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Elder's Lead

Adder · 3 · 1201


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I'm writting a sequel to my fanfiction, Adder's Story
Adder's Story. The name of the story was thought of by Noratcat. The sequel will focus more on Lady Blue, Charmer, Fox, Vixen, Whisper, Plucky and Friendly than Adder and Sinuous, who will still appear in it, but not every chapter like the first story. If you haven't read the first one, click the link to it, and read the first twenty six chapters before reading this one. To comment on the story, you'll have to have a account, I've blocked people without accounts from commenting, due to several rude comments, anyway here's the first chapter of Elder's Lead.

Chapter 1: A New Life and Fresh Start...

Lady Blue walks up to fox, "Fox. Tell me this. Why did you eat my steak? I saved that for me and Charmer!"

Fox looks at her belly, "I highly doubt you need any more"

She gasps, "Excuse! I worked off some weight killing rats!"

He laughs, "Barely Enough to Notice much change."

"Did you come just to make fun of me?"

He laughs again, "No, actually. I wanted to tell you that Roamer and Rusty have spoken their first words."

"Really? What were they?"

He responds, "Roamer's was: Fat and Rusty's was: Blue Fox."

He starts laughing uncontrollably, and she says, "I knew it! That's was the only reason that you came here!"

"Okay, it was. I'm surprised that you didn't eat all the steaks, you did eat more the Weasel. When you came back, I thought that you were expecting another litter."


He responds, "Calm down Lady Blue. I was joking."

She growls, "You'd better be."


Charmer says, "Yes... those are my kids. You've learned to speak, say it again."

Roamer says, "Mommy!"

Then Rusty runs up, "Mommy!"

She sighs, "I wish Ranger and Lady Blue were hear to see this. Your first words."

She hears a voice, Remember what I told you Charmer. I always will be, I know that are kids are talking, and I'm very proud of them. To bad they'll never get to know me, you and mother are the only ones that can hear me. But the others could too, if they would accept that I always watching over you, remember when you saw the cloud of me? That's when you and mother finally accepted it, but the others didn't.

She says to herself, "I know Ranger. I miss you though, why didn't you want until your mother and Fox got back to the nest? You think could have gone looking for food together."

You were so hungry, they would have been gone forever. I had to get you food, I never thought the rats would get me. I thought I could handle them just fine. I'm sorry, I was just stupid to not listen to you.

She responds, "Don't blame yourself Ranger. You couldn't have know they were going to swarm you, despite Adder's warning."

I should have listened to you though. I don't blame myself, but I didn't get time to know my kids, and they never got to know me at all.

She sighs, "I know, but its not your fault you didn't heed her warning. You couldn't have known that your premonition and her warning were going to happen."

I know. You need to sleep Charmer, I'll talk to you later. I love you.

She lays down, her cubs lay up against and they cuddle against her cheek. "Get some sleep kids."

She closes her eyes and starts snoring quitely. Suddenly, a see-through Blue Fox appears next to her and whispers, Goodnight my love and kids. I talk to you tommorow morning.

The next day...

Charmer quickly runs up to Lady Blue, "I've got something to tell you. Ranger came into my cave last night and spoke to me. I didn't see him, but I knew his voice."

She gasps, "Are you? You could have been hearing things."

"I'm positive. I heard his voice once a few days ago, and when Fox stepped down from being leader. He must be watching over us, like he said he would when he died."

She suddenly says, "You might be right, I remember him saying the same thing to me once shortly after your kids were born. He said he'd always be with us no matter what."

She responds, "Also, I didn't get cold once all last night, and my kids didn't cry or even make a single whimper all night either."

Fox walks up, "What's going on Charmer?"

"Nothing, I was just telling Lady Blue that Ranger came and talked to me somehow last night. I slept very good, and so did the kids last night, we didn't wake up once last night."

He asks, "How can you be sure that it was Ranger, you might have..."

Lady Blue cuts him off, "I said the same thing, she said she was positive that she wasn't hearing things."


Sinuous wakes up, and sees himself staring right at Weasel, "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Adder wakes up, "What issssssssss it?!"

Sinuous responds, "Nothing, itsssss jusssssssst Weassssel. Wait... why were you even in our nest anyway? You and Measly found your own anyway."

She laughs, "Whisper wanted me to get you two, she has something to tell you."

They come out of the burrow, and Whisper stops them, "Adder, Sinuous, have you see Friendly? He never came home last night, I'm afraid that he is lost somewhere in the park."

