cinceel,” replied Theanol, rocking on his feet a little bit in thought, “…Aizon what do you make of this?”

The navy blue wingtail looked down upon the scene below, furrowing his tiny beard with curiosity.  After a moment he answered.

“It is definitely possible,” Aizon concluded, “though I doubt it is a very nice way to die.”

“Assuming it did occur though,” pressed the elder green wingtail, “would have us condemn Sky of murder on this account?”

There were a few gasps in the crowd.  They hadn’t expected the question to come up so forwardly and naturally there were supporters on both sides.

“Given the circumstances and the high amount of doubt surrounding whether our defendant actually committed the deed and if it was entirely warranted, I would say no.”

Once again, there was an uproar from all present with many shouting vicious attacks, words of relief, or other random bouts.

“Order!” insisted Theanol with a tinge of annoyance.

“I agree fully with Aizon,” Sturgeon felt the need to add.

Cinceel made a show of growling her disagreement at Sturgeon, but Theanol had already made his decision.

“Very well,” declared Theanol, “then it is my decision that Sky will not be held to account regarding his actions against Eybron by our Council.”

The green wingtail waited calmly this time for order to restore itself amongst those gathered.  Given the high amount of emotion in the air today, it was wise to show patience.

“Which leads us to one of the important periods of the deliberation,” continued Theanol, “…have you Sky had any dealings with sharpteeth in the service of Tyron?”

Sky shuttered a little bit.  He had been expecting to avoid the topic entirely, but now it all came down to this.  The blue wingtail thought of his son, and all of his friends.  It was true, he had done it… but as a wise wingtail had once told him: It is okay to lie when it benefits those being lied to.  He made his decision.


“Lair!” shouted Cinceel, “how dare you insult your elders and your race with-”

“That’s enough Cinceel!” shot back Theanol, with enough force to shut her up.

The green wingtail spread his wings, as if it was time for the final judgement.  Everyone present was paying attention now, and all the elders hushed into complete silence.

“It is clear to me that there is a lot more to this story that what has been told, and indeed it is foolhardy for us as the eldest of the wingtails to attempt to make a decision based on our own deliberations and the evidence – or lack thereof – given here today.  But, it is not the wingtail way to delay matters of such importance, so in accordance with our laws the decision of what to do with you Sky is mine and mine alone.”

Theanol looked from side to side at his fellow compatriots in the Council of Elders.  On the left side were Aizon, Sturgeon, and a few others who were more moderate and on the right side were Cinceel and the hardliners that still saw the correct path in Eybron’s ways and would see Sky removed entirely.  He would need to make a decision that appeased them both.  He had to consider guests here as well… some of which held great respect for Sky and may turn violent if the sentence was too harsh.

“Sky… it is my decision that while your guilt cannot be proven in matters of collaboration with our enemies and betrayal of your race, your reluctance to return to the Feral Forest with one of our most precious artifacts despite being commanded to do so is an affront to our authority and must be punished.”

The green wingtail paused for a moment, not just for effect, but to refine the idea he had in mind appropriately.

“For this crime, I hereby sentence you to banishment from the Feral Forest for ten seasons, beginning at the moment the Great Circle disappears below the horizon.”

Theanol barely had time to finish before the entire clearing exploded.  Some were enraged that he had dodged death, others were overjoyed that the Elders had gone back on their earlier proclamations.  Overall the feelings were mixed, but none were as happy as Sky.  As Star hugged him tightly and cried tears of relief, he celebrated inside that at sometime in the future, he would see his son again.




