The Gang of Five
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Art by Titanosaur

Petrie. · 35 · 11109


  • Hatchling
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He sent it to me, so here it is.


  • Ducky
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He gave me that exact same one.  As well as a few others.  He's a really good drawer. O_O


  • Petrie
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thanks hey you got one of my pics up cool! that there was drawn I think it was uh 2005 or 06 Im not sure. but I did have a hell of a time drawin it I beleave it took me oh maybe six hours to draw it maybe ten. you can tell it wasnt  cooperating with me cause of all the earasing but I am proud of it. wait till yall see the other ones. :D


  • Petrie
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HEY roger I just sent more drawins to ya so check your email I'll tell ya about them when you get them ka. :D


  • Hatchling
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More of Titanosaur's stuff.  (I really like this....very nice hand-drawn technique.)


  • Petrie
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the two pics of the cyborg dinosaurs(mutant dinosaurs in original concept) are actually the same guy just diffrent postitions the cyborg dinosaur was dubbed TITANIS. (no relation to my server name)

the side profile of TITANIS (the non colored one) is biger than the front profile cause on the front profile I wanted to give TITANIS a T-REX look. (notice that its back arches than is slumped down like T-REX) the colored version is very impresive cause of the color usedge. (notice the creatures armor is sage and blue while organic areas like under the armor and armpits and mouth and nonorganic areas like the small wires and skellital areas are organic green the red wires that run on the side of his neck are red) I also installed small LED red yellow lights in verius places. (four on both sides of the neck eaven though you cant see the otherside of the neck there still there one on the left breastplate four in the waist) last but not least the TITANIS also sports newly installed red arrows on the nees.(located on the nee caps)

the side profile of TITANIS (non colored) does in fact have two rockets on its back (one on the other side isnt visible) if you look carfully enough thoughs are mainly for high jumps

the predalien was also hard cause of the design of it but was a fun prodject.


  • Petrie
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hey roger Im sending in another batch see if you like it.


  • Hatchling
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  • The Gang of Five
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wow I like the Long neck drawing! His art is a grand piece of artwork.

his a good drawer and I might have to add him to my msn messenger contacts :D keep up the drawing



  • Petrie
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just wait till I make a new MECHA-REX drawing he'll look a lott more better.


  • Cera
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Cool artwork!  You're a Godzilla fan too?


  • Petrie
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yep Im working on a godzilla and LBT crossover right now on I know I know nobody wants to see godzilla in LBT but its something I want to do. next Im going to do a transformers and LBT crossover. muahahahahahahahahahahahaha! oh sorry about that glad you like it.  :D


  • Ducky
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I'm more of a hardcore Halo fan.  My Dad's a Zilla guy.  ;)


  • Petrie
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I spent all night workin on this new MECHA-REX concept and here it is.[URL=

ok I'm haven some techonical difficalties just go to and look for my name ok.


  • Hatchling
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Don't know why the picture isn't working properly...looks like your URL is missing a character or two...


  • Ducky
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Uuuuuuh, your like takes me to nowhere.  Oh yeah, I changed your topic name on The hive of the Aliens because of the extremly rediculous typo.  It's spelled "Artwork"  Not "artwoek".


  • Petrie
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  • Ducky
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Or maybe you need to watch your finger coordination when you type.  Look up at the screen to see whether you have things spelled right.  Also a lot of people are frustrated with your story because it's so damn hard to read.  Anybody who tries to read your FanFiction is gets a headach by the time they finish chapter 3.  When I finished chapter 4 my head was throbbing so bad that I had to rush to the medicine cabinet for some Tylenol.  :bang  :bang  :bang


  • Petrie
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nothin much I can do about that. whats done is done. I don't know how to fix that.