The Gang of Five
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Cold Land's Herd

Malte279 · 112 · 40208

F-14 Ace

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When Tripo returned to the group, Snork said, "That was a bit... uncalled for.  We should be careful not to get into any trouble.  What do you want to do now?"
He wasn't sure what to make of the situation although Tripo's father was a bit better than Snork's.
Strafe said, "I'll just go along with whatever everyone else wants to do."


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Tripo looked at them "Sorry about my dad, his got a... erm" looks over to see if his dad was around then looked at them "soft side but don't show it when others around. dad kind of over protective of me. since I am his only child and there no one else." Tripo try to place the words right how to tell why his father spoke in such a deep harsh way.

F-14 Ace

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Strafe said, "Hmm, well, while I don't approve of his yelling, atleast your father cares about you.  That is the important thing.  Snork here wasn't so lucky."
Snork said, "Ah, I'm not going to talk about that unless you really want to hear about it.  I'm sure everyone else here is sick of me talking about it anyway.  So what do you want to do now?  We'd better do something that won't get us into trouble."


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"How about hide and seek?" Cera Suggested


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(OOC: My, this RP's had its ups and downs, hasn't it. Well, I'll jump in.)

A shadow watched the group from the forest. He narrowed his single eye, his lips curling into a sinister smile.
"Hide and seek," a deep, gravelly voice echoed from all sides, "What a wonderful idea."
A large dinosaur, ten feet tall, stepped into the open, a pair of wafer-thin crests running the length of his snout, and a tattered frill folded neatly against his neck.
In the place of his right eye there was a gaping empty socket, surrounded by three slash marks.

"The name's Sy, heheheh."


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(is that a sharp tooth? if so there can't be any in the Great Valley there is no breaches in the wall so there should be no sharpteeth in the Great  Valley. )


  • Chomper
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(Sharpteeth can't talk, except Chomper. Yes, Sy is technically a sharptooth, but he's not really dangerous. He came along with the other newcomers. You can check out his bio in the character thread.)


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F-14 Ace

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Snork said with more confusion than fear, "Okey, first of all, how did you get here?  Secondly, what do you want?  Sharpteeth aren't allowed here or so I hear."
He didn't really see the newcomer as a big threat, mostly because he was a bit taller than him.  However, he still didn't let his guard down.


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Sy let out a loud hooting laugh.
"A Sharptooth! Aye, I guess I might be called that, though you have nothing to fear. I came with the rest of the newcomers. Nothin' to fear from old 'eyesaur' Sy."

F-14 Ace

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Strafe asked a bit harshly, still feeling a bit threatened by this newcomer, "So exactly do you want?"
Snork, having seldom heard his friend sound so threatening, said to the iguanodon, "Chill out will you.  I don't think he's gonna hurt us."
Strafe sighed and said, "You're right.  I'm sorry."
Snork then asked Sy, 'But what DO you want from us anyway?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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(Would anyone care if I joined this RPG, with my OC?)

His bio is in the character section.... :wave