  • Ducky
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Ohmygoooood! It's the last chapter!  :wow Most awesome birthday present ever! :smile

And again, I love reading a new chapter from you~ :wub I practically had the scene, when Sky started to speak in the trial, in my head. :D It's a great idea to summarize and retell the whole story again at the end to freshen up our memory a little. :idea
I can't help it but feel excited and yet very sad at the same time now that FAH has come to an end.  :o
Only the epilouge is left and Far Away Home is officially over~ :cry

Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten to draw you that one scene with Eybron and Sky. I'm trying to work on it.  :yes


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Surprise! A review from Pangaea within a month of the new chapter’s post date! :rolleyes Sorry I didn’t comment on either of your last two posts in this thread, Caustizer, and that your star day card still isn’t finished :bang (I had hoped to give it to you sooner as a show of support for the story, but alas, you can find time to write a 4,400-word chapter faster than I can scribble one crummy picture :rolleyes). Anyway, I’m sorry it still took me over a week to post this. :(

Wow…I don’t know if I’m the only one who thinks this, but Chomper’s farewell scene might just be the biggest tearjerker of the whole story. :o His parting words to Littlefoot were the saddest of all. :cry I’m surprised Littlefoot didn’t question why he left so suddenly. (Ruby seemed to understand, at least.)

I’ll admit I was disappointed that we didn’t get to see the gang reunite with Cera, or Cera and Ruby with Sky (or have they not yet had a chance to actually meet Sky face-to-face again?). It’s also too bad we didn’t get to see the former meet Gentry and Thylo for the first time, though I understand some details have to be sacrificed in order for the story to flow properly.

I can’t believe so many of the elders still can’t see the truth about Eybron. <_< I’m glad (and a little surprised), however, that they rewarded Glide for his actions. He’ll be happy with a career guarding an entire tree full of shiny objects. :lol I was also a bit surprised that Sky had such an elated reaction when the elders pronounced his sentence. I suppose it makes sense when you consider that death and permanent banishment were among the possible alternatives, and Star will at least be able to take Cloud to visit him, right?

Just a few spelling errors I caught that I perceived as significant enough to recommend fixing:

Chomper stood on the edge of the prepuce, looking out towards the lands beyond in the west.
Should be “precipice”.

The blue wingtail then spoke of their travels, and how they became split up to due ëracial disagreements’.
Should be “due to.”

Lair!” shouted Cinceel, “how dare you insult your elders and your race with-”
Should be “Liar”.

Well, the gang has a long journey home ahead of them to get home, and I’m wondering how that and all of the remaining loose ends are going to fit in there. It occurs to me that Tyron’s empire is still at large, and must still be blackmailing leafeater communities into volunteering members to feed the sharpteeth. I know that Littlefoot will have to make contact with Bron again at some point, or he’ll never be inspired to name his son after the Forgotten Forest’s first sacrifical martyr. I’m also wondering what happened to Thud, and what Thylo and Gentry will do now that they’re free. Anyway, I can't wait for the epilogue (though at the same time, it'll be sad to see this story end. :neutral)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Thank you both for your timely reviews!  I have started writing the Epilogue tonight, and how long it will take I cannot say... it really depends on how complete of an ending you guys want :angel

Before I post it though, I look forward to seeing a sketch from Sky of a now almost six month old request  :smile

Cancerian Tiger

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I thought I had posted before, but my wireless must've gone out.  The city is building a highway next to my neighborhood and is therefore rewiring all the electrical lines, and consequently our Internet has kept going out because of that and really nasty weather lately :bang.

Anyhoo, it looks like Pangaea's post beat mine and gives me nothing further to say.  Though, I must add I was a bit disappointed in the Gang's reunion, especially Littlefoot and Cera.  I would've at least expected those two to apologize and make up, since much has happened since they last time they were together.  Other than that, I have nothing but good things and what has already been posted to say about this latest chapter :yes.


  • Ducky
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I feel obligated to provide an update on the status of the Epilogue and Far Away Home in general, given that I have surpassed my usual time frame of 2 months between each installment.

I am still working on the structure, and deciding what parts I want to include and to omit.  The most challenging prospect for me is going and searching through the entire story again and making notes of all the loose plot ends, so I can ensure I wrap them all up properly.