Adder yawns, "No, sssssssssorry. I haven't ssssseen him ssssssince the meeting. Did you check Charmer or Plucky's nest? He said he was going to talk to a friend or something before he same to your nest."

Sinuous corrects her, "No, he went to see Ranger's ssssssssissssster, something about letting her know about Ranger or something."

Whisper sighs in relief, "Oh that's good. I thought he was missing or left us."

Suddenly, Friendly walks up with Ranger's sister, and says, "I need to tell you all something, wait... where's Lady Blue and my father?"

A few minutes later...

They all arrive at the park, and that's when Friendly says, "Not that my father, Lady Blue and Plucky are here, I need to tell all of you something. Ranger's sister is expecting my children, that's why I was gone for so long. I'm sorry if I worried any of you, did Sinuous tell you where I was aleast?"

Whisper responds, "Yes, but you should up before he could tell Fox and Vixen though."

Ranger's sister says, "I just hope that one of them looks like Ranger, but not close enough that we'll get them confused. I can't believe that rats over powered him, he seemed way to strong for them to do it."

Lady Blue says, "They went for his weak points when he was down, after tripping over a tree root."

"That's what Charmer told me after the meeting, anyway, I'm going to go sleep for a while."

Her and Friendly walk off, then Lady Blue says, "Well, I'm going to be a double grandmother, the step-mother of your daughter and son Fox."

He responds, "I know, I never thought that a Blue and Orange fox would be related by anything other than blood, except for our grandkids."


Hope that whoever reads this enjoys it, and will comment on it. It will be less violent that the first by a long shot.


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Enjoy Chapter 2!

Chapter 2: A Winter at the Warden's

Lady Blue rushes up to Fox, "Fox, remember how you made a big deal just because I gained a little weight?"

He laughs, "A little?"

She growls, "Fox... anyway, I'm take you and Charmer over to the Warden's house, and since its winter, you are going to play sick along with us, and we'll lay down on the door step after we get him to come there. We may just spend a while outside, and get ourselves sick. It will be worth getting sick to eat the steaks he has, its been two years ever since I went there, so he won't suspect that I am mooching off of him."

He responds, "But why do I have to go?"

"So you can see why I gained so much weight, and you won't be making fun of me anymore. I'm sick of you bothering me about my weight, and I want you to see what its like."

He says, "Okay, I'll go. Just one thing..."

"Hold that thought." She turns around to walk away, and says, "You have a big butt!"

He bursts out laughing, and she spins around quickly, "See! That's what I was talking about! I want you to get in the same condition I am, the others will leave me alone, and you'll fine out what its like having that said to you all the time!"

A few days later...

Fox walks up to Lady Blue and sneezes, She groans in disqust, "I'm sick enough, did you have to sneeze on me?"

He starts coughing, and they notice he others red eye lids. "Lady Blue, you do know that your eyes are a dark red?"

She coughs, "I know, so are yours. Maybe getting real sick was a bad idea, atleast we're not as bad as when Adder got sick, she couldn't keep her food down."

He responds, sickly, "When you went to the Warden's?"

"No, when we had to take Adder into that cave, she could even drink water without getting sick."

He asks, "Where's Charmer?"

Charmer walks up, and Lady Blue gasps, "Oh Dear God! You do look sick!"

Charmer coughs, "I know, we had to make it convincing right? So I sat in the river for about an hour yesterday. Now I'm lucky if I can talk without coughing or sneezing."

Lady Blue responds, "I doubt that the Warden will let any of us go as sick as we look. I wonder how your kids can keep from getting sick."

"Oh, don't worry about them. I just persuaded Friendly to watch them."

Lady Blue asks nervously, "How?"

Charmer laughs quitely, "Don't worry. I didn't do anything to him, I just said that we'd bring him a steak if he watches our kids."

"Good, you had my heart going there for a second."

Charmer gasps, "Mother! Two kids is enough!"

Fox interveens, "Okay, enough talk, can we get to the Warden's now?"

At the Cabin...

The three foxes walk up to the door, and Fox begins pawing on the door.

Inside, the Warden says to Rollo, "Now what?"

He gets up, sets his newspaper down on his chair, and walks over to the door. He opens the door, and gasps at the sight of the foxes.

"You go two years without getting sick, and now this?" He sighs, "Come on, get in here. At least your not faking it this time, just stay out of my cellar this time. I saw that you and those snakes got into my egg nog last time."

Lady Blue just smiles, and he walks down the hallway, Rollo comes over to them, and says to Lady Blue, "Hey its the big-butted blue fox again!"

