The Gang of Five
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Healing Hearts

Zimba · 636 · 71221


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I'm planning on ending Mystery Of The Foreign Longnecks soon,I don't know how the story of it can continue. I'm gonna try and make this one longterm so the plot/story is pretty long.

Could not think of a name but since the first part of this RP gonna be kinda depressing,yah.

Plot: Taunted,abused,rejected,unloved-thats no way to live. However sadly that is the way six longnecks DO live. First there is the adopted father/daughter pair of Taro and Lily. Then you got the awkward adolescences Zimba and Ricky. And finally the runaway sisters Nahla and Uzuri. By some chance or  strange coincidence all three longneck duos arrive in The Great Valley. Can they heal each others broken hearts? Littlefoot seems very interested in these newcomers and decides to try and get to them more. However when he does try they either ignore him,shoo him off or just plain run off in fear. Cera starts getting suspicious and spreads rumors which cause trouble for these new arrivals. Can the new arrivals clear the names and keep their right to live in The Great Valley? Or will they once again be driven out? What can our beloved gang do to help?But the most important thing of all...
                             Can they work together?

The plot a lot more detailed then that thats just a basic summary.

Ducky123 we need you in this one,Ducky has a major role.

Anyone may join in with their OCS or a movie character and we will edit the story to put you in.Though these RPS  are more likely for our little group of four.

The skype group already have claimed.

Nahla -Nahla


Grandma and Grandpa-somerandomfangirl (How did I know that? :lol )



Name: Zimba
Gender: Male
Species: Longneck
Age: Teenager
Appearance: Light red body,with white underbelly. Has a 'swirl' facial making. Has white rings on tail and zebra like stripes on all legs. His back has a line of upside down U like shapes. Dark midnight blue eyes.

Family: Zimba does not really have a family not one that he cares for anyway.

Personality: Zimba is rarely outspoken,he will not fight for dominance however he is no push over. He has a strong will for exploring and tends to not stay in one place very long..none of them feel right enough for him to settle down.

Bio: Not much is known about Zimba's past. Zimba was the rejected one of his herd. He just did not fit in. He was abused,tormented and betrayed by the ones that were meant to care and love him. Only one that truly cares is his pal Ricky.

Special Notes:
*Hates speaking about the past.
*Hates young children
*Gets along better with older dinosaurs then ones his age.
Name: Ricky
Species: Longneck
Age: Teenager

Family: All deceased (Murder)

Appearance: Ocean blue body with silver 'wings' going down both front sides. His underbelly is also silver. His back has a dorsal stripe that is the same colour. He has silver rings around his eyes. He gets the markings of his mother but the colours of those markings from his father.Light green eyes.

Personality: Ricky is graceful for everything. He has been through enough to know he should be happy for the for everything he had,even the little things like a treestar to eat. He tends to stick my Zimba's side and avoids conflict at all costs.

Bio: After a tragic event and which he lost his family. Ricky fled and wandered alone for a few months until he a small oasis,however it was taken. Ricky found out Zimba was already staying there. But luckily Zimba asked him to join him. Zimba accepted in a heartbeat,only later was he shocked he found another longneck his age also all alone. Due to accident on the way to the valley,he now has a large scar and a very noticeable limp.

Special Notes:
'*Zimba jokingly calls him 'Wings' due to his shoulder markings
* Hates fighting and violence
* Can be very withdrawn at times

Still need Nahla,Uzuri,Taro and Lily but they should come soon..I hope.


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I'll send through Uzuri and Nahla's bios for this RP later on.

Thanks for letting Uzuri come in too,I just wanted Nahla to have company as well.


  • Petrie
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Yeah,send em to be via Facebook and I'll paste them down here.

Rammy if you wanna send me Lily and Taros bios for this RP by pm that would be handy.

You wanna start it off Nahla?,if you want to RP out Nahla and Uzuri's escape go ahead.


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Yeah ok I'll do that..and not because you told me. I don't take orders from you. :p.


