Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > The Fridge

Happy 15th Anniversary - GOF Forum!

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I'm probably one of the newest ones to post in this thread... :nyah Nevertheless, reading about the tumultuous times, I find it truly remarkable that this community has made it through fifteen whole years.

As I've been here for barely two months, I haven't had much life-shattering experience or changes to my psyche yet, unlike the prior replies. That said, even in such a short span of time, I will say that this place has already made quite an impact on me. For those who read my welcome message, the reason I'd held off on joining in the first place was due to the mistaken belief that Land Before Time would be an incredibly niche community and hence, would be very hard to find a cohesive group with it... well, I was 100% wrong there once I gave it a chance and looked up this place. And since then, this community has been incredibly nice and pretty much welcomed me with wide open arms. And for that, I'm truly grateful.

Funnily enough, the most significant and telling memory of this forum was before I'd even joined as a member: it was when I was applying for membership! Although I didn't know it at the time, I'd joined when a spam wave of banned members trying to regain access - probably the most inopportune time to join. As a result, my application was basically lost (it didn't help that I physically lived around the same general vicinity as that guy... the staff probably though I was an alternate IP alt account! :lol)

Well, I didn't know any of that back then when I sent in my registration, so for twenty-four goshdarned hours I waited on my application for a confirmation email that never came. It really didn't help that the site taunted me by saying I was the "newest member" when I couldn't even log in. It was driving me up the wall, let me tell you! Eventually, even though I was heavily reluctant to, I pretty much last-resorted my way to find out what was going on by going on the staff list and trying to contact them. I went with Rhombus, and sent him an email to inquire on the status of my "lost" account application.

Now this is the part which really speaks volumes about this community. I pretty much got a prompt email reply and an apology explaining the situation. The whole thing was resolved promptly, and thus here I am now. Now, speaking as someone who has moderated other people in another community before, it really shows an intimate touch by a staff member settling the situation as quickly as it did (trust me, I almost expected to wait a week for it, let alone prepared to never receive any reply) Real life takes priority, so I'm touched that the staff here cared and trusted me enough to invest and dedicate their time to fix the problem, even though I was practically nobody.

It was pretty much my first actual experience with a GOF member (reading people's fanfics on FFN didn't count :P), and thus a taste of the welcoming and nice community that the GOF is, setting up a wonderful tone for my experience thus far, and hopefully in the future.

But that's enough of my super long essay. It's been a good run for those here longer than me, and I hope for more sweet memories, experiences and interactions here in the future. Happy 15th Anniversary to the GOF it is! :birthday

I’ve only been here since May, but it’s wild that this forum has been here almost as long as I’ve been alive  :wow  but even though I am still a bit new, this place has helped me become more confident with sharing my art and my writing, and has also helped me improved both of those skills. I probably wouldn’t be as active with either of those things as much today if it wasn’t for this place, and I hope it’ll still be here for many more years to come. Happy birthday Gang of Five!!  :^^spike

I've only been here since February, but this place has changed the way I write fanfiction stories. I may not be a very social person, not even on the internet, but this place already feels like a home to me, because it's the one and only place where I've found people who love to talk freely about The Land Before Time. I'm still trying to work on my artwork, even though it's been very slow, but my fanfiction writing styles have taken a big change, thanks largely to this forum.  In a way, @Sovereign, in particular, reminds me of my creative writing professor during my college years. He was so impressed that an individual with Asperger's Syndrome could write such astonishing content. Sovereign's feedback has played a big role in changing the way I write stories, and I'll never forget what he taught me through his feedback.  :)

Happy birthday, Gang of Five! I can't believe it's been 15 years, even though it's still my first year here!

 I've only been here since last Summer, but over that time I've managed to gain new friends, new hobbies, and it's had an overall positive effect on me and my personality. I enjoyed the time I spend with others trying to figure out, first, how to make the Zeta forum look acceptable, and recently, figuring out how to transport the forum to an entirely new, self-hosted site.

 Again, I've been here since last Summer. How I found here is an interesting story. It all started with me coming across and finding fanfictions about cartoon that I've always known, but never really remembered knowing until I stumbled upon a particular one called The Seven Hunters, written by rhombus. After that, I started working of DA, creating drawings and some short stories about The Land Before Time. Around that time did I stumble upon fantastic pieces of paleoart by various artists, and that's when I really decided to learn to draw better, and have been practising, although with shorter-longer breaks here and there, eversince. Rhombus and Ducky123 were the ones that commented on a lot of my works, and they were the ones urging me to join the forum. So I did.

 This forum is also a place for me to share my drawings, and get feedback and responses to them. I've tried many mediums, from pencils, through ink, even watercolour, and so did I try digital. My drawings may not be the most anatomically accurate, or have the best shading and colouring in the world, but they are my works and even though I often despise how they look, they are my works to share. As for writing, I still haven't figured that out. :p

 Fifteen whole years. I was 4 years old when this forum came to be, which is a thought that makes me realise how young I still am. I've had good and bad days, but people on the Discord servers were always there to help me out, for which I am most thankful.

Happy 15th Anniversary.

Thank you very much for your kind words, Diddy! :)littlefoot

I doubt I'll have as much to tell as some others but it has been a real pleasure to have been an active member for the past two years and it's also great to see the entrance of many new members during this time. To me, the best moments have been relate to the Fanfic section and I still remember the thrill I felt when I received my first reviews on Under the Cave of Many Voices nearly two years ago! You gave me the motivation to continue improving my skills and those experiences have influenced a lot in my current life. There have been many great memories, like our attempts to contact the very people who created the films we love and I still relish the fact that we were so often successful.

There have been many members with whom I've enjoyed discussing a variety of different things and in that way, this site has provided me with many helpful ideas considering real life too. I may not always have been the nicest member but again and again, things have worked out well in the end which has been a great thing to notice on this site. I'll certainly look forward to seeing what future will hold for GoF but for now, good job keeping this site alive for 15 years and happy starday to Gang of Five! :^^spike


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