The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => General Land Before Time => Character Discussion => Topic started by: OllyDirectioner on April 02, 2013, 10:57:34 AM

Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: OllyDirectioner on April 02, 2013, 10:57:34 AM
I remember the first guy that ever bullied me made me think of Hyp (also, Ozzy came to mind at times, but mostly Hyp). Also at times, my sister's stubbornness and rudeness made me think of Cera. (funny cause her name is Cara) lol
Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: Mr Wonk on April 02, 2013, 11:01:57 AM
My Dad as Mr Threehorn. It's his way or the highway and each year I become more like him which is a bad thing in a way. Still love him know. :lol
Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: Ducky123 on April 02, 2013, 11:04:23 AM
the daughter of a friend of my mum is like Ducky, just calmer than Ducky :) She's 11
my cousin is like chomper :) He's 6
My sister could be THE Sharptooth somedays  :DD
Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: OllyDirectioner on April 02, 2013, 11:04:26 AM
Haha I always imagined myself like Littlefoot as a kid. Idk why. Probably because I was a boy and I didn't really care for any real-life human role models I guess. :p
Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: StrutEggStealer on April 02, 2013, 01:23:25 PM
My nephew reminds me of Spike - never talks, but he gets his point across. He's also a little bit of a foodie^^
My other niece is SO Ducky! She's such a little sweetie, and she has her own little speech thing - she lisps at times. love her to death :DD
Another niece is Cera- stubborn and headstrong. Interesting since I connect more strongly with Cera. Methinks we will lock horns over this :lol
Now that I think about it, my brother acts like Hyp a lot of the time - he's not a bully, just an average pain in the neck teen :p
Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: jansenov on April 02, 2013, 03:08:11 PM
One of my acquaintances is a Sierra. A person who can be cool at times, who can sometimes pretend to be your friend (when there's a party), but actually wouldn't give a damn if you died tomorrow.

My best friend's mother is a Ms. Flyer. A somewhat older person, very kind and has a similar voice.

I have a little girl cousin who is a Cera. I think those are pretty common.

My father would be a cross between Grandpa Longneck and rainbowface. Great wisdom, very competent, responsible, (too) lenient.

Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: somerandomfangirl on May 03, 2013, 06:03:01 PM
My little cousin is a Ducky - She has that cute personality and just manages to laugh everything off. It's really sweet.

My grandma is like, well, Grandma Longneck - She always has that sweet personality on her, and does a lot to help her family. She's great with the entire family. I have great respect for her, she's 81 and is still does a lot of running around for all of us. :DD

My other (maternal) grandma is a Mr Threehorn - She can rant her head off sometimes. :lol
Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: Bruton the Iguanodon on May 03, 2013, 06:08:15 PM
Not exactly an example, but I remember when I first heard Michelle Branch in May 2002, her voice sorta reminded made me think of Cera's...probably cause it was a really young, talented sounding voice that I really liked.  :smile
Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: LittlefootAndAliTogether on January 02, 2015, 02:30:49 AM
I think my aunt reminds of Ruby.  She is so goofy.  So is Ruby.  Goofy in a good way.  They are both witty too.

As for Sierra, he reminds me of Vladmir Putin.

Barack Obama kinda of reminds me of Pterano, though, I must say, Pterano did reform.  

Title: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: DarkHououmon on January 02, 2015, 02:38:42 AM
Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Jan 2 2015 on  02:30 AM
Barack Obama kinda of reminds me of Pterano, though, I must say, Pterano did reform.
It's probably best to leave this type of discussion out of this topic. This type of politcally charged comment is best suited for the After Midnight section.

I must disagree with you, however. Your comment of "at least Pterano reformed" makes it seem as though Obama is evil, which isn't the case. Obama is no more evil than the average person; he's just another human. You can disagree with his ideals, but please, do not refer to him as "evil".
Title: Re: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on May 14, 2020, 10:25:40 PM
Title: Re: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: Little Bro on May 15, 2020, 12:34:43 PM
The same group of bullies Protege is talking about, they eventually got better. Except, one of those bullies could still occasionally be kind of like Rhett. :M'Rhett He wasn't that bad, but thought he was all that.

 :lolProtege can be like Cera :lol
Title: Re: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: OwlsCantRead on May 15, 2020, 08:10:06 PM
:lolProtege can be like Cera :lol
My younger brother pretty much is Cera. ;)Cera
Title: Re: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on May 15, 2020, 09:56:00 PM
:lolProtege can be like Cera :lol
Funny stuff... :rolleye
Title: Re: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: Goldenwind on May 15, 2020, 11:19:06 PM
Don't feel bad, though I see myself as the Spike type, I am also impatient and stubborn.  :bestsharptooth

I see myself as Spike because... I am a massive foodie.  :^^spike
Title: Re: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: Anagnos on May 16, 2020, 03:05:19 AM
Don't feel bad, though I see myself as the Spike type, I am also impatient and stubborn.  :bestsharptooth

I see myself as Spike because... I am a massive foodie.  :^^spike

I see little Spike in myself as well. Even after a big meal I sneak to the refrigerator to grab something... only to later come back to get some more. :p
Title: Re: Real life people who remind you of characters?
Post by: Gentle Sharptooth on May 23, 2020, 08:09:58 PM
My sister is like Cera and Spike combined. One minute she’s snarky and next quiet and brooding. XD