I must ask all you who are faithfully awaiting the next installment for a bit more of your patience, as this is a process that I have to do on top of an oppressive workload at University. :angel



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That's one of the hardest things when you are writing your story a chapter at a time and on the fly. It's very easy to lose track of plot threads that you promised yourself you'd tie up later. It's a bug busting process that takes time so I wouldn't stress it too much. I'm still trying to catch up on all the fanfic stuff I've missed lately. Including carrying on with your fanfic here. At least you've been working to something equating a deadline (updating every 2 months). I should be taking a leaf outta your book (no pun intended!) :p


  • Ducky
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Well, it is the finale after all. :) Like Littlefoot1616 said, the final part is probably the hardest to write.

You know me~ I can't wait to read the grand finale~! :D


  • Ducky
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Here it is the final part of Far Away Home.

I hope you've enjoyed the ride for the past 3 years, because it's now officially done :)

Thank you for supporting me and continuing to review it even when my schedule which often took me away from the story for 2-3 months at a time dragged on and interest waned.

Far Away Home Epilogue

“Is that it?” commented Xavier with enthusiasm, clearly wrapped on Sky’s every word.

“For tonight at least,” returned a much older Sky with a yawn.

“..but there’s so much you haven’t told us yet.  Are you still banished from the Feral Forest? Did you ever see Chomper again?”

The older Littlefoot rises to his feet with some effort, the dim light from the glowing cracks reflecting off his tough hide.

“That was the last time we saw him,” commented Littlefoot, “and for all our sakes I am thankful it was the last.”

“But dad he didn’t seem like he was that bad, was he?” replied Xavier

“You’re forgetting that he’s still a sharptooth, and if what mom says is true that’s means he’s always dangerous,” adds Wayne.

“And who’s to say he hasn’t developed a taste for… longneck flesh!” exclaimed the fourwing Landar, as if trying to scare them all.

It didn’t really work that well.

“What do you think Cloud?” insisted Kala the spiketail, leaning in the wingtail’s direction as if expecting a good answer.

“I…umm… don’t know,” answers Cloud reluctantly.

The young wingtail looked out of his element and uncomfortable in amongst the group, since he didn’t really know any of them at all.

“I think that’s enough questions for one night children,” finishes Littlefoot with authority, “Xavier, come with me.”

The younger longneck looks crestfallen at the news, but follows his father obediently.  Taking the lead, the other children depart in their own orderly fashion.  Kala and Aura hobble away towards the river where their two families are staying, Wayne goes towards the hill where his mother built her nest, and Nincea flies off towards her father Petrie’s roost near the mountains.  In the end only Sky, Cloud, and Landar are left.

“Pff, if my parents want me back bad enough I’m sure they’ll come calling,” declares Landar defiantly before talking at Cloud, “… you don’t say too much do you wingtail?”

“We’re not supposed to talk to other fliers where I come from,” answers Cloud truthfully, earning an uncomfortable look from his father.

“My class is finished for tonight Landar,” insists Sky wisely, “if I see your mother I’ll be sure to let her know you are lingering here way past your bedtime.”

“Eeep… please don’t! I’ll go back, I promise,” replies Landar with a hint of fear.

Clawing his way to the top of a nearby tree, the fourwing hops off and sets about gliding his way back home to his parents Syndra and Guido.

“You seem nervous, is something bothering you Cloud?” asks Sky casually as he stands next to his son.

“It’s just so strange here… it’s nothing like the Feral Forest.”

“Indeed, the Great Valley is a place where numerous races get along as best as they can.  Give it some time, and you might find you’ll make some new friends.”

“Okay,” agrees Cloud, bowing to his father’s wisdom.

Sky reaches out with his hand and rustles Clouds frill, causing the young wingtail to snort and duck away in annoyance.  With a smile and a light nod Sky turns and spreads his wings, beckoning for his son to join him.

“Come on featherball, it’s time I showed you your new home.”


