The Gang of Five
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A sudden change of species

Ducky123 · 289 · 62738


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Her friends’ opinions about leaving their current location in order to set off for Hanging Rock matched Ruby’s completely. Discussions like the one they were just having usually didn’t go as smooth. Much rather there were often disagreements between her friends and sometimes it would even end in a fight. ”Luckily not this time…” the rose coloured fastbiter mused. The thought of her friends turning on each other was, considering the deadly weapons they now possessed, horrifying and therefore to be prevented by all means.

Ruby knew what she had to do. She quickly took in her surroundings, attempting to find some orientation in the vast desert. There were no landmarks she could rely on but Ruby had enough skills in orientation by using the Bright Circle or certain plants which were absolutely required for a dinosaur living in the Mysterious Beyond to find her way. Determined to know the rough direction they had to head to, Ruby gave Littlefoot a short glance before she turned to her friends and spoke up.

“You all are right, right you are. We will travel towards Hanging Rock as fast as our feet carry us and I will lead the way.”

There were no further words to be exchanged. Everybody got to their feet and, Ruby running ahead, the Gang set off towards Hanging Rock speedily.

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Littlefoot with one last glance behind him followed his retreating  friends, he tried to hide it but he was worried about this so called 'hunger madness' would he be expected to kill? Take a life away? The ground was cracked and dry under his feet, he longed for the soft feeling of the lush great valley grasses, but he knew he could not go back there. He would be killed on the spot, though his chances out here were not to great either.

He did not though a thing about surviving as a predator, how could he bring himself to make a killing blow? To take away someone’s loved one for his own needs?

He tried to block the thoughts out, and focus on the path ahead, slowly he was adjusting to two legs though still unstable.

That was proven when he misjudged a step and trip, cursing under his breath he pulled himself up. "Ugh I can't do this! With these legs and puny arms..what are the point of this?" in his  frustration he had forgot how sensitive Chomper could get about his arms "Seriously who in their right mind would want arms like-"

It was then he noticed Chomper and  silenced himself. Dammit, Littlefoot...if this is how you feel..think how Chomper feels  he thought Actually wonder how Chomper feels about a lot of things… he locked eyes with the sharptooth for a moment Has he ever killed? How did he handle it?. Already Littlefoot could feel his hunger growing, how long could he contain it before he snapped? Could hunger  alone really turn him into a monster?

What would happen when he first tastes blood?

Would he keep craving more and more until he is nothing more than a heartless killer?


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A loud smack rang through the air, followed by a grunt of disgust. A purple coloured flyer stared in horror at the huge, crushed bug in his palm, then at the gooey smear on his side where he'd slapped it off. Hissing, Soar wiped his hand off on the trunk of an adjacent tree then glared at the two other flyers, Beaks and Tailbone, as they snickered at his reaction. “I hate this place,” Soar muttered.

“It sure loves you…” Tailbone chuckled, glancing at Beaks. “That’s, what, the tenth time he’s been bitten?”

“More like the hundredth. Must be because he tastes so good,” Beaks grinned, then flinched as Soar flicked the remnants of the squashed bug’s juice at him. “Hey!”

Ignoring his protests, Soar turned to Tero, gesturing in Tailbone and Beaks’ direction. “The tracks keep going in that direction. We almost done here? Flyers don’t belong down on the ground.” He desperately waved a hand to ward off yet another insect that came buzzing perilously close to his head.

Watching, Guido felt he had to agree. Of course, it wasn’t until relatively recently that he’d managed to start gliding and spend less time walking, but now that he’d experienced that freedom, it just seemed so much more… vulnerable down here. Especially in the mysterious beyond – and given who they were looking for, that helpless feeling was only intensified.

Tero stood up from where he’d been crouched, examining the base of a large tree. “Yeah. Yeah, we’re done here.” He stared at the spattered blood, long since dried in the dirt. “We were right. One of them is hurt. Badly. We should be able to catch up with that one soon, at least.”

As Soar and the other flyers nodded eagerly, something caught Guido’s eye. He hopped off the log he’d been perched on and walked over to a small green blob. Bending down, he scooped it up and held it out for the others to see. “Maybe not as hurt as you think. This paste… it’s made of leaves that can help with cuts and bites. A friend showed me once… And if it’s near where all this blood is…”

Soar scoffed. “Sharpteeth don’t know anything about that stuff.”

