The Gang of Five
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The Shifting

Raptor · 47 · 8035


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An octipoid Alien race known as the Calxar try to get Alien Alimons to work as soilders. The Alimons refuse. The Calxar figure if they can't make the Alimons work for them, they have to make they're own Alimons. By useing Alimon DNA extracted from a sleeping Alimon, they create a mutigen that they wish to test. They will abducte a few humans and test it on them. The Calxar ship soars low over north America, wher it prepars to pick up it's first victim....

Name: Chris Jackson
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Personality: Sarcastic, interested in Dinosaurs, slighlty cocky when it comes to brains.

Alright, the offcial storyline has been posted.


  • Ducky
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Name:  Tanner Colvin

Sex: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Humorous, serious at times.  Interested in space, technology and dinosaurs.  Fairly intelligent about all three subjects.


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IC: I sigh, and walk past a broken-down Ford. I hate walking through this part of town. Not that it's bad or anything, but it just always gives me the creeps. And it's around nine o'clock, so I have a right to be creeped out here. I look around and see one of the most dalapdated building's I've ever seen. Three kids around my age are pushing a forth to go in. The forth says "Uh, I really don't want to go in there. It's haunted." Another says "That's the point. You can't be in our club if you don't go in there." I know better to get involved with those numbskulls. I sigh once more and walk on. One of the other kids, named Jared turns. "Hey look, it's Chrisceratops, the dinosaur guy!" He jeers. "So," I say, before I can stop myself. "The idiot brigade having fun?" Jared and the rest of his gang stop, as if they're confused by my insult. "You just earned yourself two black eyes!" He suddenly shouts. "Oh, crud." I turn to run, but Jared and his gang are upon me in a flash. He grabs me by the collor of my sweater and pulls me backwards. Jared turns me around and punches me once in the eye. My mind is sent reeling. Jared draws back for another punch. I get prepared to be knocked unconcisous, but the second punch never comes. Instead, I start rising into the air. Jared and his gang panic below my, triping over each other and falling on the pavement. I look up, and see why I'm rising. A huge ship, shaped like the head of a double-bladed ax, is pulling me up into a small opening in the bottom. "I must of been hit harder the I thought." I say, not really thinking clearly. I get sucked into the opening. Everything goes black.


I wake up strapped to a table. "Alright, so I must be unconcisous, and I'm having some sort of dillusonial dream." I say. I strain to look around. Every moment I look, it get weirder and weirder. A bunch of Octopus, or something like them, are standing around me. One gurgles in an odd languge. "Graack noook faaaark dasss rrrrook gox!" It gurgles. " It lifts a tenticle up and pulls a leaver. A wirring sound echos across the room. A strange-looking object drops down from the reflective ceiling. It's like a syringe, and it's filled with a clear fluid. It lowers towards towards me, and with a sudden burst of speed, stabs me in the arm. "Aaaaack!" I scream in suprise and pain. It empties out it's contents into my arm. My eyes are wide for a few moments, but then the pain subsides. "What the heck is wrong with these things?!" I say. Suddenly, pain erupts in my skull. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" I scream I shut my eyes tightly, but open them to look up to the reflective ceiling. A wave of black is heading down my body. Waves of pain race down my back, and I hear horrible cruching sound. My spine is elongating out of my back. I close my eyes tightly, but I open them to look at my ceiling. I have a black tail. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I scream once more. Sheer pain wracks my skull, and I look at my reflection to see my skull is elongateing, and I'm getting a short, tapered muzzle. One of the octopus looks at another and says "Urrrrrrruck narrrk." The octopus leaves to room antd the ship jerks. I pass out.


  • Ducky
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(Alimons really have squared off snouts actually, as in Dark's pictures.  Or is this the middle stage of becoming one?)


  • Ducky
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OOC: Middle stage. When Chris wakes up, he'll be fully Alimon.


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(Ok.  Just checking, got a little confused there.  :lol )

The next day on the other side of the US in the rural little town of Big Timber Montana.  I surf the net on the laptop in the principal's office of my High School.  On and I see and article about a 13 year old boy going missing.  They said it may be linked to strange lights seen in the sky all over the place latley.  After school I ride my bike home, finish my homework, and go down to the bridge at Old Boulder Road.  I think about the strange lights in the sky and how they might have been linked with his disappearance.  At night when I'm in bed I can't sleep and decided to ride my bike down to the IGA and get a donut or something to eat.  I ride my bike up 2nd Ave and cut across the alley to the grocery store.  I come out a few minutes later with a glazed donut in one hand.  I take a bite out of it as I mount my bike and go down the alley.  All of a sudden, a ship shaped like an ax head stops right above me, I can feel me and my bike rising up off the ground, "What the hell??  OH SHIT!" I yell as I suddenly black out.

