The Land Before Time > General Land Before Time

An interview with Charles Grosvenor


I've just tried to find out a little about Charles Grosvenor. There is not much about him in the web, but I did find an interview with some quotable passages which I consider interesting as they sort of refer to points which I really dislike about his most recent movies. The interview is at:
the most striking quote as far as I'm concerned is:

--- Quote ---Grosvenor: We have a very narrow window of audience age-wise, so we have to constantly be aware of what is too much for them to deal with. If we have an attack by a T-Rex or a predator, or even a guest dinosaur, how nasty can we make that? We always have to keep in mind what is tolerable for the kids to watch.
--- End quote ---

Children aren't so narrow minded these days as he games and violent actions on tv shows have made sure of that. ;)  I think they can handle a t-rex attacking a herbivore if they can take people punching each other and toying with guns.

That was an interesting interview! I'd agree that the majority of kids nowadays can be subjected to a lot more nastier things but it sounds as if Grosvenor is playing the safe game and I dont blame him to be honest! If there is so much as one little bit of controversy about can drag the whole project into disrepute! From reviews and reports I've read online about different films, the general public seem much more defensive and less tolerant towards slight extremities intended for a specific audience particularly children (that's the impression I got from my end).


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