The Gang of Five
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Ask a Stupid LBT Question,Get a Stupid LBT answer

kaytea · 1266 · 149148


  • Ruby
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I hope everyone here knows how to play this game, if not, then here's how it goes: First, I ask a question:
Then the next person answers with a stupid answer and post their question:

okay lets start shall we
what would happen if Petrie star'd in a hit musical Broadway


  • Ruby
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meh guess no one knows how to play
or they just prefer to ignore....ah wells

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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Aahh I know this game from alot of different forums :P: I don't quite understand that question though :blink: lol


  • Ruby
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Quote from: Littlefoot Fan,Oct 21 2006 on  09:52 PM
Aahh I know this game from alot of different forums :P: I don't quite understand that question though :blink: lol
lol the questions aren't suppose to make much sense and niether are the answer if they did then the game wouldn't be much fun

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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Ooohhh, you said "star'd"! Doh! :slap I thought it was "stared" when I read it! :lol:

Well in that case, he would make the other dancers jealous that he could fly and they couldn't and he would be instanty kicked out :P:

Why are the T-Rexs in LBT so mean?


  • Hatchling
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The directors never gave them their morning coffee.

Why can Littlefoot seemingly swim very well?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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He was taught by Ducky in the war.

Why do the LBT characters never go to the bathroom? :lol:


  • Ducky
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Easy, the outhouses are always crowded.

Why does Littlefoot love treestars so much?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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Because regular leaves give him Urticaria.

Why does Ducky repeat yup and nope 3 times?


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  • Cera
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Because she's too lazy to repeat them 4 times!

Why didn't Ali's family stay in the Great Valley?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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Everyone there was too beautiful, it was making them feel ugly.

Why does Spike never seem to get full?


  • Ruby
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becaus his stomach is an empty void

do ozzie and strut do their own stunts?


  • The Circle
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They used to. That's why they never showed up after LBT 2 again.

How come that Petrie is presented as a herbivore while scientifically he would be an omnivore and scavenger?


  • Ducky
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'Cause when he got into a car accident he suffered amnesia and forgot that he was a omnivore and a scavenger. That may also explain why he doesn't speak perfectly English. Me no remember perfect English.

Why didn't Ali kiss Littefoot at all during the fourth movie? (I belive she nudged him once or something when they first met playfully.)

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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  • Ducky
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Because Spike couldn't stop smoking. He should've known that smoking that many cigars would damage his voice permanently.

Why doesn't Ducky ever say, "Can't" "Don't" Etc.?


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  • Littlefoot
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Because she was taught that it wasn't 'proper' english.

Why does Chomper have 2 claws when he is born in The Great Valley Adventure, but somehow obtain 3 claws in The Mysterious Island?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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His parents wanted to fix his strange deformity, so they glued them on there.

Why is the mysterious beyond so dark and creepy? :wow

f-22 "raptor" ace

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  • Littlefoot
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It's creepy because there are crazy sharpteeth there.

why do sharpteeth hunt in twos and threes?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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Because they're scared of the number 4.

Why doesn't Littlefoot ever try to hit on Cera? :lol