Screams of terror filled the air as two young girls fled for their lives. The one in the lead was purple grey colour with clear green eyes. Her name was Uzuri she was oldest of the duo "Keep running Nahla!" she shouted over her shoulder.

The one called Nahla shouted "I'm going as past I can Uzuri!" she panted at the effort of keeping up with her sister. She was bright pink with white markings. Her eyes were  a beautiful sky blue "Where we going anyway?"

Uzuri stopped to let her sister catch up "Away from here...far away...somewhere where no one can hurt us" she said looked back at their former home "Ever again".


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(No worries, Zimmy. I'll do those bios when I get home from school, so it'll be tomorrow for you when you get them. :yes)

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Petrie
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Oh let that go :p

And ok Rammy,I'm gonna try and pull off a Nahla and wake up early. She dared me to wake up early for once :lol

Walking carelessly through The Mysterious Beyond were two teenaged male longnecks. The first one was a light red with white markings. An unusual swirl was on his face,his legs were striped. Zimba blinked his midnight blue eyes showed pain and torment.

The blue male beside him had a large scar running right down his back,he was had a noticale limp. Ricky's green eyes said it all-'I want to die'.


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Two other longnecks had stopped for something to eat, which ended up being some dried up desert plants. One was covered in scars, underweight, and looked quite tormented. The young female that was with him kept looking around everywhere, as if she was expecting something like a sharptooth to appear any second. There was clear fear in her eyes.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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The two sisters kept running but little Nahla could go on no longer,she collapsed to the ground panting heavily. Her bones stuck out heavily. You could see every rib and her spine.

Uzuri was the same way,she turned in panic "Come on Nahla!" she tried to encourage her sister but very well knowing she was weaker due to lack of proper care and nutrition,she looked around frantic but knowing there was no use. They were alone.


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The older male, Taro, looked over the horizon, spotting a line of high hills and mountains.

"I wonder if there's food there," he wondered as the younger female, Lily, climbed onto him.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Zimba and Ricky had found a small oasis. There was a few trees for a decent meal and a small watering hole to stop their thirst.

Zimba sighed knowing this was not gonna last,they'll have to find a real home


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Giving up Uzuri sighed "Ok we can rest here for a while" she said laying protectively next to Nahla. She kept her eyes open ready to wake up her now sleeping sister and flee at at moments notice.


Meanwhile in a lush paradise. A young longneck named Littlefoot was crawling playfully after a hopper. He laughed and pounced for it only to crash into his grandfathers leg he let out a surprised "Oh" and shook her his head to clear it.

(From now on I'm doing ~~~~ thing when I'm changing scenes/places)


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"I wonder... if we keep moving... we might be able to make it to that place tomorrow," Taro assumed, hoping it wasn't farther than he thought.

"Well, I hope so," said Lily. "Maybe someone there might give us a break for once," she muttered.

"I'm afraid I doubt that," Taro answered, frowning. "Sometimes I wonder why you even came with me."

"Because I trust you," Lily replied quietly.


Grandpa turned to face his grandson.

"Are you all right, Littlefoot?" he asked.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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"Yes Grandpa" Littlefoot said standing up and looking around "It's so boring" he sighed swiping at the dirt.


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"What are you friends up to today?" Grandpa questioned.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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"Don't know" Littlefoot said plopping to the ground.


The two sisters had gotten up and were back on the move. They now stood outside the large valley debating on wherever to go in or not.


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"Well, why don't you play with them for a while?" Grandpa suggested. "I have to stay here and look after your grandmother still." Grandma Longneck was still recovering from a common virus that had taken a lot of her strength away, but she would be fine soon enough.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot did not answer and instead starting drawing in the dirt seeming content rather then bored now.


Uzuri walked slowly into the valley "Hello?" she called quietly. She was scared though both her and her sister were  so underweight they were all bone. They looked like freaks.


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Grandma thought she had heard something, but she was too tired to even notice right now.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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"Huh? Who's there?" Grandma asked.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion