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Star Wars Quest

F-14 Ace · 78 · 11440

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Suddenly, a massive round object appeared out of hyperspace and destroyed the missiles headed for Coruscant.
Blex said, "Iscanners indicate that it is alive!  What is it?"
Just then, A bizzar humanoid appeared on the screen and said, "We heard the Borg are here!  We are the Yuuzhan Vong.  THe Borg took over our home planet long ago and now we want revenge.  Perhaps we could work together.  Their weapons were innafective against out organic technology for some reason and we are immune to their probes.  Our world ship can absorb their blasts as well."

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"THe trap has been set" the Borg Queen smiled seeing the Yuuzhan Vong had arrived "It time to string it, we been working on a way to defeat them and now that they helped us by appears and taking in some of our energy we found a point of attack. activate the nao probe mines" the Queen said and a massive set of mines appeared

"Welcome speices 002 Yuuzhan Vong you fell into my organic nao probe attack, since we had a little help from a good captain Janeway helping us to defeat Spieces 8472 we learned more on organic technology and now this is your final stand, resitance is over" she said with a grin two Cubes appear and fired and the World ship took damage it was having massive affect on it they fired back but no damage was done. "You see we have now the upper hand, it was better to hide then appear your help to them is ended destory them" the mines hit the world ship in all points

the world ships blows up in a massive blasted the ship shook and captain looked "did we get anyone?"

"Only 300... and their leader..." Blex muttered and the leader beamed on the bridge

"I am sorry your world its gone... the Borg seem to have this planned out and took out your world planet and with everyone part from you and 300 others" captain threehorn said sadly to him

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The Yuuzhan Vong leader, Nom Anor, said, "Ahh, but that was our plan the whole time.  THey knew it was a suicide mission.  We concider it an honor to die fighting.  Besides, it is my turn to spring the trap."
He pushed a knob on a device he has and the remains of the world ship explode with tremendous force, taking out several Borg ships.  (it really worked for once.  Really).
He then said, 'You see, we did some research of our own.  We designed a catilist that would destroy their ships.  Are we a safe distance away?"


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"the only win here is to drive the Borg back to the galaxy they belong in, we will help drive them back" Captain threehorn told him

F-14 Ace

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Nom Anor said, "Now to begin phase two."
Another world ship arrived and self-destructed next to the massive borg cobe, destroying it along with the entire Borg fleet in the Mustafer System.  It also heavily damaged Mustafer, killing everything on the surface."
Nom Anor said, "Now, we can destroy the rest of them.  We were originally going to invade this galaxy too but decided against it.  We are better off settling this peacefully.  We have destroyed the Galaxy Gun but have an even more powerful weapon.  We have found a way to use their own technology against them.  That world ship was not damaged by them.  It was all a trick."


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Borg Queen watched this "is the holo cloak systems working?"

"Working at 200% and holding they believe they destorying the fleet unaware of holo-cloak" collective voice said as the Queen watched 12 of her spheres now over the planet Coruscant in a holo-cloak totally invisiable to anyone and the fleet that was believed to be destoryed in points that awaiting to strike.

(and before you say they find the ships they don't or we stop here.)

"The Queen is hailing us" Blex said and the screen turns on

"You've won today but the Borg will be back you can't defeat us" the Queen cuts the transmission and the Queen's ship head away and enters a transwarp portal disappearing from them but the Queen ship appeared at the gate with more ships arriving and this staging ground unknown to anyone. (and that means anyone or if they suddenly find it just like one post it stops here.)

F-14 Ace

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A Mon Calemarri star criuser arrived at the Cretatious's possition.
The pilot said, "We are carrying the galactic Senate.  Requesting to transfer them over to your ship.  They will be safer with you.  We evacuated them and President Kinnith in the event that Coruscant should fall."
Jack asked, "What about Raptoria.  These jerks have taken my home planet."
President Kinnith said, "It will have to wait.  We need to come aboard now."
After the senate members were safely aboard, the Mon Calemarri ship accompanid the Cretatious.


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"With the Borg retreated it safe now but the Borg could return at anytime for a counter strike they don't give up too easily" Captain Threehorn said from his chair as his ship arrive at the planet Coruscant.

F-14 Ace

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Code:  on  
Ralis said, "I sence something strange but I don't know what.  It looks clear."
Kinnith asked, "Is the planetary shield up?"
Blex said, "I'm reading a two planetary shields but I don't think they'll hold off a Borg attack."
Jack said, "Ah, you all worry too much.  I don't see anything."


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"There nothing on senors, only subspace remians of cubes and spheres that was destorted a hour ago" Tuvco said to them "maybe that why you sense something that not there, you can sense the remaining sub-space remains of the ships"

"Sounds a logical term to me" Mattian said from the helm.

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Paito asked, "Alright, so what's our next move?"
President said, "I hearby declare the capital has been moved to Byss.  It is safer than this place.  Coruscant seems to be their prime target.  We should send the senate shuttle ahead.  The government will be safer there."
He whispered to Captain Threehorn, "Whould it be safe to just send a decoy shuttle ahead and we stay here?"


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"Yes it would but if the Borg are waiting to counter strike they would scan the decoy ship and see that it has no one on there and leave it be." Captain Threehorn told him "a race called the Zoplains tried that but the Borg left it be and they thought it was safe sending the real thing the borg was all over it in seconds" he said to the presentant "Anywhere you go the Borg will be watching, they will watch and wait till your at the weakest then strike, they have a foot hold in this galaxy in the unknown areas of your galaxy they would of looked around that area seeing there is no threat and build up a stronghold"

"As the captain points out you have to deal against borg attacks now. you will have the same problem we have with the borg, never able to totally kill them they will keep going even without a queen. it a race that has no end it a endless race that can and will never be trurly defeated" Tuvco told them looking at them making them look at him.

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President Kinnith asked, "ANd just what do you sugguest we do?  Everything we have tried seems to have failed.  We managd to destroy the large cube and its fleet but how do we know they don't just have another one out there somewhere?  How do you people keep them from invading your planets?  If we send the shuttle ahead, we could have some Yuuzhan Vong worriers aboard insetad of senatore.  That is assuming they can't tell who orwhat species is aboard."


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"We dealt with them when they invaided and only twice and voyager ran into them each time we never had a large invasion like this. I think we can use our sub-light warp to get there we will hidden from their senors in the sub-light stream it our most advanced engine system from what I can tell we the only ones that created such technology" Captain Threehorn told the President

F-14 Ace

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Kinnith said, "I don't intend to really send the senate there.  This ship is the only safe place for them.  I'm trying to draw attention away fron Coruscant until we figure something out.


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"I see that going to be a problem" Captain Threehorn muttered


As they are unware 500 cubes and the 4000 assilmated star destoryers now enhanced with Borg technology over over the captal planet still invisable to their senors. "Time to hail them and see what they say" Queen said with a smirk


"Captain we being hailed from the nebla 20 light years away" Tuvco said

"Put it through" Captain Threehorn ordered and the screen comes on with the Borg Queen she looked at the President

"Hello I'm going to give you all once chance to join the borg without a fight. I've not gone from this galaxy just yet as you been busy with your new friends their technology proven to be well thankful we now know all the weakiness to the race and their world ships but I have a strong hold in your galaxy Unicomplex 002 deep in your unknown charted space I thank you for not scouting that area. Borg are now have a tactical foothold. we will slowly drain your resoruces we will meet again" the comm closes

"Oh great..." the captain muttered

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If you all want to keep this one going, that is alright but I don't want to post in this one anymore.