“But where will you go from here Sky?” insists Star with a hint of fear, “I know you can take care of yourself pretty well on your own but… I want to know where to find you when the time comes.”

Sky nods with agreement.  They had worked out a plan together that once Cloud was old enough to fly on his own, he would go to meet his father beyond the forest’s edges.  The biggest complication was where he could be found once the young wingtail was ready.

“You will find me in a place known as the Great Valley… beyond the Farwalker Gorge, and the mountains afterward. I will wait for him.”

Star reaches out around Sky with her free wing and hugs him, pressing the side of her face against his.

“It will be hard for him, growing up without a father,” she comments softly.

“My greatest regret,” answers Sky with absolute truth.

Inside the folds of her other wing, the baby wingtail Cloud sleeps softly.  It is getting late, and being a newborn he spent more of his time asleep then awake.  Not wishing to disturb him, Sky looks down and smiles.

“See ya later, featherball.”

Nuzzling Star one last time before his departure, Sky turns and swoops out of the family tree to begin the long term of his banishment.

Facing the sharp urgency of his requirement to leave before the Great Circle sets, Sky picks up the pace as he soars on the light winds above the Feral Forest. After flying for no more then a minute a dark shape swoops down from above, startling him.

“You should be more aware of your surroundings,” suggests Glide with a bit of impatience, “given what has just transpired, I wouldn’t be surprised if every wingtail and his brother tries to take you down.”

“Yes, that is certainly a possibility,” answers Sky, “but I’m sure they know they’re dealing with you if that happens.”

Glide sneers.

“For your sake you had better not be lying to my sister,” the black wingtail snarls, “when the time comes that the youngling is ready for the journey I don’t want to have to hunt you down.”

“You need not worry Glide, rest assured I’m looking forward to the day as much as I know you are.”

The two wingtails bank, heading towards the southern edge of the forest.  Littlefoot and the other landwalkers were supposed to be there waiting for him so they could begin the trip back home.  Sky was immensely proud of them.  Not only had they survived the long journey, but they had thrived in it.  He was particularly impressed that even after being split for so long the gang remained so firmly bonded that it was like they had never been apart.  When the blue wingtail left to say goodbye to his family, they had been enthusiastically sharing stories of their perils and triumphs along the way.  Sky hoped that all of the wingtails could benefit from the example of their interracial cooperation, though deep down he doubted it.

“One more thing,” adds Glide just before the two of them part ways, “here.”

Withdrawing a small object from his wing, the black wingtail flicks it towards Sky.  Catching it, the blue wingtail’s expression brightens in recognition of an old friend. It is the Occular.

“You seem attached to this trinket, so I suppose it should belong to you.”

“But, why are you giving me this?”

“I don’t like keeping debts,” answers Glide with cold honesty, “consider this payment for that time by the lava flow.”

Slipping the precious heirloom into its usual place within his wing, Sky nods his appreciation for its return.

“And then there was this massive sharptooth, he came bursting out of nowhere and stared us both down… Chomper and me.”

Ruby was busy telling a story to the entire group, and they were all listening intently on her every word.  Suddenly the fastrunner appears confused, and puts a finger to her mouth.

“… or was it Cera, Chomper and me?”

Cera thinks about it for a minute during the brief silence that follows, and then answers.

“Well I certainly remember that sharptooth thing happening to me about…oh… a dozen times or more.”

Littlefoot laughs, though his voice has certainly changed since the last time Ruby and Cera had seen him.

“Yep it certainly did,” the longneck states, “it seems like we have pretty bad luck when it comes to sharpteeth.”

“Well your luck mustn’t be that bad,” interjects Siak positively, “since you had the good fortune to run into nice ones like Chomper and me, bless his hide.”

It was around that moment that Sky made his arrival, landing just outside the circle they had formed.  Visible just metres away were the edges of the Feral Forest, meaning that now the blue wingtail was technically obeying the terms of his banishment.  Being this close however gave the wingtails watching him from the trees some discontent, and were it not for all the friends he had willing to protect him Sky would have been in some amount of danger.