She stares at him angrily, "Rollo. I thought we talked about this last year. Why did I tell you about calling me that?" He dosen't respond, and she says, "Right. You forgot didn't you? I said, if you call me a big butt again, you'll be the steak I eat next time I come to the Warden's."

He whimpers, and runs over to the hallway, he looks back, and she growls at him. He runs down the hallway, and into the pool room.

They hear a splash, and Lady Blue starts laughing, "Maybe Rollo should learn to look before you run into a room with a pool in it."

A few minutes later...

The Warden comes back out of the kitchen and sites down two medium trays.

He walks back in and comes back out with a large tray. He sets it down in front of Lady Blue and Charmer wines, "Why dose she get the biggest steak?"

Lady Blue smiles, "Just be lucky that you don't get the smallest of the two steaks like Fox did."

Fox says, "You and Charmer always get the good stuff! Why do I get the smallest steak?"

Charmer responds, "Ever heard of the rule <i>'Ladies First'</i>, that rule applies here I think. We get the larger ones, and you get the smallest one."

"That dosen't even make sense! I'm the oldest, I should get the largest one!"

Lady Blue laughs, "Yes, but who did you appoint leader? Me, I get the largest, now eat yours before I take it, and give it to Charmer."

He growls hoarsely, "Fine. But next time, I get a larger steak, about Charmer's size, okay?"

Lady Blue says hoarsely, "Okay, but you aren't getting any of mine."

"Good." He coughs, "Maybe the Warden should get all three of us normal sized steaks. Just to be fair."

"Fair?" Lady Blue responds, "I'm the leader, I should get my steak a little bigger, and I should see if he can put some kind of sause on it like last time."

Charmer perks up, "Sause? I'll take any kind of sause, especially barbeque sause."

She laughs, "Do you even know what that is?"

"No, but I've been told by Rollo that is very good on steaks, and it dose sound good too."

Lady Blue yawns, "Well, I'm going to go sleep for a while."

She walks over to the bed, lays down on it, and lays her head down on a red pillow.

Charmer comes over, and gets on the bed with her, she lays her head on Lady Blue's butt, and whispers, "Wow... her butt makes a good pillow when its bigger."

Lady Blue asks, "What was that?"


The two lay their heads back down, and they quickly start snoring.

A half-hour later...

Lady Blue moans, "Ow! This pillow is starting to get unconfortable!"

Charmer lifts her head up, "You can lay your head on my tail for a while, I did use your backside as a pillow."

Lady Blue gets up, walks over to the other side of the bed, and lays her head down on Charmer's tail.

Fox sighs, "Those two can't ever find one spot to fall a sleep in, and stay there."

He lays back down on the couch, and starts snoring.

A few hours later...

Lady Blue and Charmer get up, and Charmer feels a wetness on her face. She looks over to Lady Blue, and screams, "Ahh! Lady Blue! Your drewling!"

Lady Blue says groggily, "What... huh?"

"Your drewling! I got it all over my face! I knew you should have skept on the other side of the bed!"

Lady Blue suddenly bursts into laughing, and Charmer says, "You think this funny?! You try having your mother-in-law drewling on you!"

Lady Blue responds, "I have had my mother drewl on my, where do you think I got that habit from?"

Fox comes over, "What's all the screaming about?"

Charmer's ears fall down, "Lady Blue dreweled on my face! My face is all sticky now!"

Lady Blue says, "Calm down, there's a hot tub of water in that room over there, you can go and swim in there if you want to wash it off. Believe me, they water will help your cold alot."

"Good." Charmer walks over to the room, with Lady Blue and Fox following.

Suddenly, a large splash of water hits Lady Blue and Fox, and they hear Charmer laughing. "Hah! Not so fun getting water splashed in your face is it?"

Fox winks at Lady Blue, and she winks back. Then Charmer just stares at them with a worried work, "Uhhh... why are you looking at me like that?"

Suddenly, Lady Blue yells, "Charge!"

The two start running, and they land in the water with a splash, and the water quickly rushes over Charmer, who just stares at her with a sad look.

Lady Blue and Fox just laugh and she says, "Now you know how we felt!"

They continue laughing, and Charmer says, "Alright, you got me back. Can we just swim now?"


Also, I worked three days on this. If anyone reads this story, can someone please comment? I don't like posting my hard work for no reason, I even stopped posting the original for this reason, no reviews.


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Chapter 3: A Day of Fun

Charmer walks up to Lady Blue, "This is soooooooo boring! Is there anything that we can do?"

She sighs, "To be honest, I have no idea. Sorry."

