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The History of the Gang of Five (2001-2019)

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Read this Wayne.  I don't have LBT 11 to do any of that so I'll have to have someone else get that stuff.


--- Quote ---I have told people if they want, I can give them all the code to the site as it looked before it went offline, but nobody has seriously taken up the offer, so the Archive remains offline.

--- End quote ---

Awwww.   That's too bad.  I might consider it.  There is always a way to do it for free.  I have always found that to be true.  I can even get a free .com domain name for my site but I wouldn't want to. is already taken.

Anyway, if I could find a way to do it for free, I'd do it for sure, but It'll be hard to find all the stuff I would need for free.

I can host any type of file up to 1gb for free and I would have unlimited storage space.  I've never seen the archive you're speaking of so I don't know exactly what the site would entail, but I'm pretty sure I could get it running for free.  I would never go with freewebs or anything and I'd have to do a lot more research, but there is a way to do it.  My fifth grade teacher knows all the tricks to get anything for free.  If only I could find him.  He had a 100% free site that was html based and had all the perks.  He did it using some sort of offer thing.  I don't know exactly.  I'd have to find and talk to him.  If I can find him, I would be willing to do this.

While your offer is rather nice, I'd like to warn you that it won't be as simple as putting up files and saying "tah dah".  I would safely say, there hadn't been an update to the site since 2005, so its really two years obsolete, and you'd have some work to do.  Also, this is where the hosting problem lies....the way I set up the character page is not friendly with free hosting because I used server slide coding (shtml) and it won't load in most free places, so you probably will have to pay, or recode the entire thing.

Just a few warnings.  I still got the files...just sitting there.

EDIT: Oh yes, and I did post the character page here, minus all the fancing coding and <A NAME> tags.

There IS a way to do it 100% free and quite easily if I remember what my old teacher said.  As for the work, I don't care how much time I have to invest in updating the thing.  It's summer now and I'm just bored all day.  I know the feeling.  I don't wanna pay either and if they tried to make me, I'd shut down the site too.  The only issue is finding what my teacher had.  It is a program where teachers that are registered in Washingotn can get a free website and have up to 100 sub sites, meaning that 100 other people can get a website for free off of his free service.  I have his phone #, but it's obsolete and he doesn't return any of my emails.  He must have moved and changed email addresses.

Anyway, I'm not even going to bother unless I can get that service.  Free web hosting that is paid by advetrizements is not the way I wanna go.  If I can find my teacher again, this will be the first subject I bring up.  I could search google for a free web hosting site that supports html and doesn't have ads, but I don't think that exists.

I'm not worried about work at all and I'm not lazy when it comes to things I care about such as my school work and LBT.  I am very good at html and have been the best person in all my html classes to do the work as quickly and efficiently as possible.  I haven't taken html for about a year but the only code I've forgotten is how to make that scrolling text since I've only used it maybe 3 times.

To conclude, I will not let a nice LBT site be bombarded with ads and be degraded in that manner.  I will try to get a free hosting service that'll not do this.  My teacher had a service that has 10gb of storage and 100gb monthly bandwidth.  Will that be enough?

Since you're bored, I'll give you the files to play around with.  If you can find the right service, great, if not, at least I gave you something to do with your time.  Anyone else who wants to download this and tinker around, that's fine with me.  You don't need to keep my name or any sort of copyright notice associated with me.

This is a rar archive of the stuff (17 mb total).


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