“One of them does – this was done recently.” Tero bent to examine the paste that Guido held up. He considered a moment. “Odd. They’re young, clumsy enough to wake up half the valley, but they know medicine?” Tero shook his head. “This doesn’t change anything. Come on, we’re wasting time.”

As Tero and the others took off, following the direction the tracks led in, Guido glanced down at the dried medicinal paste in his hand. These sharpteeth they were tracking… they weren’t just any sharpteeth.  What’s going on? Swallowing, his throat dry, Guido followed the other flyers, his unease deepening.


Hyp grimaced, the corners of the young hypsilophodon’s mouth turning downwards, his brow creased in a scowl as he sat despondently at the nest belonging to him and his father. Far off in the distance, Hyp could see his father among the large group of adults who had clustered together near the lake’s edge to discuss what should be done next about the sharpteeth, the ones who had managed to sneak in.
 He stared for a moment longer, eyes narrowed, then lifted himself up off the rock he was resting against with a heavy sigh. Casting a sly gaze around to see who was in earshot, Hyp folded his arms across his chest. He kicked the ground. He shook his head. He sighed again, then kicked the ground once more for good measure. “I can’t believe my dad told me to guard the nest…” he complained loudly. “If they just let me help, I could take out those sharpteeth no problem. Just give me a day… or two to make it more fair, and BLAM!” Hyp pounded his fist into his left palm. “It’s goodnight sharptooth losers!”
This was, of course, all bluster. Inside, Hyp was supremely relieved that his father had instructed him to stay at the nest, where it was safe and protected. Where he wouldn’t have to worry about being dragged away by bloodthirsty monsters, jaws crunching, teeth tearing, claws ripping…. Hyp almost shuddered, catching himself just in time.
And the hatchlings… those brats didn’t stand a chance… Deep down, Hyp felt bad that the small longneck and his friends had been taken. After all, if it hadn’t been for them, right now he’d be at the bottom of that tar pit – but closer to the surface, closer to the skin that he cared about most, the thought that just kept repeating in Hyp’s mind was ëBetter them than me… better them than me…’ But at least he wouldn’t have to worry about anything. All he’d have to do was sit back, sit right here, like his father instructed, and let the adults sort all this out. Then the danger would be over…
“Just one punch,” he announced, raising his voice to nobody in particular and waving his fists for emphasis, “And it’s over!”


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“Hey Hyp, there yer are!” Mutt called panting as he finally arrived at his best buddy’s nesting place. Usually they would meet at their special hangout but the recent events in the Valley required them to pick a different meeting place.

The safety standards in the Valley had been raised. Mutt, with some annoyance, still had the words of his mother in mind. ”Don’t leave the nest until we can be sure the valley is cleaned of those beasts.” The young Muttaburrasaurus left anyway to see his friend in order to talk about the attack.

He had only heard rumors yet since his parents wouldn’t answer any of his questions but he was certain Hyp would be able to confirm what he had picked up from the flyers during their flight to the great meeting that was going on not too far away from Hyp’s nest. Mutt was almost excited but also very uncertain. After all he had heard that Littlefoot and his friends - their favourite little kids to pick on, had been captured by sharpteeth and, according to what he picked up, disappeared without any sign. No bones, no blood - nothing. To Mutt that sounded just like a big pile of dung but there had to be a bit of truth about it since the whole valley seemed to be agitated and mourning.

“Hyp, yer heard ëbout what happened last night?” Mutt exclaimed excitedly. “It true that those lil’ buggers were killed by sh-sharpteeth?”

At the corner of his eyes, Mutt noticed his other pal Nod approaching them. Maybe he would also know more?
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While on the way to the gang’s meetup place, Nod wondered why Hyp called this meeting in the first place. He had heard some hearsay on the whole incident from last night. About how Littlefoot and his little collection of twerps had gone missing. About Chomper apparently betraying the valley and bringing in a whole pack of young sharpteeth. Was Hyp planning on finding out what happened? Maybe finding and beating up Chomper’s new little gang of fastbiter lackeys?

He’d almost always go along with whatever Hyp wanted, but he had to admit this whole incident was making him worried.