“Welcome back Sky… did everything go alright?” asks Littlefoot warmly.

“It did indeed,” answers the blue wingtail, “are we all ready to go home?”

Almost the entire group pipes up in agreement.

“I would like to see the Great Valley again, I would,” comments Ducky.

“As much as I can’t stand my kin and all, I suppose I’ve grown to miss them a bit,” adds Gentry.

“I wonder if my herd is still there…” muses Ali, but it goes for the most part unheard.

“So, you’re that wingtail everybody’s been talking about,” interrupts Siak, “…Sky is it?”

The spikemouth sizes up the blue wingtail, as if trying to find something remarkable about him besides his colour.

“Yes, I know others of my kind certainly seem to enjoy talking about me.”

“Well you’d better not try anything funny,” answers Siak with a wag of her finger, “normal wingtails are bad enough, let alone a convicted one.”

“Perhaps I’m really the normal one,” suggests Sky in a sly manner, “and the rest of my race has some learning to do.”

“Got that right,” contributes Cera, earning a few laughs from those gathered around.

Things briefly descend into a half dozen different conversations, talking about everything from the right route to travel on the way home to what to eat next.  The group was just getting organized for departure when a single solitary wingtail glided in to join them.  He was navy blue, and wore a pair of volcanic glasses.

“Well it’s about time you showed up,” stated Siak, “I was beginning to think your newfound heroic place in the world was getting to your head.”

“Ever the charmer isn’t she?” replied Aizon, directing the comment towards Sky.

The blue wingtail bowed slightly.


“Former student, you appear to have dodged quite the stone,” Aizon remarks in a homely manner, “you are good at keeping your secrets… I sense that the other wingtails really didn’t know what to make of you today.”

“I tried my best to make them see the truth… our kind is blinded by their bigotry and lack of reason,” replied Sky.

“Well said,” comments Aizon with a grin, “but then again it wasn’t the whole truth… was it?”

The navy wingtail had lowered his glasses knowingly, earning a guilty look from Sky.  The blue wingtail said nothing, knowing that others could be watching and listening.

“But, that is of no important matter.  We must see to it that all your friends go to where they are waited for … I would guess that ëhome’ does not mean the same thing to all of them.”

Speaking up, Aizon begins to sort out the details of where each dinosaur is to go.  Getting all those headed to the Great Valley was simple enough… Littlefoot, Ali, Petrie, Ducky, Spike, and Ruby all were eager to leave.

“Littlefoot is it?” asks the navy wingtail politely.

“Yeah… I didn’t know you were Sky’s teacher,” answers the longneck thoughtfully.

“There are many things about him that even I don’t know, but I do know this… I would highly recommend that you make a slight detour and stop in the Forgotten Forest on your way home.”

“Why?” inquires Littlefoot.

“I encountered someone there in my travels whom it would be highly beneficial for you to meet.”

Aizon winked, before moving on to the next order of business.

“Eggstealer, where do you call home?”

“I’m surprised anyone bothered to ask, I am,” replies Gentry, “I came from a place by the sea called the Dawn Valley.  Bit of a walk I would think.”

Aizon nodded, before turning towards Siak.

“I have a task for you my friend… there is one in need of your guidance.”

Siak looks shocked.

“What? You don’t expect me to… oh fine I’ll take him. It’s not like I have any better places to go.”

The navy wingtail smiles and nods, implying she has done the right thing.

“And that leaves one more.”

Aizon walks towards Thylo, who is standing all alone but otherwise appears happy.

“Where is your home Spiketail?”

“Oh I came all the way from the Verdant Valley.  It’s been really fun and I’ve had a great time but I think I want to go home now to see my mom and my brothers and my sisters.  Maybe when I get there we can go down to the steam and-”

As the dark green spiketail rambled on, the look on Aizon’s face darkened.  He beckons towards Sky for his former student to come over, and whispers something in his ear.  Suddenly Sky’s expression changes to into one of sadness.

