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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 164719


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"Oh, sorry about that," Fyn said. "I'm just getting used to being here I guess. It's still a lot to comprehend."

Fyn stood, his thirst quenched, and headed out after Pangaea. He, too, heard water. "Are we near falls?" he asked absently.


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Quote from: brittanytangle13,Jun 7 2013 on  06:48 PM
can i join too? please!!
(OOC: Sure. :) Just post in the discussion thread "Members Meeting the Characters" in the RP Discussion section, telling us which characters you'd like to play as and if there's anything in particular you'd like to do, and we'll do our best to accommodate you. Also, if you haven't already, be sure to read the rules at the beginning of the thread so that you're familiar with how this RP works. Mind yoIf you have any questions, post them in the discussion thread or send me a PM. ;))

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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((OOC: I'm just going to go ahead and post me right now, since I'm more or less waiting for the right moment for my two other characters.))

The atmosphere of the bright emerald grass, the risen tropical trees, with a gentle breeze blowing in the wind, it made its way to crease through a 9 inch long patch of reddish brown fur. The head of the Didelphodon, the owner of the said reddish brown fur, rested against the foot of the tree, on its side, dark gray paws nestled on the cream under belly, and mouth parted open, revealing nice white to yellow sharp teeth. The ears and paws twitch a bit, indicating the creature is having a sleep story.

It's not until a moment longer when the Didelphodon turns on its side unknowingly that the eyes flutter open to reveal medium brown eyes. The sighing is pronounced and it stirs a bit, the brown eyes staring a bit at the grass. It sees a bug of an undermined species crawl on the single blade and is startled by having a bug so close and in its face, makes a yelping noise, which makes her stand up, her fur prickles behind her neck as it stared at that thing. Slowly, as certain objects catch the creature's eye, it slowly turns around, noticing how powerful the scents were for it. Although how powerful some of the scents were, while surprising, were still familiar all the same. Why exactly they gave the creature a sense of familiarity, it really had no reason why. It wasn't until it looked down at its paws, fur and tail too that it started to panic.

What? I what...why am I like this? Am I just having a dream within a dream. Yeah. That might be it.

The creature again looked at the skyline, saw how the trees, blades of grass, and as if it all answered everything it needed to know about her situation, she stated aloud, to no one in particular.

"I'm in the Land Before Time."

The Siamese colored flyer that was there before, that blinded the infamous, broken, Red Claw, that had a chance to fly, the one thing that made Red Claw bent on revenge was now a furry, small, meat eating creature. At this point, what other weirdness could the human woman turned flyer, now furry prehistoric creature, could she possibly come across?

Path Light

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Quote from: Pangaea,Jun 8 2013 on  12:28 PM
Quote from: brittanytangle13,Jun 7 2013 on  06:48 PM
can i join too? please!!
(OOC: Sure. :) Just post in the discussion thread "Members Meeting the Characters" in the RP Discussion section, telling us which characters you'd like to play as and if there's anything in particular you'd like to do, and we'll do our best to accommodate you. Also, if you haven't already, be sure to read the rules at the beginning of the thread so that you're familiar with how this RP works. Mind yoIf you have any questions, post them in the discussion thread or send me a PM. ;))
Can I join, please?
I like to watch Dino Squad, Street Sharks, Sabrina's Secret Life, Extreme Dinosaurs, Sonic Underground, Transformers Prime, Power Rangers, Yugioh, Phineas and Ferb, Digimon, Cardfight Vanguard, Land Before Time (14 Films and TV Series) and I like to play Zuma Deluxe


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(Greetings. I have returned(this time for sure). What did I miss?)

All he saw was darkness, it seemed strange. One minute ago John, also known as Belmont2500 was living out another day in his life, but now, it was something not unlike what had happened to him four years ago, when he had passed out at his desk and found himself deep in the past.

John had seen the Great Valley itself with his own eyes and braved many dangers. But it must had been a dream because eventually, he had woken up and found himself back at home.

But how would that explain what he was happening now. John felt light-headed and then calm, it was a similar experience to when he meditated only much bigger.

Suddenly, however, John woke up.

His head was throbbing and he felt as if he lay on a large stone. The boy sat up and found that he indeed was, though it was more like a mountain. Below it seemed very peaceful but also familiar.

It was a valley, and it was inhabited my many species of...dinosaurs?!

"It can't be, this must be a dream." he muttered.

Mostly herbivores, which was a relief. John still had that mental image of being pursued by a Tyrannosaurs Rex out in the middle of the Mysterious Beyond and he would rather not experience it again.

"Well, if this is a dream, I see no reason not to explore. After all, this may be quite nostalgic."

John stood up and carefully walked along the Great Wall, searching for a path that lead off of it. As he did, his right hand grasped the Pentacle he wore by the neck.

"May the divine guide and protect me." He prayed and set off.



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Fyn stood, his vision nothing but a white haze. He didn't know what was happening, but he could feel his consciousness breaking up, pouring out into the abyss. He could feel the transformation happening again, but this time something was different. He was becoming less aware of his human form, until no memories of his former self were present. Instead, new memories filled in the space the old ones had left- memories of the life of a new being entirely.