(Sorry for it being so rushed.  I am at school and the bell just rang.  :cry2 )


  • Ducky
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IC: "Uhhh.....ahhhh" I slowly open my eyes. "That was a weird dream.." I'm still dizzy, so everything is blurry. I try to get to my feet, but as soon as I get part-way up, I gasp in suprise and fall over. I see that what I had experienced in my dream wasn't a dream. This time, I'm in a small room with reflective walls, floors, and ceilings. And see the most disconcerting thing. I'm no longer human. I have six long feathers extending from the back of my neck, a short, squared off snout, a tail, and four, powerfull legs. "This is not happening." I say, my eyes growing wide. "This is not happening!


  • Ducky
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I wake up and find myself tied down to a table in the middle of a room, possibly inside the UFO that picked me up.  "Ok, get a grip Tanner, you must be dreaming.  You had a dream that you couldn't sleep, so you went to the IGA to get a donut and you got abducted by aliens, as soon as they drive the first scalple into your chest, you'll wake up."  My eyes snap shut and I open them wide, expecting to wake up in bed.  I didn't.  Instead, I'm still tied to a dissection table with a bunch of wierd-looking alien, octopus, tentacle things looking at me as if they just abducted an insane kid.  "What the hell am I doing here??  What do you want from me???" I frantically ask them, but they just ignore me.  Suddenly, an arm comes down from the reflective ceiling with some kind of needle on the end full of this clear fluid and slowly nears my arm.  Suddenly, and without warning, it jabs into a throbbing vein in my arm, "AIGH!  I guess they don't know that I hate needles." says Tanner as the fluid empties into my blood stream.  The arm withdraws and shortly after that a wave of intense pain surges through my cranium.  Horrible crunching noises are heard as my neck elongates and a tail sprouts from my back side and tears through my pants as I see in the reflective ceiling.  My skin turns light red with green stripes starting from the tip of my nose, down my back to the tip of my tail and my belly turns a beige color.  Another wave of pain errupts my skull as my face stretches out into a short, tapered snout.  I slowly lose consciousness and black out once again.


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I get to my feet and gaze at my own reflection, disbelif still coarsing through. "How did those things do that? Was it the needle? Was it-" I turn my now much longer neck to see a compartment open in what I think is the front of the room. A mechanicle table slides through and slips another creature, much like myself, off. The only differance is that instead of being black with some red markings around the eyes, he's red with green stripes from his nose to the tip of his tail. "He.... hello? A.... Are you awake?"


  • Ducky
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I wake up, feeling dizzy and my vision blurred, "Ooogh.  What the hell happened?  Where am I?" I try to get up, but I'm so dizzy I wind up falling over on my side.


  • Ducky
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"To answer you're questions, I don't know." I say. "What I do know is that those things did this to us." I say, my tail lashing from side to side without me noticing it.


  • Ducky
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I start to regain my ballance and my vision comes into focus, I notice my reflection on the wall, "AUGH!" I place my palm on the end of my snout and gently touch my muzzle, I notice that I have a long neck, six long feathers coming out the back of my neck, the two on each end as red as my skin and the rest are green like the stripes going down my back.  I have a long tail coming out of my rear and I have a beight underside.  I open my mouth and notice a set of round, pointed teeth.  "Oh my god!  What did they do to me?!"  I yell in dispare, "Wait a minute.  The needle!  I must be part of some alien genetic testing on humans or something.  That's what usually happens when an abductee has a close encounter of the third kind."


  • Ducky
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"Correction. We're part of some alien genetic testing thing." I say. "Before we try to get out of here, we should probably know each other's names. I'm Chris." I say.


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I pause, remembering what I read about on  "Wait a minute, the missing kid's name is Chris.  How old are you?"


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"13. Why do you ask? I think we have more important things to worry about now." I say, looking around at the room.


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"Thought so.  You must be the kid that went missing the other day.  My name's Tanner." I reply.


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"Nice to meet you. I'm wondering what we are." I say. "We should probably try to figure that out too." I add.


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"Yeah.  This is both freaky and cool at the same time.  I wonder how the F we get out of here." I say as I search the room, trying to find some sort of way out.


  • Ducky
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Suddenly, the ceiling opens up. An arm lowers down and drops a rotting, putrid something on the floor, staining the clear floor with a black fluid. "What the hell is that?!" I say. The arm spins once before retracting into the ceiling.


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I wince at the sight of it, "I don't know.  But I'm not touching it." I stick out my tounge in disgust.