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Star Wars Quest

F-14 Ace · 78 · 11456


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"We trying to catch them up but they almost matching the same speed we at it going to take a hour to catch up with them and the rate we going we will be there in 17 hours so we got plenty of time to slow them down but I got a strange sense that this is a decoy to a more serious damage and we only a prototype ship no other federation ship has this technology it would take 500 years to get here by normal means" Captain THreehorn said as they stood on the bridge giving chase after the fusion cube.

"We deal with the cube by remodfing our weapons so they can not match them" Tuvco told them "we could do damage to 80% of their ship and still keep going at this speed" Tuvco said looking at them

F-14 Ace

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Paito said, "How?  Nothing that has hit it has done any real damage.  It there anything I can do?  There is a superweapon called the Galaxy un near Coruscant.  It fires missiles capable of destroying a planet.  Several would damage that sucker wouldn't they?  And what about planetary shields?  WHould they protect Coruscant?  If that planet falls, we're history!"


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"The Borg have attepted to your super cannons the next shot will be like firing blanks at the cube. that how the borg overcome their enermys they attept to weapons and shields. you have to completely remodife your cannon to do damage and something that big I bet it takes weeks" Blex said from her station "they will also find a way around planet shields and then start a bombardment down on the surface"

"Tuvco it time to get the sub-light launchers online, how long will it take to be ready?" the captain asked

"16 to 17 hours" he said to him.

"Get on it right away and if any of you can help speed up the job do help" Captain THreehorn said to them.

F-14 Ace

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Suddenly, the Borg cube changed coarse again.  The Borg queen said, "Set your coarse for the volcanic wrld ofMustafar.  The Galaxy Gun is still operational.  Out sabatours have failed.  Mustafar is largely uninhabited and has no defences.  It will fall quickly.  Commence a ground invasion of the mining facilities there.  THey are mostly unmanned so you will face little opposition.  Mustafar will be a valuable foothold until the superweapon is off line.  There is no way they can save their capital anyway.  Not even their whole fleet could survive our attack."

Really, I didn't want them to attack Coruscant yet but it may get real intresting soon. -F-14 Ace


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Blex looked at his senors "The cube changed course again!"

"Very odd of the Borg not having a clear target..." Captain threehorn said looking at the view screen "Match course"

F-14 Ace

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Blex asked, "The Jedi are on the way.  SHould we tell them to follow us or should they go to the target?"


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"Becareful your light swords will not work in the ships the systems act like lightning rods to them if your jedi use those swords on the ships they will be fired to death in seconds by plasma blasts of lightning" Tuvco said to him "they will not be able to use their powers as well I detected one of your Jedi ships was taken by a Borg Sphere and assimatlated with the jedi inside they have now got a complete understanding in your Jedi strengths and weakiness" he said with a logical and calm tone.

"Vulcons..." Blex muttered

F-14 Ace

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Jack asked, "Could we somehow make an assult on the surface of the planet?  They have invaded.  If we could get a transport down there, we could try to fight them.  Or is there any way we could squeez a starfighter inside that ship and blast it from the inside?"
Suddenly, a Jedi transport came out of hyperspace and requested premission to dock.  Accompanying it was an old Corellian YT-1300 freighter.


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"Cube or Sphere was no docking system or outer hull entrance into the inside the cube or sphere hull is stronger then anyting you have seen" Tuvco told him

"Let these Jedi on board" Captain THreehorn ordered

F-14 Ace

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After the Jedi were aboard, Ralis asked the captain, "So, what would a groung assult do to the Borg on the planet?  Is there some way we could get past that monster and land?


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"This ship isn't built for landing it was built in space and can fly in planets but landing is impossible for such a type of ship this is" Captain Threehorn said to him "We have transporters that beam people down. to a surface"

F-14 Ace

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Jack came up and said, "Sir, I believe I have an idea of how we can dstroy that monster.  I'll need a complete readout of that thing though.  I am a computer expert.  What powers the Borg cupes? Do they have reactors?"


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"Borg power nodes and all work on different fequences, take one out the rest kick in and stablize the other till that one is regerated." Tuvco told Ralis.

