The Gang of Five
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To Tread Upon Fields Afar (Updated)

Fyn16 · 82 · 12718


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The group splits up to take on One Eye's task of tracking down Chomper. Friendly bonding ensues!

Chapter 18: Predator and Prey


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Chomper's untimely and unexpected arrival makes trouble for our split groups. And to make matters worse, something dormant within the old Sharptooth's mind awakens, something which Chomper had long hoped was dead.

Chapter 19: Of Names and Enemies


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Separated, the group must try to reunite, and continue their mission. Unbeknownst to them, however, their paths are spiraling more rapidly towards convergence than they are aware.

Separate Paths: Parts I-III below, in chronological order.

A Visitor of Most Mysterious Circumstance

The Other



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Everything comes spiraling to conclusion as each party comes closer and closer to reuniting. At the plateau under a fall of fresh snow, Chomper's and Cera's fate will be decided.

Chapter 23: Closure


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Really great chapter, Fyn! Loved Chomper and Cera coming to terms, and catching up on things. And it seems Sol's whole world is starting to fall apart around him. He's gotta let his secret out sooner or later, but it's gonna be a really tough pill for the others to swallow. Actually, there's a whole lot going on here, but that's mostly what interested me.

Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter. :D
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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I read a little bit of it just now and it was pretty good


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The herd of (technically) four comes across the first of three Oases described by Cera that lie within the scar, between them and the Valley. Initially, the place seems green and full of life, but looks can often be misleading...

Chapter 24: The Arrival


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After meeting the residents of the first Oasis and hearing their story, Fyn hatches a daring plan of his own to prevent Cura from an untimely fate. Meanwhile, Zaura's presence draws some unexpected attention.

Chapter 25: A Proposition


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Sounds like a very good chapter looking forward to reading it


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Thus far we're still building the scene for the coming events but I must say that there is immense potential to build a worthy leg for the already-epic journey here. The Elders seem to have something strange going on as Fyn suspects and it'll be interesting what that'll be. I'm fairly positive that Fyn won't meet his end doing the crossing :lol so I'm looking forward to seeing what lurks in the river and how the Elders react to Fyn's (likely) success. I've found the beliefs of this new herd quite interesting and there's likely much more into the ritual and their legends than we know yet.

I understand that the Elders rule the herd with an iron fist but still the concept of Crossing is somewhat odd. Why do they have to cross the river at that exact spot and not further downstream, beyond the rapids or just walk around the lake? Possibly because of sharpteeth? It's just a minor detail but it bothered me a bit.


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Quote from: Sovereign,Dec 22 2016 on  12:20 PM

I understand that the Elders rule the herd with an iron fist but still the concept of Crossing is somewhat odd. Why do they have to cross the river at that exact spot and not further downstream, beyond the rapids or just walk around the lake? Possibly because of sharpteeth? It's just a minor detail but it bothered me a bit.
You're quite right of course, and this absurdity hasn't been lost on Fyn and Zaura either. This was something I struggled with a bit when setting up this section, and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure I've explained it as solidly as I'd like. One thing I looked to for inspiration (if you could call something as tragic as this "inspiration"), is the historical example of large groups of people, whether they be slaves, prisoners, or the like, refusing to rebel against their captors, even when they clearly have numbers on their side. In essence, like those people, these dinosaurs are held hostage by their fear, something you've probably realized by now that the Elders are capitalizing on. If the elders hadn't reacted so quickly, and told them that their safe crossing was decided by the stars, perhaps things might have turned out differently. Not to mention the fact that others have tried to make their crossings elsewhere. The fact that they go alone is their source of failure, and those that made it back alive have only bad things to say about the world outside the oasis. While it's certainly not the worst of it, this is still the Scar they're living in, and there's not much beyond the trees to support a herd of Camarasauruses.

So, to summarize, this is the only safe crossing within the Oasis. There are threats to either side that could be overcome with numbers, but the fear of death and the supernatural keeps the herd in check. This is further reinforced by the herd witnessing what they could only explain as a "miracle" during the first crossing, creating a state of borderline fanaticism. And, as you will soon see, the "unseen force" in the river is quite a bit more dangerous, stealthy, and persistent than a few crocs.

I probably should have explained all this better in my writing, though, and I'll strive to make sure the next few chapters clarify these points. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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With this longnecks and the river thing, I was kinda thinking back to another cult you had in one of your older LBT stories, where a dinosaur from a herd would be 'chosen' and have to wad out in a river to get snatched up by some underwater sharptooth. I don't realy remeber the specifics of it, but I remeber that part, at least.

So, I just thought you had a thing for death cults :p
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Quote from: vonboy,Dec 22 2016 on  05:43 PM
With this longnecks and the river thing, I was kinda thinking back to another cult you had in one of your older LBT stories, where a dinosaur from a herd would be 'chosen' and have to wad out in a river to get snatched up by some underwater sharptooth. I don't realy remeber the specifics of it, but I remeber that part, at least.

So, I just thought you had a thing for death cults :p
Actually, I did draw some inspiration from that. But in this case, I decided to make the real threat one from within, rather than a standard predator oppressing prey. That being said, now that you mention it, I do seem to write about death cults a lot. I've been reading too much Stephen King...


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The herd settles into their new, albeit temporary home. Sol finally meets his mentor face to face.

Gone Fishin'
Gone Fishin'


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It's already been a year since they left the Grove? A lot of time has passed after the last book... In any case, the first scene of the chapter was a decent one, showing the impasse Fyn and Zaura find themselves in. Cura's situation seems to be more complex than was initially shown and I'll look forward to seeing what it is. Sol's hesitancy to get up from the river was a funny touch in this scene.

It's nice to finally see Sol and Rear's full reconciliation, after all this time of pretending. The initial meeting was very believable and I liked Sol's way of handling the situation. It was a good idea to show Rear already knowing Sol's idea of repaying her teachings and his obliviousness about this. The whole sequence was written well and it was a great way to build a bond between the two. The half-eaten fish pretty much revealed that the "monster" in the river is some kind of sharptooth but all this hype about it has made me really curious about what danger lurks there.  :DD

Just asking, are spirits a general belief among Longclaws? I found Sol's readiness to accept Rear as a spirit quite interesting.


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It really depends on who you ask, I suppose. Thanks to Rhombus, I recently started watching the TV series, and have come up with a few conclusions of my own regarding dinosaur beliefs.

-Flyers clearly have their sun-worshiping system. That's an indisputable fact, at least in the Great Valley
-Longnecks seem to be religious, hold the stars in high regard, and have a rich history of folktales
-Threehorns are pretty much atheistic
-Most other leaf eaters tend to fall into one of the three previous camps
-Sharpteeth are a mystery, so I took some creative liberties with them. In this universe, they seem to oppose the idea of deities, but many like Rear value nature as a great being in and of itself.
-Sol's an interesting case due to his early abandonment. As a child, he would have been told scary stories about spirits, ghosts, things that go bump in the night, etc, but I never saw the Longclaws as having a belief system of their own (except possibly worshiping the river, their source of life, in some circumstances). Because of this, Sol grew up retaining his childhood beliefs, but as is soon to become evident, this lack of faith leads to a bit of a dilemma for someone who wants something to believe in, like his Longneck friends.

As for the time skip, there have been a few references to it throughout the story. It's implied that they left the Grove during the end of summer of the previous year. They met Cera in the fall and stayed with her through about half of winter. The journey to the scar is the longest time skip yet, taking them to the very beginning of Spring, so it's really a little over half a year.

Thanks as always for the insightful review, and I intend to put your points into consideration as the plot moves forward!