Charmer growls quitely, "Well, can't we ask Plucky, Friendly or Faschia if they have any plans?"

"I already did, except for Faschia, she was sleeping. I even asked Whisper and Vixen, nothing. This is probaly going to be a very boring day."

Charmer says, "Wait a second. Can't we just get my kids, then Faschia, Friendly, Plucky, Adder and Whisper, and play hide and seek? My kids love playing that game, plus there is tons of places to hide."

Lady Blue responds, "Okay. Let's go get them."

A half hour later...

Lady Blue says, "Finally, what took you two so long? The others we here in a few minutes, it took you thirty to get here."

Faschia responds, "Sorry. It took Friendly for ever to wake me up, I was sleeping so good."

Roamer whimpers, "Can we play already?"

Charmer turns to him, "Sure. Go over to that tree there, and cover your eyes with your paws, count to thirty, and we'll go hide."

He turns to the tree, and quickly puts his paws over his eyes.

Charmer says, "Alright, when we go hide, we hide by ourselves, that will make it harder for him to find all of us. If you have to hide together with someone, make sure its a last resort. Alright, go hide!"

Charmer quickly rushes off, and she stops a few feet away from the group, she whispers, "Yes... this bush is the perfect place to hide."

She jumps into the bush, and she looks out, "I just hope that he dosen't look in the bushes first." Then she pulls her head back in.


Lady Blue comes to the same bush, looks in and screams, "Ahh! Charmer, you scared me!"

"Go find your own bush! There's one right there."

She looks behind her, and sees a large bush, she runs over to it, and slowly crawls in it.

Roamer uncovers his eyes, and runs in the direction towards the bushes. "Alright, I'll find all you guys, and whoever I find first will have to count next"

He runs pasts the bushes, and hears a girl whispering. "Quiet Friendly! He's right there!"

Roamer walk over to a rock, and looks around it, but when looks there, all he sees his Faschia, who gasps, "Ooops! Friendly, he found me! Run!"

The young fox turns around, and from behind the rock, Friendly runs into the woods, and Roamer turns around.

"Your going to go wait at the tree right?"

"Sure. I'll wait there for you and the others to get there."

She runs in the other direction, and he walks back towards the bushes. He hears a faint sneeze and says, "Who's there?"

Nothing responds, and he walks to a dark green bush. He sticks his head in it, and just sees Sinuous there, he hisses, "Hey! I wassss ssssleeping, Adder'ssss not here. Go look in another bush."

Roamer responds, "Sorry Sinuous, I didn't mean to wake you."

Sinuous coils back up, and Roamer pulls his head out. He turns around and sees Adder slithering down the trail.

He smiles and she gasps, "Ah! No! I lossssst!"

"Looks like it, go wait at the tree with Faschia, we all agreed while you were sleeping that we would wait there."

She hisses in anger, and slithers off through the clearing.

He sees a leaf falling from a tree, and says, "Wow, this is harder than I thought it would be. I have a feeling that more than one you are hiding in the bushes around here."

He hears a rustling coming from a bright green bush by a dark grey rock, and he laughs, "Aha! I knew that one of you was in there!"

He happily rushes over to the bush, looks in there, and finds himself lip to lip with Lady Blue. They both scream, and she says, "Okay... okay... sorry for scaring you."

She comes out from the back of the bush, and rushes off quickly up the trail.

He says to himself, "Okay, just two more: Plucky and Friendly."

He heads down another trail, which leads to another small canyon full of bushes, this time, larger ones. "Oh man, I just hope I can find them before dark."

He looks at the largest bush carefully, and sees something white sticking out of the side swaying slowly. "Friendly? Is that you?"

No response, and he slowly walks over to the bush, he says, "Ooh! A tail, I think that I will bite it."

Suddenly, a voice comes from inside the bush, "No! Don't!"

Friendly jumps out of the bush, and before Roamer says anything, he runs down to the bush, and Plucky comes running out from a dark grey rock, "Hah! I told them that I would win, its getting late, let's get to the others and get back to our dens for the night."

Roamer yawns, "Good, running around all these rocks and bushes has made me very tired."

A few minutes later...

Lady Blue and Charmer are seen laying close together in their burrow. Under Charmer, Roamer and Rusty are snoring quitely, and she says, "Today was a fun day wasn't it?"

Lady Blue yawns, "Yeah, I'm so tired. Goodnight."

Charmer responds, "Goodnight, I'll talk to you tommorow morning."

She lays her head down, and Charmer rests her head on Lady Blue's, then the two close their eyes, and start snoring.


If anyone reads this, please comment.