F-14 Ace

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Jack said, "How many are there?  If we take out several of them ,it may weaken it."


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"About 700 in a Cube, 200 in a Sphere" Tuvco answered right away.

F-14 Ace

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Jack then asked, "Well, are these generators controlled by computers?  And also, the Galaxy Gun has not been sabataged.  It is still fully capible of firing.  I have a plan."


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"The Certral plaxing I believe but that a computer that in our galaxy and the plaxing is a relay to it and heavly guarded who try to hack into it was instantly infected by nao probes" Tuvco to him.

"The Cube has arrived at the planet it created a damping field and disabled the cannon detecting a fight on the surface scans show the defening force is losing there are 20,000 drones on the surface more being beamed down they overwhelming the defenders" Blex said looking at the information coming into her panel from the scans

F-14 Ace

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Ralis spoke up, "The Galaxy Gun is hidden in a remote location.  Not even the Jedi know where it is."
Jackstarted typing something on the control panel.  The words "stealth hacking succesful" appeared.  A diagram of the cube appeared on the scree.
Jack said, "Well, I hacked into that monster's database.  THis one seems to be controlled by a central computer.  I think I can send it a virus to knock out the defences for a short time.  We would have 32 minutes to attack without them firing a shot.  We take that thing out, it may send the rest of them packing.  I found some more of the generators.  There are eight massive generators.  THey are each the size of a Death Star generator.  During the battle of Endor, we took out an incomplete Death Star by flying inside it with starfighters and destroying the reactor.  If we do the same here, it may work the same way.  I see several ventilation shafte leading to each one.  We can fly through them and destroy the reactors once the defences are down."
Just then, a star destroyer came out of hyperspace.
Jack said, "Ah, just in time."

F-14 Ace

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Jack said, "That star destroyer has a squadron of starfighters for us to use including A-wings, B-wings, X-wings, Y-wings, and the Republic's new U-wing.


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Ralis suddenly saw a logo of the Borg appears and the words "your sight of the Cube is a lie we tricked you and you believe, resitance is futile" his screen went blank and the explodes sending him flying to the ground and he sits up shocked at what he saw the Borg managed to see his strengh hack and made him believe he was looking at a real model of the Cube then as they watch two spheres arrive right behind the star destoryer

they both shot at points on the ship and then most of the ships lights go out and it starts to drift showing the two spheres took out and Blex reports  "the ships took out main power and destoryed their weapon system and halm control the ship if defenceless..." Blex looked at him

"I told you the borg are unlike anything you seen" Threehorn snapped at Ralis "Your plans lead to one bluder after another! now it our turn step aside" he orders.

"Mattians lock on the spheres fire two sub-light torpdeos at them" he tells him

"Locked on and birds away" he told them and they watched two bright objects hit both spheres and they explode in seconds the Cube ignores this and fires on the surface taking out defences.

"Take out the Cube" Threehorn orders and the ship fires another and the Cube is badly damaged it retreats but the cannon defence turns on the ship

"Captain they got control of that defence stuture and I have no idea what damage we will take even with sub-light shields I say retreat" Blex said to him

"Very well... warp two away from this star system" the ship speeds away.


on the surface the Borg have control of the Galaxy Gun "Weapon 2901 named Galaxy Gun is under the Borg control which would we target?"

"the captal planet." the Queen grined


"Captain the Galaxy Gun has fired at the captail planet!" Blex shouted and Captain threehorn looked at Ralis

"We being hailed by the Borg..." Tuvco said looking at threehorn

"Put it through" the QUeen appears on the screen

"So the federation is here and Ralis how did you like our little role play we put to your computer, we took over a few of your ships and messed around the Cube making it look weak where it not, we do not use technology such as these massive generators you talk about with vents our nodes are much smaller and have five times more energy then your weak star destoryer generators such weak ships we already destoryed or joined us about 4000 and I believe that is 70% of the fleet you see your technology your jedi powers are no match to the Borg. we already took over both the sith and Jedi beings their perfection been added to our own and we have a greater understanding and we know your weakiness watch your city planet burns as your Galaxy Gun do it. prefection to bring order to choas a thing you should be use to. you have lost this battle already" the Queen said with a smile that she was toying with them.