The Gang of Five
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Threehorn · 486 · 74466


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(Cool I guess that fills in the spaces we could fingure out who could do the adults into it ok? cause we would need them to appear in points of the story.)


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We could spread the adults among us, depending whether any of us have anty preference for a certain adult character.
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Alright fair enough lets start the RPG


Moving to the Great Valley a large Longneck and her young son Thunder arriving in the earily morning of the day she'd had choose to leave the herd after feeling that her son was being miss treated having enough of it she choice to head to the Valley with her child hearing about it being a peaceful place and hope it the right place for her son as she looked at him as they walked smiling to him resuring that he will have a happy life growing up then the one in the herd where he was mistreated by children and adults.

He returning a smile back to her and carry on walking into the Great Valley being new arrivals.


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Darius noticed the pair as they entered. "Coo!! New arrivals" He said to himself. He casually walked to them, and introduced himself. "Hi. I'm Darius. Welcome to the Great Valley".
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"Well this is a nice greeting from such a youngling like you" the longneck said to him "I am Lousie and this is my son Thunder. Where would I go to meet the adults of this valley?" she asked the young rainbow face.

F-14 Ace

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Just then, a spikethumb arrived.  She surveyed the two newcommers.  It was always good to see new faces in the valley.
She said, "Hello.  Welcome to the valley.  Are you looking for the adaults?"


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"Yes we are, I am Lousie this is my son Thunder we just arrived here from a herd we left for my own sons life to start a fresh beginning" she replied Thunder looking at the two that came up at the Spikethumb and Rainbow Face standing there sliently.

F-14 Ace

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The spikethumb replied, "I can take you to them.  I'm still sort of new here myself.  I arrived here with my friend just last month.  My name is Strafe, by the way.  Follow me.


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Spine quietly followed the longnecks, watching them disappear into the Valley through a narrow pass. He waited till thay were out of sight, and walked into the Valley.
Meanwhile, Littlefoot woke up, and yawned. It was the beginning of another day, hopefully filled with fun. Looking around, he saw that his grandparents had gone to the clearing. He stretched, and walked to the clearing to see what was happening.


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The two new comers came up to a group that gathered thanks to the Spikethumbs help "thank you, I never got your name" Lousie said to the spikethumb.

Thunder looked around feeling the virbations of the dinosaurs walking into the gathering he hopped that this place would be better to the herd he traveled in.


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( Tiny I don't mean to be rude but a sharptooth entering that easily... if that was so then in every Land Before Time Cartoon they would be attacking but they don't so can you edit this part of the post please...
Spine quietly followed the longnecks, watching them disappear into the Valley through a narrow pass. He waited till thay were out of sight, and walked into the Valley.

Maybe have it lose them somewhere outside the valley but don't find the enterance in. that just making it sound like any sharptooth can do it. none got in before so have he unable to find where they gone and wonder outside the great valley Great Wall or something just don't have it just walked into the valley... sorry to sound this way but this is LBT style so Sharpteeth will find it hard to get in not that simple.)

F-14 Ace

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The spikethumb replied, "Oh.  My name is Strafe."
Then, a swimmer came over.  
He said, "Oh, hi.  You all must be new.  Welcome.  I see you already met my friend, Strafe.  My name is Snork.  Welcome to the valley."


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"Nice to meet you both I see news travel fast there is quite a few different dinosaurs here gathering at this place" Lousie said looking around. "my name is Lousie and this is my son Thunder" she look down Thunder was still looking around at the many dinosaurs


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"So How long has it been since you left your herd?' Darius asked.
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"A few days" she replied "I just had enough of my son being picked on by the adults and kids"


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Well, we have a large variety of dinos here, and I daresay we are far more tolerant of differences than most  dinos""Darius replied. "Thunder will fit in very nicely."
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"Child since I been here I seen no other that has what my son has... you see he can't hear." she lowered her neck to him and whispers. "he can read what others say by watching their mouths but he can't hear any sounds." she told him quietly raise her head back up looking at the now gathered dinosaurs

"I guess news travel fast, me and my son just arrived I am Lousie and this is Thunder" She spoke out to the adults and kids that now gathered


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(erm she talking to the group and only whispered to the small child Daruis. so how could Snork hear it and now she speaking to the rest of the adults, it kind of conflicting with the post before yours F-14. You'd need to read the pervious post carefully before posting a reply for one of your charcaters. As you Lousie only whispered to Nick's charcater and then spoke out to the rest of the adults introducing herself and her son, plus trying not to tell anyone loudly at first her son can't hear, you'd kind of conflicting pervious posts :S... and for the other rpg I am not sure to join or not at the moment.)


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(Can people read the posts correctly here. there been a few quite remarkable mistakes already one being too easy for a sharptooth to get in the valley while in all cartoons it never happened  that simply and two F-14 you conflicted a post the only has Lousie telling Daruis no one else and then speaking out loud to the group of dinosaurs. This type of thing will slam breaks on the RPG. so can all people please read the posts carefully and keep in line with the scenes things like sharpteeth entering easily show it not LBT based in a way and conflicting posts that has something that don't add up to the last one will collaspe the rpg...

Soon we get this all sorted out and continue the rpg you all, it would be good to go on but we need to sort out these bits. It kind of left me wondering if this is going to be a problem... I was looking forward to rpging this and now I am not sure what happened so far, could we please get sorted out.)

Dash The Longneck

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Meanwhile a tiny Longneck by the name of Dash had traveled too the Great Valley. He was very shy and not so great with making new friends. Basically all he was good at for some reason or another was losing them. But this place seemed just right for him too stay he didn't really think that it could be bad. Dash had seen Thunder first and decided too go say hi not knowing that this kid was deaf.