“Spiketail…” begins Sky, before Ruby corrects him on the name, “…Thylo.  I… I don’t think you can go home.”

Thylo stops mid rant and looks at the wingtail curiously.

“But…why not?”

Sky sighs.  The Verdant Valley was wiped out completely by the eruption of the Black Mountain so many months ago, and Thylo’s family was likely all gone.

“You can’t… we can’t.”

Littlefoot clued in to what was going on, although he didn’t know all the details.

“Maybe she can come to the Great Valley with us,” suggests the longneck, “I’m sure Spike could use the company.”

Spike gets up onto his feet and looks at Thylo curiously.  Smiling, he gestures with his head for her to come over.

“Okay, maybe I’ll get to see them all later.”

Thylo walks over and joins Spike, who is a bit older and larger then she is.

With all travelling groups arranged, Aizon bids them farewell.

“May your journey be swift and uneventful,” comments the navy wingtail so everyone can hear him.

Slowly the group of dinosaurs begins to depart, beginning the long journey home.  At last, only Aizon and Sky are remaining.

“Thank you for speaking in my favour at the trial,” says Sky in gratitude, “I know I’ve done some things that weren’t for the best, but my mate and especially my son deserve the chance for us to meet again.”

“Hmm, I’m sure that whatever you did or did not do you had a good reason for doing it,” answers Aizon, “it is one of your good qualities.”

Sky turns towards his old mentor.

“What about Eybron’s wingtails, what are you planning to do with them?”

Aizon smiles a little bit, and rubs his small goatee in thought.

“There are rumours that another artefact of my fathers was built in a place called Blacksun Crater, and I or rather we intend to investigate it.”

“Are you sure you can handle them?” asks Sky with concern.

“What else is there for them to do?  The Sonicron will be destroyed of course in time, so they would be without their duty.”

Sky nods with understanding.

“Your mother would be proud of you, you know,” states Aizon suddenly with warmth.

Remembering her, Sky drops his head.  It had been such a long time since her death the memory had almost faded in picture, but he did remember her love.

“I know… and my father too I hope.”

Spreading his wings, Aizon takes off into the air and circles overhead.

“He still is.”

It takes a moment for the impact of the statement to set in, and when it does Sky looks up in surprise.  What did his old mentor mean ëhe still is’?  Could his father still be alive somewhere?  Before the blue wingtail could inquire further, Aizon was gone.








A number of scenes occur both during and after the end ëcredits’.  They are the following:


Snarling ravenously, Chomper makes his first kill.  He snaps the neck of the poor domehead before she even knows what’s got her.  It was the most respectful way.

A number of fastbiters – King Tyrus’ minions – try to partake in his kill but with a roar and snapping of his teeth he wards them away.  All but one that is.

Thudd strides up to the kill with pride, and Chomper lets him pass.  Watching jealously, the other biters can only observe as he takes his fill.

Being friends with a sharptooth does have its advantages after all…


Siak and a much older Gentry are shown wandering through the Dawn Valley.  Suddenly, the eggstealer encounters his siblings whom have all started families of their own.  With joy they welcome him home, though unfortunately none of them offer him anything to eat.


Thylo and Spike are eating from the same bush in the Great Valley, and both are adults.  The former is rambling on and on about anything and everything, while the latter is simply nodding with agreement every time she completes a sentence.  They soon devour the entire plant, touching noses as they finish off the last of the leaves.  Thylo looks at Spike, and he looks back at her with lust. Soon, love blossoms between them.


Littlefoot returns to the Forgotten Forest, just like Aizon told him to, and to his supreme shock and amazement his father is there waiting for him.  The two have a joyous reunion, and over the course of a week share stories with each other about everything that has happened to them up to this point.  Shorty and Littlefoot make amends, although there was little for them to amend for.  His brother has a new girlfriend, and he’s madly in love with her.

