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Fanart by Mumbling

Mumbling · 528 · 76076


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Parle tu Francais? Tu ?™tre int?©ress?© par le empereur Napoleon Bonaparte?

^ I strongly suppose I messed up even that dictionary supported attempt at the French language, but from next week on I will attend courses to acquire at least a basic knowledge of French and Spanish. It would be really awesome if sometimes I could try to talk in one of the two languages to someone who knows them. Are you interested in Napoleon Vek?

Shorty Bonaparte holds a real place of honor in my collection. I really love the figure :yes


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Quote from: Malte279,Oct 14 2010 on  11:16 AM
Parle tu Francais? Tu ?™tre int?©ress?© par le empereur Napoleon Bonaparte?
Mais bien sur, Vek est Canadien... Il habite ‡ Quebec :D

Shorty Bonaparte holds a real place of honor in my collection. I really love the figure

De rien! :D

*Trying to get her French as good as her English.. studying hard!*


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Yup i speak french, more specificaly Quebec French. We have different accent, terms and expressions than European French, so i am probably not the best person for helping you :unsure:

I am interessed in history in general, particulary the great empires and the great emperors. I dont know much about all the dates and names, but if i see a documentary about this on television or an article on internet i'll watch/read it whenever i can. The Byzantine Empire, Russian Empire and Roman Empire are my favorites subjects. The thing that attract me in an empire ( real or fictional ), its the high level of technology used, the mentality and the age. Byzantine Empire was a 1000 years old empire at his end, French Empire was like 10 years old at his end... I dont really like those kind of ephemeral empires and emperors.

An perfect exemple of civilisation ( fictionnal ) that i love: The Ancients in Stargate. A millions years old civilisation, highest technology, and a pacifist mentality.


That's good, Mumbling !

Just a little detail:

Il habite ‡ Quebec

We could say this if i was living in Quebec City ( our capital ). But i don't, so when talking about the province of Quebec, we must say: Il habite au Quebec. That's how we make the difference and avoid to be confused.

" ‡ " is used when we talk about cities: Je vais ‡ Paris, je vais ‡ Berlin, je vais ‡ Washington...  ( je vais ‡ = I go to )

" au " is used when we talk about country, region or province: Je vais au Japon, je vais au …tat-Unis, je vais au Canada...

But " au " is only used when we talk about country who have "male" name. For those one with "female" name, we say " en ": Je vais en France, je vais en Allemagne, je vais en Chine...

Phew, i am not a teacher, so it's hard to explain that with words, even more in english.

...Well, while playing to the teacher:

Tu ?™tre int?©ress?© par le empereur Napoleon Bonaparte?

Hum, if those strange sign mean; "Tu ’tre intËressÈ", then you talk like Petrie :lol:

Tu ’tre intËressÈ = You be interessed.

The correct sentence is: " Es-tu ( are you ) intËressÈ par l'Empereur NapolÈon Bonaparte ? "

 tre / Be
Je suis - I am
Tu es - You are
Il est - He is
Nous sommes - We are
Vous ’tes - You are ( plurial or for expressed politeness; "Es-tu" is like you talk with a friend or someone you know very well. " tes-vous" is if you talk to a stranger or someone that deserve respect like your teacher or your boss. )
Ils sont - They are

For the l' instead of le before Emperor, i can't explain why, i just naturaly know it :/


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I kind of realized that ‡ was wrong after I posted it.. But then I was wondering if it had to be 'au' or 'en' since I know it's  'en Canada' because Canada is female, and I have no idea whether the province used the same 'en' or if it had to be 'au'... so I left it unchanged :D

So Quebec is male? okay :D


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'Sup old topic? How would you feel when I revived you, huh?

Ok so I decided to give the current Fanart prompt a shot with a movie poster. Attached!


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whoa, I love it!
Don't want to draw posters for every movie? ;)

(and what is it yellow-orange-gray figure there?)


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whoa, I love it!
Don't want to draw posters for every movie? ;)
Thanks! Haha, maybe, but this one I had the most inspiration for.

(and what is it yellow-orange-gray figure there?)
It is a revive from Pokémon! Just an attempt at being funny ;)


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Right on! Good to see another person joining in on some of the prompts!  :)littlefoot

I've mentioned it to you already but I love the inclusion of the logos at the bottom. Gives it a more authentic feel to it! You also seem to like to draw Guido :p

The drawing itself is nice and simple so I don't have too much to comment one. The gang and background look nice silhouetted and Guido looks good overall. I'm not sure if his belly is too fat or too long but it looks funny to me and maybe his head feathers could have been maybe thinner and more spread apart? They look a little stuck together.

