The Gang of Five
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Messages - Sneak

Pages: 1 ... 350 351 352 353 354 355
1988 Theatrical Release / dinosaur census
« on: January 31, 2016, 05:21:29 AM »
Wow, you really  did count them?

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: January 27, 2016, 03:43:35 AM »
So... Universal's uploaded the first 10 minutes of the film to JOTB's page.
srsl? 10 minutes of 80 minutes movie? plus clips?

why do they do things like this?..

*not going to watch*

hope somebody will translate movie to my language therer soon after release.

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: January 22, 2016, 04:40:51 AM »

ok, not going to watch these clips or read anything about them to not spoil anything.

So close... Can't wait.

LBT Fanart / Ducky123's fanart :)
« on: January 16, 2016, 05:08:14 PM »
like her face.

She's so funny grave here. :lol

(*rewatching process*
eight movies to LBT13 here)

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: January 13, 2016, 04:48:59 PM »
Hey, we still don't know if that will be Cera or someone else.

Also, I'm more interested in REASON of leaving...


LBT Fanart / Ducky123's fanart :)
« on: January 12, 2016, 04:00:09 PM »
nice! :D

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Did the series get a good finale?
« on: January 12, 2016, 03:38:11 PM »
Series hasn't finale and has only small fragments of beginning.
We didn't get full pre-story, about Chomper, Ruby, Redclaw with fast biters, and the rest habitants of Mysterious Beyond.

And of course there's no finale.

Also, excuse me, but it seems Chomper and Ruby have lived in Valley for more than year. Long enough, I say. But I didn't see how they attempt to end their mission as fast as it can be done, and return to their families. Oo
That's weird.

LBT Fanart / DarkWolf's Fanart Thread
« on: January 10, 2016, 05:21:24 AM »
That's speechless great

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: January 07, 2016, 08:58:06 AM »
Quote from: JulianR94,Jan 7 2016 on  03:33 PM
purple little biter


But yeah.
Or creators didn't show us frames with them intentionally, or there's just not enough frames.

But I hope both of them will get enough screen time.

Is it so hard after dozens years to extend our gang to seven regular members?
C'mon!  :D

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: January 07, 2016, 06:38:54 AM »
Quote from: Dr. Rex,Jan 7 2016 on  05:49 AM
Quote from: SuperGameWarrior101,Jan 6 2016 on  05:43 PM
Quote from: Snik,Jan 6 2016 on  05:40 PM
is there a chance to see introducing Chomper and Ruby?
Of course Chomper and Ruby will in this movie. Didn't we discuss this already? Meghan Strange has been confirmed to be returning as the voice of Ruby, and Chomper will have a new voice.
I think he/she meant an individual video introducing Chomper and Ruby.

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: January 06, 2016, 06:40:44 PM »
is there a chance to see introducing Chomper and Ruby?

Quote from: JulianR94,Jan 4 2016 on  09:43 PM
his depiction is clearly "evil", at least intented by the makers of the movie, snake-like eyes and all.
We're sharpteeth...
Great circle of life gave us such depiction and facial features...

yay! I became Chomper now! ^-^

awesome research here

yeah, some disasters makes earth to take years to be recovered, but sequels plot doesn't give a time for that.

at this question, I continue to consider only Chomper's age. So, I keep saying ~5 years have passed since events of original movie

Other than that... Maybe that plated sharptooth (green Giganotosaurus) from the 5th movie that attacked Chomper's parents? He seems like a pretty "evil" guy.
but as I remember, he attacked gang, Chomper defended them with his bite, then Chomper's parents attacked him to defend their son. also, I assume there would be some talks on sharptooth language about small island territory, where isn't much food for three adult sharpteeth. One of them would be excess. :D


they are just a mistake of nature. nothing more

As I remember, Don Bluth himself stated that original Sharptooth wasn't villain at all.
the same we can say about all other sharpteeth.

Creature becomes evil when they do things beyond simple nature actions. Ozzy, Strut, Pterano, Rinkus and Serra showed us that well.

More thoughts about Sharptooth and Red Claw gang...

Sharptooth, besides his natural hunger, wanted to make small revenge for his damaged eye. Hmm, does it make him evil?..

Red Claw... As I understand, he and his fast biters imagine themselves as the most important persons in region, so they banish any other sharpteeth from their way, for no more reasons, right?
Also, we still don't know, if they chase our gang more because of some conflict with Chomper and Ruby than chasing for getting food...

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: December 30, 2015, 03:40:12 AM »
She also played a total badass character in "Tremors".
*imagines Etta has the same character and kicks poor sharpteeth who invaded her home*

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:35:59 AM »
thx! :D

LBT Fanart / DarkWolf's Fanart Thread
« on: December 08, 2015, 07:05:28 PM »
that's amazing!

LBT Fanfiction / I'm still there
« on: December 05, 2015, 07:30:01 PM »
My first song I have ever made, so please don't whip me so much



You brought me unbearable throe
You wanted to bury me in water deep
And now your little rankling shadow
Stalk me every time when I sleep

It would be better if you made me drowned
Because despite of my little illness
I continue to walk on the solid ground
But this time my life has a certain purpose

If you see my shadow you will have to flee
It’s better to not stand in my way
Even if dreadful hunger isn’t killing me
Don’t have a doubt: you will become my prey

My eye isn’t good, but memory remembers
My mind is filled with earthfire embers
You can be far from me, you can be anywhere
But one thing you need to know…
I’m still there

I just had to kill my hunger
It forces me to search for feed
Hunger is like predatory biter
It makes mind start to bleed

Do you know what pain I had suffered?
What demented throe I had felt?
And now I'm searching for your little herd
There's one special thing that should be dealt

If you hear my roar you will have to flee
Wish The Great Circle gifted me this day
Even if uncontrollable fury isn’t possessing me
Don’t have a doubt: I will make you pray   

My eye isn’t good, but it doesn’t matter
My mind is filled with fiery anger
And it won’t end until I stop you breath air
So enjoy the life while you can…
I’m still there

Bright Circle rises and downs again
It has been a long time since our last meet
Cold seasons can’t cool my inner flame
Only one thing will make my mind sweet

All I want is to see you again
With my almost blinded eye
So before I catch and bring you pain
Don’t even dare to die

If you see my shadow you will have to flee
It’s better to not stand in my way
Even if dreadful hunger isn’t killing me
Don’t have a doubt: you will become my prey

My eye isn’t good, but memory remembers
My mind is filled with earthfire embers
You can be far from me, you can be anywhere
But one thing you need to know:

If you hear my roar you will have to flee
Wish The Great Circle gifts me this day
Even if uncontrollable fury isn’t possessing me
Don’t have a doubt: I will make you pray   

My eye isn’t good, but it doesn’t matter
My mind is filled with fiery anger
And it won’t end until I stop you breath air
So enjoy the life while you can…

I’m still there

General Land Before Time / Why is the Gang of Five so cowardly?
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:09:18 PM »
The most interesting thing is gang's behavior in original film against original sharptooth.
they run, hide, and fight him very well

and that was kind of... their "first experience"?

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