Before long Littlefoot gets caught up in the romantic spirit too with Ali and, lying together in the cool grass and away from everyone else, they mate for the first time.


Retiring from telling stories to the children for the night in the Great Valley, Ruby takes a long and thorough bath in the river before returning to tree she likes to sleep under.  It is a night like any other, though hearing all about the past makes her miss it a little bit.  She had never had an overwhelming need to find a companion, but with Swiftwalker there may have been something there.

She curls up to go to sleep, but before she can close her eyes the sound of footsteps reaches her ears.

“Hey, who’s there? Who is it?”

A figure emerges from the shadows and into the light.  Beneath the half-light of the Night Circle the outline of a runner so familiar to her emerges.  Ruby can’t believe it… she must be dreaming.

“… Swifty?”

The fast runner has grown up considerably, and he is almost unrecognizable.  His normally muddy feathers are almost completely clean, revealing his natural light blue underneath. Hearing the sounds of her voice, he looks just as surprised to behold her as well.

“Swifty, how is this… how did you get here?”

“Come long way looking for you, forget to say goodbye.”

It likely wasn’t the real reason he had come this far, but Ruby didn’t care… she was too busy admiring his form. The muscular development he had brought on by such a long and hard journey aroused an unfamiliar emotion in her.  She could feel it boiling up inside her – attraction.

“Threehorn say I find you here.”

Ruby smiles, and puts out her hands.  Gingerly, he does as well.  She didn’t realize just how much she missed him.  In the long moment where their eyes met and stayed locked, Swiftwalker finally gets the courage to say what he had really come all this way to say.

“You… look for mate?”

He didn’t need to ask.





  • Ducky
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Naaww... it saddens me quite a bit now that it's finally over. :cry But more excited I get for the sequel "Into Blacksun" you were planning.  :DD Has it been really 3 years? Man, time flies so fast~

Oh god! I can exactly picture the "credits" and the scene with Ruby after it right now! (wish I could animate that)  :lol
So, I guess Aizon is Sky's father, right? Hmm... I always had that feeling that these two had a connection somehow. :p
Anyways, it was a great read (as always) that it kept me excited in every sentence.  :) I got a huge boost of motivation out of this little chapter! :D I... I think I'll re-read again just because it is THAT awesome! :lol:

You really have great talent in writing epic and wonderful stories my friend.  :yes
Congratulations on finishing the story~! :celebrate


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  • Cera
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Well, I've finally read the epilogue, and now I can say that I've finished reading Far Away Home. :)

I hope you'll excuse the brevity of this review, Caustizer. I didn't have a lot of time to write it as I need to prepare for a trip out of town tomorrow, but I felt that I shouldn't put it off another day, especially since I may not have much time for the GOF even after I return home on Monday.

I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see the gang's return to the Great Valley (or, at least, hear it summarized in the credits), and I'm still unclear on what exactly happens to Tyron and his empire (At this point I'm assuming that Macaw was telling Tyrus the truth about his father being ill, and that Tyron soon died and, under Tyrus's rule, the sharpteeth went back to hunting for food instead of extorting it). Other than that, though, I thought you did an impressive job of concluding all the subplots and unanswered questions left over from the last chapter.

I didn't spot any significant errors in the chapter (though then again I'm a little incoherent right now; I can try looking again later if you like), but I noticed that the narrative switches between past and present tense repeatedly throughout the chapter. The present tense works for the "credits" scenes, but for the first part of the epilogue it is completely at odds with your style for the rest of the story.

So Thylo becomes Spike's mate. I knew it! :p

Now, Sky and Aizon…the interpretation that Aizon is Sky's father did cross my mind, but I'm a little skeptical, considering Aizon just revealed himself as Sky's mentor; it seems a little too "convenient" that he'd be his father as well. (I'm sorry, my memory is too foggy; I can't even remember what supposedly happened to Sky's parents. :oops)

It's a shame that the Sonicron will have to be destroyed, but I guess the wingtails don't want it being used to cause any more superdestructive earthshakes.