Memories belonging to a young adult Fin-Neck named Fyn.


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The young Longneck followed without as much as a word after she had taken a small sip of water. It seemed that things were going to get interesting, she realized, as she followed Pangaea and Fyn towards the Falls, or...whatever was making that rumbling sound. With a careful look behind her, Nana could see that Sparky was still lingering behind her, as well as the others in their little group.

Speaking of others, it had occurred to her that she hadn't yet introduced herself to Fyn yet. Maybe she should do that when the next stopped to rest. But, who knew how long that would be. So maybe now would be...

She stopped and looked at him in confusion. To her, it looked like something was happening, but she wasn't quite sure what. But, it looked like he was...remembering something?

"Yo, you okay there?" she said, nudging him with her elbow.

(OOC: What's actually happening with you, Fyn? I'm kind of confused.)


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(OOC My character was using Fyn's body, but Fyn's memories ended up forcing him back to earth. In other words, Fyn's just my OC now. I decided I'd rather use him than myself.)

Fyn shook his head, seeing stars. "That was... wow, that was weird." He picked his head up, looking around. "I remember you all, but... how did we get here? Never mind, I guess I'll figure that out."

Fyn turned and addressed Nana. "Hi, I'm Fyn. And I'm fine; just a little memory blank, I suppose."


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Rob had finally made it back to the Great Valley after escorting the group out. It shouldn't have taken him so long to get back, but he was too deep in thought to walk at more than a steady pace. "All this time here, and I still feel like I don't know anything," he muttered to himself. Indeed, so much had happened since his arrival at the Great Valley. So much he never thought would be possible, and some that he thought he would never be able to get over. He continued to look down at his fastbiter claws and chuckled to himself. "Never saw this one coming." Mr. Threehorn had already veered off to attend to other matters, and Littlefoot was no doubt with his grandparents. Even though he was alone, it still felt nice to have some peace.


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(OOC: Thanks for clearing that up!)

"Hey, Fyn," Nana replied. "I'm Nana. It's nice to meet you. I'm glad you're all right; you looked a little woozy back there. But, I think that we're close to some water, if I'm hearing correctly."

Indeed, she listened closely as they walked forwards, the roaring sound started to become louder.


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Fyn shook his head again. "Well, I could definitely use some water. Might clear my head." The Fin-Neck bent his head down to the river and plunged his mouth in, gulping down water. When his thirst was quenched, he backed away from the water.

"Never really liked being close to rivers myself," he admitted, "you never know what's lurking in there."


Farther down the river, Such narrowed his eyes, watching the group from a small stand of trees. "Come on, Leafeaters," he growled under his breath, "get a move on. This isn't exactly the friendly part of the Mysterious Beyond."

Cancerian Tiger

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Bored from being relatively useless for the time being, and worn out from their cave escapade, Cera had decided to head over to a nearby tree and catch a nap in the shade.  Anna and Ducky had eventually followed her lead, and soon the three plus Tricia ended up curled up together and snoozing.  Anna used Cera as a pillow while Ducky was curled up on her abdomen and Tricia was pressed against her right side.


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After they had escorted the Big Water group out of the Valley, Threehorn had split off from Rob and Littlefoot to do his usual patrols. For the first time in a while, it actually seemed peaceful. Ever since the newcomers had arrived, everything seemed like chaos. Now, it was as if everything had finally settled down. "Good thing those egg eaters are out of here," he muttered to himself. "They would have brought nothing but trouble." Granted, he still had his doubts about Rob, because if he had learned anything growing up, it was never to trust a sharptooth. Even though he hadn't acted out towards him, Threehorn couldn't help but feel something in the back of his mind. Maybe it was his paranoia acting up, his sense of duty to protect those he loved. For the moment, he pushed those thoughts aside and enjoyed the quiet in the Valley.


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Fyn stretched, turning his double sails towards the sun. It was a hot day, but he was accustomed to such weather. Growing up in the desert had forced him to enjoy the sun.


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Amy, now a Didelphodon, would momentarily use tree trunks as support to stand on two feet, to only realize that she could only have so much balance until she would plop on four legs. At that moment, looking all around her, seeing how everything was bigger than her, began to empathize with her cat at home. She would love nothing more than to be a flyer again and have the opportunity to fly over the territory. All the same, heights and her weren't exactly "cozy".

Looks like those flying lessons Pterano promised to teach me isn't going to proceed. I wonder where he and everyone else is? Or even Tria for that matter.

She inwardly sighs as the reddish brown furred creature awkwardly walked on four legs to find anyone...really anyone so she wouldn't have to explore these surroundings by herself. She squeaked first, but then tried to speak in a way anyone could understand.

"Hey. Um...anyone around? I know it's been awhile. If you can believe this, it's just me, Amy. Or Ama if you prefer."

(OOC: Edited post, because I think it would be wiser if I had more information about what was going on before I post anything with Rinkus or Hyp.)