It looks good though and I hope to see you join in on more of these prompts in the future! :DD


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Oh, that is a pleasant surprise! :DD

Also might be the record for the earliest submission up to date haha. It's looking really nice! :)littlefoot
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Yep, this is a really cool drawing. The idea is quite cool and the colors and the feeling of this picture are quite impressive. I also like the layout as it makes this look more poster-like. However, Guido looks a bit simple and I'd say his lower body and especially his legs are too thin. But other than that, nice job here. :)


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Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'll see if I can fix Guido's body up a bit :)


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Here is my submission for March/April: Love/Family

When thinking of Love and/or Family in the Land Before Time universe, I instantly go to Ducky's family. The love she shows for others has to come from somewhere, and I'm pretty sure her parents must've had a loving relationship as well. We do not see much of Ducky's father in the series, so I'd like to give him the spotlight too. With much love, just a night in the life of these two Bigmouths.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 12:43:51 PM by Mumbling »


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Now that I'm back home I should make a proper comment on this. It looks like you like your night scenes! :p

I'd say that this one looks a lot better though! Instead of a silhouette the background seems to have more complicated lighting with the presence of the moon.

Both of Ducky's parents look good as well and certainly fits the prompt as well!  :)littlefoot

I'd say that the biggest thing that stands out is that Ducky's dad's neck or the mom's shoulders look a little off. Not sure how to put it, I guess the lines seem to have abrupt changes in direction?

Great job with this and I look forward to seeing more art from you in the future! :DD


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Aww such a cute drawing! Nicely done :D
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Well, the idea of the picture is quite heartwarming and it is executed decently and there seems to be a pretty good atmosphere too. The background also works but especially the male swimmer's face looks a bit deformed. Both of them could have been drawn better but overall, this is a pretty good picture.


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I'm just going to intrude here to give my thoughts about your work, Mumbling. Hopefully you will go easy on me for being this late. You know what they say? Better late than never and I have become a master in that regard, apparently. :rolleyes

First of all, let's go over the poster. People here have expressed their feelings about it quite plenty and I find myself agreeing with them. When you look at the poster, it really feels like a real poster made by the Universal themselves. You wouldn't happen to be working there secretly? :OhYou The only nitpick I have about the poster is Guido himself. I would've went with the eyes being open and Guido being a little more complex. But since I'm not the one who made it, I can't really complain that much, can I? Overall, very well done, Iris! You can certainly be proud of yourself. :)

Secondly, the swimmer picture. I quite like how you utilized Ducky's parents in this one and the idea is done well in my opinion. However, their faces look a bit weird, to say the least. Nothing major, just something that popped into my head when looking over this picture. The background works very well here as well, so congrats for that. This was also a very good work by you. :yes


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Alright, time to go back to coloring pencils! Digital art is a no-go while my thumb is recovering. For the fanart prompt these months I decided to go with my own suggestion and draw the character Sparky as requested by McSaurus on Deviantart. It's a very simple piece, but it felt good to hold a pencil again.


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If you call this a very simple piece, then I must call it a spectacular piece of work by you, Mumbling. You are really hitting your stride lately with your drawings. There's really not much constructive criticism about this one that I can spot. Quite funny, really, I initially believed this was Cera, but I quickly realized my mistake (really, it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out), but somehow I completely missed that point for a second. I don't believe you give yourself enough credit, Mumbling, as this is one magnificent drawing done with just pencils. :)


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That indeed is a sweet drawing! The overall look of it works well and the background, while indeed a bit simple, manages to save the picture from looking empty in any way. As for Sparky himself, I'm not a huge fan of his creator but the threehorn himself looks really solid and the expression is quite great as well. I agree with Anagnos that you're improving with every drawing and this one in particular looks nice as a whole. Great job! :duckyhappy
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 03:46:29 PM by Sovereign »


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Ah yes, classic drawings made with manual labor of love. There's a warm, fuzzy, nice feeling you get with these drawings as opposed to digital creations in my opinion. Nostalgia, perhaps? :)

Anyway, like the others have said already, this is an excellent drawing you have of Sparky the Threehorn. No drawings are truly perfect to the literal sense, but I see nothing to criticize you on really, so good job! The background and the pink flowers scattered about greatly reflects the kindhearted and curious threehorn you drew.

You claim that this is a very simple piece. While true, simplicity is often all you need in a piece of art, and you illustrated that quite well here.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...