Thinking more about last night’s fiasco, he had to admit himself that it didn’t make much sense. Littlefoot and his friends gone, without a trace? Did Chomper’s pack take them for some kind of ransom? Was the gang now out, trying to find Chomper, and figure out what’s up with him? Well, if they aren’t dead yet, they're probably out there right now, about to get themselves killed! Hopefully talking with his two friends would clear these questions up. He came up to Hyp and Mutt, ready for a few answers.

“Hey Hyp, here for the little meet up. What’s up?”
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

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"Yeah, I heard those brats got eaten tails an' all." Hyp turned his meanest expression to Mutt, growling. "And sure it's true - it's not like I was there to save the day. Those sharptooth cowards waited until I was asleep... they knew if I was there they wouldn't stand a chance. CRACK!" Hyp brought his foot down mightily on a twig, snapping it in half. Of course, this was only half true. He had been asleep up until the alert had been sounded. But as soon as the cry went out, he'd huddled quivering beside his father, terrified of the monsters that crept through the darkness... he thought this information was best kept to himself, however.

When Nod came ambling up, Hyp snorted. "Nothing's up... I was just getting bored 'cause I can't leave the nest!" When he realised how this sounded, Hyp blinked. "I mean... since my dad told me he wanted me to guard the nest, you know?" he recovered. "In case... in case the sharpteeth come back. Yeah." He recovered his composure and started to strut about. "This sucks... if it was up to me, I'd head out there, find those stinking sharpteeth babies and teach them a lesson they ain't never gonna forget!" he exclaimed, pulling a heroic pose, a bright ray of sunshine peeking through the clouds and shining on him dramatically.


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Hyp’s speech gave Mutt a certain feeling. Suddenly, he felt like he could do anything he set his mind upon. Those annoying kids meant nothing to him and if it weren’t for the fact that they were now forced to look out for new promising targets they could bully it wouldn’t bother him at all that they were gone. ”Maybe those dumb ol’ sharpteeth could be our next victims tho…” he thought, a smirk apearing on his face as he considered his options, Yes, that sounded like a plan.

“He Hyp, why don’t we just go after them anyway?” Mutt offered to the group. “Those sharpteeth ain’t gonna come back after our old people chased ëem out so yer don’t need to watch the nest. Let’s beat some sense into them, shall we Hyp?” Mutt was salivating in childlike excitement.
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“We’ll have those sharpteeth running home to their mommies and daddies, if they can even run after we’re done with em!” This remark was yelled out by Nod, without the knowledge that this pack of savage sharptooth can’t go back to their families. He also yelled this out with the most determined face he could muster, since he didn’t believe a bloody word he was spurting out.

This is just stupid. Really stupid! He thought to himself. He just couldn’t back down now, though. His little group had always been built around trying to appear tough, and showing any weakness or uneasiness, even if it was the thing any sane dinosaur would do, was looked down upon harshly.

So, Nod just kept nodding his head, hoping someone else would try to stop this stupid little charade, because he wasn’t really looking forward to stopping it himself.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Hyp blinked. "You... you guys are serious?" Oh no... "I, ah... Uh..." He suddenly realised that he was just gawping at them, his mouth hanging open, and he shut it with a click as he struggled to regain his composure. "You guys wouldn't be too scared? I thought for sure I'd have to go alone. To deal with them. With the sharpteeth."

Sighing, his eyes glowering with deep frustration, he shook his head. "But... my dad needs me to guard the nest, Mutt. I mean, he's -" Hyp beckoned them forward, lowering his voice. "He's actually terrified of them. He knows if they came back, I'm the only one who'd be able to stop them. It's hard, all this responsibility but..." Hyp spread his hands as if to say 'What can you do?'

"Hey Hyp!" His father's voice carried across to him from a little way across the valley.

Hyp turned, squinting at the adult's distant form. "What dad?! I'm in the middle of something important!"

"We've been talking it over, and we think it's safe enough for you and your friends to go and play! Just stay together!"

Grimacing, Hyp shouted back. "I don't play dad! I'm basically a grownup!" Muttering under his breath, he turned back to Mutt and Nod, then paled as it dawned on him that his only excuse for not going along with his masterplan had just been destroyed. "I, ah... guess I can go after all. Awesome! Ha ha ha..."