That was a surprising gesture on Glide's part, giving Sky the Occular. Not only is it impressive that he's willingly parting with a shiny artifact (one that he was originally specifically tasked with retrieving, no less), but I'm guessing he'd get in trouble if the wingtail Elders found out… :unsure:

And now I understand why Cloud is only now coming to the Great Valley. He was too young to travel when Sky was first banished, and Star had to remain behind to take care of him (Is she still in the Feral Forest? If yes, why didn't she come to the valley with Cloud and Glide?), and evidently it takes a long time to get from one place to the other.

And now, Caustizer, I have something for you that I promised you months ago, and at this point I can't think of a better place to put it than here. I feel absolutely terrible for taking so ridiculously long to finish it, and I hope you will enjoy it regardless.

Fantastic story, Caustizer. Thank you very much. :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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That's an excellent card Pangaea!  Thank you for coming through and making it, though now I'm almost 23 :lol.

I like the burned letters detail you put in, as well as adding Eybron to the picture getting his tail set on fire.

I hope that you will still be around to review 'Into Blacksun' once I decide to start writing it.



  • Chomper
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Well Caustizer that was a nice long ride. I enjoyed reading the story and liked it very much. Man I really wish it wasn't over, but all good things must come to an end sooner or later. I had that same feeling when I finished my fan-fic after two and half months of writing it. Whenever you do write "Into Blacksun" I'll be around to read it too.  :)


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Quote from: Caustizer,May 29 2012 on  06:23 PM
That's an excellent card Pangaea! Thank you for coming through and making it, though now I'm almost 23 :lol.
You're very welcome, my friend. :) Glad you like it. Sorry again that you had to be closer to your 23rd birthday than your 22nd by the time I finished it. :oops

I like the burned letters detail you put in, as well as adding Eybron to the picture getting his tail set on fire.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how those letters turned out; both the ones that are currently ablaze and the ones that by now are just smoldering. I really had no idea how to color the "happy" and "star day" parts, so I just ended up giving them the colors of the story's characters. Sorry if it doesn't look too good. :unsure:

I hope I didn't completely mangle the design of the Eye of the World. It was the best I could do based on the descriptions in the fic. I deliberately out some detailsóthe number of lenses, the rods supporting the lenses, and the ledge at the back the wingtail manipulating the Eye stands onóbecause I couldn't properly envision them and/or figure out a way to draw them that didn't make the entire Eye look like a complete piece of crap. Also, although I didn't remember if it was ever described, I assumed that there was some sort of hinge or other mechanism that allowed the user to adjust the angle of the Eye.

And, of course, I couldn't resist sticking Eybron in there getting his tail toasted by his own superweapon. :lol

I hope that you will still be around to review 'Into Blacksun' once I decide to start writing it.
Don't worry, I haven't left the GOF; I'm just not as active anymore, and don't visit much these days. :oops As you probably know, I'm experiencing something of a low point in my life right now, but hopefully when you start posting your next story I'll have mustered enough vigor to start reviewing again.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Hello again!

It's been a long time since I wrote this story - almost six years in fact. I've decided with the anniversary of the day I began writing approaching I'm going to do something to commemorate this special story and thank the loyal readers and reviewers who gave me the inspiration to complete it.

Sometime in the next two weeks, I'm going to:

1) Refresh the Images on the main page, since many of the links are since broken
2) Post scans of my Original Notes for Far Away Home that I used in 2009 and 2010 to write the story. You'll note that the end story is quite different then the one I was crafting when I started, including some big surprises!
3) Post the plot synopsis for the never-written sequel to Far Away Home, called Into Blacksun.

Once again, I owe quite a bit to this excellent community and though my time writing for LBT has passed I still enjoy the show and frequent the forums every now and then.
